iii m Tim nT ""' 1 LLSB VOL. XXIV HILLSBORO, OREGON, MARCH 7, 1918 NO. 51 .HE ARGUS 1 V Circuit Court for March Opened nt Court I loute Monthly Morning GRAND JURY TO RETURN One Criminal Cms on Trial r Chnrgrd With Pointing Firearm Circuit court opened Monday morning Willi llic ftillow injur jiir trs reporting fur service: .las. Devlin, I. I. I.illignrd, John I'M.v. I. !, 1 ten lot i , Win. Jackson, .Inn. Foote, Frank C.If.ll, II. V. Meade, Calvin Wvhlcr, II. 'I'. Huton, It. A. TwIsh, I'.. ('. Wet i l, Howard ltrouku, S. I.. Car I V I . , John K. Davis, Andrew S.'iiiillilmnii, Stephen llullock, W, A. Vcrhoort. Alfred .1. Dy.lc, No till .1, Maker, Ahho Pcterx, (iui lav Crnhhorn, M. II. Ilriggs, Unh I II Thompson. I'ln following were drawn nil I In grand jurv: I'. lleaton, II. V. Meade, H. A. Twin. l'.iU. ('. Wetzel, Andrew G. Sand I. loom, S. II. Hullock nml Alfred .1. Dyslc. After .Finite Jlagtcv instructed them nt l their tin tie, lie excused them for two weeks, when they will lie-in their investigation. Joseph Down wan appointed ni the grand jury ImililT, II. H. Collin wax up pointed court ImililT. John F.dy, juror, wan excused for the term. The ease of State v. Adolph Schmidt, charged w ith pointing a lireariu al I'eter Itorchcru, coin meneeil trial Tuesday, llorehers hail rented a piece of onion lain! from a Mr, Stubbs, ami so had Silmii.lt. Sehmitlt built a gale which led to the tract leased hy Sehiuidl. anil it m-cmi Sluhhs had to 1.1 llorchcrx lie coiul go across and whether or not Schmidt had acquiesced, the fact remained when Hordicm went to the gate one day he found it wind uiiainst him. When he tried to cut the wire Schmidt ordered him to stop, and Horchcr testilied that S.luui.lt told him if he did lint he "would get a allot." II Maid that Schmidt pulled n gun on linn, ami then went w here lie was and struck nt him over the fence lie said he then went nway, and the arrest followed. District Attorney Tongue hnn died the ease against Schmidt, and Win. (i. Hare assisted a I'ort land attorney in the ih feiisc, The jury: Abho Peters M. II. Ilriggs, .Ian. Devlin, Win. A. Vcr boorl. J. II. Foote, (lustav Grab horn, Auk. Tews, Wm. Jackson, Jos. Kerr, Iloht. Tliompson. John Y. Davis, John Horland. The case came under the new law on pointing firearms, over which there has hcen considcra Me talk among nttorneys. The (Continued on Pane 'i) .laeoli Michel, who was in the Franco Prussian wnr, was out from Portland, Monday. Mr. Michel is a Swiss by birth and worked for the Germans as an ailisau. He Maya that he wants to see Hie Kaiser beaten, and that if he is nut defeated, it will mean a military form of government lu re for many years. Wanted A loan of $2,800 from private party. First mort main' : good Hcenrilv. Address i. P.. care of boro. Win. McQuillan returned last week from n two months' slay with relatives in California. .Me comes hack looking as "lit as a fiddle." Ceo. I'',. Ileedle, former Depu ty Insurance Commissioner of the Stale of Wisconsin, has entered .nil in circuit court against llie Stondall Land tt Timber Com pany for a commission on sale of limber land over in Lincoln conn ly. The plaintiff says that he en tered Into all agreement with the firm several yearn ago to act as I heir agent for the sale of !I!K) million feel of timber ill the coast count V, and he was to receive 0 per rent commission on the sale. lie says he had the sale practic ally consummated and then when all was ready to go through the . '. . i ii company kicked out ami wouin not sell, lie asks for .i v,rio. villi six per cent, interest since 111 IK This will run the claim up i i ou r 12,000 ami is worm ighting for. Beeillc says he re iincd his Wisconsin position In order to put the "le of the land hrough, and tame to Salem ami .ok up residence there for the Chance to Enlist as Volunteer Closet Tomorrow Evening