The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, December 12, 1918, Image 3

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Accidentally Killed Nov. 30lh, by
Explosion of Bomb
Young Man Enlisted Juno 25 and
Crossed in -w Weeks
Mr-.. Mcilliu Sehulllicls, of No.
:i2.'l Maple St.. I lill-boro, yc-
lerilat minimi; received notice
hy I t-n fit l I friim tin' Adj. (it'll
c i a Is nllice ill Washington, I). ('.,
1 1 1 ft I In r suit, George I'., Scliul
Ihi is, was accidentally killed III
I " i-f 1 1 1 1 i , Nut . b I In accident-
al 1 xplosion of a I10111I1. The son
enlisted 4t ilh the I Ihth V. S. I'.n
iin 1 rs, June '.'A. anil was scut
to ('iimp Lewis. In a few weeks
he was sent acros to Trance, ami
had heeit in active service. lie
was a son of the late Frank
Si luilllii i-., and was lioru ill lleth
any, June 17, JN!13, and n few
years a;jo uioveil to this city with
his mother after the death of
the father.
oiiliif Sehiiltheis eanied ten
t hoiisaiid
this will
litoiit hly,
Ut side
vived liV
ill.trs iiisiir'titee, and
paid to his mother
his mother he is siir
the following lirolhers
and sisters
l'rauk, Portland; Herbert, at
linine; Louise Schwa rtr.enlmch,
Mrs. Theodore Albert, I'oi'tl.iiid ;
Mrs. Win. May, wife of Inspector
May, of the IK S. Army, now .sta
tioned al I'liie.iL'o with the stock
yards; and Miss I'.iln.'i, nt Inline.
Yniinuf Sehiillheis was industri
ous, capable ami a man of excel
lent character and his death is a
matter of much reiret to his
many friends in the Itelhany sec
tion, as well as I his fit v.
Cnfnterin Supper
Friday, Uee. tilth, afternoon and
eveiiinir, in the basement of the
M. I'.. Church.
Home made articles, plain ami
fancy, on sale, Huitable for Xtnas
Cafaleria Pinner served from
f:;il lo 7 o'clock. Literary pro
gram al H o'clock in the church
auditorium, free.
Cake, and coffee served in the
Banks, v
Spici'iiifis, of near
as a eily caller vesler-
J, F. Carsteiis, of. Banks, was a
fit v caller Monday afternoon.
f r " 'r .
' 1 , 3 . ., , 1
"";s 'If i .
I1 J.J .; -
' nv;'-' --
Tin; (iovcrnuif nt has requested
thai this be tloiie, and we know
our Ilillsboro Merchants will ap
preciate it too. It will eliminate
those 11th hour rush crowds and
be more satisfactory generally.
Shop by check on the "Only
National Bank in Hillsboro."
W. H. Wehrung, Pret. J. F. Gardner, Cuhier ..
rjy Ueo. t. Beedle,
.llUUMLlLL.. J
Whereas: Woodrow Wilson,
President (if llic United Stales
anil President of llto American
Hi d (ton, hit summoned every
eili,cii tif this country to the
comradeship of Dili vcrMitl Mem
bership in the Ited Cross;
Ami Whereas: Membership in
llie Amerii'iill Red Cross in un evi
ileiirf of loyally ;
AnJ Whereas: Tin- American
Itfil Cross In on the eve of the
greatest year's work In 11 his
tory, supplying 'till mid material
encouragement In American sol
dier 011 tluly in France, Russia,
Siberia mill In tliii emiiitry; Ink
ing en re of the dt pendents of kiiI
liers In this country by moans of
llmni' Service ; 1 i 1 1 1 1 k I"' re
construction of Furope by assist
ing the reii)rinte(l citizens; as
iiliiii; retiiriiiil soliliern to iosl
iuiis; ji ut iilinif lii lt unit 1 iii'uur
ifjenu lil lo Hoitlliletl Hiililiert, mill
11 nl In-r wiiyt nssi-itinj the
Vorlil lo reent er f rum tlie rtniills
of the Wurj
Ami Wlierens: It is desired
iluit every Mtlnll cilii it liccome 11
Iteinlier lf the A ilierlcit II Red
CfiiHS tlmt nil inny feel tliey have
t llvlnif J rt r t ill the wnrl; of the
nH Tin n fore: I, John M.
