The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, January 03, 1918, Image 1

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    r IMII Ml t -"
NO. 42
1 1
Pertaint to First Draft on Defer
' red Percentage
Joteph Yokum Ha Been Di
chnrged From Army
I.icllt.f'ot, Williams WtilC till'
1 1 h ii I War board tin follow i U for
wjjjcli SlirrllT Applej(nte null
flvr space in tlit- press:
"To nil I .in n I nml Hist rid
'I'lir following ti'li'Kmtii from
t In I'rovosl Muff. I ml (iiiicr.ll u n
Irr nf December mi, in 17,
i'i repeated herewith for your In
formation mill Kiild.iin t' ;
'll Iiiin been ili'i'iilril that there
will In- mi forniul 'calls fur defcr
rril uri ruliiKC of the present
iiiotf before , February 15th.
While Imnrili should, until they
have enough men fninlly classified
in Clan l.m iul forwnril promptly
men Hi'liM'ti'tl under tin1 tilil Ki'K
illation to make up deficiencies
in cull already made, tin' result
of this decision will In' that we
shall Ik: nhle. to give the benefit of
I In- new iUilictlou system to
nil men whom' order number nre
no lute nil to pi mi- them within
deferred perecnlKfi of the Prt'"
nit rnll. Cull will, however, be
made shortly under the provls
ions of Section lt for the spec
ial class of men there mentioned,
l or the sake of composing the
public mind mill for the enliven
n in e of ri'Kl-itriuitu this inforum
tion ought to be given wide dix
M iiiiiiiitinlt." '
JoM pli Yokum, of Clrovcliwitl,
has been exempted from Auicrl
run Lake, fieeouiit of dependent
.1. W. White, of Manning, was
in town Friday.
Gerhard Schwnnke, of iienr
MoiinUinilnle, won in town Fri
d.iv. .Mr. Win. IiikIch, of Hanks,
uiu it Ilillsboro visitor the last
of the week.' ;
1'. ilcmmy, of near Helvetia,
wuh in town Friday.
High waUr of the pant week
Frank Pnuli, of F.linouieii, nnd
J. 11. Dorland, of North Plains,
were city culler the of the
DatiJ H. Ring and MI Carrie
l'lirmeloe were united in m.irri
fiK ly Kev. J. I- Kny, oflii'lnlinn
minister; Dee. 7, 1!I7.
(ilenwood Mnkin mid Monn
Mnllory were nmrrled Die. 'Jrt.
I!H7, by Hcv. A. D. Slmw, of
llillslioro, A
Mri..' Alice Cutting, of nenr
Tignrd, was in the rlty Mondity,
..........mmivinir uit son up tn the
eounty m at. Tim Voting '"
mine to answer the list the
questionnaire. ;.
For Side: Four young cows,
trade Jerseys and grade , IIol-
hteiiiH, nil jtiNt f'Nl' Kivi"K
Hw.Wm. M. Hughes, 1 mile
South of Jolie'd, 8 'a n4', S" W'
of Hillfdioro, via Long Krlilgo,
Dniry Creek, Hase Line. 41-3
Minn Ruth Llnklater and Miss
Anna K. Hanson, of Ilillsbori.,
were th county winners in the
Food Card Pledge essay eam
imign, before A. M. Churchill,
J i...:....,.,. of Hie Pledire. Ciini-
1 ----- ,,
iiiign. Orpha Parker, ( f
Forest t irove, was mso m .
lest, nnd Ih one of the trio f.on
the entire county
EXKCUTORS, Administrators, Guardians, Pub
lic Custodians jtnd otjvcrs having public and
private trusts tp.'iw'rlorm, can render proper
service by depositiug with us.
We Have One of the Best Safe
. Deposit Systems in the State
;' A proper place for valuable papers.
Wc iuvite inspection of this departnieut in con
Junction with the others
An excellent bank for handling all branches
I of bank business. .
'I'lli! heavy rains of the irtst
week bring reniinfscetit-oi tne-
I v m Iwii'li to I In- Arirns riiiorler.
Oil Friday there was one half
hour of rainfall that had its only
duplicate here away back III the
eighties, when lie went over to
the Nehnlem on a coal land trip.
