The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, July 11, 1918, Image 1

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NO. 16
Start for Ft. MDow-l Lt Fri
day Afternoon for Traininj
Younu Brnffirl Mnkct List of 4
Brothm in the Bin Fiht
I'oilv mill four mure inch from
llii- Wiisliiiilnii County rrglslri
lion list were added to t ' ii 1 1
Sum' Army liit Friday, no far iih
f ti I ii c t i i i it h iiiiiiirncd. I nil V
were M-iit out from I lillilioro,
entraining on the Southern I'u
eilie, mill four were iiidueted in
from nliiiiail, The forty loi
went from tin- enmity nri':
I'.lijnh J, llriimim, Coxcy Stow
til. Herbert W. Ilof. KriitHl W.
Si'Kt'tnt'iiiiui, Albert J'.il. Lynn,
I'ay W. Nlirarrr, Louis ,l, Deui
(ii, 1 1 t riit 'i it Juno lu', (ii'it. l'jslt,
'Witt. A. Meiglin, IUI I lull a
krr, Win. A, kelnli, Ailam S,
Clark, Kolinid Joint Malm, Frank
I'erninuer, John It. Win. II.
Lung, I '. it K '" M. Smith, August
(iraur, Herbert T. Strong, Mar
tin Lynn, I'rederiek A. Si-rjeiit,
It. Verne lltliht In, Hoy K. liene
ficl, Harvey Keeimn, Frank
Schotltln, ifn. I'eter Ntltoii, Al
bert 1. F.ritkNon, Ilolit. K. ISutcM,
Werner I'., l'ralil, F.dw. F. Web
ber, I-'red I'. ' l.yonx, Win. K.
Mihth, John II. Lbirly, Itulmiil
Hunger, Martin Ytiitdeeocvi ring,
Floy.l Caldwell, Geo. II. II is), r,
Karl Milton Moure, Itttlph
Indueted front other point--I'eter
I'. burning, ('oi)uille; I.. A.
Frrntu orth, llerkrlev; Hoht. K.
Moori', Silifiii'tlaily, .V. V.; l'.il.
(". Iluur.ikt-r, Stoikton, Califor
nia. Frit (iinilltart, of (!m
County, aceiuupiiuien t lit.- entrain
III! nl.
Hoy Hemliel it tt Min of Mr.
mill Mrs. ('. I.. Ilrin I'm I, of above
Hank, nnil hi' is t In- fourth son
of Mr. ami Mrs. Hemliel to join
tht- color.
I'eter I.nrsung is well known
here in llillsboro, u here for
years lie worked nt tin- carpenter
trade. FrriiNWorth, who in
ducted into the army from lierk
thy, was funnel ty editor i f tht
H-uiks llerahl, mnl has hail mil
itary training, Imth as a private
nt the Mexican border in HMtl.
nml at the titlieers' training camp
at San Francisco. Itnlph Itrouit.
the last man on the local list,
came in ami askcil to lie nciiI, as
he stiil he was ready to go, nml
would relieve some Inan who
would lie valualilc in the harvest
or hay field for a few w eeks. I It
was accommodated.
Gnltlcih, Marine Instructor
Drill Master nt the Marine
Iliirrack nt Mare Island, arrived
home last week on nick leave for
a few days, having just conva
lesced from the Base Hospital.
He is gaining strength rapidly,
nml will soon lie back to his du-
Win. has liccn more than
receding the good chcci
liamlshakcs of his many
friends ami lodge fellows.
, Sergeant (iolleili is a son of
l't-ter (iottleih ami wife, of North
Hloyd's Machine Shop has op
cned lip for the Slimmer, under
.new management, anil is now
ready for business.. All work
correctly done and on a ulriclly
cash basis. 10-18
All persons who subscribed for Third Liberty Loan
Bonds thro this bank are hereby notified that the bonds
are now here and ready for delivery.
AH persons who have interest coupons due on prior
bonds taken thro this bank can get same by presenting
the coupons.
llillsboro, Oregon, July 8, HUH.