'.Vail, Mayor of the city of HiMs
!iorii, State of Oreiin, do liereliy
'ti'iiiliiiiii that the week of De-
I inher l(i lie tlevotetl In the
iiniiiise of Ncciiritnt ineniliershi))
II the Aliierlcan Iteil ('rout and
lo nrtfi- every eitieil to join the
Hid Cross and to assist in pro
moting liiiivers.'il liieliiliershlp ill
that oi't;niiiatioil.
(iiveii niitler my hand, nt Ilills
l.oro, Ore,, this 1 01 It day of He
ceinlier, i!IS.
' John M. Wall,
Willi the cessation of hostilities
the lied Cross is called upon lo
coiiihal it new epidemic, original
inn this titne within iU own ranks.
The alilictinn in known ns "I'm
The initial symptom in a hciihi'
of lassitmle-a fccliiiK of'What'.s
? It's nil over. Why
.houhl I work?" Steps art? bcinn
taken to isolate the (eriii also
those who are carrying it.
The epidemic is not wide
spread; nevertheless nil effort is
l.cinij made to stent its nil vitnoe
"Cold feet" is a marked tiymp
Another imliention of the prcit
. tiee of the j(erin is fnrctf illness
(that the hovs are Htill over
The victim, as a rule, cannot
eimeeiitrate the mind (on knit
The siirbt becomes impairrtl
( can't see ttt sew ).
The ears become affected (can't
hear the appeals of hundreds of
thousands of rcfuufceH who must
be clothed, fed and housed).
Heart doesn't beat as it liNt'd
to. and in advanced staire tlmt
oriran apparently turns to Mime
A vaccine consisting of equal
parts of tincture of I won't -quit
and licit Cross spirits, a dash of
101 1 riot ism and a peek of pep is
effective. Arc Bays.
G. Mcachatn, with tbf S. P.
Co. at Banks, was a caller tin's
Otto Johnson, of Shady Brook
lias returned trom l.alitorma.
where he was in one of the bitf
cantonments. He is now thro with
ninv life, and will tret back to
Imsiness ranching.
The Influenza took a fresh
start last week ami continues 1111
abated, Physicians report that
the eases are more numerous
than for some time in fact
more people are down with th
dread disease (ban at any time
in the past. The officials arc Koiiitf
lo enforce the quarantine mens
tires lo the limit in (he hopes of
iircvciiliiiK a spread.
Vice - Preiident V
Approprintet Nearly $150000 for
Hard Surface for County
Work Will Begin Just as Soon at
Bond are Taken by Buyer
i'iie State Hiuhwuy Commission
lias voted lo expend $110,860 for
tin: liavinir of the Portland Ilills-
boro state highway from the
M 11II111111111I1 County line ax far
west as tlt! money will cover.
The inuiiicers estimate, that thin
w ill cover 8.1 mileti. As lieaverton
will lake care of over a mile of
road this w ill liriiiff the pavement
pretty close to Ilillsboro.
JiuIkc Itcasoiier last year liad
tbc entire roadway from the
Multnomah County line com
pleted and ready for the grade.
The roadbed st illed lilielv
for the rock ami hot stuff by the
time sprinir opens. In one or Iwo
lace there will be some work
for the county, where the cuts
bine washed, or the tills floated
axvay to a hiuall xxlenl, 1ml in the
main there w ill be hut little work
lo L'cl ready for the laying of
A hard surface road has been
the promise for years, and it will
mean much for the development
of this section of the stale. Su
burban properly will go up by
leaps anil hounds, as it will mean
rapid ttaitsit for those who have
a llivver or a car, ana neariy
every farmer has gasoline loco
motion these tlavs.
Aloha and Huher people are
elated over the decision of til
commission, ami lteavcrton is sil-
titttr up ami taking notice, for it
will mean thousands for the gar
den citv.
Ilillsboro is to be congratu
lated, and it is saitl that if things
ease up the commission will make
another shot later in the year and
attempt to build as far as Forest
Grove this coming year.
The undersigned will sell nt auc
tion sale at his farm known as
the Carson Hansen place, a half
mile north of the Bethany Store,
at 10 n. m., on
Wednesday, Dee. 18,
Three horses, one team weighs
1250, ages 8 and ! years; 2 cows,
3 years, coming Iresli Jan. 1 10
10th : .1 tw o-year heifers, coming
fresh in March; yearling heifer.
mower, rake, harrow, 7 plows.
some arc breaking plows, 2 dump
wnifoiis. 2-seat buggy, horse
blankets, slnrm covers, work
harness. Poland t lima boar, year
old, 200 lbs. ; 3 new pipe collars
anil numerous oilier articles.
