PAGE B SUMMONS. In the Circuit Conrt of tho Slate of Oregon for Washington County. Grace Craig, Plaintiff i va. Donald Craig, Defendant J To Donald Craig, above named de fendant: In the name of the state of Oregon you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled Court and cause on or before Friday, the 1st day of March, 19 18, which said date is six weeks from and after Thursday, the 17th day of January, ISMS, the date of the first publication of this summons, and if you fail to so appear or answer the plaintiff for want thereof will ap ply to the Court for a decree dissolving the marriage contract existing be tween you and the plaintiff. This sum mon is published by order of the Hon D..B. Keasoner, Judge of the County Court of the State or Oregon, and said order was made and dated on the 1 1 (h day of January, 1918, in the adsense of the Circuit Judge from the County. CLYDE RICHARDSON, Residing at 518 Chamber of Commerce Bldg., Portland, Oregon, Attorney for Plaintiff. Executor's Sale of Real Property In the matter of the Estate of Green berry H. Rushy, deceased. Notice is hereby given that the under signed Executor of the last Will and Testament of Greenberry H. Busby, deceased, pursuant to the terms of said Will, will from and after the lSlh day of February, 1918, proceed to otfer for sale- and sell, at private tlu office of Hare, McAlear & Peters, i.i the Shute Savings Bank Building, in Hillsboru.Oregon.the following describ ed real property, to-wit, situate in Washington County, Oregon, to-wit: 1st Tract: Beginning at a point on the Sonth line of the Jacob Wooley Dona tion Land Claim No. 49, T. 1 N. R. 3 W.Will. Mer., 11.50 chains West of the Southeast corner of the said Wooley Claim; thence North 20 chains to thi North line of tract of land conveyed by Flora and Dwight Pomeroy to Emma E. Colestock in said claim; thence West 8.50 chains to the Northwest corner of said tract ;thence South 20 chains to the South line of said claim; thence West on the South line of said Wooley Claim to the center of Dairy Creek; thence down the center of said Dairy Creek to the North line of Section 35, in said township and range.thence East on said section line and on the south line of sec - tion 25, in said township and range, to a point south of the place of beginning above noted; thence North 6.75 chains to the place of beginning, containing 43.50 acres, more or less. 2nd Tract: Commencing at a point 11.50 chains West and 20 chains North of the southeast corner of the Donation Land Claim of Jacob Wooley in T. 1 N. R. 3 W. WilL Mer., said point being the northeast corner of the tract above de scribed; and running South 10 50 rods; thence East to the center of the pubi c easement running through the laiuls formerly owned by Wm. Leverich and Flora Pomeroy to the County Road: thence North along the center of said public easement to the line between the lands of Flora Pomeroy and Isaac Lei sy; thence West about 15 roils ,to the place of beginning, containing 1 aero. And also all title and interest to a cer tain road leading from said land to the public road as described in deed record ed on page 17 of Book 51 of Deeds of Washington county, Oregon, saving and excepting therefrom, however, that certain ten acre tract heretofore conveyed by said deceased to M. V. Galloway, as described in deed record ed in Book 96 at page 192 of Deed Records of Washington county, Oregon. Terms of sale, $3500.00 cash, and for the balance of said purchase price will accept promissory note secured bv first mortgage upon the real property above described. Bids will be received at the office of Hare, McAlear & Peters. Dated this 17th day of January, 1918. E. J. McALEAR, Executor of the Last Will and Testa ment of Greenberry H. Busby, deceased. Hare, McAlear & Peters, Attorneys I for Executor. NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS Notice is hereby given that on Monday, Feb. 18, 1918, the