The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, January 03, 1918, Image 2

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    All Coats and Suits
at Reduced Prices
We never carry any
garment over season
Goas Woman's Shop
.Third Street Hillsboro, Oregon "" '
Only Exclusive VVoman't Store in the Courtly
County Official I'uvr
la. A. I.on, mi not
Kotere.t nt the I' st OhVe t HilUhon
Oiryuu, as iinii.l fi iu il m iiu-i.
Sntm'itirtioti. ti.n pet milium.
v v - -
If the Oregon , bovs make .'
jfttod a reputation over in l' ram-tan
kitty tllil in the l'll)inic
they will bp ull ti the jrund mid
they will, no doufct.
Willi our old friend (Ins llnvr
ia the primary race, and Cmy. Jim
al- out to succeed himself there
should be some nice, ami ns one
has lnaay friends lu re ami the
other n home re Mihaiet-, the out
come might be rolilctn:iticnl.
Th comity court's tax levy i-:
three thousand dollars under the
budget levy. As the court could
haw fixed it 10 her cent, higher
and still -been under the sl.-ilut
the taxpayers haven't any Lit
COlllilllf. '
Itallimore, Md., Pec. Perhaps
the most distinguished service
Hag in the country is Hying from
the f1auVtT of St, Vary' Indus
trial Sctund Ucec. TIhi Hint bears
stars: two of theui arc of
gold fojp men who liarc already
lokt kJreir lrvee an tJe acmcc
This school In cim-picuous for
the uuinber of its pupils who have
joined some military scryicc. The
greater proportion of them are
serving with the United States
Hob Slnnl'ield, of Umalill
county, Is out for the republican
senatorial nomination. l!ol isa
going to let Charlie MeXary hav
the plum unless he pots up a figl
for it. Stauheld is some politi
cian and cainpai:;wrr, and he wi
fight hard to get the toga.
After 7(K) vears Jerusalem is
ngain in the hands of the Chris
tians, and the Turk has been ons
ted. The Ciorinans ninl Turks are
now trying a llankiiag movemeiit
1 A I. 1, , . I I
10 ousi me rirnisri, mil to no
avail. The sands of the I'alestiiu
country was me, loiiiu.oi limns
andss in the old tlaTs when tlx
vnrisii.'ms lougnt me star am
crescent, and it again promises to
be a graveyard for the invading
hosts. The lirilish feel that Ihcv
have their rear protected to
fare-you yi ell.
Uncle Sana, as a war measure, has
asked us All to "Iloovcruc." Tin
food administration urges thrift
in the kitchen. Automobile own
cm nave asked to waste less on
We arc being asked ti travel no
more than is absolutely neees
i . . . - , i" . ...
mire rue sugar, niiimni.e on
meat; use less light; watch tit
w beat, and such War time appeals
are nothing more nor less than an
appeal to be thriftv, as we should
be all the time.
II we are tunny re are going
to nave millions of dollar that
heretofore have bei wasted on
Mh'avagatieck. I'ncHe Saw ask,
oa ba ItMid him these aitions for
lira years at four per cent, iater
4. Me need the money lo w in
Me t; "and to nwta efery
faaeriaun ihimi. mihuiii nad rkitii
t 1mm estiMy and to become a
boud holdi'r in the gtireruineut
udrr which he lives, the sale of
thrift stamps and war Mviuirs
stamps is being promoted.
Methodist Kpiseopal Church.
Third and Washington, The
Church of the Friendly (.retting
Walton Skipwoith, pastor- !":IS
A. M., Sunday School ; II A. M.,
aermo., -Salt;" (5:30 I W., lip
worth League; 7:0 U. M -r-....
