r 1ILLSB VOL. XXV HILLS HORO, OREGON, AUGUST 22; 1918 NO. 24 Ihe Tf'l 1' IM r JUL r jniJi o Uov IHTOJCLASS ONE Hoard Kc-tlnmiilici and Adds 116 to Fi(ditin Tentative F.XAMS SOON WILL FOLLOW ThouKlit Thai 100 of Them Will Bp Open to Selective Draft The local war hoard has Unwind il t rc classification of inn r ii il nu ll ami hi ii result I HI hac In ell added In ( In- 1 1 1 1 1 ii 1 i i- light i 1 1 l forces of iishiiiKliiil Coon ly. These will go through lln same dams, physicall v, anil Jin same appeals, llmt the list here tofore uriil through, of i-niiroc. I xi I il Ii uilhiu I Ik- realms of pos Nihility that many nf t In in will Hi t into t In- M'lrrtivr ilrnfl In fun many weeks lit li-ft st to (hose w III! wiint tn go "llil IlIIVl' it tit it Willi. Tin- fi list il list f married Hit 11 placed in Class I, lire in t In-i r order nf hileclioll. Leonard llrown, llillshoro; l.r m il Ashley 1 lailics, Stella, Wash. Curl CuiiUin ( lilliiiw nliT, Hills luiru; I'dar Thackcr, lori-sl (irnxr; Clarence I lurry Iliylcy. Ileaverloii; Hoy Willis'Vail, lil by; Oscar liriigiiianii, llillshoro; Jnliii llriiry Stow n. I lillilnirn, imw Vancouver; Ailnlph (instiiv M ill, r. llillslmru. it. :i; I laila.ul It. Siulrr, llillslmro ; Karl Hood Wallace '.ii I-.. 7Mh Si. So., Port laud; Ami i- I'.llis I ii kasou, It. .'I, Hanks; Itnlir rl I'.iirl Shidl, On n cat ; prank Oscar I', rick son, It. I. Itriivt rltin ; Kay uimul Ivrr Wrsl mil, North Plains; Alfrnl Itii Ii ards, It. t. Ilr.'ivi rluii ; (iriiu t Moiiroi- Hniwn, It. S. 1 lillsliiii'n ; (lruri- Trebtr, II. M, Sln rw mill ; Arnnlil W'lfiiieke, Timber; I'riil I'.ra I .ii I lit-, It. I, Sin rn mill ; Claude Leslie Coulee, llillsboro; Anluiir llrlirv Itinek. lit a erloo : Wallace Milford ltrailhwail. It. V', 1'orc-t (iruvr; Henry" l.iichs, llt-avcrlon ; Myron V. Arm slroiic, Wasco; (iliulwiii Albert Uoimlily, Ilillslinro; Horace i. r.mmon's, P.cvcrly Apt ., IK." I'.'irk St., Portland; Paul I v;in Tappi n ilorf, Slirrwouil; I'rnl l-'.riu si licit, I lillslmi-u, now Portland: Osiinr Kirhy. II. -'. llillshoro. t-it n I.. W. Crow ili r; Thomas Arndt, I SOI Dminiiioii.l Si., Tori luiiil; (liisliif St illrrl. I lillslii.ru ; tieorxe Olivrr dray, llillsboro; Albert Mrl.roil, (iaslon; I'r.-il I. tstcr Miviilsuii. Purest drove; Victor Laurence Smith, Buxton; .luliii Munrii'f loimclly, It. L Slu rw i. ml ; A rll.ur Alln-rt Nlu h crd. llillshoro; llowanl Mill.r I It ist liniiiii, It. I. Shrrwin.il; I'ruiik Arthur Chiillrronilii-. Hills horn; Itiihiril Mnlliii, Tiyaril; John l.ilwiinl Itolnrls, It. I. Hunks; .lohn lli iiry KilisoiT. Cur iit-lins; Harry Wihstrr Itoyd, (iaslon; ('has. I.iiu-olii Smith. SI Dili SI., San I'raiirist-u ; (Ilrnn Vim rnt raynr, I IitUln.ro ; Chnr ,s ,s" It.iiiy, It. a. I'.iiivrrlon; W'lillacf Marion Smith, Hanks; .laint-s I'ritlriiik Olivrr, It. I, llillshoro; (Ih nn A. Wass, Wi lls horo, I'a.: Itiiht-n .li-sst- Krlly: B. .'I, Hanks; .It-ssi" Karl Striinf, llillslmru; John II. l'.-irsnn. Itnx Ion; Chiirlt'S Nirlmlas Vailihr will, Ilillslinro; lli-rlierl, Anriisl H.illin, It. Liniitoii; Wnllrr Chai-h-s Srriillon, It. I, Oswi-ffn; CharlfS Olivrr Martin, Ui-nvrr-Inn; Milvilli- rayt'tti' Crow, C:!'