Jhe JnilLLSB VOL. XXIV HILLSHORO, OREGON, DECEMBER 27, 1917 NO. 41 R I -4 COUNTY CITIZENS VOTE AGAINST ROAD CHANG Bucket Meeting Turned Into Road Meeting Saturday SUSTAIN COMMISSIONS ACT Spirited Contest Over Resolution Submitted to Session liiimcilliilcly alter the I.ihIkiI incetiiiK adjourned Saturday, M McPonnltl, President of tin Washington County (ioiiil ItumU Axocliitioil, n hk I'd tin- butly re solve llielf lulu a l'ihxI ruiiil mri-liii. There wax no objection iiiul fur over an liniir there was n hi n iiikiiin hi'xhIoii. II, V. Mt'tnlr, if Orcnco, M'crctnry of (In- nnw iitioii, wrote the record of (In transactions. Mr. Mi Diiiiald nsk s-d nil present to join tin; nitniti'iii- t ion iiiul work for -rmnn-ut rotnls, lie then tippimcd tin- Ilea vi rion Iti i ilvlllc route (.elected hy 1 Pacific Highway Commis Mini, nml claimed that it menu! too much cxpciiNC to llir taxpay ers ami asked a vott: of opposi tiou to llmt route, nml a favoring f the Orrtuo-Walker route. A resolution Ma rend, nnkliif for the first ordrr of tin- comiiiiH sion, to adopt the Orenco-Wnlkcr route, a against I ln Heave rlon Itccdvillo selection. It i))- llighaiii, if Alolin, wan on hi feet nt once, opposing the procedure. Judge J. W. (ioodiii, of North Plains, Mov ed tlic adoption of tin' resolution, nml when the iiirHtioti was put Mr. lligham tlrclnml to adopt thr ri'Hiilulioii wax to invite delay nml lend confusion. He said tin- roiitr selected the best of the two, nml llmt it would olivinte the ne cessity of raising the tonnage sev eral hiiiulred feet, traveling eneh way, lie said the exact fif n rt- showed llmt the summit of the Jlenvrrton Heedville route, nl Itcrllm, showed an altitude of luit II 20 feet, and this turn lit n lower hi n lulu Portland limn the ('nil yon road, by atent 255 feet. lligham elnlined that lieentiHe Deavertoii hnd ovrr a mile in the rity limit the state would lie unv eil 2.17 mile of hard surface nn rompared with the Oreneo route, (ieo. Harrow asked whieh way the road would get Into I'orllmul and lligham answered the "Slnvin route," with the change now lur ing made by Multnomah, giving a better grade." The grnile, he said, would be much lirllrr In any event than the Canyon grade. Irn P.. I'urilin Nil Id that if the rcsoltl tion wax to Met aside the deeisiun of the State Commission he was opposed to it. ' J. V. llailcy, of Reedville, op posed the motion and talked for iU defeat. He and I'urilin Niiid if we squabbled over the road, af ter it wan nettled that we would ,be like Yamhill County, and gi t no road next year, the commis sion wailing until the qunrrel was Mettled. About thin time there was great disorder mid Dr. F.rwln jumped into the breach and exhorted them to talk, breathe, think, and hcconirt member! of, the Red Cross. When quiet wax restored McDonald again eliampioued the Oreneo, route and condemned the rounty court for not supporting Unit particular survey. Nyberg of Tualatin, followed with a plea for the. at ate commission's selec tion and Krwin again fired a 42 cciitinieter gun for the Red Cross. Ny berg's Idea wns that the South eastern ''.portion of the county would be better nerved in getting to Hillsboro by the Uecavcrton way. Ja'k Vnnderr.andeh oppos ed the resolution in ail Impassion- EXECUTORS Administrators, Guardians, Pub US Custodiaus aud others having public and private trusts to perform can render proper service by depositing with us. We Haye One of the Best Safe Deposit Systems in the State A proper place for valuable papers. We iuvite inspection ot this department in con junction with the others. An excellent bank for handling all branches of bank business. SHUTE SAVINGS BANK PROMPT : CONSERVATIVE : SAVE eil talk, nml said llmt the route selected wns far I he superior, . Wmle (hereupon took the Hour m ml f u riiinliril home 1 1 v ro H i Utiles. I lias. J. Herbs, llnnlis, also npposiil the resulu lion. I M. (iriihfini, of the (irov stntiit (hat lieiison told him th .