ur, Ihe ar- . ' mmtmtMM ... . LSB6R0 hi HILLSBORO, OREGON, APRIL 18, 1918 VOL. XXV NO. r 1 IN SELECTED APRIL 26TH Thirty-Thr Dritwn the Last of the Week on New Draft FOUR FROM COUNTY SEAT Selected Men Come From rJl Over the County The local war board last wo k drafted thirty-three men to ap pear here on Friday, April '.M. Twenty-i ight will he hoii! Id Camp Lewis. The roll provides for three extra men no alternates ean he sent in case of shortage. Those failing to appear, unless good ran to is given, will he post ed as deserters. The list drawn rovers the entire eonnty, the highest order nuniher being No, :t!)ii, ami is as follows: Floyd W. Margeson, (!nston. Ah in Hunger, Hunks, It. 1. Jeo. S. Vineent, Tignrd. ( has. F. Nraiidaw, Hillsboro. Tom Poulos, Forest drove. Jas. K. Fnsley, Oreneo. Winfred Dill, Metier. Karl Morton Kay, Dilley. (rover C. Ledford, Hillsboro. Josejih Kisehcn, Cornelius. (ieo. llurgett, Cornelius. Alvin II. Kennett, Cornelius. (Junnar Urostroni, I'heny (trove. Frederiek H. Wrrre, Sher wood, It. 1. Willis E. Hall, Gaston. Harry E. Solgnrd, lteaverton. It. . Harry P.. Speneer, Seappoose. Arehie W. Vaught, llillshoro. Ward S. Klines, llillshoro. Elmer E. Gray, Mountalndale. Clyde W. Nelson, Huxton. Helmer Isaakson, Huxton, Louis Paul Quinn, llillshoro. Oley Jay Hoover, Gales Creek Perry J. Jhiles, Hanks. Otto Joseph Kaufman, Sher wood, R. 2. Walter Fleisehhauer, Gaston. Theodore J. Vandereoeverln;;, Forest Grove, R. 2. Carl Egglrnann, Cedar Mill. Harry Louis Jloeffel, Keed ville. Charley It. Knlghten, Cherry Grove. Hans Nelson Itaarousseri, Cor nelius, R. 8. John Suran,' Cornelius. The war department has rail ed 251 more men to he sent to California. Washington County will furnish 8 of the rontingiiit, and they will be called for May 3 and , to reach the objective point early in May. Ft. McDow ell, the rendevous, is an artillery field, and these men may be wanted for that branch of the aervice. MORE FIT MEN Dr. W. D. Wood last week ex amined the following men and declared them fit for service in lie United States' Army: Win ''Carl Le.psrhat, William D Haskell, Arthur II Slark, Le roy K Johnson, Plesant Math ews, Win II Kchrli, David M Iliitchens, Leonard C Jennings, Matt J Engehlinger, Edwin K Kyle, Arthur W Council, Albert L Adolphson, Geo Fish, Lester II Lindsay, Alfred Freerkseii, Harry Keenon, Albert E Kru mer, Alford Geo Hohnian, Paul W Cop, Tom Poulos, John Hess Jr, Carl A Carlson, James J Meaeham, Walter E Willis, ( has Carlson, George Anderson, Fred Prakebush, Mortie C Hrickell. EXECUTORS, "Administrators, Guardians, Pub lic Custodians and cithers having public and private trusts to perform can render proper service by depositing with us. We Have One of the Best Safe Deposit Systems in the State A proper place for valuable papers. We invite inspection of this department in con junction with the others. An excellent bank for handling all branches of bank business. SHUTE SAVINGS BANK PROMPT : CONSERVATIVE : SAVE Dr. Lowe in Forest Grove, April 211. J. A. Kirkwood, of Reedville, transacted business in the city Saturday. Mrs. (ieo. G. Hancock, of For est Grove, visited with Mrs. I.. A. Long, Sunday, Corn! Corn! Seed corn for dried In honbou.se. For Dale in lot to unit. Zina Wood. 4Dlf For Sale (loud team and wn gon ; also tomato mid eabhap' plants.