The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, September 12, 1918, Image 1

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NO. 27
Private W. E. Lamb, Ak'ed !(,
I In Lung Penetrated by Rib
Sgt. Cnlwny, Private Join and
(ilieikinc, Bruiivrd; Driver O. K.
A I (in I iiwu In in- belonging Id l.y
m ill Wilcox, mill containing
llriwr 1'riwitc Lester )uiill.
St rut .'tut Cilwiiv, I'miilc .1. II.
(ill. iking, . I'., Lamb and I Link
Mtil,, turned turtle on llic iiiunh
tun riiuil near tin' (irn, ! .i ii in 1 1
place, above North I'luins, m
Hlile.i, Saturday et ning, in lln
neighborhood nf (i:.'Ul elm K
with llic result tlxil Private l.mnli
lot l o ribs broken, one of w hit I.
I k i ii I i n t I his Iiiiik; I'rimtt
Mo, hail two riht Imilly broken,
Sergeant Calway anil (iln rkinu
were Imilly bruited and Oliver
),lll ih unhurt.
Tin' injured nun were tal.rn
to llir l.i mi. Ii liitine and lr, I I
iner II. Sinilh nrii railed liy trie
ii.iiie, He negotiated the trip
In Hi.- I.e II hniiie ill 11 mill
iitei. I'rit'itet I.ainh mid Mol
Were kept at the Lciinrn plat e,
where they w t re Ireattil hy l)r.
Smith auilUf. (i. It- rl. of the Mil
itia Company. All the nu n be
lting Id the Oregon Military "
liee, and were on their way to the
W ileo mill to fight fire. The
Lord ii i . i 1 1 i 1 1 - had I" i ii uhiufi
tronhle all the way out from
Portland, and w hen they reached
the lop of the hill Major Deii h
ind Captain lleach cauulit up
with ihem. ileoV asked if tiny
had a driver, at the machine
unruly. Ibtwill wis sent to (he
Wilcot wheel, and drove hut a
..liort ili.tanee when the machine
swerved on a short eurve and
Weill over a six foot einliai kliu nt.
(ilierking and Calway were
taken to I'orllniiil Saturday
night, none the worse for their
Dr. Smith visited the patients
again, Sunday, and did not t -peet
I.amh to live thru Sunday
night. Hy :'! Monday morn
ing, however, he had rallied and
w an linn ti heller. The bully
wounded man w an propped in a
chair and the nir from his lungs
had inflated his entire neek and
faee, and hoth even were closed
from air puffs, lie was as game
at a Turk, however, and made
mi complaint. I.amh was former
Continued on pane 2, Und column
Louis, September 1. Fur
more than a hundred Stars there
has bet u a John Wcidiiier lo fight
in defense of France, Today il is
John Wei. Inu r of the Kith Co..
lilli Ilefimeiil, V. S. Marines and
he has participated in some of Ihe
most tlespenye engage incuts and
escaped unseat lied.
His (rrcat great grandfather,
John Wi idnier. fought w ilh Na
poleon 1 through his first cain
)t ie. ii as one of (lie Sw iss guards.
gramllatlier, .mini n euimer,
a Swiss, fought with the
rciich in Ho" Crimean war and
r was in the Union Army dur
ing; the Civil War.
The parents of John Wcidmcr,
Marine, live at .'Ifi.'tS Hullid.-iy Av
enue, this city. .
Lost: Light yellow dehorned
Jersey heifer, about -10 months
ohl; medium weight, in good eon
ition. Andrew rierson, Uecd
ville. 25-27.
AH person who subscribed for Third Liberty Loan
Bonds thro this bank are hereby notified that the bonds
are now here and ready for delivery.
All persons who have interest coupons due on prior
bonds taken thro this bank can get same by presenting
the coupons.
The mystery hiirrouliding the
poor house fire was cleared up
Saturday morning when il. was
discovered that, the remains uf
,!ohn Itlieinbcrger were under the
building. I lis hones w ere found
under the wire mattress of the
luil on which Supt. (iardiH-r
slept, showing that llliejnhcrger
had crept from his upstairs room
to the ground floor, hail gone nut
of tloors, perhaps w ith his t loth
iug afire, and hail crept under the
building directly under the super
inlenileul's room. His cane was
found a few feel away, ami this
was wilh him when he retired.
