The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, January 10, 1918, Image 1

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NO. 43
Sen-Going Veswli Connl ruction
ji Great Industry
Yenr for Lumber in 1917,
nigger in 1918
Oregon shipyards need .'1000 ad
ditional linn In' (lie in vt two
, "'iilliH. Secretary Hudson, of
I 'i rt In nil ( IkmiiIic r of Com-V-rce,
Jki M liccn lining excellent
"i, irk in placing value of Oregon
shipbuilding before tin- public.
Portland Alliiim Kngiuc f:
Machine Works gcli government
contract for I htyri shins, ctv.t
1U.000.000. 1 ,
Portland-"-- WenmU,, launched
iiiiiI under const riirlloii nt Ore
frmi shipyard aggregate lolnl
l tilnutloii of $150.00(1,000.
Portland - Northwest Steel Co.
iiiul Cobiiulihl Itivrr Shipbuilding
( orp. awarded government run
tmet for SO steel tti'iniers, rosil
l.etween I, Ilfl.OOO.OOO and ,t0.'
Springfield- Sprtrigllf lil Plan
ing Al ill ship enr load of Irlil
pin on government nnli-r of oin
Itivcrdalc Dniry Products Co,
In luiilil eolil .stomal' plant.
l.riMiiion rrr mill r ii 1 1 ii i ii
lull .1 shift daily.
( ili-iiilnli' I't-rlirnelie mill to
pcrate almut Jan. lllh with CO
III. m. " , -
Regular freight and passenger
sen ice mi the alley i Siltl
railroad line lietween liulepcnd
nee nml Vslset starts,
Oregon apple crop Is short
,!90.(00 boxen.
Asloriu Government let the
emit nu t for H more wooden ves
sels hcrr.
New port ('out met for 2000
fool extension of jetties let1 here
in l'l.rtUinl firm for $.10:1,000.
Oregon firm may get chance
to build airplanes.
Itrooking--- Hig sawmill run
ning steadily bfrr.
, M.i ninth Knife i!0 mile of
. fcSlr.iliitrn Itnilrimil completed,
Astoria -10 1 7 (million pnek is
worth ),,00(.
Tillamook cheese brings in
Oregon forest products in I!) 1 7
worth 10,000,000. One-sixth of
output of nation produced in the
northwest. Mill l urn nut ing nr
ders for government.
Ilillshoro- Comity levy for
l!U7 in high school districts,
mills. Oilier districts must pay
,s more.
Oregon City Manufacturing
Co. Kits order from war depart
ment for fiO.OOO pieces, including
blankets and overcoats.
l ied Walters Jr. and Miss Ame
lia Dirk were united in marriage
nt tilt' home of Citrl Dick, Yalle
Vista, Jan. 1, Itev. U. W. Cot troll
ollieiating. The groom iss well
known farmer of the (irillin
Plains, and the bride Is popular
In the West Union district.
List of unclaimed I
tiers week
ending Jan. fi, il) IS :
Miss Helen Hrnwil, Mrs. Fred
Caldwell, S. Itlley C'ogan. 1'.
jluirman, Mr. nml Mrs. Tom
Moulafc. Mr. '"d M. Louis M.
Idee. Carils, Doris lierdine,
Mrs. Frank, Mrs.. June, Milton
I loekcnbcrry, Mrs. C. Peterson,
Carl Ran, M rs. Wilson.
J. C. l.amklu, Postmnster.
EXKCUTORS, Administrators, Guardians, Tub
lie Custodians and others having public nnd
private trusts to perforin can render proper
service by depositing with us.
We Have One of the Best Safe
Deposit Systems in the State
A proper place for valuable papers.
We invite inspection of this department in con
junction with the others.
' An excellent bank for handling all branches
of bank business.
