"i mi! liii nifuMMBi B08?C Lira VOL. xxv II ILLS BO RO, OREGON, NOVEMBER 14. 1918 NO. 3(5 MILLS John Kowlnir Wipe Out Stain of Father, John D. Rocl.tir (iKEVV TO FINK MANHOOD Died in Ohio, Buried tit New Kichmond, Wi., With Honor Julilt Hum I. lir, htil'll ill i IiIUIiih i), ami Mi ll k ii i vv II a (i li 1 1 It' ft linn, Mas Imrii tl nilli military Illinois ill Ni Km 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I , ... I.r.l llliilitli, ll.'Mllly i i i I In llii- srn H i uf hit country id ii rniiii. Hi vwis enlisted in !Hh Co., l.iHlli TritiniiiH l!riailc, ( iiiiii Slur iiiiiii, (Hun, mill iliiilli hiis ilnr In illvi ii-.r colli i-acli (I lit camp, Thi' entire city lurncil nut In yollitft 11im lair's obii-ipiic mill Ittii of tin- eh ray paid tin1 iri v is I f ii kIiiuiiik 1 ii I mi 1 1' . I'riini tin' kindly Kuril') ) m i U 1 1 tin- yniinsf m ill must hate ki'iimii to it hplcu- 1 1 1 1 inaiilinoil, worthy of tiir lnuli est respect mill fslccin nf tbe 1 1 ii 1 1 1 1 1 ii 1 1 . He wilt in tlir ol it 1 1 1 1 r i l ls-, 'l lii- 1 1 1 him- (iii.mli f.irilli il tin1 i-scorl, nil. I In' ;ih kWiii tin- military honors. C till' subject of Miprt'liif N.lcrilit e, tun' of I In clcrjj v mi ill .' "This iiflrriiniiii vi- li.-ivr be fore us tin' i aii lil r. m inis of a true mnl 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 m ill ln yavc to t In- tuition tin- lu st In li.ul. I.ii it if lir ilitl in l ili' on tin' hiitlli In hi. sliii ki-ii hy the enemy's bulb I or swiml, yrt rl iss loin .iiiion:; tin I . I i in. I tin' trin-. Mr heard the rail of 4 his Million mnl wilil forth .i Serve.' Our yoiinit inru Ini make llii- snin no N ii riliir uill liol be fortrotti ii. No Ioiiki r uill e look to Krai I, (.lin i' or l!o In. for t iiniph s nf liirniiiii, ill ue fon;i l tin' ashes of our brine ilrftinli ti who nrr s.-t iny: tin' world's freedom in llnse il.tlLi ,t hours? No tin- lory of f.une is unit ini." Till' deceased soldier Mill 11 soil of tin- Int.' John 1, Itosrbiir, who is remembered here for thr rniii inissioii of ii crime for which he paid his life. Tin' win has re deemed (lir family ll.'lliii'. WOOTEN WRITES I.tiw rcnee Woolen, with I'nrl S.'iui m Irtnspoil service, w riles thr Armis under I j t of Nov, ;!. iifli-r bt inir across to France, Mini in.iilim; front New port News, Ya. "ihtii' just received i 1 i w Ii I roi irs of lin- Argils mnl notice run si. I. table t -hanite in regard to the li ii ii 1 1 m-r of im n under colors hillt'C HIV ill pai'llll'l'. I im I !l fl nf tin' hoys occasionally trniutf im rsi'iis mnl inn always t(i-.ililii l to im i t thrill anil ask ahoiil thr Oregon comilrv. I certainly rnjoy riinliillZ thr I in T its iinynni' wonlil ii f I it liol lirinit in the llillshoro country for n yriir. I lunr srrvcil oil one of I'lti lr Sam's larnr mnl nio-.l jit'oiniiii'iit Ininspoits for 'ilil nionllis, anil lunr mailr as many trips across the poinl. Hoping; that III! future wc are looking r . II" I ami iiuii 1 1 1 1 1 K 1 1 U' lor is inn uir on . i sinrrrrly, l aw rciiie A. Woolen, U. S. S. Tciuloros. N. Y. NO TRESPASS Jackson liol loin, coverin inn Wooil overllow Innih I lie mnl thr ovrrlliiw laiuls on the J. ( Hare ami Hie John Jensen pliieei are umliT lease for huiil i...r iiiii-linsrM Mini II II llllllllTS ail' lirrrhr warnril In keep oil' am