The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, February 21, 1918, Image 1

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    I'P lr
NO. 49
; .-- T -'t TZ
Tliirty-ono Men Drawn for Cir
cuit Court to Convene March 4
OlliciiiU Also Draw Six for Coun
ty Court Jury Service
'hik II. A. kuritli iiml Sheriff
A pilcgille Tuesday drew (liirtv-
ne mi ii for tin' circuit court veil
re, In rt port here Marrli fur
tin- March term. Of tin' thirty
4inr over half lire farmer. While
tin- ollicials were in tin" habit
liny also drew nix fur county
t'uiirl service fur four mouths.
Tin' circuit court venire : .
James letlin Forest (iron
IVder I. LiMi-garde. IlilKlioro It ft
Sherwood It !l
I. nun I It 'J
.... F ( It 1
Sherwood It ft
I', (i rtrutotl .,
.tolill V I lushes
V III .l.'ll'liHOll .... ,
.liilin (' A ii.l. r
Wm (' Darctv..
... Kintoii 11 :t It 11
.Infill runic
Frank Culfclt
II V Meade
t'nlt iii Wyldcr
II T lliuton
I'.iUnril C WcU.L
Jlrooki Howard
S I. Carlylc ,
John (iniirilc ,
Sherw noil
( Irciieo
... F'orcst Grove
... 1'iircsl Grove
Ilea vi rion It I
( ; hi tun H i
F'orcst tirn c
Joint F Dnvis .. It 3
Joint linlaiiil ..,.. Hcitvcrton It 3
Andrew (i Siiiulliloom Tlgnrd
St. 'jilicn II Ilullock Hunks Ii 2
W tit A Vcrboort V drove It 'I
Alfred .1 DvhIc. Portland It 1
N.mlt .1 linker 1' Grove It 1
Al'lm Peter Sherwood It ft
i iv (,. It it
Mill.ui F. ItriKK-t. DilU y
Ito lici t ' .... Portland It "
George A Patterson Hillshorn
1 N Itoliiiison ..... .. Titiiliititt
C 'on ii t v Court Juror
F. J Godinaii...... Hillsdale It 2
W in Henvcrtnn It
Joint It Il.trgrave Hilltiboro
.loliu II KlliTHini llcnvi rtnii It 4
Trunk llihliop ...Sherwood It 1
JIi n nj . Sherwood It 5
Paihv M. F.dwarils wits l.orii
Monti.i lirr. 'crinout. .Inly
I S HI, mill ilicil at his Inline in
Or. lien, nil Feb. 13. 1 ! 1 8. De
ceased eiiuic to Oregon nearly H
years urn, going In Oregon City, i
where lie worked in tin' paper
mills for a time. I.iiter lie pur-
luiM il n farm at Fnriningloii,
iiml miii one of the first dairymen
in Washington futility. lisos
iug of I Ik farm, lie moved to
Portland, where he wits married
to Mrs. .lane Wiley, March M,
IN!!'.', front I'ortlaiiil lie niovcil
In Neuherg, nnil from there to
'.n allis, coming In Oreiico near
lv si year iio, Hcfori' ciiininu
to Oni;nii lie niarrleil it Miss
llcviiohN. ilmiRbtcr wfts
liorn In Ihcin, both I""!? !"'
ilci. I. lb' Niirvivcil by liis w ill
nw ninl a sister, n-rctl HH years,
lit iii at Daniclsnn, Cintil.
'l'lic funeritl were Itebl lit Oreii
co. I'riihiy, iiml interment was in
the llillsbori) cemetery.
l'or Sale Melbourne wagon,
,'l inch lire, lirst cIiish cniiititioti,
cinnl to inch, compK'lo with
California -rrnin bcil. Price, rea
siin.ible. liiiiiire at lltf Noi'lh
I'lains Meat Market. Tclcihoiie,
M i in 57:i. North I'lains ri'it-Ir.-.l.
Sum .lohnson nnil .lolin Kasse
baiiin, Shmly Hi'ook, nnil ('has.
Wnlteis, of North I'lnins, were
Hillslioio visitors Saturday.
EXECUTORS, Administrators, Guardians, Pub
lie Custodians and others Laviug public and
private trusts to perform can render proper
service by depositing with its.
We Have One of the Best Safe
Deposit Systems in the State
A proper place for valuable papers.
We invite inspection of this department in con
junction with the others. '
An excellent bank for handling all branches
of bank business.
Herman Cup, of near (irccn
ville, wits In the city Sunday,
II, It. I'liltnli, of Olson Station,
was n city visitor Tuesday, on
business at the court house.