.' I' Davis St., roillanil; Allnil ,ltisi ih I'.vrrs, R. 2, r'orml (irnvt-; AiitoB Ti't'd Chrisli-ni-r, North 1'lains; Charles Sylvesler Smith. II. t, Heaverlon; ItoKi-r Kilwiii-tl Fojrt, 22 IS Orehanl St., Cliiiwitfo. III. ; Cieoi-RC Ilihlierl. Jr., (fire I ItLtli way Dept., Weslport; Hoy Wesley Melville, llillshnroj Geo. IMPORTANT NOTICE All persons who subscribed for Third Liberty Loan Bonds thro this bank are hereby notified that the bonds are now here and ready for delivery. All persons who have interest coupons due on prior bonds taken thro this bank can get same by presenting the coupons. SHUTE SAVINGS BANK PROMPT : CONSERVATIVE : SAVE AN APPEAL i't.rl lunil, Ore., July 15. To the Mothers ami Sister nf ( )i t mm : Il will he iit-i-cllt'HM for mi! to K1 into ih tail anil explain to you the prohli'lil of feetlin IIH wiilueil, I. ahles ami i hihlreii, 'I'ln- task is ilillienll nt any time, hut 11 Ire Itieiitlous hurileil at pit si lit. 1 ap peal to you to rruif mht-r the irU ami hahies iluriti this eoniiiiK Hi asoii, ami put tip a little extra fruil, with or without KMKar, to ship to the Louise Home ami the Alhertiiiu Kerr Nursery Home, where we are earing for nhaniloii eil mother ami hahies. Wu as sure you that whatever you ean tin in their behalf will lie Kreat ly nppreeiateil. Why not form n eluh in your town anil ship it har rel of eaiineil fruit or eainn il Vi (i et.ihles at 'I 1 1 ;t 1 1 k i v i 1 1 ft ? I'ur shipping; iiislriielinus a. I tlress enrrespumleiiee to (ieil. Supt. W, (i. Mel.aren, l!"5 Nurn sitle St., I'ortlautl, Ore, All appeal from the I'lieilie ('nasi Itesine I'roleetive Suei rly. UNCLAIMED LETTERS List nf iiiielaimeil litters, weik .inline Auk. 17, HUN, llillshoro, Orenii: J. Daiiliells, Ilarnhl A. nauihy, Miss I.nVerne Hilhurii, It. I.. .Ionian, Mrs. I.. C. kelitlall, K. Layman, Aiulv Stnkkie, S. K. Touley, Mrs. .1. i". Wnssmn (2), Mrs. Terry Williams. ('arils -.las. I'.. r.ruies, J. A. l-'reeiiiiiu Son (2). For reservations, f urnishetl tents by tlay or week, at l'lh n Caiiip, Nelarls, Ore., write to N. Taifuart, Nelarls, On- 22 25 Washintitoii Smith, Tif.M n! ; Hen ry I'.tlwanl Houe, It. fl, llillshoro; lb rhert Clauih- Kyle, (i ih s Creek, (Kerry); Hay II. Mot laud, Cherry (irove; Italpli It. Harher, Creswell; I'rwin .Inhn llriins, 72 t I'.. I7lh St.. I'ortl.intl ; Itaymotiil ll.irohl Irelaliil, It. B. llillshoro; Jaiiies Sherman West. Forest (irtue; Fretl Satfert. Sher wooil; I.atauis Marvin Nobles. It. I . Sher noil ; Albert Hrahaw, llillshoro ; Osear (iray, (Iaslon; Waller Hose. if Il.iuh-y, Slur woo.l; Lewis Weleh. IVid SelniV ler St., I'ortlaml; I.awreliee l-'.il win H.iiiiforil. Forest (irov.e; John I.. Coatney. Los Molim.s, Cat.; I'.lwaril Mizner, Hanks; I ran. Carl I'aiili, Jr., llillshoro; Leo l-'raueis I'.tlw arils. Cherry (irove; (!tn Joseph Itel, 'I'liala tin; Hoy I'.ilwrinl Ilierly, It. a, Heaverlon; Hubert l'.mil (iiistav Jensen, Aloha; Joseph Hellish, Hiivtoti; John Anthony Cop, It. 1. Hanks; William Henry Wnlson, HunIoii; Clay Freeman, llillsho ro; Peter Winlher, (iaslon; Al v in M. Shi peril. It. a, Sherwooil; Henry Sliippelhoiile, Hiivlon ; Noiiii.-in Hobei-t Greer, llillshoro; Paul Louis Sehiiltz. .V-M I'.. Ust S. II iw thorne Aihl., Poi tl.