Mr. O. II. (iales, Hillslioro, Or
ri'im : '
Knightly Sir ami Brother: We
hereby extend to you our sinet re
condolence and sympathy in the
loss of your sou on the battle
front. Words fail to express our
sorrow fur the grief that has
stricken you and your estimable
uife, and we can only add that
no nobler end could conic to a
yoiimt man ho in the fullness
of life oilers himself as a sacri
fice on the altar of desire to
make this world a place of safe
ty and peace.
Wc rcali.c that lofty phrases
seem empty mid meaningless nt
this time, ami that expressions of
sorrow are but feeble eouipeiis.i
lion for the loss of a son, yet we
feel that the noble purpose that
impelled your son, C Carroll
(iates, to join the great police
forces of those who love peace
ami order will in some measure
alleviate the pain and NiilTering
caused by the death of him w ho
by the closest lien of blood wits
more than tlear ami beloved to
If there be anything that we
can tin to assist, or make your
lot more csy, you have but to
fouiuiattd us.
Again wc remind you that our
hearts are with you in this loss
that can be appreciated only by
a parent, and wc ask you to con
vcy t your estimable wife thest
hearlfclt expressions of our
deepest sympathy.
1.. A. Long,
It. Frank Peters,
W. N. Harris,
Committer appointed July 1.
I!K. by I'hoenix Lodge. Knights
of I'vlhias of llillsboro, Oregon.
A recent meeting of the e.xeco
tive committee of the Washing
ton County Fair Association,
matters pertaining to the location
of the fair this year were discuss
ed anil a selection of manager
was made.
Letters from the majority of
the directors of the Fair Associa
tion were read regarding the lo
cation of the fair this year, and
all expressed their approval of
tin- action of tht' executive com
mittee in selecting Forest Grove
as the place for holding the fair
Ibis year.
It. II. Jonas, of llenvcrton.
who has had previous experience
managing fairs, was selected to
manage the fair for this year.
Mr. Jrmas successfully man
aged the Wallowa fair two years
With the election of the man
ager, the fair association feels
that the affairs are rounding into
such shape as to make a success
ful fair this fall.
County Atrcnt.
During the past several days a
number of business men have pa
triotically loaned the use of their
automobiles for the transporta
tion of berry pickers to the ber
ry Ileitis in the vicinity of llills
boro. The following business turn
are among tin- number who lent
their assistance: L, T. Mcl'hect
ers, Win. Harris, Weil's Dept.
Store, C. K. Wells, J. M. Wall, A.
C. Shulc, 1',. I. Donelson and V.
O. Donelson. '
This aid is very much appreci
ated by both the berry pickers
and tht; farmers for whom the
berries are being picked.
County Agent.
East Portland Attorney, Geo. A.
Hall, is Under Fire in Portland
Aged Woman Paid Hall and As
sociate $20,000Wantcd $50,000
The Oregon liar Association h is
voted to disbar (ieo, A. Hall, at
lorney, of Fast Portland, for l
leged complicity in a badger
K.iini- in which Hall is said to
have realized $11,000 as his share
of the prolils of the unsavory
game. Some months ago Win.
Tyler and a Mrs. Henderson
were arrested for a misdemeanor
at one of Portland's rooming
houses. Henderson, the bus
baud of the woman, hind Hall
to see that the man, Tyler, was
prosecuted. Hall and his associ
ate went to Mrs. Parmelia Tyler,
aged H.'J, mother of Tyler, and
told her she could settle the case
for her son nut of court if sin
paid $50,000. The old lady told
the grievance committee that she
advised Hall she could not pay
this much ami he told her, so she
says, that Tyler would have to
go to the pen. Mrs. Tyler said
she finally raised $-'0,000 and
paid the money over to Hall.
Hall's associate received sonic of
the money, according to the slo
ry, ami the Henderson received
some, and Hall retained the mea
ly little sum of $!),00( for his in
tercession. The charges of crookednes-.
ill go to the Supreme Court,
and Hall may be criminally pros
ecuted. The case is of interest here
because Hall lived in Hilkboro
during the l.vle nineties.
In Memory of C. Carroll Gate
Next Sunday morning, July IV.
at II o'clock, at Congregational
Church. Main and Fifth Streets,
the Memorial Service of C. Car
roll (iales, eldest son of Mr. and
Mrs. O. P.. (iales, will be held.
