ilHc HILLSBORO VOL. XXV HILLSBORO, OREGON, SEPTEMBER 19. 1918 NO." 28 E THAU ULS ESTIMATE I .ant Thtiritday llimy From 7 n. in. to 'J p. m. Taking l.inU TIMBF.K BANNF.K I'RIXINCT Twrnly-riijlit Hundred nnd F.inli ievn Wm Totnl Up to Monday Tin- n tji'.l r.ilimi nf mail's from 1h lit 'J I anil ''I'.' I I ' i iiiirliiilril List Thursday nilil. Timber, u. in tin' ilistrirl, uiis III. I i i t precinct, tin n u'jsl rani . 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 rintt It", NnrlliMist Hill, born 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ii I willi I III. 'lli. t- it r ' lull Ihrcc in (.Tin s ill tin- limn IV, to "f Indian blnml mil I ( r 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 . Tin' tuliil Inn. ki.l r.iii tin- lii;iirrs up In 2!. t illi i uiiiiiin in I'V Moinl.iy urnming, in i U i ii l; tin' ri'uist nil inn up In 0 uMurk Monday iiiiirniiiL' JNI7. Tabulated tin' 1 1 III-.! p I mil mi "Ti'O itcs llir follow iug risulU; While i t;rnrs Orientals , . . Iniliilll cllltns '.'7 7H ;i is Total ( lassril ii tu i ilirlHliii : Niilitc Imrn riliius Naturalized rili.i us Cllii lis i father' naulr.ili 1..1I11111 Allrlls who hate ilri I. Mi ll tin IT intentions , Minis u lin li.iw nut il. i d I In ir intentions 'I'lu- ri uistraliiin ly liinls fur nuMniNt s follow s : AI..I..I itmiks II. i i ll. HI. I, 11. m rrloii, H lliiloii lUnniiiiiig 'nriir lius, N t 'nrin litis, S (V.lir Mill ( Inrr; initc Ciiiiinll D.ll.y 1'iirrsl (imvr, N I'. I'iiitsI ( irnve, N V forest ( iliHC, SI". 1'i.l rsl ( I l'il I', SV (i, I ill 1 II, I'. ( I list. HI. W lilies Click ( i.i rdcn I Imiir llillsl.iir.., ST. IlilUl.i.r.i. NW llillsli.ii'.i, SK IlilUl.i.i'.i. SW Kinliiii I .aim I Manning M.lger Miiiiiil'iinilali' . Mi. Hoy . . Nnrlli I'l iins, I'. Nnrlli Plains, V Oreiicii I'nnliii Itccdville Itnv S.l'l.llls SIll TW Ollll Tig.ird Timber Tualatin - 27!' .".':i7 is:' I. It lul l's SI I I (15 !H .'.7 lift 17 Ml :it Mi M 10 lis :;ti MO I .;t us I I'm i I lli SI :;s lift Jt iio . iiH l!l IKI Ml . Ml 7.1 :i7 1.1 42 .. (ill . (il , l'.'S 117 .. ii'-' .. 41 Vrrlunirt Sulidi idrd as In agrs tin- tahl slut s : ,S 177 l!i-lS "0 Di I SI - H - 1 -fi I ."is 1 Ti 117 iiii a 1:1 :ifl 174 '" 170 !(7 212 !IS 171 ;pi 172 K -" 41 170 Vi-lW 1:1 1:1 1 -ias !i - 1 47 IMPORTANT NOTICE All persons who subscribed for Third Liberty Loan Bonds Ihro this bank are hereby notified that the bonds are now here and ready for delivery. AH persons who have interest coupons due on prior bonds taken thro this bank can get same by presenting the coupons. 1 SHUTE SAVINGS BANK PROMPT : CONSERVATIVE : SAVE Peter .larnlis, of m ar llanlis, w as tlnwn In I Jn- l ily Monday nf t : i'ii inn. Jasper killer was in town mi Monday uiiniiiiig from tlx- West t 11 ii 11 m rtimi, Willi In 11 ill a iianu for the v inter, lniiiiri' at Met a tier's iiiirhin nl, I )niu Isnu building, Third Si. IK) Will. Nelson ttits 1 1 1 1 1 1 1' oyer S 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 y , n luiiiing Monday morn in; to I .a I 11 1 llr, Inn In' is rut ting l.n nil I n 1 s for urn i rniiK nl iliiiniihliii)j. I'.. I. Kiiralll lian his iilliii- in tin- 1 1 1 1 1 sin 1 r. 1 Natiniial Hank I'.lil. Itral 1 si air, loans, insiir anrr of aiilos, 1 lc. CnnvryancrM. Nol'iry nihlii'. tf II ilor 1 1 il urn 11, of I ji rm i 11 Ion. was j; r. I lilt fri.nils in tin lilt Saturday, llr says llir farm rr who hasn't his rrop savnl this Ii Mr fill is mil of link . No I lniil iiij: : All in rsniis, ir r. s 11 1 I i i', arr to hunt or I r.'sp hi on llir ( r indall pl.iri', lln- It. II. .Ion, s and t Ii. I). I'. ( rorii ri iac. s, all iin.l.T' h asr In llir unili I'liuin il. as llu rr is slin k on all pi in 1. I). I. ( 'iirrirri. .'II ( has. Triir, nf Mid.lli'iiii. was 1 1 1 In llir i.iiiiily siat III. at, (has. has 11111' nf llir