The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, August 15, 1918, Image 1

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NO. 23
Giccnville-Forc&t Grovo Komi
Money Finiithed Thi Week
Go lo I lillitbnro-Lmirel Road in
Very Short Time i Intention
111 II h cili 'Kit, ill cluil'Ki' uf llie
liuieililiilU mirk hitmen l oll hi
(irotc ami Hunks, J 11 i t n to tin
i .ll llir uoil for tills by the lii-l
of next iik, tin4 fiiml by lllllt
lone Ih inn 1 1 1 1 1 s 1 . 1 1 . In tlir
in iylilioi hiind of ti'll lliiiili.iliil
I l lit I- will c been c (undid,
and it ii l In r tear nil! ni t tin
roml t ii li I 1 1 hiltttcu tin' ttui'I'H,
( Mi in li.iiii is working mi
llir ililliliorn 1 1 1 1 1 1 I ' I . t i 1 1 runic
mill ii luting rock to bent tin
Watsons. Alf Picrcii is iinirrv-
III!,' till' ruck lit ilrltrtiil, Mint till'
county trucks lll'i' 1 1 . il 1 1 14 tin' ll.'ilil
ilig. This ttnrk ttill In- liuislnil
in llirrr iir four weeks nt tin- Inl
est, Willi decent weather, and
llirli tin- crew ttill (ii liter to llir
I IiIIhIiiiiii 1. 11 11 li l rn.iil to
ilottn liitulitliii' Imiiml iii.ii'iiil.iin.
Tin' in.'il I i-r nf hauling ii 11 liig
iinittrr, lit tlir trucks run gel t ho
rork to llir minis nt 11 small jicr
rrnt. nf llir rust by le.iining.
Tlir Srliolls Ferry iiirniia
lioii h is iili-iady been riiiiilnl
from Ji 1 l i 11 .1 m 1 xtsilioii, mi tlir rrton Willslmrg, toward
Srliolls, I tt n luilrs hilulilhir be
ing luiil ill iiriist of if 1 0,"ii'.7 I .
Ahinil .!!, 111)1) ttill hr spent nil
llir Ninth I'l.iins roml. Mini ahmil
10,0110 mi llir Hunks, liirol
(inur route.
Freights 1111 tin- S. I'. In hit!
highi r this year Ihmi last has ml
inlfi roil 1 1 nflairs, 11 car mitt rn.t
iiig t. t.'t us against I0 per last
M-asnn. Tlir triirks ttill In' llsi il
mi all fill 11 rr ttnrk, ami this ttill
liirmi 11 t-niixidcrnhlc sating. I.1111
rrl will furnish the rork for the
I lillslinm Laurel w ork.
The rinirl reports that the sur
vcying rust, bridge expense, right
nf way, mill culverts - in fart,
tlir Inliil cost - make ail cxpeinli
t urc for the state highway from
Yamhill to Miillnninah, in I In
sum of $:lU'i-7, ami if J, (100 limn
will complete it ready for tlir
liusr. Some nf this is ex
pelled to he luiil this Fall,
,ln' Drmorin, mi Italian, who, it
is said, has tii'cii dodging tin- Ital
ian Consuls so as not to he sent
to fight for Italy's deliverance
from the (irrmnn invasion, w is
killril hist week nt the heel
er Logging Cniiip, Urmerio wis
seenml fallrr, mill tthrn the Iir. I
fuller tohl him the tree tvinihl
fall 11ml fur him to "vamoose"
the Italian erutt led miller H wind
fall elose by. The falling tin
hit the windfall, it ml 11 miiuII tree
trunk crushed him. ('o.roner
l.imher hehl an iniiesl ami fouiul
I hat tlealh was Ur
merin was dodging dc-'th at. tin
fi'inil. only to liinl it in his sup
posed asylum. Of Hiieh is tin
destiny nMife, and he might lum
made 11 live nf il in the Italian
trenches, us thousands of others
are doing. Demerit) was .'I .'I years
old, mid hud hern here from Culi
foiiiia hut nine or ten duy.s.
Strayed from farm near Heed
villi - hrotvn horse colt, .'I years
old; hranded hur cighl lmr nn
left Millc. Hud hell on. Reward.
- K. ('. Rohells, Hceilt ille, Ore
g a i -a
All persons who subscribed for Third Liberty Loan
Bonds thro this bank are hereby notified that the bonds
are now here and ready for delivery.
All persons who have interest coupons due on prior
bonds taken thro this bank can get same by presenting
the coupons.
