I 0untv Oftici.il l' lr'r U. A. lONO, Krtltor Entered t the Po Office t Hillsboro Oregon, ftecon.l-rlftM mail mutter. Subscription: ti.50 pet annum. IS8UKI) KVFKV THl'KSDW -BY ARGl'S PUHUSIUNO. C. I'slim- ' ll.'Vsl Hilltthoro has lo( two able citizens wilhin III Wftlt. Ill (III- :tMllir of ,I.ll' Wilkt's a miiiiif t li.ir.tcl.'r .-mil );itlif iiiili r lias jon' to his l.-ivf reward. He was stnrtlr :is a pio neer, ami knew notliini; of h, nu'3niiiur f the word, failure. In the death of Sam Moon a pi-u-pressive citizen lias left tin haunts of the county's in(!ittri.il life. Both were nun .imoni; 111.1t and their passing is a ditim-t loss to the eotiutv at larire. bin iron kettle, bicycle, covered delivery w a icon, good shape; dbl harness, single harness, farm tools' and many other articles, Lunch at noon. Terms of Sale: $21) and under, cash; over, 6 months approved hankublo note at 8 per cent, in terest Two per cent olT cash over $20. II. Mayea, Owner. .1. . tltiirhes. Auctioneer, .lohn Vanderwal, Clerk. Kl.O CROSS The first conference of Hillsboro Auxiliaries, held in headquarters Jvmiivlay afternoon was a de- cnied success, the hne weather ttemn no itount a contributing tary. assured the auxiliaries of 1 actor i he presence of pron.i- the interest Portland felt in al rent Ucd ( ross oihcials from the hmm-h nf KV.l IW unrir m.t spoke especially in the way the small communities were responding by rooms that were very Illuminat ing to members so keenly inter ested as were those present and who were also assisting in the enormous output by the work of the auxiliaries they represented. Miss Alice Strong, acting secre tary of the Portland Chapter, gave a very clear and concise statement of the recent execu tive rulings, and also called at tention to the Christmas mem bership drive, which really has a double importance: First, of course, being a desired increase of membership, and secondly, the securing of a fiscal ear, in order to have a uniform system throughout the organization Mrs. Gillingham, field Thanksgiving Masquerade a w mere win ix? a masquerade Dance at the Moose Hall, Thanks giving night, Nov. 21), given me tottee Club. I ovell a 4 piec orchestra, of Portland, will fur nish th.j music. Cash prizes w be given for the most comical and best sustained characters, Tickets, $1.00: spectators, 10c Everybody invited. 5o, Wathliurton hereby called, anil will he i . t i . I. Miratli has his oitice in the Hillsboro National I5an iing. Loans your money, in surfs your buildings, rents your houses, buys and sells your prop 8tcre. erty, makes collections. Notary Public. Also and Swiss. speaks German 42tf Portland Chapter, who during the session, of the various aspects of the work as perlain- ! mg to t ho part of the organiza tion under their supervision. marked a:i era of progress in the success and extension ot the work within llillsboro's jtirisdie- Lvrenfinir Hi.,, , .. I... il if. i-----r---- in-M, ,j p'linri inn ny nir. nlO- Alear. who presided. Mayor Wall, on behalt of the city, ex j tended a w elcome to the visitors and assured them of the official appreciation of the occasion, and a Si) :i hr'irtv MwmtMtinn it tha nttmuuAi, inuv t.Mtfr.i; 2Mnty were called upon to assist in Dark gray mare. 4 vrs. MOO: lurthcniig the extension of the ORt-UON l:LI:C 1 NIC TRAINS PUBLIC SALE I will sell at public sale at the Henry place, near the Slum School house, one mile N. V. of Orenco, and three and one-half miles east of Hillsboro, at ten a. m., on organizing and doing such excel lent work. At the conclusion of the meet ing, the new rules and specula tions for all hospital work. surgical w hich will not be undertaken at present, were supplied to the various chairmen, as well as the new materials for work and knit- 9.5 Members ot the sweeter com- o-', . mittee have been offered so many 11:25 To Portland 55 minutes. 