" ' M,,'nnWEff2!C7J' P LLSB6RO VOL. XX V HILLSBORO, OREGON, JANUARY 31, 1918 NO.J4G r REAM START Many New Plant to Begin Cut ting Thii Spring HIGHWAY BONDS TO SELL Mute Commission Will Plac $3,000,000 on Sal J.in. 2M I (ttiutrx In Oregon (ill draft report. Provost Marshal Mitiful's hook places Heaver Slnlti foremost in piilriiitlsiii. 1'ilsl illIll sIl.lHH highest Cllli.l llll III Credits CM'CN llf enlist ment mi r tpiota mill small -cmption la i in s feature. Itc . nil illy, insistently, ill tahlc, hul l mill Hiiitiiii.'ir v of llir report. Ilii' name of Ori gin "hails nil I lit- rcsl." Pilot It.nk- 1 .01)0 m ux m;I. nrrilii il fur grain i -levator. iilr M i Hu n r ri y' 1100 jail t tin ili led. Toledo New hiiwiuill to opcr I r Inn l y Jan. 1. Silvcrtou I. mis sawmill sold lo Si, CroU I .ii in I -r Co. Opera tillll III fOIIIIIII'IICC HOOII. i.iiiiiioii nirK iv iisou I .u in In r Co, hi ri li;i sc Itt rC' tract t : I .. I I i I , , . iiiiioi r mini iii i iiiiiinnia i o, lui- JfKIIO.OOO. Salem .$ .'1,000,000 worth ol liouds In Iii' kohl liy State High w nv Commission this year. Cottage (irovc Oakland plan iug mill to In' moved lu re. HriiKiurl New mill on l'iu iiia lo In- operating within ml lit j . Hamloii Work hlarln on new ennilcnscry here, Norlli llcnd - Construction of two dry kilns ill Him luu r mill lo stall, (iardincr Work on three saw mills lu re lielng rushed. North Hcnd Coudciiscry here plans lo iniTr.'isi' niilput "5 nut for l!IH. Collage (imve - Work is; jro grasg nn urn nawiuiil to com no n ir sawing March 1, linker - New white pine saw mill here raphliv Hearing coin per Adam llergcrl, of Illoouiiug, w. H III town (he tirst nf the week, Iti lllV D' lplaiiehe, of Shellliu, was a I lillsliorn ealler the last nf the week. I' ('. ami A. C. Mulloy ami J. W. Itavnaril, of I.anrel, were in I the eily Snt unlit v. I'.riiest J.elunan, nf near Ce llar Mill, was in town Monday, lie is feeling very proml over the ailtent of u daughter, horn Jan. '.'(), j:uh. I'.. M. Calif hrouuhl lip Home raspherry lilossonis, Monday iimrniiitf, just when the clml was Idling to (he liime, anil he was heard to remark that "one swal i low iliii sii'l make a spring." Hen Oleoll, Secretary of the Slate, Minis out his aiitionnee meiit of eainliilaey for the gov fTiiiirship. Iti-ii is a line fellow ami has heeii a hplciiiliii ollieial. lie will li t the oilier nspiraiils know th.ii he la in the raee. ( liurles Mi I'adili ii, the eiar inaniifaetiirer, returneil Friday from a Irin hack to IVorin mid Canton, 111., w here he wits railed on aeeounl of the death of a sis ter. He reports a liail.eonilition of foiif stion lutek Ihere, due In the repealed storms of the Win ter. It is some eoineident. In the l ite lami iiti d recall Robert Ser tiee ran nfain,sl J ml if e Reasoner ami was defeated. Now -mother llohert Sertiee has been instru mental in making n recall in nil ('.astern Oregon eoiiuty and it happens to be a county jiide im is-iiiincr lire, i an il lie it relative of our "Hob," or is it the same Service w ho was here. Ileiiloii Phillips, nf MantiiuV. was a ealler at the county seat Monday. Ileiilou says everybody knits tip his way, ami it makes him think of his old boyhood days when nil socks worn were knit by the mothers and jfrand mothers. Mrs. Phillips turns out a pair about every day. am has