The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, October 03, 1918, Image 1

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1! C:
NO. 30
Latent Out of Portland Readiest
liillnboro nt 7:13 1'. M.
l.nnt Trnin to Portland Lrvo
Here nt 8:47 in livening
At ii result uf tin- Oregon I'.lec
I in- It.-iiluav I lillslmro loses t ilit
1 1 1 1 1 ii - trains daily fiutr to I'm I
I iihI mill four f 1 1 1 1 I'm I liuiil. The
late i n uing train out of the Hose
Cilv Mini tlir latest I rain into llir
nn Irnpnlis arc taken nil', ami tlir
latest ymi inn iuim into Iiimii
mi Inn- ii nt N:17, iiml your
I. iil limine in tin' evening In .'ir
rh'e ill llillshorn it at 7:13.
Agent (iilby kiim mil tlir fill
lowing schedule, which look if
feel Tin sdn y limming :
Til I'nrlnud
Shipyard train, morning
Si rniiil local, A. M.
I, Mil fiiri'liiiiiil local
first ii ftri'ininil lucid
Last trnin
I ruin 1'iirll.iinl
l int t rain, A. M .
A f 1 1 in i m ii service
Siii nr. I I rain . .
I oral
I .a si train .
Willi Ilia' fnnr inch way
ulT tin' Smitlii-rii I'acilic III
N : I S
.! ; I -'
5 :ti.l
ii TJ
7 : 1 .'I
uf llillshnro lias now Inst sixteen
t rains, eight each a V.
.Miss (ilailvs Waim, only ilaue,li
ti r of Mr. ami Mrs. I'.d. Waim, nf
heeler. .In il al, at the
family Imnir, Sunday morning,
Si 't. '.'!. I!MS, nl fl;20. iiflrr an
illness nf si Vi ral Mel ks Slir was
linrn ill Ilillsboro, August 27,
l!M), ami spent lie r rally child
IiiiiiiI In-!. A ft'M' years ngn the
family ninvril In heeler, Mrs.
Wan n ami tlir rliililn u returning
lirrc last Winter, tlir daughter lit
I. inline tin- l!H7 -1 ! I K year nf
m Imnl. Sin- leaves In iminrii Inr
In-.s lur pari ills, a brother, (irn.,
ami (ramliiaii ills, Mr. ami Mrs.
iio. Wann, nf lliis city, ami
grandmother, Mrs, Mnlliii, nf
asliiimtnii St., this i itv.
Tlir funeral Inuk ilarr In IV
Wednesday, ami interment wiis in
tlir local ii uielery.
Tlir iarriils liavr tlir .sympa
thy nf a large circle
nf llillsliurn
I w ill si II at .iiirliifti salr nn III''
August Meier place, half mil.' nf liitliany' sloi'r ail!
S inili s uni t hrasl nf I IiIUImm ii, al
Irn a. in.,
Two linrsrs !l nl.l, '!0 ami
I IfiO llis.; '-' rxlra jjiinil milk rnv.
frrsh fur fnur inunths. ivinjr .'I
ami J allnus milk daily; llir
fork, I'uprs ami pulh yM ciniiplrt.' ;
ahoiit. V do., i lilrkriis; .'t'i Mi" h
rll wa','.in. nrw; hark. liiiiif.V,
mnwrr, rakr, spriiifftnnl Ii harrnw ,
fill lontli pi ff harrow, 1 (i in. tlisr,
I t. iu. plow, I'lilliviilnr, 2 Hi ts nf
work hariirNS, Hi t plow harmss,
ImixiV harnrss, jrimlMl tnt, (5 Irii-
..' .ii ;ll I....
gallon milK rails, hiiik nnu,
Hoini" furiiiliirr, l!a-galloii irnn
ki llir, lut nf mnall farm tools ami
iiumrrous nthrr nrlirlrx. I.umh
will lir srrvrd at noon. Trrnis:
Six months timr, hankiiMi' liotr,
S pi r rrtit. Thrrr jut ca ul lis
roiinl. on minis over $'-'. lf lt-r
X'aiiilrnhrrfr. nwnrr; .1. C. Kural
li, Miirlinnrrr; I''. I. Kuralli.