It is eminently filliii;: to honor
the memory of this hero v bo
gave bis lift: on the battle field in
France in order that this Repub
lic might not peri li and that its
ideals might not perish from the
Carroll (iates gave his life as
a vicarious sacrifice upon the al
tar of duty, and to do honor to
his memory this memorial w ill bi
ll. Id.
At this memorial service the
people of this city arc given an
opportunity to iav loving tribute
lo the memory of one of their
own number. One who will go
down in history as the first llills
boro soldier who gave himself
unreservedly for his country. He
carried out to the letter the etcr-
nal words: "(ireater Love Hath
no Man Than This That a Man
Laid Down His Life for His
Friends." Let, llillsboro honor
his memory next Sunday amorn
Owing to the large number of
pells that the boy and girl trap
pers have accumulated during
the past few weeks, another pool
of mole pells will be mailt: tun
ing the week of July 15 to "0.
Mole lie Is may lie mailetl or
brought to the oilier of the Coun
ty Agent, during that time, anil
the lot will then be sold to tht
firm offering the best prices.
In the last pool 17i0 pell-
were disposed of at n fraction of
a cent less limn !t() cents each
ami it is expected that they may
be disposed of to a belter ntlvaii
I aire at this time, as the pelts are
in belter condition and they are
being handled belter.
Care must be taken by the
shipper to see that the pells are
strung together on a string ami
lagged with name and address
From the last sale of pelts,
checks arc on hand for the fol
lowing: S. Ilolbank, ('has. Far
mcr, (Irani TSoyd. .(nr. Cirrltrr
and O. Cor. Thrsr will be sent
out if parties will advise as to
their address.
Counly Agent.
To Wilhehn, of Wilhclm Slrassc:
"No sir, wV do-not see how the
phrase can ever be changed to
"Deiitseldaud Ueber Allies." It
"can't be done."
Salem Local dealer has ordered
1000 Ford tractors.
Marshficld Work starte this
i in i ii I Ii on new cannery litre.
Shaniko - l'armers' IJcvalor
Co. has let t tract for ,'10,000
bushel concrete elevator lo cost
Portland -Albina F.ngine
Machine Works now has a free
circulating lihrary lor lienelit ol
ils employes.
Hy much duplication state and
oimlv health officials cost Port
land $11 1,500.
All express company rates to
ic advanced tell per cent under
government operation. lile
grap lines to be taken over ami
ten word rate for fifty-word
night letter to be abolished.
Astoria Three road contracts
et for $;i0,000.
Coos Bay shipyards claim the
lighest record on authority of I'.
.V MuniiiiiiT Hoard.
North Bend shipping 2000 pil
ing to Hawaiian Islands.
Oregon canneries and Indus
tries observed July 4 by work
ing. Portland 19 IS building per
mits total $.1,410,000 as against
$2,3120,000 same months of I'M".
I.iiintou to get street car line
to Portland.
Rcedsport to have 150,000 feel
per day capacity saw null.
Garibaldi, on lillamook bay,
to have a sawmill.
Heppncr 1918 wool clip sell
ing at 1917 prices.
North Heiitl Oorst King to
mild $'.'5,000 garage.
Toledo One sawmill goes on
two shifts and a new sawmill is
assured on the tidcland across
e river.
Seotts Mills to have fruit and
vegetable evaporator.
Portland After several years
wrestling with plans work on tin:
municipal grain elevator is actu-
y to begin.
f.innton New steel plant to
be in operation here by the end
of year.
Ship Company and Standard
Oil Co. to build 50 homes for Di
Corvallis National Bank build
ing larger quarters.
Secretary McAdoo has railed nit
on all loeal tlraft boards to ac
quaint drafted nu n with the pro
visions of the soldier-insurance
law and to urge every drafted
man lo take out this insurance.
The boards have been furnished
with literature to aid them in
this educational work.
