The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, April 25, 1918, Image 5

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    May Day Exercises Also to be
Held in Court Yard
Interesting Notes From Hillsboro
High School
(lly Arthur helling)
Saturday will wltiii'MN the Annual
County Spelling Contest niul
hundred of Hlutti'iilM will attend
niul participate.
The students will hold their
niiiiunl May Day exercises on t In
roiirt house lawn Saturday after
noun. Ml Martha Merger Mill
hi' crowned as Mny Queen, ami u
pageant will tic hi'ld In connec
tion with the t'oroiiutlon.
Mm. Woodbury, of Doston,
talked to the asuciuhly on (lie
immigration problem, last wrrlt.
Uyal 1 1 n r 1 1 1 1 , who recently
joined tin; Mrdical Corps, at
Viiiu'ouvrr, wk out 6h hit lirtt
furlough, Inst Tuesday.
W i 1 1 in in 1 It-1 in h and FrnncK
I .in U I it t rr, member of the Senior
('In, hnvr enlisted in the Niivnl
Mrdical Corps, and li ft for Sun
Francisco, Tuesday evening,
llnth art ioiulnr inriiibcr of
tin' Hi'lionl niul both held n iiuiil
Iht of ollicfs, Ki'iuii'th Carlilc,
u graduate of 'III ulso enlisted
with the buy, (irt the,
fellows, we're all behind you,
Daniel F,mrick, who graduated
butt February, wan visiting the
school Monday. Dim Is now
building klilp for Unele Sum.
The History IV classes have
been conducting a Thrift Stamp
campaign the last few weeks,
ami Miieereded in srlling 17112
stamp. Who savs our Hchool
isn't patriotic?
Mf. Fcnurga, who is an ariuv
Y. M. C. A. secretary, and him
just reerntly come from Kelly
Field, in Texas, talked to the
students I he past week. Kelly
Field is the largest neriiil train
ing camp in the V. S., mid Mr.
Fcuucga nay it mire is sonic
ramp. He is now stationed nl
American Lake.
A number of the students went
to Rock Creek last Friday eve
ning, and put on a literary and
in ii ri en I program before the
Roek Creek Literary Society.
Needless to Miy it was a succcis,
and the program limy be repent
ed at the Mountainside Srhool
in the near future,
l'rof. Patten read a letter to
the assembly last week, from
Washington, I. C, urging the
buys to stay in ichool and linish
their education, before rulistiug.
It also set forth the country's
need for trained men,
II. II. S, has 'been making n
big improvement on its tennis
court lately. The Manual Train
ing boy have net up the posts,
painted thrin, and are now
stretching the wire,
Everybody in watching for the
second issue of the (ius Attack,
which will soon be put out under
new editorship.
For sale: Entire herd of reg
istered Jersey cows and heifers;
also two young registered Jersey
bulla. Heifers are all sired by
Register of Merit Bulls and most
of them out of register of merit
cows; a few register of merit
rows also included in sale. Parred
Plymouth Roek O. A. C. strnin
eggs, $1 per setting. Wm. Schul
merich. 01-10
The county Granges had a big
time here yesterday, with a day
snd evening session, Mrs. F.dyth
Tnr.icr-Wriithcrred was present,
and the Grange will hold a meet
ing here soon to take up the mat
ter of the county fair.
Wanted Girls for laundry
work ; also girl for housework,
small family; no washing. The
Moore Laundry Co.
The Bank
That Helps
You Help
Isn't that such a financial con
nection as would appeal to you?
Well you will find the Hillsboro
National Bank serving its many
many patrons and depositor
just th'ia way. We are always
glad to extend a helping hand
morally and financially when
Federal Reserve Membership
Only National Bank in Hillsboro
(j W. H.Whning, Pr.
Mr. and Mrs. Thurston Hux-
ton, of Forcat Grove, were in tin
city yesterday, attending I'omo
mi Grange.