tax rolls for the year 1917 will lie open for collection of taxes, ami the first half of all taxes shall he paid on or before April 5 follow ing, and the second half on or be fore October 5 followintr. Inter est shall he charged and collect ed at the rate of one per cent per month or fraction of a month in case ot delinquency, until paid. Interest at said rate applies to the first half if not paid by April I 6, and to the second half if not paid by October 5. All taxes re maining unpaid on October 5 shall be delinquent, and on No vember 5, 1918, a penalty of 5 per cent, will be charged and col lected thereon in addition to the interest herein provided. Any day after the expiration of six months after the taxes charged against real property are delinquent, the sheriff shall have the right, and it shall be his duty upon demand to make out and issue certificates of delin quencies against such property, such certificates to bear interest at the rate of 12 per cent. On, or as soon as practicable after, October 5, the tax collector shall levy upon sutiieient goods and chattels of delinquent tax payers and sell same to satisfy said tax. or said sheriff shall charge said personal tax against real proper ty and said tax shall become n lien upon said real property, and shall be enforced in the same manner as other real estate tax liens. In making request for state ment of taxes, town lots should be' designated by addition and lot and block number. Acreage should be designated by section, township and range. Whenever possible description should be copied from deed or contract. On paying second half of tax it will be necessary to return the origi nal first half tax receipt. J. C. Applegate, Sheriff, and Ex-officio Tax Col lector for Washington County, Oregon. By Geo. Alexander, Deputy. were ulaeed under BKifeinetit eIHl-1 This Is Our Winter of Test EUVIXtl food Is a lo ml problem for each community. Prices and definite rules for every one cannot be formulated. It Is a duty for each one to eat only so much jis Is tieeesMiry to maintain the human body nealtliy and at rung. This winter of 191$ Is the period when Is to ho tested here in America wheth er our ioople are capable of vol untary Individual sacrifice to save the world. That Is the pur pose of the organization of the Culled States Food Adinlnlstru-tloii- by voluntary effort to pro vide the ft m1 that the world needs. C. S. FOOD ADMINISTRATION Europe's Meat Supply Must Come From America. Warring Naticns Have Depleted Llvs Stock at Encrmout Rate, Tve Killing Dairy Cattle For Food. American stix-k breeders are being asked to conserve tlielr tlocks and neros in or.ler to meet Kuropes tre mendous demands for meats during the war and pruliuhly for many years afterward. The I mted Slates fiiod adminis tration reports that Anieri.tin stock raisers tuive shown a disposition to co-oH-r:ite with the government III In creasing the nation's supply of llxe stork. liorinany tuday is probably better supplied with lie stotk than any oth er KuroiH'sin nation. When the Ger man armies made their big ndvnnce Into France and thou retreated 'vir tually till the cattle in the Invaded territory approximately I,SlKi,000 head were driven behind the Herman lines. But 111 Kiijihind where 2.4OO.OO0 ai res of pasture lands have been turn ed into pram fields tho cattle herds are decreasing rapidly. One of the reasons apparently Is the deelining maximum price scale adopted bv the Ktii'lish ns follows: lor September, tlT.Tii per 100 ids; October, $17.2S November and December, ?H!.(IS; Jan- hiry, $11. 