The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, August 01, 1918, Image 1

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I 14-
NO. 21
A &jui
Co Spruce Plviition n( Vancou
ver, Wash.
Silrn Men Report j Tliirtrrn to
go lo Camp Fremont
I'llil nu n i nl r.iinril fm- ( In
Spruce Dhiiion at Viininm cr
last M imili y morning, on (he ().
I'.., nt K:'JM,nnl ii nii nrriviil iicri
aisiuitid to duty at different
points. The boy reported here
Sunday, mill again lit M'lrll
o'clock tin" lirxt lliorilflllf. Tin y
lire (hai'lcx Nil si liiu.'ili, of Shady
ltriiiik, IIiII.Imhu, It. .'I; Claude
('. Miller, ( ilriiw nod ; S Ivchlcr
(i. Wolf, Imi wauled to ni l into
thr regular training camps, hut
could not miiki' it, llcavcrton ;
Arthur Henry Shirk (shipped nut
f I'orlhiiul ) ; Herman I. in k, son
of 11, (i. I. tick, MoiiMt.'iiiiihih-;
I'riii st Hint., 1'nrtlaud ; (has.
Itichler, Button, itiitl (ins Km
kraU, Portland.
Stvinlccn lin n win umilril n
call July '-! to report In re nl 10
ii, in., on Tuesday, Angus! tf, mill
third rli "ill hi srh (liil from Ihi'
contiitgt nl for Cnmp l'n -intuit,
('nl. They will entrain on tin- I'.
It. .t N., nl p. in., nml lean
I'm I l.iii.l nt mm it in I lie i vt iii ii u
on tin- hiiuii' dale, arriving at
I i'i iin'iil at II ii. in. on hi- Klh.
Tin- call: Arthur Jacob Mirlnl,, It, John Anton
II. ruiiian, (i islnii, It. 1; I'aul
Carl lb-ringer, Sherwood, H, ;l ;
Arnold ('. Classen, J'n iivrrtiiii ;
I.lmcr C. I'. ik. HiiIm r; Omil C.
French, l'oresl drove; Louis: Jos.
W iifs, I'iivIiiii; I'r.'tuk l.ullr. II,
II inks, It. I; Arthur ('. Wahl.
(; I" rank Murphy, Moim-
I. iin.l.ilr ; Paul .l.ieohscit. Hanks.
It, I, now nt North Bend, Or.-.;
W illiam Vauth rallih it. Iorcst
(irove. It. '2; Win. Augustine lira-
Iv, Hank. It. Levi Vhil.
Banks, It. 2; Carl Win. l ist b
Lin k, Sherwood; .las, lloim r
II. iini H, Sin i no. 1. 1, It. .'t ; nil from
thr l!17 registrants; an, I Arthur
('. Joins, of I'orrst drove, of I In
Clusi of I'.M.S registrant, who
came hi n 1 1 i . v i s In volunteer ami
get into the tight .
The following have lieen put
in Class 1 from oilier classitica
linns Juhil ('. Bellinger, Forest
drove; John Cuene, Banks (has
iippealeil); Cecil U.iviil Maine.
Sherwood; l.esler J. Snider,
Kinton; ami (ieo, Alfreil Millar,
who has an agricultural elaim
pending hieh may he allowed.
Susanna ahler, aged 5i! years,
wife of Abraham ahler, ilieil al
the Phillips M. 1'. ( hureh, Friday
nflernoon. July B(i, ill IK. Mrs
ahler, in company with other
ladies, went to the church to
clean up the interior for Sabbath
i rviccs. She had licon scrub
bing, and stepped out of the door
to do something else, when she
threw up her hands and fell for
ward, Mrs. Margaret Iteiehen
nltempteil to catch her, hut she
fell heavily, and soon expired.
She exclaimed, "Oh, My!" (is shi
ft II. The linslmnd and the fol
lowing children survive: Abra
ham ahler Jr., Helvetia; Mrs.
Margaret' Yungen. Council Sta
tion; Herman ahler, at home.
The funeral took place Mon
thly from the Phillips M. F..
