The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, January 23, 1919, Image 1

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NO. 4G
Bc-averton Tract Owner Com
plete a Double Tragedy
Man Nearly 70 End Two Uvea
With Automatic
Charles V. Colby, iH year old,
tnilv Saturday itmniiiiK shut his
wife in lln head while slic ttiiM
tdci 'iiH In lluir lloliM', It mill')
cast uf this lily, on tin- l'acific
llil'htvny, mill then took his nun
life, sliiiol iuf( liiniKi lf in tin- In ail,
llsihlf mm iiiiliiiilnlit' revolver. Cnl
by wife Mitt .'J.'l year old, mid
llirv wire married in Ii0!, nt
Oakland, Cal.
Mrs. Colby ni on ninhiliius
mill irt posst-ssiim woman, mid
fur sunn 1111111)111 had Ik i n tryinjj
to In l hi) llii' iiiiii'Ik ii' "H tln ir
'JO in re trad by cooking nt n lotf
Kiufi intiii near SI, Helens. She
procured it in it lir r position tin'
other ilny. stayed Thursday niulit
with her sister, Jlri. C. I'.. Haul,
at 'AHU MniliMiii ry St., I'ml
liind, niul came home J-'ridny
tin r it i n i; .
Sheriff Alexander found tho
bodies nt I o'clock Saturday
niijlil, mid mi impicst was licit!
Mnuil'iy iiinriiiiijf. llii miipiiioiM
were amused lien A. M. Kenne
dy, ii rural mail carrier, tele
phoned from licavcrton, saying
lie h id received a nolo In tin- Cnl
liy mail lm Saturday, asking him
to telephone In the sheriff tu take
cli.-irc of the Cnlliy place. Know
iu the plan- was mortua'cd, he
llmiiuhl the message was one of
Colby's vntfarici and m late
delivering the message. Thinking
of a possilile tragedy, tin sheriff
reached the plaee late Saturday
ui'-lit mid fniiiid man nnd wife
dead, both on the bed. In seal
ed note In .1. Frank Slrmid. of
Heaverlnn, written at 2:15 Sat
urday morning. Cnlliy viid that
he had killed three nu n in hi
life, lint what lie wan about to do
required iiiueh more nerve. He
nl-.ii laid he ished ti (ind he
had lieen drafted so In- could
have killed mime Huns. Cnlliy
had heen ill several month, mid
it Is thought brooding over the
dilTereiiee in their Hires, nnd his
mortgage, menially unlialaiieed
Cnlliy enme here a few years
ago frnulv I'rineville, where he
was arresteil fur killing "Shorty"
l).-ivis, lie was never tried, the
stale having snllieieiil evidence,
mid Mr. SI mud, who knew him
there, Hays he Vi'is doubtless In
nocent of the crime,
Mrs. Cnlliy was the daughter
of Mr. nnd Mrs. II. V. Miner, of
lliehmoiiil, Cnl., when she has
five brothers nnd two sisters, he
sides the sister in Portland. Cnl
liy was the son uf Captnin Cnlliy.
master of ii Sacramento river
steamer tluriiiu' the days nf the
gold ruli in California. The Col
by were childless. After the in
iiiesl the body nf the wife will In
shipped to. lticliinond, Cnl., fnr
Mrs, Haul went to Itenvcrton
to see her sister's body, nnd says
she dues not think that jealousy
nroniptcd the deed, lint that Cnl
liy wan discouraged nnd cnnlciu
plaled suicide, mid could not tnl -er.-ile
len ' i n tr 1iis young w ife lie
hind. In Colby's Inst letter to
Slrimd he said he worshipped his
wife. They hnd a beautiful huti
gnlnw, nnd the interior gave evi
dence of well ordered lives.
Charles W. Cnlby's letter to J.
Frnnk Stroud, in full, follows.:
Now For
Big Year
Start 1919 right by doing your
business throiifih a bank. A check
is just as good as a receipt. We
are always ready to give your ac
count, however small or large,
courteous attention.
