hi ILLS I 1 i. "4 ) V, X ' Vol xxiv HILLSBORO, ORKGON, JANUARY 17, 1018 NO. 44 . , , i i if 1 7ii r II1 QUARTER MiLLION ROLL I ot Hand Lands n Ten Million ...... Dollar Spruce Contract MAY RUN FIFTEEN MILLION All Sawmills Have Promia of h Grp.it Year in 1918 The (ir.'iiil Sntilli I'ui'li r Co., of I'orl Intnl. Iiiih Im i ii inwirtlfil it I -mil met lo cut 1 00 million fei I if xiriti'c for t lit hiiv ( i iuiK ill, tin enntriiet iiuoKinn liilvvnii mi, I lifli i n i 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 ilollnrt. Five limn .mil nu n w ill he einiiiycil. Sali-lil A if'.".' ODD ('..loeltni, srnlinix cnuieilv KIDO.tu In- ereel ril lit tin- kIu 1 1- fair uroiunl Nortli llrinl Iiiih 'JMIO nun oil nirnll of !!''.' 10,(100 it month. Nortli Itt-inl mill lieinjj tnlai-Kiil nl i-riin' of if 1011,000 In oii l all- .v l ili. I. I'm ll.iii.l Kailuay, Li'lit I'invrr Co. lo increase htreel cul tures frin ft to (I eenU. I'iiIiIh Semee CoHiiiiiikion reetifrnizes necessity ilm- lo rliangi il roiuli lions, 1 1 -1 i x - M arliinrry Inin in- sl.illeil ill new Hour mill Inn-. I .i m- County voii-N $;io,ooo n-jroii-ialion for nililition to I In court linnse. Shaniko .'00,00(1 really di al losi'il lu re. A ..l!i:t,0()() contract (iwanliil for Smith Jelly nl Newport. Salmu - Salrni I'ruil I'nion An nounces ,t' of 1. 700.000 lb-, of rnnes lo .'n i riilncnl, lit n .roimati ly if I 23,000. I'lonini Conl rail siynctl for Sinslaw roiul, , iovrrnmriil iitul Stair will rxcml (f lii.OOt ra.h, I. am- I'ouulyto ciiiiil lfv'10,000. Coiiiilh- Contract Is awnnliil for marailaiiii.iiiu M mill's of l.titpire Smith llllrt mail. SI. Helens Mill. in Cri i k l.oir pins Co, rcsnint ticrnlions. Astoria - - Mcdrcpir-Mnlonc ! Co, solil 1 1 v, loimini; ( tl III in l per Voiiniis Itivrr ilislrict lo the' t roHn Y inanifttc I it i i t aper Co. Toledo---LiMfrillK ciimp will Mart hi re. Losing rnilroail may he huilt to tltlcuntcr oil Sih'U river soon, Trosper Shinnle mill here to re open. AUCTION SALE The undersigned will sell at pub lic sale on his farm, known as the old Itiekersou place, 2 , miles south of Hlvcrview cemetery, on the Itooiie I'erry road, and if' inili'H west tif Oswego, on SATl'ltDAV. JAS", !! the follow ing property, low it : !t cows, 'i just fresh and 1 coiniiiii fresh soon; calves, tl and 7 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 lit old 1 team work horses, weight .'500 lint., well l.roke; I mare, !) years old, wci,rhl 1500; 1 coll, IS moulds old; lid chickens; 1 ml work harness; 50 cedar fence posts; 1 12-roll tli.se, l(i-in; hran new; farm wajjon ; one wood rack; one gravel lieil ; luf fty !l I t in. plows; steel lever liirrow; cultivator; .shovels, axes, forks; 2 loit chains; ahout 8 tons of hailed .straw; .'I Ions of oats, and other articles' loo numerous lo mention. Lunch at noon. Terms of Sale- Under $'20, cash; over .f'.'O, S mouths' lime at N per cent, liaukahle note; '2 per cent oil' on nil Minis over $20. Fred lioss, Owner, J. ('. Kuralli, Auctioneer. Hance at Moose Hall, Saturday evening, Jan. 1!). Walker's or chestra. All are invited. EXKCUTORS, Administrators, Guardians, Tub lie Custodians and others having public and private trusts to j crfurnt can render proper service by depositing with us. We Have One of the Best Sale Deposit Systems in the State A proper place for valuable papers. VVc invite inspection ol this department in con junct ion with the others. An excellent hank for liar. tiling all branches of bank business. SHUTE SAVINGS BANK PROMPT : CONSERVATIVE : SAVE . Ir. (i. W. Via, of lluxton, was ilmvii to 1 1 1 1 1 si ii i the lii-st of tl Wi ell. CIihh. Davis, of Ih-yinul Norll Plains, was in the tit v Satunla afternoon. I William lehll, of lliixlon, has hrotnilit foreclosure suit against J. II. J t i nek , on money loaned a few yea rs nun. I'n il Ii. Clark, of I'aniiinton was in louii Monday. Hi nuii tieortfe, now in tin I'. S. Navy was last at San Dieifo, where In was assigned to ship. or hale - 1 wo liriinil sows one has S pi;s 5 weeks old am oilier unit i iis, r vei kh oiii. T .T, "iinl)oinelon, (iasloii, On It, I. I'h.ine, (ia-ton fiflll. 