Tin" mi rt i- found Joe lliehciibot
torn under a big hemlock tree,
HOiiml asleep, Joe lind home
steaded over there, and had not
yet built bis cabin. lie was
clearing some land, and when the
big storm broke, went Into a lean
to tlint he had manufactured out
of hemlock boughs, and It turned
water in fine shape. The parly
came upon Joseph in his grapple
with Morpheus, and left him
there, dreaming nj the future of
the Nchulciii empire.
Horn, to Mr. and Mrs. Walter
Dolv, Hec. :i0, 11)17, a ten pound
boy. The happy father is opera
tor nml assistant nirent fit the Or
egon F.b ctrie, and the new arriv
al is n grandson of J lave Uoty, ol
l, liiiiivilli'. well known to ma
ny Ilillsboro people. As the
viiiinirsli r's father was a member
of the Third Oregon, at the Mex
ican' border, last year, it Is not
presumed that the visitor will b
a pacifist. Me Is, in fact, already
commanding both father nnd
mother, nnd he is more than reas
onably strong in Ills requisitions
for rntionH,
Lieut. I). K. Long, who arrived
here from Aliibainn last Thurs
day, returned Sunday to Camp
MeClellnn to resume his duties.
Lieut. I4ng expects to we the
Oregon boys in France within a
few inonths, and nays that nt the
first opportunity he will be with
theni for an exchange of courte
sies, lie left via Chicago und
(iiiclnnatl. He is the one Oregon
man in Cnmp MeClellnn. He nays
that fill over the Fast he heard
complimentary remarks on the
cllicieiicy of drill of the Oregon
guardsmen, which, of course,
pleased him beyond measure.
Horses For Sale: As I have
four horses find not half enough
work for two, I will give a bar
gain tn some one that I in need
of a team. Some nre coming four
years, others older. It. M. Kyle,
i miles north of Ccdarville, P2
miles east of Hcllinny, V. O. Port
land, Ore., It. 2, box 100. 41-3
gave considerable trouble here
and there on the ronils, nnd for
.1 time it was feared the bridges
at Home points were in danger.
'riii1 gas main, neross Dairy, w est
of town, suffered collision with
mil" .liift. and workmen had n
liiiii; keeping it from further
Lost: Four bend of Ilolstchi
heifers. About two years old nnd
over; some have just rings in
llu-lr ears, nnd dome just have
them cut. Some also hnvc horns.
Reward. J. J. Ilnvlik, Scnppoosc,
Orfi. - -3
' Ijiwrenee I'.nrl nnd F.ugene (J.
Brown, of south of Corn "litis,
sons of Mrs. Jennie Rrown, join
ed the aviation corps, nnd leavi
this week for Texas.
Mr. and Mrs, Roy. Rice nnd
children, of Portland,' were the
guest of Ilillsboro relatives nnd
friends during the Holidays.
Cieo. J. Smith and Lcona Smart
of near Oswego, were married
December 20, 1!H7, Judge Ceo.
It. Ragley olfiointing.
Ceo. A. Joiiiiston nnd Myrtle
l'vans were married December
27, 1!)I7, Judge D. R. Rcasoncr
V. H. French, the Forest
drove, was down to the
oily Saturday afternoon.
Claude Cook wns In from Cor
ncljiis the Ijrst of the week.
Oregon on Map in Fine Shape,
Because of Supply
What the State it Doing in Indus
trial Lines
Portland Ollieinl admission and
confirmation of total collapse of
Southern pine idiipbuildiiig pro
gram, contained in an Associated
Pi-els dispatch published from
Washington, puts Oregon and
Washington on National map in
a big way and in reality pro
claims the most significant of vic
tories for Douglas fir as a mater
ial for wooden vessels. Combine
this with the fact that Oregon
and Washington hold the only
available supply of spruce for
war airplanes not only for the
United Stales, but for the Allies
as well, and it will bo readily un-
lerstood that the Northwest has,
at last, won its recognition in the
timber and lumber world. The
Portland Chamber of Commerce
. . . t, i
nml ecreiary wouson nave
worked hard on this proposition
. . . ..
and deserve a large measure oi
credit for its success.