-nt v in ruaii uouiii ne lianl sur faced and with the new ihang 11 would make it niiIi iiiIiiI rout into i'ortlaiid. H. J'iiIhiIs, of West Union, fav oreil the resolution, and said tin Orrneo people were not able t hire lawyers, and therefore wen turned down, M. 1'. Only made some re marks in favor of the Itei dvill route. Jack Kavnard, Laurel, said In look ofT his hat to McDonald for his lu;hl, but didn't think the res .iliilioil should Pass. U m. Sclm nn ru n, ior t years a laruier ii . lid he opiiosed the liiensure in trodiiccd, objecliiig to use of thr canyon road, (iuild, of Sclmlls said to leave it to the commission lo setlle. J. I). Downing, of be low llenverlon, said the comiiiis lon hail selected absolulelv till best road. J. V. Ilailcy moved to ny the motion mi (he table. Hi wns declared out of order inn Ihe million to adonl was iut. I here was a roar of noes am . ii i s hvcn. in call tor a lauding vote there was nl I 2(10 against and 25 for. Ami the mcctiiitf then adjourn d for the snood time. Hanks realised Inst Saturday hat rnilwny congestion meant. There was a large crowd ready lo lake me uasnliue enr down. mil when the car was loaded to the uiinnls there were about .'10 eft to cool llieir heels. Tin: train made another trip but the belated ones did not arrive until after tin Midget had been voted on and the nssemiuv wns in the tliroes nl a entcd road session. For Sale: Four young cows, jnulc Jerseys and grade IIol- sleins, all just fresh, giving good llow. --Win. M. Hughes, 1 mile South of Julie's, 2Ui miles S. V. of Hillsboro, via l.onir Undue. Dairy ( reck, Rase Line. 41-8 Hubert Rernards, of McMinu- I'llle, was a Hillsboro visitor the ast of the week. He says that Mc.Miiiuvillc's young men are al most nil in the service, and he lou't know just how the farmers ire goinir to uet niouir nnotlicr car if this thing keeps up. 1 1 it - icrt thinks there are many of the Ider fellows w ho can yet make hand at the plow and in the harvest fields, however. Henry Miller, a son of Mrs. Ouistniitiuc Miller, ucciilc nlnlly got his left hand into mi ensilage cutter last week and Dr. J. (). Ilobb was obliged to amputate it. All of the fingers mid the thumb are gone. The young man has been making his home with his uncles, the llcllebuycke brothers, lie is aged about 15 years, and was an industrious young fellow. He lives this side of Fnriuiugtou. Mr. ami Mrs. Gail W. Wells, of Portland, came out to spend Christmas with relatives. Mr. Wells is working in the electric light department 'of one of the big shipyards in Portland. lion. Ira Purdin, of Forest drove, was down with the budget voters last Saturday. Ira says he must get around once in a while nml keep Ihe rust from forming. Wanted: Some one to bring llieir clothes to the O'ly Cleaning & Pressing Works. We clean niiv Ihiug. Cull Illne 2!U. J. F. Oirslens, of Ranks, and II. C. Oirslens, of Christie, were cily callers Saturday. ES Two Hundred and Seventy Tax Payers Fixed Tax Saturday GRAHAM, GROVE, PRESIDED Over Four Hundred Thousand Dollars Appropriated It took just twenty minutes by Ihe clock tor 270 taxpayers to or gnni,e ami puss the Washington i utility tax budget at the court house last Saturday forenoon i i i.' i .i 1 1 ,, ir. iv. i.rwin oi mc iinisiioro Club called the meeting to order asked nil to become members of the Red Cross in the big Christ mas drive, explained the objects of the meeting and turned the meeting over to County Judge 1). II. Heasoncr. The Court dialed that the county board hnd esti mated the budget in accordance with the statute provided. County v lerk Jt. A. Kuratli thereupon read the budget as published, and fudge Iteasoner asked L. M. (Jra hnm to preside over the session D. II. Cooley, of Laurel, moved . i . ..i ... p . uie niiopuon oi me liiidiU't as read. 'This received a dozen see onds, and the question was put without debate. The vote was al most unanimous, there being but six or seven negatives. A motion o adjourn followed, which was nrried and twenty minutes of lime had fixed the 1918 tax levy. The levy follows: Sheriffs Office Salary Sheriff i 1.800.00 1 ,200.00 2,700.00 Salary Deputy Sheriff xpenses Tax Collections 1,700.00 S t a in p s, Stationery mid printing 1,100.00 Hoard of Prisoners and Jail Expenses 1,087.00 Total Expenses War $ 11,587.70 Itegis- tration Hoard (500.00 Total $10,187.70 County Clerk's Office Salary Clerk $ 1,800.00 Salary Deputy ( lerk 1,200.00 Vecoiintant and Sten ographer 1)00.00 Stenographer and Rec ord riter 720.00 Stationery and Sup plies . 