The law affording insurance to
our fighting forces has well been
railed the most just and humane
provision ever made by a nation
for ils soldiers and .sailors. The
(iovernmeut and the American
people recognize the justice of
affording this protection to the
men who risk their lives for their
country, and to their families ami
dependents at home. It is only
just to Iheuiselvrs and to their
families and dependents that our
lighting men avail themselves
litis opportunity.
l.vcrv American enlisting
should takr out this insurance
and carry w ith him into the dan
ger the heartening knowledge
that whatever happens, himself
ami his dependents arc protected
by his government.
Corporal Win. Tyacke, known
here as a boy, writes to his broth
er, from France, about the time
the big tlrivr was on its crest:
"The boys are in fine spirits
and looking for orders to grt in
to the big light. Yr arc in the
hravy arlillrry now. We have
the best equipment and are "rar
ing to go." The past ten day
some of our hoys have hern
found horribly mutilated, and we
have all declared vengenace
"Komrad" don't go any more
They have been lighting so dirty
that cant see why any prisoners
are taken. There are lots of Or
egon boys here and they are
showing themselves as the best
type of soldiers.
The French people apprrciatt:
our coining anil are more than
L'latl lo call us comrades, and do
all they can to make us feel at
home. The Winter was great
here where we trained, and very
little snow. Our stay in England
was very short."
For Sale, very cheap A gaso
line tractor with woodsaw at
tached; will pull two plows; han
dle oilier farm implements; good
for cutting ensilage and in good
condition. Working in shipyard,
and must sell. L. I). Huffaker,
Garden Home. 17-19
Will Entrain for Camp Lewis at
llillsboro Largest Call Made
Eighty-Six to Report, Contingent
to be Drawn From Number
Kighty-six men have been drawn
by the Local Board to appear at
llillsboro, for the period begin
ning July 22, for cntrainmc nt at
this place for 81 men for Camp
Lewis. This is the largest cn-
traiiiment called for since tin:
war started. There arc still over
100 order numbers to take up the
old registration, and ot these
there are still quite a number of
Class 1 men. This is aside from
the recent registrants in the 21
year old class. The men will be
tiled sometime during the live
y period beginning July 22,
probably on that date. The Sii
men called are:
Chris Maurcr Jr., Fortland ;
Clarence Sylvester Nelson, Stras-st-I
; Clarence Decaloss Nelson,; Montie Clifford
Ilrickell, Sherwood; William
Tlromas Wilson, Portland; Irwin i
Itay Smock, Sherwood; Walter j
Robinson, Hillslioro, R. 5; Geo. j
Spady, Portland, R. 2; Valdemar
J. K. P. Bcrtelson, Seattle, Wn.;
Harrison Morton Ilughson, Bca-j
verton ; Harlcv Hovd LaMont,
Forest (iraove; Carl Calvin Cur-
tis. Forest (irove; David Michael;
O'Donnell, Buxton; 11 win Rich-j
trd Kyle, Portland, R. 2; James,
Hugh Hutchinson, Banks, H. 3;
John Charles Rogers, Oreneo;
Felix M. Simon Jr., Portland;
William Huffman, Buxton; Rob-;
ert Sinclair, llillsboro; Ray il-
mi Montgomery, Banks, R. :) :
Firmin J. Langue, Hillslioro, R.
i: David Knowles. Aloha; Cnar-
es Leo Susbauer, Cornelius; Ar-i
thur Jacob Michel, llillsboro, R.
Carl Wolfgang Meier, llills
boro, R. 2; Glen William Ilcrst,
Beaverton; John Anton Berg
man, Gaston, R. 1 ; Sorantis G.
Castoure, Portland ; Carl Desin
ger, Beaverton ; Deston Dclbert
Lake, Buxton; Wilbur John
Clapshaw, Banks, R. 1; Ralph
F.lmer Run u in. Forest Grove;
Paul Dave Heller, llillsboro, R.
1 ; Roy B. Graver, Gaston; James
15. Gibson, Siinonds, Arizona;
John Koehnke, Cornelius; John
Jacob Plieth. Sherwood, R. 1 ;
Clarence William Ilagg, Rced
ville; Josef Tcir, Gales
Creek; Clint Slielton, Beaverton;
Alfred Johanson, Wrsliniber;
Charles Franklin Kberlv, Banks;
Howard M iltenbcrger, LaPine;
Frederick llrakrbush, Hillsdale;
Millard (i. Morley. l'orest (irove;
F.arl Cook. Cornelius; Herbert
A. Weik, llillsboro; William
Frederick Holts, Cornelius, R. 2;
Oscar Nelson. Scappoosc, It. 1 ;
Wallace John Hanson, llillsboro
R. 1 ; Paul Jaeobson, Banks, R.
1 ; Bernard Holboke, Portland, R.
