The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, December 05, 1918, Image 1

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    jjlLLSBORO AKlaOS.
NO. 3D
W.u Dtak I hint inn in Lake Mer
ced, California unci Wa Drowned
Lived in San Franciaco Wi
Wtdl Known Here Yearn Ago
'I'lic body hi l.i I ward .1. 1. ii mill,
liiulln r of ( a rl Liiim-ii, of lliio
iilv, wu fimiiil in l.uiti' Mi rriil,
('ill,, a few ii l.s iigu, hit IiiiiiiIh
riiHiiiU ii ilui k uhirli In' liiul
hlinl, l.tii'srii resided in Sail I I'.ui
eiten. mill );onr nut In llic
I i k i N 1 1 ' 1 1 1 1 1 1 ' t IT, III lilllil iliirltt.
lie did iml return, ami teared :n
iii'.tiliili'il. Tin' limly uiih ri'ru
m il in sli illoH uitlrr, '.limviiiK
Hint In- ii'iili.'ill v liiul mini nut
iiiul iii i . 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 , mill n li .ln il
liffurr In1 iniilil niiili thf hnre,
Ilf w.ii liiiiitfil iy Hie flint iiinl
lint u liii li Mere fuiiiiil in iir liy.
I.liriill Hill Hill kllDUII here,
linviii'f lived here several years
jiijo. IK- ns married iiinl hit wife
iiinl frnin llif eputur -s ttliifh
f. ill, in r,l I In- earlhipiake in llif
( iiilili II i.'lti- l it v.
Ilf Ii aves In mourn liis loss t In
follow ini i Kililn ii : Man, I'rmi
lis mill Margaret Of liin
ilium ilnili' family lif leaves the
fullim itiit lunllii ri anil Imlf lirn
I Iht : Hl'ul lurs, Ac I .ursili,
h hereabouts link nu n ; Jens
seii, New .i iil.iml, mnl Curl
hi ii, IlilUliiitii ; Imlf brothers,
tiro, .loliiiiisrii, California, mnl
.luliil Jnliniisi ii, of .Inliiiiisf ii
I .ii r-it , nf 1 lill-.horo,
Tin' ilfiiil in. in luiil l.ri n mak
in' liis home t in 1 1. 1 r .i 1 1 1 ullh his
hrutlii r in law, V. .1. Taylor, nf
H? Nor St., San I'runeiseo, Mr
uni a u i . t 1,1 years, Thf funeral
look pl.ter Nov, "l!.
Winter is-aain 1 1 j 1 1 us'. Many
hardships lire in store fur the
Itiiral Carrier w hu liiusl iiiakf his
daily rounds, regardless if writ
t In r nr ill ln-r I'liiiililiuns, A little
forethought mi the pari nf pa
trinis will assist him greatly in
llif ilisi harje of his duties, anil
I lief i by i nalilf liini to give I"''"
trr service.
Thf average route of a (, miles
has 1(H) boxes, mnl approximate
ly .101) intri)iis. If thf carrier is
obligi il to lake 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 out nf thf
io mnl htuiiii one letter i aril
Ufi k for each jialroii, his daily
average ill ! sixth of .1(10.
or Nil Idlers per day, which will
delay him .'10 seconds each Iniir,
or I .'I minutes i in Ii day, n loss nf
1 hiiiirs anil H iniiiiitcs rai Ii
rik that hi- is 1 1 1 i u 1 1 to ilnuatf
In thiMilitli'ssiM'KN. Thf carrii r's
1 1 1 1 1 - is wortli us in iitli as tin- pa
Iron's. At 60 i i nls per hour (n
i onsf ri aliv f prii f for man mnl
li aiil), lif donates 15 t m I)
Mirk In lluiuyhllf ssiif ss iif Ills
pal roll.
It fusts llif put run not mif
l ent tiini'f to pun h.isf his slanis
in admliff. and it is no more
troulilf lo stamp thf li tter tliiiu
it is In put the pennies in the lio
so there is nothing to he .'till
ed I'V Hu- .it run.
liesiih s, the farrier is iwposfd
to I lie i I. in. nls all day, .Metal
Iiiim s j-et very eolil. Tin" farrier
i-, nliliKid to unijliiw his hand
f .ii h tune he lishfs out tin- pi n
ii v . hii h l aiisi s him iiffdli ss
sn IV rinj;. Thf ureal majority
of patrons stamp their mail, hut
n fi w arc lillur thiiuhlh'.. or
eare little or llollliuii for the feel
ings of others, ,
Tiiiie is the sliilV life is made
of. It is Miirth saving. The feel
inys of the lowest are worthy of
respeit, I have no riijit to im
pose on any huiiiaii. Haf you?
