The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, December 12, 1918, Image 1

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ji i
NO. 40
JiA !hr & if I
. . iLm xl li-J v
Write Utter to Fred Ruff, Say
ing lie Liked the Game
Sum Orwliiff, of Laurel, wan
over town tin- hist of tins wcrk,
It,, I) I In vihii was down from
(ilt iiwoud tiu; Inst of the week.
C. C. Arns, of Cedar Mill, wan
1111 Ill 1 1 it v tin- last of the
was down
past week,
1),'. T. C. Builey
frmu Pendleton tin
visiting relatives.
Jake Schneider, of near l.eisy
Albina Engine & Machine Work
Ha 10 Yet to Equip
Wi With the 363rd Infantry in
France, Saw Some Fighting
Win, J, llulT, tif Fred Huff, of
northeast f this lily, write IiIh
folks under date, uf November 7:
"Just ti few Hue to let you
know that 1 am well, .lust gut
hack from the front line, it I lots
of (.port to take pot shots at the
"jerryif." Received all your let
tern when I got liaek from the
hospital, If you do not gel mail
from me regularity don't worry
us there are lime it is impossible
for me to write.
Have heen over the top twlee,
1 received fifteen letter from
home in one day, after I had
been in the game and away from
(he mail,
If you should not receive let
ters from me in No or three
weeks do not he alarmed it
miiiii linn s we are where it in next
to impossible to gel a letter out
even if we had the time to write."
.Mlftl pllllll HI, I, ' '
ville, wax a city caller the hint of Shccp Growing to be Encouraged
the week. . w ,
Thad Reynold Crosse Desert
With His Paige Machine
N. C. Lilly, of
(irove, wan a city
of the week.
above Forest
caller the first
Icc. I). Portland In continu
ance, of it Hchcduic of launching
a ship every month and getting
a completed vessel away from
vird everv .'10 davn aw well, the
Albina Engine k Machine Work
Frank lmhrie, of Ore two, wan
a county neat visitor Monday
occasions.-- Bergen Moral Co.,
Hillsboro. 82 tf
J. .1. Shevlin, of lienverton, wan
mi tu the cilv Monday, oil liusl
ness with the county court
Franklin Thatcher, of Thatch
r niirili of the drove, wa
hunched 8H0(Won steamer Cclla
has. Hull was HO per cent com
pleted and should he ready for
rrtiee before vear ends. The
Callahan was ninth ship launched.
There rciiinin 10 vessels of same
type to be turned out.
I he teamsters decline to Ntnk
The ISuxtou Iteil Cross, new of
ficers, Mrs. Margaret Me Furl and,
chairman; Mrs. Hattie Lucas, vice
chairman; Mrs. Dolly Ohlson,
secretary ami treasurer, have
been making a record. The auxil
iary has sent in lj.2il3.B5 in cheeks
to the hea.bpiarlers, has pur
chased two sewing machined, and
large ipianlilies of material for
refugee work, hospital garments,
etc. The auxiliary also gathered
bill 1.85 at the county fair as
premiums. Its finished article as
reported re; It pairs pajamas)
half ihnteii sweaters; lit dor.eil
handkerchiefs; napkins; t
trav covers; Ml! wash cloths, 3tl
ice bag covers; .'MS dish towels; 7
dozen, batnlages; !l dozen arm
slings, .'10 pairs socks; 'il bed
shirts; 10 hospital shirts and HO
refugee shirts, 2 dozen dresses
and pinafores, for the Belgians.
A generous; assortment of cloth
ing, sliiies, etc, was also collected
for Belgian relief. Their commit
tee on entertainment Is Mesdames
M nixie Caldwell, Mae Via and
I IiMm Ilest.
The Junior Red Cross members
are also doing their share, having
dried quantities of fruit and eg
i tables, besides knitting and mak
ing refugee garments.
!..un Kniiiribi v irrcctinir friends. fr Moonev: thev sav their union
' - i . .
i ,,.i. .. t i.. ,i, contracts with employers are not
e.ouar i f ii si , i,H . -
..i i . ... i ..i t,.. ...i. ,i... mere scrolls of paper
Hrnsc ..mcic,, iv ...... , i c...!f( ... ;,!
I til .Hlllia V" v
industrial growth. Development
department established by pack
ers. Ilitr opportunities seen. Sp
rial effort to build up district
round firm's North Portland
lilant will be nade.
i.i;i.. f tin. drove, was Lebanon Cannery men and
,!..uii Momlav. straightening tip growers meet. Demand forstraw-
the affairs of'the late county fair berries, red raspberries, logon
association. berries, i.awiou lunenuei ,
, . , j, i I evergreens mid green gage plums
l .,.. it,.. I.. -I nrli-i's for iood.l r . .
