The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, April 18, 1918, Image 2

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It is mir desire to inform the people of Hillxboro,
Ore, that we are here to engage in a general Mill Busi
ness, to the extent of manufacturing, to vour order, any
and all kinds of Doors, Sash, Windows, Sereens, Crates,
Boxes, Mouldings, Cabinet Work, anything that can ho
made from Lumber, at prices that will suit both Manu
facturer and Consumer,
We also have on hamland will carry continuously,
a complete line of Lumber of all grades to meet the de
mands of the Building trade, prices on some of which
arc quoted below :
No. 16 and 8 inch Channel Rustic, per M $30.00
6 inch Bevel Rustic, per M $29.00
6 inch Novelty Rustic, per M $31.00
6 inch Drop Siding, per M $32.00
Shiplap, 1x8 or 1x6, per M $19.00
Cedar Shingles, Star A Star, per M $2.75
Hw. ! 4 inch Flat Grain Flooring, per M $30.00
No. 1- Dimension Lumber per M .. $1S.00
We will furnish anything in our line that you want.
Deliveries made free, with auto truck. Satisfactory
treatment assured. Turning, Hand Sawing, Re-Sawing'
and Planing, done by the hour or contract.
Woolen, Marjorie Wells. Senate
Club - Vehlon Itoge, Earl Victor,
Arthur Roiling.
Dr. I.uoas, who has been in
town for the last few days, talk
ed to the .student body on "Vo
cational tiuidancc."
Mr. Newmeyer, Assistant Di
rector V. S. Boys Working Re
serve, talked to the assembly
Wednesday, and gave out cards
to all the boys over It!, No
doubt all these cards will come
hack tilled out.
The Annual Washington Comi
ty Spelling Contest will he held
in the city April '.'7. As usual,
the 11. 11. S. students will put on
their May Day festivities, and
accordingly the Student Body
will elect the May Queen by pop
ular vote of all members.
Ves, $7.50 to $1S; stoekers and
feeders, (i.M) to ?;i.A0.
Hog receipts today, i!M. for
the week, 1(150. Common hogs
are showing up very freely. Val
ues this week are as follows:
Prime mixed, $17.i0 to.ftT.T.I ,
medium mixed, $17.35 to 17.50;
rough heavies, $K5.:i5 to iplti.JU);
pigs. $15 to ,tUi; bulk, $17. till to
Sheep receipts today, Ml, total
for the week, 675, Sheep trade
at North Portland is in very
healthy condition, Quotations
are as follows: Prime siiimil'
amhs. $V!ll: heavv lambs. &Iti.M
to $18; yearlings! $15 to $!.V'5:
wethers, $1:1 to $IH..'.0: ewes.
$12 to $1,'H1.
Estimates will be furnished frc
k work. Let us figure Your work.
e on any and all
Hilbboro Planing Mill
W. h. MAuARRELL, Proprietor
Hillsboro, Ore.
iOppoite S. P. Depot,
Phono No. 301.
L. A.
Fnterei .!
t reaon, o . mi
The following is quoted from a
letter sent by County Superin
tendent Frost to every school
board in Washington County:
"Do not hire any teacher who
is not a loyal, patriotic American
actually helping in Cncle Sam's
War Work. No teacher can teach
conservation. Red Cross. Thrift
ami War Savings and honor to
the (lag who does not practice
these things. No neutral teacher
; will be tolerated in Washington
County next year. You should
mention this when talking about
hiring. Even if you know thai
the teacher is all right the fact
that you demand a pledge of that
kind will put life into her work.
Nic will know that you are right
back of her."
As a part of the plan for se
curing labor in the places w here
most needed the Department of
Labor is rquiring Mie registrn
tion of nil the boys between l.i
and all. It is not the intent ion
to take boys away from home or
other places where they are al
ready employed. Those win)
work at home are entitled (o
workers certificates, badges ninl
other honors of the Boys' Work
ing Reserve. The teacher is ei.
ollieer for ccry school
The time for regist r,
the week from April
i'llf.v U.l"
Give ycur ..-rnmeiit eery
bit in you th"i .'ays of ti.'l. It
needs you, inj needs the support
of all. Government help is .self-help.
dents to put on a program at th.