10. The effect of these prices was to drive beef animals on the mar ket as n us possible. In France the number of rattle as well as the ijiMility have shown an enormous decline during the war. Where Franco bad 1 l,SO7,000 head of cattle In 1913, she now has only 12, 341.900, a decrease of 10.0 per cent. And France Is today producing only one gallon of milk compared to two anil one-half gallons before the war. Don murk and Holland have been forced to sacrifice dairy herds for beef because of the lack of necessary feeL Close study of the European meat situation has convinced the Food Ad- ministration that (lie future problem of America lies largely in the produc tion or meat jintiiucinj; animals ana (fttiry products rather than In the pro duction of cereals for export when the war will have ceased. SHIPMEN TO ENROLL Franklin T. Griffith, State Direc tor of the Public Service Re serve, this week inaugurated the state wide drive for speeding up the shipbuilding program in Ore gon The program is nation wide in scope and calls for the enroll ment of 250.000 skilled men who will he available for service in the various shipyards of the country w hen the United State snipping Hoard brings its pro gram up to the maximum produe ing capacity. vt rue Ziu,uuu skilled men needed by the eouuntry, Oregon's quota will be 320-K This number is divided into 81 different class es of skilled labor and are to be enrolled throughout the entire entire state. This enrollment of skilled la bor will constitute what will be known as the "United States Shipyard Volunteers" and will be conducted with the least possible disturbance to existing industries The men are not to be called in to shipbuilding service at once, but are merely to be registered, so that when the government calls for them they will be ready I hey will not be called until needed for work in a particular - i it- . . yaro ami lor a particular pur pose, and will be paid the pre vailing wage in the yards. While Oregon's quota is 8204, State Director Griffith is confi dent that before the drive is over, the enrollment will show a total of very close to 20,000. Any man who can use an edged too is eligible to register. Frank C. Pauli is the enrolling agent for Hillsboro, and can be found at Moscow's Store. Chancy Beiiefiel, of Manning, was in town Saturday. He has four boys and three of them are in the service of Uncle Sam. One is left at home and he wants to f?o. J. C. Hoover, of Beaverton, was a Hillsboro visitor Saturday. " i"i TELLS OF PHEASANTS Write-up ot Washington County Game Status in Publication GOES TO EVERY STATE Remington Arms Sporting Page Contains Local Story Live .fws .vines, uy me ucm ington Arms Union Metallic Car tridge Co., is running a scries of f V- .11 .1 a. sport ntdes which are iroinir to every newspaper otlice in tin union. Its is.Mie of last week con tains the following niient hunting in Washington County: "Notwithstanding: this section of Oregon (Washington county) has boon settled since l!lt), the county is ricn in good snooting. Peer abound in the Coast Kange mountains unci many bucks are killed during the open season liom August la to November 1. The county is situated in a basin and there is a great deal of over fiow. Ducks are plentiful in the late fall and winter, and there are thous ands killed each season by sportsmen using the Wind system. Hi sboro has n Kod & ttun Club, with F. J. Sew ell as Secretary. Mr. Sewell is an enthu siastic sportsman, and won tho Denny t up at the Portland shoot last fall Mongolian Pheasant "The great game bird of the county is the Mongolian pheasant imported nere irom uinui bv the ate Judee Denny, an enthusiastic sportsman of pioneer days. These are the most beautiful birds known to the snort The bird is about the size of the aver age barnyard vt hite Leghorn, more trimly built, and a table delicacy that rivals any wild game. The cock is a beautiful bird, his head and crest hnv ing ail the colors of the rainbow. Tho Hartrampf Brothers, who have a bird farm, recently shipped by express 700 of these birds to the Pennsylvania State tinme Commission. Pennsylvan ia will see some great sport when these fellows are turned loose and have had a year of nesting. The Ore gon black bear has his haunt in this section. The mountain district is his