''"ftTU.Vf), Tl. a . flvjto, H VOL. XXV HILLSBORO, OREGON, MARCH 28, 1918 v NO. 2 In Recent San Francisco K d Croj Drive KNIGHT MOTOR A WINNI R Drove British Tank Across Ger man Trench Front Mary I'ii-k fonl' iim- nf her Wil lys hllilll cur in 1 1 Mil 1 1 1 tilt' IV cetit licit 1'ross drive in S.ui Fri.U' 4'Kco, wits peculiarly itppropij. le ns llir Kninlit motor has won ciei k . i c ii . 1 1 s lull ri-t.N oil nil r,imir II Imltle fields. It Will tin- Klii'll motor Ihitl drove tin' hig llritl I. links thru Imrliril wire i nliiiiv! iin nit across (liriiiiin I .rendu s, ouil over I lie 1 lindetiherg line .it I'niiihriii, "Tin1 brilliant uiilil.iry III llll VI llll Ills of till' KllilJlt lll'l tor lirini( tn iiiinil its very ronum lir hi-lory," wty ii rll kimv. ir nut linrit v : "In l!io;i elms. V. K titfilii . tli n of Chicago, now of I'nsadenti, n, liril steam engine. princiii In autiiiunhilc nw t l i in i i i n ninl t In- re suit wns tlif Knight sleeve vulvf motor. Aiiirrii'iin iiinniifiii'liii'i rs were slow In mliit tin1 nrw t v , t of engine. Why should tiny, lin y reasoned, upend tliousnn N of iliillurs tn install th- in.ii Inn rv necessary tn Imild n mot i w hirh might, or might lint, pio.c to hi- nit iui)irovi'il type, when t'te A merit-an i 1 I i was already in t h- market, Imyiug with alacrity ill the poppet valve iiiiitors tli y I'oiilil Inilhl. It was two years ! furr tin1 Kulghl inolor wns fir.t installed in mi iiiitoiiinhili'. A year Intor Knight look his invention tn Europe. The lead ing atitouiohile manufacturers of England, tin Uninih r Company, jmiI tin' new motor through tin' Most gruelling tests mul finnily adopted it for use ill Pannier's. On the heels of this triumph the lending munufiH'lurers of oiler European eouiitries put the m Knight motor thro .similar gi.i- Ding tests it ml niloptetl it for use in lln ir ears. Prominent atunig these wire the Miltervit. of 1! I gluni. Mcm-des. of (i.rm.'ii'V, mul l'atihard, of France. I'n h- lily no Anterleitti invention eter M-orcil sueh a t ri inn lt In llicl'u ropenn field of commerce. The Knight motor wits sueh n sensation thiit it was Mlg;;e.t d thnt nn offielnl test he made hy the highest iiutomohile authority in the worhl, the Iloynl Autnino liile Club of Great lliitaiil. The Uiost severe triil th.tt Inul ever Jieeil npplieil to nil)' motor Was ileeiileil iion. Two Knight in -tors wern ilriveil on n testing rnek for fivr ninl one half day nt moilernte speed, each mot ir pulling one third more than its rated horse power. The motor were then mounted in stock tour ing cars and driven two thousand miles on the Jlrooklamls track at forty two mlh's nil hour it nu utop run of forty-eight hours. Af ter n final five hour Mock l'st it was found that each motor h.nl actually gained nhotit ten per el. in horse power. No other type of motor has ever survived such it test. The triumph of the mo toe the Knight was com pic to. Orders were immediately placed iy I he royal households of the leading count rics of Europe mid the European potentates who use Knight -motored cars are I lie kings of England, Helgium, Nor way, Spain, Sweden and (ireece, the Kmperor of Japan and the rulers of several other countries w hom It is not desirable to men tion, in view of the present iutr- EXECUTORS, Administrators, Guardians, Pub lic Custodians and others having public and private trusts to perforin can render proper service by depositing with us. We Have One of the Best Safe Deposit Systems in the State A proper place for valuable papers. We invite inspection of this dcpartiueut in con junction with the others. An excellent bank for handling all branches of batik business. SHUTE SAVINGS BANK PROMPT : CONSERVATIVE : SAVE liiitioual mi plea sa lit lie nh. Ill June, IIII4, at the Isle of Man international road races, n team of three ears having the Knight motors