-iml ; Amos II. Ileiiih i-inoti, H. 2. Port laiul; William Itoll.tn May. It. 2. Liiiulon; William l'ayo Smith. Sherwooil; Georjfe Atwootl Alli son, It. 2. llillshoro; Harry F.il win Lee. Hiivlon. S. H. .Si L. Co.: Fretl Milan Cone, It. 2, llillshoro; Paul Julius Hierseilt, H. 1, (ias lon, l!o 2.'1 ; Atlel!ert, James Hieharilsini, Forest Grove; ltoss Wilbur Itetler, Forest (irove; Henry Anierman 'Pays, U. 1, For est Grove; Kihvartl Albert De Huhr, li.Tii Vaughn St., Porllaiul; F.llis Miller MeKniifht, Timber ; Isaek I'arl Clapshnw, It. 1, Hanks; Albert M: Hay, llillshoro; Hoy L. Dennis, Gaston; Itiitlolph W. r.i-i-LT, It. 2, He.ueilon; Geo. Ainlrew Shaw, Forest (irove; Hums J. Crone!), Gaston; Wal ter William Wolf, Dilley; Dan Humeri, Cornelius. Marine Popular in Life Given Loving Tribute by Hillsboro LAID TO REST WITH HONOR Over Thousand People Witness Last Riles to U. S. Marine lielurell il llioiis.iiiil mill fifteen hiimlritl people uilmsyil the lust riles over tin- hotly of Si r eanl William Gottlieb, of the l S. Marines. In this city, last Sun flity. Tin- I'liiform Hunk, K. of P., of wliieh Ilit- ili partetl Marine was a im iiihi r, i seorteil the i n ki t from the Doiii-1-.oii inuh rt.ik iiiK parlors to the M. F.. ehurih. ami after the .services, niarehiil aheail of the bier to the eeiueleiy as n military eseort. The lav iiii inhi rs of Ihe I'ythiau aiul Ma sonie hnlttes followeil in the lim of inarelt. . The military eseort was in couuiiaiiil of ('apt. F. J. Sewell. assisteil by Lieutenant s W. N. Harris ami F.arl Donelson. Itev. Walton Skipworlh i.Hiei.i teil al the obseipiies in tin eliureh ami his aiblress was an el otpieiit trihiile to the ur' nuim worth of the yoimn iii.in bclovc.l by nil llillshoro. It was n mas terpieeo of eulogy ami romlol eliee ami worthy of a greater an ilieliee (ban llillsboro eoiihl pos sibly give. After ihe remains reaehetl the eeini tery the eorti ge w as still roiiiiiling out of Ihe city, so many being in the line to pay the ih .nl mail llu ir last resju els. At the gate of the burial place the Masons relievi'il the I'nifonn Hank aiul Pvlhi.-ius. ami the Ma sonie ritualislii- service was ren ilereil by Worshipful M ister Gh-n Payne. The .sung s, x ice in the church was rciiilcrctl by Mrs, 1". J. Sew rll niitl Mrs. (il. n Payne; Messrs. Win. Harris. Geo. I'.ininott, F. J.I Williams anil l.eonaril llrown. of Ihe Filiform Hank. The Py thian pall bearers wi re Win. G. II. ne. J. W. Council. C C. Frick, It. Frank Peters. Dr. I I mer II. Smith ami O. Phelps. The Masonre pull bearers were Calvin Jack. Jr.. W. J. Gregg. Donahl (Iregg. ('has. A. Lanikin. Geo. Corey ami Geo. J. Limber. The lliiral pieces were the most beautiful the city has ever offer ed a departing citizen. The piece sent by the I'nited Stales Mar ines, representing a globe with a Latin inscription portraying lid clity to country and ideals was a most beautiful and expressive lliinij, nml the oll'erings by the Pylhians, Masons, l'.a stern Slur and Pythian Sisters were lovingly expressive of the high esteem in which Gottlieb was ever held. The motto on tlie Marine em blem, ii globe representing the world, read, "Semper Fidclis." The last words were said at 4:2(1 p. m. anil Wm. Gottlieb rests well, in life knowing his du ly, ami performing it. anil in death bis spirit with his fellows in far nwnv France, shoulder to shoulder with them, lighting for a w orbl-liberty. Interment was in the Odd Fel lows cemetery. MILK, $2.85 Sunt. Lamb gives out the conden scr price of milk for the fast half of August at $2. 