The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, March 14, 1918, Image 1

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oil ILLS
NO 52
John Trachscl Writoi Argua f
Life at Mnre lalnnd Sy Fit e
Trill of how Wellington' Birt'.
day was Celebrated in Camp
John Triielinl. in Irniniiin nt t'n
Mure NIiiimI NhvhI I rtt in i nf Si
linn, iimli-r dull' of M i n il 7,
write tin- ArgiiH - John In w II
known u till! iiurtlu :t:,li in ji.-iit
f tin- t'oiinly, mill formerly livid
lit llelvellll :
"I inn mire plntiei! to jii I I f
liiiiiii' iwiiicr, mid wo UiIIhImi -o
Imvi floek nroiiiitl it ni Imivn i'o
when tiny mm! their first lireu.
Oregon U well rcpn'Miilfil in
i iiiiii, mnl we nil hojie l
fri t tin- Kiiiwer' K""'- Some 'f
iin iniiy hiMin tie on llie wny lit
l'miiee, or nil liiiie to.
rYhnmry "'1 n (treat 1 ' y
In re. We lonl hunt nteiiiff, tu -of
war mnt hoxiiiff, nml t lit liM'il
( il Koine of the Intent inn
hers, mnl I'nele Sum jinve us u
line turkey cllniier w hieh we I II
etijoyeil, mnl we hope tu !o
Komi-thin in return. Ve nre t II
IH ItiiiK iiliniK Hplemliilly with the
exeeptioii of myxelf Imve Imil n
little ene of the grippe, but nm
feeling heller now, mnl expeet to
he on the hhorei of nood lienlih
in n few iIiij-n.
Kvery limn in enmp hit n--eelyeil
mi hhnlilienlioii l.if( wi ll
imnie, ilnte of enlist uit-iil . iiihJ
dull1 of birth, nml we nil w :ir
thrill on n eonl nroiiml our neel.,
We woulil like to eml J"U
(nine of the fine Miiixhiue here, n
we know you woulil enjoy It (lur
ing the lo Winter iiioiiIIn in
Oregon, but tluit In iiuponHlhl".
Wr trust these few line-., lellinif
of the tine dhnpe we nre in will
be n Kurt of n iihUliite,
Yours Very Truly,
John Trneliiel."
I will i ll nt publie nuetiou nt rsty
plnee , hnlf mile northof Alolm
Ktntioii, on the 8. P. It. II., enst of
Jteeilville, nt ten A. M.. on
MONDAY, Al'ltll. 1,
Spun work horses, I) nml 10 yenm
old; weight il'-'OOj I it of
them fresh; 1 fresh nboiit
15; 1 fresh in nionlhs llcl
stein nml Jersey; heifer, 18
months; S fnrm wngon, nenrly
new; buggy, 4l2 ft. eul mower,
10 ft rnke, 2 jiIowh, 12 mnl 1
Ineh; 2 m i tion Nteel burrow, set
henvy ilhl Imrnem, new Shnrples.
(renin nepnrnlor; 2 10 gnlbn
milk emis; 25 White I.egho n
rhiekeiis; 8 shouts, weigh nboul
HO lbs eneli; some liny; lot of
househohl goiln nml furniture.
I.uneli nt noon.
Terms of Sale Under $20,
ensh; $20 nml over, (1 months'
note, approved, nt 8 per rent.
(ieo. Streik, Owner.
It. I', Cornelius, Auelioiuer.
John Vnnderwnl, Clerk.
John Howard returned the h-st
of the week from u visit with I is
daughter, Mrs. Hen Simpson, .it
Tai oiua. Howard says Hen is
doing well over in the eily of
For Sale: Two incubators, Mr
elaniihan make, Kugene, 2 K) e;tr
eapaeity, with bryjulers, every
thing eoniplete. Will well wttli or
without brooders. Also have
some ehoiee Kurly Rose, seed pn
tatoes for wile.- Win. I.. Ma, I,
Hillsboro, Oregon., Route 4, 1! x
10. 61-3
EXECUTORS, Administrators, Guardians, Pub
lie Custtxlians and others having public and
private trusts to perform cau render proper
service by depositing with us.
We Have One of the Best Safe
Deposit Systems in the State
A proper place for valuable papers.
