rt rr iU" , I- . V ! . is I HELLS HILLSBORO, OREGON, APRIL 4, 1918 NO. 3 VOL. XXV Tiiir ill i i ii i 1 Pif?li IQ BR RECORD IN WEEK Work has Started on the Galut Crwlc & Wilton River Railway PORTLAND BIG MILL CUT Butinrst Good in all Parts of the Oregon Country This Spring I'liirrlirc Id get ulilpyiiril niul n colli hlnniK'' Ii"'1 1'1'tiit. Cove tirclmrdiiti to Mipply :iOO Ioiin of rlicrrir nt I ecnU n pini ml . Klmiinlh Intlinn rcHirvnlioii allowfil IpflOO.OOO to buy Hvf itork. Si lillMinl fliijiH nt Portland jnriU the mxl wfik. Colli'Ki rn-rt solemnly tli' dure there i hliortiif(f of farm Inlior. Sitlent limn Imi invrntril m w jilin for ilihytlnitiiiff mlitors. Oregon sllillliltllTH aeeillV more government eonlrnrU. Oregon iiuilyliiK Krme for airplane niul lir for hliips. )ill- SS cnrliimU nirplam npruee to lt I'mUliril here. North Hriul - KriiM- & HuhUh yitril Iih laumlieil eeonil uoo.I en hliip tlil yenr. Portland )fOa snwmllU tut B'3 hillion fort lumli.r In H 1 7 In Oregon nntl Wnlilnnton l."0 inillioii more thnn In lil Hi. Oregon nml Wellington will hi, il, I 2.000.000 ton lii thi yrnr. Wnlilport 2000 ncren of oil luul nptlonetl by l'urtbuul enpi-UlisU. Myrtle Point nnwmill pnr- hnoil ami to ho operated. Klamnlh Falls- (10,000 I.iihIi I bulk grain elevator to bo built Marshfiohl Contract lot for 12 now Iioiihon for laborer. Prlm-vlHe-Smith Hrox. nwanl oil large wile of forest reserve liinlicr. I'lorenee Contract lot for last hriilge oil liili wny to I'.u jrcne. Hamlon White Hrns., of Oak land, Cnl,, to rslnhlUh Hhlpyard here. Itandoii shipyards have hopei of (iiiite a number of private contracts, both for (.learners nn m.ilor Jiliis. and it Is liONsiblt government contract can uNo bo Hoeured. The Dalles Conlraet lot for maoadum highway to Tygh Val ley, $28,000. Highway t ho built from Lau rel to Newborn. Sumplor Ten new hiifldintts planned here for this snninier. Newport Work on south jit ty is under way. Hanks Work HlurW on (Sales Creek and Wilson liver railroad. Ashland Secretary Lane ap proves .100,000 acres (). & ('. gnrnt as agricultural hmil for .entry. Oregon road bonds npproved niul porninnent construction to .amount to iftiOO.OOO goes. Piltshurjr St. Helens road ronlraet lot for $18,000. Oregon is cutting most of 10,000,000 feet of spruce a month which Pacific Northwest provides for airplanes, having largeHt avallanio supply 01 ma. class of timber, nmnuiuing nearly 00,000,000,000 feet. Jasper KolTor, of West Union, was 'in town Monday. J. M. White, of Manning, was in town the last of the week. Mrs. II. F. Owens, of Cedir Mill, was a Hillsboro visitor the last of the week. Herman Collier and wife ex pect to return to-California soon to remain all summer. Lloyd Ingram is getting ready to keep house ill tin; oily again, his wife expecting to return in a short time.' John A. Vaudchcy, of Center- ville, and J. N. London, of above Itlooniing, were city visitors the last of the week. ThoH. Carmiohail, of (Saslnn, breeder of registered stock, wns down from (iaston, Monthly, eu- route to Portlaml. Mrs. O. (S. lloliuos and Mi. I .urn Jackson, tf Portlaml, wore visitors Saturday, E FORTHE BELGIANS Liberal Response by Red Cross of Washington County ENOUGH FOR A REGIMENT Published to Show Just What We Have Done to Aid to D. S. Wilcox, of Scogfiins Val ley, was in the city Saturday. John I). Kock, of Ulooinin.u, wns In town the last of the week. Hon. K. W. Ilalues, of (Srove land, was over to the county seat Saturday. . Hillsboro piests of their brother, L. P. Jackson. Attention, Fanners! This is time of year to feed Dr. Hess' Stock and Poultry Tonic. It pays big on your investment. (Set it at Hillsboro Pharmacy. 