" ' mLri .mmUm ' iii" 1HE ri VOL. XXV HILLSBORO, OREGON, OCTOBER 21 1918 NO. 33 ILLSBOR Cliy MUST PA! CO. Public Service Coiiuniion St-ndu in Its Ruling Aj;ninitt City F.ACI! HYDRANT TO UK $3.50 Fact Thai Franchise Wan Pny fur Service Make no Difference Till' Public Senile Collllllissiilll nf I In- S 1 .1 1 1- of Oregon has made mi mill r In lake i 0 ill mi Not. I, I I S . w Inn ill III! ( ilV of Hills lnH'o, i i ii su el it i- uf ay ri mi ill f jk, mi (I franchise g i-tititi-il, must i.iv llir North ( nil .1 I'ottir Company 11. .Ill fur -1 1 1 hydrant ii -.i .l nr li 1 1 ' iiuli iliuii. If mini' li drauls should In' installed under 111', t linn nf llic ril v I In- per rust nf III il Hi III s Ill.'lV ,hc I. VI. ill. 'Iln I oiiiiiiission ill lis ruling, says: I liless additions mi' mailt In Iln- water supply mil t raiisioe, Sillll 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 t till' ill III! Ill', in i nil nf lire sen ii i' arising from llir n n ml inn ninl in null n i in i nf such i 1 1 1 1 ii i i I Mill iiol tan during llir normal ili v i liipiin nl nf ii iniiiiiiiitil v ninl m il i mi i il li i-il Mini iniulit In- cipiila lily ii, sesscd In I'nvrr these costs with nut regard In tin- iiuinU r of In tlrauts in ii'.r, Other t-nnl , in rlmliuu: IIiiim' ri luted In i'M i hs si.- nf ilislriliiiliiiii mains and In Iln- lildr.inls I IiciiiscIvch, (trillion- in. ul v proportional In llir liiiiiilu r nf emmet I inns and sliimlil In- covered by ii char!;'' per hydrant. Ill X lew nf llir pa llieiil i r coitili linns siirrniiiiiliiiu lliis instance, we lirlirvr llir llcfessilv fur Mil ll a tlilisiou ill llir rule is nut up preciable. Ilnth ilh isiniis of ru.l will lir assessed .'ttfaillst llir pres ent i-iililli-cttnils, mi ii per hydrant basis, ff ill t In- fuliirr tin' ill maud fnr .'iililil iniinl 1 1 ilranls warrants, llir "ralr" st riicl me sliimlil lir revised to rniisist nf a fixed haute In rover llir siipplt ami I rmisiiiissinii rusts, ami in ailililinii a per Indranl It .- i-ut ' I" rnvrr only llinse costs varviuif mi surli il liasis. Tin- valilr nf tin- properly lis siU'ii'ililr In Iirr sen ice ill it v present rninlilinii is, in tnir jinli' inrlit, f'.M.dHO. .anil ll fair rilr which llir City slioulil iav forllu iisr nf surli properly ami for llir payment nf llir rnsl nf surli sir s vice is fnr llir existing inslalla timi .'t ..".( nr hydrant per in. ml Ii. It is, then fore, unbred lli'.l llir North ('nasi Power Company lir ami hereby is mil hoiit d In ilisrnnl imir frrr hydrants anil water thi li fnr In tin City nf llillslinrii fnr tirr prnlretion pin poses, ami thai in lirii llirrcnf il shall charge fnr surli sen ice nl Ihr ralr nf .'l.fiO prr mnulli per hydrant linw riiniirrlril for said Cilv of I lillslinro. A rrlisniialilr ilalr fnr this or iirr In lirrnnii' rll'rrlir is Nov, I. HUH. CLAUDE C. NOLAND Clainlr Clrvi laiiil Nnlaml ilinl nl his liinnr nl IliO I'.ast 7!lli St.. Nnrlh, I'liillaml. Ortnlnr '.'I, lift nl '.'H rat's, II months anil fmir ilavs. I Ir was liorn at Cornrliiis, Or',.., ninl was llir son nf Ihr lair Nullum Nnlaml. lir Iravr n wifr mul ilaimhlrr. Of his inmiril iatr family hr ii survived ly the fnlliiwinii lirnlhrrs mid sislrrs--,1. S. and I'. II. Noland, Portland ; Mix. I'd. Hurry and Mrs. H. ,1. Suaril. I'nrtland. nlid Mrs. I.iila Merrill, of Cornelius. His father died a few days mi'), the nnliee lieiiijf in l'sl week's A runs. IMPORTANT NOTICE AH person who subucribed for Third Liberty Loan Bonds thro this bank are hereby notified that the bonds are now here and ready for delivery. All persons who have interest coupons due on prior bonds taken thro this bank can Ret same by presenting the coupons. SHUTE SAVINGS BANK PROMPT : CONSERVATIVE : SAVEJ WEDEKING WRITES Carl I.. Wrdi kinu. with Ihr I'. S. a y, uiiiler n ri lit ilalr u riles his iai nls, Julius Wril. Linn anil w ifr. of I'n avi rlnii, II. .'I "This has I ii a