15 Amlrew lleekmaiin, of Inlli any, was up In the tily Mumla iiioi-miri. lie says tliil he sav lo.ri I I 1 1 1 1 i ii lt aloii'; the roai on his dip in to the eoiintv sent allied lii i f. pork, mutton veal, t ie., and will pay tin: Iiifih ml market price for name, Will call tiny place. T. A. Miller Henverton, Route 4; teleplioni lleaverton II, on line !). 10- 1'red Sehiimhuru:, who i 'it present visiting at M minlaindah and North Plains, was in the t-ilv Monday. I'red Is putting his dai rv ranch on the market, as lie is soon to locate in the Idaho sc (ion. Driver Knonti! lout n run lor iiolhiny; Saturday tuorniiifr, tin siren whistling him out In a falsi alarm down in the Iliah Schoo section, w here some workman tin the wires- tanuled up with the alarm system. I'., A. I'.ddv, of Tualatin, and L Kliner, who runs the Coo ipiarry, were up lo the city tin first of the week. L. A. reports Winter sow n grain down his way looking too fine for the si any of the season, Ch.is, Williams, of I'altnii Val lev, was down to Hillshnro l'ri oav. lie has huilt two silos on the ranch this season for his herd ol 'JO ilairv rows, ami xav.l tins, so f ir lias lu eii an easv winter on stock. He has some steers run ninui out all winter that arc still L'oihI Iiecf. ('has. s.'ivs that the dairy outlook is ;ood, the prices heiiiji away up, and ahuve tin averages of feed increiise, A Hnrifnhi Trt anv one want iutf n lirst-class dairy farm Itccaiisr: of leaving this county plaeiiiLC oil the market mv well developed tlairy farm, two miles from North Plains, and one mile north of l)avis station, on the I'nitcd. A complete, up-to-date dairy f.'win, with a tint hunt mul cipiiiiueiit, water works, and run liiiirf water on place; well kept up, and soil fertile; has always paid from start. Anyone wantinir a place in which there is good money may telephone for further Information to North Plains, lOFl-t. Hero is n splendid chance to get hold of n money making dairy. If! Roy Walters, last Saturday, while driving his traction engine nlmve the 'Pom Sain place, in the Seoggin Valley, broke through n bridge. The engine and its driver had a fall of aboul eight feet, ami the big steamer turned on its side. There was no explosion and Wal ters was not injured. He pro cured a stump puller, righted the engine on its wheels, and then pulled it up the incline with block and tackle from the power. Mr. Wallers has sold the en gine to a Portland party, and bar ring two or three dollars dam ages il was not injured in the least. Judge Heasoner and Com missioner Kodell Matteson went to tiie bridge Monday morning to look over the necessity of repairs. FACTORY MIS CiT VVaahington County Offcri Fine Inducement for Industry OPERATING AT BEAVERTON J. E. Gri flith, of the Company, in Town Recently, Talks J. K. (irillith, of the Pacific foa Polalo Starch Co., having a fat lory at lieavei-tnii, was in the city the ollu r day. He will, in Hi not distant future, take up th matter of a factory for llillshoro lili company t ikes all the cull potaloi-H and pays the top price lor tliciu, giving a farmer imiri than In: would realize on them in stock food values. In talking over Hit- potato starch ini ustrv Mr. (irillith says: in tiie ,-iiaie oi wrcgoii, am especially in the Willamette Val y, we are at present mostly in terested in the potato industry. Inking the world over, tin common or so culled Irish potato is prohalily eaten by n greater proportion of the earth's inhabi tants than any oilier crop, except nee. i lie general use oi potatoes in ii i - the nverage family, and the bet ter customs prevailing in manv homes in preparing the tubers or food are based