Lunch at jioon.
Terms of Sab $20 and under,
cash; over, (1 months' baukabl
note, at 8 per cent. Two per cetil
off for cash over .?20.
II. (, Owner.
J. C. Kuratli, Auctioneer.
A. J. Dysle, Clerk.
I will not be responsible lor any
bills contracted, past or future
bv Martha MeOahev, my wit
who has left mv bed and board
Arthur McGahey,
Ilillsboro. Ore. Dec. 0, 1918
Mrs. Chas. Baggerly, her daugh
ter draco, aged 17, and Hesli
Wells, aired IS. were instantly
killed in the Horse Heaven coun
try, near Buklclon, Nov. 21, an
auto in which they were riding
having gone over an embankment
of 20 feet, on the Mabton roat
Earns Baggerly was driving the
machine and the party had 1
Cioldcudalc with six in llto ear
the others beinir injured, the
driver having an . nrm broken
Thev had Been visiting the ranch
of C. S. Baggcrlv, and were re
turning to Wnpalo, Wash., in the
night. A bridge was out and Earns
Baggerly says there was no light
to warn travelers.
The Baggerly family was well
known hero about 12 years ago.
Mrs. Baggerly's daughter from
Utah attended the funeral and
took ill and died within a few
The county commissioners of
Yakima county say the road was
a private drive and the county is
not responsible for damages.
The Baggerly lived near Mof
ftt station w hen here.
The news was brought to this
office by Win. Tupper, the Gold
endale Sentinel telling the story.
Henry J. Kcenon, of North
Plains, was n caller this morning.
The Social Circle of the Cong.
Church will meet at the home of
Mrs. A. C. Shute, Thursday, Dee.
19, at 2H0 p. m.
At a htitfnon meeting of the
Baptist Church Tuesday evening
a call for the ensuing year was
tendered Rev. J. T. Anderson, the
present pastor. Although he has
better calls financially he con
cluded to remain with Hillsboro
another year.
C. B. Taylor, of near Eoy, wa
a city caller Tuesday morning.
l'.dw. Ilaylce, of West Union,
was in the city Tuesday.
For gifts lo him read The
Den of Sweet' smoker announce
ment in display.
Arthur I). Hill, of Laurel, was
in the. city yesterday, hauling in
farm product..
For that Box of Fine confec
tion for In-r read Den of
Sweets adv.
John Freiidclithal, of below
S'ewton, was a citv caller the last
f the work.
Hubert Bernards, of MeMinri-
ville, was a city caller yesterday
Join the Bed Cross all you
need is a heart and a dollar.
Helta Drug Store. 40
Mrs. I,. H. I'elcrs and children
were city callers irom llie norm
Plains section yesterday.
Milk haulers are now at the
wilder of their I )isciinlctitent,
the roads being pretty bad as re
sult of the recent rains.
Warded: Young boar for head
of herd. I'oland China preferred.
Bowlhy Bros., Cornelius, Route
i. Tel. 2.'lll6'5. 40-42
A. K. Reynolds, of Cornelius,
was an .rgus caller yesterday.
While in town he was greeting
lis old time North I'lains friends.
For sale, cheap Waterloo gas
engine, iy liorse power, 111
good running order.- Max Bell
ing, Forest drove, R. 2, Dudley
Mill Ranch. 40-42
I). II. Wheeler, of Aloha, was
in town 1 ucsday. Jle and airs.
Wheeler leave soon for Santa
Rosa, Cal., on a business trip.
Breaching by Elder Shepard at
the Advent Christian Church,
next Sunday at 11, and there will
ie services hereafter each Sun
lay at that church.
(). V: . Davis, who has been as
sistant postmaster for a number
of years, has resigned his position.
Fred Hol.nagle, deputy, took the
xamiiiatiou for the Ilillsboro
post mastership yesterday.
Wenstrom, of Scholls, ar-
1 . Y, 1 I I
rived 111 iruin a 1 orrianu visit
Tuesday evening and remained
iver last evening to attend a
meeting of the Washington Coun
Iv Federal Loan Association.
Ted Asbahr, w ho w as shot re
cent lv, and lost an eye as a result
of the accident, came back from
Portland the lirst of the week.