51-02 Oliver Johnson, of Shady llrook, was ill the city Saturday. He says that old Shady llrook is still in the foreground as a ren dezvous for trout. John lloffo, of I'armington, was a city caller Monthly inoru inj. John was one of the origi nal hop growers of the county, but is pioneering in something else just now, J. Sehniitke, of above Moun taindale, was a city caller Satur day. He reports that he sold all his' stock of seed wheat through an advertisement in the Argus, one buyer writing from Portlaml. Wanted Hogs, sheep, beef, etc. Will call in response to tele phone or letter. Address, C. K. Koirers, Portland. Ore., It. 1, Hot 8!)2 j Telephone, Woodlawn 835H. Also do general hauling and long distance moving. oi-A The United States Federal Court has summoned the trial jury for April 8 next Monday anil Washington County s men summoned as jurors are John I Carstons, of Banks, and Win Sehuliiierioh, of Hillsboro. John Dennis and wife, of Portland, wore out Saturday, visiting relatives. John is xtill looking out for the State Kxliil.it in Portland the display that was at the San Francisco F.xpo sition and he says that it is nt trading many visitors. George Dooley, of Banks, was town Monday, the miest of his daughter. Mrs. C. H. Pollock George says that the Wilson Riv er i (Sales ( reek Hallway is lay ing n lot of track for earth haul intr. mid they will soon have 1 liiir crew of men at work extend- Inir the line Into the mountains. V. L. Brown, of Laurel, wns in Monday. He informs the Ar irtis that "the Laurel Band w play nt Sherwood, Saturday, nil day. for the Liberty 'bond cxer ciscs nt that place, lie says that , . 1 ..111 ..1 ...:tl. a lug crown win go moon i." the boys in order to give them a lift. Sherwood is doing things up in fine shape. For Sale I' arm of 10 ncrcs hiirhlv cu tivatcd: iroml 0-room house; good ham and outbuild inirs. Also three hea l of horses 3 cows and 2 2-year-old heifers farminir tools and household irooils. Farm is 4V miles north east of Hillsboro find 10 mil from Portland, near West Union J. 1SJ. Estes, Hillsboro, Ore., R 1, Box 28. 61-8 EXECUTORS, Administrators, Guardians, Pub lic Custodians and others having public and private trusts to perform can render proper service by depositing with us. We Have One of the Best Safe Deposit Systems in the State A proper place for valuable papers. We invite inspection o( this department in con junction with the others. An excellent bank for handling all branches of batik business. SHUTE SAVINGS BANK PROMPT : CONSERVATIVE : SAVE The Hillsboro Rod Cross and its auxiliaries shipped 35 boxes of lothing to the Belgian Refugees last week. The weight was 1(0. is,, ami the number of articles as IHOII. To show the nature F the shipment, all of which is ready-to-wear, the Argus pub- shes the list as shipped : Box No. 1 11 pairs of mens trousers; 17 mens coats, JJO men's vests. Box No. 2 32 women's coats. Box No. 8 82 women's coats. Box No. 4 13 cloth caps, II sweaters, 2 knitted wool shawls, 21 large wool Tains, 11 knitted caps. Uox No. 8 80 women s coals, women's suits, 10 women's rcsses, 20 women's skirts. Uox No. 6 IS men's shirts, 23 menu undershirts (mostly wool), 4 undersuits (mostly wool), 15 men's underwear, 5 men's cotton undervests, 1 men's cotton combinations. Box No. 7 7 bed quilts, 15 hildren'a coats, 2 pillows, 3 . . 1 1 1 ..1 1 1. mys suits, 3 noys anieneroiioK- rs. Box No. 8 All men's wear 18 overcoats, I t suits, coats. 