w irrrJCTMpi'itwr..j-ijiiMiiii is fl Df( VOL. XXV HILLSHORO, OREGON, MARCH 21, 1918 NO. 1 am ft ME I ' JaaMJC . f 1 1 FOOD ADMIN. SEHDSl out y. s. slips! School tire Distributing Tlx in in Each County COCHRAN GETS A DISTRICT School Will Have Twenly Pup;, With Which to Start Tin l'ooil Ailiiiinixl niliiin !i w dint riliult'il a new kili ln n i mil willi ilmi'liuns nnil MiuihtiiiuN for "CiiiiHrrvution"--('. ft, Wrlli, i'ooil Ailiiiiiii.ilrnlor for Wnvr iillon Ciiulitv, lins iIiiiii' thin tli M tin' si liooU. I'wicli hi In ui I liis n;i jiuiiili'il n ilislnliiilinii riiiiiniill i n t 1 it'l witli n il, mIiiIi- nnil blue rililimi I unl n i-h insiriliiil "('tun'-i.-r I!. S. A." New im iiilirri uf llii' mihimI Junior Itnilllmw Itrinii nl me Hi Ic li Vnllklitk nnil W'iliifri il I'.iiinul, uf Kiiitmi; l. ill 'I'm in r, M'trixnrct Miiltlutt niul Nl.ir Ki . r, uf l.uin I. Tin Junior Iteil CrosH, of T.i- flllltlll, llllH IhTII lilting HOIIII' Vl' y nice work. Tin-' Imvi- t oiiiii I il mitl r lit In six l.iyi His for t'n Ilcltriitn. Any Imliy iuflil v. i ll lir iroiul to linvr Niuli mi oiilM, unit nny inntlii r miht w i II In roiul to have ln-r iluuliti r H V to miiki' llii ni. Mr. .lnrii, Slnlr Iiulu-.tri.il Club Worker, I linilni !' si'lliiul lllililrrll (llrr to t.'iki' up the iroji-i'ls. Scvi-rnl of fit' m'IiooU wt-ri' iilrfiitly orjjiii.i I. It it to lit' ri'Kri Id il that 1 i tii it' ii limilril to two wt'tk, ami ui.b tilt' Imil ruiiiU it in i 1 ii j to -. -.i I .It- lo mull nit ninny m-IiuoU n tit .sirt'tl. V" may In- I ! to s -rtirf Ii i in for two wcrk rurly in April. Tilt" Tiinlirr Hfliool ilistrit't linn lrtn iliviiltil into tlirt-f tli-.triili. Tiinlur tlistritt No. ?M to in limit' thf prt'itfiil Tiinlu r mIh- iI nnil westward nloug tin' lint' 'f I In' railroml; Strassti Dittrirt N.i. I II 'J to imiuilr tin: msl mil, nnil (lliiiwoml District No. 110 to in tiiiilt' tilt' houtlu-rn part. Tilt" lumlirr camp at Corlirun lnt over 20 tiillilrm of ki IiooI n'f, mitl a xtiiool will In- intult lisliril tlire immt'tliattiv. N. A, frost. PUBLIC SALE I will mil nt public niiftion at I iv plat-r , half mile nortliof Alolm utation, on the S. I". H. It., runt of Ititilvillf, nt ten A. M., on MONDAY, Al'ltll, 1, Spun work bor.sft, ! anil 1(1 yenr old; weight .'I'JOO; I cows, '.' of tlit-m fi't-sli; I frtsli about Mny 15; 1 frt'sb !l niontliH IIol httin niul Jersey; heifer, 15 inoiillis; 8l't f"rl" '"" "' !' new; biitftfy. ' ft. cut niowir, two plows 12 inch niul Hi Inch; 2-nection steel harrow, set heavy tlbl harnesH, new Sharpies creaui Htparalor; 2 10 Kiillun milk cans; 23 White I.cgho'll liiirkeiis; 5 Nliimli, wcijih about HO lbs each; some hay; lot of household gootls and furiiitu.c. funch at noon. Term of Sale Under if-O. cash; $20 and over, (1 months-' note, aiprovctl, at 8 per cent. (ico, Sti-ieek, Owner. It. P. Cornelius, Auctioneer. John Vaudcrwal, Clerk. for Sale; Two incubators, Me clanaluin make, Eugene, 210 e;:g capacity, with brooders, every thing: complete. Will sell with or without brooders. Also have some choice. Kmiy Host; seed pn t allien for sale. Win. L. Masl, Hillsboro, Oregon., Uoute 4, 15. x 10. Mil EXECUTORS, Administrators, Guardians, Pub lic Custodians and others liaviug public and private trusts to perform can render proper service by depositing with us. We Have One of the Best Safe Deposit Systems in the State A proper place for valuable papers. We itivite inspection of this departmcut in con junction with the others. Au excellent bank for handling all branches of bank business. . SHUTE SAVINGS BANK PROMPT : CONSERVATIVE : SAVE Ilulk garden seeds at (ireer's. Dr. fowc will he in l-'orcst (Jrovc, I riday, March 2!. 