Cnrdincr Three sawmills be
ing constructed on L'mpqua river
to operate soon.
North Rend to this city De-
longs the honor of launching the
first ship contracted for by hmer-
geney Fleet Corporation, in com
petition with all other yards in
the U. S.
Recdsport Johnson Ik Ander
son to establish second sawmill
Portland National Forester
reports sale of $.1,715,000 worth
of timber from U. S. forest re
serves in IS) 17.
Portland Northwestern Llec-
trie Co. starts work on $1,500,000
addition to power plant.
Randon Construction to lie-
gin soon on condenser)' here.
Milton Rox factory making
extensive Improvements at their
Stnnficld -l.oenl creamery pur
chased by Pendleton man nnd the
enpacity'of the plant will be in
creased. Sodavilli Camp to be located
here to get out ship knees.
Corvnllis Flouring Mills install
. i
macnincrv in mane ii rmi-,.
Wallowa- 75,000 foot capaci
ty mill to be located here.
Ilarrisburir Farmers ( o-op-
cratire Association to build a 25
barrel mill.
Springfield Flour mill sold
here nnd extensive repair twins
made, will renew operations Jan.
1st. ...
Christmas mentions in mills
and logging enmps cut short this
vear to not delay production in
airplane and ship timber.
Finis Drown, of Laurel, wns a
ity visitor Monday.
A. W. Walker and Dan Lrisy,
,f South Tualatin, were in Satur
day, greeting friends.
Sheriff Applcg.tte nnd Clerk
II A k'nrn Hi went to Portland,
Monday, on business with the
District Ronrd.
R. K. Long departed Sunday
ight for Pomeroy, Wn. His wife
ill remain some time, the guest
f Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Long.
Mrs. Sylvia Tucker and dangh-
Miss Maude, reiurncu vu
Clarkston, Tuesday. Miss l uck-
visited Sunday wmi iru on
R. II. Hughes, formerly of the
North Plains section, now of Al
bany, was over Saturday to fill
out' his questionnaire before the
wnr board.
Will Jack, who hits been work-
in the shipyards nt St. Johns,
wns out over
Mew Year's, the
st of his mother, Mrs. Jack,
il family.
Claude Stunrt, wife nnd son,
ilphus, of Idaho, nnd noy smi-
.,,,.1 v. ot Koseiilirir, an
nding the Holidays with their
Mr. nnd Mrs. i. w. om-
in this city.
P..rl Corev. of Moun-
...... it, town Monday.
1,'llllll.lK , "
Miss' Corey wns chairman ot tne
Cross Alemncrsnip imhv
.,..ti.,n nnd reports inat on
mm. - . , .
ly three in the entire section re
fused to become memoir.
Circuit Judire Geo. R. Ragley
and brother, Wm. Ragley, return
ed Monday evening from ft trip
to Grants Pass, where incy too
.d over some land. Judge Rag
i... ..,,. r.rnnts Pass, with a
co'untv'vnluation of about eleven
millions, has a court house unit
equals any in the state.
A Happy New Year to all.
Cieo. Saxton was up from nenr
Duner the first of the week.
Think twice before you write
that date at the head of your let
ter. W. C. Jackson nnd son, Mer
rill, were In from North Plains,
F.ditor Rcnfcr, of the F.xprcss,
was down from Forest (irove,
Friday, and made a fraternal call
on the Argus.
Wanted: Some one to bring
their clothes to the City Cleaning
He Pressing Works. We clean any
thing. Call lilue 2911.
Marriage license during the
Holiday week: Geo. W. Wright
and Nellie Prit.lalT; Erwin Prieli
nrd nnd Ethel Merrill; Wm. C.
Taw and Mnurine Tallman.
George W. Rrown, of near Ti
gard, wns in the city Saturday,
greeting friends, and particular
ly those formerly from the old
South Rend, Wn., territory.
E. L. Krnus, of South Tualatin,
was in Monday. E. L. thought he
had better come in while the
crossing was good on the Jack
son bottom.
Clerk Kuratli states that the I
citizenship counter has not been
very busy since September. Hut
tour have asked tor hnal papers
since that date. He is very busy
making out his annual report.