- . r . 5"
aim, now r mu
Th week of prayer in being ok
acrved by serices in the I.cairm
room each evening at 7:t. Tin
t-hoir will practice on Saturday
crening at the. parsonage
II. Novca. an Atlventist resid
ing near (raston, was yesterday
tried for insanity, Ur. I'. A. Bai
ley evaininiii't physician, ami or
dered committed to the Salem
Slate llosintsl. N'oves has been
here for 1, ami is married
and lia a vtife nml five, children
He is aged 4 years, and has bee
undergoing mental dissolution for
two or three years, lie alway
has been temperate, mid neve
ii M il tol.:H-.-o nor drank alcohol
Hi:; fatL-r died from an accident
inei.r.t'd while trying to escape
from an asylum; his graltdmothe
has lwrn in the asylum, and h
now has a brother in the institu
lion. Noyes threateu to kill
himself, nad nt times Hies into
raga. and it ,wV thought best t
have trial restrained so he would
neither harm himself nor anyone
Muck Macadam Work to be Done
in County Tkia Year
Wherever in Use Proven That
Carriage ii Cheaper Than Horact
The County court is this week
asking for bids for one or more
auto trucks for conveying of the
rock, from crushers to the rock
roads w hit h w ill be laid this year.
Wherever the auto truck has
been '.tried it has been found a
matter of economy, l'ach truck
will curry yards.
Hits year the roatl net ween
here and Laurel; between here
ami .North 1 lams, ami lictwccn
here and Cedar Mill will be rock
ed, ami this means long stretches
of hauling, almost prohibitive by
tenuis. The budget voted f.'ltl
(HUI tor macadam, ami lo this
will be addetl a considerable of
the other roatl money availabl
there are several good luaKca
of machines and there will 1
competition on ' furnishing them.
Forest Grove-Hanks will hav
several thousaml jlollars to ev
pend, ami the Scholia section, ns
well. . 1 he roatl between l-orcst
drove and dales Creek gets
ijtf.OOO, and this will be the first
county general help that section
has .received excepting a small
strip at the Forest drove end of
the road
There will be some team work.
of course, in the haaliiiL'. rspet
r viVNi
1 1 - . ,,-v-
V aj i
J .-si.v n- I
f ft A - K
A Portland dnnioorat, wlo is a
candidate for governor.
The extension of time allowed
for the "Christinas Membership
Drive has dclaved the returns.
and while n few more have bet n
received since last week's issue
of the paper, a complete report
cannot be printed before next
week. 1 he husincss houses in
town now tlisplaviug Ihc I Ml er
cent poster number S,S ; Haul
14; Ortnao, 'J; I.bimUk I, lVtu
iallv where the tntarries arc clone I '', Ki
to the iinprormrats.
ucdwood v ity, December IS. -lty
bringing his airplane to a full
stop within twelve feet of a Hag
set to mark his stopping point, L,
I',. Mellemlv, n stiitient at the
I'lfdwood City School of Aviation
today established a new stop-ree-
Melleudy was trying out his air
pilot s license before Guv T
Slaughter, vice president of the
I'aeilie Aero Club. Fullilling th
requirements of the international
test, klellemlv shut off his motor
N00 feel above the ground mid
glided, to earth. The test requir
ed that he stop w ithin !(.') feet of
the flag.
As a consequence of his work
.Mellemlv wav made an instructor
immediately afterward by Franl
liryaut, chief instructor at th
at ialioti school."
Aviator Mtlleudv is married to
Mae, daughter of Mr. and Afrs
Lewis Klines, of this city, and tire
home of the couple is in Califor
nunihur of former students of
Hillsboro High met at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Smith,
ast Saturday evening. The'par-
tv Iwiili-d from all sectiouN of the
on nt ry, kinae from out of the
stale. 1 hos1 til atteiitlauee were
.cone. Uijthnvo, (Uissie Stglrr, Ak
ine l.iwia. i.ayr .alfroetlrr, Aluia
Itiix-, Illiva Witkes, Uias .UtHiford
Mts'. keIluttM, XJint -Alice
naiafi, Downld U. I.hhm Vwvut
'.ngletfingrr, iiRsxell Morgan and
Claire WHkes. At a late hour
iJie sludmits di.prrsed after aere
uatliug J.t. Long, at the home of
lis p.irents. i
Sealed bids will be received by
the Countv Court of Washington
County, Oregon, on Jiaturdav,
Jan. lit, !!I8, at 1U A. M., and
then opened for aupplyiug one or
more auto trucks of S'j vartl
capacity, complete and ready for
operation. Delivery to bo not
later than .March 15, 1UIH. 1 he
right is reserved to reject any or
all bids.