'I'oin Hughes, of near Heed ville, was in town Monday. Hubert Johnson, of Cedar Miif was in town Ihc first of the week. frank Stiiulmerieh, of farm Ington, was iii to the city Mon thly. Chris Jaggi, of near I'hillipi, was in town Saturday, calling mi friends. I'red Schacr, of above Moim tuiinlale, was in Saturday, i n probate business. Taken l'p Yearling luifef; red; no horns. Owner prove propertv, pay charges and tale same away, 'loin Hughes, one mill- south of Heeilville, till York place. 1 3 ira Hoard, of fast Ilillslioro, injured bis font nt the condenser, Saturday. Dr. Hyde says he will be out in n few days, nltlioui h the injury is one that will st.'V with him several weeks. D.'tncc -'l.af ranee Circle, Wo men of Wootleraft, will give a dance, Saturday night, April at the W. O. W. Hall, I ' uiih s west of Cedar Mill. (loud man agement. I'.veryhody wtieour-. Tickets, 1.00. " ' 1-3 I.niira I.. I'crgusou, formerly I.aura Weir, has sued J. W. fcr uson for tlivorce. They were married at I'ortlaud in HMl.an.l the hushaiid deserted her ill 191.1. She asks for a decree nuilrestoi: -ti if her maiden name. C. I'.. Wolf, who has lived .it Corutiiiis, now farming at (ia.i ton it It his brother, Seoll, was in town Monday. He says tiny will not haul much rock this sc.-'- s as they are trying to In Ip out the food administration by rai .iiig grain. Dr. Steiner, of the State Hos pital, reports to Clerk Kuratli that the following have been if . charged from the institution us cured' -Mm. Satlie I'owell, who.e husband is now bandsman in the Canadian Army; Mrs. Mary Yia ger and I.uey l'eabotly. 1'. I. I.illignrd and his nephew. Nils Trouidahl, of Hutte, Mont., returnetl M outlay from a trip to Stevenson, Wash., where they visited with relatives. Miss Ju t nita I.illigard, a niece, retunii d with them, niul will visit for i.n extended period fit the I.illigaid home, near I.aurti. For Sale- farm of 10 acres, highly cultivated j good 6-room house; good barn and outbuild ings. Also three hea I of horses, U cows and 2 2-year-ohl heifers; farming tools and household goods.,. .Tartu is lU miles north east of Hillsboro mid Ki miles from I'ortlaud, near West I'nion. J. M. Ksles, Hillsboro, Ore., It. 1, Uox 23. 51-5 Single Comb White Minorca eggs for sale for hatching. From pens that score above 90. My bird are very large a new strain called the American llenu- ty; prize winners; won all prize at 1017 Slate Fair, and 10 prizes at Washington Co. Fair. Eggs $1.50 per setting of 15. Win, Tupper, Box 193, Hillsboro, Ore gon. J. T. Thompson, of Ml. Ver non, Wn., arrived here the las of the week, and, with his wife, is tiuaiiercd at the Hotel Was iuLrtou. He is here to relieve E. C. I.amb, superintendent at (lit condenser, while Mr. unit Airs. I.amb are away on a vaealion Mr. Thompson came over from the Sound in an auto, crossing at U0M0, niul lie says lie Had 110 trouble in gelling his machine throng lo Portland. Will Enter Primaries to .Succeed Himself as Oregon's Executive GOOD ROADS AND THE WAR Thinks He Has Given State a Good Administration Four Yca, Governor Wilhyeoinhe aniiouiic s bis platform to succeed himself as the chief executive of the stale. As he is a Washington County man the Argus huhls t'li.il it is its duty ami the governor's ilue thai his announcement ht piihlishcd, ami here it is: "If the people of Oregon are of the opinion that I have servi d them f.iilhf ully, I should he pleasetl to receive a Vote of con fidence at theii- hands. The Governor of the state h is the car of the people. It is there fore in his power to assist in ci-' -nting mid maintaining a healthy public sentiment on the many lHMIi'M'l ilin subjects which make for cou munity welfare. I have been mindful of this fact, have min gled with the people ami have one all in