hhhitat. Gaston, a few miles south of Hillsboro, has a Kod s Gun Club that has S00 acres of a duck reserve on ov erflow lands in the winter. Trap shooting is in its infancy here, and there is but little rifle practice. Many Hillsboro sporstmcn hunt on the Willamette River, 20 miles from here, tributary to tho Columbia, and this is the real duck hunting ground of the state. Man Kills Tame Deer "An incident of interest took place near here last summer. County Judge IS. (). Stevenson had six tame door in a park at his mountain home. C. S V hite, a rancher, aged 79 years, went out hunting, climbed the fence, not knowing it was a preserve, and shot one of the Judge's pets. When tho Judge appeared and remonstrated the old fellow Baid: "Jedge, this is the first deer I've HI led since I was 60 and I didn't know it was a tame one. I jest naturally feel young again, and I II pay fer the deer." I he aged sportsman commenced fumbling in his pocket to get out his coin when his gun discharged and he shot himself in the heel. He was taken to a hospi tal but says that he doesn't mind the iniurv or uavine for the deer as it took 30 years of his life to see the venison crumple. CARD OF THANKS Wc desire to extend our heartfelt thanks to all who so kindly as sisted us and tendered aid and sympathy during our bereave ment, the death anil obsequies of our father, the late Adolph Hon- zaik. His Childrn. Hillsboro, Ore., Feb. 7, 1918. II. Tobcr, of below Rood's. was in tow n Saturday. Fred Slucki, of imar Rethany, was in the city the Jast it the week. Sydney Luce, a brother of Ex County Clerk fcd. J,uce, came up from Plush, near Lakcv iew, last week, and will visit around for a few weeks. Sydney is an old .Spanish war veteran and he is itching to get into the big game sergeant l.nrl Ulsen, ot l amp Lewis, was in the city over Sun day, visiting his wife and his par ents, Mr. and .Mrs. 1'red Olsen. The Sergeant is looking line and says they use linn splendidly up at camp. Koseoe liciiui it, ot near licav- erton, was in the city Tuesday. Mr. Rennett and wife recently moved to this county troin Au burn, Iowa, and are residing with Mr, Bennett's mother, Mrs. J. K. Dennett. F.rvine Hurkhalter, who now runs a rord like an oldtnner, was in trom Muith Juaialin yester day. F.rvine says that any man running a Lizzie over our Winter roads in the country is qualified to take the wheel, of a subma rine. weputy u. rs. .Marshal came out from Portland Monday and arrested J, K. Jaeobsen, the Tim ber station agent and operator, mid took linn to rorlland, Jle will answer question before the U. S. District Attorney as to Hie reasons why he had the wireless plant contrary to U. S. regula tions. Wanted: Hogs, slioats, sheep, beef, etc. We buy in Washing ton county and pay telephone charges ot prospective sellers if they mean business. Will call in response to telephones or let ters. Address C. K. Rogers, Portland, It. I, Uox !2, or tele phone Woodlawn 5358. Will also do general hauling and long distance moving.' 35tf TIME TABLE All, except the P. It. N. trains are electric, and slot) t tho de pot on Main street. To Portland. I nrcM throve tram (noun, in. .Me.Mimiville tram 7:!l(ia. in. Sheridan train 10 :0.'l a Forest drove train 12:50 n McMiuuville train 2:lti p Forest Grove train 8:63 p F.ugene train 4, IS p MoMiimville train ti:40 p l ores! drove train !;50i. in. rroin Portland. Arrives I'.ugene train 8:13 a. in. McMiuuville train 10:1.1 a. in. 'rest drove train -.1 1 :6! a. in. drove I rain.. 8:1 1 p. in. Mic.-idan train :38 p. ni. l.r":d drove train . 0:40 p. in. MeM'nnville train 7:15 p. in. F-i'st (trove train . !:00p. in. .: Alinnvillc train 12:18 ). in. All trains slop on flair at Sixth and Main; at North Range and Fir streets, Sixth ami Fir streets, ami at Tenth street. Steam Service From Old Depot at Foot of Second Street. To Portland. P. It. & N. train 4:05 p. in. From Portland P. It. - N. train 10:00 a. in. Motor Car Service. To Buxton k . 