Hiive.li'oulile, s UPPOSE you the trenches what it would mean to you to come out and run into a full-fledged good old American baseball game? The ship ments of baseballs sent to France would make a line more than two miles long if they were laid side by side. The athletic orders placed by the war work agencies are the largest in the history of sport Keep the boys' spirits high and they will tend to the Kaiser. Get behind the UNITED WAR WORK CAMPAIGN A. Thorny, nf llalrinh, wan ill low ii Friday, ,.. t ..I t. .. .. I IKS lor .tiilr ll. I,. liar Hill Jiuio. I'liniir 21177. IISOII, ;i5-7 J. J. Si IiiiiiI kr, nf ahove Moiiil I. urn I. ii. , w as in town Monday. I'lowcm fur fuueriiU and olher oeeiisinim. Ilei'cll Mural (!o., HilUhuro. U2-tf 1 rank lin Thatcher, of above Fiiresl (irovr, wait Krri-tiiiK fin mis ju the huh Tiirnday. Li-lust (iiirllrr, nf J ,ii 1 1 r I , was ill tuwn Muinl.iy, ri i lin f in ml , He I. purls hi .in r dink hliouLin m ar Srlio)s. I'ur S.ilr (iiuid l'urd ear; nil in lire.it. 1'rlce rif(ht.- If inter ested, write "New -Tires," rare AriiN, Ilillnhoro, Ore. .15-7 )iim-e, at Mouse H ill, Hillslio ro, Saturday niht, Nov, liilli. (in. nl music ami a ood time as siired. F.verj hody invited. Wanted : I w ant lo huy Miinll pulatui s or other ho) feed. Will call for saiiii' and tiring my ow n sucks. Write A. C. Sellers, llox '.' i:i, Hilhthoro. J. hopliu, of Itkirsl (irove, was mi Arjiii ealh r Tucmluy. Mr. koplill sllll owns Ills (illhloll nun li, mid orrasion.illy f'ls lulu sunn- for thr himple hfr, Aiiluir Spir.ssrliurrl, of the l'nuj;nr place, m ar M uiiiilnin-il-ilr, was in (own Monday morn iiK ' ll"p! frirml.s mid paying his n sprrls lo the family paper. l or Sale - llilil head of pigs, I'if-hl Wirks old; fooi hird and lu allhy, I rank (irrrner, Hills liorn, II. ft; UlileH Koillhetlht of I lillslioi'n, across lilt- Hood liiiile. 3li-H W in. kerron, of mar C'etlar Mill, was a tily caller Ihe lirt of lin- weik. In the old days ker roii was a pit lly good jmle of ood lioi'selli sli, and he isn't ,s.i slow yet. For Sale Ahout HO head of pif?s, over ti weckil old, about tfl.fiO caeh. Also registered l)n i'oc Jersey boar for nervier. ('has. Kplcr, Cornelius, lioutt: i. .riioiie iifi Hill Line. 5 7 W . T. kerr, of Cjaslon, was in town the lir si of Hie wt-ek, rli rotite to 1'orllainl with a truck load of porkers for the Ho.sc C'ily markets. W. T. nay a there has bt en some mighty good tluek slniulini,' up his way this Fall. V.. I. Kuratli lias hit olhce in the llillshoro National Bank llnilding, up-tairs, Main St. en trance. Heal estate, loans, insur ance, insurance of autos, etc., Conveyancing. Notary Public. llillshoro, Or. 80-11 Mis. Albert Lincoln, of Inver ness, Mont., is here this week, -pi mliinr a few days w ith rela livcs and fin mis. Her brother, )r. Frederick Haas, of I'ortlaml, passed away last, week from an ittiick of Flu, and she came do.vn In attend the funeral. Machine Shop- - I have opened ihe liloyd Machine Shop, on Ma ple St., foot of Third, mid am prepared to do all kinds of ma chine work; lathing and .shaping, mid repairs of heavy and light machines. Satisfction guaranteed.