ftSLLS HO MHO HILLSBORO, OREGON, SEPTEMBER 5. 1918 NO. 26 VOL. XXV Selective Draft Army on Their Way to Cnmp Lewis nt 8:28 GO OUT VIA ORE. ELECTRIC Nimly-tlute of Total, Two Coins; From Other District Boards Tin' vwir board Tuesday morning si nl !.'! lin n tn ('iinip Lewi !' I going from tin' county registra I iiii. Mini nut' fiiini I .i it ii county, ii'n. V. Hi t r, mill another, l.r III ,1 (jllil lv, fl'iilll Klllilt 11. li. I'l l lui. ( lift. in Hardin failed to hi' l ii ! mi time, iiinl tt lt n r(ilu-l, su lilt- liuiirii xt III liiui it ticket tu Cascade, liliilm. Itul't. Summer hiii in charge nf the i iilriiiiiint lit , uilli llif following tu flutist liim: Herbert Scheldt, Win. II. Ilnii r, .liilin ( ppc nhindcr, l'.dwiii I'., Ilutkliiltt r, (ifii. I. Vniiih hey , I'rtil lyle, I'ninci O'Meitr.i, Lloyd S. Curium, Man in A mli r miii iiinl Owen l. I'uliiirr. Tin' liny were m liitiil between tm iiinl hi Monday evening. Jit 'fiirt' tenting for t tit-ir suppers Mayor Willi culled tlit ia to tinier for n tin in i 11 ii I - talk to tin' mttly in iliii ti il nu ll liy I 1 1 1 1 i r I.. A. Long, w lui Imi two miiis lii tin- m nice. I'lii' Iowa Hill Iwiinl, h 1 1 1 1 1 o -niriiliil 1 y a number frmn the Laurel baud, came in Tuesday morning iiinl marched iihcnd uf tin tut ra i n tm' n I from I In- roui'l house to tin- depot, playing in n' lui inn sir. Tills hand lias been in fur llif tloril timr, iiinl t lu i r . t riiilii' t lTorls arc apprci iali il ly lilt- ulhclals, Ihi' ililiain.il llllll lllllsf w lio CUIIIC to MIV iiu ii, Ih. ir f ii ew ells. The list: Albert I'.. Krahmer. It. 1!. Cor nelius; William Arthur kno, (iaslon; William Augustine Him llv, Sherwood; llllfl'i il ltal(l Swift. " I j Grand Ate., I'oi'll.iii.l ; I'reil St liiiiilii'i kt r, Tiyurd; I'r ui l is l.eis, lli avrrtiin ; Arrliii' l ot ter Cam lit II, It. 'J, t o re st ( inn ; llriij. I ranklin Scniggiiis, Mill . Iiuro; Italjili Ueii.il Coif. Slu r Htioit,; Tluophil Rich, Oiiiiti' Itiilit-it Richard Summers, Bin virion; Limy I'd win .IuIiiimhi, Itoimi B(l!t, V. M. C. A., I'ottl.in.l ; I'r.ink Wager, Sherwood; (iny W illiam llagiictt nod ; 1'ied Dy slf, H.'.'.' rortlantl i Itnssi ll kopp Iiu, (i.istoii; August lliiiry lf iniii i', lifiivrrton ; Louis Itain r, It. I, I lillslmro ; Hi n ry kiistck, I Iillslioru ; Frank Cecil loanc; Law i'i iiff Manning. Olof .loliii son, It. 1, llfavi rtoii ; Willmi -tralil MiiifklfV, I'ort'sl (irovr; I'l-aiiiis A. D'Mfiira, I'.linoii it-.'i ; lalwartl Wolilst lilaKf I, It. i, l.mii'il; Hoy William lliin rii lis. H. I'tirt st (irovf ; W altt r Si otl Mtiir, .'Hi" Itiisst ll St., I'ort lainl : .loliii Aiiiln w ()iii iilatiil ' it, It. I, Citrni'liim ; llfrinaii I'll, l int' .lafoli K lever, St .11 I'nioil Am'., I'orllaml; Louis Yalitlelii y, I'tin st (inwe; Owen DeWilt Pal mer. S. I!. & L. Co., IIiinIoii; Win. .1. Osterm. Ii, It. - I'ortsl Grove; Le..!er 'I IioioIin Moil"ill, It. I. Hanks; I'reil Krnest Solllitrijer, It. .'I, llillslioro; Martin I'iselier, It, ,'), Hanks; (ieorif Henry Hun ger, Mannini:; Henry Kainnii, It. ', Coriit liiis; I'reil Henry lln'i maun, It. '2, Cornt liiH. Ailam Dellaiin, It. I, Hillsilal-; Lester Morion Davies.Jt. 