The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, December 05, 1918, Image 3

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    Of III! VOTE
Special KomI Taxes nt Meeting
i leld in County Last Week
Nine Voli Ten Mills Levy, nnd
Many Five and More
Till' SpCcilll I'Olld district llll'l l-
ings In hi hlsl week ri' nii 1 1 1 1 In
llU'llty-six Voting (.pel'lal lllXCS
fin M i iniiin iil work, mill
four rejecting Hit- lev)'. Those
rejection were District No. II;
District S.i, HI; DM rid No. 22,
iiikI District No. 57.
Tin- new levies will menu np
proviinately i-uiniiiK ifH.l.filll), or
ii much hi voted last season,
Tin- levy as passed lust week)
1 1 til it t nil till" l!M7 iimi
in. nt would raise f77,l7(l.7l, but
ai llu initiation in some higher
I In-. ill r1. il will tin tin lllilt ill.'
I.ilnl fur special work will go
pcii ti.'iill v lit high ih In 1 1 1 7.
I'ollt cled for expenditure in
Tin- ti t of levic, districts iiiiiI
mill.tge, follow:
Di.t. No. Place I.i'Vy
i Tualatin , i
'i Sherwood Rock Ounrry I
I ..-mi - I ..; 10
Aloha ll.ili. r -. 7's
K int. ill , -.. , - l't
Tigard .
North Plains
li.irk Creek ..
, 5
, B
. 5
., H
., 8
SI BiivLm ,
St Hill School House.
SS Fartnlnglon.R. Road
28 Wallace ......
a l SiIiuHh ...
!IS tiieeiilurg
,'l I Si htiiidlui's .
:iii r. i.'.ni.'i, Ni Unit's
41 Bcnvertwi
IS Timber, Prose'.. .
:i MiddL-lon
41 Mi.). II. ton
4'. Helvetia
4'1 (iri'in Mountain
f.:j St raVsel , ,...,.
Healing sloVCH (it
prices, - 1). Corwin.
Philip Shea, of mar
Laurel, I
was in town Tuesdav.
C, J. Herh and (". V'nmlehey, of (;r,-,ii, Dilley; Mrs. A mm Cum
near JSaiiks, were eily e.illers to-1 mjUfHi Ccnterv ille, and Mrs. I.,
day. 'eide itseh, Cornelius.
( ami Jims
stoves at etreinely
prieei. I), Cnrwin.
Hen 'rinirnher nf aliove Hlooin
iiiK, was ieitiii: friends in town
the tirsl of the Week,
I'liil Schneider, of south of
Cornelius, was n caller nt Ihe
county seal the Inst of Ihe week.
I. nil. . mm services at the Ad
vent Church, Dee. 8. at 3:30 ).
in., Rev. H. II. Kopplcmnu, Pas
tor. I pay the lu st priced for good,
fresh rows nnd fat cattle,--Otlo
(i;ini;uiii, Healer in Livestock, Ti
jjaril, (lie., It. S. MO 10
). II. Ilyrkhaller, of this city, !
broiiuht in some ripe raspberrii H
from his vines,
I lei' 4, mid sa a
llml he has
Ihcnt in all staitrs
from blossoms to the ripened
frui,l .
Agates cut nnd polished. All
kinds on hand, .suitable for
Christ nwts presents. Call mid
see what I have in stock. -Francis
Cola, 1C7B Fir St., Hillslioro,
Ore. . H7-40
Lawrence K. Brown, Hon of
Mrs. L. ('. Ilrown, of Soulh Tun I
alin, is home on n furlough from
Kelly Field, Ft. Sam Houston,
Tex., having sustained n broken
leg w hile in the nvialion trainjng ,
camp at that place, lie will soon
itIui'ii In his cantonment to re
port for duty, mid will probably
get bis discharge at that place,
Ihe war being over.
Co-operation as a community
nnd as a nation is just as essen
tial in peace ttimes as in those of
war, and prolilable, loo. Here in
Hillslioro a pretty goid example
of co-operation has been shown
among the people, The Hillslioro
National Hank is going to do it's
part lo continue the good work.