We invite inspection of this department in con
junction with the others. '
An excellent bank for handling all branches
of bank business. '
A little incident happened lai,t
week in county court showing the
the value of keeping books. The
Judge has since J 1)1 ft been keep
ing a record of the minutest road
expenditures in the various dis
tricts, and a bill was recently pel
in for IX) cents for Home stuff fur
road use furnished nearly two
years ago. The bill, being very
nneienl, caused some speculation
mid the man who presented it u!
did a postscript saying he was
not sure of his ground ,but tin I
it wan not settled. The court i t
once turned to his set of bonk
and in a half minute found tin t
a warrant had been ilriiwn fur
the service over 18 months ng
Single Comb White Minorca
egg for mile for hatching. From
peiiH that wore above 1)0. My
birdu are very large u new
Htruiu called the American Iteau-
ty ; pi l.e winnem; won nil prizes
ut 111 7 Stale. Fair, and 10 prizci
ut Washington Co. Fair. Kgj.;a
1.80 per letting of IB. Win
Tupper, Uox 193, Hillidoro, Ore
gon. 49-tf
Willis Anderson, of Iieedvill
departed Friday to reside r.t
Ilroadmead, Folk County, He
writ.H that W. W. Hosteller is
associated with It 1 tit ill the lea e
of the Krnadiiif ad farm for a
term of years, and the two will
farm on n big scnle. The Jlroail
mend holding is one of the bet
in the Stnte of Oregon mid the
two boys nre fine farmers. They
have the "go" in them, ami will
make the traditional two blades
grow w here one sprouted before,
Here U luck to them.
For sale: Span mares, C yean,
1380 each; sound and true, ba v
and black ; also Stover 10 11. 1'.
gas engine, good ns new. (ic .
lticrsdorf, Cornelius, Ore., R. I.
Telephone !liill23, Hillsboro cen
tral, l ive miles northwest of
Hillsboro, ami half mile from
Shelllin .station, 1'. R. 9c X. 82 2
F.ditor Reiifer, of the Kxpress,
and I'.dilor 1'fcllicr, of the Hanks
Herald, were in the eity Satur
day, as was also Keillor Hurley,
of the Xews-Tlmes. F.ditor Hur
ley intends running for the legit
I a tn re at the coming primaries.
It is also reported that the editor
of the Independent will east Lis
hat into the ring on the legisla
tive ticket.
For Sale Ranch of 85 ncres;
I!) acre cleared ; balance wood
lot of fir nml ash swale. Run
ning water; on milk nml in.' il
routes; rock road; practically nil
seeded except few acres left for
garden, knle, potatoes, etc. Ad
dress, sealed envelope V, care
Argus. 62 2
(Irecn Walker, of Hanks, w;is
down to Hillshoro Friday, "Hill,"
as his friends call him, 1ms taken
the Argus for 21 years, and says
he lwlsn't had a severe spell of
Illness since he subscribed. His
wife is in the Dr. Smith Hospital,
for treatment.
For Hale: A fine mare, drives
single or double, good for work,
easily kept, 8 years old; good
life. Also good milk cow, .'I gul
lons, .Ier.sev.- Mrs. A. Weisen
back, Reed'ville, Box 27. Neir
Olinger Ktore, 81-52
Frank Holcnmb, who ran bare
footed over the West Union dis
trict when neighbor were few
mnl far between, was in the eity
Friday aftemon.
For Sale: Several head of old
and young horses. Several fine
young marcs, three and four year
olds. T. U. Davis, Hillsboro, II.
3. 60-62
K. Klingcr, who has been run
ning a rock quarry for the coun
ty for Home years, was up Tuesday.
Government Will Allow Ship
building Firms to Enter Lists
Portland City Laborers Want
$3.50 for Eight Hours Work
Chairman Hurley, of the Ship
ping Hoard, states that Oregon
will be allowed to build ships fur
Norwny mid Sweden just as noon
as the present needs of the got -eminent
are satislied to n degree.
This will mean a great thing for
the Xorthwest.
Heppner to spend $19,000 en
street improvements,
Salem Horsl Hros. Co., i.f
California, who own large tract
near here Imve secured $1,000,
000 order for dried vegetables.
