.-- mmm m i -r---w. i ffl ji F up a i VOL. XXV II ILLS BOKO, ORKGON, OCTOBER 31. 1918 NO. 34 gj il -".J.w,. , oSLLSBR flHD WINTER WHEAT ACRE AGE IS VERY LARGE Area of Fall-Sown Grain Greater Than Any Previous Year 1'KACTOKS lir-.l.P FAKMF.KS High Price of Cereal nnil Failure of Spring Grnin the C'juiw Tin' nerragr nf full sow 11 ln-.it pi'tnnises In eclipse any needing in llir history nf n -.hingl mi County, mill il U i hliinaliil lliil already the In lilt u ii, show on increase uf at haul ''() 'rr rrul. hut tiny preiious hciisuii. Tin' en use nf tin ii'iiilntry In fall solv ing is largely ilur, nf riiuru', In tin high price nf win lit fit rum parol Willi former years. On of nf this Mils llilili ll III!' fact I til I l!MS si 'ltnn u:h it had mil' mi splillg SOW II gmlllN, 'fin' f irm tractors have iiiulrri ally aided many liig f.iriinrs in getting Ihcir full crop in. ns llir triii'tnr rniilil iii.ilu headway no mutter what was t In' ci 1 1 I i I ion if: I lie soils. Again, tin season has bet n ninri' fivorahh for dr riling than fur snuir y i ars hist past, ntnl litis lias inlilril In llir ijr tin iiivh. I luinlri il-. of iii ru were ready for seeding by lasl Saturday eve ning mid rains stopped opera tion at llir liinr. Ninth nf 1 lillslinrn, liilttrtn In ri' mid Hanks ami Hillside llir sowing is away alirml nf other lo calities, owing In llir fait that many trarlnrs operate iu tli.it si r lion of llic coiiuly. If llir wtallir is anyways f noi -h 1 Jm- ! -I w i- i now and tin lirst nf Orceinl. r tlir outlook is thai old Wa.liln:' toll ( 'mi lily Mill h.U r a w lira I ha r v. -I in l!l!t that will make He nldi'sl si llli r sit ni and lal.r m tin. NOW LIEUT. RE1TFR Cnitiily Surveyor I'. G. ltriliT, who i nli .tnl wilh tin Kni inn rs, and Wi lli rast a few w. i ks urn. slalinnrd al I'll I slinrjf II. i. now a lieutenant. Hi w rilri A, A. Mur rill as follows : ")rar Mnrrill: Cell brat iug my liirthdn by wiilini: a Irllrr t" yon. Y'oiir last Irllrr slalril ill il vnn siippo.t d I would I' in camp hv lir tinir it n arlii'd , luil I' S'llll rnnld not c il lliat However, yesterday orders a v . came teiuhihi; nir a lirst lii nli n ant's iniuinissinii (I urn ( t 1 1 , nf rniirsi') and Inslriirliiitr mr I' iriiri I'ml ed In Salt Lake Cily, I I all. lluii'd as. mi Mill linr In inaki tin trip nliiiiisl ovrr naani. Anytliini; In to'' lln'Mivirr. hi i I w ill lir n my w ay Wnlnr . d.iy ni-ililmraniii!: 0 . '.'.'I) and a rriv r lit. I'- (HI llir 2"illl. I l' "lt In lln- rniiiinaiidini,' nlli'. r 40.'! rd Knilinrrrs fur tluly wliatrvi r thai n rnnx. Addn is mr :iM5 50 Main St., Salt l.akr Cily. I'lali. rair It. K. Wili-y, Cnlnndiian Opliral ('. II may liarn lhal 1 will 'rl a il.anri' In J.ri'1 I" llillslinm, in . Iii. lt i vriil I w ill . . yon. My vrifr arrivrd li. rr llir I'-'lh mi w ' I avr nnl had a vrry lrnirthv Msil. , Am rvrr vmr frli nd. .Indr,' Kinil ISrnrks, of South Tual i tin, was Monday ovrr to tin' rtuinly ral iiflirnoiill. Tnylyr rainr "'Vi r from llir'l.ist of llir wrrk In hoini' n Jew days, and all Winlrr. II: Whrrh'l I'i'iiiain jiiissilily Wnnl (Crnrral al (lirl or woman for lioii.Ht'H ork. (loud w agrs; family.