Il is now positively certain thai
Itlirinbrrgcr had ignited hid
clolhes in his room ami had fled
when ihe flames heeaine too hot
for him.
T It c remains of Itmlolf
(Atlolph) Si rat h w i re found uu
der his room, show ini that he hail
suffocated and perished in his
own apartment. Supt. Gardner
said Ihat llhcinherger had been
in the hahit of smoking "I niht,
rin.T he had taken his tobacco
away from him cveniiitfs. The
ohl chap, however, would secrete
apple leaves and smoke them.
ASKS $5,153
Mrs. Ih A. Smith has sued
Carl Skow ami wife, Delta Skow,
for ', I .VI. for damages alleged
to have been sustained by reason
of a runaway, away back in Oct
ober, l!il7. Her complaint tells
Ihat she was driving home in n
hiiL'tiy on that date, and when
about four miles S.I', of Hillslinro
the Skow machine came up from
the rear, will) Mrs. Skow driving.
She says Mrs. Skow attempted
Id pass on Ihe righ hand side of
her, and the car touched the I n I ti"
gv, causing the horse to run
away, throwing her out. She al
hires she was unconscious fur
smile lime, and sustained severe
bruises and interim tiijurb
from which she still suffers. Slit
says she paid out )f'Ifl() for physi
cian's service anil $SH for hospi
tal bills, and she wants a sum to
tal of .lBH. The Skows have
not vet answered the complaint.
I will Hell at public tuih: oil the J.
I. Tamiesie farm, t Va iilen N.
of Hillsboro and one mile south
of North I'laiiiH, nt ten n. in., on
Sorrel mare, 7 yrs., 1G00; bay
marc, 11 yrs, 1S00; bay horse,
1100; bay driving mare, 10 yrs,
1000 ; sorrel gelding, 8 yrs, H00;
a bay horse, 7 years, 1000 lbs;
8 brood mows, pure, bred Dnroe;
registered Duroe boar, 25 shoals,
:i to tl months; HU liain wagon,
wide tire; iron wheel truck, with
hay rat k, light w agon, i! wagon
beds, 7 ft. Milwaukie binder, 5 ft
mower, 10 Champion rake, Os
borne hay tedder, International
manure spreader, new, 12 hoe
(iuinllaeh drill, 2.1 tooth spring-
looth harrow, disc harrow, !H)
loolh steel harrow, 11 inch gang
plow, li nml 10 inch ehlllci
plows, 2 horse cultivator, peg
tooth garden cultivator, Hero fan
mill, feed culler; iy, IL P. gas
cirViin'; N. 17 DeLaval cream
separntr, Habcock milk tester; 2
row com planter, iron corrugated
land roller, 2 sets work harness
did team; single harness, 200 ft.
7o rope; 150 feet same; dbl har
poon hayfork and earricr.pulleys,
emery grinder anil numerous otli
cr articles.
Terms $25 or less, cash; ov
er, 8 moiilhs time, bankable notes
al 8 per cent. Lunch at noon
Tamiesie & Jossey, Owners; IL
P. Cornelius, auctioneer; John
Vnndcrwal, clerk.
Militia Company Spend Sunday
in Big Timber Subduing Flames
Make Night and Early Morning
Trip to Wilcox Lumber Holdings
The Hillsboro Stale Mililia Com
puny had a strenuous .lay last
Sunday lighting lires up in Sec
tions 23 ami 2ii, Township .'I
North Itange .'1 West, ill the vicin
ity of the Wilcox timber ami saw
mill holdings. It is estimated thai
nearly two tliouxaml acres of
standing timber had been swept
iv Haines when Ihe call came
from Portland In aibpiartt rs for
all available men to get iulo liar
liess to stop the onward rush of
the lies! rover.
Cajit. Sewtll at once prepared
to answer and wilh hiuistlf had
21 nu n of Ihe company iulo ac
tion. The parly split, ( apt. Sew
tll w ith a detachment going in on
Saturday night, ami the balance
following early Sunday morniii;.
When (apt. St will reached Ihe
1 . ii ii i ii place he found the wreck
of the car which had overturned.
injuring Lamb and Mol, of Ihe
Stale Military Police, He took a
report of the case ami pushed on
into tlie big timber, reaching Ihe
Hutchinson shingle mill, whieli
had burned, only to liml that III.
iridge across the ravine had
burned. He ami his men made
the W ilcox mill late al night ami
the next morning, under the di
reetions of Major Deich a ml
Capl. loach, started al work.