purpose of landing the pre leal. Hishop Scllcw Ilereliishop iVnltcr A. Sellew, of Jamestown, N'cw York, who held the Oregon Annual Conference of the Free Methodist Church here last May, i, ill speak on the subject of Christian F.dueation, in the Free Methodist Church, Fifth and Oak Sis., on Wednesday evening, March 13. Those who met the I'.ishop on his former visit here villi be pleased to have the privi lege of hearing him again. All are Invited to attend. Don't for Ki t Hie date -March 1.1. D. M. Mcl.nchlan, with the S. I', motive power, was here Mon day, looking over engines and rolling stock. Mc had a bunch of those oldtimc Chinese matches with him Hie first seen here for these many years. Dan said it vwis a mailer of no choice w hen he got them-- but observed thai n consistent smoker could use up i third of his life time lighting a pipe or cigars. Clerk Kuralli, since Jan. 1, up Id yesterday, hail issued 18 com bination hunter's and angler's li censes: nine hunter s licenses, and but teve. fishing licenses l i s i oes not include the licenses issued to veterans and pioneers. Wm. It. Stephens, of Dilley was n caller nt the county seat Tuesday. PUBLIC SALE the Argus, llills-01-1 1 w ill sell nt public auction nt the old Clms. Shore v farm, l' miles west and 1 mile north of Moun tundnle; 2l' miles cast and 1 V miles north of Ibuiks. beginning al 10 o'clock A. M., SATl'HDAV, .MARCH HI, Five head of horses team, 7 nni 10 years, weight 2900; team, I and'o years, weight 2.100; sorre Imrse. ueiuht 1200: 8 head of " 1 - -r - - milk cows, 7 giving milk, 1 com In fresh in April; 2 lN-inouiiis-old heifersall tuberculin test ed; double-sealed canopy-to hack, good ns new; tmggy; ex press wagon; ,1I',-inch wagon, in good shape; 2 horse cultivator 1 horse power gasoline engine Imv cutter and belt: 125 feet of 1 ineh hav nine: harpoon fork ami car; 3 sets double work liar ne-is; single harness; 10 10 gal Ion milk cans; spray pump, gar ilen hose, chilled plow, lorns hoes, and some household goods; 2 dozen While Leghorn hens. Lunch at noon. Terms--$10 and under, cash; over $10, sl months' time, at 8 per cent, bankoble nolo. Tw o per cent off for cash on nil stiins over $11. U. II. Frost, Owner. J. W. Hughes, Auclioneer. W. O. (luloway, Clerk. DRAFT WILL FOLLOW SOON The, March snow and M uch jury marched in logi uu r. .Holi day morning. Mr. and .Mrs. A. L. Stephens, of nhoert Hanks, were Hillslioro visitors Saturday morning. P. I. Lillignrd, of Laurel, was a city visitor Monday. P. I. has a son in the Lniteil States .Vivy. ('has. Williams, of above (i.-is ton. was down to the cilv Mou- If Oregon' Quota of 100 it Not ly Kr''t'"K friends. Filled, Then Requisition Follow Jr. rc von an expert automobile or motor truck driver? I hen vol unteer Immediately and avoid be ing drafted, for the army needs von. Oregon must furnish 100 vol unteer chuufjeurs or automobile I .nick drivers for the army by Friday, March H, or that number of men qualified for such service w ill be immediately inducted into rvicc by the various local boards, acting under rush orders from the War Department. (ieneral Pershing, in France, Iris cabled for n large number of .killed chauffeurs to drive motor trucks. He must have them right aw ny. The need is so urgent that the War Department has an nounced that unless the required number volunteer by March 8, they will be drafted from the available men in Class One .lis- ami Attorney '1'hos. II. Tou.ni returned Sunday from a bus trip to San Franei ,co. Tbos. Nissi ii has been charged from the: hospital. h is returned to Seholls. L. (i. Wcidewitsch. of ( ornc- lius, was in the city Tuesday, en routc to llcttvcrtun. K. J. Johnson, the bee raiser. was in the city the last of tin-week. J. (J. Johnson, of below Witch Hazel, was in town the first of the week. Dance, at Moos.; Hall, St. Pat rick's Eve, Saturday