Carl Ilcrgtfreii, of North
I'lains, was over Saturday, al
IciuliiiK the dairy meeting.
Jacob Wlsiucr iiml two sons,
J. J. ami Carl, were up from Ce
dar Mill, Saturday nfternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. F.nrl I.ulher ciuuc
up from Meilfnrd, mid spent Sun
day with the A. P. l.ulhcrs and
the Ilarlrauipfs,
Attorney W, (J. Hare went to
Salem Tiiesilay, to nppenr befure
one of the state boards for n
Southern OrcKon cliciititK'.
Mr. and Mrs. Oail Wells, of
Portland, were out Sunday,
lioine folks, (iail is still in
the electric department in the
sliipbuililiiiK work.
Haskrt Social Fur bcticlit of
Iowa Hill Hand, at Firdalc scbool
house, Mnrclt U, nt 8 p, in. The
band will furnish the music nnil
program. I'.verybody Invited.
l'or Sale--liig tirade Jersey,
fresh cow, 8 years tdd, makes it
lbs butter weekly; also !)-yr-old
;'olt, workeil few times; gentle
.iiul kind. - S. M. (iiapiuau, Cor
nelius, Ore. 47-!
Archie Drown, well known
here in the restaurant business
several years ntjn, "ml later nl
Forest drove, in tbf livery busi
ness, is here front California for
a short visit.
X, M. I.allue, in business !
Sheridan, w as dow n to Ilillsboro,
Friday, urccling friends. Zibr
says that Sheridan is still thriv
ing even if the town has sent n
Krcat many youiitf nteil to the
l'or Sale or F.xcliaiitfc Ninv
room house in nice residence dis
trict of Ashland, Oregon. Also
business block consisting of three
stores below with apartments
above, all bringing in nice in
come. Will take city or farm
property near Ilillsboro. Write
ISox Ilillsboro, Ore. k-l
Mrs. I'.sthcr I.eisy, of Portland,
and her son, Douglas, with the
Portland police force, were
over Sunday, guests of the (leo.
Il.'tthorns, of Laurel. Guv Ila-
lliorn, who is now in the Navy,
w as up the last of the w eek, on a
leave ol itliseiiee aim lite grand
mother made it special trip out to
, f a I ..1
sec the sailor.
Mrs. .1. J. Krebs, of Itocka-
way, is in the city. She has been
visitiiiL- in Portland, mid was ac
companied to that city by Itei
dnuuhler, Mrs. Martin Wood
ward, of Juneau. Alaska, who
returned to her Northern home
this week, after all extended vis
it at the parental home at Rock
invav. Mrs. Krebs will visit rcl
atives and friends here this week
while J. J. plays solitaire at tin
beach home. She savs that Rock
nwav has ittanv men workinir in
the government spruce division
On a recent Sunday night i
tmiiv of l(i, mostly women, from
the Oak Park ami Jamrs section
went to church, making the tti
on foot, rather than bother with
the teams or tnaehiiien. On their
return home tltev nut up their
umbrellas, sixteen in number, and
at the lotnr bridire tbcv met mi
auto. The headlight , threw
ir biro and .shimmer on the wet
umbrellas, and the driver .stop
pctl, thinking perhaps it was
licet of cps, or it procession
from the war zone. When he saw
what the parade was be offeree
lo treat them to ice erenni if they
would walk back to the city
but his courteous offer was de
Over One Hundred Attend St-
tion at court Houie Saturday
President Alma D. Katz Pretent
and Outlined Need of Industry
Over one hundred Attended the
meeting called by the Oregon
Dairymen's League in the court
ouse last Saturday, and the
ight Washington County Locals
were represented l.y n limit sixty
ineliil.ers, lite other lorty lieliig
airyuteii who were interested in
the developments of the business.
liiin 1). Katz, the president of
the league, was in charge, of the
session, ami he told of the vieis-
itudes of the men w ho furnished
the milk for the country, and ask-
d for members for the organiza
tion. Washington County has
the following on the directors'
Chns. 1). Hernnrds, It. H. Den
ny ami Jacob .wuigli, jsenvcr-
on; I'lrich Tannlcr, A, Schall-
icrger, M. Kclirli, i. r.. arm-
strong, Hillsdale; 1 lios. (. artmcn
ael, (iaston.
Washington County has eight
... . " i
ocnis, Willi secretaries as ioi-
ows :
No. 1, L. Ci. Self ridge, Hanks;
So. 2, F.. M. Maxwell, daston, It.
No. a, It. H. Denny. Heaver-
on, lire.; .o. u, l lias, jtaniioru,
orcst drove; No. H, 1 W. Con-
t, l l.l, 1 f . V ,11
ncii, lliiisiioro, u. i; .so. n.
