2 :t ILLSBOR NO. 13 VOL. XXV HILLSBORO, OREGON, JUNE 13, 1918 ton v.s511 .HE yr I AGIIVI Lumber Cut of This Year Far Exceeding Lait Year j PORTLAND GAINS PEOPLE Concrete Shipyard to be Eitah liihed in the Rom City June 10. Toledo sawmill plant, from Monroe to he net up Iicit, capacity (10,000 feet. Another, large handsaw mill to lie nil i ! ! In if nooii by Ytiquina Hay H. It.1 l.br. Co., capacity 100,000 fl.j Portland capitalist propose concrete shipyard f r Portland. 'l'lir government is niulilmin' farm labor which will begin work mi Oklahoma wheal crop first, linn work through Kansas runt llic Northwest slates nil I lie dif ferent harvests iinnc on. Cniiiilli' Contract for con struction of Coo City I r i I over InttuitiiM Inlet Irt for $1-',-OiU.BO. Mcdford-- Large section of coil! land in Roxy Anne district 1 1' Hiil, til be devclucd exten sively. Two shifts nt work mi property. J on.-1 id Work started on ilfw 100,000 bushel elevator here, cost between .'10000 nml $10000. It rrd sport Crew surveying site fur big mill here. Shipyard in.'iy follow. (old Itcach River and harbor hill piutol II, S, senate, provid ing for Improvement of Crescent city liurhor an a war measure. St. llrll'HS Dili' l Increased number of nun working in ship yards greatest activity in build, ing experienced since 1!H0 and lull. Hood Itlvrr Local canncrii urging orchardist to plant in creased acrcagr of string beans. Marshficld Three carloads of cheese shipped to Seattle thin week. Coon and Curry Cniiulii'iT Chcrse Asiin. daiu to ship 2 cars weekly during next a month. Last year's shipment was 2,100, 000 pound. Cheese sells now nt l!3 cent per pound. I'lirtland Oregon lumber cut this far reported for 1018 show increase of 2112,219,000 board feel over total reported cut in 1017. Portland- City gain 2,000 in population hint year, princi pally due to shipbuilding Indus try. Itnschurg ( I rower co-operating with Roscburg and Douglas County Merchants' Assn. to sup port canneries. Increased toma lo and string bean acreage de aired. Helix Mill here ships first carload of flour to France. Dallas Outlook for abundant walnut crop unusually promisng. Sheridan Prune, dryer with 11000 trays, anl large warehouse requiring 60,000 feet lumber to be erected immediately. Silver Lake Construction of soda-ash plant under way at Summer Lake. Expects to oper ate in 1)0 days. , ( orvallis Steep grade near Hlodgctt to be improved by local volunteer good roads gang. Cottage Grove Local mill hi iiins running double .shifts, first in .section to adopt schedule, Tor Salt Span mules; good sized; well broke; gentle; 6 years old; weigh between 2100 am 2500 lbs. I. II. Maxwell, Hanks Ore., Route 8, above Mountain dale. 1113 King Lytic, with the U. S. En gineers, is now in France. Alphnnsc Hendricks, of Cor nelius, was in town Saturday. ley have passed the State dental Hoard of Examiners, mid are now ready to practice dentistry. Oscar Uebel , of above Moun tuiudale, was in town Saturday. Chits. Lanikin and Thus, liai- Jack Vandcr.andcn, who knows a lot about good road i, was in from near toy the last of the week. Dad Tilton, Win. Schulmcrich, Hillnlioro, mid C. W. James, of James, are all attending Federal Court at Portland. For Sale Hay nmre, fl years old, sound and true; w right, 1300, Sam (lerber, Telephone, .'10x3. Address, Heavcrton, Ore., It. 2. 12-11 Mrs. C. A. Handy and son, ('arleton, Ifft Sunday morning, for Minneapolis, Minn., to spend their Summer vacutioii with r 1 ntives and friends. Read this It's time now In spray apples and pears for cod ling moth, says A. L. Lovctt. I'm pounds lend arsenate paste in 2 pounds powder to 100 gallons water. J. M. Miltenberger and wife, of I -a Pine, Ore, where J. M. has a fine homestead, arrived down last Friday for an extended slay, being called here because of the illness of Miss Emma Tupper. Taken Up Cray man;, about 15 or 10 years old. Diamond brand on hip. Owner prove property, pay charges and cost of adv. and take same awav.