Try lh" Argns, $1.50 u ynir.
AH persons who subscribed for Third Liberty Loan
Bonds thro this bank are hereby notified that the bonds
are now here and ready for delivery.
All persons who have interest coupons due on prior
bonds taken thro this bank can get same by presenting
the coupons.
J. II. MnS'i'W, of Ila.i l.lalr,
was iii tn llir city Tuesday.
1'.. I.. Nnylor, of llir Orove,
as down to llir l ily. iMumlay.
I'lov.l Hall, nf ISrnnk.
wiis ii lily visitor Mnnilay mom
Il.-ury Huge, nf ( 'In hill, yi Ml.,
was greeting frirmls ill tow II Sat
nr. lay.
l'nrSnle: Six lirail work hors
es, I'JOO In I COO. C I'.. Davis, 1
liiilt- west f North I'laillH. 110
.1. II. Iiiilay, tin- krrilvillr
warehouse man, was up Tui'Hilay,
ami says that nciirly all tlir grnin
is in fur sliipnirnt.
For Salr: Si weeks nlil.
til I'. O. II. nl Tillainuuk. Srml
vnur urilrr rally. K.
Samllakr, )rr.
Tualatin, has it uiiilr
lirorrrils In irn to llir
hi II, lb.'
Red Cross
ll. rr's your t hanrr.
Lost I'lirsr with $20 am
sninr rlianifr. Can iilrntify.
I. ravr at Argun ollirr and rrrrivr
rrwaril. ('has. Mrarham.
II. It. I'iii.ll.y. thr Crilar Mill
dairyman, ami Hii hard llramish,
uf Cr.lar Mill, w rrr up In llb' t il v
Saturday, K"iiii)X uul to thr I!rr
man Ku. link.' sale.
I'orSalr: An iilmosl new Mil
chi ll waoii, heavy, i'l ' used Imt
very little.- Hurt V. I.awrrnrr,
Hilisdalr, Orr It. 1 J nl IUMkIi
Station mi S. I'. railway. ill
Mrs, Arilla Thomas, uf Srnttlr,
was llir guest of her sister, Mrs,
II, II. (i'rrrr, last week, returning
In Portland Monday with Mrs.
I .t-Hrt Iliatt, n sister in-hiw of the
TIiomo desiring dry ulnbwood,
four foot or lC-ineh, four foot fir,
1(1 imli fir, or eoal, notify im nt
once. Prompt delivery. II. D.
.Sehiiieltzer, Tel. 2i77, res.; ofliee
M'i. tf
V. I'. Johnson, who resides nl
Forest (irove, is working for the
Combs Laundry these days. IK
hi Id a similar position with the
Forest (irove Laundry before it
burm-.l nut.
Word was reeeived the first of
the week iiniloiinring the serious
illness of I'd Moore, nl Cani
Fremont. Cal., nnd his brother.
uf M.iiilitaindnle, left for the
South the first of the week.
Four foot- nlnb wood, nft.-i
Sept. 1, $2.76 per four foot cord ;
sixteen inch wood, $3.20 per
cord. Plarf your order nt oiu
Ci. II. P. Lumber Co., Snulli
Third St., Telephone 012. tf
I he first Oetober marriage li
ce n no issued was to William 1
Sehw ar. and Ida Saunders. Oil
cr liernses wi re lo Claude Irving
Davis, Kdn.i lvslher Logan; II. C
Cess, Polk County, ami Nannim
Hughes; .las. Ii. It.imford and Ha
Madirr Wvlder, of North Forest
( i rove.
Jas. II. Jack, of Srholls, wns in
the cilv Saturday, enroule to
Wasli.iiinal, Wash., w here he w il
have the prineipalship of th
sehoiils again this year, lie says
the prune crop was so large nt
Washougal that the growers
needed the help of the children,
hence school w as late in starting.