Rock Creek School Friday eve
ninir, and consentient) v a iiiuiili. r ' rolliiiir
'jof the students will journey to 'district
I that school. They will make the tion is
' trip in autos if the weather per- j to '.'7.
! mits, and if not they will go in.
! Fords. The program w ill eon-i
;sist of musical ami literary num-j
i bers. About eighteen or lumlv Ik l,.-L..f !,... t i. . ...i
. , i rv I 1 1 I ( t 1 1 ; I I IV IT t .
students will take the trip. April lii:
The Hilhi, the H. II. S. you-! Cattle receipts lodav, 50; f,.r
book, is now being printed, and ! the week. .'150. Many cattle are
will be ready for ilut riloi;..o ! ..i .. e,. . i i . .i
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Collier
are xisiting at Seattle this week,
giietrs of Mrs. Collier's sister.
Notice to Farmers Feed roll
or at Rothany will finish season
by running Saturday, April 'JO,
and May :t and . 5 7
Chas. Green, of Washougal.
writes for the Argus, saying that
he can't very well keep house
without it.
Fmil Crop, of North Forest
Grove, was a caller vesterdav.
He brought in a number t i
young melt for war examina
Mrs. A I. Wagner, w ife of I'.n
gineer Wagner, of the Timber
Ililsboro run, has been nt the
Dr. Sinith Hospital the pn-t
J Clarence Cornell, formerly of
i Hillsboro, now of Dolph, Ore..
I was united in marriage to Mr..
Esther Mathews, of Hillsboro. i:l
Vancouver, Wash., Tuesday.
For Sab' -Two grille ,lerse
cows, fresh Sept. 15 and October
15 -$t!0 each. Will trade for
good rake, mower and disc.- In
ipiire at Bethany Store, or phone
.HtiR'J. Hillsboro' central. 5 7
erne McKinney has sent
home several copies of the "Stars
and Stripes," a clever S page a
per published by the Allien.;, n
Expeditionary Forces, It is pul.
lisheil in the olliee he is in. ;;,.!
one new
.1 .t .ml
, ,lel
tillMY. II
tiling for
with hut
..f II
Slevi ii son . for
tin ilemocr.-itie
isl.itn e tii kel
dates. 11. ire, C
e.iuutv jiiouc on
ticket'. 'The teg
liai four eunii
.m il lius, ( Irah-iiit
.hi I P. W. II. lines, the lii'-t lo
. i II know ii in IHIshoro. and the
la-1 I .. ,i w i I! know n ill Pol est
For S de Two tvJsMere.l
11..: .fein bolls; I lil'l.'.ii in. mills
old, ready for sen ice ; I he ollu r
is t months old; both are two
t hite, out e
and tine
. u impl'iT.
i' high leslin I. lu ll' .
Impure of
North Plain-..
1,1 I. North PI
. cell
I li
Notice to Con U'.nt tors
t'.iiir.'t ,
day. Apr
p. 111. el'
bids lor
piling Ml
I. I
m s a cry rc.-nlabh
ho s "i er tin re.'
, h.-rebv ;;i . II lb. it
Court of W.islungl.
1 1 - :.'ou, w ill, on Sat u
i! "7, l!lS, at -J o'elot
a id day on sealed
the const ruel ion of a
timber briif., iero .
k , I w o miles east . f
i o. on Count v I! oad
..I eoiil i-ael ill be " t , . n
ou est i esonsible In,', I, r,
nut V w ill fui iii ,. all line
her ami in iteri il, and iaiii .an. I
s.eei!i, all, .lis may be sr. n at lb
Count ;e's ofl'ie. .111 r.n I
after Vjuil '"', litis,
A cheek of fn e per cent, of
I he proposed price tint t aeeoei
1 1
Kork C
70!', .01,
to Ik.- 1,
The C
pauv all
servi's 111
all bids.