75 vests, 48 trousers, 2 overalls, shirt. Box No. 9 Men's wear 2 union suits, la z-pieec unucr wenr, 86 undervests, 17 drawers, 41 shirts, 2 night-shirts, 4 sweat ers, 11 pairs socks, 8 mufflers, 1 pair1 pajamas. Box No. 10 07 women s oats. Box No. 11 All girls' wear 27 wool dresses, 49 cotton drcse- ss, 20 wool skirts, 2li wool petti- oats, 21 waists, 10 coats, 4 blouses, 7 jackets, 0 middies, 1 1 underclothes, 9 cotton skirts, 2 nprons, 14 cotton dresses, 8 waists, 2 cotton petticoats. Box No. 12 Boys wear 21 a m ,i fL. It pairs ot pants, in coais, 11 blouses, 8 suits, 4 overalls, 2 shirts. Box No. 13 Women's wear 34 coats, 70 skirts, 24 petticoats, 12 1 -piece dresses, 81 waists, 4 orset covers, 2 wool dresses, 3 kimonas. 1 shoulder cape, -IS) underwear, 2 aprons, 0 pillow cases. Uox No. 14 37 women s piece dresses, 112 women s waists. Box No. 15 125 pairs worn en s noots. Box No. 1(1 Small boys' wear 24 blouses, 10 undersuits, night shirts, 9 drawers, 13 coats 44 pants, 8 undershirts, (1 suits rompers, 8 overalls, 29 shirts sweaters. Box No. 17 Boys wear overalls, 0 underwear, u suiris 22 pants, 2 union suits, 13 shirts 13 coats, 1 night shirt, 4 sweat II I crs, Z overalls, 1 jumper Box No. 18 Women's wear 1 kimona, 21 skirts, 170 waists 15 drosses. 2 underskirts, 2 un dersuits, 1 duster. Box No. 19 85 women coats. Box No. 20 Women's wcar 13 dresses, 44 skirts, 19 waist 1 kimona, 3 petticoats, 3 draw ers, 4 undershirts, 1 corset cover 8 middies, 1 combination suit. Box No. 21 18 women's coat suits, 5 dresses, 11 skirt Box No. 20 Women's and children's wear 12 wool scarfs, 1 bathrobe, 1 sweater, 1 coat, 4 children's dresses, 3 children's uprons, 1 undershirt, 2 skirts, 1 waist, 125 cotton Tains, 10 siui bonnels, 21 pairs socks, HI pairs stockings. Box No. 27 79 pairs nun's hoots, 77 pairs women's shot 48 pairs children's shoes. Box No. 28 Baby clothes--81 shirts, 39 skirls, 17 gostns, 13 pinning blankets, 17 pants, 17 dresses, 22 bands, 14 coats. II jackets, K bibs, 3 caps, 2 pillow slips, 5 diapers. Box No. 29 Children's weer 51 dresses, 4 suits underwear, TWELVE LEAVE FOR HI LAKE Eleven From Washington Coun ty, One From Umatilla County ENTRAINED SUNDAY, 4:45 Two From Hillsboro, Jake Weil and Cecil Bennett, Buchanan Co. 3 sweater, 2 petticoats, 2 blouses 8 ouilts. 2 blankets, 3 small ouilts, 2 baby blankets, fi pair: knickers. 13 waists, 2 small coats, 8 pieces children's under wear, Uox ' No. 22 Children's and irirls' wear 9 skirts, 10 dresses boys shirts, 2 boys coats, 2l underskirts, 5 pieces underwear. 1 night-dress, 84 girls dresses 3 romners. 1 Pair mittens, 2 chil dren's waists, 1 blanket, 2 girl suits, 1 pair pants, 0 middies, 2 cans, 1 apron, 2 vinderwaists, hi dren s niL'htirow ns, ) suits, 1 child's bloomers, 7 flannel band 5 sweaters, 1 sweater suit, 1 hat Box No. 23 All boys wear 17 coats, 2 shirts, 4 pants, suits, 1 overcoat. Box No. 24 Mens and Wo- men s wear IV men s untier drawers, 13 men's undershirts, 3 men's union suits, 15 men s shirts, 1 while coat, 2 pairs trou sers, 28 pairs men's socks, 28 pairs women's stockings, 10 sweaters, 2 .mufflers, 1 scarf, 7 caiis. Box No. 25 Men's wear 10 shirts, 7 drawers, 2 undershirts 1 union suit, 3 sweaters. 14 coats, 3 vests, 1 overall panties, 0 coats, 17 trousers, 2(1 undershirts, 8 night -iln-sv ., undershirts, 2 drawers, 2 prons, 9 blouses, 2 shirts, 21 boys' suits, 1 romper. Box No. 30 t hililreii s wenr 00 tlresses, 10 pairs romper J 49 petticoats, 4 small sweater. 17 pairs panties, 9 union suit,. I 10 shirts, 0 nightgowns, .VI prons, 5 waists, 15 pairs unili-,-- wear, z pairs nei socks, .1 p.-u -s ottotl blankets, (i untli rwaist ., 12 pairs stockings, 1 cap. Box No. 31 .Miscellaneous 29 children's tlresses, 1 child s oat, 10 children's skirls, 3 ehil- ren's nightgowns, 1 t children s alsts, 8 children's sweaters. II hildren's drawers, 2 children's panties, 5 children's underwaist-., 1 pair rompers, 1 jumper, 1 cap, 14 wool caps, 7 hoys'suits, 5 pair hoys' pants, 2 mufflers, 2 hats., 1 boy's bloomers, 0 boys' gloves. 