8,r. per hundred weight. Shortage of 'supply, caus ed by poor pasturage and high price's of mill feeds, has been in strumental in raising prices. I want to rent a farm of from 215 to (i( acres for a period of 3 lo 5 years. Will pay rash rent, or will take place on shares. Can give references. G. F. Mayhaek, Cornelius, Ore., Box 17. 22-4 I . y - ' i RESOLUTION Whereas, the Great (-oiiiiiianib r having Hi-ell lil to call William Gottlieb, rt member of Phoenix Lodge iH, Knights of Pythias, of llillshoro, Oregon, to a seat nl the right of his station, lie it He Hiitvctl : That in his death Phut-nix Lodge sulft rs a distinctive loss, Knight Gottlieb ever liai ing been true to the tenets of tin- order; that in his life he ever heard tin call of duty to his fellows, and il is our grateful remembrance, thai in this, the nation's ami world's greatest crisis, he opened his heart and lire of youth to tin cause of liberty; the cause of liu iiiiiiiil.'iriaiiism, mid to the noblest impulsi s of the human heart -ami enlisted ill the service of our government to the cm! that In iniuht light to make Ihe wrold free from Ihe power of a tyrant. In bis livini; hour he rightfully saitl to his brothers- "if we do no) fonipicr him now when we can choose ihe held, it is only p question of lime until he will con -tpier us, ami we must make the light and make it now." We further resolve; That, while we deplore his un timely death, we glory in his sup nine sacrifice, and deeply real ize that he has won immortality for himself and our order. That our love for him as a bro ther Kiiiuht and companion dur ing his life is but intensified by his passing, and we call on every true Knight of Pythias to emulate his example w hen it is possible to do so. lie it further resolved : That we extend to his father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Gottlieb, and his brothers and sisters on r .sincere and knightly sympathy, with the assurance that death came to him w hile en gaged in noblest of purpost a compensation that cannot come to all who suffer bereavement. Thai a Golden Star be placed upon the service flag of this Lodge; that these resolutions be spread upon the minutes of our records; and that a copy he sent to the bereaved parents. Finis: Sleep may have glories that waking ean never reveal. COM M ITTF.F.. APPRECIATES ARGUS Jesse Stewart, anil old time llillsboro boy. in renewing" his Argus, writes from Jerome. Ari. tma: "I enclose herewith my cheek for Argus. I still enjoy reading it and always look upon it as a letter from home, or, in oilier words, from my boyhood home. I note with great pleasure the part old llillsboro, has taken in the great war. This is a won derful copper mining district an.l we like it here very niucll. i e hope before long to get up and see you all. at hast for a .short lime. When you see IN r. lialcs extern! to him my sympathy i" (he loss of their son. We are at in elevation of about 5,000 feet. Climate grand most all the time.' E. E. COLESTOCK F K. Colestoek died at Cloxcr dale, last Friday. He was atllict eil with septic poisoning, ami liv ed but a short time after being stricken. Colestoek was born in Missouri, and came to Oregon in Ihe early nicntics, living in llills boro for several years. He leaves a widow, maiden name, F.niina l.evcrich, and a daughter, Heryl. Several years ago he moved to Clovcrdaic. The family visited llillsboro a few weeks ago. Cole stoek was aged about 48 years. He lias a brother, James, some where on the coast. His immedi ate family live hack in Missouri. CARD OF THANKS We desire to extend our most sincere thanks for the kind assist ance given us by our many friends and neighbors, during our bereavement. the death and .,1,. .f our son. the late William Gottlieb, and return es- ..fi.