on sount economic ami dictif reasons. Potatoes, however, while a val liable niltlitioii to a mixed diet alone are not suitable to meet the In i tl . of the bodv because of their poverty in protein and fat iich is lost in the preliiig for iling or frying. Theoretically speaking, the skin is the only re luse matter in the potato; hut in the pet ling ahout ! to l i per cut of the llesh is removed wit! it. W bile the skin itself has lit- food value, the part lying next o it, varying from one-twelfth to one-littli ol an men in thickness. oiitains a high percentage of mineral matter, such as .Soluble "arhohyilrates, Soluble Nitrogen ous mntterand acid substance. The waste in preparing is more important than Is generally real ized, and can be overcome by inverting the potato through a method of evaporation into pota to starch, potato Hour and potato meal. " The benclits derived through this method retains sullicient larch in n readv form ami con- lins mineral substance of impor tance to the bodv. A fact less generally known that tends to make the tissues of the body al dine, ?o counteracting lite ndeiiev of meats, eggs, tish and ike foods to create acid condi tious. Since the body does it's work est when it s condition is either natural or slightly alkaline, it is cry important that we retain those lost values so far as possi- ile through the utilization of the nils or unmarketable potatoes. Within n radius of Portland there is a potato acreage of approxi mately S.000 acres, with an esti- atcd yield of 6 tons to the acre, making supply of 40,000. It is been estimated by the far liters. Mint in Harvesting oi inis rop for the market, 25 percent r 10,000 tons are discarded ami Down as culls. These culls eon ain starch contents of IS to JJ0 per cent. t here is a Potato March .Mtg. 'o. now orgaui.ed and preparing take care of these culls; also ther by-products of the farm, such as vegetables, fruits, etc 'he nreseiit consuinpt ion of starch ami glucose in the cities of 'ortland, Seattle and Spokane . i . . . i may lie conservatively .csuniaicii at (i.OOO tons per year. . I he fu- ii re constiniplion will be. in ac- on I ince with the growth of est cil ies. The factory will be equipped and capable of taking care tit at ast 20 tons of potatoes per day. Inch would equal i tons of the finished starch, including other aluable by-products. In addition to the marketable potato starch, there will be avail- ble, about 20.1 tons ot dried pulp ! I - I. ' per season. tins puip naving a arch contents ot trom fit) to mi .1 .1 1 per cent in me conci iiiran ii mm ried stale, will carry all the otn- biable food dualities. Ibis alone as a cattle and hog food should not be underestimated. This factory will work in co operation wilh the fanner and enable him to realize for his waste, and unused potatoes to the cxetent of approximately $t00, 000 annually, and will encourage him to clear more land for culti vation, thus bringing about bet ter conditions for both the con sumer and producer." THRIFT STAMPS Clatsop still leads in tin s.ih- of 'Thrift .Stamps and War S.-niajj, Stamps in the state out ,iii- (f Moltnotuali County. Clatsop's total for January to dale i, iflOi;:: with grand total sab s of r7W)" -17. Marion Counly is u t, wild a grand total of Jf57:i.!i2. mid to tal for January to date of . lt;.'!7. fjO. Yamhill County leads in th January sales so far, sales amounting to .'i'liilMt, beiir- in tin third place with total sni. reach ing l.r)H().(il. Clackamas i, -n ond for the month with ?' 1 HI "i.'j 1 and a grand total of if." 1 IJ2.08. Other counties are rrportt 'I as follows for January sales anil to tnl sales, respectively: liaker, i, Hit.!, f2!Hi.l; I'matilla, if'i; I 5.80, W01.70; Douglas, .V'Uo, $t-'Slfi.U7; Jackson, ijt5(i2.7.'l. $27.1 1. Hi; Josephine, .ii:i.Kli. $l!li0.(i2; I.ane, total :?'i.')o.lH; Washington, $l.'i07..'S5, ? 