night. March 10. Remember the ' wear ing of the green." F.rwin Rilter, of Uethanv, wa up to the city Monday on Ihisi ness for the insurance association of which he is secretary. For Sale: Several head of old Several fine Nine are Declared Fit for Spec- il Service and May be Called M,,..,n, mod... (,. be raised ""1 J'0""K orses. rcvera either hv volunteers or draft, has young mares, three and lour year i been set nt 100 men. The men accepted ns volun ers will be inducted intothe avi ation section of the Signal Corps, ami sent to Kclley Field, San An tonio, Texas, preparatory to go inif to France. Following are instructions from the War Department to lo- . i I 1 . I :.... I eat urail iionrus rei.une u uiese men : "Hoards may accept applicants for voluntary induction who fully possess the required physical and technical qualifications. If the alls have not been tilled by March 8 hv voluntary induction. the boards will immediately in bu t a Hulllcicnt number of quali fied men to fill the respective nl olds. 3. T. R. Davis, Hillsboro, R. 60-52 J. W. fiooilin, of North 1'laiiis. was over to the county seal Tucs- lav, greeting friends. H. states that be may soon file for county judge and enter the primary race. Wanted nt once: Millwrights and carpenters, large construc tion job, three to four months work for steady men at good wages. Buehner Lumber Co., North End, Coos IJny, Ore. 49-52 Marriage license has hem granted Roebling Muir ami .Ma rion B. Firman. Muir is from Portland, and the prospective bride is from Ouston, a daughter of W. A. Firman. E. I. Kuratli has bis office in lotmcnts by selecting from Class .... i . i Due qualiliea men in sequence oi ,1(J II;,!,,,,.,, National Hank li order number. Volunteer now, and escape the dratl. lucre is siui nine io no u Friday. EXECUTORS, Administrators, Guardians, Pub lic Custodians and others having public and private trusts to pcrft rtn can render proper service by depositing with us. We Have One of the Best Safe Deposit Systems in the State A proper place for valuable papers. We invite inspection of this department in con junction with the others. An excellent bank for handling all branches of bank business. NEW ORENCO ROAD ... i. . 1 1 . 1 1 . i ie committee on me iinisooro- O.cneo road, via Orciico. is send- in out the following letter to subscribers to the fund, ami it is self-explanatory : March 2, 1918. Denr Sir: As contributor to a fund to oiien up the Ureneo cut-on wmcn will shorten nml straighten the llill.sboro-Portlnml road hy way of both the Canyon and Cornell mails into the cilv. we are leased to tell you that complete nrrniitfcmcnli have been cITucteil with the County Court of Wash iitrton County in which they agree to grade, macadamize and put in tie bridge across Hock creek nt the earliest date that construction work can be carried on, with the understanding that ie committee having this work in charge secure the right-of way ne.-oss three pieces of property on the East and namely, Killner. linker nml Schumacher, where the new road connects with the Hillsboro road; in addition there s the expense incurred in survey ... i , i- nir. together witn legal worn. When completed, this will tic it .i .... . 0110 Ot Uiosi coiisi nil an e pieces of work in the county in some time .shortening this main road between Hillsboro and Port land over one-half mil Since the Count v Court has . . . i ,ii ii i. agreed to laKC over an me- wmiv we will not need the labor sub sii ibeu, nut ns n ni n ipim tv. ,r,ze winners; won an prizes more money than was eontribu- at ,Qi7 gtat;e Fa;r nn,l io prizes ted in cash and labor, we trust all nt Washington Co. Fair. Eggs who donated will pay in cash nt $j B0 per getting of 15. m once, so that me worn may pro- Tumier. Box 193. Hillsboro, Ure -v- I - I ' . - - . , gon SHUTE SAVINGS BANK PROMPT : CONSERVATIVE : SAVE Loans your