The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, August 29, 1918, Image 1

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"' I iiiw'il i ii i ill mi ii
ii 11
NO. 25
Inspect Groncr Walnut Orchard,
t.nrnit in County
Cnll on Senator LnFollctte at
Wlirntland Pfiicli On hard
Inspection uf hi i ii 1 1' nf Orr
)V'M h 1 1 ) 1 1 1 grttfcH ns ) I u i t
ril i the W i hli i n Walnut As, a
i ilum August '.Ml '.'H, 'I'lir cum
millet' in charge uf llu' i l III !"!
li ft I'm 1 1. mil in iiiitiiiiiuliili s ut N
n clock Monday morning, rum
JIIIMll uf till' following Wllllllll
Kiiii r: I". W, Miilllii w s, Ann
It; knight I'liuey, Suli in ; I'ruf.
C. I. Lewis. (),' A. ('.; Clm.
Trunk, 1 ii i n - ; I i -ril Coroner,
Hillsboro; M. Mil), mul, I, Or, 11
in; W. W. Id Imrii, M c.I innt illc ;
I'liil Mrlsvli.'in, I'url Utnl ; Mini A.
I'.. Wright, Portland.
Inlilll'ili' talks hy orchard own
in Mini others tpmlifii d In spenk
were given ill stiil.tlile linn s. Tin
si In link incliijled It l i .it l,i I rid
(iroiicr's uruvri ut Seholls I Vrry.
followed iy dinner lit Vcwbcrg.
Tin- I ii ti I ( orchards, oldest in
Oregon, were inspected in llir af
ternoon, sn 1 1 1 n r mill lodging nt
MrMinin illi . Tuesday inurniiig
llu- Kola it 1 1 1 1 1 1 grove, N;iiil to lie
tin- l.i ri' hI seedling Intel in the
world, tlir Lit Pol h Mr U In nllitml
peach fiirin, mid tin' Senator Me
Nury ii I ii ii t Ir.'ii't, were inspect
ill before dinner ut Salem, A
longer Iriji I y w tiy if Skyline,
,li llrf.un, mill Albany, took n
the afternoon, ending with n r
i i i ,t ion ami dinner nt I'tigciie.
cl morning t In- isilors iuspi i I
ill lln' (icorgc Dorris lit In-rl
grotc, lln' Li rtri'st In ;i i im u liiirl
in America, mnl siiiui- uf lln- nlli
rr iri.i' orchards uf llu' district.
Tin- journey h iis concluded hv
w.'iv uf Corvnllis, Independence,
Mniiniiiiitli mi, I Dallas di-lricls,
where sonic uf llir inn.l success
fill groves nrr located.
Tin- In III"' I'rril iroiier
walmil Ir-icts ii n i hit imi In
many uf lln' party. Tin. holding
ri mi isi-H in timr In lie tin- ni"-l
viilinilili' acreage in this hi ii urn
lorlt participated in :i moon
light camp parly ill Cnnip Mc
( Icllan, mi Dairy, northwest uf
I In- t-it List Thursday night, at
lln- camps uf I.. A. Long imil
prank I'nnli mnl families. Tin1
ctcning was ill, nt, willi spli-n
ill, I in, hiii. There win swimming
in tlir big pnnl, mnl nt 10 ii'i lm k
nil wi l'i' Inisy ill il liitf in Ii ri
must. Tin' (fi'onnils wrri' arlilii'
ially lililril Willi .l.iiaiu-sr Ian-ti-nis
as an aiil In I. una. Miss
Marjnrii' Wells, lu r Innllii r
('lias., ami l!:i iiiiuul l',n l, r, ami
Mary llirliisnu, fnriiieil an or
eln sliii for miisiial nuniliers: ami
uint(. Tliuse nllrmliny: : Messiw.
ami Mesilanifs Win. (!. Hare,
Joint W. t'onnell, .1. M. (iuar, (i.
I', (iaillinrnef, Clay I'reentan, I,.
A. Long. C. A. Ilaiiili', lrau.
I'auli. Nontian (Ireer, Unlit,
(irecr, Jr., Mesilanies 1 leltrii-lla
Mnrttan, Itee Mel.enil, W. N.
Harris, ('. K. Knnnl, ; Misses
Marjnrii- Wells, Mary Harbison,
Dulures Hare, Mariaret Lony. Slewarl, Merlea ami Mil
ilreil Harris, Helen I'uiiin-Hi
Messrs. Jus. MeCnurl, ('lias.