Washington County coiitributcd
if liO 7.iM)( to the grand total of
fj'JIK.tliia.iSO of the Fourth Liber
ty Loan iii Oregon. The liuiiiber
of subscribers in the county was
.,H,'IH, 'J'he oversubscription wns
lli.fil pel- cent. These figure
have just been received from
Stale 1 li idipiarters. The niliclnl
cuiiipilatiolis ilu tint, show the
ipmla uf nun banking centers.
In the newspapers outside of
i'oi-t l.-tuil H7,H:il coIuiiiii iiu hi s of
space was used in paid nnd free
publicity in aid of the Loan.
I'nllnu illt is the statement of
I lir committees of this county:
City (junta Sub. No. Subs
Ililkboro iKi.IIIlO I'lK.ttfiO 1573
lb avci ton
( iaslnll
I', (irove
Slierw ooil
S', Plains
".'.H20 H,!i()0 (ilt
22,050 70,lill0
20,1110 22,000
1 K, 100 15!,550
22,flKl 2V.100
25.270 .'11.200
1 a.KCO lit,. '100
F, llnekliiau, nf Alnb.-i, was a
eilv caller Tuesday.
(i, V, Moore, of North Plains,
uas an Arirus caller M outlay.
Shots for the whole family, in-j
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ' i i 1 1 - i ladies nnd bach
lors. at the C. ('. Store, 15 ll
Albert Spic rings', of nbove
II auks, was down to the futility
seal the first of the jveck.
For Sale Thoroughbred IIol
kI fin bull, 2 years old.-- C. Seho
i nbaehb r, Sherwood, It, 4; .'t
miles soulh of Kecdville. 4S-7
Win, J. Miller, for ninny years
a resilient of Cenlerville, died nt
the Multnomah Hospital, near
Troutd.-ile, the last of the Week,
lie wit njjed 71 years. In enrly
life he was a sailor, nnd catne to
this cnimtry in 1SS0, arriving in
the s.iilinir vcs-.i l, l'.mpirc, out nf
liostou. For many years lit cn
Itndrtl in .a i ii I itiL in North Wnsh
int'tiin Coimty, and was known
far and wide as a -food workman.
He has painted hundreds of
homes and farm buildings in his
day of residence here. He w ns a
sailing companion nf John Vnn
derwal, the well knowti insur
ance agent, of Hillsboro,
"My dear Frank: This will
uildiiiiblt dly shock Volt to the
limit of your foundation. I only
Ion well know the magnitude of
tin- action, nnd it is with gnat
reluctance that I am saying any
thing at all, but, my dear boy,
there is no way you can under
.land. f have killed three men in
nn time and thought no more nf
it than killing n coyote (one of
the iuonI disreputable miimnls
alive) when the cause justifies,
but when it comes to killing n
woman, one that I not only loved
but worshipped, that takes the
nerve nf an iron man. I only wish
thai 1 could have been draftetl.
My (iod. if I hadn't got many n
(ierman it wouldn't have been
thai I was a poor shot. Telegraph
Mrs. Clara Miner, OOti Main St.,
Itiehmmid. Cnl. (iood bye Frank,
and may (iod bless yon.
Charles W. Colby."
Mrs. Colby's maiden name wns
Cora Miner, nnd she wns born in
Salem, Missouri, in September,
ISS5. Hi-sides her parents she is
survived by the following broth
ers and sisters
Frank. Harry, Homer, Dormnn
nnd Norman Miner; Mrs. Clara
Wilson and Miss (ieorgia Miner,
Itichmnnd. Cnl.. and Mrs. C. F..
Danl. of Portland.
Sheriff Alexander conferred
with Coroner Limber nnd tho l.'it
Ur had Undertaker W. E.
Pegg, of Itenverton, take the bod
ies to bis place. The Coroner
went to ltcnvcrlon Monday morn
ing mid held an inquest.
Clerk Kuratli Makes Semi-Anna-
n! Report, 1918
Six Months Transaction
Tabulated for Public
Count v Clerk Henry A. Kurullt
renders tin: follow ing si ini annu
al report for the h'ik months' end
ing Dec, flt, 19IS:
Iteeeipts mitt 1 )isburemcnt
County Clerk for period be
ginning July 1, l!Us, mid eliding
December III, l!MS:
Total I i.i I. nil hand
July 1, 1!UH )r'25H,021.B7
Itl l rillts
Taxes ami penalties .. $2 t2,72N.-10
Count; Clerk Fees
Circuit court .f"N7. 50
mlmte court 2115.00
County court 25.00
Marriage lie. 210.1)0
lines 1100.50
Miscellaneous 102. HI
Itecordcr's fees
Sheritr's fees..