Only National Bank in Hillsboro
W. H. Wohmng, Prei.
Geo. E. Bexdlfi,
Benjamin 'I', Mini, aged 82 yearn,
7 mouths nnil SS days, ilird at his
home on llif. T. I). Humphreys'
I), I.. ('., In-low Scholia, Decem
ber I, ID IK, Hi' In survived by
two sons, Arllmr Jt. uml Hurry
f.., of Scholls, seven mm Iclli I -drcii;
two brothers, ll. ury I'., of
Ventura, ('ill., uml Joint U'., of
Los Angeles; nnil ii sister, Mr.
Fliiib. tli Allen, of Springfield,
Mr. Flint was liorn m-iir (Jniii
cy, Admin Comity, III., April
18,'KI. A I llu" age of I. 'I years his
father ilicil uml In' wi n! lo Coii
in client lo reside wild his grand
father, In IH5il In- sailed for
California, ami after reaching
I linl stale engaged in sheep rais
ing for Iwilvi' years. In I MtiK he
mil. I nut uml rrltiriiril Fast,
where In' married Mini. Julia
I.nwr. nee, Oi l. IS, INiiS, Mr.
I'lint passing away April 27,
I m7. lit IHiiil Mr. ami Mrs.
Hint sailed from New Vork, via
I'linmiia. this being 'ii fill'
to itosh tin- ImIIiiiiiih, for. Port
land, Ore, iirriviiiif llii ri in H"'
l ull of lfiiii', at wliii-li tiiui' lie
piirrliaxid tin' T, l. I Iiiiupliri '
Donation, iiiou wliirli hi' livi d
until dnitll caini',
A Ki'i'ond iiiarrlajiji- wan fon
siimiiiatril will! Mri. Franci'S Spi
dill, who piiHsnl away July S,
Mr. I'lint wan it man of tin.'
slriili -t intctrrily, and trmirlous
ly In-Ill lo hi. i.i.iih. II.' wmi
jjooil m iiihlior, a warm frit ml.
and a kind and Io iH Ininlmiid
and falln-r.
Tin' fiim nil took plai'i- Mon
day mid it larro i.mouriii" of
frirmU wi ri' in iillrmlanii'.
lliiij.'imin It. Marsh, will known
at C'entfrvillr, ConirliuH mid
I-'ori'st (irote, dii-d in I'urtliiiid,
Nov, St, 1)1 1 8, afli r mi illnms of
m-vi-ral yriirt wluri-in hi- was
rnn ly siillieirnlly iiivalid. il to rr
tfi.iiu in hi- romn. Hi- wan luirn
at (Vntirvilli', Nov., 10, 1HSH,
ami with the i-xi'ipliiin of tin"
ia.t two year made III home at
l i uterville. Hi- leaves a widow
nnd three children - -Evil. Joseph
and Jlerhi-rt.
He was it son of .1. Y. Marsh,
the well known pioneer of the
; Center ile section. The funeral
i look pl.iee look place Sunday at
li. si.hi his own f.-im-
mill Ills lamer, lie is surviM n
. . .1 I ! ...J... .1
ii... .1.. M.u l;l,.
East year the Guard sent Christ
inas Imxes to every Hillslioro boy
in the service. This year we are
jjoinil to rememlicr the Western
boys who are in the hospitals.
A sale of article unliable for
Christmas gifts will be held net
Saturday afternoon and evening
at tbe Headipiarters on Second
SI., opposite the Mercantile. The
proceeds will be used for hospi
tal work nt Cbrislnias time. Ev
erybody come. All members, mid
oliici's who wish to do so, m.-iy
leave articles for the sale with
Ihe committee at Hoyt's next
Friday afternoon.
We wish lo thank our friends for
their kind sympathy mid beauti
ful lloral oiTcrings in our late
trouble and -death of our hus
band, son and brother, the late
Itenj. II. Marsh.
Mrs. Minnie Marsh,
.1. W. Marsh.
Mrs. E. 0. Wcidcwilsch,
; Mrs. Mi nnii" Green,
Mrs, P. A. Cummings.