780.00 Total 6,370.00 R egistrntions and F.l- cctions (5,000.00 Total k. .fll,:)70.00 Recorder's Office alary Reeorder $ 1,200.00 ilary Deputy 1)00.00 720.00 150.00 15.00 60.00 5.00 120.00 5.00 35.00 6.00 25.00 alary Assistant Dep uty Record Hooks (fl) Typewriter Ribbons .Stationery Title Registration Sup plies ... Postage Stamps Ink Rcpnir Work on Maeh- Siindries Three Sets of Canvas Covers for Hooks Total $ 3,2:10.00 Treasurer's Office Salary County Treeas- urer $ D00.00 lerk Hire 250.00 Stationery, Etc. 160.00 Total $ 1,300.00 Surveyors's Office .xpenscs, n u p p I les, ete if 300.00 Assessor's Office Salary Assessor $ 1,200.00 Salary Dep. Assessor... "00.00 tending Tax Rolls.. 364.00 'opying Feld Men s Slips, Index, ete. 310.00 opying Tux Rolls. 505.00 Salaries Field Deputies l,7t!0.00 Stationery & Printing... 4(i5.00 Ollice Supplies 75.00 Total $ 6.i(i!).00 County Court and Commissioners Salary County Judge...? 1,200.00 Estimated Salary I om- missioner (iOO.OO (iOO.OO 350.00 350.00 250.00 300.00 60.00 Estimated Salary Com missioner Expenses of Commis sioner Expenses of Commis of County sinner Expenses Judge Clerical Help Stationery & Stamps... 'Total $ 3,700.00 Court House Expense Janitor's Salaries, Fuel, Light, Repairs, ete ...$ 4.800.00 Circuit Court: Wit nesses, Jurors, Hail- itt's, Reporters, ete... 8,600.00 Juvenile Court C00.0.. Justice Courts G00.00 Coroner's Ollice 800.00 Insane 400.00 School Superintendent's Office Salary School Supt 1,200.00 Postage 325.00 Express, Freight and Drayage .'10.00 Traveling Expenses 200.00 Printing and Station ery 175.00 Telephone 20.00 Illank Hooks .'10.00 Truant Ollieer - 150.00 Library Fund 814.00 Teachers' Exam ina- tions 24.00 Eighth Grade Examin ations 150.00 Furniture and Repairs 60.00 Clerk Hire 720.00 Industrial and Conser vation Work, and Fair 100.00 Institutes 250.00 School Levy at $8 per capita (35,108.00 High School Tuition 14,010.00 Total .$84,010.10 ..$ 7,000.00 484.00 Widows' Pensions Health Officer Local Registrars of Ilirths and Deaths 140.00 200.00 8,000.00 1,000.00 800.00 800.00 Fruit Inspector . Care of Poor and Poor Farm Indigent Soldiers' Re lief Fund Tax Rebates Houutics District Scaler of Wieghts and Meas ures 303.40 Street and Sewer Aas- scssmcnts (City of Hillsboro) 1,409.99 Deputy Road Masters, Patrolmen and As sistants 9,000.00 Veterinary Surgeon & Stock Inspectors 250.00 County Agricultural Agent 1,500.00 Cattle Indemnity 2,000.00 Misc. and Unforscen Contingencies 0,500.00 dvertjsing and Pub lishing County Court Proceedings 1,000.00 u d i t i n g County Hooks 400.00 Vilvertisinar D e 1 i n - quent Tax List 800.00 ounty Fair Appropri ation 200.00 State Fair Appropria- lion , 200.00 Land Products Show Appropriation . 200.00 At- Expenses District tornev's Ollice Estiir for Conn oun oad Tr To Spec! Impri Ro. Fet mil 0111 Dis one Dis. Impri Hot Lai mil Impri Rot Xo Sta am Impri Roiii j.o...l'ore.st u. BaMs; Bitumen Boin; Macadam improvement County Head No...I'orest G. Gales Creek ; Bitu men Bound Macad am Improvement County Road Xo...HilIsboro Cedar Mills Road, Standard Macad am 6,000.00 (3,000.00 6,000.00 Total ..$429,705.67 Estimated Fees and Fines from Clerk's and Recorder's offi ces $ 9,000.00 Interest on Deposits . 3.000.00 Special School, City and Road Taxes to be levied, not ready for publication. Sergeant Carl H. Olsen, of Camp Lewis, eante over the first of the week to visit home folks. For Sale: Several cows, fresh soon ; also some fine pitrs, two months old. Frank Greener, Hillsboro, R. 5. 