't, 'len- verlon; deori;e l.ivennoiiil, le. verlonj Floytl Sylvesl. r l arlson, Slur Itoute Forest drove; Robert : Wiedwitsch, (ieo. Hi liniiann, It. ! i, Cornelius; Hubert Ktlii.inul s'eheitll. (Jen. Del., Tillamot. I. ' ... it l F.ilgar Paul Crawford, Maniiin ; ;, Fmmct Weston, It. '., Micrw oiiti ; care Camp, Thomas F. Heisler, IMPORTANT NOTICE All persona who subscribed for Third Liberty Loan Bonds thro this bank are hereby notified that the bonds are now here and ready for delivery. AH persons who have interest coupons due on prior bonds taken thro this bank can get same by presenting the coupons. SHUTE SAVINGS BANK PROMPT : CONSERVATIVE : SAVE TRAINING AT REED Itet il Colli K1' Ii'1 h'K ii'-il a proviH ional eonlrail with the war tle iailiiii'iit for orpini.iiiK n unit of the I'liiteil Statfn army on the campus in I'orllaml, on Oetolu r lirsl. Iliuli hiliool grailiialiH, H years of age or over, may he vol inilarily iniliieleil into Ihe Itetil unit of the htinleul army trainiiig eoi jis, have all their exii nse for tuition, tjiiarters, sulisisli'iiee, uiii foruis ami eiiiimielit paiil hy the t'ovf riuiie ill, ami .f'tO a month in ailililion. The military iiiM'rue tiou will he in charge of I'nitt il Stales army ullieers, liolli coin missioiieit ami noii-etiiiiinissioiif iT. They will he assisteil hy ninlet n teacher ami slinlent of Itetil College who are now taking spe cial training for the purpose at the I'resiilio in California. The course of slmly for men has hecn maile over lo meet war nectls. CoursfH have liccii arran gi il ilk lit hi engineering, w ar iiialhmelies, railio work, signal corps work, surveying, topn graphical work, Imeleriology , t in mist ry, accounting, French for army uses, psychology fur mi III ll li sts, ami other ilircct ap plii'.itiiiiis to military liecils. The coin . es arc ili scrilu tl in llei J Iteeonl, No. 31. SHEEP FOR SALE Three young Hampshire hucks. cligihle to registry, (inc. large fcl lows; nliont K) hcatl Hampshire ewes, also cligihle, Itucks of this class hretl to Sliropshiren protliu'c line, large .sheep ami hig wool proiliiccrs. Austin Sims, Slur w noil, It. 4; phone Seholls, 3 mi line 4; ranch near l'nrmington. 212(5 Ostraiiilcr, Wash.; Joe I'-acry .(ones, care W , 1'.. McClure, C.'ii ilon; I'reil A. Vcnline, Dilley, John II. K. Stark, ll. Coriie'l ius; Dana Cro.shv, It. i, Slur woo.l; John I', n. thlcfs. It. 1, (i.islon; Jesse 1 ranees l'orlouw, It. 1, Heaverton; Julius Itichter, care C. It. I". A., Dcsilemona Samls, Astoria; William Henry lleiicr, Str.issel; Harohl ltahlwiu Itohiiison, care W. J. lavis, Crass 'allcy; Louis Fisher, It. 'J, Cornelius; Aiulnw Arthur 1'uli nr. Hills.lalf; Uiehai'tl Haul Kerkmaii, It, 1, Cornelius ; (Jen. I'liilip N'amlehcy, It. !l, Hanks; ri hie I'..ra I.oekman, Ilemli t Itoule, care Cogail Hros., Sea sitle; II. ni V W iliiam Tolke, It. Hanks; Ir. .1 D. Wolf. Dilley. Hermaii Kestek, It. 1, Hillshoro; (ih nil. ni War.!, It. 1, (iaslon; Al licit Joseph Sehwall, It 1, Cor nelius; William Henry Hiinli r. Heaverton; (ieorge Arlhu.- O' Neill, It. !1, Sherwooil ; Mnrviii Amlcrsou', care I'alton Linhr. Co.. (iaslon; Hi-manl X'.inMeltchi'ke, It. Laurel; I loVtl l.ouvenis ' iiiiighiioiir, Tillamook' Ituilo'ph O.iar Olseu, It. 1, O.twcgi.; o II nrv Jones, care . I'., ill" U'lure, Hon '.'