- Addrr.HM, Hox fmir in K75, "' I'frnn. honr Ilillslioro, Of na-tf IMPORTANT NOTICE r All pertons who tubscribed for Third Liberty Loan Bonds thro this bank are hereby notified that the bonds are now here and ready for delivery. All persons who have interest coupons due on prior bonds taken thro this bank can get same by presenting the coupons. SHUTE SAVINGS BANK PROMPT : CONSERVATIVE : SAVE It. A. Wilhyriiiiibr, nf Soiilh Tualatin, was in Inwn Mnmlay. I'lrm Slianrr, nf Jolly I'liiins, was a rily rallrr 'liirxday innrii in (j.. Mr, nnd Mrs. J. W. (ionilin wrrr in frmii Nnrlh Plains, Sun day. I'm llnnlry, of lianks, wns iIiimii lo llir roiintv sr.it llir lasl nf lln wrrk. ('ahliai.;r for salr in ii; ipian lilirs. I . A, ( irrnhrnir r, Hills li.irn, It. 3. Trl. Hilt I. .'Ill J l!i II Tliiirnhrr of aliovr IShmiii inif, was a rily ralhr Monday. W'liilr in town hr paid tin Art'iis nllii'r a slimt visit. Inr Salr Two ri'ijislrrrd )u rnr -J i rsrv hiniid now s, rarh wilh litlrr. It'. A. Vilhyrninlir, Hills It u. r.. Trl. uiiitit. ;i;i n John Miiin r Sr. of il nalama, w as a rily visitor 'I'nrsd iy nioni ilifr, lir stys thr fariin rs hair had a splriiilid fall for their wnll.. I'nr Salr: Hm sr and ImuKy; (iniil urntlr driver; liu(.;f;y in IXmiil n pair. I". V. J.iu rki , Shrf lllll. Orr trl. .'t!llt'.', Illllsl.nru. .'Hi , Mr. and Mrs. ('. A. Wilsnn, rr n nl hi rrhasrrs of tin Carl Ni l son place South nf town, wrr. I lill.liiiro visit.irH Friday, ami calh d nil I he A runs. .'W Dr. I.nwi-, thr will known ryr sprrialist, will lir in Ilillslioro auain Saturday, Nov. lli, 'i In wise who llrrd fjlassrs v ill w ait for hint. Jar. K. Titylnr. for two year, w ilh lln Merraitlile, is now work in:: in Portland. Hr has limnjil n ".iih nee pmpefly there and w ill snnii timt e his family In the ltnse Cily. I'nr Sale Two registered Jer .ry y i . i r ! i m jt luiMs, nut nf line milking strain. - rij;ht fur irr 1 irr, K e l k in ill Pin-., mile 1 1 1 1 1 J l nf Shelllin; addrrfis, Cornelius, U.iutr I. :i'.'-4 I i i r n t . 1 1 1 ltrhsr, who has farm i d llir C, Pi hsr plarr al I'aliniil'i Inn for 10 rniiserul i e years, has ii tire d from tin plaee, and may letsi clscw licrr, or mine lo Port land. . I'nr ShIo Two rrgintrrrd Jer my hulls, 5 mm, old; St. Mawrs stork and out of ll, of M. I'omi, rlasH A. A., at ' jirirc if tnkrn nnn.- Rol.h Hros., F. O. 8, til. !ltXl. IW I'alhrr I.. I'.. I.rMiUer, Will known al Cedar Mill, Verbooil Hid I'.eai ei loil, has hei n commis .ioiu d a rhaplain in the I'. S. ar mi, and will soon Iran Ohio for Frailer. Inrrrnsr your production per man and mtve money thro less liiiini; liy using tin Molini llui versal Tractor. Sec Joint Wiin derlieli, Ilillslioro, one door noiilh of Trlrphonr ("rntral, or al his Hunks oilier. 28 tf S. II. Davis, of Itravrrlon, was in llir city Saturday, and railed mi Ihr Argus. Mr. Davis was for some lime the publisher of the Itraicrlnn Times. Hi son Lion is with It illrry A, I tTlh Firhl Ar lillrl'V, ill l'ranrr. I'.dar M. O'ltourk, of iMniiii laindalc, nllrndina: Ihr S. A. T. C. at Corvallis, has liern made a cor I in ra I, nnd liiehard Slantou, snn nf Alliert X. Slanlon, of Porllaiid, fnrinerly of Oak Park, soulhwrsl nf Ilillslioro, has hern made a srrurant Imglrr. F. 