39-41 Richard Beamish, who farmed the Council place, north of town, for many years, now located on a ranch near Cedar Mill, was up to the city Saturday, greeting old time friends. FIFTYJflORE SHIPS Laborers and Carpenters Get a Raise after Jan. 1 SPRUCE, $85 PER THOUSAND Siletz Railway Starts First Run New Year's Portland will get fifty new ship contracts after Jan. 1, and the workers In the yards will get an increase in pay. Silvcrton Prospects favora ble for continuance of the lumber business here throughout the winter. Portland bank deposits Xov. 20 were $83,706,898.89, an in crease of $18,130,004.75 over the same period in 1916. Brow nsville Several blocks of new sidewalks to be laid here. Baker completes a $140,000 high school building. North Bend will celebrate the launching of first U. S. vessel here. Waldport Barnes cannery catch so far this season is 6000 cases. Bull Run Cedar Creek Lum ber Co. moving mill here from Sandy. Coquille Telephone line be tween McKinley and Coquille Valley 'completed. Marshfield Council calling for bids for street improvements. Stanfield A modern concrete garage to be erected here. Springfield Planing mill here completes new dry kiln. Sandy furnishing lumber for bowsprits and masts for ships. Corrallis Benton county de sires new jail to cost $15,000. Milton New fruit warehouse and dryer to be built here. McMinnrille New pipe line to be completed by Jan. 1. Sheridan Yamhill Milling Co. working night and day to fill government order. Monmouth Local creamery to make cheese. Josephine county's handsome new court house completed and dedicated. Oregon City Hawley Pulp & Paper Co. here grinding wood pulp. North Bend State Highway Commission buys a second-hand paving plant. Cost $13,500. w aukie The Oceanic Ship itg Co. incorporated for )00. To construct wooden here. idon Milk condenser here d. erson Seven tons walnuts n 14 acres here, sb field Site chosen for a i0 armory. dleton Extensive im nents being made at the ton Roller Mills, amount- $10,000. petitionee Valley & Si- xilroad starts operations on as common carrier be here and Valsetz, Ore. land The government to se, in carload lots, proper spruce wherever there is a d, at $85 a thousand. In- Sils and groups msy engage industry. and Mrs. Boyd K. Long, of oy, Wnsh., arrived the first week for ft holiday visit Ir. and Mrs. L. A. Long. B. .. ,1 brakeman on the Pomer- oy-Starbuck run, and says that the rail lines are very busy up his way. Incidentally, he made the trip dawn in order to -meet his brother, Lieut. D. E. Long, who soon goes to France with the 110th Artillery. For Sale: Fine registered Jer sey bull, 20 months old, out of famous Carey herd. Fine forma tion and comes from great pro ducing dam. Oral Gardner, of near Mountaindale, address Banks, Route 8, tel. North Plains 9F12. 41-8 Horses For Sale: As I have four horses and not half enough work for two, I will give a bar gain to some one that is in need of a team. Some are coming four years, others older. R. M. Kyle, 2 miles north of Cedarvillc, IV2 miles east of Bethany, P. O. Port land, Ore., R. 2, box 100. 41-3 Lost: Four head of Holstcin heifers. About two years old and over; some have just rings in their ears, nnd some just have them cut. Some also have horns. Reward. J. J. Havlik, Scappoose, Ore. . 41-3 Thos. Nisscn, who spent all summer in the East, visiting in Iowa and Nebraska, was in town Saturday. He says that Scholls roads are not so worse, after all. C. B. BUCHANAN & CO., Inc. Hillsboro, Cornelius and North Plains Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Grain, Hay, Flour, Feed and Grain Bags Car-lot shipper of POTATOES and ONIONS. Grain chopped or rolled at any time Lumber, Shingles and Lath At Cornelius Beaver State Flour The Best Flour at the Lowest Prices. Telephones; Hillsboro, Main 14, Cornelius, City 1515, North Plain, Main 263. Cost Is Little More to go East through California Attractions offered: Sacred summits of the Siskiyous, Mt. Shasta, San Francisco, the cosmopolitan, the Old Missions, Del Monte, Santa Barbara, 100 miles along the seashore, Los An geles, Sunny Southern California, the Apache Trail, and the border camps. stopovers permitted at various places. FOUR TRAINS A DAYFROM PORTLAND Inquire at any S. P. agency or address JOHN M. SCOTT Gen eral Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon. Southern Pacific Lines Hillsboro Auto Livery Feed and Boarding Stable Prices Seasonable DAf AND NIGHT SERVICE 2nd & Washington Sts. Phcne, Main 7$ We wish all our Patrons and all Hillsboro a HAPPY NEW YEAR By Prompt Work and Proper Prices we will help to make it Prosperous. Come In and See What We HOFFMAN Jeweler Main Street Argus and Daily Look Around Have to Offer and Optician Hillsboro, Oregon .1 Oregonian ToSr $6 is i ; f I", t