Ted will remain out of High
School for a while so as not to
strain the remaining optic.
Wanted: Carload of two-year
dd heifers, coming fresh in 8 or
V mouths. Owners desiring to sell
notify J. . lonnell. ot l.onnell
,t Brown, who will call and look
them over. Council & Isrown.
Ilillsboro, Ore. Write letter and
tell us w hat you have. 40-41
Judire D. B. Reasoner, Clerk
Kuratli and Treasurer Sapping
Ion are attending the state con
ventions of county officers in
Portland this week. The county
judges-are getting together for
formulation of legislation which
will lend to make officials handl
1 heir business to better advant
I.t. Win. Thompson, of the U
S. Navv. Dental Corps, stationed
at Vallejo, Cal., accompanied by
wife and child, visited at the Dr
Pollock home last week. Lt
Thompson is well known in tin
Hillside section, above Forest
C. K. Rogers, well known in
the east end of the county, living
for sonic years at Hazeldale, has
established a transportation auto
line between Forest drove and
Portland. His trucks carry freight
of all kinds, leaving Portland in
the morning and returning from
the drove in the afternoon.
Fred Sewcll, L. W. House and
.las. Anderson went to Portland
Tuesday evening to attend a ses
sion of the D. O. O. K.'s, the
Pythian desert tribe. Even Geo.
Scbulmeneh, who walked across
the burning sands years ago
came up from Creswcll to see the
tyros hot-foot it across the Klior-
assan desert.
The Central Church of Christ
corner of Third and Baseline Sts.
15. F. Clay, Minister, residence
1020-3rd St., cordially invites y6u
to attend the following services
Bible school, S) :45 a. m., Dr. E. T,
Helms, superintendent; preach
ing, 10:45 a. m. and.7:80 p. m
prayer meeting, Thursday, 7 :30
p. in. Sunday morning sermon
"The Tremcnduous Value of One
Person." in the evening, "Jesus
ist Home with a Tough Bunch
Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Weigle, of
Ketchikan, Alaska, were in the
city Sunday, guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Herman Collier. Mr. Veigle
is the Forestry Supervisor for the
Ketchikan district, and makes an
annual trip to Portland each year.
Mrs. Weigle is a former Hillsbo
ro resident, and for some years
has been teaching. Her last ex
perience as teacher was in Alas
ka, where she met Iter husband.
They returned to Seattle Wed
nesday, and from there sail to
Ketchikan In a few day.
Campaign fov Universal Member
ship to Last a Week Even
Get Ready to Help Greatest Hu
manitarian Effort of World
Washington County will next
Monday start tin: Ited Cross drive
or iiieiii!e-liii) only $1 per
lemon--and Chairman Sam Weil,
of the East End of the County.
Mrs. L. W. Hvde, assistant man
ager j J. H. darrett, publicity di
rector, 11. 1 rank Peters, speaker
hairjii.ui, and . V. iiergen,
reasun r, have organized and are
ready lor tin- Ira v. lot vour dol
ars ready and see us go over the
op. The outside is organized by
school districts as usual, and the
hairiiicu of tie- districts are:
Disl. Name Address
I Peter Jaeobson Hillsboro Rl
.'I Finis Brown ....Laurel
ti Roht. Thompson Portland r2
8 Mrs. Jno. H.-inlev.. Hillsboro r.'l
! Mrs. J. W. (iootlin City R.'l
13 Mrs. A. B. McFarl.tne .. Ranks
1 Mrs Will Chalmers F drove r2
17 Maud Paltee Sherwood R4
18 Mrs. Alex. Hyde Hillsdale
1!) Mrs. Jas. Sewcll City Rl
20 J. A. Chapman Sherwood R3
21 J. I., dro IT Cornelius Rl
22 C. A. Diekerson ..Sherwood R.'l
23 E. E. Finlcv .....Sherwood
2t Mrs, C. C. Nelson ISaeona
25 Mrs Then Farmer Cornelius r2
2(i Mrs. I.. Harding Tualatin
2! Mrs Walter Millar Reedville
10 Chas. F. drabel ..City R5
33 I'.mil Brock Cornelius R2
31- E. IS. Whittlerv Buxton
)7 Mrs. II. A Ri hards Beav'tn r3
38 Mrs. Anna Schneider ..Orenco
39 Mrs. A. B. Flint City R2
K) d. A. Plieth Sherwood R4
11 Mrs. Oiiver Johnson ..Citv R3
43 Mrs. Rosella Mills City R3
14 Mis. II. P. Vail Manning
15 Mrs R W Rasniiissen Sher'd r5
tti Mrs Iva MeCormaek Laurel r2
Mrs. II. C. McClure Sher'd Rl
48 Mrs. J. W Leonard . Beavcrton
