m mmum hiT iii iiHE VOL. XXV HILLSBORO, OREGON, AUGUST 8, 1918 NO. 22 .n i SBOR ALFORD C. HALL Came to the Orrgon Country in 1852, Son of Jo.inli I Ml IN NAVY IN Tl: CIVIL WAR Wnt Willi Admiral I'ortrr unci Farrnfiut, Saw Full of Mobile Alford 1 1 ; 1 1 , aged 7 1 years, ill. d lit tin' family 1 1 1 1 1 c ' llllilllt lun mill1 front MicimouiI, July III. Ill IN, after an ctiiiihd illuos. ll' n Imrll ill Nililic County, Mo,, in I S i 1 , 1 1 1 nun of Josiih II ill anil wife. Ilii m r 1 1 1 . crosvd the Plains tn Oregon in lN.1l!, later nettling near Slu r wood, where llir father died in I HtUt. Mr. Hill, at (In- of l.'l years, went l.ast to tin1 Nav nl Academy nt A iim x il in. Mini when tin- war broke nut In- u transit rri il to llir regular si r it r, ami assigned In Admiral I'orli r's t i ii i i i . t i I . Later In wni ( run nfi-rri d li Admiral far ragut's t - 1 1 1 1 1 1 : 1 1 1 I iiml was illi In-, tlolilla m In n Mobile was ;i j ! ii ri il. At tin- i'Iiim' of llir vtar In' re lumed tn Oregon and learned I lit- blacksmith' trililr, "inking ut this until In eye tailed linn in Is'.IO. In I H 7 3 In' was iniirriril tn Miss Si Hint Sill, ii daughter nf Slipluu mill Mary Si II, mill sin Irr nf Frank Si II. of linlik Tin wiilnw iiml two hunt sun he l.initritmil Chester (I. Hill, of 'iiin l,i vv in, iiml Hai ry II. Hall, of Sherwood. Mr. Hall for years operated n farm near Sherwood, having: 10 acres of onion Imul on his plat . Hi' wnt u Mason, mnl llir fnm r nl took place Friday last at SIhtw noil, nnili-r tin- auspices of tin- Matonii' Lodge. SUGAR SITUATION Th slriiiuiiirv of tin4 sugar situation lias iiunlr il necessary to ask tin- people to reduce t In ir daily -n nit in 1 i ii to a basis of two jioiinils per mi ii t Ii for liousr liolil iisr (not iiu lulling canning.) However, provision lias linn iniuli- In allow for tin' use of threshers, during tin- timi' liny tin fill at a tvrtain place, at tin' of four pounds int inoiith. rat 'Iiml i four mils for each !0 meals served (luring threshing. For instance, 1!0 nu n furnished 5 meals eaeh would lie allow eil four mnl one half jinimilt. Healers are hereby authorize il to sell an extra allow mice for this iiifjiii.se liion purchaser siniia n earil marking same "lor threshing purposes." Five poiiiuls iiilililiiiual will , ... . i . i...... iisua ill V I"' sulliclcni, "III nere (In er till size of the joh makes a larg iuiimher of nienls necessary a ii i i u i t may he eomputeil on abovt basis. W e are reccnlJy advised hy Aver's olliee that thev are Mr dr tin rawing the strings lighter on manufacturers anil confec tioners ami that all surplus so olilaiucil will he allottctl for do uieslit' I'linning. Please remember, however, that the visible supply at this will onlv allow 20 pouiuls time per person for canning purposes, at a maximum for the season, ami (iooil Americans will re member that our allies in France anil Italy are gelling "No Can ning Allowance," mul ""'.V 17 ounces per monlh per capita. Clms. F Wells, Federal . cl in ii list in tor for Washington Counly. IMPORTANT NOTICE All persons who subscribed for Third Liberty Lonn Bonds thro this bank are hereby notified that the bonds are now here and ready for delivery. All persons who have interest coupons due on prior bonds taken thro this bank can get same by presenting; the coupons. SHUTE SAVINGS BANK PROMPT : CONSERVATIVE : SAVE STATE FAIR "With tin nation engaged in war, ami a shortage existing in bolh fiinil ami clothing, all exhibits hIhiw n at the State l air this year will be of a pnu Ileal nature, anil will be designed tn give ilislrue linn iii the Increasing ami couser ving of the fooil mul clothing sup plies of the state," said A. II. I.ea, secretary of the Stale l air lnmril recently, in cuinini tiling on llir fifty seventh annual Stale fair, t h ii h will oprii in Salem on Sepli in I r '.'