11HE lnliLLSBR VOL. XXIV HILLSBORO, OREGON, DKCEMUER 6, 1917 NO. 38 r E SENT TO JAMP LEWIS Ldwnrd Kaufman, Lawrence Ba ton and J. Brandaw Called THREE REJECTED AT CAMP Clia. E. Adaina, Arthur Hundley nncl Frank J. Hanten Exempted (Iminiuin Alente sends out llie following news from llie lornl w ii r lionrd : Tbe fnlliiM iiiK nu n were cnllrd -ly I hi' 1 1 nil I Imnril to report tu I lif offier of tin lornl lioartl for lr,'iiisiorliilioii lit Ainrrii'iiii l.iiki on I Irerniber Ii, ll 17, Nniil nu n In report nl 10 A. M. of nniil tiny, i , : l'.ilnnl Henry Kiiiifmiin, of Hillsboro, Or,-., it. 1. I.uw rnire Jiidion llneon, of Cornelius, Ore. .(nines S, llrnmbiw, Hillsdoro, Ore. These inrii will tnkr plnee of llie following nun who were mill lo Ainrrii'nn I.nkr liy tlir lornl lio.iril, ninl who wrrr phy slenll)' njeeteil liy rxnininiiiK officer nl ( ii in Lewis, viae : Krnest r'rnnklin Tlioinpon,of Timber, Ore. Albert I'. Nnekers, Cornelius, ( he. Otto llnmrl, rorllnml, Or.., It. Out of n tolnl of ilH nu n Bent by Washington County only 8 wrrr rejeeted physienlly. The Histriel llonnl linn nffirm ril tlir ilreision of tin- I .mill llonnl on the following enses, nlilelt wrrr nirnlril liy tlir (iov i ruiiii nl, via ; Chtirle K. Atlnnm, Arthur H. Iluuillry nml 1'rnnk J. Ilnnsen. Tlir ilntr of nwiiling of tlir (Jueslioimire to 5 rr rrlit of tlir n uist runU within Washington County begin on Drermher 15. 'l'hr ( inslionnire is to lie innilril (o every rrgistritlil whose regls trillion eiird is w ithin llir juris dirt ion of this llonnl, rcgnrdlrs.i of whrllirr or not thr registrant lins In i n imitated intii thr nervier bv ilrnft or. voliintnry rnlisluirht. All registrant who Inivr changed llu ir plnee of nhode must rum iiiiiuirnlr immediately with tlirir Inriil imnril nml furnish tlirir present mldresN no llmt the (Jiu-stiotmire will rrnrh sueh reg islrnut without tlrlny. I'niliirr to iln so in n y lose thrill thrir rilit In t lit i lit exemption or disehnrge. All exemptions nml discharges iniiilr prior In noon on Drrruilirr 15, 1!'I7, and nil certificates In evidence llurrof nre hrrrliy re voknl from nml nftrr noon on December 15, 11)17, nml nil niicIi ciilificnlcs thrrrfor issuril shall Imvr no furtlirr validity. Unclaimed .. Letter List of unrlniinril letter for the week milium lrr. 1, 111 1(1: Miss It. M. llrown, I Foreign 1 II. I'.ikcr, Mrs. Mnry (iibbon, Trd I'lirhiinl, Mrs. Mnry Sirvrrt. .1. I.iuukiu, Postmaster. S. Itilcy Collin, w ho is associa- ti il with his father in .saw milling, low Witch Hasscl nml south of Hrnli illr. wns in the city I' n- ilny, greeting fririuls. He Is now cniliiifj on government orders, nml tins nil hr can do. l'or Snlr Four milk cows, nil frrsh Jerseys, giving ml abund nnre of milk. Also 10 pig, wriks old Inquire of Louis Mi llrlirke, one mile from Scholia , (). address, Laurel, Ore., It. 'I 8-H EXECUTORS, Administrators, Guardians, Pub lic Custodians and others having public and private trusts to perform can render proper service by depositiug with us. We Have One of the Best Sale Deposit Systems in the State A proper place for valuable papers. We invite inspection of this department in con junction with the others. An excellent bank for handliug all branches of bank business. SHUTE SAVINGS BANK PROMPT : CONSERVATIVE : SAVE .luliil 1), Kuril, of blooming, wns in the city Monday, (J. W. (iu tun is visiting ii in thr Washington country, J. Ii. Walker, of hrlow Heaver ton, was greeting frirmls here the Inst of the wrrk. (iro, Itiissi ll enmr over from Tillmniiok I lie In .L of (hr wrrk anil Nirnl a roii)lr of days in the city. John Loflis, of North Plains, ninl Snin Sipp, of Mouiitninilnlr, wrrr city callers thr irst off the wrrk. Trnin for Snlr A heavy farm team for wile. Would ronsiiler trade for cow. J. J. Ingram; Hillshoro; Ore. j It. 