Aruo K. I'ii keiiH, blacksiuill
w th Ki'rr Pickens, has joined
tli ' linger and thumb briai
foiiiieil here last Summer, when
there was an epidemic of cutting
of lingers. Pickens went out to
the woodpile the other evening
and started to exercise his inns
cIck with the family ax. Just In
fore the perspiration started, Ar
no felt something smart at tin
left thumb sector, mid had tin
iiiispcaknblc pleasure of mccIiik
the thumb lly live feet away. Tin
ax hail severed ft in the clear
riht nt the first joint. Dr. F II
.Smith dressed the thumb -what
was left of t nml Pickens wi
not hammer any Iron for several
weeks, lie comes down town
daily and consoles with (Jcorgt
r'mmott and other iinfortiiunt
of his class, who haven't as vet
been vaccinated nuaiust wooi
Albert and Otto liarlrnmpf
and I' rank Johnson recently ship
ped about 700 Ore (Tim game birds
raised in (her liird preserved, to
reiitisvlvnnla. wjicre they wen
sold to the statu game couiuiis
sioll. The consignment consisted
of (inldi n nml Silver Pheasants
mid Chinas, and under the direc
tlmi o the game commission were
sent to various counties of the
slate. The eohl weather there
being intense it is very likely that
many will he housed and not
turned out tint ) t Spring.
Lewis ChrlsleiiscM, whose fath
er is'n Sherwood enrpenter, was
brought before the Juveni
Court, Monday. charge of
being absent from school, and al
so of having smoked cigars. The
lad was given ft suspension of
sentence ami as he is going to
join the navy, having passed his
exam the court will expunge tin
record when he sends in his of
ficer's ntlidavit that he hns en
(li'ii. (i. Hancock, former sher
iff of the county, etinic down
from Forest drove the other day
ami spent n few hours greeting
friends. His daughter, Marga
ret, Is working for the govern
ment at Washington, 1), ('., nml
wan fortunate in securing npnrt
nients with some former Forest
(irtive friends. Miss Alma Sehiil
merich, of this citv, is also there.
Special Agent Wisecnrvuis f
I he Income tax dcparltiu'iit, had
a ix-fltv liiisy tin V ,Motiitax, wim
men coming in to discma. kiw ar
rangement. The report is "not as
easy to till out as it might he nnd
Mr.1 tscenrver helped Ml w ho
r.i eileil assistance.
For Sale: Fine registered Jer
sey bull, 20 months old,' nut of
famous Carey herd. Fine forma
tion ami comes from great pro
ducing ilc.m.- Oral Gardner, of
near Moiintaintlale, address
Hanks, Itoute 3, tel. North Plains
!Fia. 41-3
Lester Nelson Hennetl, Philo
math, Mini lila l'.loist' Phillips, of
Forest (irove, were united in
marriage at the temporary home
of the bride's mother, at Rocka
wny, Pee. 25, They will live'nt
For Sale Two brood sows;
one has 8 pigs, 8 weeks old nml
other has !) pigs, 8 weeks old.
F ,T, VanDoniclon, (iaslon, Ore
It. I. Phone, (iaston 88.1. 48
William Schiilnicrieh went to
the. Slate capitol today, to meet
with' the State Fair Hoard nml
assist in arranging the premium
list on livestock.
I'.lmcr Wohlcr left for lircmer
ton last week, after an extended
visit with his parents, Mr. nml
Mrs. Otto Wohlcr.
Harry C. Patlon ami Huth
Means were married Dee. 28,
Rev, K. S. Mace oHleiating.
Farmer Element in Evidence in
Goodly Number Last Few Days
If Liable, And You Fail, $20 to
$1,000 Penalty and Addition
. il. Mlseenrvcr, special agent
of the treasury department, i
having a busy time in JudK(. Ro
soner's chambers these days, giv
ing out information on the income
tax. Many fanners are on tin:
scene to find just where they
stand. Agent Wisccnrver nays
thai failure, to report if you are
liable to Income tax means a fine
of from $l!0 to $1,000, nnd an
addition of 80 per cent, of your
liability of taxation.
If you arc married and have
an income, net, of over 2,000
per year, you must report this
iiieaim net above your overheat!
expenses, not including the cost
of living, If yon have chjldrcn
under 18 you are allowed 200
further deduction on each child.
nit you must report at any haz
ard, whether the deduction means
you nre immune from tax or not.
If you nre single nml have a
net income of over $1,000 you
must report.
I his means that one is liable
to pay per cent on income over
$2,000 if married, ami on income
over $1,000, If single.
Mr, iseenrver savs the coun
ty will be given a chance to re
port until January iu, ami alter
that the strong nrm of the gov
ernment will reach out nml take
charge of nil those liable who
have not reported. The govern
ment will have access to nil
hanking house books for the past
few years nml will do some figur
ing on its own account. So if you
are liable to income you Iwul bet
ter he a good scout ami come in,
man or woman, for you will be
ailed on, possibly tu your sor
row, il you ito not. liovcrnmciit
msiiiess is stern business, but it
spells straiglit business.