--.'. C. Wengcr, Hillsboro, R. l', Hel vetia. 12-1 i For Sale - Farm of 121 acres at Dersha.i. .station, praetiiviily all cleared i.nd in cultivation, habitable house; good barn; run ning water; near United depot; on rural mail and milk routes.- Telephone F'armer 7F4, North Plains, 12-1 J. It, McNcw and wife, of above, litixtou, were in town Fri day morning. J. II. says that Scofiehl, the milltown above Buxton contributed nearly $050 to the recent lied Cross Drive. l'he 12S laborers at the mill ami camp did their part in helping the fanners to swell the fund. For sale: Have 31 Va acres of land, 3' miles southeast of Hillsboro; cleared; fenced and cross-fenced; good barn; small orchard. Terms, $2,000 cash and balance of $5,000 will take mort gage, l'or information write or call on II. W. Brown, 231 Shaver St., Portland, Ore. 13-15 Geo. ilolheiincr, of I'lnioiiici has filed u claim against the county in commissioners' court, asking for $10 damage to an an tomobile, the date of the acci dent being June 4. The sniushu was on the urenco-iiiiisnoro road, and the court claims that the road from which Holsheimer drove into the main road was va cated, und they deny the claim. America C. Barber, of Corne lius, has sued Fred V Burlier for divorce, alleging extreme cruelly. She says they were mar ried Jan. 25, li"15, and that the husband bus been very cross to her and to her minor daughter by a former marriage. She also says that be pushed her out of bed a few nights back, and told her and the minor daughter to leave, America also says the husband has several times physi cally assaulted her and pinched her severely all of which she alleges constitutes sufficient grounds for divorce. CELLS OF LOCAL BOYS Peter Vandcrberg, of Phillips, was in town Friday. tt n rt.li 11 . V ., p i ii. u. r.uigrr, ui uciimnj, iv. V over to the city Monday. l r W TIT T iur. ana aim. c. l,. james aim daughters, of James, were in the Glen Epler, now a Corporal, ha eity Saturday. Dinner With two Hillsboroites Bruce Schulmerich and wife, of Scholls, were guests at the Herman ('oilier home. Sunduv. WANTS REAL FIGHTING . . , . John Jt. nancy, oi uuxion, was down to the city Saturday. He Had Sunday Dinner With Elmer says he will have a fine crop of Batchelder and Carrol Gatei l,r""' " Bl'"Mon' The Ouk Park sub-division iirooertv has changed hands, a Glen II. Epler, son of Mr. and Portland company having traded Mrs. Chas. II. Epler, of south of for tiC unHOia portions. Cornelius, with the Third Ore- , , ,, , . gnu boys in France, is now a Cor- , Myr John M' WU mJ fam- poral, and he writes his parents "J 7,' encouraging letUrs. On April fnatnl"; flue o , 28 he says: " lunibia Flighway visitors Sunday. 'We had church service todav.l F'or Sale Bay horse, 5 years Chaplain Gilbert preached in a I old; sound; just broke; 1460; beautiful grove, "somew here in I price. $200. L. L. Lawrence, Solar Phenomena Attracts Popu lation Saturday Afternoon France," at 0 a. m., and after dis missal we went back to our hi I letes and did what few personal things which must always hi done to keep thinna O. h. At noon Elmer Hatehclder and Car rols Gates and I went dow n tonu ainl liail ilinuer. It, was only n plain dinner, but we all enjoyed it. Witch Hazel Station; Beaverton, Ore., Route 4. 