wonderful mul i Aril ill),' trip. We were 17 days mi the trip nver to llnr 1 1 11 1 1 x , I'rauer. Wr had a sliirui in I lie Hay nf liisea v, ami rihl after I In- ht 1 1 nil weir altarlud liy I' lirtats, w hit ll shnl tnrpeilni s liljlll mid left. They Mink twn of our i.hips riyhl lie fore our eyes. One nf tin in, Ihr Mniilaliiau, was within 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 1 1 K dislaiirr nf Us, and Ihr nthrr was Ihr Wrs! Iliid;;r, nf Srntllr. Our of llir suhs rami' In llir surface jnsl In Mil. I lis and (he uuiis frinii nur ships and nlh in literally hlew her In pieees. I ean Imt tell ynu nf llir rnmlilinns in I'ranrr. I foil ml thnr snldirrs w In mii I knew in ilillrrent pails nf I'lfinrr, 1 had a little aeeidi ul in tin li.nl. r mniii w hij h may i .iiisr me tn en aslmrr ill Ni W Vnrk. Sailiim llii'iui':h llir war 'inn is i iinii;h In rhaiu;e ri d hair tn w l.ilr. The old i si Alsi k' is rnlil mi' Ilh I. Milium! a si rateh. SiiIk . ul In lie opi ralin;; here, for lls O. S. rail e.iiiir nu r, I .in .hips liawn;; In en I iilpriliied it I .'id nf Us, so . t ehaii;;ril our eourse to avoid iheiu. I have several soinrnirs w Ii it Ii I will send jnu lad r." HERMAN TFAHL 1 1 rm .-i it I fit 111. son nf Mr. and Mrs. Carl Pfahl, died at Camp Whipple, Arinna, Oetnlier 17. from an attack of pm unimiia. lie hail jnsl lierii t raiisfrrrril tin r from Camp I'rriiiniit. whrrr In had liei n stalinned since August I. The day liefnre his parents ii rtived a li leurain aniumiieini,' his passinti away tiny received a letter from him, staling that he as iiiiprovinsr. Camp Whipple is mar I'rrsrnll. Thr rrliiaiiis re.iehi il here Monday aftermiun iml iiid riiu iit w as at Cornelius. Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. I'f.ilil hate the sympathy nf a lartre cir cle of friends hn deeply sympa thize with tin in iii their sorrow Herman was nued 'Jt' years, and was horn in Washington County. He was a universal favorite, and look an active interest in public lTtirs. When the hand in his srt lion iiru'ini'rd hi- was our of Ihr first o sitm up rostrr. was ill liniilrd srr irr. and was .Irirkeii while eiiroute from Fre mont In l'ri seutt. I'ndi rlaker l)onclson had h-iiue of Ihr luirial. GRAND JURY REPORT Thr "rand jury for Ihr July term ,f circuit c ourt made its report In .1 ml -ft- Hau'ley this week, ami ask , ,1 In he discharyed. The report mliii'scs the arlioii of llir county court in the sale of the poor f irm, reserviii'i 10 acres on which to Imild a one -story lire proof struc ture, and rceiiinmelids that Ijie Thatcher (pi.-trry lie sold and thr in-orrrds appliril lo surh a strur lurr. Thry rrport Mi true hills mid three not true hills. The hills made puhlir arc thr follow ing in dictments '. Win, llurrows, non support ; Adrian and Alphe Selioouover, charged with liealiiifx M. J. Mr Mahoii w ith an iron holt ; I.nuic Schmidt, of near Orcucii. liquor. The jurors, John Ireland, II. T. Koelier. (i. I . Heeler. II. D. Hry inl, W. II. Hovd, l'raneis Cola tnd It. A. Carlile, report they found thr county otliees well-kept .mil asked their discharge. Victor l'ucpia, of Forest drove. was callinir on business friemls in town Monday aflernoon. 10 BEGHECKED UP Over $412,210 Already Purchas ed at Result of Drive THOSE BEHIND MUST BUY School Notes of Interest Sent In by Supt. Frost War Savings jilrdyes arc to he i ln i knl up in Wnsliini'toii Coun ty on Orlnhrr 'il lo ,'IO. F.vi ry person who has ph ili d the pur chase nf W ar Savings stamps will he asked In report In tin- hnal War Savings chairman nf his dis trict Iln- miiiilirr uf if'") stamps hnnhl ami in his possession up toOrl.MO. Those t liu arr In hind in tin ir purchases are uracil In make i'i cry pns ,i hie ell or I to pur chase al mice all Iln- stamps which they hat r pledged In pur chase I., fun t ). t. F.ach iii. trict rh.'iiriii.'ill lias a cniiv nf al ie plfiljri s in his district. Tin uili;tii:i 1 pliil:;r earns are III tin nllitV of tin- ('ounty Cliairinaii at the court Ii.mim' in I llll-lioi n. i ei pi in I nn st (irotcaml Uill.lio ro, where lliey are al the post nf (ires .in.l hunks. At last report Washinjrlnii ( iniiily had hern eriditril with artual purchases uf HS.'