Mr. Wiseearrer will answer nil
ucfiiont you ask ami do it with
tftmrtf sr. He is sent here to be a
lirljk to T, il is his rnru-
st'wisli. lm writ luul linn ap
proachable in every way, and a
isit to him will not he a regret
table incident.
The undersigned will sell nt pub-
lie sale on his farm, knowh ns the
tdtl Dickerson place, 2U miles
south of ltiverview cemetery, on
the ltoone Ferry roatl, and 2
miles west of Oswego, on
the following property, towit: 3
ows, 2 just fresh ami 1 coming
fresh soon; 4 calves, (i nml 7
months old; 1 team work Horses,
weight 2800 lbs., well broke; 1
mare, ! years old, weight 1500; 1
oil, 18 months old; ill) chickens;
set work harness; 80 cedar
dice posts; 1 IZ-roll disc, Ki-ui;
trail new; II 't farm wagon; one
wood rack; one gravel bed; bug
gy; 3 li-hi. plows; steel lever
harrow; cultivator; .shovels, axes,
tirks; 2 log chains; about ,') tons
of bailed straw; ii tons of oats,
and other articles too numerous
to mention. Lunch nt noon.
Terms of Sale Under $20,
ash; over $20, 3 months' time nt
per cent, bankable note; 2 per
cut oil on all sums over $20.
Fred Doss, Owner.
J. C. Kuratli, Auctioneer,
w. s. s.
Thrift Stamps nnd Thrift Curds.
(J. If I do not have enough
money saved up to luiv n ar
Savings Stamp nml eiin only snvc
small amounts, what should I
A. Buy a 25-cent Thrift
Stamp nt a postothee, bank or
other authorized agency nml nsk
for a Thrift Card, to which you
nn attach your Thrift Stamp.
(J. Is there any charge for n
Thrift Card?
A. No. It is given to yon to
hold Thrift Stamps nnd contnins
n place for your name and nd-
Q. How many Thrift Stamps
M ill this card hold ?
A. Sixteen stamps, which
represent n vnlue of $1.
Wnr-Savings Stamps may be
purchased from nil postotliees,
mail carriers, banks and ninny
stores nnd industries.
Edward Huge, of Farmliiglon,
brought his little Hon, Marion, up
town Monday, to hnvc his collar
bone set. The lad fell nt school
last week nml sustained a dislocation.
l.ommissmiicr Hesse savs that
he notices wherever people takt
the trouble to drain away a mini
holt: in the roatl, that the travel j
lairiy good even In the wor,
weather. Two minutes wor
...i .1 ... .... . . ..
mien inert: is water hlilitling 111
the roatl will sometimes save ma
ny days labor with tenuis. Conn
ty Judge Ueasoucr says that I. I..
Morelock is one of the best resi
dent in the county in this regard
nml lie frequently spends a few
minutes during rains, "puddling"
the highways,
Charles Ilickethier, of Cedar
Mill, was it Monday, incom
panying one of his sons who was
filling in his questionnaire, (.'has.
says the acreage of Fall-sown
gruin is llie largest he ever wit
ncssed in his section. Mr. Hick-
ctliier Is a veteran of the Civil
War, ami he nerved four
and three ' months nnd
honorably discharged was still
under 21 years of age.
Edmond P. Cornelius, of be
yond North Plains, was in Satur
day, greeting his many county
seat friends. Edmund says tin
frogs nre nil piping the "beauti
ful Springtime" out his wav, ami
the chorus is waging day and
night. Another week or two of
the warm weather and Cornelius
says the lilacs will be in bloom
ami the fruit tree Ntnrting to
John M. Brown, for inanv
years the deputy postmaster hen
nnd later Wclls-I'nrgo agent for
a long term, came down from bin
ranch above Banks, Saturday.
John lost his bam by tire last
Summer, nftcr he had stored his
hay, nml he says that wouldn't
have been so bad had he not so
nearly lost his hands in a pulley
getting the hay in.
