County Official Paper j Mel Hiatt, of Dilley, was a . ; oil v caller yesterday. j ' ' L. A. Long, Editor, j Newton Griftin, of above ' Hanks, was a caller vcstcrd.iv. I ' Entered at the Post Office at ; We arc going to buy our Xmas Ilillsboro, Oregon, as second-: tfifls at the M. E. Church Ba class mail matter. Subscription, $ 1.50 jwr annum. HIGH SCHOOL NOTES Issued Every Thursday by E. C, McKinney and L. A. Long. It is fitting that the state dairy association .should meet in Ilills boro, where is found the center of (lit greatest dairy county in all the I'aeitie Northwest. We will be able to show them a con denser that has cost over a quar ter of a million, and if built to day would cost nearer a million we will show them a stream of milk wagons that will make their cyo stiek out, ami, besides, we will show them that Ilillsboro knows how to entertain them. If Mike Wisdom was alive, and he were to be with us, he would as sure them that for a hang-up time the dairy association never experienced anything like the time he was here at a state meet ing in years past when Hill Well rung was a number of the State l air Hoard 'the time the toasts of the chairman at table made more than one man bunt his hole. Come on. boys, the county that put the cream in the dairy business! xaar. 81-40 K. S. Kalta sues Fred Kaltn for divorce, alleging desertion. No children to fight over. Hoy McKuight, with the U. S Marines at San Francisco, home for a visit w ith relatives. For Sab Hay horse, weight 1 150 lbs., S years; good driving horse.--Harvev r'uqua, 1384 Main St., Ilillsboro. 39-41 S. .1. HalTety, of above Moim taindale, was down Tuesday shaking hands will) his numerous county seat lillieuins. v nas. I ticket lucr ami sons tins and W in., were up from Ce llar .Mill, vesterdav, on a hurried trip. Mr. Iliekethier's son, Carl is on the I'. S. Ship Pasadena. Russell Frost, while working at the mill, fell from a freight car as a result of Jiis peavev slip ping, and sustained a badly Ionised arm. It was ex-raved in Portland the first of the week. V. F. Young, of near Slier wood, one of the pioneers of the i nop growing game, was in ves terdav, and called on the Argus He plowed up his vines several years ago. when the slump came and says he doesn't regret it. Robert Denny, a son-in-law of Julius Asbahr. lost a part of the thumb and a part of the index linger on his left hand one day last week, by getting into contact with a gas engine, catching it in the crank shaft while investigat ing engine trouble. lie lives at Raleigh. Rev. C. K. Cline, one of the forcible orators of the Oregon M. F.. Church, was out from Portland Tuesday, greeting old- time Ilillsboro friends. Rev ("line still writes stuff worth reading; still knows how to han dle the English language, and works every day "just to keep from rusting, as he expresses it Mrs, Frank Imhrie, who went to San Francisco to attend the bedside of her son, .las., who is with the Hospital Corps U. S. N., returned home Saturday night, leaving the patient convalescent. As soon as he is able to travel with safety he will endeavor to get a-furlough for a few days' visit to his home near Orenco. ! .lames w as w orking overtime tak- The special grand jury which investigated the penitentiary muddle has exonerated Warden Murphy and throws the hooks in to Keller, and incidentally, the Governor. Parole Oliicer Keller, w ell know n in Portland as having the support of the oldtimc poli ticians, evidently has Warden -Murphy's goat, Murphy being "tired" to make room for another niun. Murphy "s retirement makes the third man who has had a chauoe at the wardenship during the administration. He is a vet eran of the Spanish-American War, ami is a" man of attain ments. The Governor says that Murphy was too expensive, and says that Keller can take "care of liiins.lf" V- i (I,.. I..ti.. ,. . ', ., . " I in care of Flu patients in the those who know Keller kuow 1 i , i i i , i j hospital w hen he was attacked "darned" well that he will do;wjt, the malady, and he had a that. i elose call. j Sergenat John Peppard, of .More than any other one per- j Second St., w ith the V. S. Army, .sonage in the world means the j u;ls the first Ilillsboro man in the presence of President Wilson at lr.