'J'. Kanr says he rounlrd rl even trarlnrs at work in Ihr in inliliiirnooil of his farm, Ihr oilier day, every one of the fjas maehines brinm at work pulling in fall fjrain. F. T. finished seeil iutf Saturday ni:(hl; hefore the heavy rain came. LI. OR. HSIRE SEISMS PAPER Amrricnn Daily Mail Says Ore gon Hoy Prove Mettle in Battle ADVANCE 5 MILES IN OPEN Unit Never Before Under Fire Fight Two Divisions to Standstill J.lriit. Dr. J. It. DiiiMiinr;, of Or Liiro ami llll.slmro, recently Hi nt the Aiih an edition of I i it- Paris Daily Mail, dated Oct. 2, and il reached Ilillslioro in just lit) dityn lifter it was published. l.ieut. Din.smorr write: "No place like Ori'Koii," mid tin; following rlip piiitf from thr Mail kIiown what they think of Oregon, nnd what Oregon can do under lire: "The great events in Cham pagne and in the imrth, in w hich the Americans take a vrry keen interest, have completely over shadowed their own efforts to the west nf Verdun. Vet it must be remembered that the Americans are playing mi important pari in the lifltliiig, even if this merely consists iu retaining opposite lo their sectors a certain number of (irriiian divisions that'niight'oth rrwisr In transferred to nny of (he now artivr fronts. "The A nieriemis, however, had no intention nf Kitting still, and there Is little doubt that the (Jer mans opposing theni are in tlilli culties. How well the Aiiierieiin have In i n lighting recently is il Inst rated by the w ork of n certain in it the majority of whose troops bail from Oregon. "This unit had never been un der lire In -fore -starling from jusl to tin cast nf V'aiiipinis. It astoii isbed the w hnle army by .nil am in if to the extent of 5 ' miles ill the lirst day of the drive. Vrry and I'.piuonville fell to il, while it met and tlefeated one of the (iiiards divisions n the way, and thru auaiii fought with nnolhrr Guards division held in support. "Apparently it progress was irresistible. It reached and fongltt mi that formidable system of de femes, the north Ilog.in Stt lluittr. and despite all the macliiile-giiil lire and counter attacks that the Germans in their desperation threw at il. held tenaciously to its gains, refusing to yield unythiii!; nndrr pressure, and only finally willidrawinu.il very short dis tance iu conformity with the rest of the line. "Yet its task Van far from ea sy. The men bad. to wade through the I'ois de Chi ppy and the Puis de Very, mid then ascend the slopes just south nf l'.piiiotivilb'. Thai liny, a unit without Ihr slightest experience, and . nunc ipiaiiited w ilh the sound of t Ind ict and shells, rnnld accomplish their mission w ilh surli speed and decisiveness forms a fine lesti inonid to Ibe qualities of the fighting men now arriving from America." RAISE MORE SHEEP Never was there such a demand for wool as at present. In I ! 