The .second detachment arrived
!he hcnI morning, llig Homer
F.mmolt, Supply Sergeant, and
"link Lou Adams prepared He
linner for the lighters and tl).
bill of fare was 20 dozen eggs
and two big hams, witli spuds
raised up in the hills, Ihe whole
icing washed down with coffee.
The boys said it was the one best
meal of the season - for they
were all as hungry as bears. The
Haines were under control by
midafteriioon and the company
returned late ihat evening. Thus.'
who were in the (ire-lighting li.
Capl. Fred St well, Lieut. V. V
Harris, Lieut. K. L. Perkins, ,v i
geanl Calvin J::k, Sergeant ll
iner r.niniolt. Cook Lou Ai.ams,
F. T. Kmc, Fraid. Paulu T. H.
Tong'.v, Jr., Au.'i lews. Will .
Hergeii, S. K. Fayram, John ber
et n. J. IL (iarrett, Mr. Coppcit .
V. IL Pasley. M. II. Stevenson,
ilallie Ireland, Harry Fuipn.
Lloyd Hrown. Carl Dillon. Herb
(ireer, A. W. liratlley and Do
niatehley. The call was made to ('tint
Sewell through ('has F. lie. I e.
Brigadier (ieueral of the St-le
The State Military Police re
mained on the ground to see that
there was no further spread of
Ihe llamcs. Many mountain
leu-US' were burned and some cab
ins were reduced to ashes. Th
roads for miles wen; blocke.
with fallen timber and the fire
swent district represents big
loss to many -suia
home owners
I will sell nt public auction on
II... .Ins. Cruiekshank place (i
miles south of Hillsboro, 1
miles west of Farmington, on
nt 1 :00 p. m., t head of milk
cows: l railed Jersey, 0 years, to
freshen Sept. 23; graded Jersey
(i years, to freshen November 20;
Ilolstein-Jersev. !! venrs, to hi
fresh Nov. .10; registered Jersey
S years, to freshen Dee. 12; one
team of Macks, 9 years, vcight
nliont 1400. 1 mare. 1 milling, 1
mare colt 2 venrs last Jun
wn iirlit nbout 1.000 lls.: new Id
eal Decring binder, (! ft. cut, used
3 seasons: SVi in. heavy Winona
wagon; GO tooth spike harrow
new. lt-iu. plow; set doubh
work harness; liny rnek; !) tons
Imiotliv-clnver liav. 8 tons oat
straw, two 10-gal. milk can
irrindstone: irarden drill; new
wagon seat; 11 ft. log chain
new fi-ft. X-eut saw. Terms o
sale: Sums of $'20 and under
cash ; over $20, (1 months time
per cent, bankable note. II. D.
llatehelar, owner ; J. C. Kuratli,
auctioneer; John Vanderwal,
All who have subscribed through
our bank for Liberty Loan bonds,
please enll and receipt for same
nt your early convenience and
oblige. Hillsboro Natl. Bank.
'Oregon m State l air for 1UIK,
Over tin; 'lop.
This is the slogan of the Hoard
of Directors of the Fair, -w ho are
leaving nothing undone thut will
help to make the r i f ty-seventh
annual Fair the biggest anil best
ver held. Oregon has an envia
ble reputation for always being
just ti little ahead of every other
slate ami her State I'air is to be
no exception, Secretary A. II.
Lea announces new features of
an interesting and instructive na
ture in the way of exhibits and
programs anil as rresuieiii v n
son has advocated the continu
ance of Fairs this year, despite
ihe terrible crisis confronting the
iiintry, it is expected that du
al tendance will he very large.
Art as a factor in all industries
a fact that is usually overlook
, will be stressed ill the large
d coinpreht nsive art depart
luent of the State lair. .Mrs.