1 boy's shirt, 1 boy's trousers, 2 boys' coats, 4 boys' vests, 1 boy's tie, 1 baby blanket, 1 baby leg gings, 2 handkerchiefs. Box No. 82 Baby clothes -bibs, 8 bands, D dresses, 5 pet ticoats, 5 jackets, 10 shirts, 2 pr panties, 55 caps, 1 sweater, !.'! toekmgs, 20 booties, II pairs hoes, 47 mittens, 1 roll wash loths. Box No. 33 8 women's aists, 1 1 women's coats, 1 wom an s dress, l woman s cape, 1 hild's coat, 1 child's dress, 6 p. s men's trousers, 7 men s coats. 1 men's vests, 1 knit cap. Box No. 31--2 women's skirts. 1 woman s suit, 3 women s mid dies, 3 women's waists, 23 pairs hildren's socks, 2 children's suits, 1 child s dress, 1 child s blouse, 1 child's overalls, 2 chil dren's aprons, 4 flannel bands. 1 man's cap. Box No. 35 5 women s coats, women's waists, 2 women's kirts, 1 woman s suit, 8 boys coats, 4 boys knickers, 1 hoy s suit, 2 girls petticoats, 0 pairs men's underwear, 0 childern dresses, 1 woman s petticoat, 3 cans. 1 scarf, 3 sweaters, I man s hirt. 2 children s underwear, 1 pair men's shoes. FILED FOR SENATOR Sheriff Applegate Sunday sent twelve men on the 4:45 train to American Lake, the boys joining the State Delegation at Portland, Oregon's quota going over in a body. Eleven men were from the county s registration, and one, Ernest Kucpper, was ordered sent from the Umatilla County War Board. Hillsboro sent two men, Jacob Weil ami Cecil Bennett. The latter was employed by C. I!. Buchanan & Co., and was about to be made foreman for a new plant bought by the company at McMinnville. Those entrained for Camp Lewis were; William J. Huff Wilbur Lewis Thomas Gus Olson Gerhard Classen Jesse Glen Cunningham Francis A. Porter Jacob Weil Guy Worsley Stockman Chester A. ILizlitt Jos. Sester Cecil Dennis Bennett Ernest Kuepper, of Umatilla County. The boys left in good spirits. and there was a large crowd at the S. P. depot to see them en train and make their farewells. Henry 1). Clemens, of near North Plains, didn't show up for cntrainment, nor did he appear last Friday, when the men were ordered to report. He has, it is reported, left the country. Clem ens was late for his physical ex amination, but gave a plausible excuse. He has been posted us .1 deserter. AUCTION SALE To Ben W. Olcott, Secretary of State for the State of Oregon, and to the members of the Re publican Party and the elector of the State of Oregon : 1 will sell at public auction at the Dan Leisv place, 4 miles south of Hillsboro, on the Hills- boro-Laurel road, beginning at 10 o'clock a. m., on SATURDAY, APRIL 13, 1918 Two Jersey heifers, one 2 years and 5 months old, the other 2 years in May, both to freshen in August; six 2 and 3 year old Jer sey cows, all giving nwlk, fresh next August; all tuberculin test ed bv Dr. Reagan; bay mare, 5 years old, weight about 1300; 2 10-gallon milk cans; 14-inch Oli- ... 1 1; 1 ver walking piow uisc uiuw, disc springtooth harrow, peg tooth harrow, Studebaker buggy, 3-inch wide tire Mitchell wagon, 2;,i-',u'h Mitchell wagon, Adrian hav rake, Milwaukie mower,, cycle grinder, new; 80-gallon iron kettle, spray pump, No. 1 I, Charles J. Selmabel, resitl at No. 785 Park Avenue, City of hav rack, 130 ft hay rope, hay Portland, (onnty of Alultno- f(,rk. mdlevs. 