turned mil twenty pairs so far, Willi the needle still clickinif. She Is histrm tttii tlie Aianfit Red Cross class. WOULD SEEVE OREGON AS in. SENATOR Well Known Legislator Seeks Nomination on Construc tive Platform. It, l.inton, of l.ast Si hi II, was' in town Monday. Miss I )i I, a u rice ( r.ililn i . nf ' Laurel, was the picst of friends i in the eily Sunday, Marriage license has been (fralited I) aniel Willie in ii 1 1 aini Emhi.i Gold, of Sherwood. Sam J, Rfilfety, of Mountain dale, was down Saturday, tjviii: Iii'm friends a hearty ffre.-lin. Carl Pfiihl, of J'looiniiin, Jiu.i,h Dahitiden, Hanks, ami A. JJend ler, of North Tualatin Plain-,, wi re Ilillsboro i -i t . r s Sal rirda v. liorii, to Mr. Mid Mrs. George Schuliiii rich Jr., at Kslacad.t, Or.. J.'irniiiry 17, 1 1 1 8, a son. The youiitf arrival is a grands. m of i i ES LETTER FfiiiENGUNO Harry H. Gailey Tell of English Buildings, Brick and Concrete Bulling IllH lliji:ll 1M (III) VOUT8 of OriKoii on a eoiniii elieni.lt fl Hint cim Uruellvo liliitroini, U. II, llunlnii, of rurtlitml, lutri uiiiiiui ti ed liln (midldacy for tlio l ulled Slut. Hwiuhi, Hulij.-ct lo llin ri'Hull of Hid ki'iiulillraii prluiur IfB, Muy IS. .Mr. Ilunlou tn Kan tlui practkH of luw ul lllllnioro, Waslilug ton Cumity, where ho labored bucci b- rully, ii ii (J Jl yi:uri is go removed to I'ortluiid lo occupy a Vi hier fluid. Since Inking up liln rt'iild' ui'd lu 1'ortland Mr. lluiiton huii txcit active la civic iiIi.iIih. unci ma huiu honored by bin fellow (ItUeiiH lu bin pollllcul l.-uiler-lup, 111h record la tlm UrcKon til ate Legislature Mho Mr. ilimton to be a tiiuu of the puople, and bin voto on all ineusiirt'd affecting llin dnvelopuieut of tno slain and the wulfuru of the work em him been recorded an favoring leg lalutlou expressing the bent nor It I cou ncleiiru and broud vision of the future. lu bis platform Mr. II union atunda for Vlgorotui proscctitloii of the war un til Deacil nhull come with honor In llm jat km and au open way for democracy, eiety of rhillips will hold Ijiylng the cunt of the war upon the meeting J'riday evening; liiiereBti) iM-at alilft to pay. W hen men give ihelr Uvea, wealth aliould be re quired lo give the one thing It can give, dollura. SAYS ROADS ARE DANDY All Hlf'iwiiya Hard Surface and Smooth as CI as If C" 1 . ,1 Herman ncinumcm n, w lio (fraiid-daddy for tin lirst linn f.- 1.' -I . ,r .ii rs. r.iiniia i nrisioll i rson wlio lian been in California all Winter, on business comieete the aviation plant of hi lith J. I'. HoWUKlll, liUh' mentallv, njfed 7S, st raved off a a w a v I'lileib. OneratioHM lit Mfl!rr "dt a ij-'H4!' ft. T"W iete ihim(.-m di rntiHM. I.oififinjf Camps started. I nleilii to have anolher mill, Ten acre m'tc Nil w- iurcliascil. TETER ZEHR I'ctcr Zclir, a (icrni'in, born in r'ranee 71 years itffo, was slriek i n with apoplexy while on I lit ro.td between (jiialitma and Oi'cnco, litst Tliursdav nfteriiooii. Kural Mail Carrier V. II. Hoytl was driviiiff itlontf the road when the nucil man had bis stroke, and he helped him to assistance, lie died very.shortly after. lr. Dins more arrived in time to I'md the man breathiiiK hi1 lust. Coroner Limber made the usual investiga tion. The remains wcrvr shipped by Mr. I.iiuber to Albany the last of the week. Zehr lcaTN a wid ow, a sou, Chiis., at home, a