6:32 7:18 8:128 9:58 12:43 - a ni a m a m a m p m m p in p m bay horse, 6 yrs, about MOO; bay horse, 12 yrs, 1200; bay pony, about 12 yrs, heavy with foal. Horses are all good work animals, sound and true; 5 cows, all in milk, good average How, prac tically all fresh; 2 spring calves. 14 shoals, 40 to 100 lbs. : 2 brood sows with pijis at side; 2 M inch plows, springtnoth h-irro. Z Bain waton, practically new; about 150 chickens. 5 ducks, 2 10-pal milk cans, feed chopper. good work. J. Lowengart w ho is giving all oi nis tune to personally super vise the supply department of j Portland Chapter, surprised and .delighted" all of his headers by . the interesting way in which he I talkni and the sentiment he ex- ; pressed in regard to his conver sion to the work. He also told f positive facts and quoted ex act figures regarding the work and o il put of the Portland work- Special Thanksgiving Program MATINEE THANKSGIVING DAY other donations by peoole who wish to help the Ked Cross and yet are not able to give of their time, that after due considera tion a mmittee has been ap pointed to make arrangements for a superfluity sale: Mrs. E. L. Moore, chairman; Mesdames It. C. Vaught. Wm. Nelson. Wm. Bowman, Glen Payne and Miss Helen Killen. Jake Weil is chair man ot the men 3 committee. Date and location to be announc ed later. Sent in by Leisyville auxiliary and ladies north of Hillsboro -19 ice bag covers, 14 hot water j bag covers, 12 wash cloths, 6 tea dressings. 3.58 .7"'.".7..7..V .7." p SMS 7:53 From Portland -55 minutes. p m a m am a m 2:12. . 4:27.. 6:31.. 7:18 8:25 12:20. p m . p m p m p m -pm a ro SUMMONS. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF Til STATU OK . OltKGON KOK WASHINGTON COUNTY Margaret Nost, lr"'i "".l"' ' CT r hi ir IV J L -V' ; iv rinintiir. i Ambroaious NoHt, DefeiHlant. j To Ambroaiua Niwt, the atiove named defendant: In the Name of the State of Oreiron towels, 7 ambulance pillows with you" hereby reuinHl to apwar ami coy.rs. 1 pair socks and 3288 X.C 1 J r" Kuii wi.if rs. 1 the exninition of ix weeka from t hi From Linderman Crossinir. 10M"'e the first nublieation of thin ice bag covers, 12 wash clouts, 6 SCENE FROM "THE BLACK BUTTERFLY LOVE ON A BATTLEFIELD And the Sublime Sacrifice ot a Woman with a Crushed Soul are Marvelously Shown in "the black butterfly" with the JClagnificent Mme. PETROVA As the Star. A Metro Wonderplay of irresistible power. In Five Tremendous Acts. LIBERTY THEATRE . Wednesday and Thursday, Nov. 28-29 ALSO MUTUAL WEEKLY AND COMEDY Usual Prices handkerchiefs. 4 ambulancd pil lows and covers, 6 hot water bag covers and gunwipers. Buxton auxiliary, 12 ice bag covers, hot water bag covers, 72 wash cloths, 36 handkerchiefs, 12 substitute handkerchiefs. 12 tray cloths. North Plains. 21 wash cloths. 4 pairs knitted wristlets and 4 mufflers. Manning, 9 sheets, 24 dish towels, 60 substitute handker chiefs, 12 bed socks. 12 large bath towels. 13 shoulder wraDs. 12 new handkerchiefs and a quantity of gunwipers. Mrs. Tilton and Mrs. Jabez Wilkes have sent in dish towels, and Mrs. Keagan contributed a dollar. Roy auxiliary will give a bene fit in Moore's hall, on Friday evening. A good time is prom ised, with a fine program, lunch. and something to please young and old. Don't miss it. summons, to-wit: On or tieuire the 6th of January, 1!US, ami if you fail to apiiear ami answer or otherwise apnea herein, for want thereof, the plauitilt will apply to the above entitled court for the relief prayed for in the. com plaint filed horvm. towit: For a decree of divorce diflaolving the bomia of marriage now existing between plaintitf and defendant, and for such other ami further