- A. T. Stratton, Corne lius, Ore. 5-7 Miss Marjorie Martin, with the Auditor's office in Portland, was out Sunday, a guest of Mi. II. T. ltagley. ' Cashier Frank Sholes, of Cor not ins, states that it was iusy sailing for Cornelius to ;et over the top on the bond drhc, Mrs. M. A. Powell has re turned after an extended visit with her brother, at Glendale, and other relatives In Linn Conn ty and at Salem. When the news conies to Hill , boro that some of our boys are slain in battle there will I"' clone mouths by those who hac no sympathy for the Amrlenu government. Word has been received here that Clifford L. Long, son of I,. A, Long, bus ben made a eov swain in the Navy. He now bas charge of the motor boat of bit ship when it makes trips away from the vessel. A big Republic auto truck, loaded with old Iron and Junk, in pasing tint of the Main Street livery, where It was housed for the night, crashed thro the floor of the bam, just as it hail reach ed the door, Monday Hinriiinj?. It took several tons of muscle to ifet the machine out of its pusi lion and into the street. Pearl Sehjchl, of this county, has surd F.. C. Schicld for di vorce. She says that he has d serted her aeveral times and that she has been fo recti to work for her support. She states in hlT complaint that the husband ha very frequently applied vile epithets to her, and in Jan uary, 1917, knocked her down with a blow from his fist. She nays there are no children. Hobt. Simpson mid William Jack departed the first of the week for their mine at Tendoy, Idaho, where they have spent n number of Summers in develop ment work, ami where tliey are of the opinion that they have a bonanza when they get a lltlh deeper into the mountain, Tin i. .many friends in ' Washington County surely wish for them I be greatest measure of success in their venture. The Argus will visit their camp each ycck mi til they return this Fall. fm The man of sense Is be tJ" who possesses those fac ill ties with which nature has en dowed him. He may "hate to wear glasses," but sentiment h not sense. Glasses are not no evidence of a week mind, but rather of strong intellect. In this day of conservation, men and women of strength, bolh mental and physical, wear glasses for the preservation of nerve force and vitality us much as for betterment of vision. Real eye and nerve ease come to those who wear Dr. Lowe's superior glasses, filled by his methods, He puts the cream ofmorc than a quarter century Into them, ConsuJt him at Hotel Washington Thursday, April 25. Remember the day and date. Scores of llillshoro reference. ACISJN CLAIMS Many Aitricultural Claim are Allowed to Claimants EMERGENCY FLEET LARGE Very Few Industrial Claims are Granted The Portland district war board has sent out many decisions the past few days on appeals for agricultural and industrial i emplions, Many were allowed on the afi'leullural claims. The decisions, under proper heads, follow i Agricultural Claims Allowed Arthur It itaukin, Rudolph Meyer, Carl Jurgeiison, Fred (' Jesse, Orville N Priekelt. Italph lluffuni, Herman liremi r, I'red crick Herder, Prank Close, Thus penny, Howard S Lilly, Oscar N Love, Will K Jansen, Leo (i Aerts, Id lie Ardeel, Jesse W I I lis, Archie S Montgomery, I d ward G Moshofsky, Oscar (' Miller, John Ira Mnr-.li, Owen I' Mel, cod, I'red 11 Huhman, Henry l'ueify, Frank S lliilsinan, Fred W I feint, August P. Hit kt thief. Henry G Ilanir, Walter I, NeNnn, Frederick Itadtkc, Henry S I'm rick, Geo 11 1'rabose, Arthur P Ireland, ('has W Olson, ('has p. Prey, Myron K Abraham, Frank Heiliricks, John Phus, John II Iteese, Jay C I.eedy, Sanford It Mattesou, Hoy A Phelps, Geo W Hrnce, ('has Harm, John M I'ranck, Waller It Fielder, Fred Kr.iluner, Jas L PulehcLlcr, W in P Hess, Ilarrv F, lloehm, Samm I CcrcKhino, Alfred F I'.lligscii, Carl ll.iss, Jefferson J Krchs, Fred A Fleischaiif r, llenj I) Graf Finlcy P.lliott, Carl O Peterson, Win Ileilniau, Geo Kesslcr Jr, F.dw OroHscn, Itoy II Jaipiilh, Henry