Dr. I''.. T. IIiIiiih' Ford turned 11
Hip Hop nil the Hunks J'nrrsl
(irnve road Suinluy nftc rmmil,
mill il was n miracle tluil no liti s
were lost. In the umiliiiic were
Dr. K. T. Ilrlnm anil wife; Mrs.
V. T. IliiHiiiaii and her sister,
Mm. ('. S, Reynolds, of Moim
taimlale, and Mrs. Win. llntt
iii.tii, 'nf Ilillshoro. Dr. Helms
has 11 hudly sprained wrist ; Mrs,
Helms was rrliilrlid II II i II s in il s
for 10 nr in iiii 11 11 1 hut i- suf
frriiuj no itil cllrels; Mrs. Itrv
nolds was hlighlly hrulsnl nhmit
the farr, while neither Mrs. Jtutv
111 it t) nor Mrs. 1 1 11 tTiuiiil were in
the hlif-hlesl degree hurt. The
Dr. w as rounding- a curve, tt In n
the machine ttcut oil inln the imfl
dirt hy the side of the liiai-.iilain.
The tthrrl was tiiriieil quickly to
avoid running inln miiiii- nIhii'I
wood hy the roadside when coil
Irol of the steering tilled was
lost mid I he car skiihleil to II
somersault. The ear l.iliiled up
side ilottn with nil the wheels
Taken hy and lure it was n
very lucky aceidcnl. The lr.
will hate 11 nhort enfnrccil tacit
The Dr. w.iH gaiuc niul wheel
Cil the ear home willl one hand.
The "Oregon -Missions," 1 1 1 H, hy
Itishop llashfonl, hint just left
the press, mid is si lling lit ! I. '!."
per copy. It isof nun h intcresl
In this 1 nlllll V, for il llielltioilH Joe
Meek, father of S. A. D. Meek,
of North Plains-; Squire I'.lihcrts,
wi ll known to piiiueer.ij;e, anil
who has relatives ahinil here; ( a
Ich Wilkins, relatives of the
Klinem.iii liros., nf this city, and
a niimhi-r of others nf Joe Meek.
The hook huvh:
".Ion. I.. Meek tins a Rocky
.Mountain hunter ami trapper
who came with his Xe I'erces
wife to the ilhimclti- Valley in
IS 10. Tun poor to nun a w.agnn
on this journey he drove te.-nn fur
Itoht. New ell from Port Hull to
Port Will hi Walla. Meek was a
lall, lithe man, of hl.ack eyes and
swarthy complexion, of bound
less courage and great pow ers nf
endurance ami intense patriot
ism." Speaking; of tin- ('hrinipiieg
vole, the hook says: "lief ore the
liritish hud the w it In call for nn
adjournment, Meck'n stentorian
voice rang nut falling fur i divis
ion on the question, anil when the
vote was counted the Americans
had won hy two votes." The
hook tells a craek-n-jitik story of
Mcck'n and P.hhcrls' trip li.-uk to
Washington 11 little tin- hest yd
I will sell at puhlie sale nt my
place, on West Porlhiml road, '
mile .south of M ultniiiiiah Slatinn
oil the Oregon l'lcctiic, nt 10 a.
m., on
i!8 i-ows, hull, hotlle washer, hot
lie filler, milk cooler, No. ti Sim
plex separator, fit) gallon milk
lank, wash lank, 21 crate steril, !1 II. P. ft n.s motor, feed cul
ler, .Tinch farm wagon, luivrnkc,
hay mower, and numerons ollur
Terms of Sale Six nionths'l
lime, huiik.ahle note, at 8 per
Three per cenl. olT for
Lunch nt noon. Hon.-i Inh
am frititiif onl of business
John Deuley, Owner.
?. V. Kuratli. Aueliiiiieer.
Wanted -W'onian lo live wilh
us- n ('nmi)union. A uoinl home.
I'or further parlieuliii's, '.-ill on nr
address Mrs. 1,. A. Ilooil,
l'irst. St.. Ilillshoro. 22 -t
Wat Son of Mr, nnd Mr. Thos,
IIine, of Gale City, Tins County
Ws Grandson of William Ridyc-
ly, Will Known in Ilillshoro
Willis Minis, agrd a hunt twenty
ears, n volunteer when the war
first broke, was killed on the
rciich front, in uctiiiii, on July
.'I. 1 he parents, Mr. ami .Mrs.
ion. T. Ililirs, of (i.alrs City, rr-
ived a telegram last Thursday
.i , .i
veiling, amiouueing I lie tir.aiu.
Young Ililirs was hut IS ycars(
f age tthrn hr enlisted, and ha.
.... i t t
iceii tt nii llie army since ncior
e war broke, lie was about 0
ars nf age when killed.