-.l I hanks for the many ex pressions of sorrow from all. for the kindly courtesies of the Pyth ian and Masonic fraternities and their auxiliaries, of the United Slnt.w f.-irinos. and for the bcau- tiful floral offerings of all who contributed to the last rites. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Gottlieb and Children. SHEEP FOR SALE Three young Hampshire bucks eligible to registry line, large fel lows; about tO head Hampshire ewes, also eligible, llueks of this class bred to Shropshires produce line, large sheep and big woo producers. Austin Sims. Sher wood, R. 4; phone Scholls, 8 on line 4; ranch near Farmington. 24-2(5 FIFTY ENTRAIN HERE I HAY Physical Conditions Cut Five of Last Week's List Out of Action TO MEET HERE ON SUNDAY Will Leave on Monday Morning 7:26 S. P, Train for Camp Lewis Orders for eiilraiiimeiit. for the fifty nu n called for August 2." were received this week by the local hoard. The men will answer roll call at the court house at ;t o'clock Sunday aftcrnuoii, ami will cut ra in at 7:. 'ili on Monday morning's S. P. passenger train for Camp Lewis. Five men lum .ecu cut out ot-llo' lisl as pub isheii last wci k -Alfred Julian sen, ill Alaska; Daniel Vamli bey, icrnia; Walter L. 1), lite, ship yard foreman; Joseph W. Fes-. er, babe at home; ami alternate iter John Vaniiehcy, broken g, held until cured. The list, of liciai. cited to appear, is: William Earl Allen. William NcaJ, Tad Derbyshire, William Heiil Heisler, Amos Watkms (volunteered), H lly Wilson. I.e- amler Klaus, John Ioui.s anile- oevcring, Carl G. Peterson. F.l- r . .1 ,1'll mer I art reik, .rti.;ir i. ani. William Augustine Iiratly, Paul rl lieringer, Max Moore Ru ler, Terry Weston, James noun r Havnes, Henry H. C. Schmidt. Wiiliain Carlyie Miller, W. C. Schlotlman, Hoy Chester De- Letts. F.dward L. Koch, Carr Lcs- e Mollit. John II. Kngcldinger. rank Jacob Hanson, Henry ritz F.liantler, Arthur Amu Jo pel, Loci Hollenbeck, I.udw iir I . Ncwkirch, Henry Vaiulchcy. Harrv Wahl, Fritz Louis Fischer. F.dward Wager, Merrill Theodore IIufTstutter, Karl Leon Hobhs, lbert August Herman Meier. 'ottleih Werrc, Omer ViiyUtckc. Theodore. J.. andeeoevering. Francis Mclvir. Joel, l.ilvvanl Maurer. F.rnest Hehbcek. Oscar F.iigene Pfahl, John Vaiulomi-lon. Herman Gust iff Hanul. F.dward Fisher. Albert Meier. Alternates Herbert F'.riiesl Kappcl. Ilelirv Walters. Mil.. El lis Mallard, F.dward Riihen. Leon John Yamleliev, Herman I.ecli- , , . ii i i ncr, .laei.l) .vivesicr o.inv. . Al fred Frccrksen. Jr., Gene Ivan t Herman Fred Zncrelu r, Hoy Victor Carv. Carlie Eugene llran- law, Joseph D. Vamleliey. lVin- trios Stamation, Geo. Michael Susbauer. Charles Lee 1 oung. Guy William Ilaguewood. Geo. Charles H. Rnnprccht. Pr ink Ce il Piianc, Francis A. O'Mcarn. Lawrence Manning. ( larcncc unuie. LIKES FRANCE Leo. V. Fitdan, formerly ot South Tualatin, where his pai nts now live, writes his folks from France under date of .lime 10: "Have been transferred from the