Horry Ileltzel, aged about
years', and n son of J. 1 Ileltzel,
died last Saturday. Hi' leaves a
wife nnd five children. One of
the surviving sons is reported
very ill.
J. F. Gnrdner, Caahier
Jolin M. Vnder.and:n MetU
Death in Action in Argonne
Wn at Camps Lewis, Kearney
find Mills, Before Crossing
The Argoniie Forest in France,
which has cosl so many lives,
nil. led another Washington Coun
ty liny to the dentil list when
John Vanilerxanileii, of Hoy, son
of Mr. ami Mrs. Henry Vander
..iiiden, was killed in action, Oc
tober 10. Private Vniider.audcii
left Hillslioro, June SO, and en
trained for Camp Lewis, From
Camp Leu is he w as transferred
to ('.'imp Kearney, and from
tl.cre lie was sent to Cnm Mills
in Aiigii .l, arriving there Aug. t,
lie went across a few days later,
and was brigaded with the 15!Mli
Infantry "In n he met his death.
He was born in Vcrboort, or
old Cenl.fville, Aug. IS, 1H05.
and bad .spent his life in that sec
tion of the county. He was a
member of the Catholic F'orexters
Court nt Verboort, and the first
death to that order from Wash
inilon Couiily.
Besides his parents, lie is sur
vived by the following brut hers
and sisters
Mary. Celia, George, Francis
and Julius, all at home.
The fallen soldier bad a large
circle of friends in North Wash
iugtou County, ami all deeply
sympathize with the family in
their loss.
'Mrs, Geo. Corey, of Roy, was
a Hillsboro visitor yesterday.
Fred Klall. of West Union,
was a city caller the lirst of the
Will sell Arcadian malleable
ranges at pre-war prices for one
week.---P. Corwin.
Mr. and Mrs. W". A. Verboort,
of north of Forest Grove, were
eily callers Tuesday.
For Sale: Two heifers, coining
fresh by Peecmber 12. J. W.
(ioodin, North Plains, Terms, if
desired. 41
.Mr. ami .Mrs. Geo. Kmulc came
up from Rainier, Thanksgiving,
to spend the week end here ami
eat turkey.
I or .Sale- ' Black horse, li years
old, sound and true, Weighs 1500.
- Fred Klatt, Hillsboro. Ore., It
-1 ; nt West Union school house; fi
miles northeast of Hillsboro, Or
egon. 3041
Sam Paisley, Buxton's farmer
politician, was down to the city
veslerdav, enroute to Portland.
Sam always makes a trip to Sa
lent durintr the letitsl.itive session
nnd the ldlO meet will be no ex
Baptist Church Services for Sunday morning
service at 11 a. m. will be an ex
niisilion of "Close Communion"
or our reasons for our Common
ion Method. Evening service at
7:.'1(): an interestinir service. All
are cordially Invited to thise ser
vices. J. T. Anderson, Pastor.
Tbe Central Church of Christ,
corner Third and Baseline Sis.
B. F. Clay, Minister, residence
1020 Third St., cordially invites
you to attend the following ser
vices on Sunday, Pee. 8. 1918
Bible School. 9:45 ti. m., Dr. E
T. Helms. Sunt.: nreaehinjr nt
10:45 a. Vi. mi I ;.'10 p. in. Yoi
are also invitey Vx a prayer ant'
m-aise service rt.i Imrsilav, wee.
12, at 7:30 p. it-
Mrs. Martha MetKthey" has
sued Arthur McPtahey ' f;r .di
vorce, alleging cnK' l ami .nihil
man treatment. SlnXalleges they
were married at Vancouver, Wn.,
in l'Ybruary, 1015, nikt have
child :t0 months old. Sll wants
$100 to pay her attorney; $B0
for supiiort during the penoney
of the suit; nnd asks for ?50
monthly alimony after the deeiyse
is given her. She says that Ar
thur is making his $6.25 per day,
and can well afford to pay the
stinend. The MeCiahevs have
had trouble for some time. Thr
wife has children bv a former
husband. The husband is an in
dustrious chap, and is always
., i. . .... I... .1 m i ii . iin.iii i j
J' '
' ' : i
. l- ''!