defeated all com peting teams, including the very flower or the poppot valves. The distance traveled was nlioiit six hundred miles over tortuous and dangerous curves and nioiuitaiii umliircil cars maintained an fiv erage njf speed of ninety miles i n hour on all level stretches. All of the Knight motored enrs wen in excellent condition at tin! fin ish, while only three of the pup pel valve entrant finished the nice. John X. Willy liegaii lunkiii'i Knight motored ear in 1!) I K mid est.'iMlHheil a separate mo tor factory at I'.lyrl.i, Ohio. In I!I5 tin- Hrillsh Yngiin-i r t loi k the Knight motor ns Ihe slmi ! ard ipiipnicnt for nil the Hi". I ish tanks. This wn. one of the greatest eoiupliini nt s ever paid any motor, as absolute di-peti I ability nnd efficiency are nunc necessary in the tank than in it'.y other motor driven vehicle. The Knight motors nre also used in the high-speed aruiori d ears of the Allies. I'.. L. I'erkins, who handle the Knight-Willy car in this city, can tell you more of the favorite 11 11 1 in 1 1 1 1 i 1 1-. Hulk garden hcciIh ii Greer's. Fred Unrig, of near 'cil.tr Mill, was up Saturday. Mr. nnd Mrs. Win. Conley are now located nt Hoseburg. A. I., Mulloy, of I.nurel, wn. ." Hillsboro caller Saturday. ('. L. Drown, of Manning, w.-.s down to the county seat Satin--day, on business. M thin Crow and wife, of Portland, were guests of the ('has. Gardners, Sunday. J. B. Uuwning, of below liea verton, was greeting friends in tin' county scat the last of the w eek. Attention, Farmers! This is time of vear to feed Dr. Hess' Stock and Poultry Tonic. Il pays big on your investment at Hillsboro I'hnrmnev. (iit il 51 ( J. F. I'eerenboom, of Itoy, who was in Ihe city the last of Ihe week, nveraged $31.90 for cm.-Ii cow milked in January, mul it.'i'i.CO in l'cbrimry. Hi herd is registered Ilolstein. Wanted --Hogs, sheep, beef, etc. Will call in response to tele phone or letter. Address, ('. K. Rogers. Portland. Ore.. It. 1. Box ,'l!'.'; Telephone, Woodlawn S,'l!iS. Also do general hauling and long distance moving. 52 .'I Francis M. White, of 1'orest Grove, formerly n resident of Gales Creek, was in the city Sat urday, nnd called on the family journal. lie still hangs on to his Gales Creek ranch so as to have a place for his surplus en ergy in the Summer lime. Singlo Comb White Minorca eggs for sub; fur hatching'. From pens that, score above 00. My birds nre very large a new strain called the American Beau ty ; prize winners; won nil prizes n't 1917 State Fair, nnd 10 prizes nt Washington (jo. Fair. Eggs $1,50 per setting of 15. Win. Tupper, Box 193, Hillsboro, Ore gon. 49-tf Ilcrtnnn Collier and wife re turned Saturday from n Winter's slav in California. Herman says that the tourist travel down there is holding up well, and that there nre people there vis iting from every Htale in the un ion. After all. tho, he says that old Hillsboro looks good to him. They had but six days of rain during their stay in the South. MORE MEN FIT FOR -SERVIGESffYS? BOARD List of Claims Allowed itnd De nied by District Board fvlANY IN SHIPBUILDING Twenty-nine Agricultural Claims Were Allowed The local bourd had a unmix r of men examined Thursday and Friday, mid from a standpoint of Illness tin- men passed on wen a larger per cent, of "lit for sir vice" than any yet examined. Dr.. Wood and IJailey passed i n thcin. Those declared (it; Thursday Ward S. Kniics, Karl l Ilobhs, Frank J. Hanson, Ilillshoro; Willis E. Hall, Gaston; Fred Werre, Sherwood i; Albert A. II. Meyer, Cornelius It. 2; Al fred Uamel, Cedar Mill; Harry K. Jspeneer, Seappose; l'et. r VaiiLon, Forest Grove It. 