Wells, Uayinoml Heeler, I.en
Cnar, anil Maslers Maimer Per
kins, Carlelnn Hainle, Julin
Hare and Jaek Cniinell.
The Argtm, ? 1.50 per year.
All persons who subscribed for Third Liberty Loan
Bonds thro this bank are hereby notified that the bonds
are now here and ready for delivery.
All persons who have interest coupons due on prior
bonds taken thro this bank can get same by presenting
the coupons.
I'nrllanil, Ore., Auk. " W'oril
lias lieen reeilveil from I'ruvnsl
Marshal (ieneral Crnuiler askinu
Ihal jii'iaraliiius lie inaile In fill
a i MiniiiK t ail fur a lare iniiulier
of (null sli iiiinijiln rs w ho liiive
hail lejjal i-xiierii'iu'r.
Only tvhile mi n in liioileil or
speeial nervier elassiliealiuiis will
lie ll i l l ill il fur llli se iiihilinlls.
The sleiinrajihers taken will
irnlialily lie assifjiieil In the jiule
ailvueale Jelu ral's ilejia rl un lit
anil the irii ost marhlial Keneriil's
ii'iarlimiil ami will lie reiiiireil
In reinil eiiurt iiuirliiil eases ami
alt, ml In nlher inallers perluin
iH inilitary la- in lln- liilil.
The work, il is nniioiiueeil, Mill
In- inl, n stiiijr ami will iir inval
n ihlr -x rii nee In the fortumile
lteislrants 1-linihl'' fur this
work are urt(eil to pri Hi nt lln in
selves without ilelay In tin ir lueal
liniiils In have their nanu s listril
fur (lie serviee. Ilutiever, nil in
ilueliniis will lie inaile until fur
ther nnlers.
Three yuuii;; 1 liiiipshire ImiiI.s,
elifftl'le lu renihtry, line, lare fe
lows; i 1 i i ii I K) heiiil Haiiipsliii'i
ewes, also eliihle, I'ueks of this
elass hriil to Shrnpshiri-H Jiroiluei
line, lar"' hlieep ami liitf wool
h-oiiii'its, Austin Sims, Slur
wo, ill, It, I; plioni' Seholls, ,'l on
line raneli near I-'n riniiiloii,
2 2(1
Having noIiI the ranch, I will
sell at public sale at the old Fri
day place, Yi ln''1' north of
H anks, nt ten o'cloek a. in., on
S.VTUUDAY, Al'ti. ii I,
12 head of cuttle Jersey cow, 3
years old, freshen Scjit. It III ;
Cirade llolntein, ') yrs, fresh on
Sejit 17; K'"de Jeriiey, ) years,
freuli Sept. 18; grade Jersey, tl
yis, freshens April IS; llolstein
cow, .'I ym, Oct. S3; grade
Jcrm-y, 0 yrH, fresh Nov. 17;
grade llol.steiu, years, fresh
Nov, i!8; grude Jersey, 2 j yr.s,
fresh March 2; grade Hulslein,
'I yr, fresh April ll; grade
Jersey, ii'-) yr, fresh Jan. U;
ritde Jersey, 10 yrs, fresh Alnr.
15; Jersey Iteifer, 18 uioiitlis,
fresh in .March next; Jersey hei
fer, lUiiiiniths. lluy mure, l.'IOt)
lbs, 10 yrs; full blood O. 1. ('.
brood sow to furrow Oct. 1 ; 1)
shouts, 100 lbs each; 2 sets dl.l
work harness, set single harness,
tfl,4 llain wagon, new nurruw
lire; spring wagon, almost new;
old wagon, truck wagon, buggy,
McCoriuiek binder, 0 ft, good
shape; new MeC'onniek mower,
5 ft cut; Osborne hay rake; 11
inch plow, Moline disc plow,
spriugtoolh harrow, (0 looth
drag harrow, one horse cultiva
tor, disc harrow, (i II corrugated
roller, Chatham fan mill with
sucker same as new; spray pump,
;i Ky. disc drill, Victory
platform scales, grindstone, ,
ten gal milk cans, 8 gal milk can,
F.eonnmy Chief Separator, 800
lbs per hour, good as new; hay
rack, wagon box, 'i log chains, II
do, hop baskets, hand
cultivator, scoop shovel, !i lii;(
straw forks, 300 lbs barb wire;
ii post augers, lile scoop and
spade, forks, shovels, 2 wheel
barrows, water motor washing
machine, household goods, mid
numerous other articles.