"V ' i . . ' I. .,,;, . I
t"J. .. am fat catt c. Otto ' .
(iangtiin, Dealer in Livestock, Ti-
was up lo the city Monday morn
John W. Conilell returned tin
last of the week from a trip to
Spokane, Wash., and Sand Point,
Dave Wilier, of Oak Park,
was over town Mondfly.
We are. going to buy our Xmasl
infts at the M. E. Church Ba
zaar. 81-40
Chas. M. Johnson, of I' arming- c ..... . -.. . .. . ,
ton, was city caller the last of S" V,,,a " St,U
the week. Jaurez, Acrosa Bridge
i i f m i n:,i...
ill r, BIIU Jr. burner jiriugn
have moved to Pike, near Yam- NOW AT PHOENIX, ARIZONA
null, for the winter.
Wm. Kruttcr and Mr. Cath
erinc Ionard, of J igsrd, were
married in Portland last Friday.
For Sale; Two heifers, coming
fresh bv December 12. J.' W.
(ioodin, North Plains. Terms, if
ilesiretl. ' 41
Finis L. Brown, one. of the
uood roads entliu.siast.s of th
Laurel section, was in the city
For Salc-
1 150 lbs., 8
Siorse. HarveV " Fuuua, 1334
Main St., Hillsboro. 39-41
Frank Sehulmerieh, w ho knows
how to referee a good wrestlini'
match, was up to the. county sent
Iniiii l armington, Monday.
the .Militia dance at Mouse
Hall was quite well attended Sat
urday evening, altho fear of the
Flu kept the crowd from being a
gard, Ore., H. 2. 3010
MUm Dfl.auriec Crabtrce, of
Laurel, returned home Sunday af
ter a visit with Mrs. L. A. Long
mill other county seat friends.
Ceo, llolsi her, who for years
has been a factor in sawmilbng
. . . i
in tne county, was iniwn ,n.ui
Cornelius Saturday, greeting his
S. A. 1. Meek, of North
Plains, was in the city Monday,
iiiiiini in for medical attendance
for his family, down with the pre
valent malady.
Hoy Cook, of Cornelius, was a
lily culler Monday morning.
John Ironside, of Laurel, was
in Sdliird.'iv. and called on the re
ligious weekly.
Miss Genevieve Collette, del
uty county clerk, was again at
!...' ,Ji "f .onlay morning, after
n week's illness with laOrippe.
II niiii Koehuke, of Coriieli-
,,u u,im down town Monday, He
lias leased his Oak Park farm and
is going lo lake it easy for awhiU
For Sale- Black horse, (1 years
till! Mlllltli 1 and true, weighs 1500
Fred Klatt, Hillsboro, Ore., It.
1 ; at West Union school house; (i
miles northeast of Hillsboro, Or
egon. 80-41
W. W. Mollar, of near Heed
ville. was a caller the last of tin
'' L Me recently bought 15
I I .,f sorinir lambs from F. F
I liiiili v. Having him $180 for the
bunch. Some money, as compared
with the prices of a few years
., ho It. S. Stanhehl to winter
heen from two 300 tons silos
. ,
l,i;i,l, ,1 with corn
Portland Willamette Iron &
Steel works making standard
Scotch machine boilers. No let up
In demand since war lias ended.
Fiigen Lane county to pave
is milt's new road at once.
Portland, Northwest produced
i ! o'Jilit fl niriilane lumlier
diifim' the war.
Pii.r. .,u' Loval Legion Log
gers and Lumbermen plan erect
( ulillOHMC IllTf.
ml tie a mi Ivss
P r n livestock lainine is
tnrv of inter-
I ' : . ' ... .
Mrs. (ieo. C. Spencer, of Ash- national livestock show in I im n-
land. arrived the last of the week K. The same conditions apply in
for an extended visit with her ,i lessor degree in sheep nniu.sirj.
f,u Pnlinntiir. and sis-1 Pmllniul - SlieeioltV loutuirv
i... r ('. Mitibi ll. ,..,,1 Maehinerv works rushing or
Wanted -Beef cattle, hogs and for ships "
...I,,., fo.iwnn iww ! - 1
stuff. Phone Beavcrton.