my jmwer to pronnite the development of the state, to bring about the construction of gootl roads, to emphasize the im portance of education ami espec ially t maintain at white heat the devotion of the people to the great cause of liberty and dem ocracy for which the count rv is ligting. If re-ch cted I shall con tinue to do everything 1 can to aecoinphslt tlie.se cmls. Oregon has given twenty tho i- aml ot tier sons to tne great world war. liiese men are tne llower of or.r young manhood, anil we have no clearer duty th. n that of lovallv siipporlin:,' ihei.i. providing for their health and omfort and safeguarilni; their morals, i snail continue to ren- r them every service in my power. I'tider our form of government the conduct of a foreign war iie- olvcs on the President of the I niteil Mates, who is the com mander-in-chief of the Army and Navy. 1 shall do everything in my power lo assist the Prei lent in makiiijr the power ot tins country eiiccuve in inc great world conflict. I shall particu arlv exercise every power am authoritv which I possess to pro mote a maximum ellieiencv in local industries which are rtiat to the war activities. Xo other duty is so pressing or at this time so important as thai of winning Ihc war. Xo sacrifice is too great if it looks to the triumph of the forces battling for international righteousness. I shall stand 111 the future, as in the past, for rigid law enforce incut and for a cleaner and great cr Oregon. Oregon is firmly committed to the principles of prohibition am cnual sullra"C, anil, while they arc no longer issues in this stnt I sha continue to inve these causes my full support. Kvery legitimate phase of state development should be support etl. but at this time when our country is engaged in the mo terrible war in the world's his tory, the most rigid economy i state expenditure should be ol served. We have state problems of irrcat matrnitude to be worked out for the increase of ilesir.i Me population; for the encour agement of manufacturing en terprises; for the enlargement of (locks and herds of the best breeds; for the eradication of fruit pests ami other destructive nireiicies in orchard anil farm; for the general encouragement of productiveness in all lines of endeavor; for the careful, intel ligent handlinir of the several state institutions and their wards mil iff .rm-'Ufimrn'm-m :r) .mf ' . ;i i ' - t ' ' V ' twjt jt 1 iiiy w - obst:rving as far as possible the bttst lines of modern treat un-iit. while at the same time securing for these and for every ihjiiil merit of stati: business the cl. 1 possible economy. Domestic traiKjuilil y and busi ness confidence are iiitimal'iy r--lated to the public welfare. J shall tb) all in my power Id pro mote them. 1 note with ph-asu r the growing disposition 'if em ployers and employes to con -,ii! cr each other's rights, mid to cij just tlin'i-renccs by ilisi iis .i.in .11 a spirit of fairness and cipiily. The routine duties of the ofliee wt'll not be neglected by lite, fi t every cllort will be put fortli to bring each branch of tin- stale service to a condition of iu.-im-inurn usefulness. The cliicii ip v of the scrviet; must never he sac rificed for the sake of political advantage. I shall lit: mindful of the fac t that I am the representative 1 f the whole people and shall w !- nine suggestions from any ci'i- zen to the end thai the collect he wisdom may be brought to b r on nil problems. If honored by a re-election. I ball continue to give the In t that is in me to cverv branch f public service." CONDOLENCE Whereas, it hath pleased the Sa- preme .Master to enter our ran: s and remove thcrt lrom our .