hiKfJfsl iiiiiir drirrs in llir lounly and il is safr to say that lir is yoiiljr In .Irv iimrr iruni's than any nth r lit o drirrs in Washington I'nunly this srasoti and many a prim" lir will dry will lir hv thr (liri'.iu hoys in I'ritnc'f ni xl win I.T and spring. rritatr I'.. W. I.nmli, of thr Orison Slalr Militia, in llir niiln wrrrk m ar thr (irorjir I . it lit-11 plarr, abovr North I'lains a few days nun, when n hrokiu rih p. n.lral. d our of his lungs, was s.i far rrroti rrd Sunday that Dr. I'.. II. Suiilh hrot him down lo his It now looks as lhoii"h hr will pull thrniigh, and hr will run ilrstr ni.rly unit is iiiiforsi i n I'.implirations st t in. Iikr pnriiumni.'i. I.nmli is aliout ns auir as thry makr tln ni and hr sas lir is going to soon In' nil liis frit. PUBLIC SALE I will si ll nl pulilii' Naif on tin- J. 1'. Taniir.iir farm, ' mih'S N. of Ilillilmro ami one ntilr snulh nf North Mains, at ti-n 11. in., on SATURDAY, SF.I'T. 21 Sorrrl marc, 7 yrti., 1(100; liny mini', II yrn, 1000; tiny norsr, 1 400; hay driving m;rc, 10 yrs, 1000: sorrrl Lrt-1 . 1 1 1 1 lT . a vrs. 1400: a hay, 7 jiars, 1000 Ids; S lirooil mows, jniri--tirrtl Hiiroc; ri L'islcrt'd Dnroc hoar. 28 shouts, II to (i monlh.s; !I ' Hain wagtin. wiih- tin-; iron wlutl trutk, Willi hayrack, light wagon, 2 wagon hrtls, 7-fl. Mihvnukn: lunili-r, n it mower, 10 Cliainion rake, ()s hornc hay teddt-r, Inlcruational mi 11 stirradrr. new. 12 hoc (iundlacli drill, 211 loolh spring- tnntli harrow, tlisc narrow, mi loolh sled harrow, 14 inch gang iilou' 14 and lli inch chilled plows, 2 horse cultivator, peg loolh garden cultivator, Hero fan mill, feed cutter; l'o II. P. engine; No. 17 Dcl.nval ere.-im sep.'iralr, llaheoek milk tester; 2 row corn planter, iron corrugated land roller, 2 sets work harness dhl team; single harness, 200 ft. 7S rope; 1M) feet same; dhl linr poon hayfork and carrier.pulle.vs, emery grinder and numerous oth er articles. Terms $25 or less, cash; ov er, S months time, lianknhle notes at 8 per cent. Lunch at noon. Tamiesie & Josscy, Owners; B. I. Cornelius, nuctioneir; John Vanderwal, clerk. OVER OREGON STATE Now Mills and Addition to Old 0np ii Word from Everywhere NO CAR SHORTAGE YET Astoria Enjoys Wonderful Busi ness nnd Asks for More Help Met 'ormirk - M hi r ( 'n. has install eCorniiek I.lilii i d a (jtiantity of nr u machinery. ltnring ( iiiipie licit U Co. Iimiulit hv ( r. ilia 111 K: Tilr lank for .1:1,005. Astoria 1000 111.11 hinists, pipr lillrrs, I . 1 1 1 r 1 1 1 ; 1 k rs, its and foundry men w anlrd Inn at 011. r. (ioiul in a. inn nil I ion 1 illld govcrnilli III scale u.-tges paid. North lli nil I.11111I11 r husiness is active on lower I'nipipi.t. New mill lieing liuilt and Itriilsport mill chitiigrs hands. r.ugcnr -5, MOO acres liinhrr laud ciiulaining I II .'1,0(10 fl, )oug las lir in iteulon and I.aue i.iiin lies sold to Montana 1 11 111 lit-runt 11 for ."500,000. Mill to he t recti il. capacity 100,000 ft. (in-sham - War contracts to manufacture leather for army nnd artillery keep W'. II. Me.Moii irs - Co., working maximum r.i parity with payroll of 7, MX) p. r mouth. I'lirtlaiid Conslructinn of 500 winches, largest single order of character ever placed here and prtilialily nn 1'acilic coast, to hr undertaken hy Ilelscr Machine Works for Kiucrgrncy I'leet Cor poration. l'.lnpire- liig sawmill to lie op rriite.l here. Will he put on spruce culling, necessitating new Induing camps. North Ilenil- Hunker Ihll gels concrete road at cost of 111,111.1. !I2 ; w ork In start immediately. North Hind - Two vessel-laiim-linl here recently. McMinnville gets carload of trout for Yamhill county stream-. Host Imrg man realizes 14,000 Imves tomatoes from 7 acre trai l r.ULTcnr S00 lir log cut near coast ; scaled 20.000 feet. Portland - Increase in lir pro .1 nit i 1 11 ; government asks liOO ears per month. Auuust supply i 1110 cars. Ciupiille- -.lohnson mill, ties Irnyeil ly tire, in operation again. (iary Motor Truck Co., of da ry, Indiana, are shipping motor Irueks from factory to bonded warehouses in principal western eilirs lo hold in reserve for re shipment and drive away delivery during busy seasons when rail roads are overlaveil and freight curs niiolitainalile. Oregon Cit v Huilding nceupi e.l hy Miller" .v Ohsl clothing -lore undergoing numerous im proveinenls; to lie occupied hv Jones llrug Co.