.'t V. I ontlon ; Kay moil 1 1 Morrison Jones. It. 1, (las Ion; John II. l'ctersou, It I.inntoii; Frank l'.lgar Wilson, (iali d Creek ; Frank ltulicil Ho rse.' It. 1. llcaverton ; Arthur Herbert Vincent. Tiganl; (Jeorgt Aniol.l Durig. It. 2, Portland; Orville James Hailey, It. 1, For est drove; William Leonard Dev lin, Forest drove; Louie Marion MeCrailv, It. 1. Forest drove; Albert William Peters. It. 2. For est drove; Theodore Howard Pit man, 17(ili Hase Line St., Hills horo; I'M win F.rvin Hurkhalt cr, It. Ii, Hillsboro; Herman Carl , Is n TTrll 1 . ....1 Hiicckcr, u. a, iiinxiiom, v .ui W'illian Kruger, Tl. 3, Sherwooil; Clans F.rlekson, R. 1 , Heaverton ; Laurciiee F.inaiiuel Frederiekson. R. 1 , Laurel ; Ray Roy Legett, Cochran. The Argnn, $1.50 per year. SET PRESIDENT All Male Between IS and 45 45 Must Register for Military THURS., SEPT 12th, IS DATE Much Larger Task Than in June, 1917, It Scheduled Portland, Ore., Sept. Jl Every; mail ii) the I'uiti .1 Slates ami its possessions between the ages ofi IH ami !10, inclusive, ami .'II ami (.1, inclusive, whether he is a cil i.eii or mi alien, must register mi Sept. 12 under the new draft law lowering ami raising the ilrill ages from I N to 1.1. The only exceptions are men already in the military and naval service. This includes tilliecis ami men of the regular army, na vy ami marine corps; of the draf letl forces; of the National (iuat.l while in the service of the l iiite.l States; of the Ollictrs' Reserve' corps ami enlisted men in tin- I n listed Reserve Corps while in the service of the I'nitcd Slates; alii! ollict rs ami men in the Naval Re serve Force ami the Marine Corps Reserve while in the ser vice of the I'nitcd States. All others, without exceptions whatsoever, must register on the day set by the president for Reg istration Day. F.veil sickness w ill be no excuse for failure to register. Nor will ahseiice from home, no matter how necessary. And ignorance of the tlate set for Registration Day will not be a valid excuse. The burden of learning when and where to register, and of regis tering accoriliiiuly on Registra tion Day, is on the in. lit idual. Failure to register is punisha ble by imprisonment up to one vtar. Moreover, there is no al tentative- of paying a tine. Though sickness and absence from home will not be accepted as excuses for failing to regiscr. special arrangements have been made for registering sick persons and absentees by mail. Any man who is unable to pre sent himself for registration on Registration Day must scud some competent person to apply to his local board for a copy of the reg istration card. The friend will he authorized by a representative of the board, if he considers the ease bona tide, to take the card hack to the sick person and make it out for him. The card must then be mailed or taken to the Local Hoard. A man who must be absent from his home precinct on Regis (ration Day should go at once to the local board nearest the place where be happens to be and have his registration card made out and certified to. This registration card will then he iriven to the man registering. willi instructions to mail it with out delay to his home local board in lime to reach Ihe board by Registration Day. 1 Ins is very important, for the Imrtlcn is on I Ke re ii 1st rant of seemir that Ins home local board received tin card by Regiseration Day, lie is not registered until Ins Inline local board docs receive his card. When mailing the card, the registrant should enclose a self addressed ami stamped envelope