1310.8.1. Multnomah's total for the ininilh is $20,0112.12, with a grand total of $111,112.-12. FOR THE HOUSEWIFE At tin: last Coflcc Club uu i t- mg, .Mrs. Jlyde gave a very inter esting talk on the Home Makers' Course at (). A. C, and Mis. A. M. Humphreys gave a talk on "Substitutes for White I- jour," and a demonstration. Mrs. Hum phreys was the demonstrator al the Land Show and at the Slate State Fair. Some of her recipes are given below. Try them. Oatmeal liiscuit 1 cup white Hour, .1 cups ground oatmeal, K tcaspoonful salt, teaspomifiil sugar, .1 level teaspomisful link ing powder. Mix with milk or w ater, roll thin, and bake in a hot oven. Liberty Cake 2 cups brown lugar, 2 cups hot water, 2 table spoons lard, 1 pacakge raisins. I teaspoon salt, 1 teaspoon each if ground cinnamon and cluvi s. Hoil all of these invrr diciits for (ivc minutes after ! lit-v begin to nibble. When cold add three ups of whole wheat flour, one teaspoon soda dissolvt d in one teaspoon of hot wali-r. Lake in two loaves for 15 minutes in a slow oven. This cake is better at the end of a week. Cornmeal Pic Crust Crease a lie plate well. Cover with raw cornmeal, giviilg the-iLule a ro tating motion so that an even lay er of the meal will stick to the platt: about l-Ki of an inch in thickness. Fill the (date with pumpkin pie mixture. Hake in a hot oven. Miss F.dna Mills, of O. A. C. will give an address and demon stration on "Substitutes for Fats" at the February meeting. AUCTION SALE I will sell at the old Mary Barrett lace, between the Canyon and 'ornell roads, north of the H. W. Sehlattman place, about 2' miles form Oreneo, about same listance form lieavcrton. at ten o clock A. Al., on THURSDAY, JAN. 21. Team horses, about 2S00, good work animals; Jersey grade cow, gallons; Jersey (iuernsey cow, 2l- gallons milk, will be fresh in pril; cow, 2-vcar-old, fresh in nril: 2 yearling heifers, Ilol- stein Jersey; .10 ehichens, thor i . oughbred White Orpington roos ter, set heavy harness, set light back harness, set plow harness. ivv.SVi wagon, with box; light wagon, 2-seat hack; 12-inch John ere steel plow; 12-ineh chilled dow, 2(i inch disc; iiO-tooth har row, cultivator, i-oo-egg iiicuim tor and brooder, roll tif 28-inch og-wirc; 2 10 -gal milk cans, 2 -gal milk cans, onion .seeder and attachments, some seed potatoes, chains, ,10-galhm feet! cooker, . i 11 stove and kettle comnmed ; nay rack; several barrels, crosscut .... nl. fl i. nl hee harrow : 2 lbs clover anil timothy seed mix ed ;scvcral bundles grain sacks. 2 horse covers, forks, spades, g al ien tools, and numerous other articles. Lunch at noon, and shelter if it rains. Terms of Salt if 20 and under, ish; over, six months' time, bankable note, at 8 per cent, in terest. Two per cent oil' on cash over !f''0. lt. Kirby, Owner, t. W. Hughes, Auctioneer. Ripe Raspberries Hen Heesacker, the supervisor of north of Forest (irove, was in the it v Saturday. He reports rip" nd green raspberries on his ines pretty good for an Ore gon January. no wouiitn t lie 1 in Oregon ? Theodore Bernards, of North Forest (irove, was a city caller Saturday morning. LOCAL IHSUrlANCE MEN III JHL CONVENTION Met in HilUboro, Monday, in An nuel Session, at Krebs Hall TWENTY DOLLARS LOSS, '17 Local Fire Association Has Fine Rt cortl for Year Just Closed The (;ruiau Mutual Fire Insur ance Association of Washington Counly met here in its annual session, at Krebs Hall, Monday, Jan. 11, 19)8, and the report of Secretary J.rwin Rittcr disclosed a most remarkable condition of affairs from a financial stand point. Carrying over one million fire insurance the association has paid out hut Jf'20 for actual fire In, si s during the year. Presi dent Samuel Graf, of Bethany, presided over the meeting. Sec ret. ;rv Hitter read his report, w hit h not only covered the past year, hut gave the statistics since the foundation of the system of insurance that has meant so much to tin- fanners of the county. Mr. l.ru in's rc;ort : Paid officers, apprais ers, per diem, etc. $ 72.1 Paid fire losses, 1917 20 I ir.