- : i
;" - UK:-
I ! - -
pegging- away at his work
Most of the schools of Washing
ton County have resumed their
regular work, after from om: to
six weeks enforced vacation on
account of iittliien.a.
A large per cent of the school
iave organized the Junior Bed
Cross, or will do so as sunn as
icy are in regular session again.
The Junior Bed Cross offers an
opportunity for children to have
in active part in tins greatest of
ill huirtanilarian organizations
ly paying a membership fee of
25c. 1 he money is needeil uml
some really valuable work can be
one. 'Thi' call for relief work
Hill In- greater during tin- next
year limn ever In lore, not hit
much perhaps, for the soldiers,
hut far more for the civilians.
The Victory Boys and the Vie
ury Girls have made a tine con-
(ribulion to the United War
Work, The total amount reiiort-
d is .ffl 1 7.H5. Several districts
i.-ive not reported yet.
'The first local teachers' insti
tute of the year will lie lu-hl at
tin- High School Building in
Hillsboro, Saturday, December
7. 'Teuehers who attend this
meeting throughout the entire
. i rut ...
s.-ssi.rn anil one mil nay at me
stale 'Teachers' Association in
orllaud, Peecmber 27 or 2K will
e given full credit for institute
il tendance, and their districts
will be allowed Ihe 5.00 allowed
iv law for institute attendance.
The following is the program
for the Peecmber meeting:
The Library books have ar-
riveil and we nope to nave mem
ready for delivery by Pee. 14.
F.vcrv adult citizen in Oregon is
lo be asked to join the Red Cross
or to renew his or her iiiember-
hip during the Christinas Roll
Call, which will be held the week
liefore Christmas, Pec. 1U-23.
Membership in the Red Cross
costs if I a year.
There will be no receipts given
lliis year, the proof of member-
tip being the .signing of the Red
fros Roll and the wearing of a
I!M button.
Red Cross leaders wish every
Hearer ni a Ilea l ross i:n: uui
Inii to ask every mm -wearer--
'Where's your button?"
There are over 21H.000 Red
Cross members m Oregon. I'.v-
ruiiie, it is expected, will renew
membership, while it is hoped to
add 100,000 new members.
'The committee will soon visit
r, I t I
you. lake a meinncrsnip.
S im Weil is Hillslioro' s chair
Miss Margaret Hoyt, only daugb-
ter of Mr. ami Mrs. Laurel ai.
lloyt. of this city, and Sergeant
. W. Rossow, of ancouver
llarraeks, Wn.. were united in
ntarri.'iL'e 'at Portland, Thanks-
uiving Pay. Nov. "8, 1918, Rev
llriiikman olheiating. Ihe Untie
is well known here w here site has
always been prominent in church
vMirk and the young peoples'
organizations. tuc groom
home is at Port Huron, Michigan
,1 as soon as he receives his
discharge from the Army will
return to that place with his
bride for residence.
R. Leis, of Bt averton, proprietor
of the Aetna Orchards, harvested
lS.:i5:i lbs. of dried prunes from
I. Is orchard of 2U acres, this
year, and sold them the otht
ilay at the top of ihe market. It
is doubtful if any one in this belt
can beat Ibis production on lb
same acreage. Mr. Leis brought
up several line apples, the result
of careful horticulture, and Hood
River never put anything out to
heat them. '1 hey are on exhibi
tion in the Argus window, nnd
worth while taking a squint at.
As we go to press Food Adminis
trator Chas. V.. Wells telephones
that the government for he pres
ent has removed all restrictions
on tbe purchase of sugar. This
does away with the 4 lbs. per
person provision.