Terms Sums under $10,
cnslt; over $10, 1 year's lime,
bankable note, at 8 per eenl.
Free lunch at noon,
John Friday, Owner,
J. W. Hughes, Auctioneer,
W. (). C.alaway, Clerk.
Eighty Five Will Entrain for
Camp Lewis, Sept. 3rd to 6th
Sjxty Are Cited From the 1918
Class of Registrants Youngsters
The local W'nr linard, cunsisling
of Sheriff Alexander, Clerk Ku
rnlli and Dr. W. I), Wood, have
drawn the foloiiig tentative
lisl uf 0!) uieii to till the entraiu
inent order fur Sept. .') il fur
training at Camp Lewis, ,'t!) being
from the I ! 1 7 registration class
ami lit) from the I 111 8 class, reg
istered last June, 03 to be induct
eil into serviee:
(11)17 Class)
Albert F. Kralnner, It. Cur
m inis; Henry Charles lHienin ,
Forest drove; Winifred Italph
Swifl.SCj, (Jratul Ave., Portland ; ,
Fred Sehoiibeeker, Tigard; I ran i
eis I.eis, lieavertiin; Archie Ins
ter Campbell, It, ii, Forest (irovc ;
II, nj. Franklin Seroguins, Hills
burn; llalph Demcil Cole, Sher
wood; Thcophil Hieli, Oreiieu
Robert Hiehard Similiters, liea
vcrton; I.eroy F.ilwiti Johnson,
Hi i ISOil, V, M. ('. A., Portland :
Frank Wager, Sherwood; Fred
Lesser, Forest (trove; Fred Dy
sle, It.'.', Portland; llussell Kopji
lilt, (iaston; August Henry Des
inger, lleavertoti; Louis llauer,
It. 1, llillslinro; Henry Kustek.
I lillslioru ; Lcnuard Cbarles Jen
uings. Forest ( i rove; Olof John
son, It. 1, lleavertoti; Wilton I'v
erald Minekley, Forest (irovc;
Pleasant Mathews. It. 2, Hills
dale; Fdward Wohlselileg.l. II.
'1, Laurel; Itoy William Hein
richs, It. 2, Forest (irovc; Malh
ew James I'ligeldinger, (ielt. Del.
Vancouver, Wash.; Water Seolt
Muir, 3(57 Itilssetl S., Poilland ;
John Andrew Oppenlander, R. 1,
Cornelius; Fred I.el.tml Ander
sou, Forest (trove; Herman F.n..
care Jacob Klever, :i.rl I'nion
Ave., Portland; Louis 'amh hey.
It. 2, Forest (irovc; Alfred Jo
Itansen, 1107 Venn P.ldg., Purl
land; Owen Dt W ilt Palmer, care
S. Ii. L. Co., Piixton ; William
J. Osterm" It, It. 2. Purest (irovc;
Le.iier Ttioin.-is Mou'!tn. It. 1.
Hanks; Fred F.rnest Sollherger,
It. ,1, Hillsboro; Martin Fischer.
It. .'I, Hanks; (icorgc Henry Hun
ger. Manning; Henry Kammi. It.
2, Cornelius; Fnd Henry Huh
ma nn, It. 2, Cornelius.
(til 18 Class)
Adam 1. Ilaan, It. 1, Hillsdale;
Lester Morton Unt ies, U. 'I, J!e.-t-vcrluti;
(Icorgc Livengnod Ilea
vertnu; William llryan HoMeti
beck, Mounlaind-ile; Floyd Syl
vester Carlson, Star Route, For
est (Irovc; Walter Itycbliek, It. I,
Sherwood; Robert W ietlw ilseh,
Cornelius; (icorgc Hcltrmann, P..
2. Cornelius; Herbert F.tluiiind
Seheidt, (Jen. Del., Tillamook:
l-'.dgar Paul Crawford, M.-iuning;
Funnel Weston, It. 2, Sherwood;
Thomas K. I leister, care Camp.
Ostrander, Wash.; Joe Emery
Jones, care W. F. McClure, Cmi
don; William T. Driver, Reaver
ton; Fred A. l'enlinc, Dilley ;
John II. F. Stark, It. 2, Cornel
ius; Dana Croshv. R. -I. Sher
wood; John P. Dellilefs. II. 1.