sou in Idaho, another ill Colorado, and a datiffhler, Mrs. Mil pes, at (lardcii Home. I',. A, Anderson, of Canada, has I'enled the 1 1 1 1 1 1 rook farm, near Norlli l'lains, mid Mr. ami Mrs. Ilolbrook leave for Oklahoma lite first of the month, where they have properly interests, When M r. Anderson left Canada a short time iiffo mercury registered at 45 below -ukIi ! Mrs. Anderson will arrive in a few weeks. Geo. Hcllaire, of North l'lains, was over town Saturday. otiiiu niil inidiii.ifiolT'wIi.WVaa 'found at the farm of N'els I.arsen. He was rnroulc to I'ori-.st (irovc, as he "Iniil some business (hat needed attention." He was taken back to the farm. Some lime during How man's last attack of the run auays he lost his pension papers, .tint lu fore lie can ajf.tni make out his papers he will have to have new ones, lie was a member of I he Orcjjou troops during (he Civil War. Circuit Court: The ease of Melissa Armeulrotil against (Jen. Armenlroiil, divorce, was ended last Saturday when Jmlsrv liaiflcy ffaye Mrs. Antientrotit the decree asked for as regards separation, bid denied her pleadings for $3,000 in' money. The Court gave her 2iO, however, and each must pay the costs. The evi dence showed that the husband had ffiveii the wife a home in I'oresl (irovc several years ago, and also $.1.0(10 in money and collateral. It was shown that this left the w ife the greater por tion of Ihe life's savings. There were fifteen witnesses for plain tiff, and the husband defendant swore eighteen in his behalf. W. (i. Hare, of Hare, McAlcar Pe ters, conducted the defense, and Thus. II. Toiiifue was counsel for Mrs, Arnieiitrout, the trial lasting practically all of last week; Jes sie Covert was granted a divorce from I.cc I.. Covert. 't. , f i. " t'. ': S- . I , - i y L - s , v ' , i-nift ir" --'-"- r-- . II lll'STON EXIvCUTORS, Adiniiiislr.ilors, Guardians, Pub lic Custodians and otliors liavino; public and private trusts to pi'iTnim can render proper service by depositing with us. We Have One of the Best Safe Deposit Systems in the State A proper place 'or valuable pipers. v We invite inspection of lliis department in con junction Willi tlie others. An excellent bank for hanlliiijr all brandies of bank business. SHUTE SAVINGS BANK PROMPT : CONSERVATIVE : SAVE Making nmple pruilMnn fer the re oiisiiiii iloii ierioil whiili must follow the i IiiKt- of I lie war. l or tariff fcIumIiiU s lmtej on the ilfferi'itet' In rin.t of l.ilair ut Itoini! Hill IllllUltU. MiildiiK iirovh loit for free ports on the I'miama I'aiial unj ol, Honolulu ami .Manila. Hevelupment (if Alasn. boltt BFileul- lurjiiiy a ad liiuiiistrlitlly. Cuui.r.'H: stioniii Kiil.puiirii the inln. 'nil weiiltli )f II i' Territory. I'tit t'i,' roitnt ry nitould lie eju'ii' .1 lo cr':',, u ,v eli.piui'jil. . , i . .... ivtt!tp.-i:oii til :. 'i ut v.- r- potvor In On Ki'ii. "I lie m c(i:i (if tae tin-") I ;r '" IriMi'.i' werli nloin? ibis Is.:.'. I'M. lei' tlli lo.u, r .'.ill lp of t'oii;,riui; MiiUiiK the t u-'ii: i!) hi hour worV :l.:y la iiillls. f.-rtm ii i, mi l tiiatea coin piKKory l.y natlo.a;! ! ii.jillen. This tVtlllltl (.Iff We;.!e II'. l',.!.! '- tllilhi fllir rliiiiii'o Iii ci m;i"le v.,;!i Mi" hihUmii u.' oik; lu.m's a..,i le.v w.(y !a (lie Soulli. lec'. (,; j, i,i of w.-ii rways to sup plenienl !. r.MiK'.liUct rullwuy eye tent of Ol.