Lunow, John L Urogden. Max J llerg, ( has P. Davis, Selh M Miller, Fred C MeX.lly, Alf C Mulhiy, Scott P. Campbell. John II lluseh, Lawrence p. Pain ford, Martin J Bernards, ('has F, Bernards, Arthur Pauer, Paul J llierstctlt, Jos Abadic, Golbib Heckiiian, l'rancis A Davit s, Geo S Cummin, Ilirry W Hansen, Hruce Parkin, Louis Juucker, (ieo II Ortman, Joseph Bernard-), Warren J Corey, Wallace II I lor f fd Jacob G Narup, Frank J Overmcder, Wilbclm P llauiel- maii, Peter It Parson, Henry II Doge, Jiio A I tuber, Henry John son, Harry ,W Davison, Isack p, Cbipshaw, F.dw II Demiuin, Itobert II Dennv, Otto J Prit- aff, F.lmer J uiik, Gustav G Lunow, Frederick F I.ytbi. Win II Long, Win M Vandchcy, Per cy K Carsteiis, David P. Dapp. Itemy Delplanclie, ( lautle ( Cook, Prank (' Corey, Aillii.r Haiilev, lien Crocni, Harry I. Fuller, F.dw A Plank, Alfred Louis Giierber. Matthew It van. Frank C Scbiiliiierieh, Guslave C Ituceker, Walter Hoy Schiil mcrich, Winfrctl 1". Snider, ('lies tcr O Slewart, Vnllev Roberts, Fretl W Shei la, Win O Schwclke. Samuel A Slcinke, Heinrieh W F, Schlattinauii, Win Susbauer, ('has A Scliomburg, Lewis Win ters, Frank C Weinman, llenj II Itcchcr, Clifford A Thompson, Gerhard J Scbwanke, Alexander M Scott, Jacob Speidel, Percy F Shaver, llenj Sabnow, Wallace M Smith, Alfred I. Sihindlcr. F.dw (i Super, Ray W Smith, Ot to 'Puller, Floyd W West fall. Frank A VanAcken. ('has II Spies, John M Will, Louis P Wright, Virgil Wcckerl, Ralph A Withycoinbe, Max Welter, Jim C, Weiigcr, Geo C Ruppreebl. Ralph C Williams, Olio D Hptou, Nick J Schmidt, Waller Robin son, John P Vuiidecoevcring, Waller It VanKlcek, Aril W Stewart, It nice Sehulinerich.Wul tcr Zet.man, llcrtludl II Seif fert, Richard G Teufel, Peter Vaiiandeiihacgcn, Henry Vandc hcy, Carl W Wilcox, Jos Werre, Chns A", Wiindcrlicb, Philip W White, Emery L Vankleck, Ku gene Werner, Herbert. II Taylor, Ralph I Williams, John K Tlm nierman, Henry 1! Thics, Arthur () Vuvlslcke, Jacob iniiucrinan. Fred Walters, Chris Rcicbcn Jr, Win A Thurnlicr, John Wallers, Carl Wohlscblcgel, Win II Wei- nccke, Walter H Upshaw;, Geo Walters, Lawrence Vandchcy, Jno M Tanner, Sylvester G Wolf Robt Yuiigcn, Albert Schmidt, Michael Waefler, Edw C Walter, Chns K Taylor, ('has F Robinson, Martin II Ituceker. Agricultural Claims Denied Albert McLcod, Alf Freerkseii Daniel Cochrane, Robt, Christen sen, Harvey Keenon, Llijali Hea- inao, Alfred Richard, Page Pal ton, Hugh K Johnson, Jos Pon- urat, Marshall A MattcHon,, F,l ton L Harrington, Henry Lucks, Henry Peters, Louis J llughsou, Daniel V Jlcrlnekx, 1 lios J liar ringlon, Floyd C Hierly, John I) llcrgcn, lieu II Davis, Herman l.echiu r, Albert P. Kraliincr, Jot F, Frank, Clarence It Highy, Julius Kiudcl, Adolph G Miller, Frank (' Donne, Archie I ( amp bell, Carl Enoch Long, Finest Johnson, Irviu llailey, Fdw It Kyle, Richard C Hunger, Dayd M Hutcheus, F.dw (' Hunciker, Arthur W CoiiiicU, Albert E Lynn, Maurice W O Galbrciith, Arnold Kchrli, Huiisell Kopllu, John Kochukc, Ralph M Drown, Herbert A llallln, Lmlvlg Ander son, Chns Hutchinson, Latiuls M Nobles, Ernest Hradley, Dustiu D Luke, Geo It Htilslcr, Orvai C French, r.dw A DcPuhr, Henry A Tays, Murvlll J Robinson, j W Raffety, Frederick Seberiier, Wilht Im C Sclilattmaiin, I.croy Smith, Herman C Schlndler, Pit cy Robinson, Louis Stnuss, F.r iu st T Rchhack, Geo Scliiuhlt, Rayiuond P Syvcrson, Frank X Seheehla, ('has Seidell, Jno Van domclon, Albert Solberger, Aug ust J Vnndchcy, Floyd W Wal sh, Alfred 'Puller, Henry Walt ers, Win Rollins, Elmer J Wlll llauis, Herman Wuthrck, I.ud vig Neuklrch, Roy W Montgom ery, Roy S Wilson, Frank J Twlss, Emmell