1 T the V. S. imported hun dreds of millions of pounds ,from Soiilh America. Countries that l.ever shipped us a pound before shipped us millions of pounds. If all the wool raised in thr l;. k. wrrr suitable for military use, which it is not it would be rtiough for only half of thr 4.000.000 men we soon expect to have un tin arms. Civilian requirements will de pend for ix long time on shoddy nnd rrjeetrd army stork. Think of it ! Was there rvor snrh an opportunity to develop the wool industry in this stale. It means millions to Oregon. It means new industries and it means prosperity for thr fanners. In addition to men making a specialty of sheep raising on a lnrgr scale, every farm should raise its flock of sheep as n patri nlic duty. Get busy now, not next year. NO TRESPASS Thr thr Jackson lioltom, covering .ina Wood overttow lanils. nnd the ovcrllow lands on the C. Hare and the John Jensen lilaccs are under lease for hunt ing purposes nnd all hunters arc hereby warned to keep olT nnil uiit-ii trnnble. tV. F.. Riee, who farmed north of town for ninny years, now n .siditiM soulli of, Cnrni liu.s, w as city caller the lirst of the wrrk Wnnlrd: I want to bnv small potatoes or other hog feed. Will call for same and bring my own sacks. Write A. C. Sellers, Box i HI,. Ilillslioro. Dry slabwood for sale. I',, ll. I lodgdon, phone I f'2. 35 (', 11. Gonyo, of North Plains, was a rily culler Monday. Kriu st (iocttcr, of Laurel, was over lo the county seat Mnmlay morning. C. P., Hedge, of Iteiivrrloii, was a.i'oiinly sent caller tin last nf the week. 1 lowers for funerals and other orrasions. Pergeii Floral I'm., Hillhboro. 82-lf Frank Johnson, of Shady Ilrook, was n city visitor the last of the week. For Salr Hoilrr, engine, and shingle mill, in good shape. tt'rile. "Shingle Mill," Pox 8, Ilillslioro, Or. !l 2 4 J. V. Council has junl c. -eluded liisstdock beet harvest ami had over 2f0 tons slowed away for his Winter's dairy use. For &ue I'our head of thor-ough-brud IIolifteiiiH. Price $600 if taken before. Nov. 1. Ad dress, X, care Argus. 82-4 Herb mid Frank Sehulmcrieh. of Faruiington, were in the city Monday, wilh their "sou'w cslers" buckled against the storm. (Jen. M. Hunter, of North Plains, was in town Monday night, enrnutr to Portland. Geo. M. is now working on -war work in the Hose City, lis n gas engine expert. Those desiring dry slabwood, four foot or Ift-inch, four foot fir, 10 inch fir, or coal, notify us at once. Prompt delivery. II. D. Sclim.1t.er, Tel. 2477, res.; oflirr 42. If George Sehuln'erieh. of Crcs well, came up Saturday night and spent thr day wilh relatives. '.;niug In Arlington on his annual w ild gnose hunting t xpedilion. Geo. always gets a big kill of the Northerners. F-. I. Kuratli has his office in the Ilillslioro National Bank Building, tip-stairs, Main St. en trance. Ileal estate, loans, insur ance, insurance of autos, etc., Conveyancing. Notary Public. Ilillslioro, Or. 80-tf Iti . Jeplh i (iarriirus, one nf the lirst si tilers ill the West Dai ry Creek section was a city call er Monday, comiiiir iu from ovrr in W ashington Stair. Jeplha in tends getting located in Ilillslio ro in the near future. I.osl In Ilillslioro, between Kerr & Pick, its' shop, the John Vandcrw al corner and Spickcr's harness shop, coal, overcoat and laprobc; coat contained valuable papers. Finder please leave at Arirus olliee for Nick Schmidt, and receive reward. 