The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, November 29, 1917, Image 1

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NO. 37
Allen UrKUlratlon Led by the
I'lndu but Seven llermin Allen Between
21 and Jl
Sin-riff AiikiiIi- hut t m 1 ii I ii t 1 1
lln nxlslrtilliui returns fur the
iirmy itml In- finil muni' inlirisl
iu ilnli, Tin' nlirii ri'KiNtrntion
lifts twenty SmIhs; mill nf these
one nlreiily is nee. peil inln the
IIIIIIV. Jiijiiiii follow with III,,
ISelfiinin, !l ; Niirwny, Sweden
I1. Itiissiit, (I ; (iernians, 7; none
enlleil or iieeeted ns yet J Tur
key, 'I, with one neeepteii into
the iiriny; KiikIiiiiiI, .'I; Seotliuiil,
Catmilii, it; none rnlleil;
(ireeee, 1 1 II enlleil, I neeeiti (l ;
ll.ily, ll ; 1( iiiiuirk, 8; Austrin-
lluiiK'iry, I ; Kiilnrin, 1,
Of the registration oeeiiiiitious
lire ns follows;
r'iirmiiij. lOiil; tiinlier, 210;
slock, 8; eontrnetors, cleetrieiiins
iluuiliers, 4M ; linkers, cheese
nmkers, t miles, ete., 4!; niiteliine
shops, ete., Uj shipbuilders, H;
hiirness mill shoemakers, finish
ing mills, I; metal workers, 2;
eiuar anil toliaeeo men ninl elee
trie and water plants, 17; rail
road men, steam, 73; telegraph
and telephone worker, .'I; trans
firs, staliles, express, ete., 13;
hanks, real estate, 1(5; officers,
municipal and district, H; legal
and other professions, 102; liar
hers, eooks, purlers, servants,
etc., !! ; laborers, 151.
Mnthew llasick, of Helvetia, was
killed at Hood Itiver one day last
week, lu ing in n wreck of n log
kting train. He had concluded his
lull work ami started out to get
employment in a logging camp.
He told his family he would scud
out some supplies and then earn
some Christinas money. He went
lo Portland nnd liought provis
ions, and then started out to earn
his hundred dollars for the holi
days. While en route In the
camp the logging train was
wrecked, resulting in death. He
leaves n wife and six children lo
mourn his loss, the eldest child
heiug eleven years. Th funeral
took place last Friday, Kcv. K. A.
Smith preaching the services.
The remains were laken out to
the Helvetia cemetery hy Under
taker l.imlier.
Mrs. Jessie May (ionyn, aged
15 years, wife of Clarence (ion
yo, died at the Hillslioro General
Hospital, the last of the week.
She was a native of Indiana, and
lived with her hiislinnd near
North Plains. The funeral took
place Sunday at 2 p. m., nt the
Hillslioro Baptist Church, Ucv,
Smith conducting the services.
Undertaker Limlier had charge
of the fuuerul.
We desire lo extend our sin
cere thanks to all who so kindly
tendered aid nnd sympathy dur
ing our bereavement, the death
ami obsequies of the late huslmnd
ami father, Samuel Moon.
M rs. Samuel Moon and
Hillslioro, Ore., Nov. 2(1, 1917.
EXECUTORS, Administrators, Guardians, Pub
lic Custodians and others liaviug public aud
private trusts to perform cau render proper
service by depositing with us.
We Have One of the Best Safe
Deposit Systems in the State
A proper place for valuable papers.
Vc invite inspection of this department iu con
junction with the others.
Au excellent bank for handling all branches
of bank business.
A Laurel rancher recently
started lo town in an auto, lead
ing a horse lv its halter. Half
way into town the machine
balked and the ingenious ranch
er took the tow line, fastened it
around the horse's neck, used tin
halter rope as a line, nnd brought
the machine into within it mile of
town, when mi accommodating
machine towed him into the city,
Dan Btirkhallcr mid Joseph
S t -1 1 1 1 1 1 n ' r i -1 1 , brothers In law, ay
that nothing short of a cvclom
will awaken Win. Schulmerieli
when he once falls asleep. They
were over on the N'ehalcm n few
days ago and during it storm one
night the gale blew their tent
down. Dan and Joe re set tin
tc nl w hile the big fellow placidly
snorcil throughout the incident.