49 Mrs. Matilda Mapes Laurel rl
t9jt Mrs. E. Schmidlin ...Buxton
50 Mrs. M. E. Bennett ...Laurel r2
51 Mrs. E O I.engaghcr Moun'dle
54 Miss Deborah Wisiner City rl
55 Mrs. A. C.uerber City Rl
57 Mrs. John Mcl.ocd Beav'tn r2
58 Mrs. W. L. Stevens City R5
59 Mrs. 1.. P. Cornelius. Hanks r.l
tit) Mrs W P Brooks... Beaverton r4
(il Miss Helen C.cnlrv Citv R3
J. J. Churehlcy ... Portland R2
(',3 I! W Armci.lroiit Banks R3
t!7 J. A. Johnson Portland R2
tiS Mrs. Mae ( irilTcfs . .. dl. nw ood
70 Miss Jesse Cvphor.No. Plains
72 Elizabeth I I.tiiii.i 11 Buxton
73 Hclschcl Clutter Sherwood r5
71- Mrs. F. Ilugueiiin ... I.innton r2
75 Ora darrigtis Banks R2
70 Mrs. J. II. Dcl'loss Banks
78 Mrs. F.dna Brose Timber
T9 Mrs W W Bolton .. Beav'tn R I
80 Mrs J A Messinger Laurel R2
SI Mrs V Hansen ...Beavciton R2
82 Mrs. l'liillip. Olseii Ciswego
81 Mrs. F. Christensin.. City R3
87 Mrs. A. F. Ornduff Timber
88 Mrs. C. L. Calkins ...Sherwood
K'l Mrs. Alice Wirtz .. Citv R4
92 Mrs J O Flock-Garden Home
95 Sam B. Lawrence Hillsdale
94 Mrs Edna Barron Beaverton
9ti Mrs. J. F. Davis Sherwood
98 Roy Randall Buxton
105 Mrs F. Wenstrom ...Laurel R2
10(1 II. M. Shaver Hillsdale R2
107 Mrs. K. E. Hntch llubcr
108 C. VanKleek .....Beaverton Rl
109 Mrs. E. J. Tupper. Gaston rl
110 Mrs. Ora Smith ...Strassel
Ilillsboro committeeMiss Eva
Railev. Colonel: Captains, Mrs
R. R. Easter, Mrs. II. T. Bagley
Mrs. L. A. Long and Mrs. Chas
P.. Buchanan. All Captains and
their assistants will meet at the
Ilillsboro Club rooms. Friday af
ternoon, at 2 :30 sharp.
Full line of silverware and whole
truck load of aluminum ware
ill good for Christmas gifts-
goods that will he good after
Christmas good for your wives
and sweethearts. Buy your bus
band a good double boiler, kettl
or set of silver knives and forks
Don t forsret the boys we
have coasters, little red wagons
bicycles, speeders and many oth
or useful articles that will please
and last longer than the 25th
Call. We can please you and help
you select. Geo. E. Allen. "
Ben Heineck, whoMias been with
the National Army, returned
home yesterday and was met by
his father, Geo. Heineck, of near
Laurel. Ben says that the army
ruling now is that soldiers can
keep their clothing for four
months. Bv that time it is thought
that Congress will pass legisla
tion allowing those who served in
the National Army to keep their
uniforms. Hundreds arc being
discharged every day from can
tonments in the Pacific North
west, and are returning to their
Join the Red Cross all you
need is a heart and a dollar.
Delta Drug Store. 40
To The People of The City of
Hillsboro :
It. would appear that the Span
ish iiiflut nzi has increased in se
verity within the last ten days,
and based on this condition the
City Council deemed it wist: to
to pass an amendment to the
health ordinance dealing with this
epidemic. Many contagious dis
eases mentione'l in the health or
dinance are subject to quaran
tine, hut it was found that the
Spanish influenza was not so in
cluded. The question has been raised
as lo the wisdom of closing the
town again, but the city olheials
believe, that this can be avoided
by enforcing a quarantine in
each particular case; in other
words, it is believed that it is
easier to control those, who are
tffected l.v requiring them to ad
here to a strict quarantine and
thus permit the city to remain
It is true that the quarantine
irovisiiiii must have the approval
mil co-operation of the whole
people or it will fail just as a
oseil town will fail if the peo
ple are lax and do not co-operate
with the olheials. The physician
ire required to report each case
promptly to the health otheer and
record made for the use of the
I'ieials authorized lo enforce
the quarantine. All rases will be
under the direct supervision of
the health officer and the quaran
tine will be enforced hv the po-
ice. We believe that this action
will control the epidemic without
the inconvenience of a closed
John M. Wall, Mayor.