The ilcud soldier was a grand
.... V.-l I.. II
sou ol milium Kingciv, wen
now n on (ialcs Creek, at Forest
live, and at Hillshoru. Ridge
was a veteran of the Civil War
. i . i
ami lie was very prouil tvneii in-
rauilsou joined the army as a
iiliiutecr. Itidgi-ly, who died a
tt nionlhs ago, was well known
Ilillshoro, as he runic here fre-
pielitly lo meet with all the old
rti ran sessions, ami Iir was la. I
ere when the Spanish War vets
hi their slate t lieainpinenl in
lis city.
I lines was nn industrious, rr
ible toung fellow, and hud
iih- iicquailllaucc ill (ialcs Cree'i
and at Forest (trove. His parents
live the svnip.ithv of a large rir
of friends.
Young llincs was u nephew of
Dr. C. V.. llincs, of l nrest drove.
Permit us to make u slatcincnl
o correct some erroneous reports
that are being made lo discredit
rin- Ilillshoro National Hank in
the mutter nf interest churges on
partial payments in connection
with the Third Liberty Loan
First, permit us to .say that w e
nre I iinilsiiing our serines abso
lutely fret- lo the government, inn
only our services free hut we are
paying all expenses in connection
The matter of interest is ad
justed by the treasury Depart
ment of the I niUil States. 1 lie
.urchasrr of a Liberty bond on
Jhc installment plan is charp-d
interest nn the unpaid install
ments bv the government. The
oupoii attached to the Liberty
mini wil cover this charge of in
leresl, and when the homl is l.u
Hy paid for the bond wilh at-
n e neil coll noil covcrum rjiiu tn-
eresl will he sent lo us by the
i .i ..." ..'ii
government, mm men we win
turn said bond over to the pur-
h.iscr. So you can readily si i
ml we arc receiving nothing m
this coiiueclion, and also lln
purchaser will be refunded tin
interest paid by him or her.
We arc al the service of ll'
government of the United Stales
assist in every way possible to
final these different loans, .-ml
will continue, to fjive our best ef
forts until the close of the w ar.
W. H. Wchnmg, Pres.
Pendleton, Ore, Aug. 15 Pen
Melon w ill stage her ninth aiinu
il Round-ill) next month for tin
benefit of tin- Red Cross. The di
rectors of llie biir frontier show
olTcred to contribute the entire
net nroeeeils to llie licit I ross
. '. ... i , ...
anil llie oner was ncccnicu ny
the organization's representative
The ninth of I'ciullclon s turn
nns cute dramas oi lie wesi win
. i 1 ... . I ... Ml
be held on September 1!, 20 am
21. nnd. despite the fact that
some of the famous cowboys am
buekaroos luive answered the call
of their country nnd nre now bull
downing I he Hun somewhere in
France, there will be competition
anient y for the prizes and tro
phies. The usual program of w il
west sports will be presented bu
there will he added touches of
the military and patriotic in
keeping with the spirit of war
time. No person has ever received a
salary or dividend from the
Round-up hut heretofore the pro
fits of the show have been devM
cd to civic improvements in Pen
dleton. In these times, however,
the directors derided that such
improvements should give way to
war enterprises, nnd made their
offer accordingly.
Then: in a firm In Ne
iiitmiil J. & R. I.fimh, which is
some little, old "Rricf iissiiugcr"
mid the government hlnmlil put
its thumb down nil the top uf its
beiiti, anil put it nut of the calam
ity business. When Herbert L.
L. Miller, formerly of this city,
son of Mrs. Geo. Tompkins, was
severely injured on the. French
front, and n month after lie had
written of his injuries, this firm
sent a Idler to Ilillshoro, ad
dressed lo "The Kstate of Her
bert I,. Miller," mid asking to
limn nut a proper memorial. Mrs.
Tonipkius . tt as shocked beyond
measure, lor sue presunieu iiiui her son had died ami she
not been apprised uf llir
As Priviitr Miller was alive
convalescing nicely lit the
llir li tter was it gross out
and this practice should be
topprd. Privateering; on the
grief of a mother when there is
nth is bud enough, but that her
ilings should be torn when
there is no necessity makes this :i
nice little piece of barbarism that
louhl be nipped in the bud. The
government lit usliiiigton, 1).
is to be apprised of this little
ireumst.iiiec, winch, perhaps,
as been repented in nliuost ev-
... . .1 . . , L'
ry village in me country, .i. ev
il. Laud) should be promptly
squelrlird, with their proffered
service "all the tvnv from $10 to
I .()U0.