'I ; Frilz Louis Fischer and Hurry F, Kliander, licavcrlon ; Walt -r (iray, Hillsboro, this man being deelaretl lit for special railvwiy service. The Portland Board allows the following nn ricultura claims: Itoht. J. Bates, (iaston; Jesse J. Buell, North Dakota; (ieorie liurkhnltc r, Hillsboro It. 5; .John Henry JSusch, Forest (irtite; John L. Brogdeit, Hillsboro; Mux J. lierjr, Jti avert oil ; Hoy Waller Berber, Forest Grove; Lawrence K. Hamford, Forest Grove; Martin Bernards, Forest Grove; C'hus. 1). Bernards, Jlet vcrton; Arthur Bauer, Portland It. 2; Jos. Abadie, Portland H. 2; Joseph Bernards, Forest Grove; Paul J. Bierstedt, Forest Grove; Itelic Ardeel, Laurel ;: John II. Burke, Batiks; Leo (i. Acrts, Hanks; Herman Bremer,' Sherwood; Itoy E. Bierly, Bei vcrton; Italph K. Btiffum, Fori st Grove; Fred W. Hermr Jr., Hillsboro; Harvey D. Batch. 1- ur, Hillsboro; Edward A. lihin!;. Sherwood; Jns. L. Batehehh r, Hillsboro It. 1 ; John A. Ander son, Ileedville; Harry E. Boehm, Sherwiio; $tlmn J. Bechen. nl (irnfton, onth Dakota; Grovrr Brown, Hillsboro It. 5; Harry E. Boe, Hillsboro It. 5. Agricultural claims denied were : Michael Boyd, Tijjnrd; Italph M. Brown, Sherwood; R. Verne Baldwin, Forest Grove; H. II. (i. Sshmidt, Sherwood; Claude Broknw, Fore si Grove; Win. J. Brooks, Forest Grove; Louis Bauer, Hillsboro It. 1 ; Elijah G. Beaman, Forest Grove; Kdwa'd Bilveu, Tiirnrd; Geo. Anderson. Sherwood; Ludwijf Andersiiu. Sherwood; John I). Berber. Ilillshoro; Floyd Bierly, Beaver ton; Montie C. Briekcll, Sher wood. Industrial claims denied, hut under supervision : Edward Emrieh, Hillsboro; It. C. Hunger, Manninj;; Matt Eu it'ledinjrer, Hillsboro; ',dw. 11. Kyle, Portland It. 2; Bernard Kruj(, Hillsboro It. ,'l ; Wallace F'ore.st Grove It. 2; Thoruny Iloudes, Beaverton H. t ; (ieo. Diedrick, Orcnco; Leonard C. Jenuinijs, F'orcst Grove; Geo. 1',. Moshofsky, Beaverton It. 2; I'm bcrto Sementilly, Ilillshoro It. 1; Glen W. Smith Tifj.ird; Herbert A. Ballin, Linnton 11. 3;. Herman It. Anderson, Hillsboro R. 5; Burns J. Crouch, Gaston; Julius M. Weisenback, Hillsboro It. Ernest Iteber, Tonquin; Theo- phil, Hieh, Orcnco; X'ielor Batch cbtr, Hillsboro. Eincrfrcncv Fleet : Floyd 11. "Caldwell, Ileedville Clinton W. Xeiileigh, Hillsboro It. .'t; Clarence W. Ilnfjfr, lteed- villo ; Hnrner Kimball, Beaver ton It. 1; Guy Win. Ilnirucwood, Oswego; Ernest C. Stout, Beav erton It. i; Frank Murphy, Mountamdalc ; Pleasant Matth ews, Hillsdale; Roy E. Johnson Manning; lloticrt Mini Jensen, Aloha; Arthur Henry Stark Portland R. 2; Win. D. Haskell, Forest Grove; Henry Chehak Sherwood; Titos. J. Harrington Benverlon; Paul W. Cop, Forest Grove R. 2; Wm. C. Lcpsehat, Banks R. 8. Dependency clnitn denied Fred Brnkebush. Claim of dependency allowed; Jesse C. Benrd (also industrial claim), Guy S. Alexander, Bea verton. Industrial claims allowed: Chits. S. Bany, Laurel ; Wal lace M. Brown, Beaverton. The following industrial claims were, denied: Eldon T. Armstrong, Gaston; Alf. M. Amundsen, Carl Bros tront, Cherry Grove; Peter Bor- gin, Dilley; Ernest Bradley, Tonipiiu; Carl E. Amh r-.mi, Multnomah; Frank A. Bany, Laurel; Albert Adolpluon, lica vcrlon; Lehuid Gin. Alexander, Forest Grove. THIS IS FINE Portland. March 2.'l My Dear Lontr : Yes, I have "shied mv i'HH. astor lino me ring as a cauiiniat' iur i the short term for the I'uittil! Stales Senate on the Itctmhji , ii r..l ' " ticket. My platform will be i! -vclopuient of (Oregon imluslrii We have the facilities for build ing more ships; wc have the. m i- ti rial ; we uu mil nave lo go down south or cast for timber, nor tin we have to change, the construc tion of a ship, its sie, etc, n suit the size of our limber the way they do in the South. I .' ii strong on Oregon and want m hiatus between the long term. ;od I mil willing to resign after lm'; elected nnd let the long term m. n elected get in so as to have pr ' erenee on committee assign men' , by right of seniority before lie new Senators from other parts ,,f the country take their seats :it the beginning of the new Con gress March t, 191.1). My