.'IO. This 1 1 a v i s a lial.'inee nf $121 .7!0 tn couiphtr our pliilcd cpiuta. This will niiiiire the eonscicii linns purchase liy every person nf al least the amount pledu'eil w lie u r it lie much or little. Fifty two schools iii-iranizcd Jr. lied Cross societies last year, and will no tlniihl pay up their annual dues of i' rents per luemlier and 1 1 1 1 1 1 it ti - the irimil work this year. The prospects are that nearly ev rry school will organize this year. I'lie county will In' divided into at least three sections, with n local secretary in charge of each. This secretary will assist the teachers in iilaiiiiintr work and will assign u- work to the individual schools s it is assigned to tlu iit I y the head secretary in Pnrllaiiil. Mrs. John A. Hopp of Forest (irovc has been a ppoiiiletl scere l.iry for the west section of the county and Mrs. 'Josephine ( asc of Hillshoro for the central see lion. Arrani;eiiieiits have not yet been completed for the cistern and southern .sections. A teleirrain from the War De partment announces thai they need flOO Inns of pits and mil shells per day lo meet the iniined late ilt mamls for u'.'is masks. Send what you b.ie lo town at nnre. The local lied Cross chap ters w ill see lo forw ardini; them to the proper place. Slate Siipcrint rndcnl Churchill has announced the iiru'aniatiou nf the sixth Junior Hainbow regi ment. Any buy or tfi rt selliur $.ri0 worth or more of War Savings Stamps will he rnrnllid ami will be entitled to a certificate of en rollment, a souvenir roster of the rci,'iineiit and an aeliicvemeiil pin. The sab s must lie new sales or new pledges ami must not be for the sale of stumps which have been previously plediit'd. Applications for enrollment must be filed w itb the County Su perintendent mid be accompanied by a statement of the persons to whom the stamps are sold and the amounts to each person. l'ledixes for future purchase are accepted the sumo as pur chases provided the pledire cards are sent in wilb the application fnr enrollment. N, A. Frost, Co. Supt. PRIVATE SW ALLEY DEAD Private Glen Swalley, son of Jno. Sw alley, of Keetlville, dietl at Fl. Stevens, below Astoria, Friday. Oct. IS, 11)18, from pneumonia after an attack of Simnisli Inllu- enza. 1 tiling ."swaucy was agen about H) years, ami was enlisted . - t since June with the Coast Arti lerv. His father went to Fori Stevens, Friday niorniiifr, am talked with the son, who told him he was feeling pretty well, ami then be asked the father to slay around for a day or so and he would show him around tin cann. Within an hour lie had passed away. The funeral was held Monday Undertaker Donelson in charge ami interment was in the Hills boro Cemetery. The soldier leaves to mourn his loss his father ami tw o. sisters Mrs. Ray Denton and Mrs. Al frcd Millar. Those desirinff dry slabwood four foot or 16-inch, four foot fir 16 inch fir, or coal, notify s at once. Prompt delivery. II. D Sehmeltzcr. Tel. 2177. res.: office 812. tf HENRY ALBERS IN TOILS J. Henry Albers, Portland mil lionaire mill man, has been arres ted under th! cspioiin'fc ait and held limb r $10,000 bail. If con victed of the offense - and the ev idence appears ovrrw helininj; -the penalty is J!0 years in the Fed eral prison and $10,000 line. Al bers is the president of the Aiders Urns. Milling Co., an institution known to every (,'rain man in the Northwest. Tin: allegation of the (joverninelit is that while on a north bound train from San Fran eiseo, while drinking, he m.i.l. pro German utterances which were unmistakeable, and it is n ported that there arc three wit nesses lo his declarations. Near ly every farmer of note iii Wash inuliui County knows the Albers brothers. William Albers, Ho lier president of I In- company, i, a brother of the arrested man. Albers l.dd the District Atlorin -. for Hie yot ernniciit that he inn .1 hate been drunk when he m.n! utterances contrary to tin- nil fare of the I'liitcd Stales, ami ll,.