'I; llo 1 1 :i. Te. 18; Line ,. !I7 l Miss Alire Smith, teaching at Jefferson, Ore., spent Thanks giving wrrk at thr home of hrr nrrnts, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Smith, in this city. Mrlvlu K. Replogle, n soldier nml Miss Violet Iliiffikrr, of He nvcrtitn, were uniled in mnrri ne Nov. li'l, lit 17, Jmle ('. II. Fry, of lli in rrton, offirintin. Arthur Counrll whs down to his home from (). A. ('., Thnnks j;iiiiK, nml notified the wnr lionrd of his present nddress in order to (ft his iucstionnirc s. W. II. Schuster, who wns pick ed up here hy Sheriff Applejfnte a few days nffo, is now in jnil at (ioldemliile, Wn, cliiirKiil with setting fire to a thrrshitiK outfit for which hr worked this Fall, lie fnilrd to give n hond in the sum of $1,000. Wan ted; Ilofts, hlioiits, slurp, hrrf, etc. U'e liny in Wnshiiifr ton county nml pny trlrphonr rlmrgi s of irospcclivv srllrrs if thry menu linsiness. Will call in response to telephones or let ter. Address ('. K. Hoffrrs, Cortland, It. 1, Box or trlr phonr Wootlln wn C.'ISH. Will also ilo Kcucrnl hnuliiif( nml loni: tkjstnire. movinfr. S5tf II. I). Olt, of Forest firove, suddenly dropped dead nl the .S. I'. ln;Kn)(c room in that city, )reemher 2. Ho assumed the duties of linnc mmi nt Forest (irove 11 years nffo. He was horn nl Stnunton, Yn., in IN til. Hr was nn Odd Fellow and wns turned Tuesday under the aus pices of that order. A sou, II. (. Olt, nml a daughter, Mrs W. M. VnnAnlwrrp, of Forest (irove, survive him, He leaves four hrothers nml sisters in the East. F.. J. Shotwcll. of Forest (irove, carrying mail on Hillsho ro, Route !t, is still currying his mnil in n Ford mnehine, mid makes the trip in lietter time than he could with a horse. He intends making the trip nil win ter in the enr ami snys that al though he has to go to the low ninny times hr makes helter lime than he could with a horse. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Rhea, of Milton, Ore., have been visiting with T. A. Rhea and wife the pnst week. Jim tells a great story nhout a friend of his up nt Winona, Wash., whose swineherd presented him with a really mid truly ' blind youngster. Chris Schiiffer was thr owner of pigs, ami his hired mini, Henry Jan srn, casually told a friend that he hnd a "blind pig." The friend had a thirst, mid taking Henry nt his word, followed him for two days, in the holies of get ting a drink. After the joke commenced to pall on the hired mini he took the friend out to the bam and showed him the blind porker, nml there enmr near being a fatality. The friend appreciated n joke, but 1 1 1 1 1 1 o 1 1 1 that there was such a thing as carrying it too far. BEAVERTON-REEDVILLE The State Highway Commiion Vote Unanimously to get Route NORTH OF THE S. P. TRACK Runs From City Park Almost due East to Bertha The Slate Highway Commission has rescinded its former vote to make the Walker Orrnro route thr Pacific Highway in Washing ton Count v, und last week de- ided by unanimous vote to huild the proposed highwny into this section via Kertha, the Ilcnv- oii Mi rllm road, as far ns Ileav- rlou, thence west along the north side of the Southern Piiii- Itailr.mil track. A fill will hr made at St. Mary's, and from there the road shoots due west to Huber, Aloha and Rrrdvillr, 'ont'iiiuing on to join thr Witrh Hnzrl rnnd. Arriving near the Witch Il.i.rl school the road goes straight on to Rock Creek, mid thru on to thr Meier plarr, this side of Newton. This means that n bridge will he have to be put