The undersigned will sell at auc
tion sale at his farm known as
the Carson Hansen place, a half
utile north of the Bethany Store,
at 1 a.'tn., on
- , Wednesday, Pec 18,
Three horses, one tenni weighs
1250, atre:; 5 and 0 ywv scows,
iTyears, coming fresh Jan. 1 to
10th; 3 two-year Wiferf-, coming
fresh in March; yeaijng heifer,
mower, rake, lu.rro, 7 plows,
some are breaking. flow's, 2 dump
wagons, 2-seet buggy, 4 horse
blankets, 4 ,-itorm covers, work
harness, Poland-China boar, year
old, 200 lbs.; 3 new pipe collars,
and numerous other articles.
Lunch at noon.
Terms of Sale $20 nnd under,
cash; over, O months' bankable
note, at 8 per cent. Two per cent
off for cash over $20.
II. Gibelhouse, Owner.
J. C. Kuratli, Auctioneer.
A. J. Dysle, Clerk.
Figure Transcend Any in Histo
ry of State
Lumbering Wages to Remain at
Preaent in Two States
Portland lumber men have oppor
tunity to place order for over 5,
000.000 ft. Douglas lir, for use at
Panama Canal.
Peiiilli ton - Sheep owners hard
hit by shortage of feed and herd
ers. Halfway Baker Cornucopia
post road approved at Washing
ton; will cost $100,000.
Rosi burg -Meeting of Pong
las Count cattlemen lo discuss
icrd law set for December
W. E. Evans, New Vork wool
Ic'ilcr, thinks wool will go to $1
a pound and sees no chance for a
eeline in prices under three
years. i
Half way -live irrigation pro
jects in process of organization
for Baki-r county.
Highway commission calls for
liilil road work program from all
counties along Pacific Highway.
Pendleton Umatilla county:' .1 over .l.ouo.U'JiJ liusii.-is in
heat this year.
Baker- Eagle Valley cattle
lined at $12,000 v.--re driven to
Rohinette for shipment recently.
l'ot.fl bank deposits of Linn
county banks, Nov. 1st, was
$ 1.252. H2 1.23, an increase of ov
er $100,000 since August 3 1st,
spite various Liberty Loans
ami War Work drives staged in
thi- countv.
Four million young Americans
will be a healthier and stronger
it of men due to the military
training they have received also
they will be a terrible menace to
the' I. W. W. find others of their
Roseburg Work progressing
. , . . . .t :li . .....
on a n olivine- i.iiisv ii ii.
Oregon City 50 districts in
Clackamas countv to vote on
iccial road taxes.
Astoria applies for appropria-
tioit of water from nig reeK a
estimated cost of -fnOU.OOO.
Douglas countv farmers to get
over $75,000 for turkeys.
Hood River Completion- of
bridge here retarded by lack of
Portland -Multnomah county s
tout roa.l iirosrram calls for
$725.4i7 expenditure.
Pacific Highway improvements
...mroc.-.l now bv capital issues
"II v. .
committee are: t'.'iss I reek an-
yon, $2S,000; Vonealla to Oak
land. !i 4.000; PiH-1 to Myrtle
Creek, if 91 .000; W oil . reeK,
si.10.000 : Grants Pass to Joseph
ine Co. line, $30,000; north slope
Siskiyou Mountains, $10,000.
I.ov.-tl Legion Loggers am:
Lumbermen 130.000 strong m
Oregon. Washington and Idaho
i.t e.inliiiuc organization to fight
L W. W.ism and radicalism. .
Portland Oregon and Wash
iiP'ton lumber manufacturers to
maintain present lumberiit!:
Oreiron's bank deposits on No
i 22i.3S 1.703. The
.neatest in state's history,
Portland Renewed activity
seen in the hop market. England
a heavy purchaser.
V ,, if.iic Lane countv farmers
supplied 12 tons Thanksgiving
i.le,w worth $15,000.
P.,.',:i; Toast States oversub
scribed Fourth Liberty Loan 14.2
per cent.
Carl Pfald. of above Blooming
came in Tuesday and was greet
ing bis county seat friends.