- HOME FROM MINE lioht. Simpson and W ill Jack have returned from Tciuloy, Ida ho, w here they have been work in!!; their quart, mine. They li t a contract for running the tunnel into the main ledge, and it will be completed in perhaps three months. 1 he boys will spentl the winter down here, and Simpson was in the oil v Monday, confer ring with Jack, llolh think they have something big up there when thev get it opened to day- liiiht. Their inanv Washington 111 ii I v friends hope thev will strike an Eldorado. Wanted: Forty acre farm, well improved, and near school Inquire at No. 1550 Third street PUBLIC SALE I will sell at public sale at the Chas. llarrclt ranch ' miles soutbwest of Hanks, at 1 p. in., on SATURDAY, SKPT. 21 F.lcvcn head of cows: One, Hoi sit-in Grade, 7 yrs., fresh Sep. 'J5; Jersey grade, 7 yrs., fresh Sep. 2(5; llolslein grade, 5 yrs., fresh Sept. :0; Jersey grade, (! yrs., fresh Nov. 12; Jersey grade, fi it 1 T cm . t . ..... ....1.. yrs., iresn rsov. zt ; jersey gnmr. H vrs.. fresh Dec. (1; llolslein grade, 3 yrs., fresh Dee. 18; Hol stein grade, 3 yrs., fresh Dec. 27; llolslein grade, 5 yrs., fresli Feb. 2; Jersey grade, 8 yrs., fresli Jan. 27; Ilolstein grade, 3 yrs., fresh April 5. Four shoats, 100 lbs. each. Terms: Nine months banka ble note, at 8 per cent interest ; ,'t per cent off for cash over $20. l'l'TKR JACOP.S, Owner, J. V. Hughes, Auctioneer. Otto Gnlaway, Clerk. I'Tticsl fiiiettrr, of l,.iuri j, was a city caller. Saturday, I). (iiger, nf near Phillips, was an Argus caller thr last nf tin week. Jack Itoliiiison, of Laurel, and John Ilerdlrti, of Hlooniing, were in town Saturday. For Sale: Six head work hors es, 1200 to 1000. C. K. Davis, 1 mile west nf North Plains. 30 I.nii llaincl has moved from the ranch ami will reside at ()r iiii'ii for the winter. He was in the city Monday. Itusscll Frost, who has been ranching near Hanks fur several years, has moved bark to llillslio ro. and will work at the sawmill. M. M. Itead.'of Carrolls, W'l... came over the last of the week and spent a day here. lie expects In work at the shipyards this w inter. Wanted A Hi-cond-hand Ford machine; body not essential, but must have good motor. See Reeves, at the Telephone office, Hillsboro. 23-tf ( has. Crocker, of hi low New ton, was an Argus caller Tuesday morning. Chas, has hit the quar ter century mark with the relig ious weekly. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Miller, of Arcade district, above North Plains, were in town Friday. J. C. says the rains stopped picking of hops but for a day. A heavy rain visited this sec tion last Friday, ami settled 'he dust, rein-wed the pasture, and tlid a world of good for tic late potato in the hill regions. Those desiring dry slabwood, four foot or 16-inch, four foot fir, 10-ineh fir, or coal, notify us at once. Prompt delivery. II. D Schmcltzer, Tel. 2477, res.; office 642. tf W. II. Taylor and wife and daughter, Florence, returned la-l M.i k from W heeler, Ore., in or der to be here for he opening of school. They have been on the coast line since spring. Increase your production per man ami, save money thro less hiring by using the Moline Uni versal Tractor. See John Wun derlieh, Ilillsboro, one tloor south of Telephone Central, or at his Hanks office. 