Dated January 2. 19 IS.
l'y order of County Court.
D. 15. Ueasoner,
County Judge
II." Garrett departed the last
week for a trip Fast.
Try the Argus for the year of
1018. Subscription price, $1.50.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Sehulmcrich
spent the New Year at Uockaway
guests of J. J. Krcbs ami wife.
Mr. anil Mrs. .las. Shaw, of
Astoria, were New Year's guests
of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Larson, re
turning this morning.
Sheriff Applegate reports that
out of the first 100 questionnaires
answered, .'I'-' must return a yd
correct their papers.
. Mr. and Mrs. Jake Milne and
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Huaeh, of
North Plains, went lo Corvallis
this week, to attend demonstra
tion week at O. A. C The Far
mers' short course is staged for
next week.
Seattle ami Taeomn, owing to
rains, have been forced to detour
their trains around by Portland,
the last week. When Uncle Sam
gets to running the railroads for
good Portland is likely to conic
into its own with a clear road
way down the Columbia river.
Mr. and Mrs. Oliver P. New
ton, of Rattle ( i round, W'li., came
over the first of the week, and
were guests of J. N. Grabcf and
family until New Years day. O
says that in the intervening
years since he last saw Hillsboro
the town has so grown ami im
proved that he hardly knew it
Mr; and Mrs. J. I!. Stownrt
held a family reunion Christinas
iv, at their home at No. 912,
Sixth St. The children and the
grandchildren were all home at
soiuc time during the. day. Their
laughter, Mrs. Frank J'.dgertoii,
spent the week with them, re
turning to her home at Monitor,
Saturday morning.
Chas. E. Koontz, driver of the
ity fire team, has some of the
women beaten when it comes to
knitting. "Dad" Koontz has al
ready kaittcd two sweaters for
the kov ia tke trraches. and he
eiprcts to ran oar oat on an aver
age of a week as soon as be gets
lis hand in right w ell.
JtWfe if fcrWvMtr, tovk
Ur. Lew m :md Mr. Krot4. over
wttt vktarina- of town, hYyoud
the long br1ge, and notwrth
standing the downpour of rain
nml uiuddy roads, blie trio se
carad lr"S 7.
Mimlav a I rrcgtawsai natl n
front page article from France bv
II. W. 1'atton, the iloquiam, Vli
editor, who was on n tour of in
siwctinn lifluml the hr nr.; lines.
ami is in it position to sec (lie ac
tual Red Cross work being done
1 Ills is vt lint he writes- Uver III
France that little emblem of the
Red Cross upon a field of white
is looked upon as only second to
the banner of the different Na
tions, and any remark derogatory
ol thai cmlilem produces us
swift retribution as a slur cast
upon t lit Hag of the United
States, France, or England, ami
words cannot, express the grati
tude anil appreciation of the sol
tlier anil civilian alike for the no
ble, unselfish and splendid work
which flic Red Cross is doing."
llicse people who nave gone
over there and are devoting
themselves to this w ork are doing
it in' the spirit of the finest self
sacrifice. They labor without the
hope of reward, their only idea
being to serve humanity. The
work of their .brains nml of their
hands and their bodies is freely
given, but it requires something
to supplcmcut the efforts of these
devoted people.
there must tie. supplies, there
must be bandages, there must be
medicines, surgical appliances.
fooil ami thousands of things
which these people nt the front
can put into use, but which they
cannot supply. The duly of
keeping these people supplied
with the necessary things to car
ry on their work rests with us
who cannot light to assist in eve
ry way possible Hint nolilrst
branch of our service, the Red
I am satislu-tl that nnv person
who would go abroad nml see the
work being done, and the good
being accomplished bv the Red
Cross would come back w illing
to give his last spare dollar to as
sist in tin- work. I know how I
feel about it. My time and all I
have is nt the disposal of the
Red Cross.