baker company to the milita ry specialist company, ami will just stay there for orders to go somewhere else, where I don't know. I am camped with some of (.. ln.va I have been- workimr with in the country about three miles from town. Sure is a beau tiful place around here around these nice groves and fields, fine gardens and the finest yards I ev er saw. Am getting a few letters now, but yours are few and far between. Suppose (ieorgc (his brother) will soon be over here but I may never run across him unless it should be in some 'chow' line at a kitchen that I happen to be in. Am telling you that cook ing here is not like in camp in the states. A cook might be get ting his potatoes peeled by some big shell and his steaks turned in a similar manner. Get me? Hut haven't bail that kind of luck yet and hope I won't. In the kitchens where I have been cooking we cooks have had to keep moving. We would feed at times from 80 to 2,200 men at a meal, so you can see it is no joke here, but am doing nicely at it. Am willing to feed twice that many if necessary for we've got to get the Huns that's our point over here, and we are going to get thein, too. You just take good care of my game rooster until I get home when I will take him off your hands. Hope you will all keep well and happy. Am feeling fine. Never have had what you would call a sick spell since coming ov er. Yonrs truly, Brother and Son." Lost Twenty War Savings Slauiim. worth $100, bought Au- cust 18th at the llillsboro Na tional Bank. Lost on street in Hillsboro. Leave at Argus Of fice. Henry Harris. 23-5 C. B. BUCHANAN & CO., Inc. Hillsboro, Cornelius and North Plains Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Grain, Hay, Flour, Feed and Grain Bags Car-lot shipper of POTATOES and ONIONS. Grain chopped or rolled at any time Lumber, Shingles and Lath At Cornelius Beaver State Flour The Best Flour at the Lowest Prices. Telephones; Hillsboro, Main 14, Cornelius, City 1515, North Plain, Main 263. HARD SURFACE ROADS Will soon lead from Portland to the splendid Beaverton - Reedville Acreage... . Many clioice small tracts on sale. Splendid train service morning and evening iuto the city. Buy your little home before the big raise comes. SHAW-FEAR COMPANY 102 Fourth Street Res. 411 Rodney Ave. Let us move you into Portland. storage. C. K. ROGERS' TRANSFER GENERAL HAULING Long Distance Moving and Heavy Hauling. WE HAUL ANYTHING TWO LARGE TRUCKS PROMPT SERVICE Office with Riverview Auto Transfer, 271 Taylor St. Phones: Main 5205; A 8110 Also buy cattle, hogs, sheep, etc. xir f I W. U. lJOIlUMJll UNDERTAKER at Calls attended night or day. Chapel and Parlors. Hilltboro. - Oregon We Have the Neatest and Most Complete Stock of JEWELRY and SUNDRIES ... In the City of Hillsboro. We do repair work in first-class work and our charges are always reasonable :::::: IF YOUR EYES ARE TROUBLING YOU, LET US FIT YOU TO GLASSES SCIENTIFIC EQUIPMENT. HOFFMAI Jeweler Main Street PORTLAND, OREGON Phone East 89 No charge for small fThe Old RelU'lle ! Hartford The Hartford Fire h.s ir ance Co., is the first and cnly i'o.that otters Farmets.Fro ducers, buyersandShippersof livestock absolute protec tion against loss of your stock by death of anyea.ise. See, Phone or Write to Ji.hn Vanderwal, Agent, 774 8th St., Phone Main 103. Hillsboii', Ore. and Optician Hillsboro, Oregon i