Wanted: Hogs, shouts, sheep,
beef, ete, t r. buy in Washing
ton county and pav telephone
charges of prospective sellers if
they mean business. Will call
in response to telephones or Id
lers. Address C. K. Rogers,
Portland. It. 1, Box S!I2, or tele
phone Wnodliiwn B.'tSH. Will
also do general hauling nnd long
djstnnct! moving. SStf
Clerk Moscow has finished the
school census for Hillslioro dis
trict ; nnd finds that there are
between the nges of nnd 20 the
following drawing school money
-3118 boys and 404 girls. This
is one short of last year. As
there nre several in the volun
teers under 20 this accounts for
the fad that there is not nil in
crease, I'.. I. Kuratli has his office in
the Hillslioro National Bank Bid.
Loans your money, insures your
buildings, rents your houses, buys
and sells your property, makes
collection. Notary Public.
Also'speaks (icrman nnd Swiss.
421 f.
( has. Ociberger, of Tualatin,
ns up the first of the week. His
roail district voted n four mill
tax for, permanent roail work.
Tualatin is always ready to do
nate for better highways.
Lou Myers nnd wife, of ('In
halcm Mountain, were in town
Saturday. Lou has n place
where (he altitude gives him n
view of nenrly all of Washing
ton county.
William Wolf of North Hills
lioro, celebrated his 78th birth
day last Thursday, by working
all day and he feels that he can
do a good man's work in eight
Team for Salt A heavy farm
team for sale. Would consider
trade for cows. J. J. Ingram;
Hillslioro; Ore.; It. 2; Hox 113.
Tc. 15; Line . 87-S)
Anthony, nt Cnmp
Lewis, with Cnpt. Scllwood's
l it Id Hospital Corps, was over
Sunday, tin guest of his mother,
Mrs. Bray, of Cornelius.
tl. L. Wann, who does double
duty in Orcneo's civic life, being
postmaster ami teacher, was up
Saturday, attending the associa
tion meeting.
John F.ngcldinger came over
from the Vancouver shipyards,
Saturday afternoon, to upend
Sunday with home folks.
Money to loan Low rates of
interest; charges reasonable. K.
L. Perkins, Hillslioro. 44tf
(ieo. W. Patterson, of Port
land has been making Hillslioro
an extended visit.
A gootl work horse for sale
,ehenp.--U. (). miles
northeast of Hillslioro. 8(i-8
Frank Rowcll and C. F. Ilcsse,
of Scholls, were in the city the
last of the week.
Now That Fulton ii Out of Way
May Enter LitU For Plum
Has Ability, And Would Make a
Strong Campaign in Primary
Word is sent out that Hon. S. B.
Huston Is likely to he n candidate
for the United States Scnitorshiji
to nuecccd Hon, ('has. McNnry,
of Salem. Huston is a promin
ent factor In Republican politics
In the stale, and in a triangular
fight, with Senator McNnry ami
Bob Stmifield in the hustings
with him there would be a
chance, with Portland solidly be
hind Huston, for him to win the
nomination. Huston is a vigorous
campaigner, nntl can show cither
one of his opponents tricks in
running n primary or nnv other
old camimiirn.
He is an able attorney nnd has
ns wide nu acquaintance over the
stnte ns either of the statesmen
pitted against him. He is well
known here, having served as
state .senator in the old davs. lie
is fairly well-to-do, aud has the
time to make a tour of the state.
The Fulton nupiHirt would more
than likely give him the best end
of its efforts in the state nt large,
aud if he shall enter the cam
paign the result will he in doubt
right from the start. Huston has
one son in the U. S. service. His
wife is n daughter of the late
Win. (Iciger of l'orest f!rove, ami
both Mr. nntl Mrs. Huston have
many friends in Washington
Having enlisted in the United
States navy I will sell nt public
auction on the rrnehscl place,
miles west of Phillips and 1
mile east of Helvetia, nt 12:30
m., on
lenm horses, 2700; heifer, fresh
March 1; yearling heifer; 3-inch
wagon; I Hampton mower, goon
as new; hay rnke; hayrack ; l 4
ineh plow ; 60-toot h harrow ; cul
tivator; new work harness; bug
gy harness; 6 tons loose hay;
200 bushels oats; Del.avcl cream
separator; iron kettle; beam
scales; grindstone ; X-cut saw;
household furniture nnd numer
ous other articles.
Terms of sale $20 nnd under,
cash; over, six months time,
bankable nole at 8 per cent in
terest. Two per cent off cash
over 20.
John Trnchsel, Owner.
J, C. Kuratli, Auctioneer.
All', except the P. R. k X. trains
are electric, niul stop nt the de
pot on Main .street.
To Portland.
Forest (5 rove train (1:50 a.m.
MoMiunville train 7 :.'!(! a.m.
Sheridan train ;.... 10:0.'l a. m.
Forest drove train 12:50 p. in.
McMinnville train 2:1(5 p. m.
Forest Grove train 8:55 p. m.