.'I for a w et k. "Ily increasing mul conserving linlll these resources more sup plies w ill be available for our sol die rs across the w aters, ami more iiinney available for the govern mi nl," be continued, "mul the hnaril is hi nilmg every cllort to wards the attainment of these eiiils. 'i'lie l ontl Ailniinistraliou lias been iisketl to furnish mi ex liihit which will especially ilelu tiiistrate the value of goml sub slilules, ami how to grow anil use Ilii in to the best advantage, bee lures anil ileuioiistralions will he giun on fnoil j i r. 1 1 1 1 1 1 I i 1 1 1 1 ami enlist r aliiiu in all agricultural in. I In esloek departments." Present iniliealiiuis arc that the lit esloek show will be eipial ly as good, if not In Iter, than la-.t year. The widely known Abcr .Ii en Angus herd of Congdou llttlles will be shown for the lirsl time at the l air, mid disc's Ayr shire herd, the largest west of the Mississippi will also be on c,xhibi linn. II. II. Thornbcrry, of Spo kane, tin biggt si importer of llnrses in I lit- I 'nih il Stales, has sigiiilieil his hit t-n( ion of compi t ing for prizes with A. ('. Itilby, Oregon's famous horseman. Excepting fat barrows, all swine under a new rule promnl gali d by the lioard must be tin der one year, nml for the lirst lime in the history of the Fair ju venile exhibitors of swine will be permitted bi compete with adults. The goal depart inetit has been n instated, ami it is expected that in both the goat and sheep divis ion the exhibits "ill be unusually good. Fnllv as many counties at last year w ill send ngrit ultural exhib its, ami llie machinery exhibit will be the best in the history of the Fair, Tractors ami trucks ill predominate, and the famous I'ord Tractor will be on exhibi tion for the first time in the West. Prize winning canning clubs from Ihe Slate of Washington will compete with the champion chili of Oregon for jiremiunjs, and Hie contents will be bolh in teresting and instructive. The racing program will be superb, the music Ihe best and the enter tainments of n high-class order. A CORRECTION In some unaccountable manner Ihe report was circulated that the Mcaclinm school had paid !) per month for their teacher last year. This was error, as only $S0 monthly witu paid. The clerk will show any doubter his cancel led warrants In prove the facts any lime any one asks to see them, or they can find Ihe conditions- by npplying I" 'he County Superintendent's olliee. Karl Hollenheck it the elcrk. GOES EAST Mrs. Marie Wells, wife of (Jail W. Wells, departed Tuesday lo join her husband at a Connecti cut submarine base. Her hus band is a son of Chat. E. Wells, and is "gyroscope" man on Ihe N 5, one of the largest U. S. submarines in Ihe service. She will arrive there about next Sunday. MEM ESCAPES Mint Dorothy Byrom, of Tuala tin, Remembers Peculiar Face HASTENS TO GET HELP Deputy Sheriff Virgil Weckert Then Bags 3 Prison Fugitive! Miss Dorothy llyrom, of Tuala tin, by tpiiek action, caused Un arrest of three slate prison es cape h at Tualatin, during the noon hour, hist Siimliy. Tin three fugitives were II. Arm strong, ('. D. dolus am! .lames Kelley, and lliey liiaih' their ts tape while serving as trusties, walking away on July .'II. Miss llyrom had heard of the prison breaks, and when she and In r mother and a younger siMcr wen leaving the llyrom home in an auto Sunday shortly before noon, she noticed three strangers walk ing along the highway. She had i -1 4- Miss Dorothy Byrom been at Salem visiting relatives a few days ago, and while there visited the prison, and saw one of the