TT" - rflLLSBOR IH HILLSBORO, OREGON, SKPTRMBKR 2G. 1918 NO. 29 VOL. XXV .s -I GAME LAW PERMITS SHOOTING OCT. IS1 Cliinrtc Pheasant in Open Season for Month After Next Tuesday IUKDS THOT NUMEROUS War Demand on Young Men Menu Lena I liuilinn Tliii Senium The open M il .mi fur ( hinrsr, or M 1 1 l; 1 1 ! j . 1 1 1 li-ji itt n t , grouse and unlive pin .i .,'inU, In (film in i Tuesday morning, and those who know say that t lit- birds are rath i r 1 1 n 1 1 f 1 1 1 this year. Tin nut ox -rrlv cold winter Hilt favorable In yamr birds, niul llir siiiniiirr lias I. n n fruitful. Hunt, ri this year villi nut In- IK iitimcloiis as usual, I In-re liming In i n so in iiiv young un it SI III III till' I lllllHlllll III-., Illlll lln V ii rr usually lln boy vvIhi j.i t ml nfli r tin- Chinas rm li full. (iroiisc arc mure nnmo us llitin usual, fiml tin native plica s--nut is iilmiil lln' only liinl tliiit hasn't Mil incr. use in j t l . N'.i (jiiml is know ti fur this i An pliiiH tlial lliry'hnxr ly diminished frnui year In year. ( Ink Klirnlli Ihih li.'iil ipiitc a busy Hi i k helling hunter's liei 11 sis llnis presaging an cntlis to lite lirlds licit W i rk. METCALF-COOLEY Miss Lul l I.Vilin CiioleV, iliiu:h l.r of Mr. anil Mrs. I . it, ( mil. v. uf l.iiurrl. w as iiiiil. il in lu.ii ri.ii.'.r In Itay W. M.leilf. at link. l y. Cnl,, Sept. 1 K, I'.'IH, 'lie bride is wi ll klnitt II In re and at Sal. lit, where .lie livril ft number of X cars. PUBLIC SALE tin Sal i linn year man I -'.'ill; box,, H.nis ; u nlr ft ( drill; Id mki We xtill '.ell at public auction oil tlir A. N. laies farm, ii mil til v est of Ilrinerton mi the ,S( hulls r.ia.l ami one mile east of K ililnll seliool liulise, on Till HSlt.W. :t following; ilrserilie.l properly. begins at 10 o'clock. I'ix e ess, I .year I nun ii.irsr; i I ()0 horsr; I S-yriir I ' ; old mure-., I I all ami H.ieine tubular .'i vmui tongue ami sliafls; l! nlil xi a aeks; I eurt ; I buggy ; niul racks our narrow niul one track : Drrrillir 1.1. ill 7 ft. liimlrr, good shape; Osborne 5- . liimlrr ; Haiti .'i ft. m.nvcr ; i . 1 1 1 1 j i i . 1 1 niiivv rr; ( iiindlarli new Osborne l( II. rati.' . . . . ... i like ; Mnallrv I I emu em er, I kiiix cs ami poxx er pulley ; spriii'iliuil Ii harrow, IS spring.; iver I '-'-Is 'Ii''1' : '"'"' 1 nomas I L ii ami .'I liorsr sli.i f 1 1 ; Aspiiivvall potato planter; Itrow n potato digger; mlnii cultivator . 1 ... ... . . . . o :.. . insj; I i in. onv.-r il plow ; HI in. Oliver chill nv : ooihn roller : manure spreader; Clipper fanning mill. !' screens; 75 tonlh liarrnw; horse power wooil saw ; liliie Hell se nralnr; ineuhalor; Chiimpioii milk rmiler ; H.ihroek mill; tester, complete; kilrllrll cabinet, rumxe, mil top; nii nil ii ry couch; iiuirliinr slioll ill'ill : .'ID Ions clover .M .'I ijt. til.-; !5( It. also '-Ml ,'irn'H of ivolaloes in (jrouinl. Numerous oilier fir .u I iiih'Ii at noon. Terms; Tinier t'-'O. nsh ; over $'.'0, siv luoiilhs lime, hankalili' note, S lit ; .'I per cent, iliscnunt for on sums over i rancis A. Davie ami A. X. levies, owners; .1. W. Unfiles, iiuclioii- Oli ilril w a I ihilh huv til. III. lieh per eel cms! err. Tluii'niiy Holmes, of near Iteeilville, was in llie city the first of the week. I'nink lloleomh, of near West I'liion, was I r.ii'.i. Iin( hiislncss in the county scat Monday after- IIUOII, Arthur Knox, of (insloii, whe has three sons in the service, wir .lovvii to the city Monday after liuiiii, ('. (', Nelson, ipiarry man for the county all Milliliter, was in Illi cit V M inula v nioruiiif.', from ll.i conn. ' Supervisor Trachs.l, of near I'.liuuiiiea, who has luiilt many a mil.' of jjood roads, w as a city vis itor Saturday. Austin Sims, of 1'arminnt was a city caller Monday, coioim; up to meet Mrs. Sims, who h.ui hreu visiting relatives at Carlton. K. I. Kiiratli has his olliec in the I Iillt.liuru N.iti. niul Hank lilili;. Ileal estate, loans, liisur fcni'i' of aiilos, etc. Conveyances. Notary pulilie. If I'liiil .1. I .nek , of ahovr Moiiu liiiinlale, until recently at