- t iih Iirr is that he had her" Irinkiiiu'. This will hardly s.iv him, however, as the pb i of in -briely thu s not j.to far villi Cm I Sun, WILLIAM II. GREER William II. ( ireer. aucd died at his home in Fori i ! y."irs st ( i nt r October III. 1 1 S . He was bii', ill Carrollon. Ohio. March 2". l.s.'l!!, and enlisted in the ( nil War at Harlem Springs, that state, in D Company, NOIh Ohio Volunteers, Infantry, and served for three years. He was married to Amanda Gibson, Feb. II, ISti,") the w ife dying in this county sev eral years ago. The surviving children: Walter (i. Circe r. Calla way, Neb.; Miss Jessie (ireer. a school teacher at Newport. Ore gon; and Miss Vesta Greer, of Forest Grove. The funeral look place Monday at the Grove. UNCLAIMED LETTERS F'liclaiuicd letters for wet k end ing Oct. l!, lsMS, llillsboro. Dr.: Mrs. Mabel Fanner, Freb Grab horn, Miss l-'lhn Grace, Mrs. V. (io. id. (.'!); I.onis I.ehmaii. W. I . Simons, Miss Metilda Wulf. J. C I.anikin, Postmaster. AUCTION SALE The undersigned w ill sell at pub lie auction on I be it. ll. Greer place, one mile nnrlh of llillsbo ro, at 10 o'clock a. ut., on Tl'F.SDAV, Ol 'TOHF.lt '.'! I! row n horse, l'J M ars old, w glit 1000 lbs; gray marc, (i years old. weight Kitio ins; irown norse. i. years olil, weight louu ins; cow 0 years old, came Irish wctoiier I; cow, ,r years old. fresh Oil. I-; ot , .1 years olil. iresn .scpi. i.i; nit, (i years old, to freshen Nov. ; cow, S years old, to freshen Feb. 10; cow, S years old. to freshen April l'J; cow, 2 years Id, to freshen April I: cow, .'t years olil, lo ircsiien .ti.iri ii fi ; ow. ! years old. In freshen April ii. r i li ; cow, IS nioniiis inn. io iresoeu May 15; '.' heifer calves, ti months Duroe .lersev brood sow. .'! years olil; ( nuroe ,iersev piirs. 10 weeks old; SO or 100 11 hod Island Red hens and pullets icavv .'i inch truck, lmoiI as new; larni trui'K; ueavy -' l " e . 11 .11 . ..I. work harness; farm harness; H single harness; 8-IS John Deere lise, nearly new; I5-tootli sprint; tooth harrow; In ineli cliillei plow, nearly new ; 2 horse walk ni' t shove cultivator i-norse hovel cultivator; 2-seated biii; iXy F.mpire cream separator; 2 S- I.-illon milk cans; 5-jjalloti milk can; 3 milk pails and some bot tles, milk stirrer, set dairy scales, (.-bottle Rabeoek milk and cream tester, new: hav-tork, carrier md rope; 20 tons good mixed bay, 3 to 4 loads of wheat straw, l acres of potatoes in held; bed room set, uresser, wasusiaiui, , , , ..i l . i 1 1. L 1 anil Lieil Willi s prim's aim Hun tress: also some other household goods, including wood or coal ramre; table, chairs, hook ease. desk, reclining chair, wagon jack. work bench, 5-gallon oil can, po tato fork, hoc, axe and other ar ticles too numerous to' mention ; 2 stands of bees and some extra bee hives, bee smoker, 2 log chains, 2 sets dump planks, shov els, forks, steel bar, wheel bar row, table and ( chairs, sanitary couch, iron kettle. I.uueh at noon. Terms of Sale $20 and under cash; over $20, (i months' time at 8 per cent, bankable note; 3 per cent discount for cash on sums over $20. K. I.. Hurd. Owner. .I.C. Kuratli, Auctioneer. A. G. Dysle, Clerk. Try the Argus, $1.50 per year. FOURTH RKIMENT Seven Companies Nucleus of New Regiment, State Militia HILLSBORO GETS OFFICERS Washington, Yamhill, Polk and Part of Marion, arc Territory The Fourth l! iinclit . ( )n gon Stale Militia, was organized ill Portland the past weik, siiin companies b iiil' the nucleus of tin new military organization. Tin- counties making the in it ri g iiiiinl.-il territory are W.