trio, reiuemberiug him be cause of a peculiar dish faced contour of his countenance She asked her mother to leave the auto at the next house and tele phone, all neighbors to watch where the men went while she notified some one at Tualatin to make the arrest. Proceeding In town, she found Don (ialhreuth ami Harry Hub erts, and they went back with her to near where the men were last seen. Just as they approach ed the place Virgil Weckert, the ileoutv sherilT for that section. came out of a farm w ilh a thresh ing crew, enroute to dinner. They untitled Weckert and he se cured Fret! Sagcrt's gun urn found Ihe three .escapes in i short distance away. I.cvelliiu the gun at thciu the trio threw up their hands anil surrendered. Thev were taken to the jail at Tualatin mid held there unti Warden Murnhv came niter them in the evening. Miss livroni is a close observer, and the plucky Miss is receiving the congratula tions of her friends. She has put in a claim for the reward, which is Ml. 10- $50 each. Miss Byrom was in town Mon day morning with her uncle, A. F,. Eddy. She is a daughter of J. 1 Bvrom anil wife, well known in that section. TWELVE MEN TO FREMONT Twelve Washington County nu n were entrained to Camp Fremont Tuesday afternoon. They were: Arthur Jacob Michel, llillsbo ro, R. 2. John Anthony Bergman, (las ton. Arnold (t. Classen, Beavertou. Orval Chester French, Forest drove. Louis Jos. Wirfs, Buxton, llcni. V. Lullrell, Banks, It 1. Frank Murphy, Mouulaind.ile. Arthur C. Jones, Portland. Wm, Grove, Levi Carl Vander.anden Forest It. 2. While, Banks. 11. 2. Win. Fischbuck, Slier wood. , John Converse Bellinger, For est Grove. Paul Jaeohsen, of Coos Coun lv. was enl rained with the boys. Roy Kruest Smith, not n Class 1 man, ' 'anic in and volunteered to go with the Spruce Division. Smith is from Astoria, and he could not pass for a fighting man owing to some physical defect hut lie wanted to go to France anyway. The surgeons, howev er, would not give linn Ihe lee way and he was disappointed, so he took Ihe. next hest thing that i offered, and volunteered for the woods. '. ' if V 1 CIRCUIT COURT N't-w filings arc: Shutc Savings Bank starts foreclosure on 15 acres now oc cupied by J. W. Bailey, ex-state food mul dairy commissioner. The tract lays north of Hccdville and joins tlx; Isaac Allen claim, mul the amount sued for is if .'1H00 mul interest. Gertrude K. Lovcland sues Harry Lovcland for divorce, showing that tin; married state with them was not exactly a love land. They were married at Gladstone in Tin: husband took her to his home, at which were liit father and his two min .... , . or ehililrcu iv n lormer wile. Mrs. I. u eland says that Ihe hus band was a traveling salesman, and alwnvs sent tin: check fur the lousehold expenses to the father in law, and she was forced to ask the old gentleman for the money from day to day to run the house. all of which was distasteful lo n r. She also swears that at one lime he altelliplcil to choke her w hen she objected to a bicycle in the dining rooln, and thai once when she gave a parly to some little folks the Lord and Master of the house came home and en - tted a scene. She taught school I I I I I 1 . . , I ... I also, anil lie oojecteo i" t ii.it. She left him in l!)IS, being un able lo longer live with him. Mrs. Lovcland formerly taught school in Hillsboro. (). It. Holliugsw tirth sues Vcs- la Ilollingsw tirth for divorce. They were married in li'O.K. and the w ife left him in 19 Hi. ami he asks for the custody of the two minor children, Gladys, aged S. ami Lclloy, aged 6. COUNTY PRICES The olliee of the Counly Food Administrator has been making an investigation of the prices charged by dealer of Washing tun County for Maple commodi