Camp Kearney, Cal., is now across tin hi pond. lie writes to have I.N paper sent In France. Tilt: last open air .lauer of lh harvest season at the Norll Plains pavilion, Saturday evening Sept. '2S. Vou are invited, Port land orclieslra always on deck. .loli n kaiiina, of I'anniiiKlon. was in the city Monday. The ranch at IlilKlioro and that fit I anniiiKton keep .lolm more than busy, and hr has put in a tractor for the I' iterraKc. Incrense your production jut mint niul wive inoiiev thro lens hiring by ittiinp; the Moliite I'ni vi rsil Tractor. See John Wun d. rlii h, Ilillshoro, one door noiith of Tclcjilioni' Central, or nt lit -Hanks olliec. 25 tf Oila 1',. Shcpard, of H.avrrton, was one W.ishinntoil County hoy who was air. pled in the 'Tom Cut" hrifiadr, the section cnlisteil to jio over lo Frame and run the tanks' which have been such a source of assistance in the allied drives on the French front. The examination is very severe, hut about ten per cent, of the appli cants lii'inur accepted, The re rruilinir oilier opens aain in I'oill ami today and will he open unlil 11. n t Monday for the aecep titiiec or rejection of those w ho make apilieatiott. Trv I h' Arim, $1.50 per year AUCTION SALE llir umlrrsiiMird will sell nt pul" lie auction at the Ii. P. Cornelius farm, Si ' j miles northwest of North Plains, and 2 miles east of Ml. Dale, on MONDAY, Sr.PT. HO llrinninu at 10 o'clock, the fol lowini jiroprily: Four No. 1 work horses, 1 100 Ihs. each; colt eominn; y rs. old ; 4 cow s in jiood llow of milk; three 2 yrar-ol.l ff ifers; 2 Dnroe hrood sows; 2S yoinitf hotis, 100 lie, each; St t vv.iifon and sl.'cl truck, Hoth iii-w! u-ond (i-ft. liittdrr: fi ...... .(. ...... fl. tnoxver; 12 ft. rake; htiffiry ; single disc plow J dotihlc disc plow; 1 disc urain drill; rollin;; disc; steel draii luirrow; spriu;; tooth harrow; .'I walking plows; 25 Ions loose hay; Harden culti vator; Itay fork d rope; set heavy team harness; grindstone; platform scales, and many arti cles too numerous t mention. J.nnclt will he served nt noon. Terms: $21 and under, cash. Ov er $25, one year's time, S jht cent interest, approved note. Leonard Vnnl.otn, oxvner; 15. P. Cornelius, auctioneer; John Van (Icrwnl, clerk. IIP iR! STRESS Pa Urgent Resolution for Au thorities nt Washington JUDGE BACLEY CHAIRMAN IMPORTANT NOTICE All person who subscribed for Third Liberty Loan Bonds thro this bank are hereby notified that the bonds are now here and ready for delivery. All persons who have interest coupons due on prior bonds taken thro this bank can get same by presenting the coupons. , SHUTE SAVINGS BANK PROMPT : CONSERVATIVE : SAVE Address by J. D. Micklc, Promis ing Support to Dairy Herds I w Ileal , Inc the dur tit. i Nearly 200 dairymen and citizens attended the mass meeting at the court house Saturday niulit, to take up the matter of mill for the dairy stock of the county, and a ringing resolution was pas srd to lie forwarded to Washing ton at once. The nist of the ses sion xv.'is to start the hall rollin',' wlnreliy mills here can gi;ind Liiain so that there will he mill frr.l, sin h as I ami shorts fur the feeling of ilairy stork. Oth erwise farmers must ilisposc f their herds. Judge, (i. o. It. ISagli y pr. sijl. il ami stated the urgency of concer tr.l action. Hr introduced I'oo.l and Dairy Commissioner J. D. Mirkle, who made a pointed (all; on the subject A fommillre was ii a i n . . I . iiirlinliiiL! the chairman, ami they retired to draft a reso lution. Other talkers on the miIi ject were 1). Ii. Cool.y, A. C. Shutr, C. Ii. Huchanan, ('has. 1'.. Wells. The resolution forwarded read: "Whereas, the dairy herds of Western Oregon have, by years of careful breeding and selection, rinched the highest rank in ily and have been the financial mainstay of the territory, and. Whereas, in response to the re urst of the government for more many fanners have, oast season, reduced icr. -aire of other grains; and. Whereas, the small acreage of oats and other sprint.' grains was practically a failure by reason of the