A, .1. Milleiilierp-r,
Carrier Itoute 1.
Se niiiur Jones, of Marion Coun
ty, Il . heell sfli ftfd to pri hidf
over the uet Oref-oll House nf
llepresi nt.itives. Join s is said
tn lie fair, lioiifsl, and fref of
i-iil.iiiuliui alliaiiff s. Thf hps
liilors from Washiimtun, Vmnhill
mid Tillamook founlifs iiiadf
Jiini-s' seleetiiiii inssildf, and this
is Hu- tirsl linif in thf history of
tin triune Hint Ihfy have made
mi i tVort fur unity in thf in.illfr
nf the Spiaker. Messrs. Haines,
Hare and (irahaiu wen- largely
respoiisihle for the e oalilioit, and
it should iiii an sunn IhiuK for the
Ihiee t'tilllit ii-S in Ihf w ay of eolu
liiillee ships. This is (foillir to !f
an iiiipoi'lant sfssioii nf llif hif
islaturf, for there is a determina
tion on Ihe part A some of llif
I'oi'lltud deletraliotl to harpoon
what is known as the "uslale"
in the way of legislation. The
mailer nf the slatr liiyliwii v.
whifli Is supposed to he settled,
hut hifh iniRht I"' linkeri-d, is
line of vast impoi'taiiff to tin'
eniinlv of Washington, and il is
wi ll that we have so aldf a dele
iilinii as the three p' nllinif n
who will represent ui at Saleui
in-x t January.
Thus. V.. I.usti r. one of the old-
fiiLriiiffrs of thf S. I. Co.,
was lu re l ist week, taking care
iroliale mailers in the estiite
... ., i. ii- i.
us fallier, the line
nf Huston.
Maehine Shop-I liave opened
Hloyd Maehine Miop, on ftla
St.! foot of Third, mid inn
prepari'd to do nil kinds of ma
liiiif work: lalhinir and hhapinu;,
and repairs of heavy and lipht
miieliini'S. Salisfelion Kunran
L U. Infilen, Uillslmri),
of h
Anton Spreiler ilied at the
it v resiih nee at No. 107 North
fwenlv fourth St.. Portland, !'-
i einler M IK, after a short ill
ness. Mr. Snreitxer was aneil 7S
years, and was a slim-maker hy
trail.. Id- lived in Hillshoro in
tin- nineties, mid made many
friends hile here. lie estah-
lished Ihe tirsl laundry operated
...... .. i . '. l e
ill llillslmro. llif inner pari in
ihe 'llO's he moved his family to
. . ... i -
rorllaiut mnl numn look up ins
trade. lie leaves to mourn his
iss his widow. Joliauelte Spri it-
zit, and the following ehildren
Miss Nettie. I'.riiest, Henry, Wil
liam and Otlo. all of Portland.
1). asi il was a splendid eiti-
.eii, kind and loviiiit husband and
fulju r, and had the esteem of u
wide eirele of friends. He w.ns
the soul of honesty, helpful to hli
neiiilihors. and seores nf Hillslio-
ro people will - regret that this
kindly old m'lilleman lias passeti.
The O. A. C. people have written
Win. Sehulifieiieh, nskiliff him if
Hillslioro can take eare or t lie
Si n I .' Dairy Assoeialion, consist
in.r of about 100 deleirates. for
their annual meetintr to be held in
I ;l II ml r' . Mr. Sehulinerieh wroti!
Ihem that the old town could al-
m-iivs lake eare of its friends, and
as this is the banner dairy county
in the slate this was the proper
place for the session. I onscquenl
ly Hillslioro will entertain tin
dairymen next month, and Hills
liiiro w ill do il right.