friend Fred Mulkcy has adopted the same platform. We will m.,! e no campaign nnd thus innovate a different system, when Scott, Mitchell, Dolph, etc. ,h.id to "mar nnd senr" the other fdh.w in a mad race. Fred and I will speak from the same platfor.n on the same - occasion if we tl -ciile to make speeches at all. ' will let the people decide vln shall be nominated Ex-Scnnt r Mulkcy or niu, Chas. J. Selmabel. PUBLIC SALE I will sell nt public auction at my place , half mile uorlhof Ah ' n station, on the S. P. H. It., east ..f Ileedville, nt ten A. M., on MONDAY. APRIL 1. Span work horses, 9 and 10 yea -s old; weight 3200; t cows. 2 of them fresh; 1 fresh about M y 15; 1 fresh 3 months Ilol stein and Jerseys; heifer, .j months; farm wngon. ne.-Hy new; buggy, ft. cut ntowt r. two plows 12 inch and , 16 inch; 2 -section steel harrow , s-1 heavy did harness, new Sharpies cream separator; 2 iu-gai: n milk cans; 25 Whiie Legho'.n chickens; 5 shouts, weigh about 80 lbs each; some hay; lot of household goods and f urnitur.'. Lunch at noon. Terms of Sale L'nder r'-0. cash; t!20 and over, (i months' note, approved, at 8 per cent. Geo. Strieck, Owner. B. P. Cornelius, Auctioneer. John Vandcrwnl. Clerk. MEN MOVE SUNDAY She rift Applcgnte has reeiiv word from oiltcial headiptn rlers to send the county quota lo American Lake on Sunday. March 31. The called men will report luye March 2!, ns an nounced last week, and if thee nre any delinquencies the sher iff will use the 2-1 hour privilege and till the numbers. Ihe states quota will convene nt Portland Sunday and all go over to l-ntep Lewis on the same train. I'll men called from this county are "William J. RulT, Henry Martin Clemens, Wilbur Louis Thomas (mis Olson, Gerhard Classen Jesse Glen Cunningham, Francis A. Porter, Jacob Weil, Guy Wor slcv Stockman, Joe Sester, Cecil Dennis Bennett, Winheld Dill. LEAVES COUNTY FARM Clarence Young, who has Wen superintendent of the County l'nrm. leaves tins week, alter live years of care of the inmates, Every grand jury has had a good word for Young's management nnd he leaves the place with n good record. He says that wages nre too good for a man to stay at the rami these days, and he is going to move to Hillsboro am then try for a position at some thing that will mean better money. He is .succeeded at tin Farm bv Chas. Gardner and wife. The county .owns about 50 acres at the place, and w hil it is not self sustaining it helps care for the county poor. For Sale: Two incubators. Me clanahan make, Eugene, 210-cgi rapacity, with brooders, every thing complete. Will sell with or without brooders. Also have some choice Early Rose seed po tatoes for sale. Win. L. Mast Hillsboro, Oregon., Route -t. Box 10. 51-8 Arnold nndotnelon. ot near Roy, wns down Saturday. Am old's dairy is now sending the product of 19 cows to market. II MHLS BUYS LADD Latter Interests Sell to T. B. Wil cox for Nearly Two Millions 14 MILLS 200 ELEVATORS Twelve-Way Shipyard May Come to Portland List Salem State Emergency Board has $250,000 appropriated fund to four companies motorcycle po lice to guard Oregon . industries against I. W. Ws. North Bend Kruse & Banks put third ship on ways. Marsh field Saubert mill, for several years idle, to operate. Salem 0,000 tons of potatoes to be dried at Kings Product Co. for L'. S. army. Marshlieid Coos Bay Ship building Co. to increase force to 050 un-n. Minimum wage paid is $1.40 for eight hours work, scale running up to $0.50 per day. North Powder Farmers of vi cinity co-operate in construction of ,i 15,000 elevator. Between 125 and 150 bulk ele vators will be constructed in Ore gon, Washington and Idaho. Salem Building of starch "fac tory by Pacific Potato Starch Co. of Portland practically assured. Portland-Willamette Iron nnd Steel Works has contract for marine boilers from Seattle, s Milton -Car of locust timber