The Ladies' Aid of the Chris
tian Church have postponed their
dinner scheduled for April 27th,
to another date,
Marion 11. lilack and Mrs
Jennie K. Sundtpiist were united
in marriage at Vancouver, Wn.,
1 ucsilnv, of this week.
Dr. It, M. F.rwiu and Dr. J. It,
Marshall will move their ollices
from the Tamiesie lildg., Thin!
and Washington, to the Coiiiiuer
(in I Hunk Ituildiug, Second ami
Main, about May 1. (17
For Sale- Lot of loose out nod
vetch, and timothy buy, I'houe,
71'U. Address, l-rcd .lossy, Hills
boro, Ore,, K. B, on the Tamiesie
ranch, 4 miles from Hillsboro
North Plains road. Ml
The Orenco Red Cross will
hold its annual meeting at the
Church, Orenco, for the election
of ollicers, Monday hIkM, April
27. There will also he a food
demonstration by Miss Kdmt
Mills.of O. A. C.
Francis Liuklatcr, son of Mrs.
Zulu I.inkliiter, has joined the
Navy, and left Tuesday for Sen
Francisco, for Radio study.
Francis wanted to join the Third
Oregon last Spring as a volun
teer, and he would wait no lon
ger to get into the game.
The Missionary Society will
give their Cradle Roll parly -when
the little folks of the Sun
day School will bring the little
cradles anil barrels they have
been filling with money for the
missions at the Congregational
Church, Wednesday, May 1st, at
For Sale Improved live acres.
Two acres in wheat; one in outs
and vetch; fruit trees, berries,
F.nglish walnuts, and garden.
Three room bungalow with front
and back porches. Wood house,
ham, chicken house, and garage.
On rock road, one mile southeast
of Rcedville. Price, $2S00.
Terms. S. (!. Rogers, llcavcrton
Ore., R. 4, Box 71) '2. i
That the Hillsboro people are
doing line in the Liberty Loan
Drive is evidenced by the fact
that through the Hillsboro Na
tional Hank alone, already S.'lfl
subscriptions for Liberty Fundi
have been made, amounting to
about $23,000. The bank in
forms us that although the Lib
erty Loans serve to reduce de
posits, their deposits are the
highest they have ever been,
which shows there is plenty of
money in our community.
There will be a partial or total
eclipse of the sun on June 8, and
there is one almanac which .says
that on that date a big storm
will form over the Pacific coast,
which wilt cause a terrific hot
wave over the Missouri river val
ley. As there is generally a hut
wave of Nome intensity in the
Missouri valley on thot date, or
close to it, it Is of some doubt
as to Pacific Coast conditions
causing it. Frank Imbrie, of
Orenco, has a birthday on June
8, and this will make him reuicin
her to watch for that eclipse.
The governmnt Is putting up a
big telescope at liakcr to watch
the phenomena attendant on lin
ed ipse.
Dr. AUamon Ira Lucas will
speak in the Moose Hall, Mon
day evening, April 2!), at 8:15
sharp. "The Power of Sugges
tion" will be his topic. He will
pass amongst the audience and
give "psychic demonstrations
telling strangers, without asking
a question, about themselves. Dr.
Lucas wishes to announce that
since the rent of the Hall has
been paid by a friend interested
in bis work, no admission fee or
collection will be taken its nil
free. Drop questions in box at
entrance, about yourself or your
home. bring the family and en
joy an evening in Self and Home
Betterment helps.
DTid Kuratli, Caihier
John Gillandert, of Dayton, Dies
From Shock Caused by Fir:
Laurel Farm House Burns to the
Ground Tuesday, With Fatality
John (iilhiudcrs, aged ncarlv 82
years, is dead from heart failure
as one of the results of the hiinn
of F. M. Cralitrc being destroy -
d by lire, about noon, 1 uesdny
Mr. Gillitiulcrs and wife hud ar
riveii irom uayiou a day or so
prior, for a visit. Monday morn
lug Mr. and Mrs. Crabtrce and
Mrs. (iilhiudcrs, who is the
mother of Mrs. Crabtrce, went to
Portland, leaving the ruudfath
er at home with Miss DeLauricc
About the noon hour the housi
was discovered to he ablu.e
Miss Crabtrce notified the neigh
bors by telephone, and help ar
rivd in time to get the effects of
the lower floor to safety. Mr.