Sales, rock, gravel etc
Justice court (ines
SaJes misei llaneousi-
material H).2l
Dmiatinus 4,J10.'1.78
Refunds B.'l!.!l!)
Freight l,iHK.O0
Drainage Dist. No. 7 !13.4ti
lull rest on deposits.. 1,752. .'10
Mate .School lax ll,!i:t(
Sales - County Poor .
Farm 0(J.f0
Insurance, Co, Farm. 3,600.00
Sale, Cattle, Co. Poor
Farm 125.00
Total receipts f 278,132.(52
Total Receipts and $53(5,1 54.1 !
Disbursement (icneral Fund
'olleetioii of Taxes.. $1,(512.05
Roads and highways
Registration and elec
1, 233.05
1.. ton. 12
Cattle Indemnity
Court house expense
Circuit court... .....
Commissioners' court
J ust iel court.
County Clerk...
i. Treasurer
i. Sheriff
Co. Recorder
Co. Assessor
Co. Surveyor
Co. School Supl
Co. Coroner
Co. Attorney.. '
Co. Sealer
Health officer
Fruit Inspector
Indigent soldier, relief
Witlows' pensions
Care of Poor
3 4(5.40
Juvenile court
War registration
Tax Refunds
Truant officer
Miscellaneous dish.,
including printing
budget, com. court
proceedings, nnd exp.
Patriotic League
Refunds, cities and
school districts
Refunds. High School
5. fid
Countv Fair Fund 1,428.77
Road Funds
Roads nnd highwnvs.$128,601.08
Rridges 0,123.48
Miscellaneous Disbursements
bv Countv Treasurer and School
School Dists 40,053.18
County and State
High School
Cities anil Towns
Countv Fund (State
Road Dists 0,532.54
institute 18.00
Fire Patrol.... 1,054.01
Game Fund 60.00
Library Fund... 802.(53
Total dislmrscments...$340,041.08
Total balance on
hand Dec. 31, 1 01 8 $1 87,1 12.2 1
Totnl dish, and bat... $53(5,1 54.1 9
Outstanding warrants
Dee. 31, 1018 8.670.13
II. A. Kuratli,
County Clerk
Mr. nnd Mrs. John Mettrer Jr
of below Oreneo, were enllers in
Hillsboro Monday.
Horn, in Hillsboro, Jan. 15
1 !)lf, to Mr. nnd Mrs. Louis Alt
man, of Oreneo, a son.
Don't it beat the band how
Buster Brown Blue Ribbon shoe
wear? I pot mine at The C. C
Store 45-6
Collector of Internal Revenue,
Milton A. Miller, is receiving
many inquiries concerning the
prnvisinns of the new Revenue
Kill providing for Income and
other taxes, mid iiiiini rous re
quests are being made for forms
nn which to make returns.
Cnlleclor Miller says that no
di'liuile in formal ion can be given,
or forms furnished, until the bill
has (inally passed Congress antl
beenmes a law. It will then take
some little time to have forms
printed and ready for distribu
tion. He has made arrangements
In send out a general notification
from his office so that all taxpay
ers may be informed promptly
of the provisions of the proposed
law. The organization of his
field force will be such as to ren
der every possible assistance to
laxpayeM throughout the State
of Oregon, mid deputies will be
bicaleil nt many advantageous
points so that information may be
secured direct to guide them in
making returns when the proper
lime arrives.
The basic principles of the old
... , i, i i .
neonie lax l-aw- will no oouni
applied to the provisions of
the new law, and it would be well
ir every individual and corpora
tion to prepare figures nnd aseer-
lin the exact amount of income
so ns to lie reanv to mane reiiirn
with ns little delay as possible.
Try the Argus, $1.50 a year.
D. II. Willers, of Oak Park,
was in town Sntunlav.
C J. Schwanke, of Shefflin,
w as in tin- city r rniav.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Jas. Robb, of
Shefflin. were Hillsboro visitors
Flowers for funerals nnd other
occasions. Bergen Floral' Co..