(Iaston; Jesse Frances l'orlouw,
It. 1, ltcuverlon ; Julius Uiehler,
care C. R. P. A., lK'sdentnna
Sands, Astoria; William Henry
Heuer, Slrassel; Harold Haldwin
Robinson, care W. J. Davis,
Crass Valley; Louis Fisher, It. 2.
Cornelius; Andrew Arthur Fid)
rer, Hillsdale; Richard Paul
Kerkiiian, It. 1, Cornelius; Geo.
Philip Vnmlehey, R. H, Hanks;
Archie F.xra Lnekman, Ilemlet
Roule, care Cogan Urns., Sea
side; Henry William Tolke, R. 2,
Hunks; Fred D. Wolf, Dilley
Herman Keslek, R. 1, Hillsboro
Glendon Ward, It. 1, (Iaston; Al
bert Joseph Sehwnll, R. 1, Cor
nclitis; William Henry Hunter,
lleavertoii : Crcorire Artliu." O'
Neill, R. 3, Sherwood; Marvin
Anderson, care Patton I.hiIm-. Co..
Gaston; Hcrn.tril VaiiMeltebeke,
R. 2, Laurel; Floyd Louveiiis
I'loughnour, Tillamook' RiidiJph
i ) nir Olsen. R. 1. O.iwegu; .Lis.
H.iirv Jones, care W. E. M
Clure, 15nx 23. Condon; Ray
mond Morrison Jones, It. 1, Gas
ton; Edward Harold Miller, R. 4,
Reavertnn; John II. Peterson, 11.
2, Liiinlon; Frank Kdgur Wilson.
Gales Creek; Frank Ruben ISo
cse, R. 1, Beaverton; Arthur
Herbert Vincent, Tigard; George
Arnold Durig, R. 2, Portland;
Orville James Hniley, R. 1, For
est Grove; William Leonard Dev
lin, Forest Grove; Alford Vemor
Doree, Yaeolt, Wash., care of
Clarke County Timber Co., Camp
10; Clifton Bryan Hardin, R. 2,
Gaston; Clark Lawrence John-
Thirly-iiiiie young men registered
in the 21 years of age class last
Saturday. The list:
Lawrence Peterson, Hillsboro;
Fred Chris .uenher, Hillsboro,
It, 2; John Fred Kuinna, Cornel
ius, It. 2; Julin Henry I-'ohri-r,
Hillsdale, It. I; Bert Fun rsnii
Copple, Tualatin; Felix W. Mc
Cullough, (iaston; ('lan-nci: Carl
son, Hcuvcrton; Alfred August
J'dank, Tualatin; Fred Carl Net
sun, Port Blakcley, Wn.; Kugi-iie
P, Taylor, Sherwood, It. ii ; Fred
C. Aebiseher, Sherwood, It. 3;
Adulph 11. Sehuiidt, Sherwooil,
It. 1 ; Samuel lientliy, Hillsboro;
Henry L. Holt,, Coriielius, R. 2;
Harry W. Seolield, (talis ('reek;
('has. It. Maeey, Forest (rove,
II. 1; Homer Purilin, Forisl
(irovc; Walter F. Stueki, I lillslio
ru, R. 1; Owen Helm, Hillsboro,
R. I; Rhiiu liart Schemer, Gar
den Home; Archie V. Olson.
Nmiipa, Idaho; Hurry L. Jack.
Hillsboro, It. 2; Clms. A. Hatch,
Cornelius; Jas. Jos. Aves, Gales
Creek; Jos. G. Dobcr, Hanks, II.
I'.lvin II. Haskell, Portland, It.
Arthur W. Hummer, llillslin
ro; I'.rnest l-,. vv orlliingtun, JSea
tertun, It. 4; Louie II. Wiesse,
Gaston, It. 1; Carl Hetz, Heaver
ton, R. 3; Allen F. Ballard, Sher
wood, It. 3; Will. O. Clark, Hills
burn, R. 3; Albert A. Buchcr,
Beaverton, It. 3; Francis J. Vim
lerveldeii, Roy; John K, Herger.
Hillsboro, R. 4; Clarence
eey v larno, .Mtrtn nam ; ,ner
man I In tehison, Tiinher; John
Frederick Saunders, Forest
Grove; Jas. Luther Turner, Hills
Porland The first uf 10 wooden
bare hulls to be outfitted at t hi
ducks of the Willamette Iron V
Steel Works are now heiiiir rusli-
d out by Willamette company.
Hulls are from Stautlifer ship
yard at Vancouver.
Marslilietd Cons Hay .ship
yards show highest ctlieieitcy ree
ord of alt the yards in l!. S., ae
ording to government figures.
