The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, November 28, 1918, Image 1

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    dHg J III. u.
NO. 38
Captain BriuUhaw Sends I.rlter
of Commendation of E. Lillegard
Wm Chief Elect rician Aboard U
S. Ship Tittitburiih, S. A. Watrri
Captain Ilnulslmw, I', S. Slii
I'llKlniigh, kt'iiili Mr. runt Mis,
lYler 1. I.illcgard llir following
tlir following h'tti r, which Is m If
explanatory ;
"Itiar Sir: ( 'oiiliruiing the
Navy li il'i. telegram of Oclo
In r '.'.'I, regret In inform you of
llii! ili iilli nf your h I'.luicr Me
dian I.illcgard, chief electrician
C. S. Navy, at 2:27 it. in., Oil..
In r L".' 1 1 I . Hi a rriiijl of hrnlicliial
un iiiiiiiih i, complicating Span
till Inllin Vmir ti it wan sirlt
I mi t a few il.n h, Mini tin- .'ih( I ii
nr three day was entirely free
front tttiu, Hi' niriiuluitii'd mi
lAii lli ul record during hit naval
M tiiiT, iiml Mas well likril by
1 1 1 v. .ll 1 1 Mil 1 1 1 lllllllllir W liolll lie
had developed many t Ion
frii lull. Tin' body win liuriril
Willi full military honor in tin'
Si. 1'rmiiis Xavirr cemetery in
llir City of Kin ili' Janeiro, Itra
.il. Your hun'k iii rioiuil cfli-eU,
a lil nf v It it li arr ciii-IiihciI hcrc
tilh. uill lr forwarded In you,
via I It Supply Olliecr, N .t i y
Yard, , V., by lirt.1 available
transportation, At hi' Iiml t.ikcil
out ovrriiiiiiiit insurance In llir
iiiuoiiiit of .f 10.0011 in your favor,
il will lir iuccs.ary for you to
ii mi in ii iti :i t with tin' I ! ii i n li of
Navigation, Navy Ibpartnie nt,
ii 1 1 i ii u I ' ii . I. ('., for colliTtiiin
of iiisiiraiiri',
Phase li t iiu extend my heart -fill
hv iii f ia t Iiy tn you in your
Very Sincerely Yours,
O. It. ItraiKhaw,
Ciiplain l!, S. Navy, Coin ma nil -in,"
Another letter wa, enclosed
"I'i'ar Sir: I luivi' wished lo
ni-iiiI ymi a vvoril of testimony In
llir worth of your son's service
on lumril this ship. An ollin r
under whom lir workril speaks of
him as our of llir very hrsl railio
operators in tin1 Navy. His elli
ciency in this work will makr
It t in a great loss In tin- ship, llr
Was popular also with his ship
mates ami active in ortrniii.iiitt
amusements wliirh helped in tin
enjoyment of llir crew, llr has
Iutii iisrful ill thr srrviri' of his
country. You may Iiml eonsol.i
lion, even in llir initkt of your
sorrow, thai In- has not In i n
fnuiiil wauling in llir present
Wry Sinrrrrly Yours.
Philip '('. King,
I.iriit. (.1. G.) Chaplain, l'. S. N.
Mr. ami Mrs. l.illiij.'iril havr
thr sympathy of a large circle of
fririuls ill tin if sorrow. Thr
nlmvc Irstinioiiials to the genuine
worth of tlir Hailio Oprralor arr
his our hrsl epitaph, ami Ihr ell
lire community Is proud of his
Jack ISissiirr and I'd. Srhoelrr,
of South Tualatin, were in town
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Peter
were over Sunday guests of the
llcainish family, near Cedar Mill.
Misses I'.thel MeKinney' and
l.lialielli Smith, attending 1'. I'.,
were llillshoro visitors Sunday.
I'ei'ey ('arsteus and wife, and
Misses Kva and l'.lma Carslens,
fornieily of Hanks, now residing
in n Portland Hiihuih, were in the
city Sunday.
All pernons who subscribed for Third Liberty Loan
Bonds thro this bank are hereby notified that the bonds
are now here and ready for delivery.
All persons who have interest coupons due on prior
bonds taken thro this bank can get same by presenting
the coupons.
Win. Itiiliinsoii, of Laurel, was
a city caller I'riday nfteriioon.