-ihiii'.' Inn, V.-imhill. I'o'k and a part of Lieut. Col. Fred ,1. Sewell Marion counties. F. M. Smith, of Ml M illllt ille, is the IleW colollel. 'a plain Fred .1. Si W eil, nf this ci v. w as appointed I.ieut.-Cnlnm I : . N. Harris the Id -imeiit al Ad jiit.int, w ith rank nf ( aptain ; and Dr. F.lunr II. Smith Regimental ur;;eoii with rank nl M.tor. New companies will be nrpiil- i.etl a-, rapiillv as possililc, ami the stale cihiiiii.i h.lini; ollieer is inious thai al! enmiiauii s be trilled In the limit. l.telit. Col. Sewell his been the aptain of the Hillsboro company inei- its iiieepl ion, .in.l ('apt. Harris was lirst ji. ulcnant. Dr. Smith w-is (he eouipanv surgeon. I.ieul. Cul. Sewell, Caplain Harris, I.ieul. Perkins and Supply Ollieer W. V. Iierut ii have return- d from four tlavs of traiuiiii; at F.liner H. Smit I'nrtland ami Clackamas, under the command of Col. Ret be, and il. w as four days of gruelling drill, but it gave the boj s v aluable in struction. They drilled at the ar mory, heard lectures, and then went to Clackamas tield, where they bad two thousand yards of skirmishing and return, with ac tion all the time. Maj. Smith went to Vancouver the last of the week for drill and instructions. For Sale: Registered Jersey bull. .'I years old; tine built ani mal; am changing head of herd. Cilis Ruecker, Cornelius, Or., R. 2, tel. Cornelius central. Alder Ji.'t. :t:t FARM FOR SALE Mv farm is for sale. My son is in the next call and my plac. is priced to sell. If you want a mountain ranch see others ami then see mine. Not a gulch on it. All lays nice for tilling. About 100 acres; sixty under cul tivation; finest kind of producing sou; remaining -to sceoiui grow in timber and used for pasture. New house, li rooms and bath; a new barn, fi0x50; established orch ard; spring on each end of farm. Ciood well. Place lavs tine for mountain location. About, two miles from rock road now being laid; seven miles south of Hills boro. Three miles w est of Lau rel. Am too old to farm it my self, and am going to sell out. Geo. F. Ilcincck, Laurel, Oregon. Route 1. 80-3 w i f ' ' 1 I I h it t h ! i - W 7 1 -'Vk i WW "K '. ' i C. B. BUCHANAN & GO. . (Incorporated) Hillsboro, Cornelius and North Plains Wholesale and Retail Dealers In Grain, Hay, Flour, Feed and Grain Bags Car-lot shipper of POTATOES and ONIONS. Grain chopped or rolled at any time Lumber, Shingles and Lath AT CORNELIUS Beaver State Flour The Best Flour at the Lowest Prices. Telephones; Hillsboro, Main 14, Cornelius, City 1515, North Plain, Main 263. HARD SURFACE ROADS Will Hiiun lead from Portland to the splendid Beaverton - Reedville Acreage ... Many choice small tracts on sale. Splendid train service moruing aud evening into the city. Buy your little home before the bii; raise comes. SHAW-FEAR COMPANY 102 Fourth Street PORTLAND, OREGON Res. 411 Rodney Ave. Let us move you Into Portland, storage. C. K. ROGERS' TRANSFER GENERAL HAULING Long Distance Moving and Heavv Hauling. WE HAUL ANYTHING TWO LARGE TRUCKS PROMPT SERVICE Office with Riverview Auto Tra infer, 271 Taylor St. Phone: Main 6205; A 8110 Also bay cattle, hogs, sheep, etc. W. 0. Donelson UNDERTAKER at Calls attended night or day. Chapel and Parlors. Hiflaboro. - Oregon We Have the Neatest and Most Complete Stock of JEWELRY and SUNDRIES ... In the City of Hillsboro. We do repair work in first-class work and our charges are always reasonable ::;::: IF YOUR EYES ARE TROUBLING YOU, LET US FIT YOU TO GLASSES SCIENTIFIC EQUIPMENT. xx ur r xnx jtsl xv Jeweler and Optician Main Street i Hillsboro, Oregon Phone East 80 charge for small No Old RelLUe Hartford I 1 a The Hartford Fire Insur ance Co., is the first and cnly Co.that otl'era Farmeis.l'ro ducers, buyersandShippersof live stock absolute frotec- Ition against loss of your stock by death of any caiise. See, Phone or Write to Juhn VanrlprwaL Aonnt. 774 8th St.. Phone Main i03. Hillnboio, Ore.