Toledo Railroad surveys on
to SilcU mid Wnhlport spruce
Sell wood $10,000 was rniscd
to have worsted mill from being
Portland expending another
$30,000 on an "expert" telephone
La (irnnde home guard armed
armed to drive out 1. W. "h.
Lnck of ships prevent delivery
of wheat, flour and canned milk
to allies, mid here is where far
mers are interested in speeding
up shipbuilding.
Portland eity laborers gettirg
$.1.28 a day will ask $3.50 for 8
Wool still Hailing around 85
cents a pound 'in the grease.
Marshficld Chamber of Com
merce show payrolls of $141,000
per month on Coos Hay.
Albany Farmers enjoy wnr
prosperity. Phil Swank got
$tl!).18 for 174 sacks oats. Clo
ver bay brings $18, vetch hay $20
mid cheat hay $19 per ton.
Pendleton wheat bind sells for
$200 per acre. There never w as
a time when grain growers bed
so little to complain of.
Clatskanie Tract of timber
sold to imrrci company mat is
building logging road.
Rend sawmills pavroll for 1917
was $1,387,000.
Milton box factory installing
machinery to operate on a lar,c
Multnomah county to spend
$(iS,000 on six road districts.
Marshficld County builds a
highwav for shipvards nt Hunker
Foxglove (digitalis), needed
for hospitals, being supplied in
this state.
Alieel to have 100,000 bush 1
grain storage elevator.
Enterprise Mountain Me: t
Co. has ailed large cold storage
Portland Chamber of Com
merce to form Security Co. to
build factories.
I w ill sell nt publie auction at the
old Chas. Shorev farm, 1 miles
west mid 1 mile north of Moun
taindale; 2U miles enst and lo
miles north of Ranks, beginning
it 10 o'clock A. M.,
Five head of horses team, 7 and
10 years, weight 2!00; team, t
and 8 years, weight 2300; sorrel
horse, weight 1200; 8 head of
milk cows, 7 giving milk, 1 com
ing fresh in April; 8 18-months-ohl
heifers nil tuberculin test-
.1 ; double-seated canopy-top
hack, good as new; buggy; ex
press wagon; .I'a-meli wagon, in
good shape; 2-horsu cultivator;
1 -horse-power gasoline engine;
hay-eutter nml belt; 125 feet of
1-inch bay rope; hnrpoon fork
and ear; 3 sets double work har
ness; single harness; 10 10-gal-lon
milk cans; spray pump, gnr-
lcn hose, chilled plow, forks.
hoes, and some household goods ;
2 dozen White Leghorn hens.
Lunch nt noon.
Terms $10 and under, cash;
over !fU), six nioiiins nine, ni o
A . ... I ... . i a
per cent, bankable note. Two per
cent olT for cash on all sums over
R. R. Frost, Owner.
J. W. Hughes, Auctioneer.
W. O. (lalowny, Clerk.
For Sale: Two doeen full
blooded White Leghorn pullets,
from good laying strains. Also a
four-horse disc. Inquire corner
10th and Fir, opposite Thos. Kerr
home. 00-2
John Herdlein, of Blooming,
was in the eity Friday. He says
that the grain out his way has in
no way suffered from the weather.
seeds at firecr's.
?Kl.r. Lowe,
'2"l.'hursdny, March a.
It I
Chas. Rciling, of Roy, a
city visitor Friday.
I.. L. Crawford, of M tnniii f,
was down to Hillsboro Saturday,
attending the Grunge on -etoin ;.
Piano for sale. Call or write
1420 Ilae Line, ncur Fourth St.,
Hillsboro, Or. C0-62
Mr. and Mrs. F.rvine I'urkhal
ter. of South Tualatin, win- nvi r
town Saturday.
Help Wanted To enjoy ii.
Supper at Ueeilville, n.itiird .iy
ciening, March 2.1. (iood pro-
gram. At seliool House. iis-i
August Revernian, w ho hr s
been living at Oakland, Cal., h: s
moved back to Portland for re i
dence. Mclvin F. Crow and wife hae
moved from Ruxton In l'lollin !.
where Mr. Crow will work a. a
Word hns been received a i
nouncing the death of Mrs. An .
den, wife of the former I lillslm.
Superintendent of School-..
Mr. and Mrs. John I.ofti, i.f
the Arcade District, above Nor h
Plains, were eity visitors the 1 i t
of the week.