I'hilip Sehneiilrr, of south of
( orui lius, was in (own .Saturday
T. It. Imhrie, of Portlainl, was
mil this week, (he urst of rela
tive. Herbert Sahiiow, of Wrbourt,
was grrrliiiK' fririuls In the city
() W'esteoll, of Route .2, was
transacting Inisinrss in the city
M onday.
Picked up on street l!lue and
white wool scarf. Call at Arus.
No rlnir)eM.
I.. It. Iiili s reports that he is
j'ctliiiK ph nty of work in the ma
chine shop,
A. Oleaii, of lleiiverton, R. 2,
and daughter, were llillsliorn
ca Hers I'riday.
l)r, C. It. Jlloyd ilep.irteil for
Cmpiillr, Southwestern )ir(jon,
Monday evening,
Ahrahaui Itciehen, of near
Peaveitnn, ealli'd oil the, Arus
the last of the week.
Roy Sehuliiieiii'h, of South Tu
alatin, was in the county seat I li
day, Junking over the town.
). Cruu ksh.iuk, of (iastou,
iuterestril ill registered dairy
stock, was down In llillshoro
Had l'step, who has heen con
tiiird In his room for some time,
is able to jji t up town on n pair
of crulrlien.
I'.. W'ii hold, who bought the
II irlrampf place formerly known
as the Pheasant farm, near She f -llin,
was in Ihe city Saturday.
Kind Stabler, for years in the
dairy business, near Helhaiiy,
now slarlinjx n poultry yard of
Ihe A I class, wns in tow n I'riday.
tiny ll.ithorn,' who is in the I'.
S. Navy, returned last week, af
ter a visit with his parents, (ieo.
Ilathoril and wife, of mar Lau
rel. Mr. and .Mrs. V. Dahl, of the
River Road, I'armintitoii, have
moved to Pnrtlanil, having sold
their farm In W. ls.Maxwell, lale
of Idaho,
Wanted -lteef enltle, hiifS and
sheep. Will pay best price for
irmiil si il IT. Phone lleavei ton.
Mail a.blress, W. W. Millar,
Rredville, Oreffon, J18D5
Lou II. Shirley has taken a h
si! inn as sealer for the S. P. un--b
r Uuiih Rogers, He takes can;
of the Wedberg and Hurhurt
eamps, near Timber.
Taken l'p -Yearling; heifer,
full black. Owner prove proper
ly, pay adv. and keep nnd take
same nwav. - Herbert Sahnow,
I'oresl drove, Ore., It. .'IS O
I'red Reverman, formerly of
Cenlerville, now in eharij;e of the
Sales Department of Wnketiehl,
Tries "t Co., Pnrtlanil, was nut
Thursday cvciiiirn, a jjuest nt St.
Mallhews' Reetnry.
l or Sale Dr. C. R. Rloyd, on
Maple St., fool of Third, has
about .'100 lbs. of first-class Fran
(pielle walnuts for sale nt .'11
cents Per lmund, Fine, well-
cured, and splendid llavor, 4(f
deo. ('. Patterson Is out on
crutches, after bcinii eonfincd tn
his room several weeks with his
broken lejr. lie went to Salem
this week In be examined by the
Slate Industrial Accident Com?
Machine Shop I have opened
Ihe ISloyd Machine Shop, on Ma
ple St., foot of Third, and um
prepared to do all kinds of ma
chine work; lal hiutr and shaping,
and repairs of heavy nnd light
machines. Satisfclion guaran
teed. I.. R. Ingles, llillshoro,
Ore. S0-41
Peace Restored to the World and
Family Fears are Allayed
Hearthstones Have a Clow Un
known at Last Day of Thanks
Thanksgiving in the year of our
Lord l!HS has a Migiiilicance iin
parallcllcd since the great war
started. Peace has been declared
or at lenst lioslililii n have ceased
and il is hut a ipiestiiiii of time
until our hoys who have been
fighting on Ihe front, ami who
are in the army cantonments get
tint: ready for the fray will In
hume. W hile they are not here
this Thanksj.'i ing Day, they are
here in spirit, ami American
hearthstones are today fi-t-I in u
the war in III of peace. The chill
of anxiely In an exlenl has been
w armed by cessation of the ulay
iug which has here and there
1 1 1 1 1 1 li 1 1 boiiics.