f.ii. Ilw return to him ot a regis tration certificate. , It is important that every re;;' klrint have this registration ccr titicate, anil that ho keep it al ways on bis person. Otherwise he in. iv be put to very serious in convenience, including a night in iail. for all police, otlieers are an thori.eil and instructed to arrest men of draft age who cannot ro duee their registration certili rates. However, failure on the par of any mini subject to registra lion to learn his proper registra ti,i iilnee will be no excuse for his failure to register. Men who will be nbsent from home on Thursday, Septemlv 12. should consult the nearest lo al board at once for instructions Registration will take Plac between the hours of seven in th niorninir and nine in the evening Poling 'places in the various prt cinets will be open with registra lion boards. Heaverton, Gaston Cornelius, North Plains and Ti gard will vote in one precinct polling place only, so that one board Will handle these precincts instead of two boards. Hillsbo ro, F'orest Grove, and other pre cincts will register exactly in the same polling places as in 1917. .1. R. llniley, of aliove Buxton, whs down Monday and Tuesday. He says lie will have a line jinine and potato crop this year. LANDS IN FRANCE Warren Johnson, a former Wash ington County patron of the Ar gus, write irom i) - , i' ranee, iw- cr date of Aug. 1 1 : "Dear Argus: Am writing to I you know I arrived in France II O. K., but bail considerable xciteiiicnt on the. trip. Had a splendid time by meeting other O. A. C. boys aboard the ship that I never dreamed of being in the service. Also met I.. A. Woo en, better known an 'Chubby arrv', who attained his fistic re- ortl in California and was inlro- uced on the coast by Jim Flyiin as the coming heavyweight cham pion. He weighs 210 mid has de- aleil the best of thein. J'.stiuiat 1 by naval officers that 20.000 soldiers came across in Ihe con- ov I w as on. We Oregoniaris did 11 we could lo show the hoys a ne time. Nothing interested tin i.ivs an. I wotnen more in.iu to cad an oltl Argus I happened to ave with me. He is interested in it lping to will the war so he can g.-t hack to his farming. 1 Ins sur- ouinliiig country looks lavoralile o me but can tell you more about later. Hoping to hear from some of von soon, I remain, your I.I patmn, Sgt. Warren Johnson, 'o. K, 125 Remount Sta., A. E. F. ia N. V." COUNTY FAIR The Washington County lair be the center of the rally for the Fourth Liberty Loan. Not on- w ill there be posters and flag- ant sneakers w no nave net-n in- r there," but there will be a mili- , if ' !.. arv liautl irom aiieouver i. 'tr acks, a company of Oregon's it st trained soldiers and an air- lane demonstration. The patriot- women of the eounlv will hold monster parade. The school hildren of the county will cxhi it the best results of their Intliis- rial v. lun projects, im- iotm .m- . , ,t , . 