Shipley, John W Wiitklns, Raymond C Shi ley. Industrial Claims Allowed Carl E Loll, Earl P Newcomb Franklin C llcuir, Wallace M Itrown, Owen D Palmer, Frank A Challacouibe, F.dw It Pi nliue, I'dw Jl Henderson, John O Lar son, Arnold W Lepscbnt, Geo II Hunger, George Washington Smith, Industrial Claims Denied Howard Flcischiuan, John D Abel, Franklin Egger, Paul W Cop, Guy Hickman, Otto F Mil essig, t) Semi tclli, Jacob Van doinclon, Guy W Hague wood, Clarence Ilagg, Floyd It Odd well, Theophil Rich, Frank Mur phy, Victor laehclr, Ernest llciier, Julius Weisenbaek, H J Crouch, Raleigh Aplin, Arthur llcckman, Waller Davis, Ever ett Stout, Clinton Nralclgh, ()li Jackson, Herman It Anderson, Glcii W Smith, John It Drllnau, Win Vanderxanden, Roy G Si moil, Joseph S Gay, Clyde M Perry, Lewis Nellsen, A K Lu ther, Merle Grubb, Win A Urady F.dw Fisher, Curtis D Miller, Jes se W Ralston, I.eland G Alexan der, Ivan ('has Jackson, Italph Hannan, Otto J Hunger, Kohl E Jensen, I.croy Mayen, Mat thew J Engcldingcr, Leonard C Jennings, (ieo V, Moshofsky ,Wui II Kchrli, Ralph lluffaker, lieu It I'tler, Peter P Lorsung, Carl E Anderson, Carl Hroslrom, Alf A Amundsen, Ira J Smith, Hen ry Shlppelhoute, Harry W Ilea, Peter Horgcli, ( has T Inday, Pi tro Dagmela, Waller A Doty, Earl W brown, Warren Klin ball, Wm O Lrnschat, Win D Haskell, Arthur it Shirk, I.croy Johnson, Plesant Mathews, Ray II Mailland. Leonard C Slark, I'red Slow- ell, Lawrcne A L Webber, Win Thomas Wilson, Herbert Wirfs, Roy T Stuart, James W Willis, Floyd (' Taunton. Many of the above are in the Emergency Fleet anil will not be taken as long as they are In the ship building Industry, GRADING STARTS Otto Ilrose, of Timber, possessed of lots of experience in road building, came down Sunday, and on Monday started preparations for grading and making the fills on the State Highway between here and Itcaverton. Otto start ed at Rock Creek Tuesday morn ing, and will use teams from the farmers as rapidly as they get freed from farm use. The men will be paid per day, and the teams and drivers will receive $(1 daily. The court thinks there will be plenty of men and teams to get the work done in short order, bids for the construction of the oiling bridge at Rock Creek appear for the flrat time this week. The big grader will cover sev al miles of the work on the route. You and safe if you your children are wear Dr. Lowe's superior glases eye safe and price Is safe. They cost no more than the inferior kjnd usually sold and you have the benefit of his skill and more than a quar ter century of experience. He guarantees his glasses to give satisfaction, whether they cost $2.00 or more. Consult him at Hotel Washington, Thursday, April 25. F. L. Mast, of Oak Park, was in the city Monday morning. T SHOW BEST SPEED Nation Want Ships, Rapidly, and Here ii Plate ST. JOHNS AFTER PLANT Industrial Newt of the State at Large April IS. Newport Rock for ietty work will come, from old 'ioueer quarry which contains some of the finest rock In stale. llu'y Oregon products and help reduce the ear shortage is a good slogan, Urownsvllle Seven an w mills operating near here. North Hend to build 1(1,5.12.27 worth of concrete sidewalks. The Dalles Wasco Co. farm ers to build 50,000 bushel eleva tor here. Eugene Work to hlarl soon on utile county a ln.1fl.000 court house, Toledo Chelscy Lumber Co. lets contract to log 40 acres on Mill creek. Coos Hay leads other coast ports in shipment of lumber to San Francisco market in March. Portland-St. Johns may yi t big ship plant. Portland To give ingress anil egress new grain elevators and thicks, the public Nt rvlce commis sion issued order