The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, January 24, 1918, Image 1

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    A in I. i 1 1
NO. 45
Knight of Pytliiua and Pythinn
Sister Hold Big Session ,
Nine Stars to Credit of Pytliiun
Lodge, Phoenix No. 34
I'hoctti I.ndgc No, ill, Saturday
nielli, installed officers jollity
Willi till' Pythian Sister Ti'inpli',
willi niroiriiiti' exercises-. A
large crowd was in attendance,
unit a r rn in was n iiilrri il.
Our of llii' f i n 1 11 rt-s of t lit even
ing t'11' dedication of a ser
vice Hug with nine stars, repre
sentative of llic niiii' enlisted men
belonging to tin' loi'ill lodge.
Kniulit Win. (i, 1 1 fir r made tlir
dedication address mill iiutili' 11
touching itii'iil for nil possible
support to tin' "boys w ho have
gone out to offer their lives for
the success of democracy. The
Mini' mrii in tin' nervier arc:
t S. F.nglncers, Albert S.
Ilnll, formi-rly with the water
mill light plant in this city, later
of llnoil lllverj (ieo. Metier, for
merly eoiinty surveyor; Win. F.
Nil-.nn, nun of Mr. anil Mrn. Win.
Nelson, Marines; Win. (iotleili,
Hon of Mr. nml Mm. Ti ter (iot
leili; Herbert I.tusk, niiii of It.
I .ink nml wife, of near North
Plains ; Itov Mcknight, won of
Mr. nml Mm. llobl. Mcknight, f
near North Plains; Harry llml
illt-stou, formerly with the Hills
horn Mercantile; Jan. Henry Ja
cohscii, hoii of Mr. nml Mrs. I'e
ter Jacobscn, of Wrsl I'iiIoii; T.
('. lluiley, hoii of lr. nml Mrs, I',
A. Hailey, of Hillsboro, In tin
Hospital Corps, ami now await
ing rail.
Olliecrs installed fur thr K. of
P. lodge were: K. J. McAlcar.
ehaneellor eoniinmuler J Dr. W.
H. I'aslcy, viee ehaneellor; pre
late, John llockcr; August lew
master of work; I.. W. House
master of cxcheoucr; W. N. liar
ris, master of linanee; J. D. An-
. I, r.on. K. of It. S.: I. rover
Combs, master at arm; John W.
Council, inner guard; Herman
Ut ilise, outer guard. The. honor
of Past Chancellor was conferred
on Win. (iotleili, the outgoing
ehaneellor commander, now at
Marine llarracks, at Mare Island.
JL A. Long nrtrd as installing
J ' oGicer far lie knight, nd m.
1, NVIwn .. t
The vr&Z& U ltn
the following offieersr Mrs. C
F.. Wells, past chief; Mrs. 1'.. I..!
l..rLiim most excellent chief;!
M .1 C. Amtleirate. excellent 1 mill
John Oppeiilander, of near
Cornelius, was a Hillsboro caller
imday morning.
('apt. Paul II. Ill liners, for
merly of this fount V , has In rn
sued liy the I.add & Tilton Iiank,
Portland, on foreelnsurr of a
tract of laud lying in this and
Yamhill counties. The amount
sued for is over $11,000, and the
land lays in the Chehalem Mouu
tain country. The foreclosure is
of interest here because of the
fact that Ueiiners wan a sea cap
tuin, and Japan at one time had
offered a reward for his head
w hile he was master of the
Steamship Celeste, carrying mil
liiiiuilious into the Rosso-Japan
. I . . 1 t . ! ..1. 1 ... I
esc war. a n cruiser Kiiueu
the Celeste and opened lire, and
Iteimers ran the vessel on the
rocks rather than submit to cap
A Itargain To nny on want
ing a first-class dairy farm:
Iteeause of leaving this county,
placing on the market my well
developed dairy farm, two miles
from North Plains, am! one mile
north of Davis station, on the
United. A complete, up-to-date
dairy farm, with a line barn mid
cipiipmcnt, w ater works, and run
ning water on place; well kept
up, and Boil fertile; has alwnys
paid from start. Anyone wanting
a place in w hich there Is good
money may telephone for further
information to North Plains,
10F14. Here Is a splendid chance
to get hold of a money making
dairy. 40
C. F. Hesse, of Seholls, had mi
accident while drilling up the
Canyon road from Portland the
other day. His machine skidded
and turned over, depositing Hes
se in Home running water. He
was picked up in a stunned condi
tion and taken to the Matlhiesell
Hotel in Portland, where he came
to himself. Dr. Tainiesie treated
him mid he w as soon resting eas
ily. His shoulder was badly
bruised and he suffered some oth
er in uries. but will lie out in a
few days. '
Fred Jobe, or 1 ale, n., was
over a few days ago, thr guest of
W. II. Taylor and wife. Fred is
up w here the timber is tall, and
where land clearing jb just as dif
ficult as it is in the Willamette
Valley. This was his first trip
over here in several years.