AH peron who subscribed for Third Liberty Loan
Bonds Ihro this bank are hereby notified that the bonds
are now here and ready for delivery.
AH persons who have interest coupons due on prior
bonds taken thro this bank can get same by presenting
the coupons.
Provost Marshal (iencral Crow
th r has sent out an address to the
Class I men, a portion of which
follows, and which every man
who inav he drafted should read:
"Have you ever thought Ihat
our enemy, is attacking us, not
only in Furnpc, hut at home?
Have vim realized Ihat his espec
ial tricki rv consists ill .seeking to
make mi ii tlisloval here in our
own i'oiii in it nil y ? Have you hied
to discover anil suppress the ene
my s work here ill the pciiet ful
reniou of our own homes? Siiiee
your uppoiuted task is to act is
the ih fi ml.-rs of our couti'ry,
why wait till ymi are called lo
camp? Your time for that has
come already. UWCIS NOW!
From now on regard yocis,-lf
as ft si lected fraternity of active
palriols. Strengthen those who
are weak. I'.neourafe thou- ho
are timid. Inspire tin1 imlilTi r
ent. Inform the ignorant. Search
out the slackers. J!e(;iii n w to
make every one of you into a
uood soldier, n capahle tlefi mh r
of our country, in spirit, in know
ledge, mid ill physical titliess.
There never was n war to
uhii h men could yive themselves
with greater coiil'ulcncc am! le
votion. There in ver was n war in
which n m ill had less excuse for
'lol ling hack. There nevt r was
a time when n mail could lie more
desirous to lc know n ns ll soldier.
There never was a century in Ihe
world's history in which a man's
family, his townsmen, and his
countrymen, will lie prouder to
point him out as one of TIU'.II'
nu n one of the nu n w ho had
the honor of being; in the Army
This is Ol'U war. Yon an
going to win it by what you art
good Americans anil good sol
tliers. You are good Americans
already. It will take some lime
lo make good soldiers out of yon.
The sooner von starl, Ihe oouiicr
vou w ill arri've. KF.dlN NOW !"
Port Itoyal S. C July Instead
tif "tossing their hats in the ring"
the C. S. Marines now loss 'cm
in Ihe water.
Tossing their hats in the ocean
for luck was adopted ns one of
the Marine customs when a gust
of wind snatched the chapcaii of
a recruit while he was crossing
the hay oil' Paris Island, S. ('..
Ihe MnrineN training camp. Tin
"lid" sailed gracefully out into
space nml was soon bobbing mer
rily on the dancing waves.
Taking the accident as n cue
"just for luck," Ihe remainder of
Ihe recruits immediately sailed
their hats out inlo tin1 deep and
Ihe hay was soon dolled with
It ii ml itils of straw hats.
The boys "passed the word"
and now no recruit, can expect to
have good luck unless he has
cast his hat iijon the receding
The undersigned will sell lit auc
tion sale at his farm on I.innton
road, half mile cast of Whitford
court, 7 miles west of Portland,
at 10 n. in. on
Twenty head of extra good dairy
cows, grade Jerseys ami grade
Ilolsleins, some are just fresh
and some to freshen soon; grade
Holstein bull, 21' years old; reg
istered bull, 17 months old; niul
numerous other articles.
Terms of SakA-SIx months,
bankable note, nt 8 per cent; It
per cent off for cash,
Frank I'lcgo, Owner.
J. C. Kuralli, Auctioneer.
Record Established by State of
Oregon Not so Bad
New Mills Being Installed and
Old Ones Increased
Oregon's record in shipbuilding
in Ihe last 27 months is I, 'II ships
with n net tonnage of BK.'I,700
a record of which the state may
well be proud. The next year
will see more than this number
launched, as it has taken much
time lo gel the ways coiistrucli il.
Movement to allow Portland
I'Jectrie system to operate street
ears over S. P. ami O. W. U. A:
X. trackage in the city to carry
laborers is being pushed.
Columbia County resumes road
construction on three main lines.
liruw nsville to have a $1000
memorial drinking fountain.