Wiinled Pieef cattle, hogs and
sheep. Will pay best price for
irood Ht n IT. Phone lleavcrlon
Mail address, W. W. Millar,
Hecdville, Oregon. 35-35
Cliaik-i L. Walker, Son of Mr,
nd Mr. A. W. Walker, Killed
Was With the Celebrated Rain
bow Division in Terrific Battle
Charles I.. Walker, who was kill
ed in in lion, October IN, ill tin:
Aryoiine Purest, Prance, while
lighting in Ihf ranks of the fa
mous ft.iiiibow Illusion, whs a
mm of Mr. and Mi-.. A. W. Wnl-ki-r,
nf South Tualatin, former
residents of this city, lie enlist
All persons who subscribed for Third Liberty Loan
Bonds thro this bank are hereby notified that the bonds
are now here and ready for delivery.
AH persons who have interest coupons due on prior
bonds taken thro this bank can get same by presenting
the coupons. :l ' ' ; j-
'4 - :.
y -
i i .
1 lNt.'V
4 t
h Ik J Tt
ed in Company 15, Third Oregon,
afler r.iilualin from Hillslioro
lli.uli in 11 1 7 . From Clackamas
he was sent lo Welialchee, when
he remained until l ull. In Oeto
her he was sent lo Camp Mills,
and was there during the famine,
windstorm.- In December he
went across with the Third Ore
pui boys, to Prance, hriuadeil
with Ihe liliid.' In May, 1!US.
he was transferred to the .'IL'nd
Division, I27tli Hcrincnt Inf..
and was in many battles.
Yoiinir Walker was born in
l'o 'alley, (ir.'tnt Co., Orcsjon,
July IL', isiKi. Six years later
his parents moved to this county. in llillsborn. Later the
family moved to South Tualatin,
but the lad finished his schooling
in this eily.
He leaves to mourn his loss his
parents and one sister. Miss Myr
tle Walker, leaehinic at I.onjj
Creek, Pastern Oregon.
Walker was a boy of tine dis
position, ami had many friends,
both south of the river and in
Hillslioro, where at school he
was a favorite. He was reserved,
conscientious, and fearless, and a
!fi neral favorite.
!rs. Hi'llie ('row, mutlii r of J. L.
row and Mrs. M. N. liunlinm, of
this city, died at (Viilrnlia, Wn.,
November 21, at the resilience of
ii-r daughter, Mrs. O. T. MeCon-
iiell, with whrim she Imd been liv
in' for 10 yearn. She was bom in
iiiii'Hsee Co., New York, Sept.
liii, IH2K, mid moved with her pa
rents: to Orant County, Wis., in
1815, and in that year wan tmitrd
liiirrin(ff to Louis Crow, with
horn she lived until his death in
I !().'(. Lit-hl children were burn
Ihf ii ii ion, two suns anil two
mjihlfrs of whom have passed
awav. Mie lint! Iieeii a lit -in be r tif
the Pree Will liaplist Church fur
I years. She was a devout Chris
tian mid knew no limit to charity
in time of need. Her husband anil
sons were I'nion soldiers in
War. Mrs. Crow is hii r
the following children:
Mrs. O. T. MeConm II. (Vntralia;
T. Crow, Portland;.!. L. Crow.
Hillslioro, and Mrs. M. X. JSon-
am, w We of the well known
siiiiioi icatiier ol litis piat'e, tier
maiden name was IbthV Ifuidi-,
ml her fallier lived until be was
nearly 100 years.
Pin- flint rai of the late Mr, p. V. took place at ISuxtnn,
Ihe lirst of the week. She was
tied 5.1 years anil was married In
Mr, Piuruholer ill MeMinnville in
I K ! "J . The husband and following
hihlrtii survive: Mrs. Pe.ssie
M. Crawford, ( has. I., of tin: U.
navv, Thus. p. itnd I' rank ('.
Her son Louis, w ho died w'ithiu n
few hours of Hie mot her, was
bom lli years auo July 28, al
I'iinlu r. 'I I if funeral was dual,
mil a larsre concourse of friends
II. mli d the last riles of mother
mil sou.
Chas. L., Hit: brother in the lia
y, arrived home the first of the
week to attenil the nlisetiuies.
Of her immetliate family she
leaves the follow iui; sisters: Mrs.
Nellie Leisy, Portland, and Mrs.
nna Toole and Mrs. Bessie
liriifirs, of Massaehiisetts.
Chas. Stewart, now of Prineville,
came down the other day for a
short visit'uith relatives, and has
been Ihe irnest of J. H. Stewart.