in at Rock 'reek, and there will be consid rnble grniliug. The county will put in the grnde nml drainage, and it is estimated that thr ridging and grading, with thr Irninnge, will cost about ten Ihousfuid dollars. The county docs not furnish the bnse ns wns popularly sup posed. This contention hns been lisposcd of by the State ( oniniis- sion, which has passed n resolu tion that the counties will not have lo supply base. The Orcneo people nre natur ally feeling pretty much disap pointed over the outcome of the road location. ltenverton and Reedville peo ple, together with Aloha ami Itu lier, have been hustling for some time, nml it is said that lin y have made arrangements for the. right of way on the new line, thus re lieving the commission from a big expense. Commissioner lienson wrote the county court here that the eeision was ninde Inst week. EMPLOIJP IN Trestles Discarded cn Tillamook Line Above Buxton COUNTY READY FOR ROADS State Highway Commission Get ting Ready for 1918 Secretary Hudson, of the ( ham- be r of Commerce, reports Port land has built up a payroll of vast importance in the shipbuilding industry, there being between 13 000 .and I t ,000 employed now in the various plants, and the out look is bright along industrial lines. State hiuhwav from Oorvallis to Polk county 'line to be paved Astoria will nave hitrhwny to Smith' Point. Highway contract let from Mvrtle Creek to Dillard. State Lime lionrd lenses quar ry and install plant nt Gold Hill. T in liana steel manulaclurer is looking for n site in Portland. Tillamook Southern 1'ncitic Co. has just finished tilling in lnsllra between Schoficld mid Slrassel, costing $21,750. Lost: Two black and white Ilolstein heifers. Strayed from pasture near Scotch church. Re ward. Notify Fred McNeil v, Hillsboro. Ore.. R. 1.. tel. North Plains 2F4. 7-0 Roy Sehiedel, of this city, R. Coupe, Orcneo, T. T. ioilit mid II. Jones, of l orest Inove, all enlisted musicians nt llrcmerton, were over Thanksgiving week, visiting home folks. Circuit Court H. A. Kliks vs. W. T. Simmons et nl, judgment for !fl8!)1.85 with interest and order of sale of Chehalem Mt. Orchards property; Ilruere vs. VnnWnltcrs, et ux, judgment for sKuiil nml costs: E. I. Kurntli vs. D. Reghitto et al, judgment for $33g7.05 and costs nnd order of sale of 15,55(i acres; Daisy Hart vs. Frank Hart, divorce, referred to C. E. Itunyon; State vs. Carl Krunton, larceny of horse nnd buggy, pleads guilty, sentenced to 2 to 10 years; State vs. Chas. Atkins, non-support, idea of not guilty nnd allowed to return to American Lake on own rccogni- I'zaiicc, subject to call. COUNCIL ORGANIZES Women representatives from the various communities of Washing ton County met in the Red Cross room in Hillshoro recently mid organized a Home Economics Council to promote the food con servation work. Kadi community is entitled to one woman representative select ed from some local organization, as (i ranges, Pnrciit-Tenehcr Cir- Irs, Civic Clubs, etc., to meet w illi the Council. Plans will be discussed for car rying on tin: work in the various communities, hach member of the Council will act as a lender in her own community for promot ing work. Mrs. L. W. Hyde, of Hillshoro, was circled president, and Mrs. 