Jos. Kerr's house in l'.asl llills-
bnrn, between Oak and Fir Sts.,
caught fire Friday night, nud nf
tcr a hard run fur it the lire dr
parlmrnl succeeded in extin
guishing the Haines so that only
the kitchen was lost, nnd a part
of the rear roof of the main
structure scorched.. It was fully
covered by insurance. There was
no one living in the place, nnd
Kerr was about to move il to nn-
olher location. The minted
loss is from $100 lo $500.
Kcmnin of Austin Buxton Laid
Away at Forest Grove Sunday
Served in Public Position Many
Years, State and Grange
Austin Todd liuxloii, well known
at forest drove, anil all over
Wnshinglnu County, died nt the
farm nf his father in law, Oliver
KnIJ.iiis, Mnllalla, Si pt. 27, MM,
lir was burn on thr 1 It-n ry l!uv-
I .in Dmialiuu I.aml Claim, north
west nf Forest (irove, March 21.
IS72, and resided thrrr until ill
HUT, when he moved with his
family In u farm near Mnllall i.
llis health failed him and he
went to the home of Mr. Itobbins
. I ; I . . I.
some weeks prior in ms iicium.
Iluxton was a graduate of Tuala
tin Aca.lemv ami Uregon Agri
ulturnl College. He married
Miss Orla Itobbins, Oetober Ki,
ISH5. He is survived by Mrs.
liuxlon and two sons; II. Oliver
lluxluu, electrician third class
ll.idio operator, I'. S. N., and
Maurice W a student in the Mo-
l.i 1 1 n High School. Of his iiiinie-
iate family he leaves live broth
i . . ! i . i
crs ami n sisicr - r.n w arn, i it
vallis; Henry T., James T. ami
Jacob S.. of Forest (irove, ami
William T.. of Walla Wiilla? ami
Mrs. Carrie Harrison, of Forest
Mr. Ituxton was prominent in
Oregon nffmrs, anil served ns
Lecturer for the State Orange,
Patrons of Huslmnilrv, four
years, and toured the state, ami
was blaster of tin1 State Grange
ft i . ......
as well, lie was inr a ii-rin k...
of the Hoard of Regents of O. A.
('., and also served on the Com-
iiitiualinll ClIlllllllSSIUII. Ill WHS
made a member of the Slat
Hoard of Forestry ami was np
iiointed to the Consolidation
Commission by Governor Withy
combe, resigning last Spring on
account of his health.
He was widely read, ft good
........i;....l .,IL. r ami was n Pa-A
master of agricultural and live
stock pursuits, lie was ti gooil
friend, a splendid citizen, ami
had the esteem of a circle of
friends stale-wide.
The funeral services were held
al the home, of Jacob S. Huxton,
S. pt. 2!. nnd interment was in
the family plot in Mountain View
Mrs. Klla Harnes, wife of J. W.
liarncs, of llraverlon, died the
last nf the week, and the funeral
took place Monday nl the P.env
crlon Grange Hall. Mrs. Harnes
was born near Faribault, Minn..
Sept. 12, 1801, nnd was for ninny
years a resident of near Heaver
ion. She leaves to mourn her
loss her husband, and tw o sisters,
Mrs. O. O'Connor, of Henverton;
Mrs. Jennie Harnes, nt rorllann.
mil a brother, Albert Iullocli, ol
'.ugene. Death was due to a
Iroke of apoplexy.
ll.-.viiio- rented the J. 1'.. Kceves
farm. I w ill sell nt public sale nt
1 1... lt,...vrs farm, one nml onc-
ir u.uilli of Cornelius, at
10 a. in., on
Ha mare, (! years, 11100; hay ireni
inn-, (i years, UtOO; gray geniing
years. l.'lOO; sorrel gelilin
. i.i:...- u von iv
tt00; jrrav marc, u years, i nm,
, . lortn. 1a1kl-
izm nuirr, vrars, i-vvf .....
. 1 1 .1...
inari' nml gray geiniiig;
Deere binder, good ns new ; .lours
1 . I....S... . s.l..l fllKIII
nni'ir. in lTooa him 'v, 'i.HivMM.