1. 1,
r i ;.
Ill to 1 1
II. I!.
Court r
i'-ot anv .
111 Ol'ili.t
el's' Court
J )rei'ou, am
lu asoiii r,
CoUIlly .III. be-
of the Commission
.f '.isliingti.ii Co
dated this ,i I.:.
In Hie County Court of the State of
Oregon, fur the Count 7 of
ill .Men.
In lac M if tor i.f the Kutnto of )
I.e... 1. I,
Tlliie Villi. 1, :.'es II, S;n.Son. I'.'t. r
s. .Ii.'mi ii,-, n-ai lam ,, I'ei, r S. Swim
;on, ii.-ima I : ' ,, .1. ( !, ti,- v'a .
.'.Ml .la. 1
I'll. Hit lit".
The State Highway will be
graded at once through Washing
ton County, as far west, anyway,
as Hillsboro. This may menu
work this Fall, on at least a pa?t
of the road, on the Portland end.
While Oregon lias had no se
vere weather old Winter has lin
gerd so long in the lap of Spring
that it has become more than
tiresome. Today, however, is the
first real, ideal Spring day, nei
ther too warm nor too cold. A
few days like this and the dog
wood will be in bloom and the
man with a verse-bias in his
dome will be breaking out. This
is the kind of weather that G. A
Plieth, of Tigard, always coin
mences to look for some vers;.s
on the eternal unfitness of things
about May 1, It is as good if not
better than previous! ssues, ami
the students are waiting in great
expectation for the iirst copy.
The '.ein Ihi vs Senate Club
debate will come off this week,
and the great question, "Re
solved; Domestic Science is
more beneficial to girls than Do
mestic Art," will be decided.
Zeta Mu Lewa Wilkes. Naomi
early last week.
Killers' needs are not nearly
being filled. Quotations nr.-:
Oood to choice steers, $11.75 lo
$12.25; medium to good steer..
1H0.75 to $11.75: common b
First Congregational Church,
Main and Fifth Sts. !ev. A. It.
Shaw, pastor -Sunday School.
10:00 a, m.. Professor Harm s,
Supt.; Morning Worship, II n.
m., suiijcet, 1 to- loiiles.sioii 1
Jesus Christ for all sorts .an
conditions of men, including th
unfit." Christian l'.ndeavor,
p. m.; livening service, 8. "Th
women of the Bible" will I
given in .1 set of colored stere o)
ticon pictures. The picture's wi
be operated by B. W. Barm
meuitim steers, $11.00 to if 10.00; and D. A. 1). Shaw will give tie
choice cows and heifers, $10 to , connecting readings. Twentv
$11; common to good cows and . four Bible scenes will be dealt
heifers, $fi to $9.50; caiincrs, $:i ; with. Admision free. Strangers
to $5; bulls, $5.50 to $9.50; cnl-. invited.
A lady by th- name of Louise
Hunt, who Wdf sistant librari
an at Portland, drawing down
$175 per month, refused to take
a Liberty Bonu, aying she was
opposed to Her action
raised such a p.,, st that she re
signed under fire. We would
like to see Miss Hunt and he
type of women turned over to
the Kaiser for a term. About
the first time she publicly pro
claimed that she was a pacifist;
something would drop, and every
little bit of her $175 she has
been getting every month would
be confiscated in about 15 min i
utes. The Miss Hunts and those
of her ilk must get off the public '
payrolls. j
Saturday and Sunday, This Week
8-Reel Special
The Big Success in Motion Pictures
Most Places 50c and $1.00 Here lOc and 25c
Sone of the students are get
ting the enlisting fever again,
and several are going into vari
ous branchee "f Lhe service.