2; Daniel Schuh, Cornelius; Al
fred George llolmiami, Cornelius
R. 2; Albert T. Grit.maeher,
Oreneo; George Price Helm,
llillsboro, R. 1; Peter Borgen,
Linnlon; Clarence Gciger, Cor
nelius; Benhard Krng, Portland;
Robert Carl Herr, Gaston; Les
ter Herman Lindsay, Sherwood;
Herman James Woell, Portland;
Alfred Hamel, Portland. It. 2;
Chester Frederick Beneliel,
Banks; Charles Carlson, Beaver
ton; William Dexter Haskell,
l'orest Grove; Sam Sehlegel, Lit
tle Rock, Wash.; Albert Lee
Adolphson, Portland; Frank Ses
ter, Portland; Harry McKiuley
Sexton, llillsboro, R. 2; John
Solder, Forest Grove; Michael
Joseph Brady, Porthind, 11. 2;
Crue Hiram Older, Buxton; Har
ry Joseph Maxwell, Banks, R. 3;
John Milton V'ogel, Cornelius, R.
2; William Carl Lepsehat, Banks
It. 3; F.rnest Fred Ilerr, Gaston;
Paul Carl Bcringer, Sherwood, R.
3; Arnold G. Classen, Beaverton ;
F.lmer Chas. Peik, Huber; Orval
Chester French, Forest Grove;
Louis Joseph W'irfs, Buxton;
Benjamin Frank Luttrell, Banks,
It. 1 ; George David Snyder, San
Francisco, Cal.; Arthur C. Wahl,
Gaston; Frank Murphy, Moun
taiudale. The following were added lo
the list,' some of them having
been called before :
Ralph E. Winger, Roy C. Los
inger, Agnor Mathison, Lester
E. Squires, Henry G. Weekert,
Carl Enoch Long and Jos. Fitz
pa trick.
If you have painting, paper ;
hanging, or work of this kind,
be sure anil get figures from J. j
Mtirrow. llillsboro, Route 5. j
Tel. 26R8. 15-17 i
C, B. BUCHANAN & CO., Inc.
Hillsborc, Cornelius an ! North i'iai
Wholesale and Retail Dealers in
Grain, Hay, Flour, Feed and
Grain Bags
Car-lot shipper of POTATOES and
ONIONS. Grain chopped or
rolled at any time
Lumber, Shingles and Lath
At Cornelius
Beaver State Flour
The Best Flour at the Lowest Prices.
Telephones; Hillsboro, Main 14,
Cornelius, City 1515, North Plain, Main 263.
Will Hon lead from Portland to
the splendid
Acreage ...
Many choice small tracts on sale.
Splendid train service morning and
evening into the city. Buy your little
home before the big raise comes.
102 Fourth Street
Res. 411 Rodney Ave.
Let as move you into Portland.
Long Distance Moving and Heavy Hauling.
Office with Riverview Auto Transfer, 271 Taylor St. Phones:
Main 5205; A 8110 Also buy cattle, hogs, sheep, etc.
W. 0. Donelson
Calls attended night or day.
Chapel and Parlors.
tlillnbofo, - Oregon
We Have the Neatest and Most Complete Stock of
In the City of Hillsboro. We do repair
work in first-class work and our charges
are always reasonable ::::::
Main Street i
- Keeavwe
Phone East 89
No charge for small
Old Relic Lie
The Hartford Fire Insur
ance Co.. is the first andrnly
Co. that offers Farmeis.t ro
ducers, buyersandShippersof
live stock absolute protec
Stion against loss of your
stock by death of any t ause.
See, Phone or Write to Jthn
Vanderwal, Agent, 774. 8th St.,"
i ' Phone Main -03. Hillsboi , Ore.
IH ... I I
and Optician
Hillsboro, Oregon