(iillaudcrs had walked over to
ward a prune drier, and a neigh
bor discovered hini prostrate, lie
had collapsed from the slunk,
and death ensued within an hour
after the fire started.
Mr. (iillaudcrs was horn in
Canada, October 8, J8.l(i, in
Richmond. He married Laura
i'urpin in 1 8(18, and had lived in
Oregon since 18(12, His home
for some years has been Davtmi.
Ore., and the remains were taken
there Yesterday hv I'nilertak'-r
Donelsou. The funeral took
place today and interment was in
the Odd Fellows cemetery, he
having been a member of that
He Is survived hv his widow
and the following children: Mrs.
1). C. Tallman, llcavcrton; Mrs
Frank M. Crabtrce, Laurel; F.nrl
(!. (tillauders, Pendleton, and
Herbert (iillaudcrs, of (iiistoii.
The objects of the Thrift and
War Savings Campaign arc to
promote systematic saving and
self denial on the part of very
American so that labor and ma
terials now employd in the pro
liictiou of things w Ineh are tint
essential to our daily life may l.t
used in the production of War
materials and spppli.-s to ciu-onr-
ige economy mid thrift in I lie
community, to raise iiioncv for
equipping our boys at the front
so that this war may be brought
to a speedy close and liberty and
free government ".shall not per
ish from the earth."
Oregon's apportionment ii
seventeen million dollars during
l! 18--$53 1,000 is the share of
Washington County this means
that we must get on to a basis
of $41,600 War Savings per
mouth. Our sales up to April 28
wre $88,711 or about liO per cent
of requirements to be up to the
schedule The eyes of the na
tion are on Oregon, and the eves
of Oregon are on Washington
County on accoiunt of the mag
nificent work done in the Third
Liberty Loan. F.vory loyal cili
zen ought now to put his shoul
dcr to the wheel and get Wash
ington County right up to .sched
ule on War Savings.
The Junior Rainbow Regi
ments have been formed in Ore
gon the boys niul girls who
have sold $50 or more of W. S.
S. Washington County has
10 members in the first regi
ment 29 members in the second
regiment; !)li in the third regi
ment 75 boys and girls who
have been out winning the war.
If von haven't started buying
War Savings Stamps "do il to-
Jay. Buv a 25c stamp every
N. A. Frost,
County Chairman for Wash
ington County.
Delegates to the Stale Conven
tion at Portland, to be held on
May 4th, will be chosen at the
next meeting, which will be held
next Monday' evening, the place
of meeting to be announced la
ter. A full attendance is re
Plans for a heneht will he dis
cussed at next meeting.
Active members who were ah
sent from hist meeting may pay
their fines to Reta Trullinger.
All those attending the First
Aid class at the Red Cross rooms
on Thursday evciiin.-r will please
bring the following bandages for
practice work one 5-yard by
2-inch; one 20-in. triangle; one
24-in. by 6-in. These need not
he sterilized.
The members of the Cedar Mill
Red Cross will give a Civil War
Drama, in four acts, nt the
Grange Hall, Cedar Mill, at 8:110
P. M., May 4. This is to lie a
benefit for their Red Cross soci
ety, and all are invited.
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Payne were
in Dallas over Sunday, visiting
with Mr. Payne's parents.
B. L. Mapes, of near Laurel,
was a city caller today. . L.
has a public sale advertised for
May 15.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Luther, of
Salem, spent the week-end here,
guests of the Luther and Har
truinpf families.
J. Gaarde, the Tlgard black
smith, was in the county seat
yesterday. Mr. Gaarde has been
hammering iron in that section
for a number of years.
Sam Otto, who lives up at
Bald Peak, where one can, on a
clear day, see sixteen counties in
Urcgon and Washington, was
over to the city yesterday.
for Sale liign grade Jersey
cow, 5 years old; also heifer, 'i'.
years old. Both recently fresh.