Miss Lewa Wilkes, attending
O. A. C was down from Corval-
lis for the Thanksgiving holiday
V V. Cadv. of Beaverton, now
in the pioneer elaVs in merchan
dising in that city, was up
Mr nnd Mrs. Clav lreeman
who have made their home
Oak Park for a couple of years
back to the city this
E. I. Kuratli has his office in
the Hillsboro National Bank
Building, up-stairs, Main St. en
trance. Real estate, loans, insur
ance, insurance of autos, etc,
Conveyancing. Notary Public
TTilUhro. Or. fO-tf
Methodist F.pLscopal Church
Third and Washington (The
Church of the Friendly Greeting)
Walton Skipworlh, pastor 9:45
a. m., Sunday school; 11 a. m
and 7:30 p. in., services; 0:30 p..
m.. Enworth League; prayc
meeting Thursday evening;, and
choir practice Friday evening.
t. Williams, of Forest
Grove, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. F.
Williams, writes bis folks that he
is recovering .slowly from severe
wounds. lie was wounded in ae
tion in France, his right arm be
imr shot. The lieutenant wrote
with his left arm and his lette
was sent, from England, where It
was sent as soon as he was able to
Mrs. Pora Bell Donnelly died at
'I': I I I. Xf.... nr. n . X L, .
iiimiiiooK, isov. an, it!i, ne
was born at Titusville, Iml., Nov.
25, I KOI, and when a child came
to Raleigh, Ore., with her parent-.,
where she grew to woman
hood. She was married to John
,L Donnelly, of Scholia, July 17,
1017, and after living near
Seholls for a year moved with
her husband to Tillamook.
Pneumonia, succeeding influenza,
was the cause of death. She is
survived by her husband, her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. IL Ti
ius. of Raleigh; two brothers,
George and Pan, of Versailles,
Ltd., and a host of relatives and
friends who mourn her loss.
The remains were brought lo
I he former home at Raleigh for
burial and laid to rest by the side
of her brother William. Rev.
KeppciihofTi-r conducted the ser
vices at the Beaverton Catholic
Church. Mr- Donnelly was a
loving daughter ami wife and a
devoted friend.
The regular teachers examina
tion wilt lie held at the Court
House in Hillsboro, Peecmber Iti
o 21. The following is the pro
gram :
Wednesday Forenoon
I'. S. History, Writing, (Pen
manship), Music, Drawing.
Wednesday Afternoon
Physiology, Beading, Manual
Training, Domestic Science.
Methods in Reading, Course of
Mudv for Drawing, Methods in
Thursday Forenoon
Arithmetic, History of F'.duca-
, it tr.ti .
ion, 1 sVeliology, Alellioiis- ill
icography. Mechanical Praw-
ing. Iioutesue ,rt, oi
Sludv in Domestic Art.
Thursday Afternoon
Grammar, Geography, Stenog
raphy, American Literature,
Itvsies, Typewriting, Methods
in Language, l nesis ior i rimary
I'" rid a y Fi i re n oo n
Theory and Practice, Orthog
raphy (Spelling), Physical Geog-
ihy, F.nglisli Literature, Chem-
Friday Afternoon
School Law, Geology, Algebra,
Civil Government.
S a t u rd a y Fo re noon
Geometry, Botany.
Saturday A fternoon
General History. Book Keep
N. A. Frost.
F. J. Williams, of Fast Hillsboro,
is rented the Mrs. House bun
galow at Forest Grove, and will
move his family there next week,
s soon -as Ralph, his son, is able
to get out of the Smith Hospital
from an attack of Flu. F. J. will
manage the Forest Grove ean
tier the coming year, and is al
ready at the helm. He is now
bnsv getting contracts, and says
the e.'umerv has the market for
11 it can produce.
Mr. Williams has bad exper
ience in lite canning misuiess ami
savs there is a great future for
Washington County's small acre
age, if properly attended in small
fruits and vegetables.
The Christmas Parcel Urtve is
over and praise is due Mrs. Rol-
tins and her
comiuitlee for the
etlieient and
careful work done
in inspecting
and wrapping
If the ladies of the town would
please to come to the Red Cross
w ork rooms at least once a week,
the big stack of refugee blouses
would begin to diminish. This
refugee clothing must lie made,
and if the sewers will please
come forward to help get this
work out of the way.