Eugene train 4:45 p. m.
McMinnville train (1:40 p. m.
Forest drove train 9:60 p.m.
From Portland.
Eugene train 8:15 a.m.
McMinnville train 10:18 a, m.
Forest drove train 11 :5l) a. m.
Forest Grove train 8:14 p.m.
Sheridan train 4:33 p. m.
Forest drove train 6:40 p. m.
McMinnville train . 7:15 p.m.
Forest Grove train . 9:00 p.m.
McMinnville train .12:15 p.m.
All trains stop on flag at Sixth
and Main; at North Range nnd
Fir streets, Sixth and Fir streets,
and nt Tenth street.
Steam Service From Old Depot
at Foot of Second Street.
To Portland.
P. R. & N. train .....4 :05 p. in.
From Portland.
P. R. & N. train 10:00 a, m.
Motor Car Service.
To Buxton 12:25 p. m.
To Timber 4:20 p. m.
From Timber 9:55 a. m.
From Buxton 2:10 p. m.
Fred and Will Taylor, sons of
W. II. Taylor, have joined the
U. S. army, at Vancouver, nnd
have been assigned to the nvia
tioil corps. Fred, went to Texns
the last of the week. Will came
out to spend Sunday with his
parents. This makes three sons
front the Taylor family in the
service of Uncle Samuel and
fS Dr. Lowe will be in Hills
X$?m boro Saturday, Dee. 15.
W. J. Liehty, of Oreneo, wns n
city caller Monday.
Peter Grossen, of Helvetia,
was a city visitor Monday.
J. J. Ingram, of FHrmirtgton,
was an Argus caller I riday after
Jake Schneider, of Leisyvillc,
greeteil friends in town the first
of the week.
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Victor
LcIIeyne, of Oak Park, Nov. 25,
1917, a son.
Gabe Essner, of above Moun-
taindalc, was a county sent caller
.Monday morning.
E. Klinger, of Tunlatin, wns in
town Monday, on business with
Hie count v court.
George Mcacham,
Mountaindalc, was a
Saturday afternoon.
August Paulson,
of above
city caller
of below
Beaverlon, was in town Mondav.
i:nd called on the Argus.
Oliver Clark and Pauline Sto-
ber were united in mnrriaire. hv
Rev. Skipworth, Nov. 21, 1917. "
R. R. Soden departed Monday
'or Hoquiam, where he will work
for the Grnvs Harbor Lumber
Nick Kemmcr, of Cooper
Mountain, was in town Mondav
morning, on business at the court
Alfred Guerber, one of the pi
oneers in cheese making in the
county, was a city visitor the last
of the week.
n ir ii..-. t ...
J. B. Imlay, of Recdvillc, was a
citv visitor Saturday. He
states that the ncreage of fall
sown wheat is a great deal larger
dow n his way than usual.
Win. A. Goodin, of James, was
in town Monday. Goodin had no
stock in the Portland Livestock
Show this year, but says they had
a fine exposition, just the same.
For Sale, or trade: Team,
hnrness and wagon, mare, colt,
cream separator. White Leg
horn cockerels, Tanered strain.
d. A. Weisenbnch, Hillslioro,
Oregon, R. 8 Box 108. 37z
Stanley Ilahn, of Mountain
dale, was a city caller Monday.
He reports the roads the best for
many years, nnd hundreds of au
toists are taking advantage of
the good wheeling.
Melvin McNutt, of Phillips,
wns in the city Saturday. He
and his estimable wife nre ar
ranging to adopt two small chil
dren, the father being Delbert E.
Gould, whose health is failing
For Salt Four milk cows, all
fresh Jerseys, giving an abund
ance of milk. Also 10 pigs, 6
weeks old. Inquire of Louis
Mcltcbeke, one mile from Scholls
O. address,
Laurel, Ore., R
The continued dry weather has
November roads in shape. Sun
day was a grent day for ma
chines, the dirt roads being
smoother going than the ma
cadam routes. All who owned
machines were out burning up
gasoline, and the travel was as
great as at any time during last
Jadviga liloszyk Maliska, the
mother, has sued her two sons,
Anton and Frank Bloszyk, of
Garden Home, for the return of
two lots in that place, or for
$1750. She liases her suit on the
pleadings that she and their
father deeded Anton lot 2(i, aud
Frank lot 29, in Garden Home,
and for the property they were
to care for the mother as long as
she lived. She says that they
have contributed nothing to" her
care since 1913. She was to have
that care and comfort that she
had been accustomed to receive
iu her "situation of life."
Portland Abandons Its Municipal
Wood Yard
Important Industrial News From Ovtr
Ibe State
Nine Oregon shipyards launched
31 ships the past year, and as
many more are on the ways un
der construction. But for the
strikes most of these would he
afloat, nnd as many more would
be. started.
