1 ""'"'"""'"T'"' mtmJt- - 11 oi r 1 1 LLSB0S? II ILLSBORO, OREGON, MAY 23, 1918 NO. 10 VOL. XXV ,.J1.E E DRAFT MEN ARE CALLED To Report Her Period of May 29 June 2, for Ft McDowdl ELEVEN IN EXCESS CALLED Will Report Here at Hiilsboro One From Detroit, Mich. Thi: local war board worked late: Friday night getting out 'H (or Nitty men, forty-nine of whom will be sent to Ft. McDow ell, Cnl., tin ring tilt; period May 80 to June 2, Notice were mail ed Friday night, asking men to get ready for the call to follow n day or no later. One man will In' Inducted from Detroit, Mich., ami traiiNiortatlon will be fffrii ishctl him by the local board at that I'lnre. Some of t tic (JO men are Ncoltered over the Oregon or Washington country, but the board figure that there will be no absentees. Enough arc named ton, Box 12(1, was Hcavrrton.lt. I Merle (Jrubb, LimpiM Portland, wan Sherwood John IIcnn Jr., Toledo, Ohio, was (iastou. Dudley Oilbcrt Knii, Forest Grove, Ore. 4 .1 II 1 . ! . II -I .... Alimony l. I.cis, liciivinon, Ore. Homer V.. Mayes, Hood fliver, 1 Mt. Hood Hold. j llradford Fowles, Hanks, Ore.,' It. 8. Milo Fills Hallard, Pendleton, 20H Kant Bluff St., In care of ('. M. Wright, wan Sherwood. . Fred MattliicNiu, Buxton, was Sherwood. Hnymond A. Greene, Carna-' tioti, Ore. Walter Lester DaviN, Slier-; wood, Ore., R. 8. Fred Cradic, Hiilsboro, Ore. Cheiiter Marian Haskell, Port land, Ore., II. 2. Hans Ilcriiiaii Schaf fenberg, Sherwood, Ore, Kmil Ferdiian Sciffert, HilU boro, Ore., It. 2. John George Findlater, IlilU boro, Ore. George Jurgeim, Timber, Ore., In care of C. W. S. Co., won Tualatin. William Henry I.acy, Warren- " OREGON LEADS U. S. IN WOODEN SHiPo Floats More Than Fifty Per Cent, of Hull Launched A BIG BOX CAR ORDER Portland Firm Will Turn 2700 at Once Oat May 20. Oregon leads the en tire United State in the number of wooden Nteamer hulls launch ed fur the Emergency Fleet Cor F. F. Hanley, of Leisyvlllc, wan in town Saturday. Hen Thiirnher, above Bloom ing, wax In town Monday. Jo. CawrNe, of Shefflin, was greeting friend In the city Friday. Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Fddrcdgn, of Hank, were city callers, Sat urday. Geo. Heineek and Henry Mat- then, of near Laurel, were city visitors the last of the week. Cornea Direct From Washington. For sale: Thorobred Ayrshire D. C, with Message for Citizens bull calf, from extra fine stock. A. G. Pearson. Sherwood. Or- ..,, 8-J0 President Kerr, of Oregon Ag'l. wonege, was a uiiisnoro visitor . KERR, 0. A. C, SAYS TO CONSERVE Delivers an Earnest Address in the Court House, Thursday MAKES A STRONG APPEAL RbCr,T.f Gc".n' last Thursday evening, and de to Hiilsboro, Satur- .. . Bn JlA th ,, however, to give a clear list The sixty men drawn arc: John Oldt, 288 Dormer Apt.., 18th Jefferson St. Jacobus Coppens, Detroit, Mich., 84 Rolf Place. Alvln Hunger, Manning, Ore. Geo. Vincent, Sherwood, Ore., R. 4. Kline r J. Williams, Hiilsboro, Ore., R. 4. Herbert S. Syvrmon, Heaver ton, Ore. I.cster Davis, North Plains.Or. Julius Ceaser rvoschniUky, Castle Hock, Ore. John It. Dellaan, Hillsdale, It. 1. George H. Fitslaff, Cornelius, R. 2. HAY CUT TOO RIPE Prof. Hyslop, of O. A. C, says that too much hav is cut over ripe in the Willamette valley. His statement is: "The vetch and oats, clover or Benjamin Albert List, Slu r- grain hay crops of Western Ore- wood, Ore. gon arc frequently permitted to F.arl Wilbur Gardner, 1820 get over-ripe. Clover is ready Wistaria Ave., Portland, Ore. for hay when one-third of the Herman Chris Schindler, Port- blooms begin to turn brown, but bind. Ore., R 2. Is frequently nearly ready for John J. Hons, Hanks, Ore. seed at the time of cutting for Geo. Reiser, Sherwood. Ore. ' hay. This result Is serious leaf iioratiou, the total in the coun try being 88 vessels, launched in six districts, while 18 of the number are afloat in Oregon wa- Frank was UOWn so n.iisuuru, nsiur )ivem adJref, in the court day, taking in me e.eeuon re- h capacity audience. turns. ir , Hill. !.,, il, For sale: New refrigerator, guest of the Washington County modern, capacity 60 pounds ice. Patriotic League. Mayor John l........ A . mi i 1 . r ...11 a. .1 . .i lers. That gives tlie slate three Will take S1W lor n. i eiepnonc I i. nan, rresiuent oi tne more wooden vessels afloat than 5R25. 8-10 League, presided, and after the the five other districts combined. ,. n..i.., ,i vi.i..m Star Spangled Banner was sung. Portland-Thc Pacific Car & wa In town the last of the week. th?. reat udince ad f t.",,n.lrv f.. 'In.m.h.V first f ii .m.;..,l ,.v... c. invocation was pronounced oy ' J. I . . .nr. imui..i .v...".... ..... , , , , . , fleet of box ears. It has orders ur.lay, and went out to the Mast U"U"KU""- fr 700 from Union and Southern l' ,1 Parle ed P"'"' was introduced. j ... . ... .ni.jii.iiiu ii iii i y 1 1 1 1 1 1 i r 1 1 r i i i - - " - - ----- ... ll... .n..r,..,., !,! Such orders "r ncari oi ins uisuoursc mc au i . ; in lot ... . i . per day; test, o.o. serve patriotically; to get into Sorcnson, 1 mile south o! the war with the real, unadul Witch Hazel. Tel. 3R25. 9-11 terated American spirit; to culti I . - will require millions of feet of Jercy cw lumber and this industry is simi- gu?ds m,lk inr vu viiu niiijiuuiniiii num'.wi ill its importance to Portland. C. B. BUCHANAN k CO, Hiilsboro, Cornelius and North Plains Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Grain, Hay, Flour, Feed and Grain Bags Car-lot shipper of POTATOES and ONIONS. Grain chopped or rolled at any time Lumber, Shingles and Lath At Cornelius Beaver State Flour The Best Flour at the Lowest Prices. Telephones; Hiilsboro, Main 14, Cornelius, City 1515, North Plain, Main 263. P...lniri 11118 iron urns- Andrew P ----- , i i determine acres of I'". . ' . r definitely that at least a 70 per cent, yield will be enjoyed this season by prune orchardists Production will equal 1917 Broccoli crop brings over $20, 000 cash to growers past two month. Sub contract for grad- F,ngland sold 230 the Geo. Robinson farm, the other day. This is one of the fine farms of the Farming ton section, and the new pur chaser is a hustler. -John A. Lindow is the new owner. vate a morale that will show American arms in France that the country means business and that every effort is being made to give them moral and finan cial support just as much as though we were at their side in Russell McGill Hurrus, Hanks, Oregon, Silas J. Bcckrn, Hiilsboro, Or egon, R. 1, Louis Lawrence Arata, Tuala tin, Ore. Alvln Wade Lull, IIillsboro,()r. Ixroy Smith, Timber, Ore. Clctus FiUgerald, F. G., Ho quim, Wash., Poison Camp. Henry Natanecl Christropher. Laurel, Ore., R. 2. John Shaw, F'orest Grove, Ore. John Zuerchcr, Hiilsboro, Or., R. I. Clemens CamenEind, Beaver ton, Ore. John Farthing Loynes, Forest Grove, Ore. Rov Richard Walters, Gaston. Ore. Roy L. Mullin, Hiilsboro, Ore. Andrew Jackson Gassett, 4104 Fast 14th, Portland, was Buxton. Andrew W. Braseseo, Sher wood, Ore. Julius Skoggs, Tualatin, Ore. Kennard I. Dixon, Forest Grove, Ore. John Corrlerl, Hiilsboro, Ore. F.dward J. Rasmussen, 1458 Newcastle St.. Portland, was Banks. Harry Geo. Hoge, Cornelius, Ore., R. 2. Albert Henderling, Cornelius Oreiron. Roy Glenn Simon, Hiilsboro, Oregon. Andras MojiHtis, 28 North 4th St., Portland, was Westimber Karl Clyde Tburber, Yamhill, Ore., Box 62. Jesse S. Baker, Beaverton, Or Alfred