25-tf ('apt. R. 1.. Itusscll anil Messrs. Steele anil 1 liornc, who lectureil here last week, arrived back from Tillamook last Saturday evening. ami went tin to McM iuiiville. where they talked to 2,000 peo ple that e t iling. Kay l'mmott, 1 .011 Kmmott, Os ar Peterson, Ilillsboro, and Neil Emmott, of Portland, left last week for Klamath Falls for an overland trip. Ray will remain there for the present, anil work for the hiir Miller & l.UX stock firm. It. mini Iriii fares to Forest Grove to the Washington lounly ......... 1 Fair, from Ilillsboro, S. P. lines, arc 30 cents for adults. No reduc tion for half fares. Reduced rates from Hubcr. Reedville, Cor lielius, Patton, Huxton, Aloha Dilley, Hanks and Timber. F. A. Reitzel, of Farmington, was in the citv Monday, aecom p.inietl by his son. A. F. Reitzel. now first class radio and wireless man in the V. S. navy, w ho re Inrneil to San 1' raneisco on or ders, the first of the week. II. will be assigned to his vessel the week. lie has now been in the na val service nearly a year. 1.. C. Schmidt, of West Union was in town last week. L. C v ishes it known that he is not tin Schmidt who is in trouble over a .i.'he of liouor found cast of town I.. C. was born nnd raised in the tieiveua section, mm mn lie is not in the liouor business. If be were he thinks be would have it cached where it would not be found. C. C. Heers, of Varley, w ent to Yalimn last week with about 90 Iwiil of choice reuisterctl Han ushire sheep, rams ami ewes for entry at the Washington State Fair. When he gets through there he will take the consign incut to Salem provided be . not m II them at Yakima. C took championship prizes at Yak ima last year. Frank Williams, of 808 Mimic sola Avenue, and W. P. Ream both of Portland, came out the last of the week and went up to lluek Mountain with Jasper Kef fcr. Williams landed a four point buck and the others brot down a four pointer ami live liointer. The live-pointer weigl ctl about 200 lbs. dressed and the bovs had to cut him in twain bt fore thev could net him out of the hills. Frank Williams now want a vacation every week until gets his limit. ON 4THUBERIY LOAN Every Pupil Capable Should Get Buy This Week MEDAL FOR EACH COUNTY Gold Medal Will Be Given Vic- torious State Writer In response to inquiries from roehial and private schools. Fred Roalt, slate chairman of tin y cniuiuitt.'e, auuoiiiiccil thai pupils, wn. nn r m iiulilii or private schools, are eligible in lis state-wide competition of tin ii r I ii Libert v Loan. I ii.isiinicli as llicrc is no irir.-i m alum to take care of t he ennlu in Slll'll I II si 1 1 1 1 1 m n x, he lias lli ( lit to leave the mailer III cliarg. i , .. . f the heads of such schools. In some cases there are no gr.ulc only classes corrcspiii,,! to III. grades and in division nf the pul ir school in such casts, il will In p to the head nf the private tool, or such to d. t. r mine in what relative position the ssav of a pupil can lie entered. Essays written in such schoo mid be sent direely to the Stat ontest Committee, care of Lib rty Loan headquarters at Port ind. The names and irratle of w riter must be on the outside f very such paper This is expected to add hum! reds more contriliutions lor Hit ssav committee to judge. Portland public schools are di nting time anil study to the sub- et of the essay's this week prep aratory to the opening of tin ourth Liberty Loan campaign in ii rt la ml next week. Throughout the state there is a general intcr'- t in the contest; even in d nets where school has not been resumed, county siiperitendi'iits mil others have asked details of the loan. Prizes have lieen announced as en goltl nit-clals lor me siai wide winners in each of the ten trades of the a-ra miliar school mil hiah school bt-uimiing witl I he third grad Ii