Daniel II. Hall, n well known
.. .tut lr.i
resilient ol .-sorin ncnu ami i.-iui-
r of John Hall, former chief of
ml ice of that place, tiled at the
... . - .in i
ionic nt Ins son m .orui ncnu
isl Thursday evening of npo
lexy. after a lingering illness.
Mr. Hull was 8(1 years old and
was horn in Fountain county, lu-
ianu. He w as an old resident of
Oregon having crossed the plains
in 1852 and settled near Sher
wood, where he engaged in furm-
iiit; until about five vcars ago,
when he moved o North Bend,
here lie has since resided. Ib
is survived lV a wiuow, uiree
suns and two daughters.
Having sold the ranch, I will
sell at public sale at the old Fri-
lav nlace. "'i mile north of
Banks, nt ten o dock a. in., on
2 head of cattle Jersey cow, !!
ears old, freshens Sept. 9th ;
Irade Ilolstein, 3 yrs, fresh on
Sent 17; gr.-ule Jersey, 3 years.
fresh Sept.-IS; grade Jersey, Jl
vrs. freshens. April IS; Ilolstein
ow , 3 yrs, fresh Oct. 25; grade
Jersey, 5 vrs, fresh Nov. 17;
gr.-ule Ilolstein, years, ires.ii
Nov. 28; gr.-ute Jersey, 2' yrs.
fresh March 2; grade Ilolstein
Ji; vrs. fresh April li: irrudt
lersry. 2-'''i vrs. fresh Jan. !
grade Jersey, 10 yrs, fresh Mar
15; Jersev heifer. 18 mouths
resb in March next; Jersey hei
fer. lOinoiiths. Hay inare, 1300
lbs. 10 yrs; full blood O. I. C
brood sow lo farrow Oct. 1; !
shouts. 100 lbs each: 2 Sets dbl
work harness, set single harness.
tl'j Iiuin wagon, hew narrow-
tire; spring; wagon, almost new;
old wagon, truck wajron. buggy
MeCoriniek binder, i ft, piod
shape; new Met oriniek mower
ft cut; Osborne hay rake; 1 i
inch plow, Moliue disc plow
.orimrlootli harrow, (iO-tooth
Irag harrow, one-horse eultiva
tor, disc harrow, d-lt corrugated
roller. Chat ham fan mill w ith
sucker same as new ; sjtr.-iy pump
( horse Kv. disc drill. Victory form scales, grindstone, I milk cans, 8-gal milk can.
F.eonomv Chief Separator, S00
lbs per hour, gnml ns new; hay
rack, wagon box, 2 log; chains, 3
do, galvanized hop baskets, hand
nltivnlor. scoiip shovel, 2 lu.'i
straw forks, 300 lbs barb wire
2 oust nnsrers. tile scoop and
spade, forks, shovels, 2 wheel
barrows, water motor w.ishinsr
iii.-ieliiiie. household Goods, and
numerous other articles.
Terms Sums under $10,
cash: over $10, 1 year's time
b.-iiik.-ihh note, nt 8 per cent.
Free lunch at noon.
John Friday, Owner.
J. V. Hushes, Auctioneer.
W. 0. Galawny, Clerk.
Land for Sale About 20 acres
nvir.t miod land. ' mile from S.
P. Station, north of Reedville
mile from Oregon Electric;
acre fine oak grove; balance is
flcnrpil t.-iitil in navmar crop: is
ideal for poultry yard; good
; nn mail and milk
routes; 10 miles from Portland
no huihriiiGs. Near new state
highway between Ilillshoro and
Porlhiml. now ready for paving,
Writs owner. P. O. Box 27,lboro on road passing the mgi
Reedville, Ore. 21-8
Oregon's Record for
Month of July
Eugene Hops Sell at Twenty
Cents Per Pound
Oregon turned
out twenty-six
or one for each
vessels in July,
tjork day.
Portland -July laiinehiiigs to
tal IIO.'JOO tons. Iwcntysix
vessels leave ways and float in
Oregon waters in past month.
Two others ready to dip. Aggre
gate tonnage of completed ships
ivered hy Oregon builders
since June .10 is on,iiuu, lour oi
which were .of steel.
I'.ugene Hops sold nt 20
i, . i . . i i
cents, f.ignteen tnoiisanii poiimis
to hi: delivered October 1.
I'orlland The new record of
.tiy.15 for hogs at North Port
land is something to make Ore
gonians proud. Long live the
red-huiriil hog.
Portland War prices in car
pets and rugs cause Portland Ho
tel to lay tile floor in west wing
if rill.
Benton and Lane counties have
the crack roads of the state.
