X'Jk HE I! M-iV, It VOL. XXV HILLSBORO, OREGON, OCTOBER 17. 1918 NO. 32 MIL. LOO EX-SHERIFF REEVES WRIIESOPEN LETTER M.ikci Pokilion Clear in Cam piKn for Shrievalty MAKES CLEAR STATEMENT linn Held Office for Four Year nil County Sheriff A l lli r In tin' dili rt uf Washing Iiim ( 'unlit v : Sly n.iinr ill appear iiiuii I In 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 In Li I hi tin I iihutiiI ir i iiiilnl tlr fill1 hiirrill' nf lliis ci mi II ly mI llir ruiuiiiu i Iri liiiii, mill llir purpose nf litis Idler i prim i m 1 1 In mil lluil fill In llir fit trillion nf llir liters, iiiasiiuit II Ms I Mil! Iimlir no it-r Mi I canvass fur I In' oilier, 'I In- nr I in riipving llir vl o'r ntli nl lull uf the proplc just now. I low i I i r, enmity (li i'-r s arc In Iti' i li i li d mill llir ollirrs lilli i by I husi' considered capable uf lill in u Ilu in. mill il in uiily a ipirv Hull uf silrrliiill lulurill cmnli dales til lie Vnlrd fur. This is linl llir lirsl 1 1 1 il lll.ll I tin vta liiiii licfuri' llir voters uf llir county. Inning In lil I lie- oilier nf sin-rill fur fnnr year mnl in niir way mnl ii 1 1 1 1 1 - r lime conic in contact Willi marly nil nf I lie voters nf tin' county. Tw o years ago when I was a candidate fur Ibis oilier nml uas ill frati il liy Mr. Aiili ali', I was riiliniiiK fur llir third nieces sivc term, I here were many oh j i I I i i n inailr In llir at tliat tiinr. milling 1 1 ii n i I In! in a 1 1 . 1 1 1 ii n lo I :t i i 1 1 if Iiinl two terms, I iim ncd ;i farm ami iliil nut in i d llir oilier a I mi t It ft t I Intil discharged Mr. . 1 1 l i-u.'i 1 1- its my deputy, all nf lurli u rr trur ami I still own ii V f irm anil ilu nut nerd tin nf tirr hii far as my material welfare is luliei rin il. I dismissed Mr. ,i iileuale lieemise I thought I hid good reasons fur doing so, I niMiiiitrd Iiinl ill (lie lirsl place furllie reason lli.il no oilier eleriral lieli seeinrd mailable. At lliat lime, and many times in fai t . il is ilillienlt In Iiinl i'uniirleiit help that is a wtilalile for this Hiirk, "liieli flit une realizes innre fully when unee lie assumes t hi resioiisiliilil ii's enniiei led W it It the nllicc. Willi llns I submit my eaiidida ey lo tltc voters, and it is the only iii't In nl I shall use culling alien lion thai I ant a candidate for the ShrrilT's nllicc- il is purely a bus iness matter for the voters and tax pavers to determine. J. K. It eeves. Cornelius. Ore., Oct. Hi. 1 ! I S. (Paid Adv.) FARM FOR SALE My farm is for sale. My son is In lli. l call and III V place is priced to sell. If J'nil wnnt. il mouulahi ranch sec nlhci's and tl leu .see mine. Not ft gideh on il All lays nice for tilling. ' i i Ah till ion iihi acres: sixiv iiiuu i em tivaliou; lines! kind of pi-odiieiii!' soil rrmaininr; It) secniiil grow 111 r and used for pasture. New limb hou bun louse, li rooms and b.tlh; u new fi(lri()(. csl.'iblisheil ol'ch MiriiiL on each end uf farm. a I'd On, ,d wi ll, riace lay line for mouulaiu lociilion. Abiuil two miles front rock road nnw bctnn laid .seven miles .south nf llills Thrce miles west nf l.nu Am ton old to funu il inv lllll'O. I'd. self, ( ieo. alid am ffnin.m to sell out.- -T. Ileineck, i.aurcl, Oregon. Uo uli 1. :, :1 ('has. Sehul., of iicnr Scholls, was in town the last of the week. IMPORTANT NOTICE All person who subneribed for Third Liberty Loan Bonds thro this bank are hereby notified that the bonds are now here and ready for delivery. All persons who have interest coupons due on prior bonds taken thro this bank can get same by presenting the coupons. SHUTE SAVINGS BANK PROMPT : CONSERVATIVE : SAVEJ HEAVY ARTILLERY Men I hi w a n I In see action with j the big guns nf the heavy 'irlil hry now have a dinner . They i may lie voluntarily imluetcd by sending In the roiiiiiiaiiding nlli il r, ('oust llefi iises uf tin' Col iiinliia, I'oil Sleveiis, Oregon, t loir iiaine, order ami rrgistru lion it ii ii i ! ii r ; class, (iiuuilicr ami Idler); present address; iiuinher ami address of local hoard; ami wlirlher ipialilied fur general or lilllitrd service. The heavy artillery is playiiiK more of a deciding rule now than ever Ik fore mid the Const Artil hry Corps, which furnishes llir overseas regiments uf the big runs, is called upuii lo rush men into the liuhl. l or this reason the W ar Department has aulhori.eil that men h Int are re(islered ami rlassil'u d may vnlnnteer. This branch oflrrs many oppiu tnnilies fur sieciali.ed work ami valuable training is provided for the men who will mail the varied lin! inlrrrsling caiaeities nf this srn ii e. Mi ii nf ft 1 1 1 it 1 1 1 ' who show an niji'"lli ss to Irani are offered in- iiiiiii r.'ilile chalices fur ndvrncc mi nt as non commissioned olli ri rs either wilhin the companies or as specialists, siieli its radio senreanls, master gunners, elec tricians, observers, photograph ers, sergeant major or the dillcr i nl kinds of sl.ilT duly. Fuiiiiiiialrms are regular!" In Id for iidmis .inn til the iilliet rs' Ir'iniiitf camp. Newly tniliic'.i-'l Ml are eligible in matter hn.v dirrt llirir set-vice mav be nml r i ii are now sent to these cam'W in larger niimbers ami with jireiit i't freipieiieV lliail ever before. I'or the mail w ht is ainhitinii ami who wants to (fct in a limned Idal docs biif thinifs ami is never dull, Ibis is his opportunity. MAKES BIG LEASE Max ltcliliiiir, formerly of llloum intf. now owner of the Uudley Mill Much, bought from the ling b y Company, has leased the Mil lie Urns, farm lands covering lifiO aeres under the plow, near North Plains, lie das n live year tenure on the big farms, and keeps on. nf the 'louses the oilier being re tained by .l.icob Milne for his personal use. Max will use both horses and tractors on the hold ing. This is one of the tincst farm hai ls in Washington County fur hay and grain, and Max is bustler enough to make the most uf his leasehold. The Milne boys have lived on I lie place for a long time, and nn I ill health on the part of one of lite brothers- Juke -caused the ow ners to lay t IT on the big pla ces. The brut Iters have farmed there ever since they quit going In school in I llllslllll'l). SOME SUMMER SQUASH I'. M. kelsay. of I'.ast llillsboro, has on exhibition ill the Argus iwimlow a Summer squash that is sTtiue sipiash. It was grown with out artilicial watrriiig, taking its chances wilh the lowly spud ami oilier products of the god, Agri eohf. It measures- .'15 inches in length, and is .'15 inches in cir cumference at the middle. When il was a baby I". M. carved his initials, "V, M. K," nit its back, anil the letters; healed over nice ly, leaving the brand -the .man who steals it will have to carve ils hide or it will bespeak its ow nership. For Sale: Hegistercd Jersey hull, .'1 years old; line built ani mal; urn changing dead of hen!, (ins Hueekcr, Cornelius, Or., Ii, 2, tel. Cornelius central, Alder fill. il.'l TWO BROTHERS TRY Lilacs Were of no Avail, and Thy Must Get Into Army Pronto KANGAROO COURT SHAVES Sam and J.S. Spencer, on Bored em' Place, Near Sherwood Sam and J. S. Spencer, nil the Pete Hurdlers' plaee, near Slier wood, tried to cheat the draft law by rouiiifr a handsome pair uf lilacs. They looked ton ymitig around the eyes and SheiilV Al exalider, In-ill); notified uf their e.-tiiioiill ige, vvenl iluuii and ar rested Ilu in. They were taken In I ' r 1 1 , 1 1 1 1 1 and I ii 1 1 1 1 1 over to Ilu Federal nllicc rs, mid finally broke down, ailmilling their aid nipt al cheating he L'l'Vrriilin ill . 