Seaside Hammond Lumber
Co. putting on large force to cut
Hermiston wants a road over
the mountains to Walla Walla
Cottage Grove Brown Lum
ber Co. to rebuild burned mill on
larger scale.
Batesville, Baker county, is
new sawmill town grown up in a
Pacific coast machine shops to
be allowed to equip naval vessels.
Bend valuations have in
creased $253,960 in 1917.
Portland nbandons municipal
wood yard scheme.
Forest officials announce great
shortage of loggers restricting
lumber cut.
State fair has cash surplus of
Roscburg County may spend
$50,000 remodeling court house
and jail.
Silverton Two and a half
surface highway completed to
Mt. Angel.
Coast lumbermen get contract
for 40 million feet ship timbers
to be sent to Atlantic and Gulf
coast shipyards.
Bend White Pine Lumber Co.
builds sawmill at Pringle Falls.
Klamath Falls Strahorn road
out three miles. First train takes
officials of Klamath Falls and
other prominent men of that city
kiver new line.
Harrisburg New sawmill
here ready to begin operations.
IJeaverton starch factory re
ceiving cull potatoes at 50 cents
per 100.
Coos Bay has $4,000,000 worth
' of government shipbuilding con
Corvallis Grading the Albany
road st.-rrted.
Milton Walla Walla valley
canning and pickling factory
making cider.
Wallow a Work starts on rais
ing iron bridge across Wallowa
Eugene Movement on foot to
develop halibut banks off west
coast of Lane county. Plan to
ship fish direct to eastern mar
kets. Roscburg 50,000 prune trees
to be planted in Lane county this
National Secretary of Lalior
says the government must "shift
labor from where it is not needed
to where there are industries suf
fering for labor."
Heppncr 22,000 acres of pine
timber on John Day river pur
chased for $500,000."
Contract for building 2500 cars
for Russia secured in Portland.
Harrisburg Work progress
ing at new sawmill. Big 100
horse power motor installed and
power line nearly completed to
Frank nnd Charles Ritehcy,
well-known Hillslioro boys, are
playing in luck, being in the big
war together. Frank was a mem
ber of the Coast Artillery, and
went East some time ago.
Charles joined later, and it so
happened that he was sent to
Camp Mills, and is in the same
company with his brother, who is
now a sergeant, and the boys
are even occupants of the .same
quarters. - ; .
William Young, a Cedar Mill,
bachelor, was found at Elmimica
Station, last week, in a serious
condition. He was, brought to
the home of a sister, at Moffat.
Young is over 50 years of age,
and owns valuable property near
the Multnomah line. Dr. Dins
more attended the patient, who
appeared to be suffering from
some heart affection.
W. E. Pruyn, connected with
the Heppncr and lone water and
light plants, was down the last of
the week, a guest of O. B. Gates
and family. Mr. Pruyn had not
visited Hillslioro for 'several
years and he was very surprised
to note the many improvements.
He returned Sunday.
G..B. BU
Hillsboro, Cornelius and North Plains
Wholesale and Retail Dealers in
Grain, Hay, Flour, Feed and
Grain Bags
Car-lot shipper of POTATOES and
ONIONS. Grain chopped or
rolled at any time
Lumber, Shingles and Lath
At Cornelius
Beaver State Flour
The Best Flour at the Lowest Prices.
Telephones; Hillsboro, Main 14,
Cornelius, City 1515, North Plain, Main 263.
Through California
To the East
Costs but
You have
Choice of 4 Trains Daily Portland to Sau Franciso
Superb Scenery of Siskiyou aud Shasta Mountains
Visit to Dear old San Francisco
Choice of 3 Routes East
Through Ogden with Wonders of High Sierra
Through Southern California and Sunset Route
Visit Los Angeles Tourist center of West
Visit the Apache Trail
Let us arrange your trip to best advantage
Ask any agent for particulars
or write
JOHN M. SCOTT, General Passenger Agent
Portland, Oregon.
Southern Pacific Lines
Hillsboro Auto Livery
Feed and Boarding Stable
Prices Reasonable
2nd & Washington Sts. Phone, Main 7S
Only a Few Days Left
Before Xmas ...
Why not come in while there is still time
and look over our slock while it is fresh
and complete? We have tried this year
to have the most complete lines of every
thing we carry. . : : : :
Come In and
iM- See What We
Jeweler and Optician
Main Street Hillsboro, Oregon
Argus and Daily
GHANAN & CO.. Inc.
Little More
Look Around
Have to Offer
Oregonian STcwr $6