Lebanon may get new (louring
Roscbiirg The Roseburg can
nery expects to can .i.,uou cases
of beans. Following the bean
crop, tomatoes, pears ami prunes
will be handled.
Silverton New canning fac
tory for Silverton seems very
Scio Scio milk coiiilensery in
stalls ice plant; may supply city.
Silverton to have a new hos
Oregon City Kivcr road be
tween Gladstone and Alilwaukie
closed for several weeks now op
en for travel.
Recdsport Reedsport Lum
ber Co. properties including mill
and about 20,000,000 feet of
standing fir and spruce purchased
bv J. I. Jones and R. A. Annin.
Tillamook 1-50 sacks sphag
num moss gathered at Tillamook
City. This is considered the best
region in the slate for this moss.
Salem Oregon Short Line
. . i- i ... i . ....
pays ifU,UUO,UUU III uiviuemis i"
1917. !
Many communities are making
a Hard ngnt tor reum-iaou as
war economy measure and the
, i . ......
campaign slioulel receive neurit
support from public officials as
well as taxpayers.
Portland 3,300 tons Ferris
type wooilcn schooner Kaugi.
built for U. Jv, launched trom
Standifcr yards.
Toledo II. S. (lile, Salem.
.. i.. . ..,..-
making arriingeuieuis u im
chase Lincoln county's evergreen
blackberry crop; will pay 5
cents a pound.
Oregon produced .r.'.2o,8 1
worth of gold, silver and copper,
of which Baker county produced
$1,689,601 worth, copper bring
the largest in value.
Old veterans of the I ivit Vt ar
will be interested to know that
Henry Butler, Wisconsin's oldest
veteran, is visiting his sister, Mrs.
Akin, of Portland. Grandmother
of Miss Bertha Akin, of the Hare,
MeAlear & Peters law othees. Mr.
Butler is aired !2 years, and
walks without a cane anil wears
no Glasses. He lives al Ean
Claire, Wis., the place which fur
nished the EiGhlh Wisconsin with
the famous war eagle, old Abe
which alw avs perched on the col
ors of that regiment when in ac
tion. "Abe" would alight and tlv
nlhoi-iiMlelv. riirhl ill the thick of
battle, and was Given his sobri
quet because the soldiers thought
he was a man-bird. Abe tinned
out. to he feminine, however, for
after Going thro the war he re
turned to Ean Claire and eele
hr.tted his coming home by lay
ing an egg as big as a door-knob.
Mr. Butler was in Portland in
1851. when there were but eight
huts there. The occasion ot Ins
visit was a trip by water to San
Francisco, nnd it being too rough
to land thev brought Oregon's
n.-ii-l of the cargo on up to the
Willamette, and then returnee
with the passengers.
For Sale Good sorrel
11 years, weight about
fine worker, d
iver or
; horse, with harnuss, $45.
A bar
Also hack anil 3 li w agon
A. C. Sellers, Manning
place, VA miles north of Hills
School. tf
HilUboro, Cornelius
Wholesale and Retail Dc.L: ::.
Grain, Hay, Flour, Feed and
Grain Bags
Car-lot shipper of POTATOES and ,
ONIONS. Grain chopped or
rolled at any time
Lumber, Shingles and Lath
At Cornelius
Beaver State Flour
The Best Flour at the Lowest Prices.
Telephones; Hillsboro, Main 14,
Cornelius, City 1515, North Plain, Main 263.
Will noon lead' from Portland to
the splendid
Beaverton - Reedville
Acreage ...
Many choice small tracts ou sale.
Splendid traiu service morning and
evening into the city. Buy your little
home before the big raise comes.
102 Fourth Street PORTLAND, OREGON
Res. 411 Rodney Ave.
Let us move you into Portland,
Distance Moving and
Office with Riverview Auto Transfer, 2T1 Tayl r St. Phones;
Main 5203; A 3110 Also buy
W. 0. Donelson
Calls attended night or day.
Cliapel aud Parlors.
HilUboro. - Oregon
We Have the Neatest and Most Complete Stock of
In the City of Hillsboro. We do repair
work in first-class work and our charges
are always reasonable ::::::
Jeweler and Optician
Main Street i Hillsboro, Oregon
and North Plains
Phone East 89
charge for small
Heavy Hauling.
cattle, iiu, uu
Old Relit "t ie
The Hartford Fire Ins tr
ance Co., is the first and i nly
Co. that offers
ducers, buyersandShipersof
live stock absolute f refec
tion against loss of your
stock by death of any cause.
See, Phone or Write to John
Vnrlprul 774 8th St..
Phone Main i.03. Hill.boi... On.jf
t i