- L. It. Ingles, llillshoro, Ore. 3-H John Ociiuis, who is at Never stil, was over to llillshoro Mon day afternoon and evening just coining to lake part in the peace celebration. John says that "Vic tory" looks good lo him. Dennis ,av's that the logging camp where I... it In cli.ii'ire had two Kaiser sviiio.itlii.crs mil to rout Ihe oth ..V ,l,n- and Ihev left cnmi with out their cft'ccls. had been a week in can' you imagine Ilillsboro, Oregon Armistice Sinned1 at Stroke of 12 in the Morning GERMAN EMPIRE NO MORE Devastated Europe in Throe of Revolutions as to Central Empire The ( ii riiian Fmissarirs signed the aiticles of armistice, iineniidi tiniial surrender, at lite stroke of iHrlvr Muniliiy morning, 1'aris time; and hoslililirs ceiisi il at II a. in. Word reached Hillslioro 8l seven o'clock, Portland time, ami by 7:.'I0 o'clock the city was celebrating with the ringing of bills, blowing of whistles anil si mis, ami a parade was furiiieil by Ihe business men. Fit ry noise making device which could be pul into in lion was coinmauilecr ed, and bearded (i. A. It., busi ness men, young men, w muni and tit-liool rliil.ln-ii were soon piirad ing the business streets. Fiiiper nr Wilhclui, i'.mperor no more, tin' cause of the great world cat astrophe, wilh the Crown I'rinee ami his Iliads of the war parly, lied lo Holland, arriving llirrc Siniday night at 7:15 Paris time. The release of the great news was given out from the White House so thai by sit or seven o'clock every city with a tele graph line in the great republic was the recipient of the wonder ful news. Mayor Wall notified the pub lie that a celebration would be In hi in al I) :U() the afternoon, beginning I A big parade was form-1 i ll, ami promptly nt .i ..iu n swung into the Main Street inter section al First. Prior to (his Forest Grove's auto parade ap peared on Ihe scene, and lltert were nearly 100 machines in line. Itiilsborn's parade was headed by tin- Iowa Hill Laurel Hand, com bined, with the State Militia Co. following. Then came the Honor (iuard girls;. Then came Mayor Wall with the City Fire Dept. out fit . ( has. koonti! driving; the decorated autos followed, with I 1 ....... 1 ..I ,1 ... A II two kaisers' tied ami enroute for execution. These elligies wen burned on the big bonfire nt 7:30 in Ihe evening. After the parade the crowd ndiournetl to the courtyard. where Mnvor Wall called them to order. After a few prelimi iiarv remarks, short niiilrcsscs were made by Hr. F. A. llailey Win. (i. Hare, L. A. Long, Hev .1. T. Anderson and Charles E. Wells. After the sneaking, at about (0, the Slate Militia and many milos wriil to l orest I. rove ami liiradcd around the civ. It was t r nl v a dav of sini iiinl relief for evervoiie. All busi ness houses were closed, and la infers and employes were told to lay off anil celebrate in the af ternoon. J. C. Lanikin and M. V Lincoln were the color-hearers or the dav. Ihe celebration contiiuieil m the rveniiiL' and e osed Willi n big dance nt the Moose Hall. Flit" pence terms mean evaeiia lion of ISclgium and I ranee; sur ruder of Alsace-Lorraine ; loss of Herman South Africa; tiiriiin over to the Allies all big gun: Mien iir.ictic.'illv !H) per cent of war supplies, the breaking of Hit great lierman navy and enliri Ikai'iii.iiiii-nt. Meantime the K :i i- si r lias lleil id jioiianti mr in . i . ii H ...1 I-. Hindy ami the ( row n Prince and the other sons are with the once royal daddy. It eMH'cled Unit the Allies will call oi- them am that llollaml