'lorn West fall, of Dilley, was lcclcd secretary. The next meeting will be held Saturday, December 15, nt the Hillsboro Library, nt 2:30 P. M. mid all communities are urged to inve n representative present. PUBLIC SALE. Having enlisted in the United States navy I will sell at public auction on the Trnchscl place, 1 'i miles west of Phillips and 1 mile cast ol Helvetia, at 12:.I0 p. m., on FRIDAY, DECEMBER 7, team horses, 2700; heifer, fresh March 1; yearling heifer; 3-inch wagon; Champion mower, good as new; liny rake; hayrack; 14 inch plow; 60-tooth harrow; cul tivator; new work harness; bug gy harness; 5 tons loose hay; 00 bushels oats; DeLavel cream separator; iron kettle; beam scales; grindstone; X-cnt saw; household furniture and numer ous other articles. Terms of sale $'20 and under, cash; over, six monins lime, bankable note at 8 per cent in terest. Two per cent off cash over -?"0. John Traehsel, Owner. J. C. Kuratli, Auctioneer. OREGON ELECTRIC TRAINS 12:20 AUCTION SALE I will sell nt my place nt Reed ville, close to the S. P. R. R., near Olinger's store, the following personal property, nt ten a. m., TUESDAY, DECEMBER 18 Team of work horses, one a bay gelding, 1400, nnd one a bay mare, 1225, both good work ani mals and will work anywhere you put them, a splendid team for farm work, mare a fine singl horse: irood double set of work harness, buggy harness, top bug' gy in good shape, Bain wagon, 3', with California box, wid tires; good hay rack, gravel bed, 14-iuch plow, cultivator, 3-scc-tiou drag harrow, springtooth harrow. 12-dise harrow, 5-foot Walter A. Wood mower, No. 11 Milwaukii: 7-ft binder in good re pair, ropes, block nnd tackle, pul leys, lot household furniture and numerous other articles. Lunch at noon. Terms of Sale $20 and under, cash; over $20, six months time on bankable approved note, nt 8 per cent, interest. Mrs. A. Weisenbaek, Owner. B. P. Cornelius, Auctioneer, John Ynnderwnl, Clerk. Chas. M. Adkins, a soldier in Co. H., Fourth U. S. Infantry has sued Alice Adkins for divorce Adkins formerly lived on Gales Creek, nnd he was married Sep tember 4, 1912. He alleges that his wife has abused him, nnd in Oct.. 15)1(5. told him she w isher he was dead and in h 11. II also says she told him he was i "d d fool nnd no good." She then deserted him cnrly in 1917 There nre no children and no property ' rights to determine Adkins' assets being a homestead ii) in Harney County. For Sale, or trade: Tcanv harness and wagon, mnre, colt cream separator, White Leg horn cockerels, Tanered strain (I. A. Weisenbnch, Hillsboro Oreiron. R. 8 Box 108. 37s To Portland 55 minutes 7: IS a.m. 8:2S a.m. !):58 a.m. 12:43 p. m. 3 :5S p. m. 5 : 1 S p.m 7 :53 p.m From Portland 55 minutes 7:54 a. m i) :20 a.m. 1 1 :25 a.m 2:12 p.m 4:27 p.m (1:31 p.m 7:1 S p.m 8:25 p.m a. in LOUISE OUVEREAU IS FOUND GUILTY Former Hillsboro Abstractor is Guilty on Nine Counts, Seattle CONVICTED IN FED. COURT Charged With Violation of Es pionage Law, Pleads Own Case Miss Louise Olivereau, a former HiHsboro'woman, having worked u-re over a year some time ago, as found guilty on nine counts in the Seattle Federal Court, Je remiah Neterer, Judire. Friday. Miss Olivereau had sent out let ters, 2,000 in number, advising all to resist the registration law for the selective draft. Miss Olivereau wanted- anything but licdicnee to the I'ederal statute, and she .wanted even bloodshed to prevent the war. When she went into court she ns asked if she had an attorney. She replied in the negative and said she would plead her own ase. Her first remark in out lining her defense was, "First, I ant to say to you jurors that I mil an anarchist. 