The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, December 20, 1917, Image 1

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NO. 40
Ovrr Twenty Six Acres Had Top
Reduced to Ashes Last Summer
Some of the Top Burned to Depth
of Two Feet Complaint Says
Harrirtt II. Kilhn, widow of the
lull- Hi nton Killen, lili filed suit
nninxt llu? (iitlr Cnik & Wil
ii Itivi r Hallway, Porter Con
l-y, eonlraetors, and utht-rs, in
Mn l In tli iirlnjf rllil of wa)
for tin new railroad, asking foi
ttilflO damagi-s miMaim-d lo Bli,!
aires of lit'ovrrditm Iuiil nrar
(rt'i'iivillr, Tin- plaintiff alleges
lluil hlif owns n tract on tluh
rii;lil of way, niul that bint Mini
nut while they were (liarlng t lit
land for grading their fire went
liryoml control Mini that (lit' lop
of 7. 'J aeres was burned to t
depth of from two lo three feel
niul (lint I i.T neres were humid
from n depth of from four inchm
to two fret.
Tin lire was said to have been
Net on Aiiuutt H, ami (lie blajsr
raged for several days. The Jor
mis ipiality of lilt! alluvinl di
n seeli, It bring dry, that all i f
forts lo ipirmh lh bhue were of
no avail.
The ease w ill doubtles he tri
in the near future.
List of unclaimed letter week
ending 1h, ,18,, 1WI7, ildUhuro,
It r, J. ('. Slur-fill, t u, -SehOfl
Supt., U. II. Taylor.
J. (.'. I.AM KIN, Postmaster.
Uegixtrnlion rards for men are in
jiontcHNioit of the local hoard (the
first Iwil of whom mure than like
'.'.y will he called in the nefct sehe
lion) with their serial order mini
hern, are :
Order No. )2iA, serial No.
I'H.'I, Harvey M. Jones, Gaston.
Order No. 782, serial No,
t !)()(!, Clifford L. llrown, Hanks.
Order No. IBOtA, serial No.
Hl!i, Theodore K. Lnwlon, Tor
eil (irove,
Order No. 1 !())!, serial No,
1 1 0, Chat, llowers, Ilillshnro
Houle I.
Order No. 1!07, serial No.
I l0!t, Cecil II. Kyle, (Sales Creek.
Order No. 1!0H, serial No.
l'.iOS, Nicholas C. Lilly .Gales
Order No. H0!, serial No.
HI07, Richard L, Smith, HilNlio
.ro. Order No. MHO, serial HHi,
Jesse J. Huell, Central Unite, N.
The Portland district hoard
has exempted Harry F. I'liander,
overriding the local hoard. 11
also certified . Alfred Greenberg,
of Henvertoii, into the army, sus
taining the local hoard.
The cases of Harry Hanson,
llelhany, and Win, lluntemann,
Oak Park, sent to Camp Lewis
some weeks ago, have been ap
pealed lo the President.
Mrs. W. It. Frent.el and her
daughter left Poise, Idaho, on
Thursday, for Chicago, where
, they will spend the winter with
Airs. I'renUil's mother, return
ing in the spring.
Oil Saturday, Dee. 22, tin
county court will hold Its annual
budget meeting. The session w ill
begin in the county court room nt
10 A. M., and there is promise of
a big atteiHliiuee, In nil likeli
liood the meeting w ill be compell
ed to adjourn to larger piarters,
as hcvcnd hundred will roll into
the county sent. I'.nch year sees
a bigger Intercut in these meet
iugs, mid as all nriulilmrhoodi
are interested il means quite, a
congregation, The total tax to
be raised, according to the hud
get estimate, reaches f 12H70IJ.II7.
and this is reduced by contempla
tive fees and interest in the sum
of twelve thousand dollars,
Wanted: lings, shoals, sheep,
beef, i d'. We buy in Washing
ton county and pay telephone
charges of prospective sellers if
I Ik V mean business. Will call
In response In telephones or let
ters. Address C. K. Rogers
Portland, It. 1, Pox JIH2, or tele
phone Wooillawu 6,'iflN. Will
also do general hauling and long
distance, moving. Half
Mary Mclvtn, who married
Forrest Melvln, at Seattle, in
III HI, has sued for divorce, alleg
ing a series of cruel and Inhuman
treatment, calling of vile names,
etc., on the part of defendant,
A few months after marriage, she
says, he called her a "fool" in the
presence of aeipiaintiuiees. In
October of this year, when the
weather was getting "piiichy,"
she asked him for money to get n
suit of underwear. He told her
he Mould buy her nothing, took
a revolver and left the house.