Wanted llecf, pork, mutton,
veal, etc., and w ill pay the hlgh-
ut market nricc for same. til
II nnv i.laer. T. A. Miller
Hcavcrl.'.n, Route ; telephone
Iteaverton 3, on line 8. 0-1
J. N. Older, of dales Creek
and (ieo. Older, his son, the lat
. . . I.; I
ter bring interrsteil in a siiiugit
on lleavrr Creek, were in
... .... t-i .. .. i
senior; Alls r.ll.a .-snorey, e.t
Unt junior; Mrs. II. T. Kocbcr,
manager; Mrs. Henrietta Mor
gan, mistress of records and cor
rrspomlener ; Mrs. J. W. Council,
mistress of finance; Mrs. 11. U.
I',., ,,,,,11 nriitretor: Mrs. Will.
Schulmericb, outer guard.
Mrs. Leonard H row n was in
stalling oilier r for the Sisters, as
sisted by Mrs. K.nimn McKinncy
s O. S.'and Mrs. R. H. Orccr an
(i. M. '
Miss Kstclte Nelson was gml
,less of llowcrs, and the little
(lower girls' were F.vclyn Srwrll,
Esther Perkins, Loraine Taylor
Taylor and Merit a Harris.
After installation a short pro
gram was rendered, consisting of
vocal solos by Miss Georgia Bald
win, Mrs. F. J. Sewell and Rus
sell Morgan, w ith Vincent Kngle
dinger as accompanist.
1'iir Sale Good little work
I . .1 V..i,,1w
mare lor sair t-ui c. " .
about. 1,000 lbs. Th. Nissen, 1
mile north of Scholia. Address,
Hillsboro, Ore., R. 2. a-B
M. Vanderzandcn Writes Let
ter Anent Disputed Affair
Opposes Winter Schedule, Which
Runs Oct. 1 to March 31
J. M. Vaiiiler.anileil sends the
rgus the following communica
tion which he asks publication :
l'lie following letter from the
Fourth Assistant P. M. General
to the Oregouian, in response to
an inquiry as to the change in ru
ral mail delivery speaks for itself
and lixes the responsibility of the
change in the service:
"In reply I beg to inform vou
that this matter has been made
the subject of a very careful in-
Portland, Ore., Jan. 22- Tin: itth
annual Portland A utomohile
Show will be held in the new city
auditorium here from l ib. 7 to
1 .'I, inclusive.
Reduced rates to the show
have been granted bv tin- rail
roads from points in On -gnu and
the Northwest.
In connection with the automo
bile show ibis year there will be
held also a big truck and tractor
diow to emphasize the forward
strides made bv the motor truck
and the tractor during the p.r-t
I litis the show w ill lie particu
lar interest to every farmer who
Registration Will Begin Morning
of February 4
All Fourteen Years and Upward
Must Appear
I he Government, through U. S
Marshal Alexander and Postmns
ter Lnnikin, as per law, send The
is thinking of buying a motor Argus the proclamation requiring
truck to add to the cllien ncy of (termini aliens from 14 years up
his farming methods, as well as ward to register. It reads:
to the prospective purchaser of a
passenger autoinolnle.