relief as to the court aeemn equitable. This summons is xcrved uMin you by publication by virtue to the authoritv oi an order mailo and entered in the above entitled court and suit, and which order was mado and entered on tha l.r.th f M...n,lw,r IUI7 i. the Hon. Geo. R. Hairley, Judee ol' the above entitled court, and which orde directed that service of summons i this suit be made upon you by publics tion tnereor -once each week lor six consecutive and successive weeks Z the Hillsboro Arus, a weekly newsiia ;f per of general circulation, published in Washington County, Oregon. The date of the first publication of this summons is Nov. 22 l:17; the date of the last publication is Jan. 3, HUH. Walter (1. Hayes. Attorney for Plaintiff. P. 0. address, aid renton Bldg., Portland, Oregon NOTICE OF EXI-CUTOK S SALE SCHOOL NEWS Of Real Property at Private Sale Notice is nerehy given that in pursu ance of an order of the County Court of the State of Oregon for Multnomah Lounty, made on the Uth day of No vember, 1!U7, in the matter of the Supt. Frost gave the undersigned, aa administrator of They haye a fine I sa"J etate. willsell at private sale, to The Helvetia school had a flag raising last Friday. The Rock Creek and Mason Hill schools at tended in a body and assisted in the program, a short talk. Get theJBiggest Value for Your Money Buy an Overland Light Four, or a Big Four, or a Light Six, or a Medium Six, or a Big Six, or a Silent Knight Four or Eight. Two to seven-passenger Country Club and Varsity. Each model hat plenty of power, Ihe easy ridini? Cantilever rear spring, ii easily handled, durable and economical. Prices $885 to $2700 Here Subject to change any day on account of scarcity and hih cost ol materials TERMS IF DESIRED Make 0s show ycu. Arrange for a dem onstration at once. It is our pleasure to show these splendid cars. You assume no obligation in asking for demonstration. E. L. Perkins, Dealer, Irr.brie Garage Third Street : : Hillsboro, Oregon. new flag pole oyer 60 feet high ?5e.5'B?fB-! :TieVor c.ar ,n goM eom anA o fi fl l" y miea Diaiea oi nmenca, on or , ...iB c .iaS. after Mondav. December 24th. 1917. at ri'u it: fn i . . . . i masun nui ncnooi win five HU3 iNorthweHUrn tik. Bide.. I'ort and. an entertainment Friday evenini? Oregon, ull the right, title, interet and With a nrnrrpa m n ra ;ti. r eHtate of the aaid Georgia L. Kinkade. m h;ZZ ,L f 8 . decean,, at the time o her death, and music, dialogues, recitations, etc. I.n t ,i i.,.-.. ...... in, , m I u& IHC aiKllb, VIVIt HUM II 11. COl lliat ine proceeds are lor DatriOtlC the said eHtate ha bv oneration of law. purposes. or otncrwme acquired otner than or in Th r.nloa CrooU anhnr.1 BnA addition to that of aaid teHtatnx at the " wi i . l . uv.1 1 uu u 1 j 1. 1 . ' r i . i , i . ,, ... nolo-hhnrhiwl r.i ume 01 ner ueatn, in ann io an or mat ...e,..,. f'c oui-iai certain property aituated, lying and be- ror the benent Of the red COSS ing in WaahingUin County, State of last Saturday night. Oregon, described aa follows: Aloha-Huber school raised S35 M op?-"81' L f"'uthwei,t one- for the Y. M. C. A. war fund. 'Ww lne library books will be readv wiiiami-ttH MHri,ii..n. pmiuinintr i(rhtu for delivery in a few days. acres. Ihe first meeting of the Wash- s!":n 8ale 01 01 l?a"1 property to ington Csunty Teachers' Associa- Znt co""r,"auon uy ine"ma tion will be held at the Millstoro The terms and conditions of sale are High School building. Saturday, cash, irold coin of the United States of Nov. 24. America. Bids or offers may he made Tk r,mn, Mi..,.. at anv time after the lirat publication morning said sale. AH bids must be in wntintr 10:30 Musical Drogram (sDec- an(1 1;ft at tne oiUce 01 c- thnBten- a ) rct- gen Uo;j Northwestern ilk. ijldg., County, Oreiron, ii