-"1" rvi,t- hame with . ,( . i . ,,,, I his honorable discharge. Pep- the peace table in 1-ranee. I here , . j panl was at aneouver liarracks is today no man so able to pre-: itj, t. tM, Infantry until three sent America's thought, Ameri-1 weeks ago, w hen he went to ca's iiiHiieJiee. and America's pres-: Camp Grant, 111., to enter an of tige al the session that must j fi, , rs' Training Camp. With , , . i ii. peace established he was given mean so much to the world at ,. , , , Ins discharge and will now re- lare' 'main with his family. Mrs. Pcp- ; jnrd has been teaching up in the Help out the Militia boys with Seoggin Valley country, 'and the their dance Saturday night. j home-coming is a surprise to her. TRUCK LINE With Sanction of Council of National Defense. Comment in M outlay, Dec. 9, LOIS, the undersigned will es tablish a regular Truck Line, with sanction of Council of National Defense. Portland to Forest Grove and Interme diate Points, l aving Portland about 8:30 A. AL, and Forest Grove about 1 :.'i0 P. M.. daily, except Sunday. Ilillsboro of fice, A. It. England, Main St. AH classes of freight will be carried- nothing too large or too small. li.ii. s reasonable, furnished upon application. ROGERS AUTO TRANSFER CO. Plumes: Main 5205 A3I10 Hillisboro, I'.'lW 271 Taylor St. Willard Battery Service Station M. P. CADY, Prop. 1050 Second St Oregon Hillsboro Wc are in a position to correctly ad vise you when you have battery trouble. Our past battery experience together with the Service Station Jiullelins issued by the WTillard Battery Co. give the necessary in formation. WE CARRY NEW BATTERIES IN STOCK. Our allowance on exchange is quite liberal. ALL MAKES OF BATTERIES OVERHAULED AND RECHARGED We can name the charge before we start the job. Bring your battery to us for WINTER STORAGE and you will be urc that it will be all right when you want to use it in the Spring. (By Arthur Reiling) Now that the basket ball season has arrived, the teams are begin niug to get into shape, Uoth'hovs and girls teams started their practice this week, and judging from the turn-outs yc will have two teams this year which will be hard to beat. Marjorie Wells has been elect ed manager for the girls and Karl Carter for the boys, Leo Goar is hoys' captain, and is a letter man, having won his H. last season. The other letter men who w ill be seen on the lloor this season arc: l'.arl Carter, Ernest StolYers and Arthur Reiling. The girls also have several experienced players from last year. Miss Roche, an old hand at the game, will coach the girls, but as yet the boys have no permanent coach. The inter-class basket ball games, both hovs ami girls, will start next Monday. The first af ternoon game will be called a i:ia ami uie lirst evening ganu at 7:15. Four games, two boys and two girls, will be played on Monday. 