Mrs. 1). P. Patterson, accom
panied by her daughters, return
ed to Dallas Saturday night, af
ter spending Christmas week at
the home of her parents, Mr. and
M rs. Peter Roscow.
Vadn Garrigtis, the 3-yenr-old
ilaiignicr oi i. jj. narrigiiK, oi
Ranks, was operated upon the
last of the week, by Dr. Smith,
for nn abscess on the lung, nnd
is convalescing nicely at the hos
Herman Luck, of Mountain
ilale, was greeting-friends in the
county seat Saturday. This, was
the second trio Herman made to
iret nn explosive permit only to
find the clerk s ollicc out of vjjch
blanks. "
Oregon has six inches of sur
plus rainfall over the average
when the Old Year was butted
out of the game. For several
years there hns been n deficiency
in precipitation, and it is some
thing unusual to get more than
the register calls for.
F'or Sale: Fine registered Jer
sey hull, 20 months old, out of
famous Carey herd. Fine forma
tion and comes from great pro
ducing dam. Oral Gardner, of
nenr Mountaindalc, nddress
Ranks, Route 8, tel. North Plains
9F12. 41-8
Clerk Kuratli Monday received
50 permits for purchase of explo
sives, and they will be written to
those first appearing, 'barring
those who had applications on
file. He nt once sent for more, ns
with winter here there will be
some blasting in the matter of
clearing land.
Your Uncle Sam took over the
American railways last Friday,
without a perceptible jar. Trains
were run on time, nnd everything
went nlong ns merrily ns a wed-
linir bell. Old timers like Con
ductor Cline nnd Conductor John
II. Dobbins appeared to be just
as common as ever, and C. C.
Jackson snid he would just ns
soon work for one ns the other ns
long ns payday made its regular
Fkiis L. Rrow n, of Laurel, was
elected committeeman at a meet
ing of Lnurelites the other day to
try out a proposition to get the
Hillshoro-Lnurel road entirely
completed with bitulithie bound
mneadank He is working hard,
and has, In conjunction with oth-
rs, callod a meeting to consider
the proposal at Rurkhalter hall,
on Jan. 8 that's Jackson Day,
and there should be things doing
to discuss ways nnd means. Fi
nis is some road enthusiast, and
he wants a better highway be
tween the two points.
Free Methodist Church. Fifth
nnd Oak Sts., J. X. Wood, pa -tor
The District Quarterly meeting
of the Portland District will con
vene on Thursday evening, last
ing over the Sabbath, in charge
of the District Elder, Rev. F. L
Hums, assisted by the pnstors of
the District. There will be. ser
vices each evening. The services
on the Sabbath will he a Love
Feast at 10 A. M.; sermon nt 11
A, M.; Missionary meeting nt 3
P. M., nnd preaching at 7:30 r
M. The local society has recent
ly paid off the debt on the church
property and will hum the mort
iraite on Sunday morning just lie
fore the preaching service. Ev
cry one is welcomed to all these
For Hillsboro Family in the Red
Cross Membership Drive
Orton S. Goodwin, of Portland,
Sends Interesting Letter to Argus
Ilillsboro is on the map in a fa in
ly record of Red Cross Christmas
Drive membership. Last week
week the Argus mentioned the
family of Chits. E. Wells ns the
banner home for membership in
the big drive in this sector, and
as a result the following letter
was received by the publishers
Sew Year's morning:
December 31, 1917.
"The Ilillsboro Argus:
Will you permit me on behalf
of the American Red Cross to
send you a word of appreciation
for the showing the Argus made
in the recent Membership Drive?
I am inclined to think that
when you pointed out that the
banner flag to date belonged to
.Mr. C. E. Wells, you were enti
tled to claim a national record;
in fact, as n matter of fact, when
saw this, I sent it to Washing
ton and claimed a national record
on behalf of Ilillsboro nnd Wash-
ton County.
With very hearty appreciation
of your efforts on behalf of the
Campaign, I am,
V ery truly yours,
Orton S. Goodwin,
Manager Press Rureau."