Hillsboro. ' 32-tf
I. W. Jackson, of North Plains,
was transacting legal iiiikiiickn hi
the city the first of the week.
For Sale(rade Holstcin bull,
15 months old. A good individ
ual. V. V. Millar, Reedville,
Ore. 45-7
Win. Sehcndcl, of Oak Park,
was greeting friends tu town "Sat
urday. He expects soon to move
o town, as he has leased his
For Sale A few good cocker
Is from tine Winter-laying strain
;. C. White Leghorns; $3.00 each
ight now. I)i C. Jolly, Ilillsbo-
it j j ir w
ro, it. no-1
Mrs. T. V.. Cornelius, of Port-
:,liil. was a Hillsboro visitor the
isl of the week, coming to at
tend t he funeral ot (lie late Jtrs.
Susan l-.ssner. Mie returneil
mine Saturday.
Christian Science Society
Sunday services nt 11 o clock ;
Stind.-i school nt 10:15 a. ni.
Wednesday evening meetings, at
:.!(). Vita Hall, 1228 Washing
ton St. ' tf
F.ugene l-.ssner, who came up
from San Francisco to attend the
funeral of his mother. Mrs. .Susan
F.ssiter, departed Friday for the
Golden Gale City, where he is
foreman in one of the big Iron
K. I. Kuratli has Ins office in
the Hillsboro National Bank
Building, upstairs, Main St. en
trance. Real estate, loans, insttr-
inee, insurance of atttos, etc.,
conveyancing. Notary rtuuic,
Hillsboro, Ore. 80-tf
Albert Lituler, aged 25, son of
Mr. nnd Mrs. John Linder, of
Bethany, died Jan. 15, l!)lf,'
from nn attack of the influenza
His remains were brought from ii
Portland hospital, where he pass
ed, mid the funeral took plaee
last Saturday. Hesnles Ins par-
nls he leaves the following sis
ters nnd brothers Freda, Zelma
Bertha, John, Albert, Michael
mil Herbert. Clerk Kuratli went
out to attend the last rites.
The ease nf Kmmn Allen versus
J. W. Jackson, filed in circuit
court for an alleged damage sus
tained in Yamhill County, Octo
her, 15)10, has been dismissed bv
liulffe Geo. R. Bagley. Mrs. Al
len alleged she was struck by an
automobile driven by Mr. Jack
son at about 5 o'clock in the af
ternoon, on the bridge across
Coxitis Creek, this side of Me
Minnville. The ease was to have
gone to trial Here m July, mil
was postponed. Senator niton
of MeMinnville, siamed a stipu
lation to have the case dismissed.
nnd the Court signed it with the
wonds "with prejudice" inserter
so that the case cannot again be
filed on the original grounds, or
any other, for damage, in this or
anv other county. As the ease
now stands it has cost Mr. Jack
son some money for costs which
he probably will not get return
on. The woman sued for !(S5,02o
mi GAR Hi IS
Walnut Industry in Oregon Has
Promise of Rivaling California
A $1,000,000 DRY DOCK
Mills Starting up Over State and
Future Promise Big
North Portland -New streetcar
line which has been under con
struction into Peninsula industri
al District, completed and ready
for service. New line enters dis
trict bv way of paved Derby St.
pproach to the Interstate bridge
tin! passes along North Portland
rbor line connecting with old
me near lave Mock InnK. .ine-
steel has been used to meet
, f . . . . ti
navy demand ot tins rnpituy
growing rna:uiaeiuring center.
By raising motor-car license
s fiftv Jter cent Oregon would
able'to spend $11,000,000 in
020 on hard-surfaced roads.
Salem to have $100,000 meat
eking plant of capacity of 100
ogs per day.
Oregon mineral products 15U8
Gold, $1,2 70,300, (decreas
221,500); silver, $113,500, (in $10,000); copper, $(575,-
35. (increase $50,100).
Work started on 7-mile rail
road. Klamath Falls to Bonanza.
Gold Hill district votes on
$15,000 irrigation bonds Feb. 11.
St. Johns Public Docks Com
mission lo build $1,000,000 -dry-
Portland American Marine
run Works to build $50,000 re-
air shop.