will b held at tha following placea in aaid Koad Uiatricla in wramuiiKion County, Oregon, on the 21th day of November, l!U7i nistnet number 8, at the Crable Jc1hh)I house at one o clock p.m. District numbered 7, Aloha school house at one o'clock p. in. Ihatrtct numbered 3b. Shady Itrook school house, at one o'cU-k p. in. District iiuhiIktihI 45,at the Helvetia school house at one o'clock p. in. District numbered 4N, at achm.l house in School District No. !Ni atone o'clock p. m. Ditrlct numbered IW, in Shule schmil house at one o'clock p m., to disc iiss the advisability of levyimr a social or additional road tax in said districts No. i. i, 3fi.4f, 4H and oo, Washington Coun ty. Onyon, to determine what, if anv, (ounly Koada or iortioim therof in in aaid road district shall be improved to any special manner, ami the charac ter ami extent of such improvement or improvements they shall make thereon, and to lexy such special or additional ax, not to exceed ten mills on the dol lar, on all taxable red and pcrsouul (-.i.i in vuiti ruau districts, a a majority of such resident tax pavers of j said road districts shall doom advisable i lor tie purpose of raising niomv with which to defray the exiMiis. iif mi.-h special impmvement or improvements in said Hoad District No ., 7. IVi, 4fi, 4H and fill, W'ashinirton (iuntv.(nirun. Dated this 3rd dav of November, IH17. D. K. 4(eaoncr, County Juib. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of thte Stat of Oreifon for Ihe County of Vaah-inicton. A. II. Beeson and Iona A ll.w,,, his wife, riaintilf. v Alvordiw'. Hunter Co.. a eorooration. Walir ! Hayes. W. A. Moor and it. O. Sawyer, defendant. To It. O. Sawver. of the atwiv. defendants: In the name of the Stat of Oreiron. you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint tiled auainst you in the atiove entitled cause On or before the 4th day of January, I'JIH. that date being more than aix weeks after the date of the first publication of thia summons, ami if you fail to so amiear ami answer aaid complaint, plaintitT will take judvmentaml decree sKBuiai you a prayed or in their com iia Thanksgiving Needs ... Can be supplied nt our stoic at prices within the iviuli of nil. (ioimI cooking utensils mo necessary if the best results arc obtained. W'e curry only the best. Savory Roasters . . iCiiamclcd Roasters Aluminum Roasters (). V. H. l'tnid Choppers, ,5i.25 to 2.75 .fl.5o to J3.50 ,f2.Hi to 3.25 something (IC- fidedly ltter $ 1.25, f 1.50, f 1.75 Casseroles Carving Sets Cutfec Percolators. It's a pretty km lime to old one wuMcs lime, to.al watcliwoid now, so 1 1.50 to 2.50 . 1.50 to fo.oo , 2,oo to 56.50 buy that new Ratine, and fuel. l'AOiioiiiy U buy s 'infilling, ood. tl. G. ALLEN ng ami decreeing to be due plaintiffs, th int. towit 1st. Adjudtrini Winn mi pui uue piamtilis, the aum or nwuu with inlereat thereon from ami since the 6th dav of SeotemU.r I'JIi at 7 tM-r cent, ner annum, umm that certain contract of nurchase and sale made and entered into by ami be tween plaintitf and defendant Alvord-Carr-lfuntcr Co., dated September 6, 1912, ami modified April 15th, I9J3, to that certain 75 acre tract of land in Waahmarton Countv. Orwon. since and now platted and dedicated as "Atvord- Carr-Hunter Co.'s Subdivision No. 2;" 2nd. A Decree atrictlv forecUiaiiiir Mid contract, directing to whom deeds shall be made and that all sums due be paid within 30 days etc. and if not o paid, a final decree bo rendered and en tered forever barring defendants and each of them from ever claiming any riK'ht, title, estate, lien or interest in or to said property or any part thereof; and 3rd. For such other ami further re lief aa to the Court seems meet in the premises. 