- c:i'!i'iy. I'.renili'toitp tlie fi,ienl rural credits 'iiw luifileii inly lo mul.e ii;-, boijcfits ipti:Hlil'!p to i:;-i:l.!lius in Orereu, 111 in e: icrt to fiM In h int tlpvi'lopiuent. iTilentl t.'.l fir I ho cmi.;:iiic!U,ii of qooil rni'ils. prrt.tuhirly lis r. ineoatirtt .if reili'l for laler i -iiislit ioita following i in- war. lU'jyrrt f.ir til" ship! elUMliR Iniltii', !f.v i ,' Hie I'o'ur.it ;;; riier (ilnli ict. The !ii'!i:;r i u.sl Iv ir,.,.i,' p 'inti'.nent. Slip r'ider:'.l tlia. :n;i t :i;u ijiitlnni OlCflDII, Pnpp"rt nf viitlt nleni; the Columliln river to iniiintalu a 40 i'tut channel tu tlm uon nut InipioveiiK-iil of .harbors slid riverii. Ar.ieiuhm nt of tlio f,.(h'ial ennstlln. tluti to provide fur univorsiil sutffrnge. bupport of national prohibition. NO-TrvUSSING late liuibanil, returned last w eel autl will ht-jiil a few weeks the Inline of lier imreiiN. Mr. an -Mrs. Jiissner, ot Amt It iiii atin llie Koek (. reck l.iti i.u v So its Ii I i lira ary 1, anil a rousing jirocr.uii ii t 1 rr. i . ueeii arraiitfcii. I nt: nul lie is eor lially inviti il. Tin- ineetiiiL'n w he held everv three weeks. Jiorn, to .Mr. ami Mrs. Carl Patterson, of south of Hillshoro Jan. 25, 19 IS, a daughter. C'roeuses were almost re.ulv t hlooni in favored spots the last u the week, and ill some insl.-iiiei the yellow wan neeiiin thronl With the turn to a eooler temjier atttre, Saturday evening, howev er, they closed up and took a v eaiion. l wo or three w arm ilav and they wotilil have heeii in fu hlooni. The county court lias paid daniuires for rijrht of wav on tl Itex-Ti'rard road, in the sum of A. F. Sehtilt was lai $ir0 and J. C Jlri. kli y, 75. Tin warrants were drawn on tin I monev annroiiriated fur the ini proveinent of the ru'ad over year atfo, and It is so far the firs inonev limit out of the balance Sam Hristn'ue, of Moro. 'well known here, is the iiraiidfather of the tlrst war lialiv bom itt Slier man countv. ifalpli r. lirisimit lallier ot tlie little l.iilv w!n ar nveil January 13, is) IS, is sta lioned at Cainp Ij-wis. She I neen nanieil l arnien l.lame J.ns lime. 1 He little war miss was tiveu a .shower of S0, $.'!!) of which was in coin of the realm for which her dadilv is linhliiior The Central Church of Christ corner 1 Inril ana ISasclme Sts. 15. F. Clav. Minister: IliMe School at 10 A. M.; preaehins' at 11 A Al. and 7:.'(0 P. M. llvanyelistii services will lie coiutuelcil m tin ehtireh, lie;;inninir Tuesday, Feb 5. at 7:!K P. M. The preaehin: w ill lie done by Dr. Roy L. Dunn, of Vancouver, Wash. These meetimrs are for the ffood of a llillslioro anil viciiurv. lou are conlially uivitcil to nttcml am: help in these services. The United States Snpreim Court has decided that all first intention papers tiled prior to Sept. 2ti, l!H)(i, arc now invalii and those who have so tiled for citizenship will have to nsrain present their initial papers. This will cancel all papers of thosi who have rested all these vrars. It is of interest to know that of nine wlio nave tileil tor citii'.cn- diip the past few weeks live arv liernian subjects. The tilings are Win. Wentier, IliHsboro. It. ,'!. Gerniativ; Paul Roeber, Ucavcr toll, (icrnianv ; Jos. Schaulilc, of Hanks, Ciernianv; Frit. Schlie. of Forest (Irovc, (Icrnianv; Herman Salwi di l, CtiruPlitis, (Icrmativ : Florian Ponral, of Ihtxlon, son Geo. Hoisheimer, l'linoniea, IIol- of Jos. Ponnrat., is enlisted in the land; Alexander Smith, Corne lius, Great Hritain; Albert Zim merman, Sherwood, Switzerland; Geo. A. lioldrick, Forest Grove. Canada. There will be a meetiiiLV of 1 n 'anberry growers in Orenco II. tl! .'