will turn Iheiti over without ilisptit Thr two veterans of Ihe ( ivj! VA'.ii- reminders of the tune we had our naslv family unpleasant ss --M. C. Lincoln, of the (. A R., and Postmaster J. I . l..'imkin. wilh the Confederates in the six ties, carrying the Stars mid Stripes with a fervor as strong as n,,,. .l.iuiililiiiv in France, was a spectacle of interest, anil the Ar gus hopes they will live many i-...,i.y The next bur paratle we . : . ... ., have we are going to nave uieui joined by veterans of the Spanish War and the war just closet!. John Olson, of Cedar Mill, was in town Saturday. O. W. W'hitmore, of Chehalrm Mountain, was in town Friday Mrs, (ico. S. Johnson, of South To al. it in. was a city caller th first of the week. Increase your production per mnn nnd save inoncv thro less hiring by using the Slolinn Hni versal Tractor. See John Wun tlerlieh, llillshoro, one door south nf Teleohone Central, or at hi Banks otllcc. 28-tf John Mer., of Helvetia, was in town Friday. J. F. Carstens and C. (). fiulii way, of Hanks, wen; down Tues day on court biisinrss, P. I. I.illigard, of Laun l, was . . ....I III Hie roiinty seal .atiiMiv. Ilrrbrrt Sahnow, of Vi rboort, was an Argus caller r riii.-iy. Ilriiry -Miller, of below Witch Hazel, was in town Ttirsilny, arid :i I In on the .rgus. Mr. ami Mrs. Fretl Jossy, of above North Plains, on the lien ( 'orneliiis place, were city callers I'liesiliiV. For Sab Several head hogs, mnl 150 lbs eacli. F. II. l!owl by, Cornelius, Ore., ft. 2. Phone J.'JlttiS, llillshoro. .'I t (I ( has. I'ulli It, engineer mi thr P. It. - ., went to Portland I'tusilav to visit his dauglilrr. who is rrportrtl ill. Dairy Cows for Sale Your rlioice ol ti n cows, lour ol tin-in just frrsh; balance fresh soon. -Fred Jossy, Hanks, Ore., It. .'1. Tel. N. Plains, 1 H'2. 3(5-8 llruee Schiilmerich anil wife visited with the J. H. Colliers, Sunday, liruee is just cnuiplet ing his big tlraiuage ditch on the ( id lir r ranch at Srholls. Wanlrtl lieef cattle, hogs anil sheep. Will pay best price for goml hi ii ii . l none jicavenou. Mail address, W. W. Mellar, Heedville, Oregon. 35-35 Halpli ll.'ililian, who sueeeetletl lo the old reliable Ilannaii store al lluxton, was down lo the coun ty seat Monthly, joining with the "rioting" over the peace news. Four foot slab wood, aflr. Sent. 1, $2.75 per four font cord : sixteen inch wood, $3.25 per cord. Place your orders at oner. 0. H. P. Lumber Co., South Third St., Telephone 942. tf Farmers are certainly putting in the seed this week in all loca tions in the coiinlv where the and isn't too low, and with two . , , t i or lliree more nays oi seetiing conditions there should be a in :i imni it 1 1 crop of Winter wheat in MM!!. For Sale or Rent: Small place. ... , 1,1 w ell improved, goon nungmow . barn and oiilbuildillirs. Will si crops and all farm tools, team. vomer mule, fat hog, cow in milk. 1 doZi-n chickens, hay in ham, al so Ford ear. This place is located at Oak Park station, 200 yards from tleuot. Oreiron Electric; to minutes ride to Portland. . A Ooodmnn, llillshoro,' Ore, It. 4 Tel. llillshoro. U. 28tf ltev. A. H. Shaw, who has gon to Honolulu to take the pastorate of one of the Island Cliurchc: received word' before leavin skiug him to report at Camp I'avhir, Ky., as Army Chaplain. s nenee talk was in the air he 1 , , . .1 o ... .1. T iiroceeiieu to uic ainiwicn i lands, lint will return to Ken tucky in ease he is needed. Mr. Shaw and family made many friends while here who wish them . . . ,i. ... i'vitv haiiDiness in iiteir new mine. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Stuart lint son, reeemiy lit re irum ma . .i.i. r i l.. ho, making the trip overland, vis itrd a few days with Mr. truarts parents, A. (i. Stuart and wif. and then went on to Corvallis here thev are making their r, 1 it... .11 iniiie. i nev visiieu me ifiiim- tone National Park before com iiiir to liri'L'im. anil eiiruiiie inn . .1 i . i visited w ith Hoy Stuart and fam ilv, at Lakeside, Southern Ore gnu, who joined them on the tri up here. The Flu ban was raised the last of the week, and Sunday the hurehes had their usual meet niii's. I.ilieriy ineaire was aisu .t . nu .i l . open for evening theatre goers mil Taltv Arbuekle matlo his nil 1 1 ....... 1 visitation. Hie senoois o icueti Mnndav morning, but the stain , " .i i . ,i. . . . peile was so wuu over ine peat news that school was dismissed The young men and ladies want ed to get out and hurrah, and Sunt. Barnes eoiiclutlett it was i - wise to dismiss. F. W. Morton, the negro bar her on Main St., west of Second failed to close his barber shoj Monday during the celebration and Monday nnrht some one heaved n dojien bricks throng the front. F.verv pane in the front was broken., Sheriff Ales iimler is looking into the affair. Morton still has an unpaid fine imposed in Circuit Court, which should have been paid a couple of years ago. He is liable to cus tody at any time. As the fine ul timately would conic out of his wife, who is n first-class dress maker, Morton has had much len iency. His barber shop has never paid him. The damage to the building is if 1 5 or 'J0, ami a sun scripion will be raised to pay E OVER TOP IN STATE Eected Supreme Judge by Rea son of Several Candidates JUDGE COKE 2ND IN RACE Judge Campbell Carries Home and Washington Counties Ige Alfred S. I'ennrtt, ilrmo rat, and jurist bv right of intel t l and research, ha.s brcu t-lrel I Supreme Judge of the State of Oregon by a plurality over the publican candidates. Coke, ainpliell and Olson, the latter ing (iov. Wit hyeoiube's ap- luintee, were in the race and this in nl I i iiliril of candiilates gavr Irliiurratir t andiilatt: a b ad. iiilge I'm nm tt was late coming out, or he might as well have had ver il hundred more voles. He re he entered the race many mot-rats lined up with Judge Cniiiphfll in thi.-i .-iiiil Clackamas utilities - which Judge Camp- le II carried heavily and this meant a corresponding loss to the Wasco county jurist. Judge Ben nett is a former Washington Co. man. hailing in early days from (ia h s Creek. The ollicial vote for the county on state ami county ticket was finished Saturday bv fustiecs I). It. Wheeler ami F.'. X. Hurtling, assisted by B. W. Barnes. The vote is: U. S. Senator, Vacancy Martha A. Bean, Sue 598 Mulkev, Rep 3505 Senator, Long Term MeN'arv 2818 West 17!i5 Slaughter 250 Representative Congress Ilawlcv 38(50 .. 4 47 2831 17JX5 . 313 Falbert, Sue .-. ( iovernor Withveoinbe Pierce Ramp Treasurer HoiT, Rep 302 t Mason, dem 1331 Sears, Soe 20S Justice Supreme Court loluis. Rep 3187 I'.vans. Soe fi02 Justice Supreme Court ampbell, Rep 7fi(5 Olson. Rep : 242 Coke, Rep 01 Bennett, Dem 215 Attn rue v-Cie n e nil ( it'll, isrown, nep .3759 .. 