Portland New brass factory
will erect plant NO by !H) feel.
liiiena Vj.sla ciunihar mines
lienr Kiddle to he developed.
(ireshaui - Project planned to
drain slough ami reclaim NOOO
acres Intnl.
Columbia City $200,000 ship
building plant incorporalcd hi re.
Klamath Falls gets new tO.UDO
per day sawmill.
Portland - Hesse -Marl in iron
works has contract for ctpiippinu
ten Ferris ships.
Lebanon has prospects of n
ll. Hiring mil).
Weston planning a .system of
water supply.
Contract let for lirst silo near
dresham Carload canned red
raspberries sold for $11,012.20.
It is hoped the last half of tin
highway bet w een Salem anil
Portland will be paved sometime
next year. It is most used in the
Pendleton to construct $.10,000
scplie sewage tank.
Agricultural College announ
ces state lime plant will operate
August 1, and produce lime for
farmers at $1.50 pcrlon.
Iloschurg cannery employing
17.1 people.
Railroad Chief, MeAdoo, has
granted 500,000 shopmen n raise
in wages of .'I to l.'i cents an hour
higher wages, above the raise
granted two months ago. The
annual increase amounts to
Latham Chambers saw mill is
being rebuilt.
Marshlicld - Population has in
creased one half in past two
years. Now 7,500.
r.ureka keels laid for four
more !I500 ton average capacity
Lnkeview, Klamath Falls.
Crane and Hend, with Silver
Lake as a central point are the
objectives of a Central Oregon
Oregon railroad project.
Portland homeopathic hospital
to be completed at cost of $100.-
Oregon Humane Society has
$5,500 site for new home.
Prineville railroad completed
ami rails laid to within live miles
of city.
Coos Hav gets contract for two
more Ferris type ships.
Portland Reports received
encourage the belief that tenden
cv in the ranks of labor through
out the state is steadily continu
ing along the lines of growth in
conservation, appreciation of the
grent part labor has to carry in
Ihe war and determination to
carry it. All efforts on the part
of meddlers to win attention lo
propaganda that woub' have the
effect of creating dissension and
slowing work down are being re
ceived by both employers ami
employes with entire coldness.
Noli-Ocan Lumber Co, build
ing new mill on Coos Hay line.
My wife,' Catherine, having left
my bed ami board without cause
or provocalion, notice is hereby
given that I will not he responsi
ble for any bills that she may
F. T. Johnson.
Hated July 2.1, 1018. 21 M
There will be no vetch seed liar
vested in Ihe Northwest this year
mid tin- Mipplv of tarry over
seetl is not large. We now have
some seed in and advise our cus
tomers to secure their needs car-
C. B. Buchanan & Co.
(Jreat interest is being manifest
cil throughout the Northwest in
the National Fiicniiipuic nt of tin
Ornml Army of tin: Itepuhlii
which Is to be held in Portland.
Oregon, August 10 to 21. It will
be the first Fnemiipmciit ever
held in the Pacific Northwest and
undoubtedly the last time the tdd
s.ililiers ot lH(fl-iiD will ever
come to the Pacific ('oast. Port
laud expects thousands of people
from Washington, Idaho ami Or
egon to In: present to welcome
the veterans ami to do them
homage. They arc the sires ami
grnmlsires of the boys of today
who arc fighting in France for
the same eternal principles.
Members of the (irand Army,
the Woman's Relief Corps, La
dies of the (i. A. R., Sons and
Daughters of Veterans mid tin ir
families, can purchase tickets at
one cent per mile by securing a
certificate from the Commander
of the nearest (i. A. It. Post.
Portland will entertain the
draml Army in magnificent
si vie. The great parade is to be
held Tuesday, August 20th.
It. Crandall, J. L. Crow, M. C.