33-4 Russell Morgan, son of Mrs. Henrietta Morgan, is a roommate of Purton Arrant, well known at Parilie University, and also in Ilillslioro. The young men are studiinir at the University of Washington, both being enlisU-d in the U. S. Navy. For Sale Several two-year registered Jersey heifers out of uisler-of-merit cows and bulls. irett to treslirn lrom iriiiiin a month to next Spring; also some hoicc yearling heifers out of the same It. ot 111. siock, nor. oreti. William Sehulmcrieh, Ilillslioro, Ore. ao-.t Orla P. Shrpard and Joseph Striekler, enlisted with the Tank Corps, commonly known as tin l imit nt hrnraile, started their iilislntent Monday by 'entrain tneiit tor licttvstnirg, l'a., where they will train running the big irinore.l Hun-Chasers. The boys leave full of "pep" nnl. spirit and hope to get across the pond in due time. J. A. Kirkwood, of Reedville, was in me eiiy nionuay. n ., If 1 Tf states tliat Ucc.lville came near having quite a (ire Monday morn ing. Mr. Olingrr, who runs the store, built a tin iu thr postotRer part, early in thr morning, and thru went upstairs to get Ins breakfast. When be came down stairs he found that the rear of the postotliee had about burned out. The. blaze was extinguished ind the loss amounted to but very little. Judge R. O. Stevenson, of Gales Creek, a few miles north of Forest Grove has not lost bis cun ning as a trnppYr. He recently caught a big bear, Bruin dressing 320 pounds.' Rob concluded, af ter he had eaten quite a few 'ba'r' steaks that it was pretty good war-time stuff, nnd insisted on Mrs. Rob eiinniim- about a hund red pounds of his heirship. This she did, but she swears she can bear the bir growl, even in thr cans. When peace is concluded Rob calculates to invite in a num 1 her of his friends nnd let them see the bear dance. SI Ballots to be Sent Out to Various Precincts by Sheriff Alexander BALLOT HAS 7 MEASURES Supreme Judgeship is Left Blank for Writing of Names General diction comes next Tuesday and it will he a legal holiday. Very little interest has been manifest in thr campaign, altlin the bin patters have been trying to get the voter to sit nil mil take notice. There are yveii initiative measures on the ballot. Tin: ticket for thr Supreme Judgeship is left blank for the va cancy caused liy .li,ile Moore s bath. The personal cnlnr nf the bal lot is: Short term L'. S. Senator .Martha Bran. Socialist. I red W. Mulkcy, Hep. Long term Senator C. I . McN.iry. Rep. Albert' Slaughter, Soc. Oswald West, Dcm. Member Congress W. C. Haw ley. Rep. Harlin Talhert, Sue. Governor Walter M. Pierce, Dun. B. F. Ramp, Soc. Jas. Witliycoinbe, Rep. State Treasurer O. P. Huff, Rep. David P. Mason. Dcm. Pauline Sears, Sue. . Justice Supreme Court II. W. F.vans, Soc. ('has. A. Johnson, Rep. To fill the vacancy caused by i alii of Justice " .?oore h ft blank. Attorney General- (ieorge M. Brown. Rep.-Dem. Pro. 1". I.. Cannon. Sue. Supl. Public Instruction J. A. -Churchill. Rep. Int , Augusta I.usk. Coos, Soc. Labor Statistics C. IL Gram. Rcp-Deni. A mr. Nik ula, Soc. Public Sen ice Commission John I'.. Johnson. Soc. Fred A. Williams. Rep-Dem. Supt. Water Div. No. I Max Biirifholcr. Lane County, formerly of this county. Percy A. Cupper, Rep-Dem. The County Ticket Representtatives Loyal M. Graham, F.. W. Haines. Win, G. Hare, all Rep- Dem. County Judge J. W. Goodin, Rep. R. O. Stevenson, Dcm. Commissioner