Cedar Mill resident. goin
around by Ueaverton win tin ;
alibis just now to m.-iko t'l ? t inn
ty sent trip. By next year Un
tune., with the special '.'is mil tl.t
county appropriation . thi it will
probably be but a smafl stretch
of Mud roads, ami there is al
ready tnlk of volunteer work
with the county buying the ma
terial, to close the gap entirely.
M,.rs. Samuel Shaw, who has
been visiting her parents, Mr. nnd
Mrs; Snm Sipp, of Mountaindale.
returned to her home in The Dal
les, Saturday. Her brother, Oct..
Sip), accompanied her, his inten
tion being to go on to Bend, Ore.,
for an indefinite stay. They were
accompanied to town by Sam and
his w ife.
The last of the questionnaires
have been mailed out, ami t!i;
war board ollice in SheiilT Apple
gate's rooms, is one o: the lively
places these days. Mrs. E-iw.
Morton is assisting in tit; clerical
work, but the .sheriff is tlc t'tii;
o er fifty per cent of riis rum- to
thf. work.
Many cards were' received at
the Ilillsboro nnd other county
post offices Monday morning,
from the Washington County
boys, who recently landed in
France. One of the postals said
they had a fine trip, after n few
days of seasickness.
Conductor John II. Dobbins is
running ns relief man on the S. P.
line passenger trains on this side
of the river, anil was thro town
Monday. John is getting the sil
ver in Ids hair, but still carries
that same old wholesome smile.
Walter Zetzman, of near Lei
syville, was a city visitor the last
of the week. He says that Win
ter grain is looking a bit too good
for this time of the year, and he
fears n freeze would do some
J. H. Wilson, of Corvnllis, has
1 L
entered into n contract to auuic
the books of the county oll'ieers
for $200. He will soon start m
the work, nnd expects to com
plete the contract witlnn two
Free Methodist Church, Fifth
and Oak Streets, J. V ood,
Pastor. Sabbath School nt 10 A.
M.; prenehing nt 11 and 7:.10,
nnd prayer meeting each llmrs
day evening. All are welcome.
Jos. Robinson, of Farmington,
was up the last of the week. Jos.
says this is the kind of weather
Oregon enjoyed years gone ny.
Verner Domazalla nnd Amy
B. Squires, of lScavcrton, were
married Jan. 1, H'lS, RVv. Ci. A.
Gray, of Beaverton, oHleiating.
Fimlley McLeod, of Gaston.
..' , . .r ii ii.
one of t tie onuimcrs tu me mmum
part of the county, was here the
Inst of the week.
Harry Wolford, in the bind-
ware business at nanus, was m
the city Tuesday.
Lester E. Campbell, of Scholls,
was in the city the last of the
Gotfried Schumacher, of below
Oreneo, was in the city Saturday.
o. a. c. mmm
in county schools
Number Paa Industrial
Projects in 1917
Co. Jupt. of Schocla Frn.l M,L..
Call to Children
l'he Club work which
is earrict
"h through the extension dt Dart
""-.a oi m. .. u S getting to be
1 t M . . . '
one of the L'reat. sl ...I t; I
t . ,UI,llflll
forces in (hi: state. One of the fat tors in character build
i"g is the habit of success, tbi-
hahit of undertaking some defi
nite program anil pushing it thru
to H successful ei.iicl,,,,,,, Tl...
. '" "
lowing is ii list of names of
thus..: school children of Wash
ington County who finished some
industrial oroicet ilnrimr loir
. " r- '.
mil sent in complete reports sat
sfactory to the (). A. C. authori
Coin Albert li. Menkens. Al
fred Anderson.
Poultry, Division II Hi rnm
M. Tunner. Ilarrv I!
Potato Leona'rd Rth. Ilarrv
Vtlolphson, Wendell It. Brown.
!' nui cis Schwnll.
Gardening Fred Cumminirs.
Ilarrv liroderson. Joscnli P.. I,
Henry l'( tcrson, Harry Ttipper.
Poultry, Division IV Her
man (ioetze. ' ,
P.ikinir Annua Joos, Irene
Man-. A Huh Mevcr, Lila Mever,
Belvn II. ucr. Ada Hall, Ida M.
Ch isc. Grace Saxton. Elvn L'ls
hot tier, Mary Thick', Mary Eli.a
Vost , Esther Xorthrup, Lola
Northrup, Elsie Gerber, Dora
Vamb.-rzamlen, Fannv Konigin.