For Sale: Three good work
horses, 1280 to 1350, aged from
9 to 12 years. Phone 8F1S, North
Plains central. 60-52
Han Funis, of Roy, wa-. a ci'y
visitor the last of the week. 1); n
is anxiously waiting for Sprint;' to
break so ns to get busy on l is
Wanted A loan of $2.8f0
from private party. First mort
gage; good security.- .uuiiv s
G. P., care of the Argus, Hill
boro. . 51-1
Mrs. Sena Mullin made a trip
to Astoria, Sundays to uttend the
funeral of her sistcr-iii-luw, M
Mrs. I). C. Aiken, whose draUi
took place the last of the week.
For Rent Twenty-acre f;ir;ii;
all under cultivation; cheap for
cash; good 4-rooni house and a
small bam. North o the W ft
Union church. Inquire of J. J.
Whitten, lf22 Oak St.. Hillsbo
ro, Ore. 52-2
J. F. Havnie. of Forest (irovj-,
was down to Hillsboro Monday,
and called. J. F. has been a
steady subscriber of the Aryus
for 24 years, and was one of ti e
initial supporters of the . first i .-
sue. Tie still reads it, ami says
he gets bis money's worth.
Wanted I logs, sheep, beef.
etc. ill call m response to tele
phone or letter. Address, C. K.
Rogers, Portland, Ore., It. 1, box
392; Telephone, Woodlawn 5.!.")S.
Also do general hauling and long
distance moving. 52-,'i
Otto Urose, the road superv is
or of Timber, was down Friday,
conferring with the county com
missioners on prospective roe.d
work. He says he has a. half or
five eights of a mile of right of
way cleared between Timber ami
the Her place, ready to shoot the
powder. Otto states that Mc
pherson, of the Detroit Trust Co,
is talking of putting in a big mill
a hnlf mile this side of Timber.
For Sale Farm of 10 acres,
highly cultivated; good 5-rooin
house; good barn and outbuild
ings. Also three bead of horses,
3 cows and 2 2-year-old heifers;
farming tools and household
goods. Farm is I'-j miles north
east of Hillsboro and Hi miles
from Portland, near West Union.
J. M. Estes, Hillsboro, Ore., II.
1, Box 23. 51-5
Joseph Rrnndenherg, of Oren
co, was a city caller Saturday,
and remembered the Argus in his
calls. His son, Francis, in the
United States Navy, is now in the
Mediterranean. He was in a col
lision last November, and was in
the water two hours before being
picked up. Joe is keeping an
anxious eye on his native country
Switzerland and it is watch
ing every move against its neu
trality. Attorney Win. G. Hare went
to Marion county the last of the
week on legal business. He says
that polities nre warming up at
the State capital.
John V. Cornelius, of South
of Cornelius, was in town Satur
day, greeting friends and inei-
iteutally tiling tor county com
missioner in the Republican pri
maries. John says that lie has
made a study of road building
anil it nominated and elected ex
pects to rent bis ranch and give
all his tune to the duties of th
office. John says he is going to
make a thorough campaign of nil
precincts, and expects to show
fine support from all parts of the
Hulk garden
Fine Reception and Dinner Given
TV I , - n
teacner ana every rupil are
War Savers and Purchasers"
The teachers had a fine meeting
at Sherwood, Saturday, March ft.
State Supt. Churchill made a fine
talk on high schools, and ono on
the course of study for-grades.
Mr. Maris, State Industrial Club
worker, was present and told of
the value of that and plans for
its promotion. Prof. Patten's ad
dress on "Play," and ' Miss
Wood's class demonstration were
of especial practical value. There
was considerable interest in the
discussion of the effect of the ex
tra war work on the regular
work of the schools. This was
led by Prof. Reinemer and Mm.
Dow. The work in reading, his
tory, geography and composition
seems to be helped and other sub
jects not hindered by the interest
in the war work. The people of
Mu-rwood gave tlie teaeliers a
cordial reception and a fine din
ner. Mr. Maris is working Wash
ington county this week and next
and will visit as many schools ns
possible in the interest of the in
dustrial work.
Other School News
A program for every patriotic
American :
1 Learn what you can about
Ulicle Sam's war work.
2 Give what you can to help
our hoys and relieve the suffer
ers. 3 Conserve and produce what
you can of food and clothing.