Mice M. W'eister, director of the
l. partmi nt, recently said in this
oiiucctioil : "No slate ill the
" it jam has ever sueeei detl indus
rially unless it made a special
mint of its art in ils State and
'iiiinlv fairs nml in its public
. ." ti .. i. . i... ..i .
sell. mis. i in rt is ai.s.Fiiiu i i
nothing produced hut what has
as ils cry foundation art of some
sort, because it must first be ib
Mliiied. In fact industrial art is
one of Ihe vital factors in the
progress of a city, state or nation.
because without il there can be
no industries. It is for this rea
miii that I am especially desirious
of bringing together at the State
Fair not only specimens of decor
ative art, bill of industrial art and
I hope the. people will respond by
ending whatever they nave in
ilher line, for by so doing they
will be performing a patriotic
net, for everything that tends to
ward industrial success is a factor
.1 .
in winning me war.
Cash prizes and diplomas will
be awarded by competent judges.
Included in the art department
will be oil and water color paint
ings, portraits, miniatures, draw
ings, pastels, charcoal sketches.
posters, cartoons, clay modeling.
orated china, arts ami craiis
work in metal, wood and textiles.
basketry, inlaid work and weav-
Send to the Oregon State
Fair Board. Salem, for entry
blanks nml books. Articles
should be sent to Mrs. eister.
Care Art department, State Fair.
Salem, so ihey will reach there by
September 20. All articles will be
carefuly packed and returned to
The Oreneo school hoard Has si
cured the services of F. W. Roll
recently llf (lol)le high
school. Mr. Roberts has a lifi
eertilicate to teach in Oregon and
Idaho, and is a college and norm
nl graduate. He has had several
V..-..W eviierienee in instruction
and supervision. He will be as
sisted in the high school work by
Miss F.diia May Messenger, a first
class English instructor. The four
vear standard will be maintainee
and the board invites any scholar
outside of the district to attend
lie Oreneo school, Girls can find
cood homes among the resident
and boys who wish may work at
the nursery during their spare
lime. School opens September
The undersigned will sell at pub-
lie auction at the 1!. P. Cornelius
firm 2' miles northwest of
Xorth Plains, and 2 miles east oi
Ml. Dale, on
MONDAY, SF.l'T. 80
Beginning at 10 o'clock, the fol
lowing properly: Four No.
xvnvL- horses. 1 tOO lbs. each : coll
coming 2 vrs. old; 4 cows in gom
flow of milk; three 2-ycar-ol
heifers- 2 Duroe brood sows; 28
voiniL' hoes. 100 lbs. each; 31
... n .run and steel truck, botl
nearly new; good O ft. Wilder; 5
ft. mower; 12-ft. rake; buggy
sini'le disc plow; double disc
plow; 14 disc grain drill; rolling
disc: steel drag harrow; sprint
tooth harrow; 3 walking plows
K tons loose liav: garden culti
valor; hay fork and rope; st
heavy team harness; grindstone
platform scales, and ninny arti
cles too numerous to mention
T.meli will be served at noon
Terms: $25 and under, cash, Ov
er $25. one vear s time, 8 pc
cent interest, approved not
Leonard VnnLom, owner; B. P
Cornelius, auctioneer; John an
derwal, clerk.
Those desiring dry slnbwood
four foot or 16-inch, four foot fir.
16-ineh fir, or coal, notify us at
once. Prompt delivery. H. 1).
Schmeltzer, Tel. 2477, res.; office
642. tf
New Mill, Quarter Million Capac
ity, at Empire
Pack Reaches Enormous Propor
tions of 4'2 Millions
Secretary McAdoo announces the
ir 1 inauee Corporation has
perfected its plans for making di
i t loans under Ihe provisions of
ction 9 of the War Finance
'orporation act to individuals,
firms, and corporations whose
principal business is the raising
f livestock, including cattle,
iecp, goals and hogs..
The corporation has decided to
reate, under authority of the
ict, two agencies, one at Kansas
it v and one at Dallas. These
gencies will be known as the
idle loan agencies of the War
inance Corporation and their
ilismess w ill be routined entirely i
i the consideration of appliea
ons for direct loans to cattle
men. ?n tar no I'aeinc coast
iranch agencies have been es
Astoria Slightly more than
00,000 eases, valued at over I.-
000,000, is the total pack of sal
mon upon the Columbia river for
the spring season of 1918 whieli
losed Aug. 21. Total is equal to
that of the average for last sev-
ral seasons. Cold storage pro
ud fell 50 per cent below nor
Empire Southern Oregon
Company mill here to be operat-
d, employing 300 men. 200,000
to 250,000 feet a day will be cut.
a per pulp, grinding mill and box
ictory will be etsabhslied in con
nection with mill.