'I'hey have agreed to enlist at unee to avoid further prosecution. Tin two boys hive nothing, a in! hive In en eh -firing up land for I'ctc iinrelu rs, gelling the land clear ed for their own use. (llir claimed he was .lli and the other said he was K, The young er said he and dis brother left when one was li, anil the oll;"i was I.'i, nml yet neither could r. call the name in Kansas from which tlu-y started toward the goal of government cheaters years afterward. When the Kaniiamo court in the I'orlland Jul lini'.hcd trim in i ii their In dites, it was easy (o sec that the Spencer were still in the "also call run" class, ami lln v will soon become iiieinhers of the victorious American unity. Sometimes, however, these cliffs make the best of fighters but i (irnrral would hale to have an nlire corps of this kind. SOME COW SALE Waller el .man, at his sale last week, made ft record for Wash iimluii Count v dairv slock. J. . Iliiiihis, the auctioneer, sold a registered Ilolsleiu cow to C. S. Medi c, McMinnv ille. for .liliO; a registered two year heifer, in milk, lo W. . Ilatliorn, of Lau rel, for .f l.'Hl ; a daughter of nn SO lb. cow for i'JitiS. ami a .Vvcnr- old. for 1 !0 ; lo Mr. II it Iter, of m ar the Tualatin Plains church. two ..'10 day calves, heifers, one for fr'ISO and one for . .t I 7."i ; to lb lirv ('. Mcver. of (irovcland. a .'I venr heifer for fflT'i. and a 10- iiionlhs heifer to .1. J. Avis, for .tl.'iO. The stock averaged A-lz- ni'iil if'JT.'l for each head some sale. .i t.nian is moving I" I'orlland to reside, going there so Mrs. Zetman can convalesce am! re ceive treatment. He will remain there .all Winter, and perhaps pei'iiianelitlv. DO YOU WANT MEN? Win. Sehulniei'ieli states that far mers who want men on ranches or dairy farms should at once vv rili' the V . S. I'.mploy metit liu rc.tu, at H7 Oavis St., Portland, detailing how many men they u.'i nl, if more than une, and what particular line of farming they wish them to work at. If farm crs want men and wives they should specifically slate this al so. I'armiTs w ho have farms to rent should also write the nerc agr, and what rent they expect, if cash rent, or what terms lltcy extend, if on shares. The gov ernment is making a business out of this, and here is the place to write. Mr. Schiilnicricb, who ad vises wilh the W'nv Hoard on ag ricultural a If airs on the draft list, says that every fanner who has a Class 1 man at work for him should nt once put in a deferred claim should be tiled by the local to have their man exempted. This claim shouldbe filed by the local war board. ' MALE HELP WANTED We want sales representatives in every town in Oregon. We prefer men who have sold stock, insurance, real estate, books; or who-have hud no sales experience, but would like to de velop into salesmen. We train every applicant accepted nml provide a system that will enable anyone who works to make from $75 to $150 per week. Can also use women of exceptional ability. Position permanent. In applying state age, past business experi ence, number of years you have lived in community, and refer ences. Address, in confidence, Kane Mfg. Co., l(i2(5-27 L. C. Smith lihlg., Seattle, Wash. The Argus, $1.60 per yesr. CHRISTMAS PACKAGES FOR SOLDIERS F.ach soldier or member of the A, I'. I', in I'.uropc will he allow cil )K pared fur Christmas, fui which purpose he will he furnish ed, through army channels, a "Christmas Parcel I.nhel," bear ing the correct name and address of the soldier or iiicinhi r, and al so tin' mime uf the person dfsig ualnl lo mail the parcel. Such label w ill serve for the address to placed upon llir parcel. The label furnished null sol dier or member (if the A. I',. V. w ill be sent HY HIM to the per son WHO IS TO M All. Till'! PAItCI'.I.. and no other llian Ihi Mill ir allowed t r.in siiiissiun I Ii nillU'll llir mails. Packages must be no larger llian .' I v t v ! inches, mid weih m inure than three pounds. Car Ions for this purpose will lie fur nishrd by the local Iti d Cross, hut only to I hose who present the required label received from abroad. After the cartons have been filled, return them lo the Hi il Cross rooms where they will In examined, wrapped, stamps alii x ril, wliicd'are furnished by the sender, and a certificate allixed. showing that parcel has been ex amined and contains nothing pro hibited or uniuailablc. Parcels are to be left with the Ued Cross, win-re it will be properly cared for and deposited ill the mails for dispatch. Postage from here will be at the rate of 12c per pound or frac tion nf a pound. Messages, such as "Merry Christinas," "Happy New Year."