'ei. . r ... i ...l miiiistralioii will show the con- r. le results of " Hooverisin." Al- oirether, it will be one of the ounlv's leading gatherings for the winning of the war. Al the same time it is will to remember that Washington is one of the foremost counties in the slate in agriculture and dairying and exhibits along these lines will worthy of the prizes oftercd and w orth going miles to set . MILK, $3 PER CWT. Supt. C. 1- Lamb, of the ( arna tion company, reports to the Ar- eiis that .'t.00 is be i llif Paid for milk at the condenser for the hrst half of August. AUCTION SALE Of Farm and Personal Property will sell at public auction on my place. miles south of Hillsboro, mid one-half mile west of the Ilillshoro-Laurcl road, on SATURDAY, SEPT. 7 Farm of H'i acres good plow and, 15 acres cleared, good louse, barn, out-buildings, family orchard. learn oi oay mares, . , t I : and 8 years old, weight about 2(i()0; 10 cows, (i of them fresh, balance to freshen soon; 2 2-year old grade Jersey heifers; about 100 W. L. hens, Corvallis strain; ill,', inch farm wagon; 2 seatet k; 12-ineh Oliver (..lulled plow: 50 tooth harrw; cultivator. Iron Age w licet hoe and seeder ... , , omplete; corn sheller; Meiers Siimv muni): poultry tenemg. loiible set of heavy work Har ness, liayrai'K, woouracn, g.tst,- line drag saw. cross-cut saw, iron wed s. sledire. peevv. Bluebell cream separator, hayforks, rope and pulleys; .'! incubators, 7 n cans; 1000 feet lumber; 10UU n ,if s-ineli s iiu ao: irram hay m barn: 100 feet :!i-ineh galvan ized pipe. Household Goods steel range, nearly new; parlor steel beater; vacuum carpet cleaner; 1900 washing machine, 2-scetiou and Base Globe book case, Mission ball rack, iron bed. coil iron springs and cotton mat tress: dresser, commode, large leather upholstered rocker, other r.,.L-,.i.d niui ilininir chairs, so yards carpet, rugs, 1 square o lieavv linoleum. 11x13; dishes. kitchen cabinet, 10 gallons bouse li.'iinl. cookinif utensils, and oilier articles too numerous to mention Lunch at noon. Sale to bcirin immediately nf ter lunch. Terms of Sale Under i?20. cash: 20 and over, (5 months' time at 8 percent, bankable not Two ner cent oil for cash over $20. A. F,. VanF.mon, Owner .1. W. Hughes. Auctioneer. Wanted Blackberries, string beans, and other fruits nnd veg etables in season. Cash on deliv- ery, if desired. Hillsboro Can ning Co. 28-6 Splendid Character Succumbs to Stroke While on Visit to G. A. R. WAS LIEUT. IN CIVIL WAR Washington County Resident for Forty-two Years Martin Cass Collier died in this city August .'10, I!) 18, after an ill ness of a week, the result of a stroke while he was attending the (J. A. It. National Reunion in I'n rt 1 . ii il i He was born in Men doll, Mass., Sept. 21, 1831, mid went to Illinois when a young man. ile. crossed trie i lams to California in 1851, and went back to Illinois i'l 1830, and w;'s married to Miss Sarah d. Park, pril 18, 1881. To llu; union were born four liil.lren, Joseph, Jacksonville. 111.. F.lmer George l'.dw.irtl Walton. , Decatur, 111 all of whom John Herman. lave passt'tl, ami of this citv, willi whom Mr. (oi lier has resided .since the death of Mrs. Collier in 18!(i. Mr. Collier served three ami a half years in the Civil W ar, in he 101st Volunteer Infantry, Co. D. Illinois. W hen he left the ser- , i T . . l L vice lie was a i-irsi i.ic uieii.iui. Mr. Collier was a Royal Arch Mason, and w;.. a member of lu- dity Lodge A. F. & A. M., and when be was aged 8(i years ot joined the Loyal Legion, a patriotic order, at roi'll.ui.l. I'he funeral took place Sunday afternoon from the .Metliinlist Church, Rev. Walton Skipwurtb conducting the services. The fu neral was in charge of L'liderta ker Limber. Many members of the (J. A. It. and Relief