J. W. Cornelius, Rep. Sheriff Geo. Alexander, Rep. J. F. Reeves. Deill. Can nt v Clerk II. A.' Kuratli. Rep. Recorder F. A. F.vcrest. Rep. Surveyor C. G. Relter. Rep. Treason r F. B. S.ippington. Rep. Coroner Geo. J. Limber, Rep. GARDNER AND WIFE VISIT Mr. and who were Mrs. ('has. Gardner, in chart;.' of the county farm, have been visiting at uos. bur!;. On their way down Soulli Ihev stunned at Portland ami went to visit their former charges at the Multnomah farm, near Troutdale, Thev found the old bovs a homesick lot, and asking to 'see Ilillslioro papers. Martin Grillin said he would like to get a glimpse of the Argus. When they reached Roseburg thev found Will Coulee sick wilh the Spanish Influenza. Coulee is, their son-in-law, and was former lineman for the Tillamook line here. Their daughter, Mrs. "Worthington, had n dauu'htcr ill from the same mal ady. Mrs. Worthington fell ill on; Wednesday nnd Mrs. Gardner had her hands full nursing the sick. Lost Three hladed, pearl handled jack-knife. Reward for return to Argus omce. E. W. Haines nnd C. II. . . , i Mey M on- iti. ot urovci.'lllil, wi re in day, during the storm. Train Wanted Want a good bloekv, sound, heavy team, 7 or S vears old. nut under 8100. Address Frank Greener, Ilillslio ro, Ore., R. 5. 32-4 Mrs. Martin SchWall. of Cen terville, was in the city Saturday, n guest of Mrs. Jos. Albert. Each latlv has a son in thr srrviee nnd is nroud of him. Mr. and Mrs. Schwall move to Mt. Angel this week. (Incorporated) Hillsboro, Cornelius and North Plains Wholesale and Retail Dealers In Grain, Hay, Flour, Feed and Grain Bags Car-lot shipper of POTATOES and ONIONS. Grain chopped or rolled at any time Lumber, Shingles and Lath AT CORNELIUS Beaver State Flour The Best Flour at the Lowest Prices. Telephone; Hillsboro, Main 14, k Cornelius, City 1515, North Plain, Main 263. HARD SURFACE ROADS Will sunn lead from Portland to the splendid Beaverton - Reedville Many choice small tracts on sale. Splendid train service morning and evening into the city. Buy your little home before the big raise comes. SHAW-FEAR COMPANY 102 Fourth Street Res. 411 Rodney Ave. - Let ns move you Into Portland, storage. C. K. ROGERS' TRANSFER GENERAL HAULING Long Distance Moving and Heavy Hauling. WE HAUL ANYTHING TWO LARGE TRUCKS PROMPT SERVICE Office with Riverview Auto Tran.ifer, 871 Taylor St. Phones: Main 8205; A 8110 Also buy cattle, hogs, sheep, etc. ,rW. 0. Dondsoii UNDERTAKER tit Calls attended night or day. Chapel and Parlors. Hillboro. - Oregon 1 We Have the Neatest and Most Complete Stock of JEWELRY and SUNDRIES... f In the City of Hillsboro. We do repair work in first-class work and our charges are always reasonable :::::: IF YOUR EYES ARE TROUBLING YOU, LET US FIT YOU TO GLASSES SCIENTIFIC EQUIPMENT. Jeweler Main Street i BUCHANAN & CO. SSiifltiiiiii PORTLAND, OREGON Phone East 89 No charge for small to Th (J l a Kent: l ie Hartford The Hartford Fire lus-trance Co., is the first and rnly Co. that offers Farmet9.Fro dueers.buyersandShippersof live stock absolute protec tion against loss of your stock by death of any (ause. See, Phone or Write to John Vanderwal. Affent. 774 ftth St.. Phone Main 103. Hilltboin, On.J and Optician Hillsboro, Oregon I