(treat stress will be laid upon
the practical side of the automo
bile at the coming show. The
keynote will bt: utility anil prac
ticability. The automobile has
"Jiy Proclamation of the Prcsi
lent of the Unitnd States, all
German aliens arc hereby noti
fied that all natives, citizens, den
izens, or subjects of the German
hmpire or Imperial German Gov
eminent, being males of the age
quiry and the postmaster reports U'"K ceased to Ue a luxury lo l o: lourteen years ana upwards
that a large number of the pa- enjoyed only iy uie very ru n. on regisirauon nay, w no are
i, i,i. -.i .,.(,,, il and has heroine a business and w ithin the United States and are
Hanks, have expressed their prcf- commercial necessity. not actually naturalized as Amcr
erenee lor Uie present si liedule. " .. . ..
narlieularlv in view of the fart freed the farmer rrom isolation ; ister as alien enemies.
that the most Imnorlanl f has brought him miles nearer his Th. dates of registration, with
it... .1.iv Is ....u .. -. iv.-,1 fro... the buying and selling markets, and in the State of Oregon, have been
has saved linn rnanv working hxed hv the .Attorney General ot
hours through the ground cover
ing ability of his car. Similarly,
the motor truck and the farm
tractor are increasing the ai ml
of work he can accomplish at ac
tually dccreaed expense, and
train due from Portland at 5 P
.M ., nml under the new schedule
the delivery of this mail to the
patrons is cttectcd at an earlier
hour and with greater regularity.
It is also shown that owing to the
irregular arrival ot the morning
train at Hanks, the carriers when
operating under the schedule for
merly in effect were frequently
delayed starting on the srrviee of I
are adding
vastly to
the L'nited States to comment''
it (i o'clock A. M., on February
1th, and continue on each day
successively thereafter, between
the hours of 0 A. M. and 8 P. M.
up to and including the 9th day
their routes from 20 minutes to 1
hour and 40 minutes. Also that
even as early in the year as th:
month of September they wen
on numerous occasions unable to
reach the oilier on their return
trip before 7 o'clock, and some
times were delayed until a eon
. i I,,. . i.
sideratiiy lalcr Hour, which con
litions would naturally grow
wifrse with the advance of the
winter season.
I lie roads cmliodied in the ru
ral routes from Hanks are
I will sell at public auction at my
place, one mile south of Newton
i . .1 t f 11:11.
and z'o miles souineasi m
boro, at 10 o'clock a. in., on
Jersey cow, 7 years, test 0.2 per
cent, fresh Feb. 28; cow , t years
now in milk, test 0.2; yearling
Jersey heifer, bred Dec. 1.1;
horse, B yrs, 1150, single or dou
ble; H-jnonths colt; lot White
Leghorn pullets, and laying hens
li.l pure bred, line layers and vigor
C. B. BUCHANAN & CO., Inc.
Hillsboro, Cornelius and North Plains
Wholesale and Retail Dealers in
Grain, Hay, Flour, Feed and
Grain Bags
Car-lot shipper of POTATOES and
ONIONS. Grain chopped or
rolled at any time
Lumber, Shingles and Lath
At Cornelius
Beaver State Flour
The Best Flour at the Lowest Prices.
Telephones; Hillsboro, Main 14,
Cornelius, City 1515, North Plain, Main 263.
l he cite Monday, on business al
the court house.
For Sale Two brood sows
I.u h niiru. 5 weeks old am
other has ! piirs, 5 weeks old.
F .T. VnnDomclon, (iaston, Ore
It. 1. Phone, (iaston oa.l.
( has. H. Tavlor, of near Hanks
was in the city the last of th
urek. and railed on the Argus
for which he has subscribed
consecutive years,
J. V. Schulmerich, of Hanks,
was dow n to Hillsboro last week,
greeting bis many friends in the
county scat.
Win. Schmidt, of near West
Union, was a Hillsboro visitor
Herbert Schulmerich, of Far
mington, was a city visitor Satur
day. A capable woninn wants work
by the day, any kind. Phone,
Henry Harms, of Shelllin, was
a city caller the last of the week.
out through the Cascade Moun
tains over stern grades .and
across deep canyons. Under
these conditions when service ha
to be performed after nightfall,
not only is it possible for the car
rier to perform Ins duties in a
satisfactory manner, but he is lia
ble to be placed in serious risk of
personal injury.
While it is thepolicy of the de
oartment to trive primary consid
eration to the convcnicnre and
wishes of the patrons of rural
routes and to arrange for the de
livery of important mail, inelud
inir daily newspapers on the day
of its receipt at the postolliee
wherever practicable, it appears
that the change in this instance is
full v warranted, particularly in
view of the fart that it isinad
effective only duriuir the winter
months, i. c. from October 1st
to March .list, and during the re
mnininii portion of the year the
old schedule is retained."
mis: 1'eiailima nicunaioi s, u
egg capacity, and one 37S eapac
it v ; Ciphers incubator, 400 egg
size, all irood hatchers, good con
dition; 4 tire-proof galvanized
iron International brooders. 150
hick size; several chicken foun
tains and irrit boxes, 1200 ft pool
try netting, 4 ft high. 2 in. mesh:
1000 ft netting, 2 ft. inch mesh ; I
l.nrrels. ro barb wire; 4 tirood
farming of February, 1U18, at 8 P. M.