1 his summons is published bv order of the Honorable (ieorve R. Hairlev. Judge of the abov entitled Court, for a period of six consecutive weeks be ginning with the 15th dsy of November, r.iu, wmcn order is dated November 12, 1!17. Date of lirst publication. November 15, 1917. Date of last publication. Dec. 31. 1917. W. D. Freeman, 722 Chamber of Commerce. Portland. Oregon, Attorney for Plaintiffs. Extraordinary Suit Values Every Suit in our stock reduced in price. Every one this season's styles. Sizes 38 to 4G. DAINTY NEVV WAISTS in Voile, Georgette and Crepe de Chine just arrived. PRETTY LINE All shades, at . . . OF SILK PETTICOATS $3.50 NEW STYLES IN SKIRTS SHOWN HERE EVERY WEEK Get Our Prices on Coats It Will Pay You Goat's Woman's Shop Third Street Hillsboro, Oregon Only Exclusive Womnn't Store in the County Hillsboro Mercantile Company Hardware Department We have as complete a line of Dishes as was ever in Hillsboro. Just arrived from the factory. shown 3- inch Wagon, gear only, wide tire $97.50 Kxtra good Farm Truck $35- 4- borse Disk Harrow, 14x18, with transport truck $75 00 i-horse Wagon $65.00 Oue mountain Gear, with box com plete, 3-inch tiro Kentucky Disk Drill, 12 disks Anything in the Implement line 10 cent less than Portland prices. we carry a complete line of hat . $l3).(X) .$125.00 per (1 wart- Portland, Oregon. S. W. Seemann, Administrator with will annexed of the Estate of Georgia L. Kinkade, De ceased. Date of first publication of this no tice, November 22, 1917. 11:00 A Rural Program. B. W. Barnes. Supt. of Hillsboro Schools. 11:30 Business and election of officers. 12:00 Cafeteria lunch. Served bv Domestic Science Dpnt. - .- r i , nuikiii?TnlTiiifl M-ri"rj l:UU Special music. uuiiuiKAiwi m,c 1:15 Address by Prof. Fenen- 'n the matter of the eHtate of Albert ga Of Pacific University. Frederick Hernhanl Tews, deceased 6:00 Kecess. I :o ', tv,,. i ih ,iu n,.i,.v.- 2:15 Departm entS (KOU n d l'17. bv the Countv Court of WaMhinir- table.) Rural Schools and Gram- ton County, Orenon. duly appointed mar Grades Room 22 Seating airri'ni,,trat,,po' the above named eHtate Problem in Country School. H JrflSlf8 A ,... . UOCtiran. Hot lunch. DlSCl- claim airainat aaid eaUte are hereby pline, R. L. Wann. Music. Anv required to present the aarne to the un- other problems you may suggest. &r?!Kned;t.,t,ne hw',ti,ce of J',nn M- High school-Koom 21-H E. X flnt'M. imcai vjiuvc. ilio riliril rarinn herenf School Library. Supervised Study Dated at Hillsboro, Oregon, this lat in small High Schools. Orcani. day of Novemier, 1917. Heating Stoves of every description. These goods were bought last year and we defy competition. Dry Goods Department For more than two years Paris has been dressed in black, and now American women are following the fashion centers of the world and are wearing black. Twill Suitings, 36-inch 60c Poplin, medium weight $1.25 Storm Serge, 48-inch $1.50 Storm Serge, 54-inch $r75 Striped Poplins , iiaocraine Empress Cloth 2 , BUTTKRICK PATTERNS 75 $2.00 00 Grocery Department. zation. Your Problem, (What Is It?) Officers-H. H. Cochran, Pres.: A. P. Patten, 1st Vice Pres. : Mrs. C. E. Barker, 2nd Vice Pres.; Martha Dillon. 3rd Vice Pres.: Tennessee Weatherred, Secre tary; Mrs. Iiettie Thomas, Re porter. I August Tews, Administrator of the Above named estate. John M. Wall, Attorney for Estate. Corn, 2 cans 24c Tomatoes, 2 cans 25c Dutch Cleanser, 3 cans 25c SOAP, 6 bars 25c Asparagus, 2 cans Williams Best l'.eans, 2 cans 2'sc Peanut Butter, pound 15c 25c Notice of District Koad Meet'ngl numbered 6,7, 3.r,4f, 4H, and 50. Notice is hereby eiven that a meet ing of the resident taxpayers of Koad Districts numbered 6, 7. 35, 45, 48 and Meat Departments We will have some first-class Turkeys for Thanksgiving. Order now and get a good choice. 4 1