ties at retail. The reports from a number of dealers in the various towns in the county have been taken and an average made of the prices which are shown tin the follow ing list : It is the opinion of the olliee that, considering the present jobbers cost, the prices named represent a fair profit to the re tailer and it is not its opinion that prices in excess of those shown by this average should be exacted. There are of course instances where dealers must pay drayage costs from railroad points or in other special instances where these prices might be inadequate. The olliee gives county dealers Ihe credit to say that on the ma jority of articles these average prices are below those quoted by the Portland Price Committee. The average price of Food Commodities in Washington Counlv follows: Fresh citH Butler, creamery Potatoes, old .40 . .55 $1.M7 . .01 . .:t2 . .08 . .OS .07.12-13 .13.7-12 .08.4-13 .12.1-13 - -07 .0!).1-13 , Potatoes, lif'w Cheese, full cream Com meal, yellow- Corn meal, while Rolled ,oaU : Rice Hour....- Barley Hour Rice- head Corn Hour Corn starch - Hominy ' - Sugar - - Beans, small while. Apricots, dried.... Peaches, dried Raisins - .12.5-ti 20 1;. Ki.f-7 13.7-13 50.10-13 $2.79 K. Wells, Corn syriilp Flour, Iwheat ('has. County Food Administrator. WEDEK1NG WRITES CnA I.. Wcdcking. son of Julius Wedeking, of Kinlon, below Seholls, 'under date of July 30. the Artnis from New- York: "Am in the United Slates Na- .-r .niil sav it is some life. Am aboard one of Uncle Sam's mer chant, shins running between tin IT. S. and the countries in tlis l !. W'e made an uneventful trip from Seattle, Wash., to New York, via the Panama l anal in 30 tlav-s. We passed through the canal on Julv I some dilTcrenl from alleuding a Fourth of July celebration in Hillsboro. Am in the engine room, and am senilmg vou a nieture of the 12 lo i si taken after n hot shift at which mcrciirv stood at 105. With lies wishes lo you and to friends i Washington County, I am, Y our Truly." Publisher's note Wedeking i a nephew of Aug. Wedeking, o Seholls. and he is aboard the U S. Ship West Alsck. Subscribe for the Argus, $1.50 per year. IN M IN YEAR Shipbuilding Output Increasing in Northwest A BIG SPRUCE SHIPMENT Timber for 41 Airplanes East From Vancouver Sent Oregon district launched 27 ships for July when Stamlifer Con slruelion Corporation sent their Hth ship for government account down way July 2!l. Springfield I.oe.iJ t out rat-tor has ten silos to erect. Marshliebl- Willi the boat, lately ordered built, here th. r. are niw 10 big vessels under in itial const ruction or about to l.r started yard is to be enlarged. Kugent: Emergency power plants installed. Factories in manufacturing district lo usi electricity until mill race is re paired. Seio ctintleiisery again in operation. I'tility commissions in all slates are recognizing necessity for increased rates to save pub lic service industries from bank ruptcy, which would be a cal amity to nation. Child Beach Rogue rh.r salmon puck will come up to the average this year according: le estimate of R. I.. Maeleay. Marsh field Armory here to be built soon according to advice from Attorney General Brown. C ireshani Four acres yichl ox er $5000 in seed crop. St. Johns New (lour mill to rist: here. Ground leased for con st ruction of eight story, cone etc building; which will have cap-ic it v of 1000 bushels daily. Astoria will open new t ie ali.r public on Aug. 17. Mafa.ili- ent mode r-n grain elev I'ors, till t at cost of .?3!)3.!I00. are argest on coast. , Holds 1.20(1.- 000 bushels. itli one of the test fresh water ports in the world, Astoria is reaching for a hare of trade. Salem Capacity of Salem Fruit Union to be doubled. North Bend rd is btisv. filth keel for emergency ii.'