Will sell either one. N. A.
Frost, 1014 Washington St.
K. L. Perkins has rented the
Pythian Building for an auto
sales room, and will soon move
in. This means that the Red
Cross will have to move again.
A new man at the wheel of the
Mercantile F'ord ran the ear into
a ditch near the slaughter house,
Sunday, resulting in a nasty
w reck as far as the machine was
For Sale Household furni
ture; also for rent, a nice 5-room
cottage, barn, chicken house and
large garden spot in country, at
$8 per month; plenty of work in
the neighborhood. Write to S.
Ornduff, Laurel, Ore. 4-6
For sale: Duroc boar; Duroe
brood sow, to farrow June I ; 0
shouts, weighing 50 to 100 lbs.
Sell, or will trade for sheep.
Also have several young cows, to
freshen soon, for sale. John
Soper, Hillsboro, Route 4, on
Hawthorne place. 6-7
Mrs. Louis Chevette, of the
Hotel Washington, while driving
an auto occupied by some ladies,
ran into Mr, and Mrs. Soper, of
the Hawthorne ranch,' yesterday.
The Soper buggy was smashed
and Mr. Soper sustained two
broken ribs, which Dr. Robb
eared for.
For Snle Horse, buggy and
harness; horse is small, but
blocky built, and is a good w oik
horse or driver; 8 years old, fat
and an easy keeper. Good, strong
buggy. Price for all, $70. In
quire of Mrs. E. W. Tread well,
' 4 mile south of Tobias Station,
Route 4, Beaverton. 6-7
For Sale Good kale seed,
1,000 head, 1917 crop, 25c per
lb.; fine large Burbank potatoes;
also seed sized potatoes, 50c per
100 bring your sack and fill
it yourself. White Tree beans,
the kind that is sure to ripen
here. J. IL Huntemann, City
R. 4. Phone, 85R5. 5-tf
Methodist Episcopal Church,
Third and Washington Sts. (The
Church of the Friendly Greet
ing,) Walton Skipworth, pastor
!):45 a. m., Sunday School; 11
a. m. and 8 p. in., public ser
vices; 7 p. m., Epworth League;
prayer meeting, Thursday even
ings; choir practice, Saturday
They say that Dad Tilton is
working on a lawn mower which
will run like a Waterbury watch.
All he expects to do when he
gets the machine invented and
perfected is to wind up a spring,
which, in turn, winds another
spring, and so ad infinitum until
the big coil is tightened. It will
then be set and put in motion,
and can be governed to run 50
or 100 feet, or fraction thereof,
and then turn "right around and
run right back again to the start
ing point." Dad just lacks one
little contraption to perfect his
model, and he is searching all
the almanacs to get the right
Orrin E. Fenderson, aged S3
years, working at a railroad
camp near Wilkesboro, was
brought to the county seat Mon
day, on a charge of defacing a
building by painting sign on it.
He was allowed to go his way
after a rigid examination. One
of his signs read "The Pope or
Uncle Sain which?" Fender
son appears to be tooting his
horn for the Menace an anti
Catholic publication. He says
that he was born in Eau Claire,
Wis., and has been in the Navy,
for a period of two years, having
been discharged . from that
branch of the service on account
of a bad heart.
Free Methodist Church, Fifth
ami Oak Sts. Sabbath School,
10 A. M., Mrs. Lucy Sigler, Su
perintendent; preaching at 11 A.
M. and at 8 P. M.; prayer meet
ing Thursday evening. The an
nual conference has just con
cluded at Portland, and the Pas
tor, J. N. Wood, has been return
ed to Hillsboro for another year.
He desires the Argus to thank
the public for the many expres
sions of good will which he has
received during the year just
closed, and to express his appre
ciation for the privilege . of
preaching the gospel to Hillsbo
ro people the coming year. The
public is cordially invited to at
tend all the regular services.