,,,,, . , .
scale; t Hod walking plows; i
wagons and racks; iron corrugnt
1 1, 1 I.I.. .11.... Ht'V'
eil roner; iiouun- u" -..-.. , -
eral sets work harness; 2 sprmir
tooth burrows; pegtooth harrow
1.,, v tedder: 2 one horse cultivn
tors: hav rnke; fan null; Itunil-
ach drill; buggy nml harness
milk cooler; 4 milk enns; .
pumps; milk rart; 2-ton lair
banks wagon scale; 2.1 hear, n
hunts, nbout 100 lbs. each;
hn baled wheat nnd ont straw
in tons haled alfalfa hay; HO hu
seed wheat; 78 bu. seed oats; 250
I... nrnv winter onts: zuu nu
sprinR wlnnt nnd numerous oilier
articles. Free lunch at noon.
Terms of salr: Under $10, cash;
over that amount, 8 months' time
nt (? per cent interest and approv
ed securil v. N properly to he, re
moved until terms of snle'nre
complied with. Two per cent oil
for cash. J A. Vuylsteke, owner ;
J. W. Hughes, auctioneer; F. W.
Sholes, clerk.
Try the Argus, $1.80 per year.
Adam llergrrl, n r.lnoiiniig,
was in the civ Saturday.
1- red Lisco, of south of the riv
er,, was in Hie. city Friday.
I,. 1,. Lawrence, of Witch Ha-, was a city visitor Friday.
Will C Jackson, of North
Plains, was n caller .Saturday.
John Huge and wife, nf I'irm-
ingtonwere city visitor Mnnilay
A. L. Ilulcnmb nnd wife, of
beyond Orenco, were city callers
Dave LeHeail, of near Sehnlls,
was nil .alurilay, accompanying
Frank Unwell lo the county seal.
John Dnrl.llld nnd John Kasse
baiim, of Shady Brook, wrrr Fri
day visitors at the ' Sah in Stat.
Otis II. Marrs, formerly nf
Sehnlls, now of Portland, was mil
Monday, greeting; his nldtiiiu
frirmls. Claude Irving Davis and Kdn.i
K. Logan w ere united in marriage
Sept. 30, 1!)18, Judge I). B. Itea-
S.mrr olliciatiiig.
Perry Gardner, of (iiiatama
was in the city the last of tin
week, laying in a shell or two fur
the China birds.
Max Bchling, who bought tin
Geo. It. Baglcy farm a few
mouths ago, was in from near
Sh. lHiii the last of the week.
l'ord touring car for sale; l!M."
model; in lrnodshapc: new tires;
full set of tools; chains; Also F.s
tey organ. C. F. Kochler, Orrn
co". Ore. 31
L. S. MeConnell, one uf Slu r s prominent liUMiiess men
for a generation or more, was a
city caller Monday, on probate
h. I. Kuratli lias. Ins olticc m
the Hillsboro National Bank
Bldg. Heal estate, loans, in stir
anee of nutos, etc. v onveyanees.
Notary uublic. tl
ill. Seliimilt anil son, oi near
West Union, w ere in' the city Fri
day. They have bought a ( lev.-
land tractor lo take care uf their
200 acres nf farming.
W. II. Smith, of the S. P. - S
! vcxii lil Ollices. in rnrtlaiiil. was
out Friday, on business connect
e.l Willi ins vtasiungnn comity
. ... i. ir i- ...
properly near Cedar Mill.
I. II. Dnnley, uf lianks, came
lown Monday, enruute to Forest
(irove. J. H. and brothers hav
eased the old farm and will lay
o IT the ai;ri.iiltiiral stunt for
Increase your production per
. i , .
man and .save money inro icss
hirinir bv using the Moline Uni
versal Tractor. See John Wun-
derlich, Hillsboro, one door south
of Telephone Central, or at his
Hanks ollice. 25-tf
.Mr. am .Mrs. All red l ungril
(Mrs. Yungeii was formerly Mis
Emilia motored down
from Independence
while here visited with the V nn
ecus, ot lie vena, anil mso in
. i i . i.
ihnii.lts, of Laurel
Owing to. the big passenger
trallic Saturday evenings the S. V
will continue its Train No. 105
out of l'orest (rnve on to itle
Minnville, leaving the Grove nt
t.r, and leaving McMinnville on
its return trip nl 8 : 15.