money, insures your buildings, rents your houses, buys and sells your property, makes collections. Notary Public. Also speuks German and Swiss. Mrs. Klntcr A. Johnson rclurn- d to her home in Chehalis. Wu.. Tuesday, after a two wcck.s viit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Stewart. Mr. and Mrs. John son soon leave for N.impa, Idaho. where be will work on installing n tug coiutenserv. Miss Florence Sahl. of Taco . , . p t i -1 ma, was the puest oi .uiss .on dred Baldwin last week, return ing home Sunday. Ualph Davis son, of Tacoma, was also a guest of the llaldwin and l'uimott fain lies. He is in the navy, and is at Present stationed in Southern California. For Sale or Exchange Nine room house in nice residence uis trict' of Ashland. Oregon. Also business block consisting of three stores below with apartments above, all bringing in nice in come. Will take city or farm nroncrtv near Hillsboro. Write 1 " Box 66, Hillsboro, Ure. 4S) Ira Mills, of li.mks, w as down to the county seat Saturday, on business nt the court house. Ira works nt the mill and puts in his extra time tramming moles a ml gophers. Since February 13 h has caught HI gophers ami moles, nml the bounty has paii him nearly thirteen dollar Single Comb White Minorca . l . 1 T eggs tor sale lor natciung. rrom pens that score nbove 90. My birds are very large a new strain called the American Beau- Ten Men Fit for Service Declare Doctor, After Examination ..A. FERNSWORTH ALSO FIT K. turns from the Portland Medi al Advisory Board show the fol wing appeals decided: Declared fit Robert A. Lev- iek, Walter Cioiino, Jacob Bany, ohn Neumann, Iloht. C. Funs- ton, Harry (. Boge, Felix Simon Jr., Roy K. Walters, Will II. Cor- lius and William Arthur Knox. Fit for Special Service Chas. Victor, brukeman ; Henry Clay annoy, sailor; Roy Hunter Hughes, agricultural; Willi Ded- icks, teamster; Hugh Weik, con eiisery; Sydney Westfall, team ster: John llolznagel. spruce di- ision ; Ernest Hint., spruce di ision ; Rudolph Lampreeht, I. nek driver; Geo. Bruington, jocial work; Herman Luck, mice; Alfred J. Hutchins, a mster. Declared Physically Unfit 'alter R. H.ivden, Joe SimiaskI, Win. Kirschbaum. A local board in another state l -elares L. A, Fernsworth as fit. The Portland Board is in all '.ses confirming the decision of lie Hillsboro examining board of I'lvsieians, Dr. W. D. Wood and Dr. F. A. liailcv. file board at Portland decided l! at the follow ing would be fit f. r service when thev had been i red of hernia Geo. C. Leon d and Fred Gombert. Walter I. Chambers was declared fit icn he has his teeth fixed, but t until then. Whether or not I 'neb: Sam will pay the dental nil will be a matter of necessity ot man power. FRIENDS WANT HIM 44 C.B. BUCHANAN & CO., Inc. Hillsboro, Cornelius and North Plains Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Grain, Hay, Flour, Feed and Grain Bags Car-lot shipper of POTATOES and ONIONS. Grain chopped or rolled at any time Lumber, Shingles and Lath At Cornelius Beaver State Flour The Best Flour at the Lowest Prices. Telephones; Hillsboro, Main 14, Cornelius, City 1515, North Plain, Main 263. 4. : 4 i HATCHING EGGS f Single Comb White Leghorn. From good laying (train, mated to 1 cockerel from J. A. Hanton't tock who had winning pen at All Northwest laying contest at Pullman, Wash., 1916-17. $1.50 for 15. $7.00 per 100. H. E. Thompson, HiHsboro, Ore.. R. 4, Box 14. Phone 115. I huire petition., bearing over 100 .i 'liatnres from men of all polit . il affiliation, was presented to Win. (!. Hare, the first of the week, asking him to run for the iisluture. The petition was cir- . . i p i - i . culateil lor a lew niiniucs oiny, mil then taken to Mr. Hare, who uill consider running. If he Jionld become a candidate be ... ... 1 . 1 L . ... 