('has. says he sees many changes
in the old town, and that he is
alad to Li't't back and meet his
friend. Charles savs he has been
lontrinij; to make a correction for
.some time, lie says that he was
iiiiMpioted in the Arjjns many
years au;o, lieu it rt'iiorletl
I Iml il look Charles two hours to
gasoline Ihe tar oil' of one Troni-
bley, afler some Hillslioro citi
zens hail given him a suit of that
stieky substance, together with
some feathers, it erred. - Charles
says it took him just exactly two
hours anil 15 minutes to get
Trombley cleaned up and after
Slew-art had played the Gootl
Samaritan. Trombley took a long
breath anil cursed the town, l'
ervhoilv included, anil that mailt
Stewart sore ami he ordered him
out of Hit! house.
$3.60 FOR MILK
The Carnation Milk Products
Co., through P.. C. Lamb, Supl.
informs the Argus that the price
per cwl. for milk iluriniy the (irs
half of December, has been tixei
at !:t.ii0. This is the highest
price ever paid in this cituntv for
milk product, and it is in consiv
nance with the high price of mill
For Sale 50 tons of mangel
beets and stock .sugar beets for
dairv cows. Council v llrown
Hillshoro. M inter Bridge, J. C.
Hare ranch. 87-9
Food Adminiitration Now Allows
Increase of Sweets Used
ood Administrator Wells Sends
in Communication to the Public
riieotlore Asbahr, son of Mr. ami
Mrs. Julius Asbahr, sustained an
cciilent Sunday, while duck
hooting, that has meant the loss
f an eye. He was hunting with
lace in South Tualatin, and
John Witt Jr., near tun uecves
oung Asbahr was in a clump of
brush, invisible to Wilt. Wilt Hr
it al some Out ks aim one ot the
hot ripped open the right eye
ausing its removal. Asbahr
i as taken to Portland anil placed
it the (mod .Samaritan hospital.
mil is atlt nded by Dr. A. H. Bail
y, who happened to be visiting
icre w hen the acculent oceurrt'il.
1'cil" has been attending High
ehool here I his w inter, anil his
many friends here hope that lie
uill soon be convalescent.
I'lie-old anil antiquated system of
ighting in the circuit court room been rearranged tinder the
supervision ot Jmlge lieo. U.
Maglev, and Hie new arrangement
is more than satisfactory, a nig
ight has been placed above th
Judge's desk, giving a hue. light
for night sessions, and it is also
remarked that election boards us
mir tin' room in the count can
have better reading without cran
ing their necks ami ruining their
vision. Since the old barbarou
ialsoniining has been substitute!
iv a new coat of cream color this
newest improvement makes the
old court room look like a new
We wish to thanks our friend
mil neighbors for their kindness
luring the illness anil death o
our beloved mother anil wife. Al
so we wish to thank the Re
Cross auxiliary ot Hoy am
friends from Nnrtli l'tains am
ltanks for their beautiful Moral
Mrs. P. A. Quails. Hanks, Or
Mr. Scott Wiltshire, North
Plains, Ore., and other children
A. C. Mulloy, of Laurel, was in
town Saturday, greeting friends
Geo. Ii. Zimmerman ami bis
sister. Mrs. Tannock, of nbov
North Plains, were city callers on
Saturday. George says his road
district voted n special tax last
Saturday, the affirmative going
thro without a stumble.
Want to Rent Small ranch,
10 to 40 ncres cleared; must be
near good school and not far
from rail lines; want fair build
ings. Will pay cash rent; or will
rent larger farm on (diares. J.
D. Xickcll, Sherwood, Oregon,
R. 2. 87-9
Advice has just been received
from the ollice of the 1 tuleral
'ooil Administration to the effect
that tin- irt neral situation in the
fine anil beet sugar supply war-
mts the removal of domestic re
strictions on tin- distribution of
igar for the present.
Therefore, clTeelive December
rst, the use of certificates in the.
istrihiition of sugar will be
I , . 1 1 1 1 1 . 1 1 . - I . - ami emiMiiiiers may
my lour 1 1 mi in Is of sugar per
rsoii per nionlli, ami uilhout
ruin!; cards therefor.
However, the rule limiting
mi til m- eating places to 4 pounds
r !K) meals remains in effect,
ilher tloes the new rule in any
iV affect price, rules from job
r to retailer or retailer to con-
I am gl.-ul to say that oppor-
nnitv will now be given the good
min i! who pnl up fruit uith lit
e or no sugar w hen the coun
try's need was great, can now ob-
tin sugar to fill that tlelieiency.