drouth, it followed, then fore that the deprndrnce of the dairy industry must be upon wheat b; products ; and, Whereas, it is the understand ing of this convention that recent government milling restrictions reipiirc the milling of 20 other grains with w heat ; and Whereas, the mills of the Northwest have not the equip mi nt nor can they, under war conditions, obtain it in time to save the situation and mill the substitute griiins even were they procurable ; and. Whereas, the shipping situation in the Not! Invest, by reason of the lack of ships, further tends to delay the production of xvbeal tit il 1st it IT s so vitally necessary to preserve the dairy herds of W est-ii-ii Oregon; therefore, be it licsolved. by the dairymen of Y.ishington county, in eonv.-n (ion assembled, that the situation as it exists today be rcprcscnli i' to the national food administ r;i lion ami all nietuliers ol congress from Oregon, that they should be adv ised of the imperative neccsi- Iv that the Paeittc Northwest w lieat He milieu ny miiis in mis territory that the dairymen may lave the hcnclit of the by-prod nets ; and further licsolved, that the government be urged to provide sulheien! hioiiing or storage facilities for Hour manufactured thai the mi may he continued in operation, and that such exception he made in relation lo substitutes as xvill liable alb mills to operate, and that conditions arc such that prompt action is necessary in pre vent the dispersion of our dairy herds." The text ot the resolution was night-lettered to Senator MoNarv iml the Oregon delegation, am Judn-e Iiauh-V has received tin following reply from Senator Me Narv : "Reali.e serious condition con fronting dairymen and have giv en Ihe subject matter of your tel cgram attention and am pursuii. the matter aggressively." Washington county is the hV- .hiirx- counlv of the st.ale ami ev erv elTort xvill be made to liol Ihe herds together. Relief is ex pected and if the mills start in tin v.mII. 'v il will mean a godsend for Ihe dairymen. Sam and A. .. Sipp and fami lies were, in the city Saturday. I' I.. MapcH, of above J.aun I, was a city caller Monday after noon. Don't forget the dance at tin Moose hall, Saturday evening. S. pt. 28. Henderson Smith, the i'anks ol.llimer, was in the city Tuesday, greeting oldtime friends. For Sale: Six head work hors es, 1200 to 11100. C. V.. Davis, 1 mile west of North Plains. 80 I'.. WylHes who has made Hills- boro his home several months has moved back to Cornelius. 1.. ('., of Witch Hazel, niul XX. J 1 . i 1 1 . . r 1 1 , oi l.aur. l. wi re city callers last Friday. Pigs For Sale: Six weeks old. fii I . O. I!, nt Tillamook. Send our order early. 1'.. Atkinson. an. Hake, Ore. ' .'I I Ford louring car for sale; '.)'! ; iii goo.lshape ; new tin s; nil set of tools; chains; Also Fs- t.y organ. C. F. Kochlrr, Orrn ci, Ore. 31 The two I'rcds Fred I'erger. of Ilethany and Fred Ilaiiiel. x ho is again on his home place mar (Jiiatama, were in the city Mon day afternoon. Wanted A second-hand Ford machine; body not essential, but must have good motor. Sec Reeves, at the Telephone office. HOOD RIVER Team of C. C. Nelson, Driven by Son, Rudolph, Perish from Fall SECOND TEAM LOST BY HIM Other Pair of Horses Killed by Falling Tree on Mail Route Apple Itaryest help wanted. Work xvill start about Oct. 1. Wages, men, $.1.50 to $. Women, .1.00. Good sleeping accomodations and board nt. 35 cents per meal, when desired. Write for particulars. Dickcrson & Peck, Hood River, Ore. 2!) Marvin Robinson, of Farming was a city caller Saturday afternoon. Hillsboro. 