12-14 David M. O'Donnell, of Co-h- ran, and Emma Wagner, of 070 Taeoma Ave., Portland, were united in marriage at Vancouver, Wn., last week. John F. Carstens, of Banks, was in town me last oi me wcck. We arc traininir now and it is He has been attending Federal uearly nil new to us, and very Court as a trial juror the past interesting. I hope' that we soon few weeks. get a glimpse of some real fight ing nnv of the folks. Am very well and contented with conditions here. Received my promotion to a noii-coinuilssioucu olliec in-,1 Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Henry Fogel, of Forest Grove, June 7 IOIh. n d.iinrhter. The little miss t i - - - ' r- M.me time since lienru irom ;, a Kr, tiJcli iKl of County Treas lirer Sappington. John Beach, of North Plains, was a city visitor Saturday. J. I x- I I I t v:l .... A ... ... week, and am now a Corporal l- lr"ll"r and have more resPolisibilil v. I lronl ll" riraiupis, "'" Heard that the Orciroii Coast Ar farming the easy way lillerv is now here, but am not sure, 'as one hear lots that is not I When a man who has taken out citizenship papers loses them he is liable to have some time Corporal Epler is in B Com- elapse before he can get a copy paiiy, Ki'Jiul, ami went across l iiicse uays, an nc must khu u with all the. Hillsboro boys after a stay at ('amp Mills. after SOLDIER WRITES Chas. Sehmidlin, with M. Com pany, 102nd Inf., now in France. writes a personal letter to n Hillsboro friend, under date of May 1, and says in part: "I am getting, the Argus, and when 1 get thro reading the pa per I pass it around to the other q q i r. '... i. i.,.,i..., r.. ,',..i.. I ' ' ' ol( lll'lil ti aniuiiii'ii vi'iiiii,, i . . 'l I . .1 ... 1 :i Ii : . :.. I "1 ana h i iiicui reati ii. h is jusi .i I lot: news we i-rave uht urn. i . . . , . . ... ,. ... , , day afternoon resulted in holding uc are 1111 141-1111114 uiiurmimni 1 . r., , . . . ,. ,, , n , , , up the Oregon Electric trains, to the French ways and do not ,f . 1 .... ' requisition clear back to Wash ington, D. C, before he can have his request granted. Arthur Kroeger, son of Mr. T, r it.! . anil Mrs. J. H. ivroeger ox whs city, has enlisted with the U. S. Radio, and has been assigned to Fort Bliss, Texas, and is now at his post of duty. Arthur had con siderable experience aboard the ships on the Alaskan Steamship run, and later was instructor at a sawmill along Portland's water front last Sun wonder at more. Spring is well started hen now, but it is not as early as thot it would be. The fruit tries arc thro blooming, and the strawber ries are. just in blossom. The last week we had nice weather, but prior was very badlniu'hl, with his uniform as Lieu- . 1 - . . . . . , r with much rain and some days it tenant of the medical torces 01 snowed a little. Uncle Sam, He will do service It miifht interest vou to know at the camp all summer, at inter .1 11. .. i. ..iij t low the I'reiicii women wasii vais. nc is 10 oc i-m.cu irum was abandoned entirely. The fire was adjoining the Northwest Steel Co.'s shipyard and for a while it looked as tho the Steel people would lose their property Dr. J. O. Robb was down from Camp Lewis Saturday IMPORTANT NOTICE All pertons who subscribed for Third Liberty Loan Bonds thro this bank are hereby notified that the bonds are now here and ready for delivery. All persons who have interest coupons due on prior bonds taken thro this bank can get same by presenting the coupons. SHUTE SAVINGS BANK PROMPT : CONSERVATIVE : SAVE 1 their clothes. They take them to the river bank, or stream, knee at the shore and use a largo smooth paddle to beat the cloth es. And yet they get their wash ing nice and clean. Another interesting thing here is that they have clocks in all ECLIPSE PARTIALLY FIRST FEW MINUTES GOOD After That Clouds Gathered over Sol, With Occasional Breaks The much heralded eclipse came Saturday afternoon, starting at 2 :88. The clouds had been gath ering