4 Save what you can and
lend to Uncle Sam. Start now.
lluv Thrift Stamps and War Sav
ings Stamps.
District No. 22, Muldleton. re
ports four more Rainbow Regi
ment members, making a total of
eight. The new ones nre Harry
Sevik, Dina Anderson, F.lsie Ger-
ber and Sadie Pondelick.
The first district to report for
the Honor Roll in war savings is
Dist. No. 96, Mountain Home, M.
X. Bonham, teacher. Every pu
pil is a War Saver, also teacher.
Monthly War Work Report
Amount of Liberty Bonds own
d by teachers, $4800.
Amount of Liberty Bonds own
ed by pupils. $9100.
No. of ?5 ar Savings l ertiti-
eales owneu nv leacncrs, n.
No. of $5 War Savings Certifi
cates owned by pupils, 630.
No. of pupuils owning $5 War
Savings Certificates, 234.
No. of 25c Thrift Stamps own
ed by teachers. 211.
No. of 25e Thrift Stamps om li
ed nv pupiis, io.
Stamps. (57.
No. of pupils belonging to a
War Savings Society, 4i(.
Amount contributed to War
funds during this month, $509.17-
No. of pupils contributing to
war funds during this month,
No. of pupils carrying O. A. C.
Industrial Club project, 114.
No. of pupils belonging to an
Industrial Club, 193.
No. of pupils not carrying: a
regular O. A. C. Club project,
but having individual gardens,
field crops, poultry, swine or oth
er stock, or doing regular sewing,
knitting, Red Cross work or oth
er productive industry, 792.
N. A. Frost,
Co. Supt. of Schools.
Wm. B. Jolly, pioneer of 1847
came out from Portland Friday
. i .i i ii. . 1 .,
ami wnue maning inu rramu
the business section called on the
religious journal. Mr. Jolly has
put 71 years in the Oregon and
California country, and he can
remember when the Spaniards
came to Oregon with pack bur
ros to take flour down to the nu
ners. Talk about "white bread"
in these times, says Mr. Jolly ,to
the Argus, "wheat was worth 50
bucks per those days and people
never thought of kicking." His
father, Rev. Wm. Jolly, took up
a donation claim of 725 acres
few miles North of Hillsboro on
the present North Plains road,
mid was prominent among
state's pioneerage.
W. E. Pesrff, one of Beaver-
ton's hustlers, and always work
ing for the betterment of the lit
tie garden city, was up to the
county seat the last of the week
on legal business.
Al kinds of garden seeds In
bulk at Greer's.
D. Giger, of near Phillips, was
in town' the last of the week, on
business at the court house.
C. B. BUCHANAN & CO., Inc.
Hillsboro, Cornelius and North Plains
Wholesale and Retail Dealers in
Grain, Hay, Flour, Feed and
Grain Bags
Car-lot shipper of POTATOES and
ONIONS. Grain chopped or
rolled at any time
Lumber, Shingles and Lath
At Cornelius
Beaver State F four
The Best Flour at the Lowest Prices.
Telephones; Hillsboro, Main 14,
Cornelius, City 1515, North Plain, Main 263.
Single Comb While Leghorn t. From good laying strain, mated to
cockerels from J. A. H&nson'i stock who had winning pen at All
Northwest laying conleat at Pullman, Wash., 1916 17.
$1.50 for 15. $7.00 per
Hillsboro, Ore, R. 4,
Will soon lead from Portland to
the splendid
Beaverton - Reedville
Many clioice small tracts on sale.
Splendid train service morning and
evening into the city. Buy your little
home before the big raise comes.
102 Fourth Street PORTLAND, OREGON
Hillsboro Auto Livery
Feed and Boarding Stable
Prices Reasonable
2nd & Washington Sts'. Phcnc, Main 7S
We wish all our Patrons and. all Hillsboro a
HAPPY v, '
By Prompt Work and Proper Prices
we will help to make it Prosperous.
Come In and
See What We
Main Street 1
Argus and Daily
Box 14.
H. EL Thompson,
Phone 115.
it iti nt f it i i.Aj.j.AiA.t.i j. . . . . j
Look Around
Have to Offer
and Optician
Hillsboro, Oregon
Oregonian oL7