Toledo Roberts mill i-om-iletes
a new slab conveyor and
puis nt new planer.
Contracts fur 33 wooden cargo
vessels, each nt ;i.Ji(Kl tolls, .seven
w oo, I, ii barges and three wooih ii
harbor tugs, were let by I'. S.
Shipping Board. Six will he
milt by Kruse Hanks, North
Bend, two each by Fulton Ship
building Co., Wlniiugton. Cat.,
the Seaborn Shipyards Co., Ta-
eoin.i, the St. Helleu (Wash.)
Shipbuilding Co., and Nilson &
Kelez Shipbuilding Co., Seattle,
and one by George F. Rodgers iS:
Co., Astoria, Ore.
I.i li Hum cannery begins run on
evergreen blackberries. Plant ex
pects to handle about ,'100 tons of
berries nt 5 cenls a pound this
Toledo- Work lively on the
government mill sue.
liamtnii Ownership of Ban
don woolen mills taken over by
K. N. Smith. Plant valued at ap
proximately $S0.000, and consists
of a mill which emplys about .10
workers. Plans for extension of
plant will be started immciliatch.
Port of Portland to build coal
bunkers. $75,000 dock for coal
ing ships to rise near elevators it
SI. Johns.
Oregon City Hawley Pulp -Paper
Co. is construclini f.0.000
gallon reservoir for a reserve wa
ter supply for sprinkling system
of the company.
Echo Work started on E
Pendleton mail.
Fort Rock Co-operntivr
creamery here completed ; strats
Kugono A lir-eut lug at Jaek
Hester logging camp on Siuslaw
river scaled 2(1.000 tect. it was
DO feet in length and about six
feet ill diameter and straight nui
clear. Lumbermen statetl that
the loir was urobably worth $500
in the water.
The U. S. District Court has
summoned four Washington
county men to serve as grand jur
ors at the term of court commen
cing in Portland on September.'):
II. M. Basford. Hillsboro, R. 3.
near Farmiiigton ; W. L. FL-itchd
der, of Hillsboro; Loren Kruse
Sherwood, and J. J. Shevtin, of
son, Sherwood; Louie Marion
McCradv, R. 1. Forest Grove;
Albert William Peters, R. 2. For
est Grove; Theodore Howard Pit
man. 1700 Base Line St., Hills
boro; Theodore Ervin Bnrklialt
er, R. 5, Hillsboro; Herman Car
Rueeker, R. 3, Hillsboro; Carl
Willian Kruger, R. 8, Sherwood
Clans Eriekson, R. 1, Beaverton
Laurence Emanuel Frederickson
R. 1, Laurel; Ray Roy Legttt,
Fifty for Call, and Nine Added
for Rejections Made at Camp
Iowa Hill Band Came In to Give
Boy Lively Send-Off
Fifty-eight men were entrained
here Monday morning at 7:.'Hi
fur Camp Lewis, one, Francis M.
Joi ll, joining them out uf Astor
ia. Fifty were sent mi the regu
lar August induction, n ml
nine go to fill the places of men
rejected as unlit at the camp.
The Iowa Hill band came in to
give the boys all they had in their
repertoire to cheer llirin up at
their home leuting, ami il was a
lively bunch that stepped aboard
tin- morning passenger.
The list:
Clarence Famine, Herbert A.
Carlcton, William Rollins, Gen.
C. Pw. Rtipprccht, Unlit. A. I.evick,
W in. Neat, Tad Derbyshire, hi.
Reid Heisler, Amos Watkills,
(volunteered), Holly Wilson, I.e
atlder Klaus, John Louis Vaildc
coeyering, Elmer Curl Peik, Ar
thur C. Wahl, Paul Carl Beringer,
Max Moore Reelier, Perry Wes
ton, James Iloim r Haynes, Heii
rv II. C. Schmidt, W illiam Car
h le Miller, W. C. Scldottmun.
Roy Chester DcLetts, Fdward L.
Koch, Carr Lester Moflit, Frank
Jacob Hanson, Henry Frit. 1-1 1 i -ander,
Ludwig F. Ncwkireh, Har
ry Wahl, Fritz Louis Fischer, Ed
ward Wager, Merrill Theodore
HufistuUer, Earl Leon Hobbs.
Albert August Herman Meier,
Gottleib Werre, Outer Viiylstekc.
Theodore J. Vandccoevering.