Thanksgiving dinners this year
will taste the heller for world
I'liuilitious and the great change
in the mouth.
We all wish the lads were
home, but the knowledge of safe
ly means much, anyway.
To those families who have
known sorrow, and who have our
heartfelt svmpathv, one run only
extend tn them that silent rondo
leiii'e we all feel, ami express our
pride in the fact that their sons
have passed that the world might
he made a safe place a noblr
Try the Argus, $1.B0 per year
C. C. Nelson, of II.uoii.'i. drop-.
jicd into the county seat the last
of the week.
Fuimett Quick, the auto livery
man, has just recovered from nn
attack of the llu.
Andrew Pierson, of Reedville,
was grilling friends in town
Saturday afternoon.
W. O. (ialowny, of Washing
ton County Hank, nt Hanks, and
(ireen Walker, the oldtimer, were
Argus callers Saturday.
For Sale 60 tons of mangel
beets and stock sugar beets for
. . , i ... . .
ilairv cows. i onni ii iirown.
llillshoro, Minter llridge, J. C.
Hare ranch. 37 !)
James Jackson, of east of
Oreneo, was iii the eitv Friday.
las. was one of the few who last
Spring predicted the close of the
war before? t hristmas.
Dairy Cows for Sale Your
choice of ten cows, four of them
just fresh; balance fresh soon.
I'red .lossy, Hanks, Ore., K. .'1.
Tel. N. Plains, 1 U'2. .'Iti S
1 1 is estimated I hat several
hundred Christmas packages ad
dressed lo the hoys in France
w ill not reach them, ns many w ill
pass the addressees on the way
For Sale Eight head of pigs,
eight w'ceks old; good sized and
healthy. Frank drecner, Hills
ho in, R. C; ,1 miles .southeast of
llillshoro, across the Rood
Bridge. !l'-8
W. N. Harris, with (he North
Const Power Co., dropped a man
hole lid on his foot the other day,
breaking two bones. Ho is now
enjoying an enforced vacation
and incidentally drawing mon
ey from Ihe Slate Industrial Ac
cident Commission.
Want to Rent Small ranch,
10 tn -H) acres cleared; must be
near good school nnd not far
from rail lines; want fair build
ings. Will pay raslurent; or will
rent larger farm on shares. J.
D. Xickell. Sherwood, Oregon.
R. 2. 37-0
Roy Shiedel, of this city; John
Frost, son of Co. Supt. Frostj nnd
Tom Todd, of Forest drove, nil
with the U, S. Navy Hand, nt
Bremerton, enme over with the
organization to witness the Navy-Army
team football game nt
Vancouver Sunday, nnd came
out to spend Thanksgiving week
with their parents. .
Talk about walnut culture
about seven years ago Dr. C. R.
Blovd top-grafted a black walnut
tree in his yard on Maple Street
with F ranquettes. I his year h
harvested 12S pounds of fine
Franquettes, and nt .IS cents per
pound the crop would ytcM ne-ir
ly $150. This is some returns
on the investment. His daughter,
who has a place newly acquired
from the O. & C. lands, on the
ridge, above North Plains, in
tends putting in several acres of
walnuts, ns the high land is iilenl
for their culture.
House to Rent Third Street
J. A. Imhrie.
Clydi5 I). Jones, of south of the
river, was in Friday.
Tgny Sinay, of lilimrniiig, was
in town the first of the week.
(ieo. I Linus, of Moiiiilaind.ile,
was in the city the last of the
(i. F.ssrier and family, of above
Moimtainilalc, were in town Sat
John Koch, of above Blooming
transacted business in the city
Flowers for funerals and other
occasions. Jiergen lloral Lo.,
llillshoro. 32-tf
John Sihaer, of above Moun-
taindale, was a county seat caller
Trcpbon Dierecks, of the
Hanks country, was a city visitor
the last of the w eek.
Miss Wilma Waggener, of Pa-
eilie I'nivcrsity, was here over
Sunday, the guest of her sister,
Mrs. O. B. dates.
Mr. nnd Mrs. P. I. Lillegard, of
near Laurel, were city visitors
Monday morninir, comiii'r in on
gal business.