Charlotte Hiits.
Canning Ethel Bates, Gladys
Winn, Clara Miller.
Sewing. Division I Esther
Bennett, V'elma Davits, Kathe
rine X, Cook, Lily Colfelt, Eve
lyn lluHiim, Martha James, Mil
dred James. Eveline Hoffarber.
Kuby HolTnrber, Alice Hoard.
Ruby Horuecker, Virginia Gar
vin. -Ada Hall, Anna Goctze, Car
oline E. GofT. Dorothea M. Men
kens, Irene Marr, Tunia Konigin.
Kate Taylor, Gladys Winn.
Sewing. Division II Marguer
ite McPoiaml, Dadie Pondelicek.
Elleh .weiiicr.
Handicraft Leo Elwert, Fred
Wen.el. Hiram Ttipper,
The follow ing were winners of
the free trip to the State Fair:
Irene Marr .Sewing
Alice Hoard Sewing
Leonard Itch Potato growing
Fi'aiitis Sehvvull ...Potato, growing
The Federal Government is
carrying a load that is. almost tier
yoml miscomprehension. .We are
apt to think t because. we can
only do a little our help is not
worth while. This is a great
mistake. .The Hohenollerns base
their hope on the belief that a
democracy, cannot be united. It
is up to us to dispel this belief
for all time. Every. loyal citizen
is going to get in anil do, his best
in every way possible. This in
cludes the school children.
There are four principal divis
ions of work that are to be push
ed in the schools of Oregon. We
expect every school child in
Washington Comity to take some
part , in every one of these de
pijrtiluci'ils or work.
I r Educational material in the
form of Government circulars,
pamphlets,'" books, 'etc., will be
sent for study in school and for
distributioni to the homos.
II Contributions; ns' Red
Cross, V. M. C. -A.; reliefs for the
Belgians, -.Poll's, Serbians, etc.
I H'-S.-i-vings. .A. Thrift cam
paign is started. This -wilb- in
elude Thrift Stamps, War Sav
ings Ci'rtitie(ates, Liberty Bonds,
Savings Bank deposits, etc.
TV--Conservation and extra
production, Every child , is. a
committee to see that the window
cards are kept in sight and that
the kitchen card is-carefully fid
lowed. Every child is expected
to produce something in the way
of food or clothing. W c hope
most children above the fourth
gratle at least will complete an
industrial project w ith O. A. C.
While the children arc helping
the government they will be
helping themselves. We appeal
to the parents to give enthusias
tic support ti) this school pro
gram. N. A. Frost,
County School Supt.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Boyd, of
Southern Oregon, were guests of
Mrs. R. Cave', last week. Ed. is
an ohltime Dilley-boy, nnd now
has a farm in the south part of
the state. He bad not met Mrs.
Cave for many years, and the
inci ting of brother and sister was
an epoch in their Holiday season
C. B. BUCHANAN & CO., Inc.
Hilbborc, Cornelius and Nortli Plains
Wholesale and Retail Dealers in
Grain, Hay, flour, Feed and
Grain Bags
Car-lot shipper of POIATOES and
ONIONS. Grain chopped or
rolled at any time
Lumber, Shingles and Lath
At Cornelius
Beaver State Flour
The Best Flour at the Lowest Prices.
Telephones; Hillsboro, Main 14,
Cornelius, City 1515, North Plain, Main 263.
East Through
Cost Little More
Scenic Shasta Route, Sacred
Siskiyous, Mt. Shasba. San Fran
cisco, Los Angeles, Southern Cal
ifornia. Choice of routes.
Let us make an itinerary for
your trip showing train sched
ules, stopovers, etc.
Ask nearest ageut or w rit.:
jo i" u. om
General I'iskmmt '..'fr
Pol. J, tW ail'
Write for folder on t4i i'Vl,,.
Trail of Arizona
Hillsboro Auto. Li very
Feed and Board&ig Stakfe
Prices Reasonable
2nd & Washington Sts. Fhrne, Main yS
We wish all our Patrons and all Hillsboro a
By Prompt Work and Proper Prices
we will help to make it Prosperous.
Come In and
See What We
v , t.
Jeweler and Optician
Main Street i Hillsboro, Oregon
!' Argus and Daily
Pacific Lines
Look Around
Have to Offer
Oregonian 2ToSr $6