Francis Melvin Joel, Edward
M. -uircr, Ernest Rchbcck, Oscar
Eugene Pfahl, John Vandomclon.
Herman GustilT H.unel, Edward
Fisher, Albert Meier, Henry Wal
ters. Milo Ellis Ballard, Edward
Rieben, Leon Joint Vandchey.
Herman Lceliner, Jacob Sylves
ter Baiiy, Alfred Fri erkseii, Jr..
Gene Ivan Lee, Herman Fred
.uereher, Rov ietnr Carv, Carl
ie Eugene Brundaw, Joseph I).
"attdehev. Dentetrios Stainatinn.
ieo. Michael Susbaiier. Charles
.ce Voting.
Earl Leon Hobbs, of James,
was placed in charge of the men.
-tin! he was assisted by the fol-
owing .st pi. -id corporals: J. P.
Vandchey, Arthur Wahl, T. J.
Vandecoevcring, Win. Rollins.
Henry Walters. Amos Watkills
titd Henry F. Eliander.
The exercises in the courtyard
Sunday afternoon were presided
over by Mayor John M. Wall and
the address w as made hv a Span-
sh War veteran. Dr. L. M. Hyde.
Patriotic songs were rendered by
tin- audience. The Red Cross wo
men were in evidence much to llu
appreciation of the war board.
They sewed on the arm badges
designating the men as members
of the entraininent class and
were a great help to the officers.
Fred Riggle, of Tillamook, was
cut rained for that county along
with the men from here.
Scores of the boys availed
themselves of the privileges of
the Hillsboro Club rooms Sunday,
Hid they were also given free ad
mission to me utterly ineaier.
They asked the press to thank
both places for the courtesies ex
tended. Many of the young men
tttetided the dance at the Moose
hall Saturday night, in honor of
their departure.
I will sell .-it public sale
nt Will
ro.-til, t
briilstc. on the I.inntiiii
miles north' of Portland and three
utiles of Linton, at 1 :00 y. in. on
1!) head good milk cows, high
grade Jerseys and Holsteins ini
cd, giving large flow of milk,
some just fresh and six fresh be
tween date of sale and Oct. I
reiristered Holstcin bull 1 1'5
months old; .'SO cases of milk bot
tles; .some milk cans, bottle tiller
and other articles too numerous
to mention. Terms: Six mouths
time bankable note at S per cent
interest. Three per cent off for
cash nt sale. John McCalluni,
owner, J. C. Kuratli, auctioneer.
Tillamook' dairy ranch of 2 tO
acres, 120 acres level bottom
land; 8 young cows, 1 yearling
and 1 "calf; price $12,000, on
terms. Address the owners!
O'Neel & I.ivengood, Hemlock,
Ore. 24-6
Subscribe for the Argus, $1.50
per year.
Hillsboro, Cornelius and North Plains
Wholesale ami Hi tail Dealers In
Grain, Hay, Flour, Feed and
Grain Bags
Car-lot shipper of POTATOES and
ONIONS. Grain chopped or
rolled at any time
Lumber, Shingles and Lath
Beaver State Flour
The Best Flour at the Lowest Prices.
Telephones; Hillsboro, Main 14,
Cornelius, City 1515, North Plain, Main 263.
Will soon lead from Portland to
the splendid
Beaverton - ReedviHe
Acreage ...
Many choice small
Splendid train service morning and
evening into the city. Buy your little
home before th
102 Fourth Street PORTLAND, OREGON
Res. 411 Rodney Ave.
Let us move you into Portland.
Long Distance Moving and Heavy Hauling.
Office with Riverview Auto Transfer, 271 Taylor St. Phones:
Main 6208; A 8110 Also buy cattle, hogs, sheep, etc.
W. 0. Donelson
Calls attended night or day.
Chapel and Parlors.
Hilltboro. - Oregon
We Have the Neatest and Most Complete Stock of
In the City of Hillsboro. We do repair
work in first-class work and our charges
are always reasonable ::::::
Jeweler and Optician
Main Street t Hillsboro, Oregon
tracts ou sale.
ia;:'e comes.
Phone East 89
No charge for small
Old Relit l ie
I The Hartford Fire Iv.s ir-
ance Co., is the first and rnly
Oo.that offers Farmeis, Fro
I -lucers, tmyersantiShiprersof
live stock absolute :
!tion against loss of your
stock by death of any a jse.
See, Phone or Write to Jthn
VanWwal. 774 ftih Si..
Phone Main -03. HilUboi ., Ore.