Seaside making an effort to
get a $500,000 breakwater.
A fish hatchery is wanted on
i- Minam river near Elgin.
Oregon Citv to have a sawmill
l . ! " 1 II... 1
making rniironu ins uuij.
Paving of half of Salem-Dallas
Lhwtty assured in 1915J.
F.lmira mill resumes operations
When Oregon's voung walnut
.' . -it -
groves are in lull Hearing win ri
al California's $3,000,000 crop.
.argest gre-ve in urcgnn -ovri-
bout 2000 acres.
The Dalles Eleven miles be-
. - 1 T l...ln
ween ."seuterts aim i'inni"
, i a. t d!l Kn .
river to lie mini ai eosi vi t-i,
000. New $80,000 to $100,000
iridic for Deschutes also.
Rcedsport now has three mills;
200 men empolved; city growing.
Portland Oregon annual road
program draiieti; .7.1.0; a.
Rivers and harbors bill will in
ude Oregon projects calling for
$1 .250.000.
Cot t aire Grove Assessed val
uation nf property ill l.ane eoun-
v is $:i.r.0SS.(il(i. ns compared
.. . .t,.l 1 - r... 1....1 ,....!.
Willi f.t'l'..' 1 i"i ,-1' .''
The Farmers' Xon-Partisan
.eagiie refuses to be put out of
msiness in spite of much adverse
riticisin. The League declares
that what it is after prtmann is
he betterment of farmers, and
ven though some of the leaders
fo too far in working in selfish
iiilities the members generally
are 111 league wim -
Hons. Pueblo Indicator. Any
organization that tries to hitch
the farmer with international
,1.1 1:..
socialism on one nana nun raim.
al laborism on the other is not do
ing much to better conditions tor
the farmers. As for the league
having "good intentions, trial is
said to lie the material the road
to h 11 is paved with.
number of l'ortlaiitl lrienns
... . - i.i. i t.,i,., ,.,..t
- . 1
ana tneir lieignnors m .""" -
ast Sunday and surprised Mr.
ind Mrs. Fred Rockmann, of
... .1 1...:.,
near .uona, me occasion ucni
their forty-fifth wedding anniver
sary. Mr. and Mrs. Hockmann
were married at Hull, i'.ngtami,
in 187-1., and came to America
shortly after, taking up their res
idence in Portland in 18S0. The
party assembled at the Boek
maiin home after the 11 o'clock
S. P. train arrived, and remained
until evening. A delightful
lunch and dinner were served,
and there was music, vocal and
instrumental, and exchanges of
. . Ill 1 l.l
reminiscences. All aeparien
wishing- bride and groom many
more anniversaries.
We desire to express our sincere
thanks for the kind assistance
nnd svmnnlhv of friends during
our bereavement, the death and
obseiiuies of the late Mrs. Amelia
Schwanke, wife of R. J. Schwan
It. J. Schwanke,
Mr. and Mrs. E. Seehafer.
Cornelius, Ore., R. 1.
( Incorporated)
Hillsboro, Cornelius and North Plains
Wholesale and Retail Dealers In
Grain, Hay, Flour, Feed and
Grain Bags
Car-lot shipper of POTATOES and
ONIONS- Grain chopped or
rolled at any time
Lumber, Shingles and Lath
Beaver State Flour
The Best Flour at the Lowest Prices.
Telephones; Hillsboro, Main 14,
Cornelius, City 1515, North Plain, Main 263.
Will soon lead from Portland to
the splendid
Beavcrton- Reedville
Many choice small tracts on sale.
Splendid train service morning and
evening into the city. Buy your little
home before the big raise conies.
102 Fourth Street PORTLAND, OREGON
HEAR John M. Linden
EVANGELIST Frnie 'y First Asst. to Billy Sunday
,f " -l ,
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Baptist Church, Hillsboro
Begins Evangelistic Wednesday, Feb. 1 9, ' 1 9
v a v ivv j via
We Have the Neatest and Most Complete Slock of
In the City of Hillsboro. We do repair
work in first-class work and our charges
are always reasonable ::::::
Jeweler and Optician
Main Street Hillsboro, Oregon
-4, .-, .tiutt
i I
AT 7 30 P. M.