Mail address, W. W. Mcllar,
Hecdville, Oregon. 88-85
Waller Xnereher, of near
ri'l. was iii the cilv Monday. lie
has so Id his ranch to a Portland
parly, and exM ( ts lo move to this
t it v after the deal was closet!
Taken Up curling heifer
full black. Owner prove proper
ly, pay adv. and keep and take
wnti! away. Herbert nannow,
Forest drove. Ore., It. 2. 88-0
Jos. Buchcr, the veteran of the
Civil War, now holding forth at
the Hoseburg Soldiers Home,
came mi the last of tin- week to
vjiiftwl it fi'w davs here and at
Mr. and Mrs. E. F.. Robbins
ami little mm. of Amity, came.
Sunday for a visit with
..,,i,. i wn for war purposes
Continental countries are bare
,f nil ili seriiUlons of wool cloth
,, iiutc is cverv moum.
, . -, , i
to encourage wool ministry aim
increase Hocks hen
r,,We Millie was in from hi
North Plains ranch Monday. Jakf
i- t..L:... llif world easv thesi
George Biersdorf, of North
t. , ..!.,(!, Plains, came m .Satur
day and made a business trip. to
Mm A. V.. Ferland. of Ilad
, i.t, it ,i ... 1 ........ I,,'
,l.,,l llilll. I'OI'Liaitll. M't Hi
..ill, li,.r mi rents. Mr. and Mrs.
Peter (iotleib. American urisoncr in
r.i.rmaiiv received a big food par-
.... w u'l'i'ic irom i r in,"
T.C.Ilevnolds,onee in the grocery
business here, writes the Argus
from El Paso under date of Dec.
"Well, we have been taking in
the country, this is certainly a
lively town, but the altitude here
is too high, and we are going
Bay horse, weight bal,k U) " fs Ari"n1'
years; goou anvmg i, - , ,
L'ood link we will travel thro
three states tomorrow. The only
trouble we have had is one punc
ture (I am knocking on wood
now) and that happened in a
town. There is certainly lots of
game down hen: in Kiw Mexico
wish I could get a bunch to
hunt and trap a couple of months
It is certain v easy to get lost
visits m el paso I C. B. BUCHANAN & CO.
rt cord breaker.
The American Red Cross pro
vided one out of every 10 soldiers
in trance with a corn cob pipe
(ireat is the Red Cross and great
is the cob pipe I
Agates cut and polished. All
kinds on hand, .suitable for
Christmas presents. Call and
see what I have in .stock. Fran
is Cola, H575 Fir St., Hillsboro,
Ore. 37-40
1 he Harney l.eis apple display
in the Argus window lias exeiteii
much interest among those who
are always pleased lo know what
I he count v can do in appl
ihietion. i
here when traveling it is all des
ert and all you can do is to follow
a path thro the cactus and sage
brush, ami in some parts it is
nothing to travel 100 miles and
never meet a soul.
Kll'aso is t'crtaiuly wild is
situated just across the river
from Jaurt-i!, which is the wick
edest citv and Kll'aso isn't
..ii 1 ...
much tx-Iiuiil. Jaurez nas races,
bull lights, all kinds of gambling
and wild, wild men, and wild.
wild Eves. If a fellows makes a
winning they say you never hear
,if him again. If some one doeWt
get him the "cop" will before he
crosses to II. S. soil over the m-
don t
Hillsboro, Cornelius and North Plains
t Wholesale and Retail Dealers In
Grain, Hay, Flour, Feed and
Grain Bags
Car-lot shipper of POTATOES and
ONIONS. Grain chopped or
rolled at4any time
Lumber, Shingles and Lath
Beaver State Flour
The Best Flour at the Lowest Prices.
Telephones; Hillsboro, Main 14,
Cornelius, City 1515, North Plain, Main 263. .
The first snow of the
liTimiional bridge. 1 hey
.nil it a winning, however, unless
year I if,, ,m,.tliinir like $20,000.
amounting to anything fell in the yt. eXpeeled to see some of
mountains between here and villi ir.-mir. as lie was to attack
Wheeler. Sunday night, and the t,,,,.,,., i,P other day. Federal
oir train came in .Monday morn-1 Imwever. went out ami
ing covered with the beautiful. I nu t. their brother Mex and drove
i' i it.. i..: t ,ji.i I Villi, and his men away in a
i ii K mi i I ii- i ,r , v VLiunmo. ....... v
, ..' ,. A" .... . ,:i..l,..d ImMle. Before their
annul uiuu ins eacn. vwncr mu m"" ""
I, l..f, it,..!. ,nnH nnnlf. IIVP?
lave same by nrovinff property, troops u-n ...... - --
iiavintt keep ami advertising.
los. Harrington. 1 mile east of
Shelllin station. Address, Come
Musi Route 1. 38-40
K, C. Luce, ex-county clerk,
visited his mother. Mrs. H. B.