12 :25 p. in. To Timber 4:20 p. in. From Timber - !:55 a. in. From lliixton 2:10 p. in. ATTENTION, FARMERS FirNt Truck attachment exhibit ever lit hi in aMiiiigton loiinty, now at tin salesroom, 1251 Sec ond Si., I -ton; I'Vton; 2 ton, and 2 ton special. The Western Truck Attachment Co., 11. H. Sclilcel.'Agcnl. I also have taken the agency for farm tractors. Call for liter at urc and information. OREGON ELECTRIC TRAINS To IWtLind55 minutes A. Ill II. III. a.m. a.m. 7: IS L S:2S !:3S , .. : V p. in p. tn :i:!5S 5:1S 7:5:i p. in p. in From Portland 55 minutes a. in a. in a. in p.m , p. in p. in 2:12 4:27 0:31 7:18 8:25 p. in p.m 12:20 a. in NOTICE TO CRKMTOUS In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Waah inston. In the matter of the estate of Thomas Charles Johnson, deceased. Notice whereby given that the under signed haB been duly unpointed by the almve entitled court as administratrix of the estate of Thomas Charles John son, deceased, and him qualified as such. Now lherclore, all iiersons havine claims against said estate are hereby not i lied and required to present th same together witn protier voucher: therefor, to the undcrxigned at the law office of Hare, McAlear & Peters, in the American National Hank Huildin.', IlillHboro, Oregon, within six months from the date hereof. Dated Feby. 6th. 1!18. 1 Hettie A. Johnson, Administratrix of the estate of I homas ( harles Johnson, deceased. Hare. McAlear & Peters, Attorneys tor Adimstratrix. Notice of Executor's Sale of Real Properly Notice is hereby given that by virtue of and pursuant to an order of sale made ami entered by the county court of the State or Oregon for Washington County on the 22nd day of January, i'nx, hi tne matter oi the estate of Peter fiehson, deceased, tho under signed Executor of said estate, will from and after .Saturday, the 2nd day of March, 1918, proceed to sell at private sale to the highest bidder for cash in hand, all the following described real property belonging to said estate and situate in Washington County Oregon, to-wit: Heginning at an iron on the east line of .Section 29, T. 1. S. of K. 4 W. of W M. Washington County, Oregon, South M20.5 feet from the Northeast corner of said Section, the same being the N. 10. comer of the S. K. 1-4 of the N. K. 1-4 of Section 29; thence on .Section line south 120(1 feet to a point in Koadway; thence in the said roadway west 4H.7 feet; thence north 48 dog. 2'l min. west 9H.8 feet; thence north : deg. 45 min. east 84H.5 feet; theme north til deg. 45 min. west 252 feet thence south 9 deg. 112 min. west 38:i.2 feel ; thence south 8fi (leg. 02 min. wi nt 15V feet; thence north 04 (leg, 67 min west 2X5 feet; thence north 77 deg, 4!) min. west 417.5 leet; thence north 6r deg. 11 min. west 2W1.1 feet; thence south 81 (leg. .'19 min. west 3G0.3 feel to an iron, the southwest corner of the N. W. 1-4 of the N. K. 1-4 of Section 29; thence north 1320 feet, more or Ichk lo the 14 corner on the north line of said Section 29; thence on Section line east 1320 feet, more or less lo the S. W. corner of the N. K. 1-4 of the N. K. 1-4 of Section 29; thence south 89 deg. 41 min. east Vi'il feet to the place of beginning, containing tjO.02 acres, more or less. Rids for said real property will be received by tho undersigned nt the law offices of Hare, McAlear & Peters, in the American National flunk building, Ifillslsiro. Oregon, from and after the above specified date. Said sale will he made suhject to ronhrmation ty the County Court of the State of Ori'gon for Washington trounty. uuieu mis .list- oiiy oi jiuiuary, r.nn. William King, Kxecutor of the Estate of Peter Gebson, deceased. Hare, McAlear & Peters, Attorneys for Kxecutor. STOMACH TORN UP Indiana Lady Describes Conditioa, Which She Says Wm Due To Constipation and Tells of Relief Obtained From Black-Draught. Scottsbnrg, Ind.