. t is laid bv Kruse & Banks. North Bend B'lilding boom ooms. 1 wo large apartment houses to be built here. Sim. son state company plans to erect 30 bungalows for worker.-, en- aged in Coos plants. Roseburjr War industry of manufacturing ship knees fn oiistruction of wooden vessels tartedjn Douglas county. Yaquin.'i It is .reported big saw mill lor spruce proeuicunn will be built here bv government. Redsport Reedsport Lumber o. properties here and on Un.p . i. -ii .i qua river inenniing nun ami bout 20,000.000 feet of stant! ing fir and spruce sold. Bantlon 25 U. S. soldiers from Signal Corps lo be eniploy- d at plant of Moore Mill ft .umber Co. here. Shortage of eln at mill has become so greai that it is necessary to apply In Uncle Sam. Helix Producing 40 bushels- wheat to acre record near here, Newport Paeitie Telephone & Telegraph Co. has force en gaged carrying out. extensive im provement on its system. Portland Spruce production for airplanes in Northwest just reached a new high mark when 41 carloads of dressed and kiln- ried spruce were shipped fro:i Vancouver, Wn. The shipments totalled approximately !00.000 eet. sufficient for !00 ordinary lirplanes. Toledo to have another hii," saw mm. BEST BUY IN TILLAMOOK A 155-acrc dairy ranch; lots of pasture and hay; cuts about 50 tons: uooil irarde" ami oilier crops; 1(5 cows (registered Jer seys); 7 calves (1 registered Jersey); 1 one registered Jersey bull; pigs and chickens; good team, wairon and harness; new cultivator, harrow, mower am rake; finest of wnter; good bam small house. Near good school cheese factory and P. (. Price for all, $8000, as follows $3000 cash; $1000 in 3 years $1000 in (5 years; $11000 in 10 years, at (5 per cent. No trades. Must sell. This is a bargain, and can be trebled in value. Address at once Owner, Pox 22. (22-4) Hemlock, Ore. Mrs. Russell, Stinnett, for merly Miss Violet Taylor, has been the guest of W. E. Taylor and family for several days. C. B. BUCHANAN & CO., Inc. Hillsboro, Cornelius and North Plains Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Grain, Hay, Flour, Feed and Grain Bags Car-lot shipper of POTATOES and ONIONS. Grain chopped or rolled at any time Lumber, Shingles and L At Cf Beaver State Flour The Best Flour at the Lowest Prices. Telephones; Hillsboro, Main 14, Cornelius, City 1515, North Plain, Main 263. HARD SURFACE ROADS Will wiou lead from Portland to the splendid Beaverton - Reedville Acreage ... Many choice small tracts on sale. Splendid train serviee morning and evening into the city. Buy your little home before the lig raise comes. SHAW-FEAR COMPANY 102 Fourth Street PORTLAND, OREGON Res. 411 Rodney Ave. Let us move you into Portland, storage. C. K. ROGERS' TRANSFER GENERAL HAULING Long Distance Moving and Heavv Hauling. WE HAUL ANYTHING TWO LARGE TRUCKS PROMPT SERVICE Iih Riverview Auto Transfer. 271 Tavlor St. Phones Main 5205; A 8110 Also r W. 0. Donelson UNDERTAKER Calls attended night or day Chapel and ParU.r.. I f We Have the Neatest and Most Complete Stock of JEWELRY and SUNDRIES ... In the City of Hillsboro. We do repair work in first-class work and our charges are always reasonable :::::: IF YOUR EYES ARE TROUBLING YOU, LET US FIT YOU TO CLASSES SCIENTIFIC EQUIPMENT. HOFFMAN Jeweler and Optician Main Street Hillsboro, Oregon tin i ..c"u Phone East 89 No charge for small buy cattle, hogs, sheep, etc. Th Old Relit Lie Hartford The Hartford Fire Insur ance Co., is the first and i nly Co. that otlrs Fanneu.Fro-ducer3,buytrs.'.!iiShii!-'3rFof live stock absolute protec tion against !.s of ycur t,tck !;. ,j , ... use. See. i'liono -..-t t'.'nl : ?hn Vadcrwal, Aj enf, 7?4 h St., AS, Pfaonn Main -03. hillnuoii , Or IN