Corps were in attendance, he being a member of the Grand Army of Ihe Republic. Mr. Collier was a gentleman of the old school. He hail no ene mies after a period of 42 years at Seholls ami in Hillsboro, and this is a tine record for citi.en- iiiv lit- was well informed, iml kept abreast of the times. He had a remarkable memory anil ilu-i.vs keiit in touch with Na tional legislation and world af fairs. He was an advocate of tin ecent draft law, passed the oth er dav. a year back, and held that It would eventually he the ilratl Collier was oiiiet in tie- a meanor. kiniuy ni iimum, uv . ,i ... .1 i.i t .... i it lionrt. and while having de- .. ouinions. and ltem-I free to ..vin.- Hiem. dill so in a way " " i in: never otteiistve to tllusr opjiosing him. Up to within the week ho w strieken he had always been in line health, and the sudden termi nation of his life was a matter of ,v,...,f reo-ref. to a larsi'e eirolo. of friends, for in all his years lie he had never wantonly injiireu Mi.- feelintrs of a fellow -foeiuir. 1 the tribute given linn in prayer Minitay, ny iue-n'" ,1 i . l . i:r . i ..... v friend, Rev. V. J.. I line, ot rort- land, was one of the touching in cidents of the obsequies. Interment was in the. Masonic Cemetery, unit the Masons li.ul charge of the services ot tlx- grave. TILLAMOOK RANCH Tillamook dairy ranch of 2t0 bottom acres. 120 acres level land: 8 vounsr cows, 1 yearling and 1 calf; price $12,000, on terms. O'Neel Ore. Address the ownrs.- & Livengood, Hemlock, 21-6 Subscribe per year. - ' ' . 1 1 ' J I it :.-,:;..: m f ' ' 'V? t I it hi. 'U'': I . T t if" ' ' U Xll - - r for the Argus, $1.50 C. B. BUCHANAN & CO. ( Incorporated). Hillsboro, Cornelius and North Plains Wholesale iml Retail Dealers In Grain, Hay, Flour, Feed and Grain Bags Car-lot shipper of POTATOES and ONIONS. Grai i chopped or rolled at any time Lumber, Shingles and Lalh AT COKVF.l.H'S Beaver State Hour The Best Flour at the Lowest Prices. Telephones; Hillsboro, Main 14, Cornelius, City 1515, North Plain, Main 263. HARD SURFACE ROADS Will soon lead from Portland to the spleudid Beaverton - Reedville Acreage Many Splcr.d' lion.e I ce sniitil tracts ou ain ervice nionj'v?; i -. 1 i" .: ,;i 1 d t SHAW-FEAR COMPANY 102 Fourth Street PORTLAND, OREGON Res. 411 Rodney Aye. Let us move you into Portland. storage. C. K. ROGERS' TRANSFER GENERAL HAULING Lonar Distance Moving and Heavy Hauling. WE HAUL ANYTHING TWO LARGE TRUCKS PROMPT SERVICE Office with Riverview Auto Transfer, 271 Taylor St. Phones: Main 5205; A 8110 Also buy cattle, hogs, sheep, etc. W. 0. Donelsoii UNDERTAKER AAA 4 ; Calls attended night or d:iy. Chapel aud Parlors. Hilttbono. - Oregon . J We Have the Neatest and Most Complete Stock of JEWELRY and SUNDRIES ... In the City of Hillsboro. We do repair work in first-class work and our charges are always reasonable :::::: IF YOUR E.YES ARE TROUBLING YOU, LET US FIT YOU TO GLASSES SCIENTIFIC EQUIPMENT. HOFF Jeweler end Main Str; : si.le. Phone East 89 No charge for small Tfi The Old Relit Me Hartford I'he Hartford Fire It - ir 1 .wee Co., is the first ard tly Co.that offers Farmei s.l''o 'f jucers, buyersandShippersof ? ive stock absolute pr.tec- Jtion ntrauist loss of your stock by death of any ra.i9e. See, Phone or Write lo John I Vanderwul, Agent, 774 8th St., JPhone Main 03. Hillsboio, Ore. J M A N