Mrs. Clay Freeman is conva
lescing from a severe attack of
purumoiiia. She has heen at tin'
Smith Hospital.
Sergeant Claude McCurdy i-
now at Camp F'nslis, Vn., with
Ihe heavy artillery. He was pro
moted a few weeks ngn.
Alfred Morgan, with the U. S.
Vavy coast patrol, was home last
week for a day or so, the guest
of his mother, Mrs. Henrietta
L. J. Crops, was down the last
of the week on a circuit court
ease, and says his section is thro
seediiiir, with more Winter grain
sown than usual.
Win. Behrmann, of Blooming,
was an Argus caller Saturday
evening. It lie ones not soon
buy a place here he will take a
trip up to the Idaho country.
A. W. Walker, of South Tual
atin, was in town Saturday. He
has beard nothing from his son.
Charles, since he received word
that he was slightly wounded.
Those desiring drv slabwood,
four foot or 16-inch, four foot fir,
10 inch fir, or coal, notify us at
once. Prompt delivery. II. D., Tel. 2477, res.; office
642. tf
Late potatoes are, after all, a
pretty line crop in the highlands
ml bench lands of the district.
I'he tubers grew up to within a
frw days ngo. and some of them
are monsters in length.
D. II. Wille rs, of Oak Park,
i, i i it?
was a city caller iuonnay. ins
son, Walter, of the U. S. Navy,
leaves today for his ship, the
Huntington, at New 1 ork, after
a month of shore h ave.
Four foot slab wood, nfte.
Sept. 1, $2.75 per four foot cord ;
sixteen inch wood, $3.25 per
cord. Place your orders at once.
(. II. P. Lumber Co., South
Third St., Telephone 942. tf
Mr. and Mrs. F.rnest Kirk
have arrived from F'.astern Ore-
gon. ilr. Mrk is me lessee oi
the place, northeast
of town. Mrs. Kirk is a daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. M. Hoy.
E. I. Kuratli has his office in
the llillshoro National Bank
Building, up-stairs, Main St. en
trance. Real estate, loans, Insur
ance, insurnnce of autos, etc.,
Conveynncing. Notary Public.
llillshoro, Or. 80-tf
Robt. Thompson, of Cedar
Mill, came in Monday with the
money his district put np for the
Cuitcd War Drive. lie nnd his
issislants collected a nice sum on
lection day, and soon put old
Cedar Mill district over the top.
Bert Fleischhnuer nnd daugh
ter, Miss Alice, were in town
Monday, enroute to Portland. He
hrot the news of his son's death
in action, Sept. 28. Walter went
across with the 91st division in
July, landing nbout the middle of
the month.
A hunch of Mexicans and their
w ives were sent here by the S. P
last wefk for work on the rail
road roadbed. There were quite
a number of children in the out
lit, and they were, after all, bet
ter dressed than one would ex
pect. A Mexican foreman came
w ith them.
Claude Johnson, formerly of
I'nrminirton, writes the Argus
from Bend that they have been
having splendid weather up there
Ihe coldest morning su far being
28 above. lie is located on the
Bend and Burns Highway, nnd is
close to good fishing, nnd invites
the Argus up to try some of the
big fellows.
10 11012,680 if,
Oregon Eggs Sell at 88 Cents in
The Dalla Prune Packers Sell
3V2 Millions lbs. Prunes
The Willamette Valley will this
1 all ship for government use ov
er 21,000.000 lbs of dried prunes.
Oregon highway construction
and irrigation projects to go
M.'irhhfii Id Six more wooden
ships under const ruction here.
State highway commission
plans to emptily 2ISK0 men in
Sinnptrr Valley railro.-nl order
ed to supply 1000 cars for
Chrome ore.
Portland Rubber Co. w ill erect
new factory buildings.
.Hood Rivcr--Toiinage apples
shipped to dale, 400 ears.
Corvallis Oregon eggs sell in
Oakland, Cal., al SS cents a ihr.
en. List of Oregon-made goods In -
ing niaile tor housewives.
Kusrrne -- Vencta Lumber Co.
will build logging booms 011 Co
yote creek.
October Hank clearances show
gain of $57,48.'l,000 over Oeto-
icr, HI 17.
Pendleton Government asks
I'matilla county for 170,000 acre
increase in li)l! wheat.