! "Best Wishes," "Do not open un til Christinas." etc., may be placed upon package. j In order to assure the arrival before Christmas, mail them on or before NOV. 20. Cut these instructions' out and put them in your hat. .and it will save a lot of unnecessarv ques tions ami time nf postal em-1 plovees, as well as yourself. J. C. I.amkin. P. M. JAMES C. SMITH James Smith, Spanish War Vete ran, died at the Dr. F,. II. Smith Hospital, Sunday, Oct. 13, 1!1S. .it 1:15 P. M., aged about 45 years. SniBh was in the Philip pine service ami came back a sick man. For several years In dus been on a homestead down on the Siuslaw . and came up here a little over a week ago mi ac count of illness. He secured a leave of absence from the Inter ior Department, and thought he. would remain out for several months, and then return and put up a new building on his home stead. The remains were taken charge of by the Scout Harring ton Camp No. 15. of which he was a member. So far as known no one here knows where he was born, nor where his relatives are located. He was a straightforward, indus trious fellow, and made many friends here. The funeral was held Wednes day, at 2 o'clock P. M., from the Limber Undertaking Parlors, and interment was in the local ceme tery. Kcv. J. T. Anderson con ducted the services. WOUNDED IN LEG Vaughn Wells, son of Chas. E. Wells, of this city, writes that he is in the base hospital in France, suffering from .shrapnel in one of his legs. He is convalescing nicely, and will soon be at the front again if the physicians will allow him. This is the third time Vaughn has been up against lie Hun stiitl. ami they say the third time is a charm, and he can now in anvwhere in the fighting and come out like a three-year- old. A $26 ROOSTER At the Walter Zet.man sale last week, near Shelllin, a rooster was put up at auction by Mr. ZeUman, the proceeds to go to the Red Cross. The bird brought 21;, and Hughes, who cried the, sale, could have got more had he had time, but he had to get busy oil the big sale. Frank M. Herry, of near Var lev. was in town Monday. Hi soon goes to Seaside to take charge of a spruce logging camp which is getting out orders for the aviation department. This is Frank's old occupation, and lie knows how. E. I. Kuratli has his office in the llillsboro National Bank Huildine. uu-stairs, Main St. en trance. Real estate, loans, insur ance, insurance of autos, etc., C.onvevancinir. Notary Public. llillsboro, Or. 80-tf ASTORIA CENSUS IS Lumbering and Sawmills Big Or egon Industry MANY LOG TRAINS PASS Nehalem Timber Belt Now Send ing to World llillslinrii sees more lugs and lum ber coining otit of the mountains mil the Nchalem timber district I han it 1 ver deemed a possibility and scores of cars laden to the unit coming down the mountain every day, Sunday being no ex ception. Astoria building a belt line rail road. Coquille Sitka spruce mill to go on three shifts. Navy buys 000,000 feet Oregon f:r for docks. Staytoit gets new sawmill to 11I 10,000 feet a day. Portland Factory here makes i..'00.000 lbs. spikes and rivets a month. Slate and government have ich .f 10,000 to expend upon des ignated roads if Malheur Countv idds $20,000. Hi.'h cost of production is the newspaper honey, aril. Floating dock to bo built at St. Helens. J. D. Casey is building new pla ner at Mcaeham. Coos Kaywf- industries have idded 2,000 horsepower. ale 4(1.000 acres in Jordan Valley project to be irrigated. Wendling New planing mill of I'ooth-Kclly Co. in operation. County macadamizing Coquille o Marshficld road. Itcedsport Johnson mill con structing 100 ft. addition to plant Eugene $25,000 house