Collier, L. A. Brush, W. S. Til
ton and several others from
Hillslmro are going to be in that
RAISING HARES Hill Poultry Ranch, Ori
son VanFiiian, proprietor, of
Cornelius, has added the raising
of Belgian hares to its already
extensive poultry business. Tidi
ly live cents per pound, live
weight, at the Portland m irkit.
looks pretty good to N an, so ln bought him a rabbit ry. His
buck is a high-class fellow, and
he will soon have some pedigreed
chaps to sell. There is ph-nly of
grass and weeds for feed, going
to waste on almost every ranch,
and every farmer and poultry
raiser could as well as not
have a side issue which would
be profitable, mid with little out
lav. Van says there is no belter
way to help win the war so far
as food stu'll's are concerned than
maintaining a got id big rabbitry.
They increase with marvelous
rapidity, anil one doe ami her
progeny has added .'l.'lii pounds
of nutritious meat to the world s
supply in n single year meat
that is more nutritious than
chicken. Old hop houses or
abandoned chicken houses make
gootl rabbitry hutches, ami there
is little expense to their breeding.
Jacob .uercher died at his home
near Bethany. Wednesday night.
July 2I-, mis, death being very
sudden. He was born in Switz
erland a little over 72 years ago.
and come to this country about
tO years ago. He was married
to Barbara Scbaer, a sister of
John Schacr, of Mountuindale.
The widow and the following
children survive: dottleib, last
heard of in California; Samuel.
California; Win., a truck driver
in Portland; Frank, farming at
Pendleton; Paul, working in the
Portland shipyards: Mrs. Ida
C.laske. wife of Herman Cilaske.
of Oreneo; Mrs. Matilda Wismer.
wife of Carl Wismer, Cedar Mill;
Mrs. Mollie Kegler, wife of Ilen
rv Kculer. of Portland; Mrs. Fre
da Marrs, wife of Chas. Marrs.
Pendleton, and alter uercher.
of near Laurel. Henry, a son.
tlied several years ago.
The funeral took place Sunday
from the Union School church,
Rev. Win. C.raf officiating.
I will sell at public sale at my
place, on West Portland road, 1
Inilc south of Multnomah Station
on the Oregon Fleelric, nt 10 a.
in., on
28 cows, bull, bottle washer, bot
tle filler, milk cooler, No. 5 Sim
plex separator, 50-gallon milk
tank, wash tank, 21-crate steril
izer, .1 II. P. gas motor, feed cut
ter, .' inch farm wagon, hayrake.
hay mower, and numerous other
Terms of Sale Six months'!
lime, bankable note, at H per
cent. Three per cent, oil' for
Lunch at noon. Bona tub:
am going out of business
John Henley, Owner.
C. Kuralli, Auctioneer.
The undersigned desires to return
his sincere thanks to his friends
ami neighbors who so kindly ten
dered aid and sympathy dering
his bereavement, the dentil ami
obsequies of his father, the late
Peter Grossen Sr.
Peter Grossen Jr,
Helvetla4 Ore., City R. 1.
Gets Away From Boiler Room at
Pen, Monday, in Night
Convicted of Killing Mrs. Jen
nings, in This County, in 1916
Bennett Thompson, convicted of
murder in this county in lit Id, es
caped from tin: boiler room of
the penitentiary, Monday, during
Ihe night, and with him was a
prisoner by the name of Tlnirbcr,
from Umatilla county. Thomp
son had said, when he was taken
to Salem, that he would nut he in
there two years .-mil he has
mailt: his word gootl.
1'etinett Thompson was aged
about 87 years, ami was wi 11
known in this county as a hoy,
having lived near Greenville, oc
casionally, with his grandfather,
Asa Williams.
On the night of May 15, lit Hi.
he hired Fred Ristman, a Port
land chalTeur, to take him to In
low Tualatin, to the Jennings
ranch. Euroutc between Tuala
tin and the Jennings home he
killed Ristman, drove the auto In
the Jennings home after hiding
Ristman's hotly in the brush.
milt- ami a half away, entered
the house ami killed Mrs. Helen
Jennings, for whom In- had work
ed occasional! v, ami to h Iuiiii Ik
wished to he married, or "will ;t
home," as he had expressed it.
The woman was brutally murder
ed, her skull being crushed.