1 hen the urors started to get out of the ox nnd leave the court room. The Court ordered them back to their seats and told them that the woman had aright to her say ev il if her words did profane their sense of citizenship. I'he jury was out twenty min utes when they returned with the onvietion oir all nine counts a. omul by the Sederal Grand Ju ry. Miss Olivereau worked here ns nn abstractor for nwell-known firm. She did her work thor oughly, but her animadversions on law and order were such that the firm found it convenient to let her go. She kept house here, but did not make extensive ac quaintance. She had rather a poor opinion of the women in general nnd felt that the laws all needed turning topsy turvy in fact she held that we would be better off if we would have no law at all. Her bond has been raised to $7000 pending her sen tence and she is in charge of the Seattle United States marshal. TEACHERS' EXAMINATION Teachers' examination will be held in Hillsboro, Dec. 19, 20, 21, and 22, 1917. Wednesday A. M. U. S. His tory, nting, Music, Drawing. Wednesday P. M. Physiolo- gy, Heading, .Manual i raining, Composition, Domestic Science, Methods m Rending, Course ot Study for Drawing Methods m Arithmetic. Thursday A. M. Arithmetic, History of Education, Physiolo gy, Methods in Geography, Me- hanical Drawing, Domestic Art, Course of Study for Domestic rt. Thursday P. M. Grammar, urography, Stenography, Amer- lean Literature, rnysics, Ajpe writing, Methods in Language, Thesis for Primary Certificate Friday A. M. Theory and Practice, Orthography, Physical Geogrnohy, English Literature, Chemistry, Physical Culture. Friday P. M. School Law, Geology, Algebra, Civil Govern ment. Saturday A. M. Geometry, Botany. Saturday P. M. General His tory, Bookkeeping. IN MEMORIAM . Hillsboro Council o. lOJi Knisrhts of Columbus, has noted with sorrow the death of Brother Anton Gnos, a member of this Council, and have appointed the following committee to convey lo the wife and children of th deceased our fraternal sympathy their great bereavement A member of this Council llro. Anton Gnos dwelt among ns. a good sturdy Christian, am! was ever ready to lend a helping lin.uL His life wns mercitui generous and charitable, and his .i..fh thnnirh rccrctable, was v. ! eniisolinir in that it ended n f..U siirnt nnd work well done, pence Mav his soul rest in Committee. rt. Miltcnbcrger, W. Delsmnn, F. C. Waibel. Hillsboro, Ore., Nov. 2(5, 1917 L1VESAY HAINES T f T.Svesnv. of Fresno, Cal and Miss Ruth J. Haines, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. h. ii.. f Forest Grove, were iiaiu,.-i ; mnrrincrn Nov.. 29 iiiiiuu I- ' loir, at the home of the bride ....... nl Forest (irove. Rev H. L. Bates officiating. C. B. BUCHANAN & CO, Inc. Hillsboro, Cornelius and North Plains Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Grain, Hay, Flour, Feed and Grain Bags Car-lot shipper of POTATOES and ONIONS. Gram chopped or rolled at any time Lumber, Shingles and Lath At Cornelius Beaver State Flour The Best Flour at the Lowest Prices. Telephones; Hillsboro, Main 14, Cornelius, City 1515, North Plain, Main 263. East Through California Costs but Little More When you go East via California you may visit San Francisco, all the resorts along the Road of a Thousand Wonders, Los Angeles and Sunny Southern California, The Apache Trail of Arizona. Liberal stopovers are permitted at varous points en route. Four trains a day from Portland offer ample accommodations. Inquire at any S. P. Agency or address JOHN M. SCOTT, General Passenger Agent Portland, Oregon. Southern Pacific Lines Hillsboro Auto Livery Feed and Boarding Stable Prices Reasonable DAY AND NIGHT SERVICE 2nd & Washington Sts. Pbrne, Main 7$ Only a Few Days Left Before Xmas ... Why not come in while there is still time and look over our stock while it is fresh and complete? We have tried this year to have the most complete lines ol every thing we carry. : : : : Come In and Look Around See What We Have to Offer HOFFMAN Jeweler and Optician Main Street 1 Hillsboro, Oregon Argus and Daily Oregonian EToLT $6