Last Friday a new auxiliary at
Hilcini w as added to the Hillsbo
ro Red Cross. There were, ten
idics present and the following
flicers wen: elected: Mrs. It.
Workman, chairman; Mrs. Hitc,
secretary; Mrs. Christcn.scn, trea-
tirer. This auxiliary does excel
lent work as has been discovered
mil will certainly be a credit to
the Red Cross. Mrs. dlenn Payne
uted as organizer. Their work
i.ts begun and they are now ntak-
., , r t . 1...
ing tlieir sua re 01 reiugee mouses
is well as sw eaters and socks.
A donation of $9.02 was made
. . ... ..... t .. r.1 1
iy the H est Mile i.auies 111111.
A donation of $55 was made
iv the Bethany auxiliary.
Banks has a bazaar on Friday
tod Saturday, December 13 and
1 t. for the benefit ot the Ked
ross. All the friends of the Red
Cross and those looking for
Christmas irift.s are asked to re
member the sale and date.
There is an emergency call for
hospital garments for our own
nu n in llie hospitals of the United
States. There is a shipment ot
these garments to be made at the
Red Cross work-rooms. - and
. 1 l-
workers arc wanton inimcui.-iii
lv. Our boys need vour help. .
Methodist Episcopal Church,
Third and Washington ( The
Church of the Friendly Creeling)
Walton Skimvorth, pastor; 9:15
1. m.. Sunday School; 11 a. m..
.... ... . IS . .
ermon, r rom M.ive 10 rrtiite
Minister;" (5:30 p. m., Epworth
League: 7:30 p. m.. Sermon;
m-aver mcetimr. 1 liursdav eve-
1 . -niug.
Win. Taylor, with " the U. S
Aero squadron. France, has ar
rived hack in New York, his par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Tay
lor, receiving a card Saturday
night to that effect. Their sons,
Fri d and Glen are still in France
Geo. K. Allen has returned
from near Tusla. Okla., where be
attended the bedside of his sis
tor, who is now recovering.
Baptist Church, Sunday Sun
day school at 10; Sermon, "Bap
t ism." at 11; Juniors at 8; eve
ning service at v :;iu a ueipiui
and interesting sermon. Come to
tho Homo like Church and wor
ship with us. J. T. Anderson,
Pastor. 1
I will give $10 reward for in
formation loading to the arrest
and conviction of the person who
took five-gallon can and oil from
porch of my home Tuesday eve
ning J. S." Coulter, 174fi Wash
ington street. 40
Those knowing anyone who is
willing to wait on people, either
in the day hours, or nt night, will
please notify Rev. J. T. Ander
son, of the Baptist Church, as
there are nany calls at this time
fnr h; lp of this kind.
For sale: Fine Holstein calf,
week old; mother registered; sire
high grade Holstein; mother
gives 56 lbs. daily. Mrs. C. Mil
lot, Ilillsboro, jiitite 3; Shady
Brook, Telephone IF15. 40-2
Dr. E. II. Smith the past week
operated on Miss Marie Owen,
of Scofield, and Bud Flett, of
Gaston, for appendicitis; and on
J. A. Altman, abdominal.
R. B. Denney, of Beavcrton,
was tip to the city last evening, i
lie is carefully nursing that hand !
which he injured in a gas engine '
a few days agfl. . t
I. E. Kelly, of above North
Plains, has moved to town with .
his family, and will remain thro
the winter. !
! Orel Gardner, of Mountain
dale, was a caller today.
Try the Argus for a year.
In the Circuit Court of the Stata of
Oregon for Washington tkninty
Claud 11. Sheeloy, Plaintiff,
John Sthultz and Charles W. Wiegul,
I ef umlauts.
To John SohulU and Charles W.
Wiegel, Defendant.