Go to American Lake Tomorrow
Morning, at 7:36, on S. P. Line
One Man Shy on the Original
Call to Make the Twenty-eight
Twenty-eight men showed up nt
the call of the County War
Board this morning. Alvin Hun
ger, in another state, is quaran
tined with small pox; Tlieodor'
Vandecoevering, of Vcrboort, is
sick with rheumatism, ami Geo.
S. Vincent is at Ft. Wayne, Iml.
Walter Flcischaucr is in Port
land, and is expected to report
tins afternoon. John Suran, of
Cornelius; Harry K. Solgard, of
Portland, are missing, llelmer
Isakson, of Sutherlin, canie in
Those who reported are
Floyd Margeson, Gaston; ('has.
P. Brandaw, Hillsboro; Tom 1
ulos, Forest Grove; Winiehl Dill,
Metzger; Earl M. Kay, Dilley;
Grover Led ford, Hillsboro; J os
eph Eischen, Cornelius; (ieorjre
Burgett, Cornelius; (iiinnar
Brostrom, Cherry Grove; Alvin
H. Bennett, Cornelius; Freder
ick Werre, I-'armingtou ; Willis
Edgar Hall, Gaston; Harry ',.
Spencer, Seappoose; Archie
WayneVaught, Hillsboro; Ward
S. Ennes, Hillsboro; Elmer F..
Gray, Mountaindale ; Louis I'.
Quinn, Hillsboro; Oley J. Hoov
er, Gales Creek; Percy J. Bales,
Banks; Otto J. Kaufman, Sher
wood, R. 5; Carl W. Eggiinan,
Cedar Mill; Harry L. HocflVI,
Reedville" Chas. B. Knighti ji.
Cherry Grove, and Hans N. Ras
mussen, Hillsboro.
The boys are to be entertained
by the Uniform Rank tonight.
Three more men will be called
to go with the 25, thus filling oi.t
the 28 called.
The United States Food Admin
istration, Grain Corporation.
writes C. B. Buchanan & Co. a
To all Elevator and Warehouse
Oprators :
The privilege issued to licen
sees to retain wheat and rve in
interior elevators and warehouse
for seed distribution terminates
on May 15. We hope that every
bushel of wheat in farmers
hands will be delivered to their
country stations by that time.
Every effort is being made to ex
pedite the movement of wheat to
the mills so that it can be ground
into flour and shipped to our sol
diers and Allies abroad to re
lieve the acute shortage which
now exists.
Will you please notify all far
mers close to your staiton who
may have small lots of wheat on
hand urging thin to bring it in
immediately? Also please noti
fy us of the name and postoftico
address of any person holding
wheat who is not inclined to haul
it in.
There is a plentiful supply of
box cars at all interior points. If
you are not receiving as many
per day as you can load, wire us.
so that we can see that your re
quirements are promptly taken
care of.
Yours truly,
Food Administration Grain Cor
poration, by M. II. Houser, Agt.
I will sell at public sale at my
ranch, 8 miles west of Laurel, on
the Chehalem Mountain road, nt
10 A. M., on
Six fine dairy cows one 6 years
old, half Durham and half Jer
sey, fresh; one 2 years, in milk,
fresh October; one 3 years old.
fresh next January; one 5 years,
fresh Nov. 27,1918; one 5 years,
fresh middle next January; all
milking now, iand giving good
flow of rich milk ; 2-seat surrey
in good shape; old buggy; tOO
cedar posts; 1200 galvanized
wire; hop sacks and supplies,
kiln floor cloths, sulphur, 30 lbs
-ply twine; good Edison phon
ograph, 70 records; canary bird
and cage; single bed, springs and
mattress; 2 milk cans, Babcock
milk and cream tester, new; 50
gal galvanized tank; numerous
other articles.
Terms of Sale $20 and under
cash; over that sum, bankable
note to Jan. 1, at 8 per cent.
E. L. Mapes, Owner.
B. P. Cornelius, Auctioneer,
John Vanderwal, Clerk.