- teemed Brother, H. P. Owens. Therefore, be it further re solved, that while we mourn the loss of our beloved Brother, t bow to the will of the Divin -. His life has rone out and l is hair is vacant. Only vt-sti rd v he was with ns; today we have but the memory of bis work. Hesolvetl, further, that Beth any Orange Xo. tlS has lost cue of its faithful ofllei rs. the eh:l- Iren a kind ami affectionate fat's- r, the wife a devoted husband, mil the community au ever help ing hand. Be it further resolved that a opy ot tins resolution lie si Mt with the sympathy of this gran : to the affected family, and a copy he sent to the Orange l'ullcthi. and one to the county papers f. r publication j thi:t i-his nllice )e Imped in mourning for day .. Mrs. A. -M. Commons. Mrs. M. Bnybrooks. Mrs. Jos. Saunders. Committee. CORP. BOLTON WRITES Corporal W. ('. Bolton, with the 18th r.niiinccis 111 1 ranee, rcceii!- wrote bis mother Mrs. . P.. Bolton: "Last week 1 took quite a tri;. visiting a town 70 or SO nuh s from here, with 100.000 inhabi tants. A part ot the city was unit oil a circular 11111, ouu n. .1. 1 1-11 bill, 500 feet in elevation. The crest of fh hill was the site of an aneien fortified citv. It was protected bv massive ramparts, 700 yards in width. This rampart has bet 11 transformed to a boulevard, n ml the view from it is delightfv There arc six military hospitals here, all Preneh. 1 went throtmh one and distrthufed cigarett and tobacco. An American w quite a novelty in the place. I found prices moderate, hav- msr a nice room ana nrenRiast tor $1.40 American this is the best hotel in the citv, and a nice one at that. An American has charge of large tannery for the Ireii'ii government, and I had a card for him. There is also a cathedral which is noted for its chimes and it was a pleasant thing to be awakeneii by them Sunday morn ing. I surelv did enjoy them Had breakfast early and went out to the markets the peoph were out in force to obtain thei daily small amounts of meat and produce, the hours being from to 12. The next town 1 visited was about 25.000 in population. I took supper here nt a small pen sion, and it was a hue me Chicken dinner and excellent wine. Here I met some French officers who lived at the house They were nice chaps, and quite inquisitive about America and Americans. I received several urgent invitations to return here as a guest, nnd it was by far tin most pleasant day I have spent in France. Photographic sup plies are scarce as "hens teeth here, and I wish you would send me . The weather is fine here now guess Spring work will soon start back home. Taps will soon sound, so must close. W. C. Bolton. Corporal." Help WantedTo enjoy Box Supper nt Reedville, Saturday evening, March 23. Oood pro gram. At school house. 152-1 MILL Hi TIMBER 1 Sawmills Being Installed and Old Ones Being Started MANY NEW SHIPS BUILT Spruce for Air Planes Now the Big Consideration The Industrial Review of the slate, issued by News Bureau: Astoria Columbia fishermen's 111011 lixaa price ot salmon ami sturgeon at sixteen cents, an atl- anee of 5 cents over 1910. Gold Hill Two sawmills to start on Sardine Creek. Portland Shipbuilding Plant uys and removes Eugene Iron orks. . Salem plant has order for the army and navy for GOO tons de hydrated (dried chipped) pota toes. It will use 6,000,000 lbs or 100,000 green potatoes. Portland Bergman Shoe Co. is government order for 4000 dr logger shoes. .Maximum price-fixing and new- grading rules by government w ill hi ?5,000.000 to incomes of astern Oregon farmers this ar. Million bushel Portland grain :vator to be ready for the fall rops. Director Outieral of Railroads cAdoo: "I feel justified in ex pressing the conviction that vital irt which public utilities com mies represent in life and war- iking energy of nation ought to eei.'e