Tha State Tux Commission dt:
itled that Washington County's
ssessinent roll, as returned bv
the county equalization board,
was SI per cent, of the real val
ues. There were but two coun
ties in the ktat having a lower
basis of ablations.
Frank O'.Meara, of near EI
moniea, was up yesterday, filling
out bis questionnaire.
J. A. Crociii, of Bethany, wan
a tit) caller today.
In the Circuit Court of the Slate of I
Oregon for Wusliington dainty.
Minnie F. Bennett, Plaintiff, vs. L
E. Iicnnott, Defendant.
To L. tl Bennett, the above named I
In the name of the Stale of Oregon I
You are hereby commanded and re-1
quired to be and appenr in the above
entitled court and anawer the. com
painlt filed oaiant you in tht above
M4 raasa am or Uckma tke eaqtlr-
ifun of ate wwelta from law data M
tba ant pntilicattMi of this luiunonil
m the Ilillskaro Argus, tho first pub-l
ticutinn theroof being on December I
13, 1917, ami the hint publication
thereof being on January 25, 1918, tol
wit: on or before tho El'.th day of I
Notice iaht-rehy riven that the under- January, 1018; and you wall please
turned was by the County Court of take notice that if vou fail k to no
rr inning ion l.-ouiiiv. ureeon. on the I ....... .i i , ,L.
2nd (lay of January, Ms, appointed l'", . , , ,, ' ,
administrator of the eMate of Sophia pla,"t,ff Wl11 l'P'y court for
1 ui ker. deceased, and has tiua ifieti as the relief pr.aytsl for and demanded
U" h. I in her rnmriluinl. In lit-ti it fur n iL.
Now therefore, all persona having I ..: t. - : ,.
rl,m ..u . w. "K me marriBKe una mar-
on or beforo tho 2lUh day of Jumiuty I
Attorney for Plaintiff.
UcMtling at Portland, Oregon.
Atldress, Fltt.H-k llloek. I
rinintiir, i
Administrator' Notice
required to present the tame with
proper voucher to the umlersigiwd at
tbe law ottice of John M. WalL Hills
boro. Oregon, within aix nionthi fnim
the date hereof.
Dated at Lliiwboro. OfiVolL tiiia ltd
dsv of January, l'.MH.
J. it. rreuitenthal. Adniinistrator of
the estate of Sophia Tucker, decea-ted.
John W. Wall,
Attorney for Estate.
riaga contract existing between the!
lefenilant and the plaintiff upon the I
irroiinda of desertion.
This summons is aervetl upon you I
by publicntion by order of Hon. Ceo
It n.igley, Judge of the above en-
titled court, made anil dated nt Hills-j
born, Oregon, on tbe fith day of De-I
cenibor, 1917, and which order re
quired that you appear and answer1
Lettie Mabel Slink.