Hillsboro $10,000 macadam
md rock work on Banks forest
'.rove road being completed:
9,000 on North Plains road.
Corvallis Y. M. C. A. appro
priates i,0',000 for hut here.
M areola- New Fischer mill to
place one destroyed by fire, lo
ost $100,000. Work under way;
will employ 173 men. Capacity
150,000 feet daily.
Cottage Grove Brown pl.-ui r
in operation. -Machine operated
vy electricity; has capacity ol
10,000 daily.
Salem--1,000,000 pounds of
artlett pears will probably be
record established this year for
Wallace orchnrd mar here. Last
ear orchard produced 100,000
Eugene Montana nun buy
tvu timber tracts in Alsea distriel
md plan building of mill to ban
He logs; .',(500.000 involved im
transaction. .
Marshtield Buehners to build
troop barracks to provide tp.t.-
CI'S tor 20U.UOU nu n.
Eugeiit Lane crop
... . i...
of dried
nrimcs i ns vear in oc
I ' . . . ; i
ts.; will net growers iu.. cent.
1 ...III. ul'
is compareii nu o , ..
the 1917 crop. hvnporation
plants in operation with capacity
for curing product available irom
all orchards in county.
Albany 900 acre C.ellately
lace in Benton county traded
for Thomas Spillman farm at
Froman station. $30,000 invol
Cnuvon City A ork on the
.instruction of the permanent
fate highway connecting John
Dav and Prairie will be started
this fall.
Hood Biver Apple crop re-
i i i. 1 til 1
ported largest sum
i . ,-i i
Rosehurg rnss i rees. ennii...
, . t ' . 1,1.,"
road to ne iiii"?i'" r
w inter, as it is being rocked.
Final classifications sent out ny
the district hoa-d are: Exempt
md plneed in Class 2, agricultur
al : John Fred Kaiiina, I ornemis.
H 2: Walter Fred Stueki, llills-
1,.. Ti. i: in C ass 1 : 1' ret! l.lins
.uereher, Hillsboro. 11. 2; .Martin
.1. Bernards, Forest Grove, It.
It is estimated that the regis
tration today will assume the pro-noi-tioiis
of 2.5 10.
The looul board is awaiting the
.l....ision of the district board on
seven anneals, re-classification of
the married men without
ren. 1017 class.
It you are a neutral, or citizen
r ir.,1 eoiintrv. anil ask ex-
t, i ... .... ... '
..ntntion from service on that
ground, you arc forever debarred
fmm becoming a citizen, ami
you have declared intentions this
voiir first naoers and
makes you liable to deportation
So reads the law.
I Subscribe for the Argus, $1.50
per year. y .
U. U. UU
Hillsboro, Cornelius and North Plains
Wholt Side and Retail Dealers In
Grain, Hay, Flour, Feed and
Grain Bags
Car-lot shipper of POTATOES and
ONIONS. Grain chopped or
rolled at any time
Lumber, Shingles and Lath
Beaver State Flour
The Best Flour at the Lowest Prices.
Telephone; Hillsboro, Main 14,
Cornelius, City 1515, North Plain, Main 263.
Will poou lead from Portland to
the splendid
Beaverton - Reedville
Many choice small tracts on sale.
Splendid train service morning and
evening into the city. Buy your little
home before the big raise comes.
102 Fourth Street
Res. 411 Rodney Ave.
Let us move you into Portland.
Long Distance MovJnff and He ivy HV.lfair.
Office with Riverview Auto Transfer, 271 Taylor St. Phones:
Main 5205; A 8110 Abo buy cattle, hogs, sheep, etc.
W. 0. Donelsoh
Calls attended night or day.
Chapel and Parlors.
Hlllmboro. - Oregon
We Have the Neatest and Most Complete Stock of
In the City of Hillsboro. We do repair
work in first-class work and our charges
are always reasonable ::::::
Jeweler and Optician
Main Street Hillsboro, Oregon
Phone East 89
No charge for email
Old RelUHe
The Hartford Fire Insur
ance Co., is the first and only
Co.that offers Farmeis.Fro
ducers, buyersandShipperaof
live stock absolute protec
tion against loss of your
stock by death of any ause.
iSee, Phone or Write to John
VanderWal, Agent, 774 8th St,
Phone Main 103. Hillsboii, Ore.