1 uesj ay ami Ihursdav of the next two weeks. The pub lie is cordially invited to witness these games, which will taki place in the gym at the foot o Fourth Street. A number of the bovs have de cided to become pugilists, ami nc cording! v have purchased two sets of gloves. The noon hour is now spent in listic combat, bv Dumber of students. Oh, no; no one has received a black eve vet but almost. The Senate Club held its first meeting of the year Wcdncsdav afternoon and the following olli eers were elected: President, Ar thur Roiling; vice president, Har old Briggs; secretary-treasurer Ernest StolTers; sergeant-at-arms Edward Scheldt. The club is now- ready to take in new members and all male students who are in tcrestetl in public speaking, de bating, etc., should apply. Ernest Rannow. 20. is confined to bis home, with an attack of tin: Flu. Wc all hope to sec him back in school tietore long. Louie luipeii, IS, who is in the navy, has been looking up old friends the past week. lit- will soon sail for Trance. Inrp was a shining light on the basket ball earn last year and we sure wish he was back for the coming sea son. I he managers ot the class teams for this year arc as follows. Seniors liirls. Atariorie Well bovs. Arthur Reiling. Juniors Girls, Tinah Bechcn: boys, Leo Goar. Sophs Girls. Violet We b ber: boys, Edward Wall. Fresh ies Girls. Alycc Moore; boys. Herman Sehoen. BIRTHS Born, to Mr,, and Mrs. Sam Stein . below Newton, Nov. 2!, 1918, daughter. . To Sergeant and Mrs. Carl Carlson. Laurel, Dec. 1, 19 IS, a i lighter. The father is in France. To Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mc Knight, Orenco, Nov. 28, 1918, a son. " x! To Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Miller, North Plains, Nov. 29. 1918, a daughter. OWENS WEST Wm. F. Owens and Miss Ilattie B. West, of Banks, were united m marriage hv Judge ), 5. Kea- soner. in Court Chambers. Hill boro. November ISO, 1918. The happy couple have the best es of their count v friends. Coffee Club Meeting The Coffee Club will meet at the home of Mrs. L. W. Hyde, Satur day afternoon, December 7, at 2:30 o clock. Members cordially invited to attend. Dr. E. II. Smith the past week operated on Miss Kate Taylor, of lieaverton, for appendicitis, with iscess; and Lloyd Harper, son of Newton Harper, Gales Creek, ippendix removed. Miss Margaret Mann, who is taking a course at the State. Nor mal at Monmouth, stunt the riiariksgiving holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Grant Mann, near Cornelius, and other relatives. J. 15. Imlav, of Reedville, was ip yesterday. He says that win ter wheat is looking fine down his way, and the acreage is vast ly increased over that of last sea son. Winter oats, however, have not been seeded so heavily owing to the shortage of seed. The. Banks Red Cross Auxili- iry will give a Kazaar Dee. 1.1 and 14, at their Red Cross head quarters. Chicken dinner on Fri day the l.'ilh. A special invita- ion is given nil Red Cross nuxil- j iaries. Everybody invited to at- tend and do their bit for this j great cause. j Mrs. D. B. Emrick attended 'the twentieth wedding anniver j Nary of Mr. and Mrs. C. Cable, in ; Portland, Saturday evening. Mr. 1 and Mrs. Cable entertained sev etity five of their friends with a program, dancing and refresh ' mi nts. Host and hostess were, i former residents of this city, and i both wore the clothes worn at NOTICE PETERSON BROTHERS, of Ilillsboro, are the only authorised dealers selling Cleveland tractors in Yamhill and Washington conn ties. Oregon. Others representing themselves either authorix etl dealers or agents for Cleve land tractors are mis-representing the facts, MeNcfV Tractor - Auto Co., Distributors Cleveland Tractors for the Stales of Oregon ami Washington, COUNTY BUDGET OthVinl county budget for Washing ton County, Oregon, containing esti mates of public expenditure for the year I1H0. Notice is hereby given that on Sat urday, Deecmtcr 2 1st 19 IS, nt 10 o' clock . in. of suit! day in the County Cwut room in the City of Hillslmro, Oregon, a Meeting of. the County