-Mrs. Annie Johnson, ot this place, writes: "I well rciiiembci I suffered tor a long time wllh constipa tion, w hich would get me down. I tool doctors' medicines and any number oi purgatives. They would leave me in ti worse condition than I was before takliiR. and my stomach so upset ... I know once I siiffeicd , . , Irom constipation, I ws so ill we had lo have the doctor, jusl so nervous and Icvcrlsli. The doctor said I would have to quit medicines, my stomach was so bad . . . My husband was reading and found something about Thcdlord's Black Draught and bronchi me a packacc to try. I usrd it regularly at lust until I be gan to feci better, then I used just a do c ocablonally. I was cured of this con stipation and am sure the lllack-lrauc,!ii did it." II your stomach Is out ot order, you will suiter from such disagreeable symp toms as headache, biliousness, imli:ct tioti, rlc, and unless something is donf, serious trouble m.iy result. Thrdlont's Utack-lVaut'ht has beer found a valuable remedy lor Ihc.t troubles. It is purely vegetable, aiC acts in a prompt ntul natural way, help- iiii lo regulate the liver and lo cleanse llic bowels of Impurities. Try IJIack-UniiKlit. EU-15 1',. I. Kuratli li.'is hW office in the llill.-dioro National Hank Hid. Loans vour inoucv. Insure voi.r buildings, rents your Louses, buys mill sells your property, inaki h collections. Notary I'uMie.- Also speaks German and, Administrator's Notice Notice is hereby given that the undersigned lias been by the Countv Court of WiiNliingteu omit v . Oregon, ilulv niiiminti il .itliiiiuistrator of the estate of Louis K rails, tlcecaseil, ami lias duly iiialitii iLas Mieh utlmiiiistr.t tor. All persons 1 1 ;t i 1 1 m claims again-.! saiil estate are hereby re quired to present the .same to tnc with proper vouchers at the law ollice of M. IS. ami 1. H. Hump, in Ilillshoro, Washington Coun ty, Oregon, within six months from date hereof. Dated nt Ilillshoro, Oreiron, Jan. 10, I !HS. 0. 11. K r.uis, Ailmiiiist ralor of the estate of Louis K rails, deceased. M. II. Bump and D. D. Hump, Allorncvs for said I'' slate. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT In The County Court of The State Of Oregon Fur Washington County. In the Matter of tho Estate of John Scharer, Deceusod. NOTICE is hereby given that tho undersigned administrator of said estate has filed in tho above entitled Court and his final account and report us such administrator,, and the said Court has fixed nnd appoint ed Monday the 25th day of February, 1918, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M. of said day, and the Court Room of the ahuvc entitled Court in Ilillshoro, Oregon, ns the lima nnd place for hearing objections to said final ac count and for the final settlement of said estate. Dated this 22d day of January, 1918. DAVID TSCHABOLD, Administrator of estate nforesnid. HARK, McALEAR & PETERS, Attorneys of ndmiiiistnttor. , lOHMIM'f 1, x ure ' UNSWPFTFNItn tVAPOHAltD Goat Milk The liirommirnlile Bithy Fond l lw I'prfi'i t hiHid for Invalid WftrltH wtnuln In ritfirii,K hmillli to iImim j ullnrinK iin ii!Mari-iiltaM nr ltimnrb IffMililM. e.wlllvrl, MlvMtti problem M inlaoliM nMlnulnlMMl. AT LIAOIN3 DHUQtlHT Put up la 1 l-oi . Tin WIDEMANN, GOAT. MILK CO. Phyictart Big. NOT -THE IS HE LOOKING FOR THE ENEMY? C . 2 THE HILLSBORO COMMERCIAL BANK CAPITAL and SURPLUS $70,000 Au old, safe and conservative Imtik, located in t lie Hillslxito Commercial block, i. W, corner Main ntul Second streets. Hillsboro Commercial Hank, Hillsboro Auto Livery Feed and Boarding Stable Prices Reasonable DA V AND NIGHT SKKViqt; 2nd & Washington Stv i'li' iio, Main NOTICE "F HHEHIPrS SUE. In The Cirrull Court of The tfiatc ol 1 Oregon For WaliiiiKton t'ounl). Charles E. Shorey, Plnintiif, v Clarence E. Veager nnd Mar Elide Yeager, his wife, Allison E. Veii'tr. W. II. FrenUel and EUie A. FL nlzel, I his wife, tl. A. Olsen ami ol en, his wife, llefemlaiits. ! lly virtue of an execution, judg-j ment