Thompson then pilfered the
house of what money he eoulil
find, leaving Ihe jewelry, which
was valuable, and left Ihe mach
ine in the back yard, probably I
because he failed to start it.
He was caught, two days later
near St. Johns. He was brought
to Hillshoro and lodged in jail,
having his trial in September.
19 Hi. He was convicted Septem
ber 1.1, sentenced September lli,
and taken to Salem September
17, ami delivered to the peniten
tiary authorities at 2:10 in the
afternoon. F.nroute to Salem he
said lie wouldn't be in the "coop"
longer than two years. Sheriff
Reeves (accompanied by C.W.
(Continued on Page .1)
The I'rilish Consul, Portland.
Oregon,, requests the favor if
publicity for the following Olli
cial Notification:
"The exchange of ratification
of the recruiting conventions be
tween the L'nitetl States, Great
1'riLiin and Canada, will take
place in London on July .'!0th.
The sixlv day period for all l!rit-
ons ami Canadians between 21
anil ,10 viars of age, both inclu
sive, will commence on July 31st
ami expires on September 2Stb.
Britons and ( anadians of 20
20 years of age and those be
tween the ages of .11 and 41 both
inclusive w ill be required to reg
ister on a date to be fixed by
proclamation by the President.
This date will probably he about
August ,10th, and .10 "days after
registration men of those ages
will be liable to service in the
service in the United States ar
my. In short all Britons and
Canadians between the ages of
20 and 44, both inclusive, in the
United States will be liable for
draft on ami after September 2!),
unless they have enlisted, or been
medically rejected. at one of the
Recruiting Depot of the British
and Canadian Recruiting Mission
before that date."
Arrangements have been made
whereby growers desiring to pro
duce seed potatoes may have
fields inspected, anil if shown to
be free from disease commonly
known to this section, may be
certified. The fields will be in
spected twice during the grow in:;
season and 110 days after harvest
the potatoes will be inspected the
third time.
The farmers in Benton county
last year received $2.50 per hun
dred at time of dicing for pota
toes so certified ami many other
arc planning to take up this
method of seed improvement
this year.
The inspection costs $,1.00 per
acre and is done by the agricul
tural college.
Blanks for making ion
for inspection can be obtained
from the county agricultural
agent's olliee and O. A. C, Cor
vallis, Ore. County Agent.
C. B. BUCHANAN & CO., Inc.
Millsboro, Cornelius and North Plains
Wholesale and Retail Dealers in
Grain, Hay, Flour, Feed and
Grain Bags
Car-lot shipper of POTATOES and
ONIONS. Grain chopped or
rolled at any time
Lumber, Shingles and Lath
At Cornelius
Beaver State Flour
The Best Flour at the Lowest Prices.
Telephones; Hillsboro, Main 14,
Cornelius, City 1515, North Plain, Main 263.
Will !u'.u kad fruns ?ori!;L-i
the spleidid
Many choice small tracts on sale.
Splendid train service morning and
evening into the city. Buy your little
home before the hie; raise comes.
102 Fourth Street
Res. 411 Rodney Ave.
Let us move you into Portland.
Long Distance Moving and Heavy Hauling.
Office with Riverview Anto Transfer, 271 Taylor St. Phones:
Main 5205; A 8110 Also buy cattle, hogs, sheep, etc.
W. 0. Donelson
Calls attended night or day.
Chapel and Parlors.
Hlltaboro. " Oregon
We Have the Neatest and Most Complete Stock of
In the City of Millsboro. We do repair
work in first-class work and our charges
are always reasonable : ' : : : : :
Jeweler and Optician
Main Street t Hillsboro, Oregon
- iteeavme
Phone East 89
No charge for small
Old Relief le
The Hartford Fire Ins tr
ance Co., is the first and rnly
Co. that oilers Farmeis, Pro
ducers, buyersandShippersof
live stock absolute yrotec
tion against loss of your
stock by death of any cause.
See, Phone or Write to John
Vanderwal, Agent, 774 8th St.,
Phone Main 03. HilUboi c, Ore.