Court, of the State of Oregon, for Washington County, will be hold for tlu pui-H!sc of levying taxes to meet the expenses of Washington County for the year 1919. and that at such time ami place, any taxpayer subject to such levy when matte, may bo heard in favor or against any pro posed levies as shown by the itcmiztsl estimates of contemplated expendi tures to he raised hy taxation as made by the County Court as follows: SHERIFF'S OFFICE . ' Salary Sheriff $ 1,800.00 Salary Deputy Sheriff 1.200.00 Expense 2,800.00 Tux collections ' 1,800.00 Stamps, stationery, print ing ' 1,500.00 Hoard of prisoners ami jail expense 1,087.70 Total 10,187.70 COl'NTY CLERK'S OFFICE Salary Clerk $ 1,800.00 Salary Deputy Clerk 1,200.00 Salary Bookkeeper and Ac countant 900.00 Striingrnihcr and Ricord Writer 720.00 Suit iuiiery ami supplies... 7!i0.00 Total G.S70.00 RECORDER'S OFFICE Salary Recorder 1,200.00 Salary Deputy Recorder... 900.00 Salary Asa't Deputy 720.00 Five record books (5) 150.00 Typewriter ribhons l.r.00 Stationery 50.00 Registration supplies 5.00 Postage, stumps, etc 120.00 Ink 5.00 Two sets of counter indexes 150.00 Repair work on machine. , 35.00 Sundries 6.00 Book machine ribbons .... 20.00 Total $ 3,1175.00 TREASURER'S OFFICE Salary Treasurer $ 900.00 Clerk hire 250.00 Stationery, etc 150.00 Total $ 1 ,300.00 COUNTY SURVEYOR'S OFFICE Expenses, supplies, etc. ...$ 300.00 ASSESSOR'S OFFICE Salary Assessor $ 1,200.00 Salary Deputy Assessor .. 900.00 Extending Uix wIIh .'164.00 Copying field men's slips. index, etc 310.00 Copying tax rolls 595.00 Salaries held deputies .... 1,700.00 Stationery and printing... 466.00 Otliee supplies 76.00 Total $ 6.CG9.00 COUNTY COURT AND COMMIS SIONERS Salary County Judge f 1,200.00 imaled salary commis sioner 700.00 Estimated salary commis sioner 700.00 Expenses of commissioner. 350.00 Expenses nt commissioner. 850.00 Kxitenseg of county judge. . 350.00 Clerical help 300.00 Stationery and nUunps .... 60.00 Total 4,000.00 COURT HOUSE EXPENSE Janitor's salaries, fuel, linht, repairs, etc :t 4,600.00 Witnesses, jurors, bailiffs, reporters, etc ? 6,000.00 Juvenile court 600.00 Justice courts 400.00 Coroner's otliee 700.00 Insane 350.00 SCHOOL SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE Salary of County Superin tendent S 1,200.00 Salary of Clerk 720.00 Supt s traveling expenses 200.00 Postage ' 375.00 Express, freight and dray- aire 30.00 Printing and stationery... 200.00 Blank books 100.00 Truant officer 150.00 Teachers' examinations . . . 25.00 Eighth grade examinations 150.00 Institutes . 150.00 Furniture and repairs .... 200.00 Industrial work and fairs.. 150.00 Library fund 825.00 School levy, 8 per capita. . 05,000.00 High school tuition IBJjUZ.YZ Total $87,977.72 Widows' pensions 3,500.00 Health officers 484.40 Local registrars of births and deaths 100.00 Fruit inspector 100.00 Care of poor and poor farm 8,000.00 Indigent soldiers relief fund 70(1.38 Tax rebates 400.00 Bounties 2,000.00 District sealer of weights and measure 303.40 Street and sewer assess ments (City of Ilillsboro 1,270.00 Roudmaxters, patrolmen, etc 10,000.00 Veterinary surgeon and slock inspector iro.oi County agricultural agent. 1,000.00 Cattle indemnity 1,000.00 Miscellaneous and unfor- peen contingencies 6,500.00 Advertising and publishing rounty court proceedings (lOO.Otl AiulitiniT county books .... 400.00 State fair appropriation... 400.00 County fair appropriation. 200.00 Expense of district attor ney's office : . 