Card of Thanks
We desire to extend our sincere
thanks to our many friends and
neighbors of Hillsboro who so
kindly tendered aid and sympa
thy during our bereavement, the
death and obsequies of the late
Tom Brown.
Mrs. Tom Brown,
Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Brown
and Family.
Chester Bridges, of Oak Park,
was in town Monday.
A. L. Grebe, of Laurel, was
greeting friends in town today.
A little frost last night, but
not enough to hurt the fruit
Notice to Farmers Feed roll
er at Bethany will finish season
by running Saturday, April 20,
and May 8 and 4. 5-7
Dance, at Helvetia Hall, Satur
day night, May 11. Sneed's or
chestra. All are invited, and
a good time promised. Feuer
stein, Manager. 0-7
Marriage license has been
granted Wtn. Heilrnan and Anna
M. Gaarde, both of Tigard. The
bride is the daughter of J
Gaarde, and is well known in
that section.
The ladies of the Baptist
Church will serve a dinner
chicken pie, Boston baked
beans, etc., in the Wehrung Bank
Bldg. Annex, No. 1164, Second
St., between the hours of 1 1 and
2 o'clock, Saturday, April 27.
Tickets, 25c and 85c.
For Sale Two regishtered
Holstein bulls; 1 fifteen months
old, ready for service; the other
is 4 months old ; both are two
thirds"w bite, out of high testing
dams, and fine individuals.
Price reasonable. Inquire of
Adolph Zwimpfer. North Plains.
Phone, 17F4, North Plains cen
tral. 4-6
The Ruth Realty Co. has sued
Oney Gossman, wife of R. C.
Gossman, the husband serving
time for arson, on the foreclos
ure of property at North PI ains.
The Gossmans were at one time
pretty well fixed, but Gossman
was cracked hard in the court,
besides being sent to the state
First Congregational Church,
Main and Fifth Sts., Rev. A. D.
Shaw, pastor Sunday School,
10:00 a. in., Professor Barnes,
Supt. ; Morning Worship, 11 a.
m., sermon subject will be, "The
Practical Force of Prayer in
These Days of Chaos and Per
sonal Bewilderment." Christian
Endeavor at 7 p. in.; evening ser
vice at 8 will be a pleasant Sun
day Evening, and will present a
ictrola Concert, there will be
presented some of the greatest
vocal auJ instrumental si 'etfons !
by the woiliis greatest artists.
Strangers and the pubiic cordial
ly invited.
Wm. Nelson, of Hillsboro, Re
publican candidate for Recorder
of Conveyances at the primaries,
pledges -himself to a clean, econ
omical administration of the of
fice, his platform saying:
"I have not and shall not make
any pledges or promises of ap
pointments mi consideration of
any support of my candidacy.
If nominated and elected, I
prefer that my hands be untied
as to appointments, leaving me
entirely free to administer the
office unhampered by pre-elec
tion pledges.
I shall appeal direct to the vo
ters for their support, assuring
them that if elected I shaH give
to them the best that is in me in
the way of a satisfactory admin
istration of the office.
I am a Washington County
man, having been born in Hills
boro. I have helped to" build up
our country by paying my just
share of taxes. I am a Republi
can, and believe m the principles
of tha Republican party, and
above all, am an American, and
believe in the principles of my
country. Paid Adv.
Plans have been completed and
active selling of the residence lot
given to the Hillsboro Branch iy
Mr. I'd. fschulmerich, wjll be
gin next week. In order that the
Auxiliary may benefit through
this handsome donation it has
been decided to give each a cer
tain number of tickets to sell,
the money derived from the sale
staying in the Auxiliary for local
work. At the conclusion of the
sale, the committee is arranging
to have a carnival and dance, at
which the name of the fortunate
owner will be announced.
The location of headquarters
will again be changed, as the
present location has been rented.
The. move this time will be just
across the street, in the Hillsboro
National Bank Annex Bldg. Mr.
Euiil Kuratli and Mr. Wehrung,
the owners;! have kindly placed
it at the disposal of the Red
Cross, and the move will take
place as soon as possible.