Charles King, of near Cedar
Mill, was up to the county seat
Monday, and called on the Argus.
Mr. King says this is the driest
. . r
season he has seen inr many a
year and he has been in the Beav-
erton country for about 50 years.
II. M. H.isfonl. of near Farm
in:.' Ion. was a city caller Monday
H. M. evidently thinks that th
ilimate dow n here lias been mix
eu up
with the (Irani County
from the evidence of
we have had this season.
For Sale llavmu; tou'lit a
tractor, we will sell four horses.
Take vonr nick out of ten head
rnnil work animals. 3 to 11 years
v, K..1mii,lt. Hillsboro. It.
1, 2 miles north of Orenco, near
West Union school house. Phone
SoTtfi. 80-2
W. K. Shaver, of between Ti
gard and Tualatin, was an Arsiis
caller Friday afternoon. . 1'.
was burn down in that section
vcars niro. and now lives within a
mile nnd a half of his hirthlaei
He bus seen that section emerge
from a wilderness to a nest of
suburban homes.
Dwight Pomeroy and wife
were in from near Lcisyville, Sat
urday. Dwight says he has had
more hrcs playing around linu
than a young purgatory for some
weeks. In August a blaze start
eil that ran over a lot of bis tim
ber, and the other day a blam
started in the Bailey tract, burn
ing tip a lot of wood and 120 rods
0f fence for him
Sunday is to be Closed Day
With Exception of Drug Stores
Saturday Night is Sole Exception
Much Complaint Made
Wording to a ruling of thr
State Council of Defense, Oregon
is to have her stuns all closed af
ter six o'clock nn wri k days, anil
Sundays as wi ll. This means th.
iinfertiim shops, ice cream par
urs nml cigar stands, as well, an. I
many think the iinl. r is drastic in
a slate ttlu re llir tin l situation i,
not grave. Oregon's woodpile is
lint at all depleted, and the coal
itiiatinn is not on a par with
I'.astrrn sections.
Small business hot-cs, .such as
ice cream twirlors, cigar .stands.
i.icconists, etc., .'ire com jilainiu;'
over the ruling, alleging mat no
necessity existed in this part of
world, the resolution by the
State Council follows:
Kesulved, That on and after
October 1, 1918, all sales of mrr-
handise at any point within (In-
State of Oregon, on the first day
of the week, commonly known as
Sunday, at any time after !) P. M.
on Saturday, and at any time af
ter 0 P. M. nn any oilier day of
the week should lc discontinued
during the continuance of the
war; provided, that such sales
may be made nt any drugstore
until 8 P. M. of aiiv day of the
week except Sunday, and that the
foregoing prohibition shall not
ply in the case of drugstores
. . ' .III- ! ..... 1
in I lie lining oi prescriptions, sair
of medicines or sickroom neces-
ilies, any or all of w hich may be
sold on any day at any hour; pro-
vided, lurllier. mat tne selling nt
meals or articles of food in res-
( Continued on Page 2)
Unclaimed letters for week end
ing Sept 28, 1 1 1 S. Hillsboro, Ore:
F.d. Prates, . Men in Green.
Miss Marion Wilber. L. nool-
t.-ul. F.leanor Youiltf.
J; C Laiukin, Postmaster.
The undersigned will sell at pub
ic auction at his place 5 miles
Northwest of Hillsboro, nml ' o
inile east of Shcfflin, on the P. R.