providing over head crossing over the (). W. It. N, Yarpilua to have storage and ee plant. Union Sunnybrook Farm, KtIO acres, near here sold for 20,000. Port Oxford Fvfe-Wilson Lumber Co. of Itandon, making preliminary plans to build mill on river six miles from here. Oregon farm wages are shown to he higher than normal, many ((strict agreeing on a scale of l 110 a mouth, with hoard. Har vrst wages will be slightly high er, depending on nature of em ployment. Portland Fourth steel carit-r launched at Albina Engine Machine works 3 K00 tons. Northwest far ahead. Ship yard here distance Atlantic coast plants, William S. brown, of Marine F'.ngineers' Associa tion, impressed by progress in shipbuilding, Astoria Marine Iron Works contractu for four new buildings. Toledo Soldiers go to Silclx. Logging roatl into big spruce tract to be rushed. Gold Hill sawmill ami box factory resume. Pacific Iron Works, Portland and Astoria Iron Works gel con tract for outfitting ten ships. "We must prepare for a long war ami we can increase and as sure production of war materials by using water instead of eoal.V declared Secretary Lane of In terior to a congressional commit tee hearing testimony on the new government water power meas ure. Ibis Is wby the bill Is necessary, Ontario lets part of contract for new f 100,000 water .system. Newport Two surveys com pleted for railroad from Alsea to Yaipiina Ray and prospects for the road look very bright. A GOOD WORD Presure Is being brought to hear upon Attorney Wm. G. Hare, of llillshoro, to run for the stale legislature, where he served ef ficiently three years ago. Hare is a high-grade man, forceful and effective, the kind of a man who is neetled in a legislature that will face as many taxation and business problems as will the next one. It is to be hoped that he can be induced to run. Ore gon Voter, Attorney Hare has filed his Intention to run since the above was published, and the Argus predicts that he will again be the high man at the coining pri maries. For Sale Two well matched black colts, mare and horse, 2 years old, 1200 lbs each; Per kins' colts. John Sundquist, Hanks, Ore., Route 8, Box 110. Phone, 4F11, North Plains cen tral. fl People who want wood for next Winter's nse should order early as wood will be wood, owing to the ncareity of labor. Dealers predict that the prices will raise by Fall, and It will be worth while to get in your order early. C. B. BUCHANAN & CO., Inc. HilUboro, Cornelius and North Plains Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Grain, Hay, Flour, Feed and Grain Bags Car-lot shipper of POTATOES and ONIONS. Grain chopped or rolled at any time Lumber, Shingles and Lath 'At Cornelius Beaver State Flour I The Best Flour at Telephones; Cornelius, City 1515, WE -m jvs lFf THE HARD SURFACE ROADS Will noon lead front Portland to the splendid Beaverton Acreage Many choice small tracts on sale. Splendid train service tiioruiug and evuiing into the city. lUiy your little home before the big raise comes. SHAW-FEAR COMPANY 102 Fourth Street Hillsboro Auto Livery Feed and Boarding Stable Prices Reasonable DA Y AND NIGHT SERVICE 2nd & Washington Sts. We Have the Neatest and Most Complete Stock of JEWELRY and SUNDRIES ... In the City of Hillsboro. We do repair work in first-class work and our charges are always reasonable :::::: IF YOUR EYES ARE TROUBLING YOU, LET US FIT YOU TO GLASSES SCIENTIFIC EQUIPMENT. HOFFMAN Jeweler and Optician Main Street HilLsboro, Oregon the Lowest Prices. HilUboro, Main 14, North Plain, Main 263. V j WE HAVE IT! Everything in Kodaks AND SUPPLIES DEVELOP AND PRINT DELTA - Reedvi PORTLAND, OREGON Phnc, Main. 76 lie