3 tons No. 1 vetch mah. Mate of Oregon, and mv postoHice address is (00 Cham her of Commerce building. I am a it ul V registereti memner 01 the Republican Party. If I am nominated for the olliee of Uni ted States Senator in- Congrc to fill the vacancy in term end ing March 4, 1919, at the Prima rv Nominating election, to bt held in the State of Oregon th seventeenth day of May, 1918, I will accept the nomination and will not withdraw, and if I am elected I will qualify as such officer. If I am not nominated I will not accept the nomination or en dorsement of any party other than the one in which I am re istered. "If nominated and elected I will, during mv term of office immediately resign, so that the people's choice for the term Ik ginning March 4, 1919, can be appointed bv the Governor to assume the Seuatorship immetli atelv after the tions. It Senator JUiWary is re hav, set double work harness, buggy harness, wheel barrow, tools and other articles; d dozen Black Minorca and White Leg horn hens; almost new South Bend Malleable range, 2 good heaters, washing machine, round oak 8-ft extension table, kitchen treasure, 3 rocking chairs and other chairs, gasoline lamp, good new; iron bedstead and bed sanitary couch, and other household articles too numerous to mention. Terms of Sale $20 and under , ... . u.' :,,. casii; tiver, six minima wmv, bankable note, at 8 per cent. Two per cent off on cash over $20. Mrs. Dan Leisy, Owner. J. W. Hughes, Auctioneer. John Vanderwal, Clerk. as springs ; G. A. Plicth, of Tigard, and A. V. Denny, of hitford, were in the city Saturday morning, Mr. and Mrs. O. G. Wilkes, of '"" I.-.., 1 ... !!. ,- V.v..i,,l.H .,!,.- iillamooK, were in me enj mc l.st nf the week, enrouie 10 .1 1 elected the continuity of his ser- 1 oruanu. vice shall remain unbroken. If For Sale Mitchell wagon, another is elected he can assume 31 inch; Osborn hay tedder, 8- his duties immediately and se- fork; road cart, single buggy cure preference in committee as-1 harness. All articles arc nearly . 1 1 r signments. Let us win the war; I new. Tom Murphy Jr., juoun- enforee the Monroe Doctrine ; taindale, Ore. 8"5 - .111 modernize our ports; develop T n n-iiwll. . .on nf Mr, the resources and industries ot , n w Whitesell. of Oregon so that the product ' U,M1th Tualatin, and Mrs. Laurs E. Swanson, of Newberg, were Oregon farms and factories shall be carried throughout the world in ships carrying the American Flag. Words to be printed after my name on the official ballot "The Governor should appoint the people's choice for the long- term, for the short term." united in marriage at V ancou ver, Friday of last week For Sale, or will trade for cows Mare, 10 years old, and u-.-iohs about 1150; will work .iinyle or double ; sound and true Percy Carstcns, Banks C. B. BUCHANAN & CO., Inc. Hillsboro, Cornelius and North Plains Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Grain, Hay, Flour, Feed and Grain Bags Car-lot shipper of POTATOES and ONIONS. Grain chopped or rolled at any time , Lumber, Shingles and Lath 'At Cornelius Beaver State Flour The Best Flour at the Lowest Prices. Telephones; Hillsboro, Main 14, Cornelius, City 1515, North Plain, Main 263. HATCHING EGGS Single Comb. White Leghorn. From good laying strain mated to cockerelt from'J. A. Hanson' itocktwho had' winning pen at All Northwett.Iaying'contest at Pullman, Wah., 1916-17. $1.50 for 15. $7.00 per 100. H. E. Thompsor, HilUboro, Ore., R. 4, Box 14. Phone 115. ( -M-H HARD SURFACE ROADS Will soon lead from Portland to the splendid Beaverton - Recdville Acreage... Many choice small tracts- on sale. Splendid train service morning and evening into the city. Buy your little home before the big raise comes. SHAW-FEAR COMPANY 102 Fourth Street PORTLAND, OREGON Hillsboro Auto Livery Feed and Boarding Stable Prices Reasonable DAT AND NIGHT SERVICE 2nd & Washington Sts. Phone, Main 7S We wish all our Patrons and all Hillsboro a HAPPY NEW YEAR , By Prompt Work and Proper Prices we will help to make it Prosperous. Come In and Look Around See What We Have to Offer HOFFMAN Jeweler and Optician Main Street 1 Hillsboro, Oregon Argus and Daily Oregonian To!r $6