23-tf Mr. and Mrs. A. (t. Stuart have returned front Lakeside, south eastern Oregon, w here they spent the hot months xvilh tin ir son. Roy Stuart and wife. Those lU'siring dry slabwood, four foot or 16-ineh, four foot fir, It! inch fir, or coal, notify us at once, l'rontpt Ueiivery. ll. I'., Tel. 2177, res.; office 52. tf Peter Poscoxv officiated at a funeral at his farm recently. His old w hite horse, w hich he ha -owned (or 1" years, passed in his checks nt the age of .10 years, and Piter acted as undertaker, pall bearer, sexton, and sayer of the last rites. And Mr. lloscow says lie was a mighty fine horse nt that. Mr. and Mrs. .1. A. Miltenher ger, ot ine, Oregon, Have ar rived in the valley for the winter. J. A. expects to work down in tin shipyard this winter. Miss l'lnni." Tapper, xvho was injured last summer, returned with them, much improved in health Win. Fisher, a son-in-law. of Ri ley Thomas, of liuxton, came up from (ih ndale Monday, on busi ness, returning the next day. Fisher hits two sons in the service tnd lwo brothers in the Canadian service. I tsiier is now cuuing logs under contract down in the Glendale country. Randolph I.ippcrt. son of John ipprrt, of li.tnks, is at St. Yin cent s hospital, Portland, stittrr- ing from a broken leg lit sustain ed while working with the V. S. merchant marine. He injured the limb below the knee Geo. I.ip pcrt and brother, Chas. of Hanks, went doxvn to visit the brother the hist of the week. (iraee White, xv ho was married to G. 1.. bite at Dodge t il v. Kansas in 188!), brings suit for ili .... . i vorct'i asking lor separation ami the custody of three minor child ren. She says that for twenty vears the liusliand tor days at a time refused lo talk xv it Ii her, am has applied obscene, epithets to her. The property rights are set tled out of court. They formerly lived in the Cornelius section. Private F.. W. Lamb, injured beyond North Plains two week ago list Sunday, and brought to the Smith hospital last week xvunt into Portland Monday, to go to a local hospital. Dr. 1'.. H. Smith had the old buck private on his feet in good shape, although he xvas just a trifle xvobbly when it came to walking. He does pret- tv well, however, for a man xvho has had a rib crushed into n lung Lamb xvas about .as game as one would wish to see, and his many friends are glad to see him abh to navigate. W F. Adkins, eldest son of th late Dr. J. F.. Adkins, was out t Ilillshoro Saturday, greeting hi old friends. W. F. xvas raiser this city. He is now a comnusarv steward, second class, in the U S. navy, and came over from Bremerton to go aboard ship out of Portland Will says the navy the life and he enjoys it immcnsi ly. lie has eight men under him and looks out for the food sup plies. lie says the government gives them a certain nllowant and a jvirt of liis duties are to si that the commissary tallies out xx'ith the alloxvanee for the erexv C. C. Nelson, of I'acona, lost his sicon.l team of horses by acci dent the other day. His sort liu dolph had hitch.-. I up the animal, to a wagon belonging to Peter HiilTman, and was starting to go over to the Huffman place. Hr started the team down tin- hill without noticing that the tongue was short.-r than the Nelson wa gon. The tongue linally dropped out of the lo ck y oke and rti-lit 1 the team. In trying to get out of the way both horses and the vehi cle were prreipilali'd against the Nelson pump. The pump was torn front its moorings find th. cover ripped off, and both ani mals were jirecipitatcd into tin well, which was 40 feet in depth. Both were killed instantly. Ru dolph called help and when they went into the well they found the horses dead. A part of the har ness, which xvas new, xvas taken off the bodies, and the well filled in. The first team Mr. Nelson lost was killed by a falling tree, when Rudolph xvas carrying the mail. Rudolph says he is never going to drive a team again. C. C. is philosophic oyer his loss and says he is only glad that the son, who is aged about 20. was not injured. BIG MONEY FOR SHEEP C. C. Piecrs, of Cornelius, return ed from the Yakima Fair hist week. He took 27 of his register ed Hauipsihrrs to the fair and placed tin-in on sale, and for the lot received $1200 nearly Jf't" each. And then there are those ho xvill say there is no money in using registered or any km.l oi beep. I.nroute home lieers stopped ll'at Camp Lewis to visit his son, nlisted man. SCO C. B. BUCHANAN ( Incorporated) Hillsboro, Cornelius and North Plains