.ester K. Campbell, Scholls,
Ilillsboro, It. 2; No. 15, J. J.
Wismer, Portland, It. 2; No. It),
arl Hcrgcrell, Ilillsboro, It. 8,
at North Plains.
A number signed up with the
.ncitls, and n number of other
lave tin! tnauer oi an orgnni.n-
liou uniler consideration.
very enjoyable afternoon was
spent at ISloonling. at Hie Home
of Mrn-'Hhrnsfcrt, last Friday, in
ii.nor of her birthday. I be af
ternoon was taken up with music
and conversation, after which n
licious luncheon was served.
The guests departed wishing ner
, i .. i. i
many more sucn uinuiuivs.
Those present were Mrs. J. J.
Krebs, Mrs. J. h. Reeves, .Mrs.
Mauley and Vera, Mrs. Hiinning.
Mrs. Sehub, Mrs. Pfnlil, Mrs.
Muhman, Mrs. II. Kantna, Mrs.
Il.-iiiielinan, Mrs. F.d Krahmer,
Mrs. Volgeiiiut, Mrs. Krabmcr Sr.
Mrs. Hcrriim. Mr. and Mrs.
Sehimlel. .Mr. ami .Mrs.
.en a
Mrs. Kariicttstein, Misses
liertlia and Anne Jlclirmnii
Itohert -. Miane, oi r in
die'''n l'ortland, Feb.
nfffl'ti illness of seven
h . rtiu niia. Me was
Robert N. Shane, of Farmington,
Hi, 11) IS.
nil inonin
. . .
as horn m
Delaware Co., Iowa, March l(i
lSt!2. Me was married to Susan
Saniels iii 1K!2. They came to
the coast in 1!08, ami settled a
mile cast of Farmington. .Hi
leaves a widow and one son
Frank L. Shane. Of bis immedi
nle familv he leaves three sisters
i-ei.tiiiir in l'ortlainl Nan C.
Frances A. and Mary . A broth
er, John, died a few weeks ago
The funeral was held I'cb. IS
and interment was in Mt. Calva
rv Cemetery, near Portland.
Mr. Shane was a kind and lov
ing husband nnd father and
good neighbor.
.Tniiies Thomnson, n donkey
emrineer w ilh the Tualatin Val
ley Lumber Co., had his left leg
broken while, running a donkey
last Saturday. Hie crank pin
loose and the crunk
struck him several times befor
he could get away. His knee cap
u'hm broken and the bone was
fractured near the knee cap, ex
tending Into the joint. Dr. E. H
Smith attended the sufferer and
savs that the break is a bad one
.iii'.l will lav Thompson up for
some weeks.
Simrle Comb White Minorca
ecus for sale for hatching. From
pens that score above !0. My
hiids are very lurirc a new
strain called the American Beau
ty; prize winners; won all prises
at 1917 State l'air, ami 10 prizes
at Washington Co. Fair. F.ggs
$1.G0 per setting of 16. Wm.
Tupper, Box li)3, Ilillsboro, Ore
gon. 4!"tf
Preaching at Advent Christian
Church next Sunday. Sermon by
E. W. Shepard, Evangelist, Port
land. You are Invited.
Ulrielt Keinpf, of Helvetia, was
in town yesterday.
G. W. Whitmori: a i"in .?6in
Laurel the first of the irk,
v..,.. I li...... ll:1,!rk. I.
ilou n lo llii- conr ImiisC JTuiAi! J a ,
.7 -
on business. , , 4 I
Mel Iliatt, of near yjlb:y, was
in tow n Tuesday, conf 'w! v illi
the county court, ft
J. H. Walker, of lin,
and Frrd Clark, of Fnirftfrigron,
were city cullers the l!rX of the
w eek. ' . --
Supervisor Vitmlerzaiidcn, ;T'
Roy, mid J. A. krieger, of Ver
boort, were Ilillsboro visitors
Supervisor TrachseJ, of ncar
F.liiicmica, and II. It.Kdigar, Of
Bethany, were Hillsbr visitors'
Monday morning.
Carl A. Munson -arid Helen
Cornwall were united! in marri
age in this city, Feb. fi ID is.
Judge W. I). Smith ofltf iattng.
Peter Vnndchey, of jfeuvcrtmi,
was in the city the fir.-4.!.ue
week. Pete has bought proper
ty in Heaverton to make a per
manent home. ;
Wm. Moore, of Portland, was
out Sunday, to visit his mother,
Mrs. Mary Moore, pioneer of
18 Hi. Win. says his son, Roy, is
now in the U. S. army.