C. Harrington, IKIls- boro, Ore., now Calgary, B. I . Roscoe Henry Jones,499 Web ster St.. Portland, was North Plains. Alva P. PattonHillsboro, Ore, loss and a large amount of coarse, hard unpalatable hay. Vetch should be cut when the lower pods are. half formed. When allowed to mature part of its seed, loss of leaves and more valuable portion of fine parts is caused, and a considerable amount of hard, rather bitter and unpalatable seed is left in the hay. Some stockmen have ex perienced serious injury to dairy cattle by feeding vetch hay with a large amount of seed in it. The practice of allowing it to get over ripe is followed because it is men cured somewhat more readily. But with more attention to cur ing methods earlier cutting will give as big a tonnage and a net ter quality of hay. FOR RED CROSS your Red that Portland, May 18 "Clip Liberty coupons for the Cross." This was the message went resounding over the coun try today. Interest coupons for the See ond Liberty Loan became du this week. As bv far the great majority of these coupons are in the $K and $2 value, it is believed that many of those having Liberty Bond coupons due will feel it a orivileire to be able to donate them to the Red Cross. Coupons should simply be clipped from bonds, handed to any War Fund solicitor, or mail ed to the nearest Red Cross chapter. Jake Raffcty, of Mountain dale, and Peter White, of Gales Creek, were city visitors, Satur day afternoon. f V it tnli.ra fihtiiir til ff inn iter W. T. Kerr and family, of Oak (. s,.it ml .i.,. demorr.iev f Park, have moved to their new 1 .1 i.i i m . . i I I ' . , , I iiic wurm. ng Mrelen oi iu i ac.i , ranch at Oaston, recently traded Mr Ke slatcj lhat ,(e was way along Booth ranch let. for) and wiH make their home in . . , t ,. . t w . Toledo to build new reservoir that section. He still holds his ;... ... . .,. tle f...,.i with twice capacity of old one. lease on the Beers' place, better jitio,ls anj matters of produe- Portlaud The war conditions known as tne w-teriLii "e tiou with the members of the var- have necessitated installation of property, ana wui larm u unui joug departments. and he told of ii I i i ti E i m m ,m Tsrmtf WE HAVE IT! Everything in odaks AND SUPPLIES WE DEVELOP AND PRINT THE DELTA loulfh mixer as labor saver at Portland Hotel bakery. Troy Laundry & Machinery ,C.o. in tails new machinery in Portland Hotel Statistics show that Pacific his leasehold expires. The kaleidescopie the great stress for wheat and changes food, not only for the allied rimir in on the county commis- armies, but for the people in doners' court and county judge France and Italy, as well as En in Washington County have not land, behind the lines, ceased. The matter of conduct-1 He told how near was the col Coast shipyards are breaking all : .i . t.ounty business always lapse of Italy when the big Ger . I I ... . I" .. 1. . - . I 1 . , I a T ' I I records in speed in cmisirueumi i a troi, e. The remark- man drive was maae last ran, and number of ships launched, I nj.e coincident in the present I and how foodstuffs, man power both w ood and steel. 0!lsl I camnaifirn is that there are now and assistance was at once rush . p r I I l . . yards have proved in lace oi ... candidates pitted aeainst 1 ed to the peninsula, and how we strong opposition that they are t.(u., 0tl.r wu have served one must deny ourselves to meet the entitled to equal recognition with term an,j j.,. Jcfeated on run- future a future fraught with eastern yards. ning the second term. And so dangerous possibilities unless Roseburg An army aviation Ucs anj b are to fight it out, we "get into the war, and get , i . i. ...i . . . I.. . . .., . .. , ,i . l ...... school may oe esianiiMii-u w ,;ie Judite Keasoner is Iiiruring into ll wun spirit anu ueieruuua on increasing his mint acreage I tion to back up our own men and on his Oak Park farm. the allied armies and the allied m.. ij r i...