List of unclaimed letters week
ending Dec. 29, 1917:
Mrs. Leo Sams, Mrs. Slier-
brook; cards, Floyd V. Rilyeu 2,
rwin Long, Geo. W . Patterson,
Mrs. G. W. Perkins, II. C. Scott,
Thorp Sc Matteson Lbr. Co.
J. C. Lamkin, Postmaster.
. Coffee Club Meeting
The Coffee Club will meet Satur-
lay afternoon, Jan. 5, at the res
idence of Mrs. J. W. Connell, at
2:30. Mrs. L. W. Hyde, who is
attending the Home Makers' lec
tures, nt O. A. C, this week, w ill
giva a talk, and Mrs. Humphrey,
of Portland, will give a demon
stration of flour substitutes for
white flour. This will be a very
interesting meeting, and ladies
who nre not members, but would
be interested in this work, are in-
ited to attend at 3 :30.
Rusiness meeting from 2:!I0 to
3 :30. Members please be prompt.
There will be a meeting of the
citizens of Road District No. 6
and District No. 3, on Tuesday,
Jan. 8, nt Rurkhalter hall, Farni
ington, nt one o'clock P. M. The
object of the meeting is an at
tempt to complete the bitulithie
macadam entirely through Dis
trict No. 6, on the Laurcl-Hillsbo-ro
road. Every man interested is
requested to be in attendance
and help in finding a solution of
the problem. Good roads are
what we need, nnd we need all
your help.
Committeemen Both Districts.
A C. Mnllov. of Laurel, was in
Monday, filling in his questionn
Engineer Chester Alexander
came out one day Inst week to
lsit home folks.
Hand Master J. R. Powell enme
down from Cornelius the first of
the week to, greet friends.
J. F. Shechan. of Orenco,
well known as one of the best
bandsmen in the county, wns in
town New Year's.
W. R. Frentzel. with a Port
land shoe house, ciinie dow n front
Idaho the last1 of the week ana
incut a day with his mother, Mrs.
H ray, of Cornelius.
Kinu Lvtle. who has been vis
iting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C.
E. Lvtle. departed -Tuesday for
his duties, in Eastern Oregon,
with a surveying corps.
Chns. R. Foss, of Portland; has
sued Fay Foss for divorce. They
were married nt Vancouver, June
13, 1917. I'oss claims his wife
has treated him in a cruel nnd in
human mnnncr nnd snys thnt she
left him after making him a fit
subject for a hospital.
The rural carriers, as well as
the city purveyors of mail, laid
off New Yenr's day. The rural
felt like celebratinit the
day, for the roads are very bad
this time of the year. Christmas
time they had a hard time of it,
the mail being heavier in 1917
than ever before.
C. B. BUCHANAN & CO., Inc.
HilUboro, Cornelius and North Plains
Wholesale and Retail Dealers in
Grain, Hay, Flour, Feed and
Grain Bags
Car-lot shipper of POTATOES and
ONIONS. Grain chopped or
rolled at any time
Lumber, Shingles and Lath
At Cornelius .
Beaver State Flour
The Best Flour at
. Telephones;
Cornelius, City 1515,
Cost Is Little More
to go East through
Attractions offered:
Sacred summits of the Siskiyous,
Mt. Shasta, San Franufseo, the
cosmopolitan, the Old Missions,
Del Monte, Santa Barbara, 100
miles nlong the seashore, Los An
geles, Sunny. Southern California,
the Apache Trail, and tl!e border
camps. . -
stopovers yf-rutted at variants
Inquire at . JP. a-geney or
address JOHN M. S3DTT Gen
eral Passenger Agent, Portland,
Southern Pacific Lines
Hillsboro Auto Livery
Feed and Boarding Stable
Prices Reasonable
2nd & Washington Sts. Phcne, Main 70
We wish all our Patrons and all Hillsboro a
; By Prompt Work and Proper Prices
we will help to make it Prosperous.
Come In and
See What We
Jeweler and Optician
Main Street 1 Hillsboro, Oregon
Argus and Daily
the Lowest Prices.
Hillsboro, Main 14,
North Plain, Main 263.
Look Around
Have to Offer
Oregonian 2rSjr $6