There is also a big supply of
sweater yarn on hand also sock
Another donation of mol
and gopher skin.s with the bounty
of OOe has been sent in by Mrs
Huguenin. Also $4, the profits
of potatoes planted and dediea
ted to the Red Cross by Mrs
Mrs. Leonard C. Brown, whose
son. Lowell, was reported as
missing in action on the F'rench
battle-front, has received word
that he i in a hospital and is
.citing along nicely, hoping soon
to be out and returned to the
good, old LT. S. A. The Browns
live northwest of the city on the
Leisvville road.
Cafateria Supper
Friday, Dec. 13th, afternoon and
evening, in the basement of the
M. E. Church.
Home-made articles, plain and
fancy, on sale, suitable for Xmas
Cafateria Dinner served from
5:30 to 7 o'clock. Literary pro
gram at 8 o'clock in the church
auditorium, free.
Cake and coffee served in the
Capt. Hall, of Portland, Given
Company Much Credit
Company Dance to Be Held This
Saturday Evening AH Must Go
Company A, Oregon Stale Mili
tia, of this city, held inspection
I ist evening on the. court house
sipiare, and Capt. A. A. Hall, of
Purl land, was the inspecting olli-
e.-r. ihe hoys were in fine fettle
mill showed the result of weeks
of car. I'ul drilling. After inspec
tion the company repaired to the
ii.,-., , .1 . .i . i . i
olil wii. y nan, w tiere i nan
addressed them. lie told the
company they were to be con
gratulated upon their efficiency in
drill, and that he was surprised to
see the proficient manner m
which the militiamen performed
their maneuvers.
Capt. Hall's remarks were ap
preciated by the officers and men.
After the address the boys con
verted the meeting into one of
the successful smokers of the
year. -There were refreshments
plenty. J. Pcppard and R. Suth
erland gave a tine exhibition in
wrestling in the lightweights, the
latter getting two out of the three
falls. Marvin Robinson ami Star
key, in the heavy class, gave the
spectators their time's worth in
some classy grappling ;' Jack Got
leili and Sam Sleinke, with six
ounce gloves, held the boards for
t good go. and Win. Zeigler and
Wes Seliiiliiierich ended the even
ing with a bout that was full of
Two Alaskans gave the compa
ny a story of Alaska life, anil the
story was pulled off without Hal
Taylor losing his beard.
Try the Argus. $1.50 per year.
Attorney-at-La w
Office, upstairs Schulmerich Block.
Upstairs, Schulmerich Block
Hillsboro, ... Oregon
A ttorney:at-La w
Upgtairs, A. C. Shute Bldg, 2nd and
Hillsboro, ... Oregon
Upstairs Shute Savings Bang Bldg.
Hillsboro, - - - Oregon
DR. J. O. ROBB, M. D.,
Physician and Surgeon
Oi'tiee Upstairs in Commercial
Building. Residence, corner of
Sixth and Washington. Phones,
Ofliee, 2024; Residence, 2923.
Hillsboro, Oregon
Dr. E. T. HELMS,
Chiropractic Physician
Using in connection Electricity, Hy-
drotherpathy Jt scientific Dietetics.
Calls answered day or night, tele
phone, 296 lz.
Offices in 1 and 2, lieidel Building,
Hillsboro, Oregon
Physician and Surgeon
Office: Upstairs in Commercial
Bank Bldg. Residence SYV corner of
2nd & Baseline. Phones, Office,
2832, Residence, S888.
Hillsboro, ... Oregon
Upstairs in Hillsboro National Bank
Building, on Main .street.
Hillsboro, - Oregon
Offices in Heidel Building,' upstairs
Main Street, adjoining Tostofficc.
Phone, 2596.
1) 1- N T I ST
L'pstairs, Commercial Bank Bldg.
Main Street
Hillsboro, ... Oregon
E. H. SMITH, M. D., D. O.
Completely equipped hospital in con
nection. Calls answer day or
nicht. Office over Hillsboro Nat'I.
Hillsboro, - - - Oregon
We answer calls day or night to
sis'tiong. State Licensed