-i At:A people 1 lie IIC1U oi iicnrij uiiimu - ,f . :i, ..,b .... ,. i I mr. XVCrr IS Bit imcuac rictiv vision u.rouKo 7 , , . He is polished, a user of of average power is represented! ... ... . ' .... ti bv an anifle of 32 degrees, while ' , , p, ..... ., witli the new Aormii vision , " , .11 ".I J 1 .. 1 I H IIIC lie UUI IIU iaii".u . n.v .- runciai lenses, uucu vy ut. Lowe, the angle is increased (50 deifrees in all powers. Dr. Lowe till continues to sell the ordi Tone lenses of superior l ... i . . , . n l,u ill. quality, Dill recoiunienus rune ta s. for all persons who uei ., . .. . ...... L 1. Pendleton Local phone plant " will be cnlarired. Pacific Tele- this vicinity. North Bend Belka Logging Co. to log Empire track. Will be cut into saw logs, railroad ties. poles, piling and ship knees. Toledo Work on Toledo Si- lctas road is forging ahead. .New mill to be shipped in here. Ca- iLiiilv of 60.000 feet. Electric Liirht Co. to enlarge capacity. Two new boilers added to plant. Reported an electric railroad will be built from Newport to Toledo "ry this summer. Survey ready been completed. feotive deserve nothing but the best. Dr. Lowe will be pleased to explain Punctal lenses to you w hen he is in Hiilsboro, Wednes day, May 29. This deuionstra tion is gratis and will obligate phone and telegraph l o. has au thorized installing of two nddi tional sectional switchboards, Salem Canneries of Salem i 1 V.il... cancel mi?v m .n'ii. ... i , kLs dehydrating plant pre- J' ay to purchase. pared to fill 1,000,000 tins. Win. McQuillan has purchased Three hundred persons cm- the Tualatin Hotel from the nloved. Footes and the new owner took Coquillo Contract is let to possession Sunday morning. Mr. Anderson & Mockers to build and Mrs. loote will go to inea Poos Citv Bridire. Cost $12,- side for a short time and will 0(i 4.50. then return and assist at the ho McMinnville, The Dennis Con- tel until the deal is legally struction Co. awarded contract closed. Mr. McQuillan paid a for constructing two million gal- substantial sum down and will Ion reservoir and additional pipe pay the balance in cash as soon line from reservoir to citv. Com- as the deed returns from the bined cost $24,1104. sage to the people of Washing ton County. At the close he earnestly asked that all people go to their homes determined to obey the requests of the Food Administration and to put shoul ders to the wheels to win the war which, he said, must be won on European soil, so as to prevent the Hun from hammer ing at our shores. The audience was dismissed ; by Mayor Wall after they sang i "America." I HARD SURFACE ROADS Will soon lead from Portland to the splendid verton - Rcedvillc Bea Acreage Many choice small tracts on sale. Splendid train service morning and evening into the city. Buy your little home before the bitr raise conies. SHAW-FEAR COMPANY 102 Fourth Street PORTLAND, OREGON NEW MEN FOR DRAFT Portland, Ore., May 18. 'The act providing for the registration of men who have be come 21 years of age since June 5 last has been passed by Con gress and proclamation by the President will be issued shortly naming June 5 next as the day of registration. A supply of regula fiimia 157. registration East where it has been sent for tions jj0 2j has ,een majled to IMPORTANT NOTICE AH perions who subscribed for Third Liberty Loan Bonds thro this bank are hereby notified that the bonda are now here and ready for delivery. All persons who have interest coupons due on prior bonds taken thro this bank can get same by presenting the coupons. SHUTE SAVINGS BANK PROMPT : CONSERVATIVE : SAVE ... a. n 1 t 1 11 I I . I 1 1. I . n.i Tan lo Diiiui uocks nere signatures aim acmiuwicugc- ii i,oar(is in the state, these soon. Construction to cost about ment. The consideration is not Ueo-ulations in every detail must $(i000. given, but it is supposed to range be rea(j anj understood, bv you Toledo Public land to be around $10,000. 