since, morning, but shortly after noon the sun rays broke thro, and when the eclipse start ed at 2:88 there was some sun shine. The shadow of the moon gradually crept over the face of old Sol, and in 15 minutes one ould see the conformation of the moon for nearly 180 degrees of its circle, top and bottom. The clouds then covered the sun and it was only at intervals that any view could be obtained. About four o clock the tw i light deepened until chickens started to roost and the birds alighted on the telephone wires along the street. At 4:15 it com menced to grow lighter, and at 5:03 the sun had crawled by the eclipse path. In Eastern Oregon the sun shine was bright and there were many fine views of the phenome na. Many from Portland, and a few from here, went down to Co ble, but they experienced the same weather conditions there and the trip was more or less of a disappointment. Many a glass was smoked m the old town, and it was amusing to see the amateur work in this regard. Many made too good a job of smoking their glasses, cov ering them too well, and they were obliged to wipe off the soot and re-smoke them before they could even get a "rise" out of king Sol. Hillsboro had about 95 per cent, total eclipse, the city being all of 25 miles out of the totality belt. C. B, BUCHANAN & CO., Inc. Hillsboro, Corneliu and North Plains Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Grain, Hay, Flour, Feed and Grain Bags Car-lot shipper of POTATOES and ONIONS. Grain chopped or rolled at any time Lumber, Shingles and Lath 'At Cornelius Beaver State Flour The Best Flour at the Lowest Prices. Telephones; Hillsboro, Main 14, Cornelius, City 1515, North Plain, Main 263. s SB Kv ran I if iy lk Ik WE HAVE IT! Everything in Kodaks AND SUPPLIES WE DEVELOP AND PRINT THE DELTA COUNTY COURT towers of the buildings Hi time to time as the exigencies de i 1 .1-1 1 - Ml 1 . imuiu, ana mosi iiKeiy wiu oe there the greater part of hia time. Clerk Kuratli almost every day gets a bouquet thro the mails. The larger the package the more odorous the bouquet, ihe little bon mots are mole pelts and some towns, and the time is struck on i large bell. The tones can lu licarcl a lonir disl.inee when things are quiet. They strike c of them are deeidely smelly. If Co. Road No. 729, petition Ola; B. Mayner, referred to District; Attorney. j Co. Road No. 718, L. Auld et; al, continued for action of pub- j lie service commission. Same or-' der as to Road No. 720, Chris Rich et al. Co. Road No. 712, Laurel road by resolution, continued to July term of court for further consid eration. Recorder's fees for May ap proved at $813.45; Clerk's fees. $349.45. Dr. W. D. Wood named to serve one year as County Health Officer. Co. Road No. 727, Lilly Thom as et al, ordered established as per report of viewers. Miles J. Havnes appointed Justice of the Peace for Sher-1 wood, vice L. S. McConnell, re-1 signed. To take office upon fil- i ing bonds. 1 County claims paid for month of May at June term appear else-1 where. i HARD SURFACE ROADS Will soon lead from Portland to the splendid Beaverton -Reedville Acreage Many choice small tracts on sale. Splendid train service morning and evening into the city. Buy your little . home before the big raise comes. SHAW-FEAR COMPANY 102 Fourth Street PORTLAND, OREGON the pelts are thoroughly dry thev will not smell, but if they arc kept in a place that is moist, and not well dressed in the first every quarter hour, hut Ihe quai- e llle liltie j,,,, certainly .. net l l 1 1 I 1 ... .... . . icrs in-e on a oiui reiii . loueu in u ,r.. ",.. ,f v.m,. i . " as t ie from Ihe hours. Am in good health and feel ing fine, and hope everybody in old Washington C'ouulv is Ihe same." CODLING MOTH 1 M . I negro saul ot tne axie grease. Ihe IT. of O., at Eugene, will start a training eamp June 24, for men liable to draft and also for those who wish military training. The cost of the four weeks course will be $40, mchid a . , 1 1 Poisoned Dinner Should Await K '' ',na, ping Larvae so First Meal mav he Last ,l;,0,- i'"'-. " "v.e P- lions win oc nuie n u I a n I.'