Ileiijiiinin K. Stark, lVfeudaiit. I
To ulhive iimiiimI defendant, Itenjn
min K. Stm I:
In tbe name of the State of Oregon:
You ii i'o l-.t i iliy rvsuirtsl lo u pt.-pi- unit
answer tint complaint herein filed
against you in tho almvo cnlilltsl court
nml riuiHo, on or licfnrc the Nth dnv of
January, RMS tlmt hemg the dnte tixisl
by the I'oiirt for you to npHnr and
answer herein, and lieing more than
six weeks from tbe dale of tho first
publication of this summons, in tiefiuilt
w hereof, pmlntiir will apply to the
court for tho rUuf prayed lor mi tur
eonipbMiit, ttt-wit for a tWaiaa thaanlv-
log the bonds or iintriinony eKialUig
l.t twiM'ii phdntitl' mid defiMitlant, and
tleerei'ing llial iiliiiniit! tlo and nuiv tut-
sain.e her ninitlen inline of Let lie iNIiiIh-I
lleliner, mid for aueh other relief as
may ts' ciiitatle,
Has HuniinimH h hemg putilinheil once
a wts'h for six eoiisceutive wet lis y
I older of Honorable (!eti. U, Itngley,
Jinlgo of above cnlilltsl Court, the first
I mi Mii-iil ion hi-itsif tioiiig Novemls r L!l,
1"I7, nml the lust publication, Jan. 10,
Diittsl this Novemlr L. P.M7
.1. Silvestonc,
Attorney for I'lnintilf.
o..i iim..., a.i.i,.,,u r,i i ,,.i,
Hank ti!g., Porthnitl, Oregon.
In the county couit of the State of Or
ison for tho County of Washington
Nolle lit horotiy Klvan (hat th uti-
ilentigntsl has tiltsl In the county court
of the Strte of Oregon, for the County
of Washington, her Dual account ns Ad-
minisirairix or trie estate or oi villc l..
Francis, deceastst, aisf that the aaid
Cart baa apptiinlcd Monday, January
I IfrK, at Ihu hour of 10 a. m., at the
eoavt roam of nasi court, in tbe eounty
vottrt hoaae for Washiuyton txnuity
fltateof Oregon, as the time nml I'Wtoe
for hoarlng otneclloiia toanhl Hi ml uo-
count, and to tbe settlemeiit tberisif.
All iK-rwius iMivintr obiectious to said
filial Kftsmiit are hereby nolilied to prt!
aent tin- iiiino to said court on or before
aaul date, at which time the undersign
cd will auk for on order approving said
final account, dischariiinL' her from
further duties as sui-h iwliniiiistcntri.x.
an I rlonik' wiiti chIhIc. .
Kiiuiia v. rianeis. Atlmiiiii tnitrix.
Dated Dee. I J. l'.MT.
First, Dee. 13, 11117.'
I. Lit palihcatioii, January 17, I'JIH;
Notka to Creditor
We Thank You
For the liberal patronage you have given
us in 1917. It lins ken a Lard year to
do business. IViccs liavc Ixren (hatiginp
so no one knew what goods were goiug
to cost.
To anticipate your needs as early n.l pos
sible iu 1918. We don't look for goods'
in our line to advauec like they did iu
1917, but there will be some advauees
mid no dccliues. (ioods will lc hard to
gt and deliveries slow. 1'reight moves ,
slowly and factories are all sold up.
So here goes for a busy and prosperous
New Year. Let's all pull together.
In the County Court of the K tide of
Oregon for Washington County.
In the Miilterof the kstatcof Cnlixln
lA'licnu, Oecoasod.
Notice is herebv (riven, tlic under.
signed, has been titiiy upMiinted iiy the
11 1 Hive entitled Court as administratrix
of the eatato of Cnlixte U-Ivnu. I)e-
renstsl, nml has duly qualified as such.
Now, therefore. nU anwnM having
claims against said estate aru hereby
notified and retpiired to present the
same together with proper vouchers
therefor, to the undersigned at Sher
wood Washington County, Oregon,
within six months from the date hereof.
imted November 2X, 11M7.
Flora ldicau,
Aclministrstrix of the estate of Cab
ixte Ia'Is-iiii, Deceased.