tuir ami just recognition iy state and local authorities." Hood River Silver Creek val r has 10 new houses building. Loganberry industry faces la- lor shortage of berry pickers for 1.018. Auto licenses paid to road fund 1 07, 834 for the year 1917. Experts declare Oregon and ashiugton can supply 409 to S00 wooden ships in 1918. Gaston Dairies are selling oil rds becatue eondenseries can not sell product. Oregon planing mills get con tract for 25 carloads airplane pruee stock. Xorth Bend Announcement as m- ule that all the , Xorth .end nuns, including me -onn hud Mill and Lumber Co., the Buehner Lumber Co. and the Bay ark Lumber Co.. went on a straight minimum waire of $3.75 or 10 hours. Hood Rivrf 1917 apple crop irought l,:t,oz, average in 10 a box net." I'oledo Local mills busy on , .. 1.1 r pruee and nr, anil mree cars 01 pruee and Douglas hr shipped. IoIedo--Spruce camp estah hed on the Wessell ranch, just north of here. Waldport Warren Spruce Co. tablish camp nt Big Creek be- ow here. Divide Old O. L. & T. mill icre again sawing. Shipbuilding has brought pros perity to the w hole state of Ore gon. Every citizen should advo- ate legislative policies which will encourage building up on Vmeriean Marine after the war. Al kinds of garden seeds bulk at Greer's. M. J. Cruniean, of Gaston, w as in town Friday. J. A. Zimmerman, of below Witch Hazel, was in town the first of the week. L. C. Schmidt and wife, of West Union, were Argus callers the last of the week. Lost Hall-tree and rug. The finder will please leave nt T. B. Snyder's, 1017 Main St., Hillsbo ro. 1 Orel Gardner, of Mountain- dale, was in town the first of the week. He says that the fishing stampede isn't on very strong as yet. Wanted A loan of $2,800 from private party. First mort- iraare : srood security. Address G. P., care of the Argus, Hills boro. 81-1 Mr. and Mrs. G. P. Dibel, of St. Johns, -were out Saturday, settling up business affairs. Mr Dibel is now living in the Port land suburb, and he says that things are lively down that way John Wilmot, aged 71 years, w ho has been staying at the Rob ert Edgar place, Shady Brook passed away Sunday from an at tack of nephritis. He was a close "container," and told nothing of his old life, so no one knows where be drifted from. Under taker Dontison handled the fu neral arrangements. C. B. BUCHANAN & CO., Inc. Hillsboro, Cornelius and North Plains Wholesale and Retail Dealers in , Grain, Hay, Flour, Feed and Grain Bags Car-lot shipper of POTATOES and ' ONIONS. Grain chopped or rolled at any time Lumber, Shingles and Lath At Cornelius Beaver State Flour The Best Flour at the Lowest Prices. Telephones; Hillsboro, Main 14, Cornelius, Gty 1515, North Plain, Main 263. PTTTTTTTTTTY HATCHING EGGS Single Comb White Leghorn. From good laying strain, mated to cockerel from J. A. Hanson' stock who had winning pen at All Northwest laying contest at Pullman, Wash., 1916-17. $1.50 for 15. $7.00 per 100. H. E. Thompson, Hillsboro, Ore.. R. 4, Box 14. Phone 115. HARD SURFACE ROADS Will soon lead from Portland to the splendid Beavcrton - Reedville Acreage... Many choice small tracts on sale. Splendid train service morning and evtning into the city. Buy your little home before the big raise comes. SHAW-FEAR COMPANY 102 Fourth Street Hillsboro Auto Livery Feed and Boarding Stable Prices Reasonable DA IT AND NIGHT SERVICE 2nd & Washington Sts. Phone, Main 76 We wish all our Patrons and all Hillsboro a HAPPY NEW YEAR By Prompt Work and Proper Prices we will help to make it Prosperous. Come In and See .What We -4' hoVfmaw ! Jeweler Main Street Argus and Daily TTTTTTTTTTTttTtTT TTTTTTTTt "J" PORTLAND, OREGON Look Around Have to Offer .and Optician Hillsboro, Oregon j $6 Oregonian One Y r for Only