Donations to be acknowledged
this week are South Tualatin
Auxiliary, $25; Mr. Schmeltzer,
2 cord of wood ; Mrs'. George
Bagley, $10; H. G. P. Lumber
Co., $5.:8; Miss Edna Gilkev,
$4; Mrs. Wm. Nelson, clock for
he.iu-pi irters; D. Corwin, an oil
stove, end . Mrs, C. L. WciU, a
, TT?. .1
Jural j i-...uin in i; ro soiii
during the carnival and dance.
The calf will be four months old
at that time, and is of too good a
pedigree to be sent to the butch
er. Anyone wishing to secure a
prize animal should be in attend
ance. More particulars of the
affair will be given next week.
I will sell at public sale at my
place, 6th & Baseline, Hillsboro,
at 1 :80 p. m., on
Three fine dairy cows one 8
years, fresh Dec. 30; one 5 years
fresh Sept. 15, and the other :i
yrs, fresh Sept. 30; high-grade
Leghorn chickens, 5 stands Ital
ian bees, good heavy wagon, old
wagon, 2 gravel beds, some
racks, water trough, cutting box,
new; set sleigh runners, Oliver
chilled plow, 40, with jointer;
60-tooth harrow, hand cart.step
ladder and other ladders, spray
pump, 5 -too til cultivator, v-
cla, rakes, hoc., forks, t Mils, cl'',
large banquet ran' i ;'o.,i! ,- i .
dition, good heater, ! ' in . - 4.
chine, clothes has! r,
6-ft extension table, . , I
dining chairs, 4 o..k ";ckt.s,
dish cupboard and sideboard
combined, kitchen cupboard, 2
kitchen cabinets, lar;.;e mirror, 7
kitchen chairs, large drawer cab
inet, center table, couch, bed
rom sets, 2 bedsteads, spring
cot, fruit jars, and oli r arttles
too numerous to mention.
Terms of sale $20 and under
cash; over, six months time, ap
proved note at 8 per cent inter
est. Five per cent off for cash
over $20.
M. L. Berdan, Owiit.r.
J. C. Kuratii, Auctioneer.
Bulk garden seeds at Greer's.
Dr. E. T. HELMS,
Chiropractic Physician
Ugincr in i-nnnn-linn Kllpiii o 11,..
drotherpathy & scientific Dietetics.
-,!! . ... .
umi answered aay or mgnt. lele
chone. 2lfili.
Offices in 1 and 2, Heidel Building,
Hillsboro, Oregon
Physician and Surgcuu
Office: Upstairs in Comr-'TuJ
cans; mag. Kesiuence dv; c.
and & baseline. Fuor.t, 0 v
Residence, Z6oz.
Hillsboro, ... Ctc-.-.:
Upstair In TT-il.sbom " ,"
Tuildinu, -.' Miip
2:. W. ; . Si f
Offices in Heiii, ; Laildii.,
Main Street, aU
Phone, i
Hillsboro, ...
Dr. J. R. MAR.
Tamiesie Building Rooms S & 6.
xain ana riura streets.
Hillsboro, ... Oregon
Physician and Surgeon.
Calls Day and Night
E. H. SMITH, M. D, D. O.
Completely equipped hospital in con
nection. Calls answered day or
nisrht. Office over Hillsboro Xat'l.
Hillsboro, ... Qmy
E. B. TONGUfc,
Office, upstairs Schulmerich Block.
Hillsboro, ... Oregon
Upstairs, Schulmerich Block
Hillsboro, - - Oregon
Upstairs, A. C. Shute Bldg, 2nd and
Upstairs Shut Savings Bang Bldg.
Hillsboro, ... Oregon
We answer calls day or night to all
sections. State Licensed
Best Fire Issuranc
Agent i.rao3 c: Lanca
shire Fire Insurance Co.
IPartil'ifl S;,;tf t
Fire Insurance C;ui. uj- ot i
Oregon. Tbe only bi Oregou Jut
Line Company. Losaes Promptly I a M
John Vanderwal