.aliifil'iy afternoon, Feb. '.J, ID IS. !it 1 elO, to discuss plants, p!.".il- ut!1', etc. . represent :tuv ot tin Pheasant Fruit Juice Company. of Salem. Giei'nn, sill be pre -el, I to (i.iaiii explain their fivc-ycai contract In the ;r rowers. (liim has lieeit desiu'lialed ns one id thi'ir sub prcssinif staliuits where Ihe lvrries will be rcceivei!. Small acreage owners sliotdd keep in mind that the war wi'l be over some day - likely befin---I .osratthej will be;;in to b.-.iv ( second i yeai ) and many pro duets Vliat are now selling' al ex orbitant prices will be very cheap. We should not ovcrbi'nl; a lonji term contract at t;iod prices. Every land owner within ten miles of Orenco should attend this meeting. lr sure to tell your neighbors. By Order of Com mittee in charge. I'nileil States Navy, and is sta- liiuieil al .Mare Island. He went into the service December 8. His name was aniony; those w ho had not made returns to the local war board, and hence was posted w ith I hem for publication. Anyone bavin;;' suns, brothers, or rela tives, enli.led, .should always i;el llicir aildrcssci and stations to tlie local board so thai Ihey nniv know they are in service beyond doubt. The Argus will be tflad lo at once announce Ihe service of any Washington County boy. Harry H. Gailcy, of Co. K, 102d i.. S. Infantry, wrote under date of lice. 'i'J, to llin parents, from I'.nulauil, and says, in Dart: " I l " f , - .irmcu iicre a. a lew days aifo and am feeling fine, but somewhat lonesome. Wc sure hail a dm; trip across the big damp, considering the time of year. It o,,t a little rough at times, but I was lucky enough not to get seasick. This country does seem strange to us. j,h I could tell you about the trip, and other tlun-s. but will have to wait until I get back to ' Oregon. I can't well ex n tell about the country, thai is, I can't tell you names of places. Everything is built of brick and concrete here, anil I haven't seen a wooden house yet. And the roads, or highways they are grand. They are all liard surface and smooth as glass. They tell us it will take at least two months to get an answer to a litter now. That seems like an awfully long time. We-get very hungry for sweets. When you semi ant tiling put it in a wooden box. for it has a long way to trav el. Have written about the limit and will have tu close. Tell ev eryone Jicllo for inc. W it i lots of love. Harry." Letters addressed to the boys should read like this: Name of soldier C KiL'nd U. S. Inf. 41st Division Via New York A. E. F. This will insure their delivery, f you get Co. No., Inf. No. and Division No. correctly. HON. C. W. FULTON The many Ilillsboro friends of Ex-Senator Clias. W. Fulton were rricved to learn that he had pass d away Sunday, at his Portland home. Mr. Fulton had many warm personal lnenus here, not ably the I oueues, Judire Geo. It. Haglcy and Attorney Wm. ( H ue. as well as tlie oiutimcrs. ike li. P. Cornelius and the late uon. u . .. i.irrett. A tew years o Mr. Fulton was associated with Judire