11 German aliens residing or
being wilhin the city of Hillsboro
or vicinity are hereby required to
present themselves for registra
tion at the Post Office in said city
to the Postmaster, who has been
designated by the Attorney Gen
eral as Assistant Registrar of
aid citv, and to complete their
registration on or before the 9th
lay of February, 1918, at 8:00
P. M.
nv German alien, required to
register, who fails to complete
his registration within the time
fixed therefor, or who violates, or
attempts to violate, or of whom
there is reasonable grounds to
ieve that be is about to violate
any regulation duly promulgated
by the President of the United
States, or these Regulations, in
iddition to nil other penalties
prescribed by law, is liable to re
straint, imprisonment and deten
tion for the duration of the war,
or to give security, or to remove
ind depart from the Lnited
States in the manner prescribed
, i . i. .1.1
coops and varus, some .... ......
f.-nee. (i shippiuir coops, Liny oai i,v law.
--- . .. . . . . . a- j
sprouter, Sprmghcld clover cm- 1 onus ot registration amua
i.. 9-h.irse w a iron, lop buirirv. Ivits. registration cards, and in
Will soon lead from Portland to
the splendid
Bcaverton - Recdville
Acreage ...
Many choice small tracts on sale.
Splendid train service morning and
evening into the city. Bny your little
home before the big raise comes.
102 Fourth Street
. open
buggy, sled, hayrack, Dix I struetions to registrants, and oth-
EXKCUTORS, Administrators, Guardians, Pub
lic Custodians and others having public and
private trusts to perform can render proper
service by depositing with us.
We Have One of the Best Sale
Deposit Systems in the State
A proper place for valuable pipers.
Wc invite inspection ol this department in con
junction with the others.
An excellent hank for handling all branches
of bank business.
I-.vcr since the rural service
. , , 1 1 . !...!.. 1
was estanusncu at nanus, lann
one winter tne iniainooK irain
did not arrive until 11 A. M.) the
carriers awniteit tne arrival oi
the mail and carried il to the pa
trons. The train now arrives at
10:25. This train carries nearly
all the important letter mail, as
well as the Portland morning dai
lies, and the patrons do not re
reive their mail until the day fol
..... , . I I'lllMMII I , IM.I" "1 ' '
lowing under the present sched- - am, drag harrow
ult-. The mail which now arrives . ,,,. maul, fountain
at Hanks at S P. M.. would be de-l ' , , m)si auirrr. band
livcred but two hours later if they . : ,,1.,.,. (i steel traps,
waited for the morning train. 1 ,,, v., .i . pitchforks, 25
understand the carriers are will- , 1,, baled straw, sin
to do this, and one of them . , i ...j,. l,R axes, single
Vn M t 1 cutter, set double anil
sinirle harness. 2 collars, saddl
and riding bridle, 2 halters, My
ers pump nml 20 ft pipe, corn
planter, scoop, pusn, an
to chains. !(7 feet long, wire
stretcher, spade, shovels, spray
pump, moveable food bins, air
tiirht heater, feed basket, 2 pota
to forks, ax, hand saw, other
..nmn stove. 7 move.-ilile
lU.'l , ...... I 7
eolonv houses, step ladder, 11
inch plow, 82 ft extension ladder
Kiiriuirtooth harrow, single eulti-
. 1 ..I..'...
vator, 1-horse Hiamoiui couna
i... ! r.,11 r.mfinir paper. No. t
. . . , r- . .
Special Sharpless cream separa
tor,, new; 10-gal milk can, No. '.
Dilution separator, strainer buck
ct, milk bucket, 10-gal milk ouck-
et, 10-gal churn, fl-gal enum, 101
tools, 10-gal stone churn, 2-gal
bowl and butter
er necessary iornia win ue iui-
nished hv the Postmaster.
Geo. F. Alexander,
U. S. Marshal, District of Uregor
J. C. Lamkin,
Postmaster and Assistant Kegis-
This means that German aliens
must register as above proclaim
ed, w hether they registered with
the war board or not.