Luce, at the Grove, Sunday. Mrs
Luce now lives over in Lincoln
'ounlv, and II. B. is putting in
time eleaninir nit a homestead
within sound of the breakers.
t F.lPnsn and nlaved some
band, at that. Send the Argus to
me at Phoenix.and give regards
to all our friends."
Will noon lead from Portland to
the splendid
Beavcrton - ReedviiSe
' n. ...1 . it
.1 . . I .i IV I ... A 1 .... n.i.l 1 '
uieir rciaiiws, i.ns. ....... i ,
.1 m.... .....1 MN P. C. Oil is- Fred W ilcox, ot above uaiiKs,
in-, Mrs. Bobbins and son remain- was a caller Saturday. I red liar-
iur this week. vested ten acres oi 1mu.... v....
ug mis uu, . . . .,
, i . . cm r i... .! season, ana nit u.e on..
.MiH'liuie oin. ....... . W-IV(,
the Bloyd Machine Shop, on Ma- 1 ' "- 0
pie St., foot of Third, and am For Sale Dr. C. R. Bloyd, on
prepared to do all kinds of ma- Maple ru., loot, ui ih,
chine work; lathing and shaping, about 300 lbs. of first-class Frait
nnd retairs of heavy and light quelle walnuts for sale at 88
. 1 ....... i. ,.......1 T7in well-
machines, hatistetion gnaran- cents .uU..u. ,
i r I) Tlilltwir.i .ir..,l iiml KV etllllll HaVOr.
teen. i.. i"n'"i ....o.-.,iv. ...... t
All oersons who subacribed for Third Liberty Loan
Bonds thro this bank are hereby notified that the bond
are now here and ready for delivery.
All persons who have interest coupons due on prior
bonds taken thro this bank can get same by presenting
the coupons.
i . ,.,,,ri,.l-,....i,w..,..,..,ii. i -
''"'"'''''" " " ii i"i i.i , i'i ,' ,if".r , i i'-th----
The Red Cross sent 15,000,000
..ionr.'ttes. 80.000 stacks of cards,
20.000,000 boxes of matches and
1.000.000 chocolate bars to .ng
hunt for American soldiers, wait
ing to go to France.
Henry Albers, of Albers Bros.
Millinff Comnanv. has pleaded
O - '
not guilty to the charge ot indict
ment, under the espionage law.
trial has been set for Janu-
nhd Henry McGinn is de
fending him.
Hartwiek, of nbove Banks
i ii . ...
was a en er Monuav. ins son,
Fred, is with the sub-chasers over
tin- Atlantic waters, near the
Preneh coast. He met Lester Sell,
of Frank Sell, while visiting
of the Islands near trance,
and spent the day with him.
The estate of the late Dr. Syl
vester Vincent, of Tisrard, was
entered in probate this week. The
value of it is rated at $ 15,000, ot
which ten thousand is personal
property. There are three heirs,
the widow and two sons, Geo., at
l't. Wavne. Indiana. Camp Cus
ter, and Arthur II., at Camp Lew
iu Washinirton. The widow is
Dnvek. of near Koy,
was in the city Monday morning.
J. D. KoMi, of Cornelius, was
down to tnc nut) use nisi oi mt
Art M cGahv came tip from
the last of the week on
gal business
Ten thousand pounds of ether
were s unned to l' ranee uy me
Red Cross, so our soldiers might
have relief from pain.
M. Sturms Jr., of above Bloom
iiiu-, was a city caller luonuay. nc
reiioi-ts the first fall of snow on
the hills Monday morning.
John Gfeller. of above Mouu
taiudale, was dow n to the county
seat Friday morning. hue ne
reports roads as sloppy the trip
was made in a machine.
Patrick J. Ritehev, well known
!,.... n.,.1 Mum! It. Curdwcll. both
s . ,: t . .1
,, .1. l. . . r li. i ii. i ... Liu...., fc.s. t.-.- .
in Arirns I'll ,T tile last OI inc I i
. " . i v. . i I riaire license tne last ot tne wcck
week, rongrains nas oeen mm-1 . , ,
, . t t Hnvton for several by MHnomah clerk.