Uasrlev and District tloruey Tongue in a suit against the Warren Construction Com- my. al Tillamook. He was an ible lawyer, had served several terms in the letrislature and rouiuleii out nis lilc s career ly serving six years in tlie I mtcil States Senate. C. B. BUCHANAN & CO., Inc. Hillsboro, Cornelius and North Plains Wholesale and Retail Dealers in ! j Grain, Hay, Flour, Feed and j Grain Bags j Car-lot shipper of POTATOES and l ONIONS. Grain chopped or rolled at any time , Lumber, Shingles and Lath At Cornelius i f Beaver Slate Flour ( The Best Flour at the Lowest Prices. Telephones; Ilillsboro, Main 14, Cornelius, City 1515, North Plain, Main 263. HARD SURFACE ROADS! Will soon lead from Portland to the splendid Beaverton - ReedviSSei ; Acreage... j Many choice small tracts on sale. Splendid train service morning and evening into the city. Buy your little home before the big raise comes. SHAW-FEAR COMPANY 102 Fourth Street PORTLAND, OREGON TEACHERS' MEETING Mr. and Mrs. (Ico, Morrow are down from Ilo, Idaho, visiliujj w ith frit mis near (v u.il'tina. John Cawrse, of Shellliu, was a I lillsliorn caller the last of Ihe l eel;.' A. Zweiiier, of near Tijrard, w as in lown Monday. His molli cr celehrated her 7 5 1 Ii liirlhdav, Sunday, and her little grand daughter picked violets ill the garden to grace the tahle pret ty good for an Oregon Winter. Tlie Washington Countv Teacli- rs' Assoeiatioti will have the fol- owing program at Jieaverton, Saturday, Feb. ) : 10:15 A. M. Music. 1 1 :0() Husiness meeting. 11:15 Prospects for America to lit come a thrifty Nation, Jno. II. Stevenson, Portland. V :00 Lunch. 1:00 P. M. Music and Read ings. 1:15 How Can a Person not Professional Know a Good N'liool When he Sees it r t,. I. 'arleton, Salent. 1 : l'i Physical tests for school hildren, Dr. Mason, 15eaverton. 'J : 1 1) Kxhibition of Educa tional Movies, Prof. Phillips, of Ilea vcrton. :t :00 Departments: Primary, irs. ball, t. liairman. .Miinoer Work, Herth.i Pennington, Beav- rton. Hygiene, To he selected. Rural Does the Parcnt-Teaeh- r s Association aitit to tlie work f the teacher? Clara M. Wat er, t Hell 1 l.izel. High School Mr. Phillips, hairnufn. Supervised Study-Prof. Dopp, ' purest drove. We are trying to make the As-; soeiition meetings interesting and useful to school boards., and are sending a special invitation to them to meet with lis. A. P. Patten, Pres. We wish all our Patrons and all Hillsboro a HAPPY NEW YEAR By Prompt Work and Proper Prices we will help to make it Prosperous. Come In and Look Around See What We Have to Offer HOFFMAN Jeweler and Optician Main Street t Hillsboro, Oregon Thus. Nissen. of Scholls, came tip Tuesday and was operated on ut the Washington County Hos ,1 veslerd iv. Dr. Krwin usiiiir the knife. He w ill be out in a j few days. i Dave Wengcr, of Helvetia, was in town Monday. He says the Pierens have given up the search for thr father, who was lost some time ago. Pay $85 in Twelve Months (or with lo-in. Double-Kaoed ' Rccufds, 92.50) . ; And Have This VictrolaatYour Home There i-n't anythin else you can buy fT 5 a month that ( will give you the enjoyment to be hud out of this -instrument. : . i. i This Model X Victrola is wonderfully satisfactory. It -is the most popular of all the Victor Models, and with goxl reasons. ' The Delta Druir Store III put!