Frank J. Miller, Chairman of
the Oregon Public Service Com
mission, was in town Monday,
lie was t Camp Mills in October,
where he had a son in the Third
Oregon, lie says the reason the
Ori'iion liovs were not sent across
Tax Levy Runs
Three Millions
Activity of State's Industries Is
Never Equalled Heretofore
until and were ilclaiucd at
State tax levy for HUH is $2,
NSil.'.'or,. State to spend :i,l!ilr
2.12, excess to be met by fees and
t-orvallis Farmers in the vi
cinity of Hoskhis, Philomath and
Corvnllis have organized a Fed
eral Farm Loan Association
.Mirtn iienil Jlui hncr mill to
he enlarged and add (10 hands
W allowa- Pear Creek timber
and mill site sold. 100,000 foot
mill to he erected.
t ii I, ,
.viuanv ixi.oou ins. oi neans
shipped from here by one firm.
Falls City - Sawmill near here
is now completed ami in opera
tion. Coquillc Mill belonging to
Huehiier Co. to he electrified.
. Farmers' union of I'mntilla
county considering the erection
of six more grain elevators in
county along the line of N. P. and
O W. R. - N.
Portland - St.mdifer Const. Co,
to build ten steel ships for I". S.
Portland Receipts of inter
state bridge past nine months.
Dallas 100,000 lbs. prunes
harvested from f0 acres near this
V cKftwivijc-)? 40,000 to In
al' V'it srv" Vr-saml Rond
Oeorge Helliere, of (ileiieor,
was in town Monday, greeting
Money to Joan Low rates of
interest; charges reasonable. F.,
L. Perkins, Hillsboro. Mtf
W. N. Ilalhoni, of Laurel, was
in town Monday on county uf
airs. Jos. Corrieri has rented the
Lord place of 50 acres cleared,
below, for a three-year
v onieci : tracle jersry or
Holsteiu bull; Jersey preferred. -
( arl Asbahr, Cornelius, Ore., It
2. 38-40
PORTLAND ustiek C. B. BUCHANAN & CO., Inc.
Corridors of Worcester Building
Filled to Overflowing;
numlN r- fTf 1Htir-t W -Mtsciidrw-f.
order to get men to the Italian
front to check the big German
Austrian drive, and ibis left them
short of vessels to transport over
seas, P. C. Anderson, formerly of
Iteedville, returned the first of
week from the Alberta, entrain
ing at Calgary. He has sold out
his grain lands in the Alberta and
i.nys he will farm no more until
the Wobblies I. W . W .J are dis
posed of. He says they are mak
ing a great deal of trouble up in
Canada since I'nele Sam started
i crusade against I hem, as they
naturally turn lo other climes.
Frank Willers has joined the
U. S. Navy as a baker, and leaves
Ibis week out of Portland to his
issignmenl. He has sold his bak
ery to A. It. llradley, of Hood
River, who lias taken possession.
Frank nlrcady has a brother.
Walter, in the Navy. 1 he newly
enlisted man left here Friday, but
was unable to get transportation
until some time this week.
Jasper Keffer and Thus. Wil
liams are getting out ship knees
over in the Moutn l uaiauii coun
try. There is a big demand for
these limbers, as each vessel
lakes all the way from 125 to
500 or (!00, and there is pretty
good money in culling. lhere
are several camps in I lie county
getting out this essential to ship
A Washington County man
ins invented an apparatus which
ttin be connected with a poslof-
lice or any other safe, and w hich
will give a man n knock-out
,hoek as soon as he tries lo mou
sey with the combination knob.
If he, will just improve on il so it
will lie the fellow up until some
one arrives he will have a first
class seller.
EXECUTORS, Administrators, Ouardians, Pub
lic Custodians and others having public aud
private trusts to perforin can render proper
service by depositing with us.
We Have One of the Best Sale
Deposit Systems in the State
A proper place for valuable papers.
We invite inspection of this department in con
junction with the others.
An excellent bank for handling all brauches
of bank business.
W.! "'lit' U1 fs V Court He
r F.i.tcrprfsc-- ruvsk; vsV'.Vr 1 "i:WT
modeled and up-to-date in... iu'n
cry added.
Portland Tav levy for 1!!8
!.H 4 mills, compared with ! mills
for HI 17.
Rosehurg Loganberry juice
plant will be established here if
the growers will guarantee to fur
nish the product from !I00 acres.
Coos Hay ships 4,i.(2,00O ft. of
fir and spruce last two weeks of
Astoria-Clatsop Mill Co.'s
plant sold for .f 500,000. New
owners will remodel plant and
erect large sash, door and box
Lake view Sawmill may be
moved here.
Harrisburg Fanners propose
co-operative Hour mill.
(iardincr - Work on mill pro
gressing; plant to operate Feb. 1.