VI I nf nivv - - .
years, but just now has closed his Those desiring dry slabwood,
i l Sup hit. Me. tiniiRs tnai fnni. foot or io-incn. iour iooi in,
,,,.,,..... t , n. .
the new railway out toward the 16-ineh fir, or coal, notity us at
Heaver Creek country will be nce. Prompt delivery, ii. u.
i,..;it i ,, venr or so iii order to Sehmpltzer. Tel. 2477, res.: office
. . ' ' A t
C. Hare, of Portland, was
Moudav. erecting friends.
His son, I.t. W. B. Hare, with the
U. S. Navy, at San Francisco, is
still holdinir down the Flu cases
at Mare Island. He will doubtless
yet his release soon, as he enlist
ed for the duration of the war.
Fre( Methodist Church, Fifth
and Oak. J. N. Wood, Pastor.
There will be Quarterly meeting
services commencing l'nday eve
uing and lasting over the Sab
l,tli nistri. t. Elder Rev. J. A.
Hooper, of Portland district, will
i,.i v ,. elinrii-i'. All are welcome to
thrse services.
Jos. Pongratz, of Buxton, was
Many choice small tracts on sale.
Splendid train service morning and
evening into the city. Buy your little
home before the big raise comes.
102 Fourth Street
6 Per Cent Mortgage Loans
We have some good First Mortgage Real Estate
Loans for sale to net the investor 6 per ct. Full in
formation upon request. No commissions or ex
pense. These loans guaranteed. ,
John M. Wall. W. Mahon.
tap the timber belt.
.Indue Geo. R. Bugley went to
Sunday, to open a
term of circuit court there Mon
lav niorninir. He expects to be
' . . . . 11 f il
,,..,, 11 ...I there lor an oi was
and next week, and will not oe
here until a week from Monday
mi.niiiur so far os court is con
eemed unless the docket gets up
set in the coast county seat
Carl J. Ilollingworth, of Port
lniul. renresentinir the Y. M. C. A
County Organization, was in the
city Monday, interesting people
in tin' oriraniztttion of a county
V. M. C. A. It is possible that the
morenicnt will have a wide nitro
duetion in Washington County,
and the young men of the district
will have a chance to affiliate
with one of the powerful factors
for good.
The Hillsboro Club committee
and members of the Forest Grove
committee met here the Inst of
the week to get together on the
Paeitie Iliurhwav ouestion, and
plans were endorsed which leave
but little to ask in the way of an
organization to see that Washing
toil County crets action on the
road now under Construction thro
Beavcrton. Hillsboro, Cornelius
and Forest Grove.
With Sanction of Council of National Defense.
Commencing Monday, Dec. 9, 1SJ18, the undersigned will es
tablish a regular Truck Line, with sanction of Council of
National Defense. Portland to Forest Grove and Interme
diate Points, leaving Portland about 8:30 A. M., and Forest
Grove about 1:30 P. M., daily," except Sunday. Hillsboro of
fice, A. R. England, Main St. All classes of freight will be
carried nothing too large or too small.
Rates reasonable, furnished upon application.
Phones: Main 5205 A3110 Hillisboro, 42 1W 271 Taylor St.
The American Red Cross sent
3,000 tons of condensed milk to
the children of prisoners m Arch
unii'i'i . ' Siberia, and 2.000 pounds
of powdered milk to the children
of France.
Pmii. fnnt slab wood, ttftei
Sept. 1, $2.75 per four foot cord ;
sixteen inch wood, $3.25 per
cord. Place your orders at once.
C, H. P. Lumber Co., South
Third St., Telephone 942. tf
J. Soper, of the Hawthorne
nlnee .Mist, of town, was m 1 lie
...... V ,
city the last of the week, boper
xpeets to have good auto roads
by his place next year and quit
pulling autos out of the mud.
E. I. Kuratli has his office in
the Hillsboro National Bank
Building, up-stairs, Main St. en
trance. Real estate, loans, insur
ance, insurance of autos, etc.,
CnnvpvAncinir. Notary Public.
Hillsboro, Ur.
Jasper Keffer, of West Union,
.. ,. ;., l.iun the first of the week.
lie has received a letter from his
Wnlter. with the sub chasers
in Eastern waters.and he writes
Hint if he does not come home
soon he expects to be kept over
there until March.
We Have the Neatest and Most Complete Stock of
In the City of Hillsboro. We do repair
work in first-class work and our charges
are always , reasonable ::::::
Jeweler and Optician
Main Street Hillsboro, Oregon
named its the administratrix.