such district. where school has resumed, teachers of the tlif crent irrades will juili;e the best s-avs in their classes ami pass them on lo the principal who will orwartl them to the county sul rintendent. The winners in In oimtv will lie forwarded t tate headquarters for main com petition. Where school has not esumed. essays should be si lit lirectlv to the county suuert "I. lent P.eside the gold medal for the tale winners there will be a -ii it medal for the best e--.ay.iii ach grade in each county. Am ssavs must be in the 1 amis of the onnty superintendent on Sept. 17, and mailed immediately to Portland. LAST HALF, $3.10 The condenser w ill pay 10 per wt. for milk for the last half of September. 1 his statement is made to the Argus by Supt. Lamb of the Ilillsboro condenser. HOOD RIVER App' will harvest help wanted. Work tart about Oct. 1. ages men. if. I. oil to women, .i.uo. Good slerpiiig accomodations ami board at 35 cents per meal, when esireil. Write for particulars. Diclerson tt Peck, Hood River, Ore. 20 AUCTION SALE The undersigned w ill sell at pub lic auction at the 1?. P. Cornelius farm, 2V' miles northwest of North Plains, and 2 mile.s cast of Mt. Dale, on MONDAY, SEPT. 30 Beginning at 10 o'clock, the fol lowing property: rour ISo. 1 work horses, 1400 lbs. each; colt coining 2 yrs. old; t cows in good flow of milk; three 2-year-old heifers; 2 Duroe brood sows; 28 young hogs, 100 lbs. each; .'J1') u-.'i.ion nnd steel truck, both nearly new; good (i-ft. binder; 5 ft. mower; 12-ft. rake; buggy single disc plow ; double, disc plow; 11-disc grain drill; rolling disc; steel drag harrow; spring tooth harrow; 3 walking plows 25 tons loose hay; garden culti 1-iitnr! liav fork nnd rope; set i heavy team harness; grindstone platform scales, and many arti eles too numerous to mention l.tiiteli will be servcil at noon. Terms: $25 and under, cash. Ov cr $25, one year s time, 8 per cent interest, approved note Leonard VanLom, owner; B. P Cti-n.-liiis. auctioneer: John an- derwal, clerk. C. B. BUCHANAN & CO. ( Incorporated ) Ilillsboro, Cornelius and North Plains Wholesale and Retail Dealers In Grain, Hay, Flour, Feed and Grain Bags Car-lot shipper of POTATOES and ONIONS. Grain chopped or rolled at any time Lumber, Shingles and Lath AT CORNELIUS Beaver State Flour The Best Flour at the Lowest Prices. Telephones; Hillsboro, Main 14, Cornelius, City 1515, North Plain, Main 263. HARD SURFACE ROADS Will soon lead from Portland to tlie splendid Beaverton - Reedville Acreage Many choice small tracts 0:1 sale. Splendid train service r-.ur-.. : evening into the city. Buy your little home before the l:c rnise comes. SHAW-FEAR COMPANY 102 Fourth Street PORTLAND, OREGON Res. 411 Rodney Ave. Let us move yon into Portland. storage. C. K. ROGERS' TRANSFER GENERAL HAULING Long Distance Moving and Heavy Hauling. WE HAUL ANYTHING TWO LARGE TRUCKS PROMPT SERVICE Office with Riverview Auto Transfer, 271 Taylor St. Phones: Main 5205; A 8110 Also buy cattle, hogs, sheep, etc. W. 0. Donclson ' UNDERTAKER ttt Calls attended night or day. Chapel and Parlors. Hillmboro. - Oregon We Have the Neatest and Most Complete Stock of JEWELRY and SUNDRIES ... In the City of Hillsboro. We do repair work in first-class work and our charges are always reasonable :::::: IF YOUR EYES ARE TROUBLING YOU, LET US FIT YOU TO GLASSES SCIENTIFIC EQUIPMENT. . c v Jeweler Main Street t Phone East 89 No charge for small s. L J Th Old Relit, 1 Hartford The Hartford Fire Ir;s tr ance Co., is the first and : nly Co.that oilers Farmeis. pro ducers, buyersandShippersof live stock absolute frctec tion against loss of your stock li; See, Phone Vanderwal, Phone Main ! "w aw w "r and Optician lliltsooro. Oregon f 1 y death of any cause. I 5 or Write to Juhn I is Agent, 774 8th St., i 103. Hillnboio, Ore. f i s.