In thp name of the State of Ore
gon ; Sou are hereby requirfd to ap
pear and answer the complaint, filed
against you in th aU'ivc entiflwl s'lit,
on or before thfi 2l)th day of January,
1919, said data lx:ing after an expira
tion of nix weeks from the datn of the
fir-it, publiralion of this summons up
on m, the date of the first publica
tion being Thursday, December 6,
If I H, and the date of thfi last publi
cation beintf Thursday, January 16,
l!lfl; and if you fail so to appear, for
want thertsif the Plaintiff will apply
to the Court for the relief prayed for
in his complaint, to-wit: That then
he found due and owing from you to
the Plaintiff upon a certain mortgage
set forth in his complaint, the sum of
with interest thereon from tho
!th day of February, Iflt7, at th rate
of 1 pf-r cent, per annum, and tht
further sum of '12.'M taxes paid and
interest thereon at the rate of 8 per
rent per annum from the 1st day of.
March, l!lfi, and the further gum of
V attorney's feea and for judg
ment; for such sums, together with thn
c.-ts and disbursements of this stlit,
and a decree of this Court declaring
said mortgage to he a valid and sub
sisting lien on the real property dea-cilKs-j,
and that said mortgage he
foreclosed and said real property to
b sold in the manner provided by
law and the practice of this Court for
the foreclosure of mortgages, and for
such other and further relief as to the
Court may seem just and equitable in
the premises.
S'aid rea) property mentioned in
said complaint being situate in Wash
ington County, Oregon, and being
more particularly described as fol
lows, to-wit:
Ileginning at a point which is
63 1. IS f't Went of the Southeast
corner of th Isaac Butler Donation
Land Claim, arid 20 feet North of the
South boundary of said claim, thence
North 0 degrees lf minutes West
283.80 feet more or less, to an inter
section with a line 50 feet Southerly
from measured at right aneles
to the center line of the Ore
iron Khs-tric Railroad Company's
tract, thence South 65 degrees
33 minutes East along a line
parallel with and 50 feet Southerly
from measured a riprht antrles to the
center line of the aforesaid railroad
track 287.54 feet more or less, to the
West boundary of a tract of land
owned by thp Oregon Electric Rail
road Company, thence along said
West boundary of the Oregon Elec
tric Railroad Company tracts South
0 degrees 13 minutes East 164.11 feet
to a point 2n feet North of the South
boundary of the Isaac Butler Dona
tion Land Claim, thence West 261.18
feet more or less to the place of be
ginning, containing 1 1-3 acres, the
said land being situated m the soum-
ast ouarter of section 3d, township
1 North of Range 2 West of the Wil
lamette Meridian, Oregon.
This summons is served upon you
hy publication in the Hillsboro Argus,
nui suunt to order ot trie Hon. ueorgo
tl. Hagley, Judge of the above enti
tled Court, made, entered and dated
the 2nd dav of December, 1918.
Date of first publication, Dec. 5,
Date of last publication, January
16, 1919.
H. B. Adams,
Attorney for Plaintiff, P. O. Ad
dress, 628 Chamber of Commerce
Building, Portland, Oregon.
DR. J. O. ROBB, M.
Physician and Surgeon
Oliioe Upstairs in Commercial
Building. Residence, corner of
Sixth and Washington. Phones,
Ollice, ' !. ; lte.sidencc, 2923.
Ilillsboro, Oregon
Dr. E. T. HELMS,
Chiropractic Physician
Using in connection Electricity, Ily
drotlterpathy ft scientific Dietetics.
Calls answered day or night. Tele
phone, 2961z.
Offices in 1 and 2, Heidel Building,
Hillsboro, Oregon
F. A. BAILEY, M. D.,
Physician and Surgeon
Office:- Upstairs in Commercial
Bank Bldg. Residence SW corner of
2nd & Baseline. Phones, Office,
2883, Residence, S885.
Hillsboro, ... Oregon
Upstairs in Hillsboro National Bank
Building, on Main Street.
Hillsboro, - - Oregon
Offices in Heidel Building, upstairs
Main Street, adjoining Postoffice.
Phone, 2596.
Hillsboro, - Oregon
Upstairs, Commercial Bank Bldtf.
Main Street
Hillsboro, - Oregon
D. O.
Completely equipped hospital in con
nection. Calls answered day or
night Office over Hillsboro Nat'l.
Hillsboro, - Oregon
We answer cmIIb day. or night to all
sections. State Licensed