Lutheran services at the Cong,
church, Sunday afternoon. Eng
lish services at 2 o'clock ; (ierni ui
services at 2:45; Sunday School
at 2. E. W. Luecke, Pi'stor.
E. L. Moore, traveling for a
Seattle wholesale house, arrived
in from San l'raneisco, the lirst
of the week, ami stopped over in
Ilillsboro, Monday, f'.r a .short
isit with family and friends.
For Sale Holstein bull calf. I
months old, out of splendid rea-
stered cow and registered hull.
Jesse Hansen. Heaverton. II. 'i.
Telephone 2 !) It X "J , Hillsboro cen
tral, llirce miles west ol teilari
Mill. tr-o !
Lro II. Fitzlaff, of South Tual
atin formerly, now cook with the
Hi 1st Infantry at Camp Lewis.
with rank of sergcnftt wus over
Sundav, visiting home folks. Leo
tys that it is a great game ami
he never felt better in bis life.
E. I. Kuratli has his office in
the Ilillsboro National Hank Hid.
Loans your money, insures your
niildings, rents your houses, luiy.s
, ,, . i
ami sells your properiv, inai-ies
collections. Notarv Public.
lso speaks German and Swiss.
.Fudge Cranilall is receiving
the greetings of his friends on his
87th birth anniversary. The
Judge is still able to get around.
iiul he can still make one of the
best after-dinner talks you ever
Free Methodist Church, corner
Fifth and Oak Sts., J. N. ood.
Pastor Sabbath School at 10 a.
m., Mrs. I.ueV Sigler, Superin
tendent; preaching at 11 a. m.
and 7:.'10 p. m.; prayer nieetting
on 1 hiirs.lav evenings. All are
I have 130 acres lor sale, six
miles soutii ot nuisooro; nrij
. . . it'll 1 S . i ..
acres clear; eighty acres heavy
saw timber; ten acres grove
ffOOll DUIlllings; iauuiy oienarui
. , ., ,. r ! 1 1 .
large creek runs through place;
1 1 cows. 4 heifers. All goes very
reasonable; one-half cash or 1
will sell the timber for cash m
hand. A. L. Grebe, Ilillsboro
Ore., It. 2, Box 28 IS !)
E.lw. Sehulmerieh fell in th
basement at bis Main St. home,
early Sunday morning, and frac
tured one of his legs. He was
game enough to get upstairs, and
Dr. Smith fixed him up so he is
resting easy. Ed. smoked that
old dudeen'of his all the way to
the. doctor's ollice and all the
way back, and observed thai he
would get a little vacation all his
Win. Iluutemaiin, stationed at
Camp Lewis, was home this
week, visiting his wife nnd rela
tives. Wm. looks fine and says
that they feed him finely over
there. lie has gained ilO pounds
since he was sent to the Cam).
He is stationed at the pumping
plant, and savs it seems like old
times, when he pumped water for
irrigation on the Muntemann
Sarah Ii. Krieger has sued Wm.
Krieger, an attorney, for divorce,
the case being brought here on
ehanire of venue from Columbia
County. She alleges that marri
age took place in HHHi, in Port
land. She says her husband says
he is making about $1,500 aiuui
nllv in his law practice, and she
nslis for $100 monthly for tin
support of her two minor chil
dren and $100 monthly for her
' ' v
Daily by Physicians j
Number are Sent to Medical j
visory Board at Portland
1A W. I). Wood and Dr. F.'r
-&i!y have been putting In si
en and eight hours daily exam
fng men for fitness for U. S.
vice, and they have declared
fit from- twenty to thirty ea
day. The examinations and thj
results, by days, follows: 1
Thursday, Feb. Uth I
Jno. G. Findlatcr, 'OloS-cr
S't.rthrup, Julius Kosnitskv, G4
E. 1 itzlatf. Walter J. Judd. Hi
ert'M. M ( Robert, Leo Whites.'
Kibert A. Taylor, Albert Mel
ci?, Clarence E. Bennett, Clel
C. Inklev, Chas. K. Grifli
Herman I''. Zuercher, Rjjy V. G
ry, Fred W. Kastcr, Craude '.
McCurdy; Ernest C. Lehrer, L
snn Moad, Alva Patten, Fr
Cradis. I
Friday, Feb. 15 1
Wesley M'h'itford, Oswald (
Olson, Carl W. Hergert, Albei
Sehoiiiburg, Alax T. Wallac
Geo. M. Susbauer, Perry Curti
Chas. Lee Young, Ernest
Tucker, Myron Bryan, Jos. New
land, Carl Horehers, Guy C
Mott, Herman Janieke Jr., Job
A. Anderson, Alva J. Davis, New
ton C. Shipley, Hugh Lilly, Clyd
C. Ziylcr, Clarence I'amme, Jos
eph Vaii.'iiideiih.'igen, Winfred R.