order, doerisj and order of j sale issuisl out of tho ubovo entitled ( court in tho above entitled cause to me directed and dated tho 2 Lit day of January, 1918, upon the judgment rendered and entered in said court on I the day of January, 1918, in' favur of Churlea E. Shorey, plaiutilf, J and against Clarence E. Yeager ami Mary Elsie Yeager, his wife, defend iinU, fur the sum of $1000.00 togeth er with interest thereon at the rate i of eight per cent per nullum from the j 27th day of February, 1UI7 tho fur ther sum of $40. HO taxes paid; the 1 further sum of $ city liens paid by plaititf, und the further sum of $80.00 attorney's, fees, und for the costs und disbursements of this nut taxed at $61.75; nnd the costs of and upon this writ, romiiunuling me to make sale of the following descrilnsl real estate, to-wit: Conmencing at a point, 120 feet west of tho southeast corner of Hloek 0, of nnd in tho town of (now city) of Hillsboro, County of Washington, State of Oregon, and running tlienco west along the north lino of Wah ington Street 90 feet, thrnco north 198 feet, thenco east 118 feet, tlienco south 198 feet to tho plncn of be ginning. NOW THEKEFOKE, by virtue of said execution, judgment order, de cree and order of sale and In compli ance with the demands of said writ I will, on Monday the 2Gth day of Feb ruary, 1918, at tho hour of 10 o'clock A. M. at the front door of the Court House nt Hillsboro, Oregon, sell at public miction (subject to redemp tion) to th.e highest bidder for rash in hand all tho right, title and in terest which the within named de fendants and each of them had on the 25lh day of October, 1913, nnd sub sequent thereto, tho (Into of the mortgage hereinbefore closed, or since that date had in nnd to the above described property or nny part thereof to satisfy said execution, judgment order ami decree, Interest, costs und aecuring costs. J. C. APPLEGATE, Sheriff of Washington County, Oregon. Dated this 22nd day of January, 1918. First issue January 24th, 191R. Last isKtin Fehruury 21st, 1918. JOHN M. WALL, ' Attorney for Plaintiff. ANXIOUS TIMES FOR THE ADMIRAL j MUCH I A REAL FRIEND iendI OUR j ORDERLY WITH OUR SUPPLY Or W-B CUT.i V. 0. Doiu'lsui kTAKI'! Calls allcinliil niIit 'i i! v. Cliapcl ami Purlins. Htlhboro, Orvgan Tl 1C Old Rel Mhrtfortl it i It The Hartford Fire If ir a nct Co.. in the first iu d . m Co.tliat otTers l''nrmcil n ducers, lui cryiuiilShip;- 'i:iof live stock iilisohite j , !ce tion against of your stock by death of any i a ise. 5e, I'hone or Writ la I. let VAiulrrwul, Agent, 77-1 S.h M , Phon. Mam .0J. 11.11. hot, . (lie. DIAMOND tAwi:s i -v y A.V ,. tnwtW f.r Cltt Cllf 1 K, Jf!'." ""l"111'- t-i". '..Id Willi ii HIM..B Ta mo imhi n.lj.. """" k ft., I III t ilt " I' 1, (I AMWNU NKA IMI I.H, I I U M Jf rt-pwilr.l n, llr.,H4lcal, Alnar ' SOLD BY ALL DRUGGIE M il mi; EVERYWHERE IKIKU "A SHINE IN EVERY nnni w a A Utttffnmt. It il.---. rvt pry Mil; fn h ti.l tn H Ut drr; li.jimt t( OH ffii.lll; KlHH.tul.Iy no Watr; ihi (iit or ilirt VuM yuur ttuttsy't worth, Black Silk ' Stove Polish N not only mrMt rwmnmlcnl. hut II IfivtH. II hri'li Mil. ftilkyliiatra that .,.) Im .JaniH.-l Willi w other t"l'- Hinrii hi lit Hi...- 'Miiti id- n-t Ifih nff ll Imii fmir M .ti m m.Hn ii puton mi It urn yuu lima, w.trk tutd iwmoy . fr i wlwn yen Wnl cinv itllh( t niin f" lukriirHlaikMlli. If it i-ii moil yiiur leaJr wlllMu-! your mutwjr. nUrh Silk Slovt Poli.K Worki, SttfrlitiH, lllinoi. Hw 1h,k ttllk Alrhrvim' Iriiti ( ntirl rm pr-iU'n f' " Ulnnt, Hlnvn tii(ii, Mint I""" pudidi' tin rhiiH, 1'rvvrii' ' Vuotintr. Try it. I' liUt k Hllh Mn.l r--i-Hh fr llirwi,iiiiki'l.t'" Wurn or hrnM. Il u.nki In illiniil mirf ncn inlcltly, minHv nnd I ciuii lurtiHti n nuti TmW .HiW L.I. I UL L.UH1 1 1 : ; H m : i if 1 1 ; a . . - . . g. m g j YES-AND IF HE DOCSN'T ( Il mrkv tt a ..... I tSN'T M ArJ nuKKT ILL OIVE HIM WEEK IN THE BRIG! N i , l!lfN0 2 lilK I, pui'l VI tut, w ub