Each registrant is required to
furnish four unmounted photo
irr.iphs of himself, not larger than
3 bv 3 inches in size, on turn pa-
u-ith liirht background. All
four photographs should be sign
d by the registrant across tne
photographs, so as not to obscure
the features, if the applicant is
able to write
TI.....1. l.builc forms of recistra-
lds, 12 milk pans, roaster, looii tjou n,ii,iavjts must be completely
chopper, dishes, cooking utensils.
sacks potatoes.
Illg to UO mis, aim one ot i..... , , .1.... , t
siu-ned a petition to have the 0111 , u,,iiarv rocker, lot brass,
schedule restored. The postmas
ter at Hanks recently received a
communication from the Fourth
Assistant P. M. General, Wash
ington, I). ('., to the effect that
the Department was inclined to
re-establish the old schedule un
less good reasons were shown to
il. mtrarv. This being the
case it easily can be seen, and al
so from the letter to the Oregon-
imi. who is opposing the sched
uie so unanimously petitioned by
the patrons of the routes
sanitary rocker.
n- . , . 1
witt.-rv and wooil art goo.u
1 . . . ...:.l. ..:l t,,l...
........ 1 fur liirninir iu. ..
colors, Kimball piano in good
l:ii..., numerous mm r
T. ..,.., .,f Mult 20 and uniu r.
"' ' ... ,
. .,v. r. li months time, o.-ion- nl S per cent. two
Rum 1 . 1 -. . , - - 1
r cent oil for cash over .t-o.
Lunch at noon.
J. Morrow, Owner.
H. P. Cornelius. Auctioneer.
We wish all our Patrons and all Hillsboro a
By Prompt Work and Proper Prices
we will help to make it Prosperous.
Come In and Look Around
See What We Have to Offer
Wiscearver. agent of the
It would Ik- well for the pa- , l),.,iartment, closed his
... . 1... .1. '.' ... . ,,
trims ot tne routes huh wis... ..
..I,.,,,..-.. 1.1 the old Hchrdule to
write Fourth Assisant rosiina-
1. Washington, D. C.
Yours Truly,
J. M. Vainder.andeli.
. . .. . l......
two weeks ot assisiaince m m..
comint' under the income tax pro
Monday went over to lillamook
remain there until the .HUH
Mr Wiscearver said he was
The latest models in automo
biles rushed from the eastern
factories in special designs and
ltillltU W ill he viewed at the ninth
surprised that so many came tin-
. 1 iwt in rv 111 nn.. i "
41. 1 '" i
Wasliinuton County.
Pitrtlnml Aiitomobilo, Tru-k
1 11 1 1 1 Show will be held in
filled out by the registrant or his
representative (with the excep
tion of the blanks indicated to be
filled out bv the registration otli
eer and the description of the
rei'ist r; mt and the placing of hn
.r,.r nriiits on the blank) "and
must be produced by the regis'
Irani personally to the registra
tion otticer, and be signed and
sworn to bv the registrant in the
nresenee of and before the regis-
trillion o Hieer. who will fill in the
description of registrant and su
pervise the fixing of tltc finger
prints and the attaching 01 tne
photographs. If the registrant
can not write he must make bis
k in the signature space and
illix his left thumb print in the
pace provided opposite the sig
nature space.
Th.. (inuer nrintinir is a method
of identification and follows the
practice observed in the military
and the naval service of the Uni
ted States.
The registrant is hereby in
formed that he must again pre
sent himself before the registra
tion olhcer who took his oath af
ter 10 days but before 18 days
from the last day fixed for rcgis
irntion in his registration district
to obtain a registration card, up-
Jeweler and Optician
Main Street i Hillsboro, Oregon
annual Auto, Truck and Tractor PorllllIU, from Feb. 7 to 13, in- on which he must sign 1 '
Show to be held in Portland's Llllsivt.. The railroads have grant- or make his mark, and place nis
Auditorium. February 7 to r(i rPOWd round trip rales to kit thunui print ... 1- 1
18, inclusive.
Portland during show week.
I of the registration officer.
Pay $85 in Twelve Months
(or with 10-iu. Double-Faced
Records, $92.50)
And Have This
There isn't anythingclse you
can buy for $5 a mouth that
will give you the enjoyment
to be had out of this instrument.
This Model X Victrola is wonderfully satisfactory. It
is the most popular of all the Victor Models, and with
good reasons.
The Delta Drug Store
f ! 1 1