Swift, Fred Sehombeekler, Fran
cis I.eis.
Appealed to medical advisory
hoard John II. Holznagel, Roy
II. Hughes, John D. Neuman,
Chas. Riehter.
Saturday, 16th
Chas. F. Gray, Benj. F. Scrog-
Sins, l. orey btowcll, Kalpn 1J.
Cole, Elmer O. Barber, Edwin
Smith, Rav V. Coleman, Carl J.
Wuthcri, Louis Peterson, Michael
Denan, John M. Vanderzanden,
I'mil Krause, Fred Dysle, Co
fred Losle, August II. Dcssing'er,
Henry Kastek, John William
Schneider, Herbert W. Rowe,
Ernest E. Segessman, David L.
lohnson, Chas. N. Green, Frank
J. Persinger, John R. A. List, Eu
icene M. Smith. Harley B. La
liu.nt. Alfred Hebeisen, Homer
II. Cadv.
Referred to medical advisory
aril Wm. Martin, Walter V.
Ciiniuo, Hugh L. Weik, Roy L.
Humphreys, Fred W. Gombert,
Henry C. Vannoy, Chas, Pester
lield. Calvin J. Il'olem.
R e j ected Benj . Cuminings.
Monday, 18th
Alfred P. Eriekson, Robert E.
ites. Werner M. Prahl, Henry
G. Weekert. Carl B. C hristener,
Arthur 1). Rowe, Fred P. Lyons,
Wm. E. Moers, John H. Eberly,
Gaylord B. Abraham, Martin
Vamlecoevering, Earl M. Moore,
Wm. F. Durig. Lander Klaus,
August Graue, Wm. P. Vandeeoe-
vering, Olaf Johnson,-Herbert T
Strong, Martin Lyons, Frederick
A. Serjent. Jos. F. Mann, Roy E
Benefiel, Geo. Peter Nelson, Oray
Davis, Harrison M. Hughson,
Robert Lee Townson, Joseph D
Sent advisory medical board
Geo. B ruina ton, Alfred J. Hutch-
ens, Wm. II. Cornelius, Wilton E
Mincklev, Sydney Westfall, Wm
D. Sellers.
Rejected Geo. M. Rasmus-
sen, Andrew Frid, Carl T. Fiseh-
r, Carl Frid, Morgan Jefferson,
Jas. A. Sellers.
(Continued on page 2)
Louis J. Simpson, of North Bend,
Ore., lias tiled for governor, run
ning on the Republican ticket
He promises n business man's ad
ministration, and savs he wants
to see old Oregon do all it can to
help win the war, and his friends
think he can be a big factor in
lielniug. His announcement is In
mother column.
For Sale Two Grade Jersey
cows; will lie iresn dv rco. i
.,, 1 1 1 - TSl V
irood milkers : middle aiie. Fred
C. Mever, Cornelius, Ore., R.
Three miles south of Cornelius
Phone, Blooming 51. 47-9
Dr. E. H. Smith operated on
Mrs. Marshall Elder this week
She is convalescing at the Smith
Georcre Holsheimer, of Elmon
iea, was in the city Tuesday, and
called on the Argus. George
son, Philip, now in the service at
I t. Stevens, was up the other
il.iv. visitimr home folks. He now
weichs 210 lbs, a good reeom
mend for the cuisine at the Fort
C. B. BUCHANAN & CO., Inc.
O Va c ae
HSmL h; - t
3 ' E5" ft
c 7i CO r
s J - : s
s rn vvi i r
g Vx .rn
' x I 1 is
sf-i3 H
S r, c ?
JfCfcVACU. Phone 115.
i i .i : j ' t . K
Will soon lead from Portland to
the splendid
Beaverton - Reedville
Many choice small tracts on sale.
Splendid train service mortiing and
evening into the city. Buy your little
home before the big raise conies.
102 Fourth Street PORTLAND, OREGON
Hillsboro Auto Livery
Feed and Boarding Stable
Prices Reasonable
2nd & T. Washington Sts. Phone, Main yS
We wish all our Patrons and all Hillsboro a
By Prompt Work and Proper Prices
we will help to make it Prosperous.
Come In and Look Around
See What We Have to Offer
i Jeweler
Main Street i
Argus and Daily
I Plains
S and
Lath (
.Flour (
Main 14,
Main 263.
bid, mated to
ngpen at All-
Boitl. I
and Optician
Hillsboro, Oregon
One Y r
for Only