Port Orford Camp on south
fork of Coquillc cutting cedar
Shipbuilding in Oregon should
be given every encouragement for
it means development of ninny
other lines of industry.
North llend Coos Hay Ship
building Co. to add two travel
ling cranes.
liandon $80,000 milk eonden
sery to be located here.
Portland Additional reser
voirs to be built on west side of
All, except the P. It. & N. trains
are electric, and stop nt the de
pot on Main street.
To Portland.
Forest Grove train 6:50 n. m.
McMinnville train 7:.ti n. m.
Sheridan train 10:0.'l n. m.
Forest (irove train 12:50 p. m.
McMinnville train 2:l(i p. m.
Forest drove train 3:B5 p. m.
l'.ugene train - 4 :45 p. in.
McMinnville train 0:40 p. in.
Forest Grove train D:50p. m.
From Portland.
F.ugrne train .i 8:15 a.m.
McMinnville train 10:13 n. in.
Forest Grove train 11 :5!) n. in.
Forest Grove train 3:14 p. m.
Sheridan train 4:33 p. in.
Forest Grove train . 0:40 p.m.
McMinnville train 7:15 p. m.
Forest Grove train....... !):00p. m.
McMinnville train 12:15 p. in.
All trains slop on flag at Sixth
and Main; nt North Range niul
Fir streets, Sixth and Fir streets,
and nt Tenth street.
Steam Service From Old Depot
nt Foot of Second Street.
To Portland.
P. It. & N. train 4:05 p. m.
From Portland
P. It. & N. train.- 10:00 a.m.
Motor Car Service.
To Buxton -....-..12:25 p. m.
To Timber 4:20 p. m.
From Timber t:55 a. m.
From Buxton 2:10 p. m.
F. A. Retzcl, of Farmington,
was in the city Monday.
It V 11 .1 II.-
w. i. jinunam, uie iimuiih
ehooI teacher, now holding
I own the chair near Middleton
was In the city aturday, meet
ing with former Orant county
K. I. Kurnlli ha hi office in
the Hillsboro National Bank Bid.
Loans your money, insure your
buildings, rents your houses, buys
and sells your property, makes
collections. Notary Public.
Vlso speaks German and Swiss.
The war tax hits even the
Hillsboro Club. A tax of 10 per
cent on dues must he paid. This
means nt present 15 cents per
month on cacti member. I ncle
Sam evidently thinks that every
ittle helps.
Wanted Beef, pork, mutton,
venl, etc., and will pay the hmli-
st market price, for same. Will
all any place. T. A. Miller,
Ileavertoii, Route 4; telephone,
lleaverton 3, on line 3. 40-7
. ('. Slmte reports fine duck
hooting down on the Columbia,
Sunday. The sportsmen all got
the limit unless their eyes were
blameworthy. The local boys,
iccording to Lou Adams, had tine
shootiiiL down on the TuoJatiu.
Judge (ieo. R. Pauley and
porter Runyon started
JNmook Sunday morning,
irf'il :'.'"nlsi r- ti...
Main 'Street flag .atin. o
train was sent arms .tnf" Ti.'nT,
the slide trouble being augmcnt
ed by bridge trouble this side.
Probate filed too late for last
week Estate Lewis Duller, who
died Nov. 28, filed, value, $3300.
He leaves a widow and a son, Al
bert, who was named as execu
tor. A. C. Kruger named as ad
ministrator of estate Hans D.
Koch, who died at Newberg, on
Dec. 4, aged (55, estate valued at
The first questionnaire filled
out under draft regulations was
turned into Sheriff Applegate's
otliee Monday morning. Mason
Sullinger, working at the eon
denser was the principal, and
Attorney Benton Bowman assist
ed in tilling it out and then filed
it w ith the war board.
J. H. Williams, who has been
working at n camp dow n on the
lower Columbia, returned the last
of the week and w ill remain with
his sister, Mrs. Dell, until after
the holidays, the mills having
closed dow n until January 1. He
reports great activity in the lum
ber districts on the river.
The war spirit is not on the
wane in Washington county. It
was nniusing to see several fel
lows over 50, prominent in busi
ness, nt Portland the other day,
making a try to get into active
service. Quite a few ot
were getting "'111111 on top
they were willing to make a try
at the big game.