for Ar iv" Training Corps to be built. Port Orford cedar is in demand for manufacture of airplanes. ValeNational Nitrate Co. to uiild $700,000 potash plant here. Work on Marshficld armory to be rushed. Contracts signed for $700,000 irrl rolling mills at Portland. l'.iiterprist ,11 cars fat cattle cut to Portland last week. Wallowa 2S.181 cattle and horses and n!,ilS1 sheep graze in forest here. Hood River Community pack ing plants ot valley Beginning season's run. Toledo cannery running day mil nigtit. Albany to have only wheelbar row factory west of Mississippi river. Ileedsporl Crew of men build ing spur to Johnson sawmill. Astoria Kerry limber Co. s ogging line to he improved to in rcase daily capacity for hauling logs from 1.000.000 to 1.500.000 feet. Ciresham Lumber Co. ineorpor itcd. To operate sawmill on large .e.ile. Trout raising to increase the food supply of Oregon. Astoria Housing of people here serious problem. Population increased from 15.000 a year ago to 25,000. For Sale Team; mare, !) yrs., 1025; horse, 3 years. 1125; good work animals; ,1'. Pain wagon, and set heavy work harness, all good shape. A. J. Oliver, 2 miles north of tow n, on R. 1. Tel. 2511X1. ' 31-3 AUCTION SALE As I am leaving for Washington. I will sell at public sale at the llan Stoller nlaee. at Helvetia. 1 miles northeast of North Plains. nt 10 o'clock a. nt., on TUESDAY, OCTOP.ER 22, (irav mare, 10 vears, 1500; open buggy, single harness, double work harness, and the following ows cow, 8 years, fresh with a If at side; cow, 5 years, fresh Nov. 4; cow, fresh, wilh calf at le; cow, 4 years, with calf at side; cow, i years, fresh n. xt February, now giving 28 pounds at milking; 4 yearling heifers; t ten-gallon milk cans; 2lj Mitch ell wagon, good as new; 10 tons clover and timothy hay; acre of ootatoes in irround; some oat straw, spikctooth harrow, double- shovel cultivator, M-inch plow, chilled, with wheel and jointer; 3 dozen Brown Leghorn ehick ensjieating stove, lot small farm tools. Lunch at noon. Terms of Sale $20 and under. iiish: over. G months' time, ap proved bankable note, nt .8 per cent. Two per cent, oil on easii over $20. Chits. W. Atkins, Owner. J. C. Kuratli, Auctioneer. C. B. BUCHANAN & CO. (Incorporated) Hillsboro, Cornelius and North Plains Wholesale and Retail Dealers Jn Gram, Hay, Flour, Feed and Grain Bags Car-lot shipper of POTATOES and ONIONS. Grain chopped or rolled at any time Lumber, Shingles and Lath AT CORNELIUS Beaver State Hour The Best Flour at the Lowest Prices. Telephones; Hillsboro, Main 14, Cornelius, City 1515, North Plain, Main 263. HARD SURFACE ROADS Will soon le;u! from Portland to the .splendid Beaverton - Recdville Acreage Many choice small tracts on sale. Splendid train service morning and evening into the city. Buy your little home before the birr raise comes. SHAW-FEAR COMPANY 102 Fourth Street Res. 411 Rodney Ave. Let us move yon into Portland, storage. C. K. ROGERS' TRANSFER GENERAL HAULING Long Distance Moving and Heavy Hauling. WE HAUL ANYTHING TWO LARGE TRUCKS PROMPT SERVICE Office with Riverview Auto Transfer, 271 Taylor St. Phone: Main 5205; A 8110 Also buy cattle, hops, sheep, etc. W. 0. Uonelson UNDERTAKER tit Calls attended night or day. Chanel and Parlors. rtillmboro, - Oregon y We Have the Neatest and Most Complete Stock of JEWELRY and SUNDRIES... In the City of Hillsboro. We do repair work in first-class work and our charges are always reasonable :::::: IF YOUR EYES ARE TROUBLING YOU, LET US FIT YOU TO GLASSES SCIENTIFIC EQUIPMENT. Jeweler Main Street i PORTLAND, OREGON Phone East 89 No charge for small Th Old Reli Hartford le I The Hartford Fire Insur ance Co., is the first and cnly Co. that oilers Farmeis. Pro ducers. buyersandShippersof live stock absolute protec tion against loss of your stock by death of any cause. See, Phone or Write lo Jolin VaniWwal. iinnl. 774 Kih St. IPhone Main i03. Hillbon, Ore and Optician Hillsboro, Oregon