Gei rge VanA;ker left Tues
day for Van'"" "er; where he
was assigned to the Aiediealil
Corns. Several "f fhe other stu-J
den s are p!- ' '-.-vj
in i ,e ne . '
1 to cj . v. "' : :.!. 'f
the i nde . -, - , t . 'n-r i (
lor the p-. ' ,ji.s, is jiuw i
taki.ig form, and v;ll be put on
at- the Uhorty Theatre, May 1 '
and 2. The operetta is under the .'
leadership of Prof. Olson.- j
John Pinkerton, who has been !
down for some time with inflam- j
mntory rheumatism, ia slowly re-j
covering and his frlenda hope to !
see "Pink" back ia the itudy ha! j
soon. .
The Rock Creek Literary So-,
ciety has asked the II. H. S. fitu- j
II y3
I it li
Ever Popular
Sunday Only
April 21
Monday and Tuesday, April 22-23
Maeterlinck's Masterpiece
T1 T1 rt
ine ome oir
7 Reels
More Wonderfnl Than the Stage Production
Admission 25c, Cnildren 5c, Including Tax
: ,, .ifiM.n. 'i.n i sin v.... I
(i.'ii.k. ,S'.v;in..:i. , f I,i o, nail till
hiii-i H-ivdiis or tiiikiiiiu-ii.
aavjni' ur rhiinimr any inl-nst in such
.'Mine, iih tn-ii-M ur rilmli-CN,
in ,sils ,Sv.'iti-iiiii, .land Swaasi.n
Niint, l-niiik .Swiiiison, Joseph T
uiil all i.llii-r .i-rs(iiiM iiii-imiiie.l or Un'
'iwti, Int villi-; or I'laiiiiini; unv interest
in nu.'h estate, as heirs ur ili.strnnitee.s-.
In the iiuiise of the .Stat,- ( Orei'uii.
','i.u lire lieiehy e.iininaiiili-tl t,. ii.n'iir uie luiii.iraiiii- I oiinty I imrt ef
the Si.ilt- ,. Hictr-.ii, fur the County of
ii.iiie-io.., in nil' rolll'l. (lollM- in the
"It V l.f lllllshorn. Olt'irmi on II.., -", .l
.lay of July, Itt. the hour of ten
'.i'i'K-K H. in., ol naul .ail f, to shew
enii.e. if hiiv then- V. why the far is
ln.llltl Hot he iinil llie -;irl,t ..I
iielisiiii iimi ilistrit.ulioii to H.aiil ei.tate
ueeiiasi ii.; sel lortn ami .ravel for In
llie pctitioii ot pliuiitillH on liln herein,
aim you are urtiier rciuireil h. npH-nr
oeiuie mini ( .uii l in. Hiuu iime Hint pl.u-e
.i.ivi ine Hen to. enoi f.i.
speet.ivi) cliiiiiiHof heirship, o-,vnet'::ha)
or oiiei-.-Hi tn nan esl.'ile.
'1 his citation is iamieil im,l m.i-v.,,1
on you l.v piihlieation thereof, piirsuitiit
io an oruer oi i ne lion, ). i Ke mon-
er, .luiL'o ol Ihe iihoVf-enliileil i',.,(
duly inaile and enlereil on the l.ltii ilny
... n.i ii, i.un, onieriinj Itliilnui h pllh-
inii ion in- in me mii.timri) ArirtJH, once
Ili n WeeK lor SIX mii-ces.e(. u.ii.,1..
lie OI.-l. Mill CHI Ol. Ili.-reol I,. I... .... I
ne tun .my of April, IIUX, mid the
Ill-Si null l.vitlon thereof I.. I... .... .1...
:'.0th ilay of May, HUH.
wiliu'hsmv hnm nni seal of .!,!
' ouri Hllix.'il. IhiH he :tlh -h.e ..i-
-iprii, ram.
l-enl) II. A. kUIIATM.