Ilsre. MtAltar A fili.rM Mll.1rtM.vt1
forailniiniatrutrix. , 37-41
Charles It. Fois I', j
Fay Fosa Defeiubtnt. I
To Fay Foas, iho alsjve. imintsi iW
fenihtnt: In the Name of the State of Oregon,
you aru hereby rciiurvd to itpis-ar and
answer the couipb Hit tlhsl ajj dnsl you
in the above emit cd suit on or before
the expiration nt six weeks from the
date ot the lirnt publication of this
Hiiiiiiiioiia. to-wit: On or Is-foro the lsth
of February, 11MH, and if ytai fail to
apHur ami answer or nthc rwute as'ar
herein, fur wuiil thereof, tho plaintiff
will apply to tho aoovu cntaUcd court
for llH' relief prayed for in the com
plaint tiled herein, towit: For a decree
of divuroe idtMolving tho Ismds of
marriagii now existing Is-1 ween putiutitf
ami defendant, ami for such other and
further relief as to Iho court aeenis
l'his numinous Is served upon you by
publication by virtue to the authority
of an order matte mid entered in the
ulxivc entitled court and suit, nml
which order was made nml en'cred on
tho 2nd day of January I'JIH, by
the lion, tieo, Ii. Ilngley, Judge of the
ulxivo entitled court, and which order
directtsl that service of auimuona In
this suit le made upon you by puhlit-a
tion thereof once each week for six
eouseriitivtf nisi successive weeks In
the llillslsirn Argus, a weekly newspa
1st of general circulation, published in
Washington County, Oregon. The
date, of tho first publication of this
summons ia Jan. 3 l'.MH; tbe dale of
the htst publication is Feb. It, l'.MH.
W. T. Humo
Attorney for Plaintiff, 1. O. ntldresa,
i'X Failing Itldg., Cortland. Oregon.
of tho lloisirable Cei-rg U. Hilej.
JuiU;eof Ilia above rntillod Ctanl, fur
a sritl of ai rtinaeiulive aeeki be
ginning with lite loth ilsy 01 rS'tveniiM-r,
l!M7, which onler la ilaud November
12. I!M7. 1
hula of tut ublCation, Novemw t
15. H17, , '
l)iit of hint )ubHcatHJu, IV-c. 81,
1 W. U. Frcamau.
. . .. I . .. 1 . - . I 1 . - - 1'r.a I I. I .1
iti i ii'iiibi t vi niuii", nil'"-"
Ort gon. Atlontey for I'laUilifia.
tho undersigned baa been appointed
Kxecvlrix of tha IjisI Will mid TWa
ment of Hainuel Moon, Deceased, and
baa Us-n confirmed a atuh by the
County Court of tha SUta of Ore
gon for Waaldngtoa County, and hai
duly qtiaUfletl as aikh EUtccutrii.
NOW, THKRKFORK, all peraona
haviug claims aguinst aaid estate
nro hereby notified and required to
present them, with tha proper vou
rhera, to th ua.b-rslgnetl F.xecutrlx,
at her rcsldcri In lllllaboro,
thegon, or at the Ijiw fflca of
Thos. II. Tongue, Jr., in tba Com
mcrelal Itba-k at Hillsboro, Oregon,
within aix months from tin data of
the first .publication of thla notice,
towit, within ilx munthi from JHi
remla'r fith, 1017...
Kxecutrbt of the Ut Will
, nml Testawnt of Samuel
Moon, IVceoaetL 1
A'.tomoy for FVecutrlx.
Official War Pictures
The most astoundingly wonderful record
of the world's history ever f.en on screen
"The Retreat Of The
Germans At Arras"
Shown in 6 installments 12 reels. One
installment each week on Fri. and Sat.
The Great Task of the Allies' Millions
Tanks in Action Under Fire.
Infantry Charging Over the Top.
Aero Maneuvers.
The same pictures that ran at the Orpheum Theatre,' '
Portland, and are now running in installments at the ;
Majestic Theatre, Portland. Firs! installment here on
. . '1
This Week. Admission 10c -20c, at the