350.00 Estimate of state tax for , the year 1919 89,000.00 ROADS AND HIGHWAYS County roads $96,800.00 Bridge 20,000.00 Koud machinery and auto trucks, etc 20,000.00 ' 393,693.60 MISCELLANEOUS Special Ijocal Road Improvements ror improvement of portions of County Roads No. A. 135, A. 10 and "Kn fifll T?pcrinntnr ftt a luilnl in Cix their wedding twenty years ago. i;oad No. A. 135 being known a the Hillshoro-MountuindiuV Road, at the' end. of the present rock in front of the farm of Coo, llarnta in Sec. 35 T. 2 N. K. 3 W. W. M. and running southerly and easterly along said road A. t:i3 and A. 10 to the intornee tion of Rond A. 10 with Rtuul No. tUil thence following Road No. (KU to the Enst toi minus of said road, $6,000.00 For improvement with Standard Macadam Portions of County Kuutls i No. :U-I and 404. beginning at a point in Co. Road No. iU4. known lis the Seholls-llillslKiro Road at North1 end of bridge at the foot of Crosby i hill and running Westerly and Nor therly along saitl roinlit No. !U4 and i No. 404 as far as funds will build., j ; $6,000.00, For improvement with Standard macadam or Itiluiuinoiis bound ma cadam, liuxton-Hunks-borisst Ciovo Road, ' North of Hanks on Road A. Ia5 and No. 5!S and ' South of : Ranks on Ranks-Forest tirove Road ; $0,000.00 For Improvement with Standard I macadam the lieaverton- Progrons ' and Creenherg Road, hcginuiiur at ' the O. E. R. R. on Co. Road No, 179 ! ami running northerly on said roinl to Intersection of Co. Road No. 370, ' thence Westerly on saitl Co. Road No. :)70 ami also westerly on Co. Road ! No. 179 $6,000.00 ! For improvement with ltituminous ' hound macadam on Forest drove- j tilde Creek Road No. 192, beginning at present ltituminous macadam ami building as far as funds will reach.. : $2,500.00 : . . For improvement with macadam : Thatcher road, beginning at North end of present bituminous maciulnm and bail, ling as fur as funds will reach $2,500.00 For improvement of tiuston-Dillev Road (Slate Highway) ... $3,000.00 For improvement with standard ituteadam, Luurcl-Mountuinsido road, Roads No. 44(1 mid No, 61, beginning ut north end of Homier Hritijie. ,. $5,000.00 For improvement of llolj-Walker road No. 215, in Rood Dist. No. 26. $3,000.00 a C. i and total $133,69:1,60 Estimated fss and line from Clerk' and Record- i er's otliee $ $ .000.00 Interest on deposits 3,000.00 Sec!al school, city and rond taxes ; to lie levied, not ready for puhlica- ; t ion. l!y order of the County Court of Washington County.Orcgim inndo and : dated this November 27th, 1918. j D. R. Rcasoner, County Judge. t R. Matteson, County ( oinmiKsioncr II. T. Hesse, County Conuuistdoncr. f Chevrolet For Economical Transportation THE LOWEST PRICED EQUIPPED AUTOMOBILE IN THE WORLD. Tin n- has been but otic building ideal in the iiianii f uture of Chevrolet Automobiles. Ami thai has been, to build thoroughly and well, to build to last. This organ! .alien appreciates its responsibility In the man who has sew ra! hundred dollars In invest, lie waul Ihe amount be has In spend to bring him full value iu return. He wauls that alue to last until he feels satisfied that It has t ndercd him sen ice in proportion to the amount ex pended. The valve In head motor with which the Chevrolet is etpiippetl is designed on the principle of tlireet applica tion of power. There is no wade fuel, no waste power. They are built In endure, lit stand up ami render sat isf ing st ri it-e under the most exacting conditions. bell tine buys a Chevrob I. they pun base a car that will take tin in to Portland and return in high gear. It possesses the power that iitects all needs with constant ceouiimy, Wiles Auto Co., Forest Grove M. P. Cad.v Rcrnard Stipe Hanks Oarage Ilillsboro Itcuvcrttiii II inks I hst ributnrs Wasliiiii-ton County, Ore, Company A Oregon Guard of Hillsboro ..Will Give u MILITARY DANCE at, MOOSE HALL On Evening of SATURDAY DECEMBER 7th Come Out and Give the Boys the Glad Hand