Clerk of Com I.
In Thi. Circuit Court of The State of
OreKon For Washiinrton Cmnlv
l m. .1. Smith. lM..inir
r . it.llll.ll,
11. W. Wl ken anr Will,... I.:.. I
wue, Amos C. Wi keHHiw uiiL-,.u
his Wife: lleni-v lli.-l n.,l.... i.i.a'
I . - ... ' J ' J Ml-I,
hH wile, Dcfeiidaiits.
Io it. VV. Wilkes ......I - win
I his wife, (ho ul.ove niuneil IlefooilnniL'
III the name of the uil.. ,,f o.
ijo.uiwe nerciiy reqilin-il to iippeur in I
I " """veeiMiueu eoun anil unswer the
' riiinnlaint. filed iiiruirnii eon ;,. h... ..i
tinlitled emme. on or hefon. Ihn lut ,1...,
..e i...... mi. . . , . . niij.
... .io. , i.nn, mini nine tieuip iilli r Un.
,, II Ol mix Wl"KH Iroill I he ,'lte
iot the fiivl. oiilili-i tion of lhiu t,.,.
. mons, and if y.-i fail (,. Sl, ,.. ,i
lioi.svv.-l nil , IIIIMll. lor Willi I hop...
f I. .1 . IV .. : 1 1 . . . . .
i. omiotai w n i i v Io r,. .l f,...
. . ' , . ., I I J . u . i i I'll
un-r.-iier priivei for it I e, ...
to wn : K ., .. , r. u decliiriiir (ht'.
Iilainliff t.o Ik. tho owner in r.... .1,.
mild m IHissemioti of the following' (1,M;
.iiii'. 'i piopeny, lanmie in Wa:-h
ini'ion ( on, iv, Oree,,,,. lo-wil-
All ol l.i.l, . . of in,, !,,, . ,.f
1 and lii the town. nowCitv of
move, eife(;on h the mime appears
'i .on i ne oi v reiairi eo mini ... . .. ,.i
. .' - I' ". "I lll.IL
liinereoi ol. recor. urn on lii,. o, ii,
olliee of the Kecoidi-rof Cnnveyiuii'i-s
of said Coiinl.v and Htale
, aim mai. you anil caeli of Jioii he for-
ever oai-re.i ai n i-,..,. ...
i . i,i i iii-
nifC or iil temiiliiiL' to eliiini nuu..i.ii,.
or all.einpl.ini; to assert anv liehi i;n,.
or interest, in or to said rent ni'iiiuii-l I
or any part thereof, or claim or lien
epon uie sane, adverse lo the title mid
interest of the I'limit-iff therein and
iiiereio; mm the title or the plaintiff
to said real proper! v he forever onioi... 1 1
uK.iiiii.i, your eiaun and all persons
-.i.i'iiont; iiv. inro ieii or on er noo ....
either of you; and such other ami
iiinner relict In; granted nnUi the
liiiiiiiLlll lis o he i'i 0....1
I , , . : J n.'eni
v'i',,L,u,i,. o. iii'i'inises.
I Ills K'iltllfldtiS ia Mei-e.'il in,, I...
,,i,h.....;., ,i.. vv '".'yi
l ni-ieoi in ir e ii stioro nr.
Kuh, pursuant. Io an or.ler of ih li....
tjeoive K. Ihujley, Judtre of (he ahove
Chlltiell l. olo i,. llll e. reiuli.i'iiH
; aled the l ith il a V of A oril 1'IW I l,n I
date of the first, puhlicalioii of'thjB
Siimnion.'i heini' Anril lKlh lalw ..
the dale, of the lai pulilicnUon thereof
iiiaoK may .,oi, r.HK.
flAKf-;, mcAI.KA I! Xr PITKRS!
Attornees for I'tninlil!'
Iti'sillellt allol-oevs SIiiIm ..f llr....