478 Cannon. Soe Supt Public Instruction hurehill. Ren 3S9(i nsk. Soe - 471 Labor Commissionci ( irum. Hep - 389(5 417 Commission 3750 505 Xikuhi. Soe Public Service Williams, Rep Johnson. Sot Supt. Waler Division Cuitprr. Rep 3(i3o n,ir..-hol.er. Soe CO'-' Legislators Hare. Win. G 3751 Graham - - 3W U ,i,.. 323 t Countv J u flffe T. Y. Goo.lin. Rep 2H23 Stevenson. Dem isnu Commissioner I Cornelius - .() Sheriff Mexantler - (.. li wvi't Clerk Kuratli 37 S 2 Iteeorttt Fretl A. Everest .3870 Treasurer K. H. Sapiiinuton .3978 Surveyor C. G. Rciter .3743 Coroner Geo. J. Limber , 3"t Treasurer F.. T5. Sappm.Efton receiveil the highest vote east in the countv 3978. AUCTION SALE I will sell at auction sale ot tin Wilev Bam, at 1 :30 p. m., on SATURDAY, NOV. lfi. Farm wairon. 3Vi ; iti.se, 10 tlises. 18 inches diameter: John Deere va Ikimr plw, 14 inch; 50-to-th unile harrow, hack tonfftie ; SOO- lhs platform scales; 2 sets dou bletrees, iron bar. well wheel 2 grub axes, 2 shovels anr spades, set harness and collar. Terms $20 and over, six .,..,..il,j' limp, linnkable note, at 8 per cent. Under $20, cash. A. G. Johnston, Owner. J. C. Kuratli, Auctioneer. ,1. 1L Hanlev, Clerk. Mr nn.l Mrs. Wm. Johnson, of near North Plains, were city vis itors Monday morning. n.,n'i nverlonk the dance nt Hall. Saturday evening Nov. 1(5. A srood time it. and the finest floor in the county. EVEN organizations with just one 1 aim to serve yours to be with him from the time he leaves home till he gets back to back him up and to buck him up to do for him the very things that you would do if you were there. If s a big job, that It takes all that all of us can do, working together shoulder to shoulder, each organization looking after the part of the job that it knows best UNITED WAR WORK CAMPAIGN i - y - imp C. B. Buchanan & Co. Hillsboro, Oregon HARD SURFACE ROADS Will soon lead from Portland to the splendid Beaverton - Reedville Acreage Many choice small tracts ou sale. Splendid traiu - service morning and evening into the city. Buy your little home before the big raise conies. SHAW-FEAR COMPANY 102 Fourth Street Reg. 411 Rodney Ave. Let ub move you into Portland. storage. C. K. ROGERS' TRANSFER GENERAL HAULING Lonir Distance Moving and Heavy Hauling. WE HAUL ANYTHING TWO LARGE TRUCKS PROMPT SERVICE Office with Riverview Auto Transfer, S71 Taylor St. Phones: Main 5208; A 8110 Also buy cattle, hogs, sheep, etc. W. 0. Donelson UNDERTAKER' tit Calls attended night or day. Chapel and Parlors. HilUboro. - Oregon Hoffman Jeweler and Optician The United War Work Campaign means cheerful letters from over there. Give Rive to the limit. - A F0RTHt Cri& i B0YS t l ! that fighting- boy of PORTLAND, OREGON . Phone East 89 No charge for mall Old Relit L ie Hartford I i u The Hartford Fire Ir.s tr ance Co., is the first and rnly Co.that offers Farmeis.l'ro- Sducers, buy ersandShipperaof live stock absolute protec- tion against loss of your 1 stock by death of any t a.ise. 3 See, Phone or Write to John 1 Vanderwal, Agent, 774 8th St., h Phone Main .03. Hillboit, On.p The fitter the fighter the ; faster the finish. j Invest in morale throuEh the United War Work Campaign. Hoffman Jeweler and Optician .i 1 i i SI1UTE SAVINGS BANK