& N'., at 10 a. in. sharp, on
I'.mlit reiristcreil llolstt in cows.
three in milk, v is. : I.iaht beauty ,
Yc email Pontine, 'J5:t:tH. ajed 5
years, 80 lbs. milk with test of I
per cent; Beauty Yeeninn Pon
tine L'uil, ;iH2lil, age 25 months,
liO lbs. milk, test of .'i.5 per cent ;
cow, 5 years, coming fresh; 3 yr.
old cow in milk; 2 yearlings, two
heifer calves; 2 fresh grade Jer
seys; nil these stock tuberculin
tested and in fine condition; span
mules, 2S00; bay mare, 1300;
bay 3-yr. horse, 150; two shoats,
nearly new John Deere wagon,
3 1 j , 3-in. tire, box and spring
seat; farm truck; 2-seat hack;
top buggy; 75-bushel manure
spreader; nearly new 12-liorse
power portable gas engine; 7-m.
burr chopper; circular saw ami
frame ; einerv wheel and stand;
1 t in. John Deere sulky plow
... i . i , .i
Wltll .1 ami t norse renei , -r
walking" plows. 10, 12 and U in.;
lisc harrow; .springtooth harrow:
75-tnoth peg burrow; Hoosier 12-
oe disc drill ; 8-ft. eorru-
ated roller; 2-horse cultivator;
pegtooth cultivator; 7-ft. Deering
binder; Osborne mower; hay ted-
ler, hav rake; two 16" ft. hay
nicks; fan mill; 850-ll. platform
scales: corn sheller: two hand
corn planters; double harpoon
hay fork, hay carrier and rope,
complete; complete
X-eut saw.
slum outfit; 7 ft.
wedges anil sienges; j crow oars;
3 grain scoops; horse clipper and
grinder; 30-gal iron kettle; milk
cart; garden hose; set breeching
harness; set plow harness; set
l 1 1 n 1 . .
driving harness; 2 single driving
harnes: galvanized feed tank;
Sharpies' crenm separator, 050
lb; fin-lh. scales: S-bottle milk
tester, complete; 0 milk cans
milk fever outfit; cattle trocar;
hypodermic syringe ; gasoline
lamn and lantern ; big lot of small
machinery nnd farm tools tonnn
M n wpll-lcent idace : lot of
.... .. ..... i i
household furniture and good
stovei, hnir, tibles. etc., nnd
niimrroiis other articles. Free
lunch at noon. Terms of sale: $20
and under, cash; over, bankable
note, six months, at 7 per cent
Walter Zctrmnn, owner; J. P
Hughes, auctioneer; John Van
derwal, clerk.
( Incorporated )
Hillsboro, Cornelius and North Plains
Wholesale and Retail Dealers In
Grain, Hay, Flour, Feed and
Grain Bags
Car-lot shipper of POTATOES and
ONIONS. Grain chopped or
rolled at any time
Lumber, Shingles and Lath
Beaver State Flour
The Best Flour at the Lowest Price.
Telephones; Hillsboro, Main 14,
Cornelius, City 1515, North Plain, Main 263.
Will soon lead from Portland to
the splendid
Beaverton - Rccdvillc
Many choice small tracts ou sale.
Splendid train service morning and
evening into the city. Buy your little
home before the big raise comes.
102 Fourth Street P0T!Ti r-?T"GON'
Res. 411 Rodney Ave.
Let ns move you into Portland.
Long Distance Moving and Heavy Hauling.
Office with RiveYview Auto Transfer, 271 Taylor St. Phones:
Main 6205; A 8110 Also buy cattle, hogs, sheep, etc.
W. 0. Donelson
Calls attended night or day.
Chanel and Parlors.
Hillmboro. Oregon
We Have the Neatest and
In the City of Hillsboro. We do repair
work in first-class work and our charges
are always reasonable ::::::
Main Street t
Pbone East 80
No charge for small
The Hartford Fire Iti? tr
ance Co., is the first andrnly
Co. that offers Farmei9,lo-diieer.-s.liuyersandShippersof
live stock absolute protee-
itie-n against loss ot your
stock by death of any t a.ise.
See, Phone or Write to John
Vanderwal, Agent, 774 (Sifa St.,
I Phone Main j. 03. Hillboi n, Ore.
ii i nilI ii i ii hum ! in nm&f
Most Complete Stock of
and Optician
Hillsboro, Oregon
(TUe Old RelU 1 leN
1 Hartford I