Stalwart From All Over North
west Try to Evade Draft Law
Hundreds of stalwart young fel
lows went to Portland from all
over the Northwest last week,
and by Saturday night several
hundred had joined the United
states army and were sent to
Vancouver for training. This
county furnished a big number,
every train taking a lot of young
fellows down to get into the ser
vice. Many went to the naval re
cruiting office but the army ap
peared to have the larger num
ber. The movement was made to
avoid the coming draft, and if the
ratio was the same all over the
United States the draft will be
greatly diminished.
i he marines came in for a fair
share of enlistments, and hund
reds, were sent to Mare Island. "
The volunteer enlistments were
to have closed Saturday at noon,
hut those w ho had signed up and
were unable to get examined
were kept on the waiting list and
taken care of later. Twenty army
surgeons were busy at Worcester
building, and by noon Friday ten
of them bad become so fatigued
lliat only ten worked in the after
Cowboys from the Klickitat
country, horsemen from Idaho,
farm boys from Willamette val-
ev, and scores from the towns
snd farms in this county were
there awaiting their turn for the
l'R!?Jnl ,
(hew Liited to- yoiix. Ue past r - J
tilierr at Fort Stevens, wuer
there wure vacancies probably
because they thought they would
he kept on the coast.
Under the nets of Congress of
June 3, 1878, and March 3, 1891,
residents of the State of Oregon
are permitted to take timber free
of charge from the vacant, unre
served, non-mineral public lands
of the state, not within the na
tional forests, for their own pur
poses for building, agrieulutral,
mining or other domestic uses but
not for barter or sale, under the
rules niul regulations prescribed
by the Secretary of the Interior.
Copies of these rules and regula
tions may he secured by applica
tion to the Chief of Field Divi
sion, General Land Ollice, 310
Custom House, Portland, Ore.
It has been held, how ever, that
the lands embraced within the
Oregon & California Railroad
Grant, title to which has been re
vested in the Government, are not
vacant, unreserved, non-mineral
public lands within the meaning
of the above nets of Congress,
and that there is no authority for
the granting of permission to cut
or remove timber from these
lands. Therefore, any person cut
ting or removing timber from the
said Oregon- & California Rail
road Grant lands must be consid
ered a trespasser, and subject to
prosecution under the laws of the
United States.
Everybody's knittin' now,
Makin' socks for fighters
Bound to keep their feet so warm
While they lick the blighters!
Ma, she knits,
An' sister knits,
Grandma leads them all, sir;
Pa just sits around an' spits,
And gets juice on the ball,
No one plays a game of crib,
Everybody's knittin"
Kven baby, in her bib,
Knits -w here she is sittin.
Auntie knits,
An" grandpa knits,
Grandpa says it's duty
Pa, he sits around and reads,
Then eats a big Rome beauty
Then when Ma got gay, one night
An' hinted Pa was shirkin,'
Pa just sniffed, an' smiled an'
"Gues my money's workin' !
Ma, you knit,
The fambly knits,
An' I don't care a ditrn, sir
Grandpa knits, an Grandma
But don't I buy the yarn,
. i,
The Deacon.
To Portland 65 minutes
(5:32 am
7:18 -8:28
9:58 .
5:18 ..
7 :53 ...
..p. m.
p. m.
From Portland 55 minutes
, p.m
The heavy wind of Saturday
night prevailed all over the en
tire Northwest, and shipping out
of Astoria was called during the
big blow. The hurricane devel
oped 80 miles per hour off the
bar, and when it reached inland
Hillsboro it was guaged at CO
miles some wind. Torrents of
rain came with it, and the rivers
taised several inches Sunday.
Roy Schulmerich was in from
South Tualatin, Saturday.
Hillsboro, Cornelius and North Plains
Wholesale and Retail Dealers in
Grain,Hay, Flour, Feed and
Grain Bags
Car-lot shipper of POTATOES and
ONIONS. Grain chopped or
rolled at any time
Lumber, Shingles and Lath
At Cornelius
Beaver State Flour
The Best Flour at the Lowest Prices.
Telephones; Hillsboro, Main 14,
Cornelius, City 1515, North Plain, Main 263.
Cost Is Little More
to go East through
Attractions offered:
Sacred summits of the Siskiyous,
Ml. Shasta, San Francisco, the
cosmopolitan, the Old Missions,
Del Monte, Santa Barbara, 100
mile li Ion it fh u. ul,r,r T .ia An.
i," '""I L-iAi t Sunny Southern California,
1 ' -, VfcV-P11! TaiiraUhc border
stopovers permitted at various
fff Av
Inquire at any S. P. agency or
address JOHN M. SCOTT Gen
eral Passenger Agent, Portland,
Southern Pacific Lines
Hillsboro Auto Livery
Feed and Boarding Stable
Prices Reasonable
2nd & Washington Sts. Phone, Main 70
Only a Few Days Left
Before Xmas ...
Why not come in while there is still time
and look over our stock while it is fresh
and complete? We have tried this year
to have the most complete lines of every
thing we carry. : : : :
Come In and Look Around
See What We Have to Offer
Jeweler and Optician
Main Street 1 Hillsboro, Oregon
Argus and Daily Oregonian 2rwT $6