. ,... i isi.,ii., I training lor scnooi nun iicai w. ... .... ..V ,. , , Corvallis, June 12.-Kggs of cod- yi'lr- 'm " I"""- ling moth are now being deposit ' value inasmuch as picked men ...I ;.. i. ...)....,... l,H, niav be taken from the graduated oenis should l,e snivived wiih el.iss to enter Officers' Training ' ' . ' ..!- D :.. i...li., i i,,,,,.,.! n. ii, il.. nf l..n.1 in f v 1 ro.siu iuvc JUiiiruu iimi min i, if miwd.'rcd form is buy a $7 suit of coveralls for the used-to 100 gallons of wafer, s,rpnuol,s campaign. says I'rof. A. L. Lovctt, of tin' The Grangers had a big time O. A. C. Experiment Station. I Saturday, and heard reports from About ten days arc required I the. state Grange convention. C for the e;gs to hatch, but should I E. Spence was elected Master of the present warm evenings pre the State Grange again, succeed vail the majority of the first ing himself. Spence's attempt to brood will be hatching soon ami endorse the Non-rartisan League the poison should be in place m that their first meal will provi their last." failed, but the Grangers felt that the "Old Man," as thev affec tionately call him, has been of too much worth to the order to give him a turn-down because he fell for a few inconsequential vagaries. The Grangers spent the day with a good program, enjoy For Sale Five good work ani mnls, four horses and a mule horses, 1200 to 1500; mule 11 00 Roy Schulmcrich, on Ed. C SchulmCrich's ranch, CorneliuSjl ing their usual dinner, and then Ure., K. s. t Tel. 8K28. 1U-14 looking at the eclipse. ;:vm; K:,-t 39 No charge xor sudl ! 0, 191S.il I have I of the " A CARD Laurel, Or., June 10 To the Editor: I see been designated as one shirkers in a mis-statement in your paper headed "Laurel Roads. I have never refused to ratify any special tax levy where the money is to be expend ed in District No. 3. Only half of the levy is to be expended in District No. 3, the other half to be expended in District No. 6. The taxpayers in District No. 8 were promised that if they voted a five mill tax to be expended on the Laurel-Hillsboro road run ning through District No. 6, the taxpayers in District 6 would vote a similar amount, whiwh they failed to do, and conse quently if I can I will prevent any of my money going to help out' another district when the other district won't reciprocate. We have enough to do to fix our own roads without butting into other peoples' affairs. Am glad Laurel folks are strong for good rock roads. The present roads are getting rather "rockv." I was told if I didn't sign the ratification petition I would be advertised. While not native-born, I am 100 per cent. American and no unAmerican methods can be used to swerve me from doing what I believe to be absolutely right. WM. FIZELLE. Res. 411 Rodney Ave. Let us move vou into Portland storage. C. K. ROGERS' TRANSFER GENERAL HAULING Long Distance Moving and Heavy Hauling. WE HAUL ANYTHING TWO LARGE TRUCKS PROMPT SERVICE Office with Riverview Auto Transfer, 271 Taylor St. Phones: Main 5205; A 3110 Also buy cattle, hogs, sheep, etc. We Have the Neatest and Most Complete Stock of - JEWELRY and .. SUNDRIES... In the City of Hillsboro. VVe do repair work in hist-class work and our charges are always reasonable :::::: IF YOUR EYES ARE TROUBLING YOU, LET US FIT YOU TO GLASSES SCIENTIFIC EQUIPMENT. HOFFMAN Jeweler and Optician Main Street i Hillsboro, Oregon