hipped to Portland shipyards. The. Dalles Diamond Milling Co. sold to Kerr, Gifford Co.. wheat exporters of Portland. i'ew owners will improve and nlarge mills; will run day and ight.' lteedsport Sawmills in lower I'mpqua district busy; new road to cost SS.000. Portland Purchase of Ladd interest in Portland Flouring Mills Co. bv Theo. B. Wilcox mil Puget Sound capitalists con summated, price paid $1,750,000 Portland Flouring Mills Co. ow ns 11 mills and about 200 elevators. Portland Contract for erec tion of 1,0 16', 100 bu. municipal rain elevator to be awarded. Oregon Portland cement com pany to turntslt 37,000 barrels ctucut for new elevators. Salem Contract awarded for Coliseum at State Fair grounds, cost $75,000. North Bend f 1-11,800 per month is payroll of Coos Bay industries. North Bend Construction of jetty at north entrance of Lnip- paa river to cost $55.1,000. Portland Eastern capitalists proposed to establish twelve-way wood shipyard here. Beaverton has dedicated , 150,- 000 starch factory. Toledo Work commenced on getting Cheslcy LumberCo's mill ready to cut. Corvallis Willamette Stock iS- Land Co. gets government spruce contract to cut 3,000,000 ft. l-.lectrieally cqipped plant to put in on Siletz Bay. Al kinds of garden seeds in hulk nt Greer's. Geo. M. Swinehnrt, of near Laurel, was in town Friday. Roy Sehulnteriehj of South Tualatin, was a city visitor Mon lay. Julius Henrichsen and M. F. Avers, of Ilazeldale, were Hills boro callers Friday. Got fried Schlaefli, of above Moimtaiudale, was down to the ily the last of the week, visiting with the Carl Midlers. Auto Truck, long distance hauling;new Master 2-ton truck; also cattle hauling. Charges rea sonable. Careful service. Frank Barr, Hillsboro, Ore. Phoney 20.') IV. 1-4 That Equinoctial storm of last Friday night reminded many of what their daddies vere wont to say every year just about the day of Mar. 22nd and the old ffent- leman was usually about right. A. S. Eisehen, of Blooming, was in the city Monday. Eiseh en is on the home place farming, and he expects to turn out a big crop to help feed the Allies ar mies this season. He still has two carloads of potatoes for the Spring market. For Sale Ranch of 55 acres; 0 acres cleared; balance wnni lot of fir and ash swale. Run ning water; on milk and mail routes; rock road; practically all seeded except few acres left for garden, kale, potatoes, etc. Ad dress, sealed envelope V, care Argus. 62-2 C.B. BUCHANAN & GO.. Inc. Hillsboro, Cornelius and North Plains Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Grain, Hay, Flour, Feed and I Grain Bags i Car-lot shipper of POTATOES and 3 ONIONS. Grain chopped or rolUd at &ay time Lumber, Shingles and Lath j At Cornelius . v '.. ? '-" i Beaver State Flouif The Best Flour at the Lowet Price. - Telephones; Hillsboro, Main 14, Cornelius, City 1515, North Plain, Main 263. t HATCHING EGGS Single Comb White Leghorns. From good laying strain, mated lo cockerels from J. A. Hanson's stock who had winning pen at All Northwest laying contest at Pullman, Wash., 1916-17. $1.50 for 15. $7.00 per 100 H. E. Thompson, Hilliboro, Ore.. R. 4, Box 14. Phone 115. HARD SURFACE ROADS Will soon lead from Portland to the splendid Beaverton -Reedvillc Acreage Many choice small tracts on sale. Splendid train service morning and evening into the city. Buy your little home before the big raise comes. SHAW-FEAR COMPANY 102 Fourth Street Hillsboro Auto Livery Feed and Boarding Stable Prices Reasonable DA If AND NIGHT SERVICE 2nd & Washington Sts. Phone, Main 76 We wish all our Patrons and all Hillsboro a HAPPY NEW YEAR By Prompt Work and Proper Prices we will help to make it Prosperous. Come In and See What We HOFFM A N j Jeweler T. Main Street Argus and Daily t - 4- PORTLAND, OREGON Look Around , Have to Offer and Optician J Hillsboro, Oregon Oregonian ?om,' $6 j