Wholesale find Retail IVah rs In Grain, Hay, Flour, Feed and Grain Bags Car-lot shipper of POTATOES and ONIONS. Grain chopped or rolled at any time Lumber, Shingles and Lath AT CORNELIUS Beaver State Flour The Best Flour at the Lowest Prices. Telephone Hillsboro, Main 14, Cornelius, City 1515, North Plain, Main 263. PUBLIC SALE HARD SURFACE ROADS Will noon lead from Portland to the splendid Beaverton - Recdvillc Acreage Many choice small tracts ou sale. Splendid train service morning and evening into the city. Bny your little home before the big raise comes. SHAW-FEAR COMPANY 102 Fourth Street PORTLAND, OREGON fhe undersigned xvill sell at pub- auction at his place 5 miles Northwest of Hillsboro, and 1 i lc east of Shcllliu. on the V. R. .V V, at 10 a. m. sharp, on THURSDAY, OCTOBER 10 iiiht registered Hoi stein cows. three in milk, viz: I.iuht Heautv ecniau Pontine. 2 a .'I :i 1 L aged S .... .i -.. ... . . r. ears, no ins. iuiik xvtiit test oi t per cent; lieauiv x eeman l on tiae 2nd, :tH2til, age 2.") mouths, (U) lbs. milk, test of If..? per cent ; ow, 5 years, coining fresh; II yr. Id cow in milk; 2 yearlings, txvo ifer calves; 2 fresh grade Jer- sevs; nil lliese siock lunereuiiu tested and in tine condition ; span mules, 2n00; bay mare, 1300: bay 8-vr. horse, 1150; two sboats. rly new John Deere wagon. :t1'., :t-in. tire, box and spring at; farm truck; 2-seat back; toi Imgsrv; Til-bushel manure preader; nearly new 12-ltorse poxver portaiue gas engine; -iu. Intrr chopper; circular saw and frame; emery wheel and stand; II -in. John Deere sulky plow ... i . i . . Willi .1 ami uorse exeuer; t is i.s ....1 ii , walking pioxvs, io, i aim i r n... lise harrow; springtooth harroxv; ii-tootli peg harroxv; Hoosier 12 i ' . I 'll, n ioe single msc arm; n-n. coni.- atcd roller; 2-horse cultivator; pegtooth cultivator; 7-ft. Peering binder; Osborne mower; hay ted- ler. hay rake; txvo 16-ft. hay , .11 ,-,r 11. ..l..f ...... racks; tail nun; now-ai. iu.-ii n. ... . i. n i l, i scales; corn suciier; m ...mi. om planters; double harpoon Res. 411 Rodney Ave. Let ns move yon into PortlAnd. storage. Phone East 89 No charge for small C. K. ROGERS' TRANSFER GENERAL HAULING Long Distance Moving and Heavv Hauling. WE HAUL ANYTHING TWO LARGE TRUCKS PROMPT SERVICE Office with Riverview Auto Transfer, 271 Taylor St. Phones: Main 5208; A 3110 Also buy cattle, hogs, sheep, etc. W: 0. Dontison UNDERTAKER at Calls attended night or day. Chapel and Parlors. Hillaboro. - Oregon W r-r s ii n 1 1 Hie vjiu Kent: t ie Hartford The Hartford Fire h ? tr ance Co., is the first and r nly Co. that otVers Far-met s, Pro ducers, buyersandShippersof live stock absolute tion against loss ot stock by death of any See, Phone or Write to Vanderwol, Agent, 774 m a li e k rnone main tuj. musooii ta .i r your 1 cause. I John I A(h St., ... Ore, f hav fork, hav earner and rope. omnlete: complete blacksmith shop outfit; 7 ft. X-eut saxv. wedges and sledges; 2 croxv bars; 3 grain scoops; horse clipper and , rt 1 ... ... 1 ..1.1 Ml. "Tituler; ;fw-!;ai iron nciuc; iim art; garden hose; set breeching harness; set plow harness; set driving harness; 2 single driving harnes; galvanized feed tank; Sharpies cream separator, 5f0 lb; (iO-lb. scales; 8-bottle milk tester, complete; 9 milk cans; milk fever outfit; cattle trocar; hypodermic syringe; gasoline lamp and lantern : big lot of small machinery and farm tools tounil nn well-kent place; lot of household furniture and goods; stoves, chairs, tables, etc., am numerous other articles. I'Vei lunch at noon. Terms of sale: $20 and under, cash; over, bnnkabl note, six months, at 7 per cent. Walter Zetzman. oxvner; J. P Hughes, auctioneer; John Van derxval, clerk. We Have the Neatest and Most Complete Stock of JEWELRY and ' SUNDRIES ... In the City of Hillsboro. We do repair work in first-class work and our charges are always reasonable :::::: IF YOUR EYES ARE TROUBLING YOU, LET US FIT YOU TO GLASSES SCIENTIFIC EQUIPMENT. jljl. vy A Jeweler and Optician R tvt Main Street Hillsboro. Oregon