1 . . will Hie direct ami not circulate petitions. Mr. Hare has served one term in the lower nouse una nns n knowledge of the needs of the t.ite. He has broad views on legislation and knows how to pre- nl them. His law business is i ! . 1 1. . . 1. : . now m sucn snape mai ins pin ners, Messrs. Mc.Vlear and Pe ters, can take care of things for a 10-day stretch, and if urging will do any good. W. C. will have to run and that's all there is to it. HARD SURFACE ROADS Will soon lead from Portland to the splendid Beaverton - Reedvilte Acreage BENJAMIN BIRDSELL Man' choice small tracts on sale. Splendid train service morning and evening into the city. Buy your little home before the big raise comes. SHAW-FEAR COMPANY 102 Fourth Street PORTLAND, OREGON eeed nt nn early date. Your con tribution was ir 8.00. ill you kindlv remit same to Mr. II. V. Meade, See-Trens., Oreneo. Thanking yon for your assist ance nnd co-operation, wc are Yours very truly, J. C. Uechen, Frank Imbrie, , It. Puboks, John Traehscl, Andrew Egginian, Committee, 49-tf Denny, of Whitford Stn- Tiano for sale. Call or write H20 Base Line, near Fourth St., Hillsboro, Or. 50-82 W. A. Hermens, of Verboort, n ni the. city, lriday, (laying taxes nnd remembering, the fain il v journal. He says that the winter wheat is looking fine out his way. A. V tion, below Heavcrton, was in the city Tuesday, on probate busi ness. He was appointed adminis trator of the estate of his late wife, who held 40 acres of land at Whitford. -Mr. Denny and his two sons are the heirs. P. (1. Hettendorf, J. J. Conaway and 1!. V. Lawrence were appointed appraisers. J. J. Krehs, of Itockawny, left for home the first of the week. after a few days visit with rela tives nnd friends. He is the same old J. J., and still enjoys life and a good laugh and .says that he knows a recipe for a kill-gloom that has no equal. Jake says: "Just go to a vaudeville show with C. lilascr and John Kanina. nnd you'll never forget it." lKnjamin Uirdsell, well known here and at Forest Grove, died at the home of his daughter Mrs. E. L. McCormiek, in Hillsboro, Ore., March ", 191 S . at 8 in the morn inu, after an illness covering a period of several months. Mr. Hirdsell was a man of affairs and notwithstanding his 80 years was keenly alive to public nnd world events. He was a man of w orth and his word was as good as his bond. He was born at Port Dover in the Province of Ontario,. Can ada, April 7, 1838, and moved to Winneshiek Co.. Iowa with his parents in 1851. Ten years later he was married to Miss Ma- ry Unit, .uareu zt, loui, at i.c corah. Iowa, the wife passing in this city, Oct. U, 1915. They came to Oregon in January, 1891 and first settled in Hillsboro. In UJO t they moved to Portlnnd.and later they moved to Forest Grove where they lived until the Spring of 1908. when thev returned to Hillsboro. Last year Mr. Bird sell made a trip back to bis boy hood homes, visiting in Ontario, New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio and Iowa. He went East with the firm conviction that it would be his last trip to old scenes. The funeral took place this af temon nt the E. L. McCormiek home and interment was in the local cemetery, under the auspic es of the Masonic Lodge, of this city. The surviving children nre: Mrs. Katherinc Lee, of JJoisc Idaho: Mrs. Agnes Savitz. Qua kertown. Pa.; J. P. Hirdsell, F.n terprise, Ore.; Mrs. E. L. McCor miek. Hillsboro; Mrs. John Den 'Portland, formerly of this city: Curtis Pirdsell, Hillsboro ,nit Leavitl Hirdsell, of Alberta Canada, Hillsboro Auto Livery Feed and Boarding Stable Prices Reasonable DA Y AND NIGHT SERVICE 2nd & Washington Sts. Phrne, Main j5 We wish all our Patrons and all Hillsboro a HAPPY NEW YEAR By Prompt Work and Proper Prices we will help to make it Prosperous. Come In and Look Around See What We Have to Offer Jeweler and Optician ) Main Street Hillsboro, Oregon Argus and Daily Oregonian STcm, $6