I'ost Olliee Address Shulo Kuuiiwrd
1J..I, IJI.. . Il:n i . .Kni
uuon u.u., jiiuHuoro, uregon.
New Dresses
In Splendid Assortment
Poplins, Tall',, Silk ( linj-Jiatit
l'ricctl I'nuu 56.5 t $5.....
lUaiilil'ul lot ufNOVMI.TY SKIRTS, Silk ami
Wool, wilh lull top a ml fancy u'Wts mid
yokes Jlo.y.
A .shipment of NKW SUITS AND COATS
in this tiiuntinn by cxj icss.
VOILK WAISTS, siis 36 (0 ,u !.. t.. j ,.
Smart inimhc-ts in d'ORCKiTI'! ami CUIU'I,
CUlil'K K I Nh N't S. all hi.-i-s .iil! nU.
Goat's Woman's Slioi
Mrtin Sl., Nexl lo Crccr' Grocery, I lillnboro
Only fi.liiivc'a Mum in the County
.1 1
. :-' It;';
.r,..c vm; m
: A
1 N
Paint More Scrub Less
Aui.l the har.l imrli and ,a. k.i. li. i i.iis. ,1 l.j
sirul.I.iiiM: floor.. I'.ar. h.mkI Hour ttlmitrb rr.'is'r
nti.l ilirt. No mu. Mint of -tt rul.l.iii will kei ji tin in
iilisi.lut. I v i liam. Tami ,r..ti i t, fm.r, il,., s nut n,
Mirli ,lirt; no In.ul.l.- o . h .n , j, n),,,,!,,!, v ninl .iiisiiin in njiji. ar.uti-e,
will make .vnur I,,.,,,, u.,,1. , .,j, r. , U jm.MI,,hll.
.mrl h ii..K, f.,r ,., ,...,, t. v,.rnK,.
Hour un, I von , , . v..urH.'lf.
Tl.e Ae. Q,,,,!,,; ',;1111I1K !imk ,,,N
nil about r-M.ti... KtHiuii,. v mi,!,,,,,, Bll. uiuiinj ll....r.
- -wlinl lo use. Lav iinol, l... i i . i i.
,1.,, 1 , .... . ' "T""" " "
.... ...m HiiiMiMi nnnm-. r rr- n our-MAiOts
CI T?:
The Thrift
skf 1 i--r
if". --o-.m. ill 11 1 . 1
Millions Saved
Get Your Share
, Improvcdmillinilsoflmil,!,
itifl cars, that Imilil i!.m M.t,
Jit anil save millions c, (l.
lars to tin; public, is otic of
llie Stibstanlinl iiilvaiitafrs
you evt in this UviTluiid
Moikl (10.
The time lo save money is
''"'' ytni.trir. your car. be
onise afterwards you oamint
in.ike il any morcrroiioiiiicul
Uun it is built to lie.
Select Ibis Modil 00 fln,
yc.u save money in (he first
1 cat and in the niaintetianiv
ost. m raniiut pet roin
plete salislaetinn from lea
( tlvaribiis than it;ivei
And you cannot (jct'as
iiueh xuluc in any otbi rear
for I be low price ol this
Model 00.
It lias a powerful, fuel
saving motor; narrow turn
ms: radius; rear e.-inti lever
spniws; lltii-i,,, !, wlieel!.,i.-,e;
'U x 4 tins, non-skid rear.
tn and vaeuuni fuel system.
It is ns des'trahh: as it is
lI.ll-ile, romfoilublc uml
, Vj''1 n sulesnwin ran
oonble bis valin ; a bousewil'i!
Mins time l',,r ,., cVoss
work, and busine-.s and pro
fessional nu n save lime unj
multiply their activities.
It coins time and money
for more than ho.itoo others.
Why not for you
Alfeiirome, hrjorm.mct
Ctmfjrl, iV'wie uiJ J'rnt!
iw u. j.i no r..i c., , ,
Imbrie Garage, Hillsboro, Oregon