- losses since organ ization 27,918 Total premiums receiv ed, since organized 38,802 Insurance in force Jan. I. it'l'i 1,3.10.57!) Wntt.-n, I 'J I 7 109,875 Caneelied or with drawn during year-.. 12,302 Total ins. in force Jan. 1. 11118 1,428,152 Net gain, 1917 97,523 Members at end of pre via r 880 Admitted, 1917 51 Lost by cancellation or withdrawn ti members, Jan. I, litis 925 Policies issued 1917 1C9 Per cent losses to $1000 insurance, ?.011 Per cent expenses to $ 1.000 ins. in force 0.615 . Total cost per $1,000 " ins in force O.ti.l Total cost per ,? 1,000 ins. in 19H) ...$3.15 Average cost per $ 1.000 ins. l ist 10 yrs $2.18 Tin following directors were elected for the terms following their names : l.ru in Rittcr, Bethany, 5 years. S 'tin Graf, Bethany, 4 years. W. F. Haase, South Tualatin, 3 years. Alfred Gucrber, Helvetia, 2 years. Gcrhardt (ioetze, Blooming, 1 year. A. L. Croeni, of Bethany, was elected auditor for 2 years. J. J. Wisiner, of Cedar Mill, is the holdover. On motion of Andrew Eggiman the outgoing ollieers were given a rising vote of thanks for their services. Directors, under the new law and vote, will fix the salaris of ollieials. The Hoard of Directors organ ized after the adjournment of the session, and the officers elected .were : President, Samuel Graf, Beth an v. Vice President, Alfred Gucr ber, Helvetia. Secretary, Frrwhi Rittcr, Beth anv. Treasurer, Fred Schultz, Beth any. President Gucrber and Secre tary Kilter were named as an ex ecutive committee to take enre of minor affairs in lieu of a called meeting of the board. The annual meeting turned down a resolution that keeping of an auto in a barn would nullify insurance. Trom statistics it was shown that this Mutual is the first or ganized west of the Rocky Moun tains. It was formed April 1, 1SS3. These were appointed as ap praisers: Julius Asbahr, Corne lius, R. 2; John Aden, Sherwood, It. 1 : Harry Asbahr, Corvallis, R. 1; F. C. Burghol.er, Buxton; J. 1). GolVricr. McMinnville, R. 1 ; II. Grebe, Grebe; Peter Grossen, Hillsboro. R. 1 ; W. F. Heberlein, Friend; H. P. Karstens, Albany, R. 1; Ferd Langer Sr., Sherwood, R. 1 ; John A. Mullenhoff, Bor ing, R.3; Julius Paulsen, George; John SchifTerer, Turner, R. 1 ; G. Sclnoeiler, Dallas, R. 1 ; O. M. Thompson. Shedd, R. 2. A. L. Croeni, of Bethany, was in Monday. He reports a larger acreage of Winter wheat than ever down his way, and says it is looking fine. C. B. BUCHANAN & CO., Inc. Hillsboro, Cornelius and Nortli Plains Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Grain, Hay, Flour, Feed and Grain Bags Car-lot shipper of POTATOES and ONIONS. Grain chopped or rolled at any time Lumber, Shingles and Lath At Cornelius ' ' Beaver State Flour The Best Flour at the Lowest Prices. Telephones; Hillsboro, Main 14, Cornelius, City 1515, North Plain, Main 263. HARD SURFACE ROADS Will socm lead from Portland tc the splendid Beaverton - Reedville Acreage ... Many choice small tracts ou sale. Splendid train service morning and evening into the city. Buy your little home before the big raise comes. SHAW-FEAR COMPANY 102 Fourth Street We wish all our Patrons and all Hillsboro a HAPPY NEW YEAR By Prompt Work and Proper Prices we will help to make it Prosperous. Come In and See What We HOFFMAN Jeweler and Optician Main Street i Pay $85 in Twelve Months siiit This Model X Victrola is is the most popular of all good reasons. The Delta PORTLAND, OREGON Look Around Have to Offer Hillsboro, Oregon , (or with io-iu. Double-Faced Records, $92.50) And Have This VictrolaatYour Home There isn't anything else yon can buy for $$ a month that will give you the enjoyment to be had out of (his instrument. wonderfully satisfactory. It the Victor Models, and with Drug Store r 1