There have been many who
ritieised the Pood Ailministr.i-
itui lor I In- various changes in
rules from lime to lime.
It should always be borne in
mini! that the rules must at all
inns be based on the existing
onililioiis. When the need was
rent and the supply was limit
d, the string hail to be closely
Iran ii, and it may be said that
Mr. Hoover has never asked the
Vmeriean people to make a sac
rifice that was not necessary.
On the other hand, as quickly
is conililious ot supply aim
ransport.ition would permit, the
restrictions have been removed.
The glorious success of our ar
mies, coming as it clitl nearly a
car earlier than most of us had
arid to hope, resulted in the
in I tl n relaxation ot me stupen-
lous economic pressure with
i Inch this grt-at nation was
rowding every avenue of supply
to win the war.
The history of the world holds
no reeonl winch even faintly ue-
guis to approach the gigantic
isks of food supply and mobili
zation which America has per
formed in ihe past six months.
It has been a source of wonder
mil gratification and hope to our
Hies, and a swiftly growing eer
niuty of despair and defeat to
tin kaiser and his Junkers.
Maybe it is not proper to say
that "the Yanks did it" so far as
the lighting is concerned (though
mi one disputes that they did
their share, and most of us be-
ii'vc turned defeat into victory
it Chateau-1 luerry aiuk belleau
Wood) but when it comes to con
tributing that thing without
licit no "Doughboy" "Poilu"
or tommy can, nope to win
through, namely, "chow"; on
that, the world agrees that "the
inks did it."
Conservation Slill Necessary
While the cessation of hostili
ties, and tin' situation with refer
ence to the t'acitie y oast as to
transportation, makes possible
present removal ot restrictions
, , ... , lit
on sugar ami wheat, ii suouiti ue
eniembered that there are 800
million people in r.urope, not
counting (iernian'i and ' Austria,
w ho must be fed, and on America
will largely fall the burden.
American contribution during
the coining year is paced at twen
ty million tons of foodstuffs, as
against twelve million tons sent
last year, and about six million
tons per year before the war.
We may, therefore, expect to
In: called upon to make further
sacrifices to save the world from
Anarchy and bilshevisin by send
ing food, as we have already
done in sending our boys to save
it from Autocracy.
Yours truly,
Chas. E. Wells,
County Food Administrator.
. Hillsboro, Cornelius and North Plains
Wholesale and Retail Dealers In
Grain, Hay, Flour, Feed and
Grain Bags
Car-lot shipper of POTATOES and
ONIONS. Grain chopped or
rolled at any time
Lumber, Shingles and Lath
Beaver State Flour
The Best Flour at the Lowest Prices.
Telephones; Hillsboro, Main 14,
Cornelius, City 1515, North Plain, Main 263.
Will soon lead from Portland to
the splendid
Beaverton - Reedville
Many choice small tracts on
Splendid train service morning
evening into the city. Buy your
home before the big raise conies.
102 Fourth Street PORTLAND, OREGON
6 Per Cent Mortgage Loans
We have some good First Mortgage Real Estate
Loans for sale to net the investor 6 per ct. Full in
formation upon request. No commissions or ex
pense. These loans guaranteed.
John M. Wall. W. Mahon.
W. 0. Donclson
Calls attended night or day.
Chapel and Parlors.
riilltboro. ' Oregon
Old RelUUe
The Hartford Fire Insur
ance Co., is the first andrnly
Co. that otters Farmeis. Pro
ducers, buyersandShippersof
live stock absolute protec
tion against loss of your
stock by death of any i a jse.
See, Phone or Write to Jnhn
VanJerwal. Asent. 774 8ih St..
Phone Main 03. HilUboio, Ore.l
We desire to express our thanks
to nil who so kindly assisted us
ilurinsj the obsequies of the lute
Mnrth.-i Klatt Matthews. We also
extend our sineerest thanks for
the beautiful Moral offerings.
.Mr. L. W. Matthews,
Mr. and Mr. Klaltaiul Family.
Taken Up Yearling heifer,
full black. Owner prove proper
ty, pay adv. and keep and take
same awav, Herbert Sahnow,
Forest Grove, Ore., R. 2. 88-0
We Have the Neatest and Most Complete Stock of
In the City of Hillsboro. We do repair
work in first-class work and our charges
are always reasonable ::;:::
Jeweler and Optician
Main Street Hillsboro, Oregon