Oregon crop report shows fa-
voralile eonililions, winter wneai
promising, potato yield .satisfac
tory, apple crop good, pasture
conditions best in years.
Astoria October lumber car
goes totalled 13,000,000 feet.
Linn ton Columbia Engineer
ing works launch topsail schoon
Klamath Falls New $50,000
concrete flouring mill completed.
Hood River State building
70-foot bridge approach.
Salem I'mbargo on prunes
lifted, and 18,000.000 lbs will go
to F.nglnnd.
Corvallis Car of agricultural
hue arrives here from State
Lime plant.
Dallas Polk Co. com show to
he held here December 13th and
Hilfwav Local man ships 13
cars ca ttle worth $30,000.
Portland public schools to gel
2, 825,1-70 appropriation in 1919.
Dalles prune packing plant
here to supply United States gov-
rnment with 3.500.000 Ins.
l'.iiircne- 317 boxes pears were
shipped from here; sell for $1.-
1 IL3!.
Try the Argus, $1.50 a year.
Jonas Moliae, of near Reed
ville. was transacting business in
the city Monday.
l'iudlev Mel end. of Gaston.
was down to the county seat the
ast of the week.
Thos. Ilenton, of near West
Union, was in the city .Saturday,
greeting friends.
Tor Sale Twenty head Shrop
shire ewe l.inihs. Win. Ross,
llillshoro, Ore., R. 1. 3S-10
Reny Delplanehe, purchaser
of the Il.ittrampf place, near
Shellliu, was in town Friday.
,1. T. rowel!, of Umatilla and
working for the O. W. R. & N.,
came down the last of the. week
and spent a few hours in llills
I'red Ennes, of near Ranks,
was down to the city the first of
the week. Ennes is ranching
these days, taking a rest from his
old occupation of logging.
Agates cut and polished. All
kinds on hand, suitable for
Christmas presents. Call and
see w hat I have in stock. Fran
eis Cota, Ki75 Fir St., llillshoro,
Ore. 37-40
Jock Vanderzanden, of V y,
was in Saturday. Van has been
a busy man this Fall, with road
work and running a big tractor
on his farm and neighboring
For Sale Having bought a
tractor, have four or live gooii
lu'.n'v work horses for sale. J.
Super, Haw thorne ranch, 3 miles
east of llillshoro on the Oreneo
..,,..1 8(5-8
Mr. ni.,1 Mrs. Ceo. Schulivicrich
of Creswell, arrived in the city
the first of the week for a visit
with relatives and friends. They
will remain until after Thanks
giving. Geo. has just concluded
a wild goose, hunt up the Colum
bia River,
Uillsborc, Cornelius and North Plains
Wholesale and Retail Dealers In
Grain, Hay, Flour, Feed and
Grain Bags
Car-lot shipper of POTATOES and
ONIONS. Grain chopped or
rolled at any time
Lumber, Shingles and Lath
Beaver State Flour
The Best Flour at the Lowest Prices.
Telephones; Hillsboro, Main 14,
Cornelius, City 1515, North Plain, Main 263.
Will soon lead from Portland to
the splendid
Beaverton - Reedville,
Acreage ...
Many choice small tracts on sale.
Splendid train service morning and
evtuing into the city. Buy your little
home before the big raise comes.
102 Fourth Street
Res. 411 Rodney Ave. Phone East B9
Let us move you into Portland. No charge for traall
Long Distance Moving and Heavv Hauling.
Office with Riverview Auto Transfer, 871 Taylor St. Phone:
Main 5208; A 8110 Also buy cattle, hogs, sheep, etc.
W. 0. Donelson
Calls attended night or day.
Chapel and Parlors.
Hillaboro. - Oregon
We Have the Neatest and Most Complete Stock of
In the City of Hillsboro. We do repair
work in first-class work and our charges
are always reasonable ::::::
icr rvxp xt 7r a TVT
Main Street i
he Old RelifcUe
The Hartford Fire ? ir
anee Co., is the first and rnly
Co.that offers Farmeis.Fro
dueers, buyersandShippersof
live stock absolute frvtec-
Stion against loss of your
stock by death of any cause.
See, Phone or Write to John
Vanderwal. Airent. 774 8th St..
Phone Main ,.03. HilUboie, Ore.
and Optician
Hillsboro, Oregon