1 he property is jmmediatc!y. Circular 18(i of open. Lincoln county uas i y;i iect lrom, on main oum.i, i JVlay 11 contains a synopsis oi 8(53 acres of old O. i l . land and runs clear tnro me diock. ule Pians for registration. Ree- grant. This makes as near a quarter ommendation for the number of block as can De ligurea. "ir. ni,ps f... registration and nom McQuillan has lived off and on ination 0f extl.a registrars should at this hotel tor over ao years, be sulnitted to this office forth and when the owner advertised I with. New registration card to close the dining room Mr. Me-1 printed in blue and registration Quillan suggested the purchase. certificates have been sent to all A price was agreed on and mon- ooards. Local situations should! ey paid down to bind the bar- be studied and if supply of these gain. Mr. Mcquillan tiuys part ly as an investment and partly from reasons of sentiment. He thinks he has made a good in vestment, and he says he has something that will keep hrm oc cupied, anyway. This hotel was built in the sixties, and has al ways served meals except a day t 1 " V You and vour children art 'kjgP' safe if you wear Dr. Lowe's superior glasses eye safe and price safe. They cost you no more than the inferior kinds usually sold and yon have the benefit of his skill and more than 27 years' experience as an oiitoinetrist. When you patronize him you receive the combined service of the trained eye specialist and scien tific optician. One charge covers the entire cost of examination, frames and lenses. Dr. Lowe guarantees his glasses to give satisfaction whether they cost $2 or more. If you pay more you pay too much. If you pay less you do so at the sacrifice of ma terial used and service rendered. Dr. Lowe will be at Hotel Wash ington, Wednesday, May 29. Re member the day and date. Scores of Hiilsboro references. Phone East 39 No charge for small Res. 411 Rodney Ave. Let us move you into Portland. storage. C. K. ROGERS' TRANSFER GENERAL HAULING Long Distance Moving and Heavy Hauling. WE HAUL ANYTHING TWO LARGE TRUCKS PROMPT SERVICE Office with Riverview Auto Transfer, 271 Taylor St. Phones: Main 5205; A 3110 Also buy cattle, hogs, sheep, etc. forms is inadequate additional supplies will be promptly furn ished upon request, etc. Single Comb White Minorca eggs for sale for hatching. From pens that score above 90. My birds are very: large a new uti-nin obIIpi! thf American Beau- or so at a time when the dining Ly. prjze winners; won all prizes room was eioseu ior rtnirs. me at 9J7 state f air, ana iu prir.es property joins the Delta building at Washington Co. Fair. Eggs on the east and the Boscow store $j 60 per getting of 15. Wm. on the west. Turner. Box 198, Hiilsboro, Ure- Rev. L. Stuebc, of Blooming, gon. 9"tf , and Rev. E. W. Luecke, of Shef- Chas. r. Lard, ot Portland, flin. were Hiilsboro callers Sat- working in one ot tne snipyaras, urday afternoon. I was out Friday afternoon. We Have the Neatest and Most Complete Stock of JEWELRY and SUNDRIES ... .. In the City of Hiilsboro. We do repair work in first-class work and our charges are always reasonable : : : : : : IF YOUR EYES ARE TROUBLING YOU, LET US FIT YOU TO GLASSFS SCIENTIFIC EQUIPMENT. HOFFMAN Jeweler and Optician Main Street Hiilsboro, Oregon