' llHE MlLLSBOR mGlJS, VOL. XXIV HILLSHORO, OREGON, SEPTEMHER 20. 1917 NO. 27 IHE STATE 15 Olio Hundred Slxloiii Ship llndiT I'lmslriKtltiii In I'orllnnd DUtrlil SI'KI Cr TO INTIK AS WAR I ACTOK Ship knrc l vrcM, One Sli i iinr n I I'okIn One 1 hounnii J There are 110 hhips underway km Ilic Culiiinliiii anil Willamette rivers n big industry for this section. Saturday niuht Hit c'li'in'tili'M all went out on a t tnU', Ihi! it h thought all will lie at work ugniti in u few dayH, Tli. I alles-$ 10,000 garage to lie l-snll hero. Canby Cortrnct let for ciicht mill's of hiuhwny betwetm here and Oregon C'ity. oont $1 15.751. Prinevilte secures $10,000 for U K. With$l!5,000 thatistobe nunrd by I'rineville ttHinecs men the railroad in positively (insured, iiradniK of depot ground:! lian Ht.irted. Portland- JIKJ.OOO expended in prepurmn lor work oi luuiumtf Th Adjutant (icneral'H offic at Portland writi'8 the Argu that "It iHOfily a waHtoof paper, pimtafro and time to write to WaHhintfton to appeal from the derision of the l'ortland board on industrial grounds for exemption after the hoard has disallowed the claim. Appeal can be made, hut only through that board, on prescribed forms. h. I. huratli has his ollice in the ilillsboro National Hank Hldtf. Imna your money, in sures your buildings, rents your houses, buys anil sells your prop erly, makes collections. Notary I'u t I it. Also speaks German and Swiss. 42 tf Yamhill County is very bitter toward the Highway Commission owing to its decision to postpone the constiuction of the West Side highway. Senator Vinton criti cises the board and Bays that without Yamhill, Polk and Wash inuton Counties the bill wouh not have passed the legislature, Good stubble pasture for cat He, near Laurel. Telephone A, Hlades, Orenco, Main 1915. 27 Jasper Keller started thresh ini? clover Beed Monday after noon. He was forced to quit ten days ago on account of the rains There is a big lot of clover seed ready for the holler and thresh viaducts. Project of lowering ers, and growers are hoping for railroad tracks in residence dis-; a continuance of good weather. ir.,.i .. III ,.,,ui r.rn rju I ... " . I:.-,? r ..! Wanted-Woman or srirl for Hwni I'll! K 'Vl'lHiak-lO IUI llll f i . ji ...... " I I .. . I ... . dry, or phone City 207. 25tf John Engeldinger, who has i iH in Douglas county 12-cost proveme Highway awarded. 1'ortlund -Alterations in story Failing Huilding to approximately $200,000. Astoria to Ret 8-story ware house. liundnn oilers site for milk comlensory to employ 80 to 1(H) hamls. With 110 Hhips under construc tion in the l'ortland district, a law market for labor and lum ber is being created. The orders thai can he placed by the gov ernment are only limited by the supply of wood and metal work ers and painters at big wages. St. Helens plana $7000 harbor improvement. Cortland women to work in lm factories to save apple crop. tirenham cannery needs 30 ad ditional women in fruit packing. Apple industry to be helped by removing English embargo on same. l'lenty want jobs as "County Agriculturists" but good farm labor is scarce as ever, especially men to mil' cows and feed hogs. Airlie-One shipment of ships knees East paid $1000 express charges. Over 300 acres of right-of-way and other property of O. W. K. & N. have been cultivated this year by employes in small gurden tracts. North I'.end Vigurs building sold for $1,000. 1'ortlund State has 30 road projects under way; cost is $2. 100, 0(H). Oregon City Locks to be deep ened. . Congress appropriated $S0.00O. North Hend-New boom ex tension to be built at box factory here. Oregon City - l'ioneer Memo rial building 1 1 Chainpoeg to be built for $5000. CATHOLIC CMllUCH Third ami I Ir Streets. Cilv 902 (Summer Schedule) Sunday Masses, 8:00 and 10:00 a. I!apli:im, 2.00 o'clock p. m. I'.etiedictini 7:30 p. m. Week-day Mass, 8:20 a. m. been working at the St. Helens ; shipyard, came up Saturday eve mng for a few days at home Iho men in the yards went out on a strike Saturday night, and the yard is silent until things are settled. Hay for Sale-What olTers? Also potato sucks, ami good top buggy. W. J. Head. Quatama Station, Oregon Electric. 2Gz J. 1L MeNamer. of Forest Grove, was in town Saturday. He Bays that Theodore, his broth er, is still in Alaska, and that C. W. is in the Idaho country. J. H. has sold his Evergreen black berry crop on his Gales Creek ranch to the Ilillsboro cannery. J. W. Goodin and wife, of North Plains, were in the city Saturday; Fred Wilcox, of Hanks, was in town Saturday. He says that John Wilder, of Washington State, is still at the Wilcox ranch, and will remain until af ter all the hops and prunes are harvested. Do not start to school without a guaranteed l'arker Fountain 1'en. Hilaboro Pharmacy sells them. Fred Gheen and wife, of Mon roe, Wash., are guests this week at the Thos. Gheen home. Fred is still working for the Carnation Company at Monroe, and has been there several years. For Sale A Fairbanks-Morse gasoline engine, 1J horse-power; Bhafting and pulleys. Inquire at this office. Dick Hundley finished -drying hops for Chus. Miller, of the Arcade district, last week, and will now go up to Hillside and help dry prunes. Money to Ixan I,ow rates of interest; charges reasonable. E. L. Perkins, Ilillsboro, Or. 44tf Wnlter Dailev. of Laurel, was mi town Saturday. Walter says his draft number is a humdinger it happens to be No. 1313 and if the call doesn't get him he will bury all popular supersti tions. L H0REHEHT0 ARMY llxcmpti Number on Dependency (Iruundsand Sends Them Ituttont MOW? WILL Bfi EXAMINED VfRV SOON Newly Married Mm Pinned Into Army Vn DlMritl Board The local war board met Friday night and passed thirteen more men into the army and these 13 are now up to the Portland dis trict board. They also gave ex emption papers to nine, and have mailed out buttons to those whose claims were allowed. Those certified to are: Arthur Connolly, Banks. Gust Angelos, Timber. Geo. Engeldinger, Ilillsboro. Alfred Nielsen, Ilillsboro, U. 1. Emil Vanacker, Cornelius, new ly married. Walter B. Congdon, Beaver- ton. K. 4. Stephen Kemper, Forest Grove. John Heltzel, Hanks. Paul L. Gappa, Ilillsboro. Albert Nackers, Cornelius. Chester Frydenhall, Banks. Henry Vandecoevering. Forest Grove. II 2. Edw. H. Kaufman, Ilillsboro, It 1. Arthur J. Wheaton, Beaver- ton 11 1. Lawrence J. Bacon, Cornelius. Jas. H. Brandaw, Hillsboro. Those exempted on dependency grounds- Theodore Van Loo, rortst Grove. Clifford M. liatz. Hillsboro. Chas. E. Adams, now in Mon tana. Geo. P. Borchers, Sherwood. Lawrence Gilmore, Aloha. John Barry, Beaverton. W. H. Cop, Banks. K. 3. Edwin S. Sehlegel, Banks. Delbert Raymond, Tigard. Arthur K. Hundley. Frank J. Hanson. Geo. C. Jennings. . MRS. MATILDA HAMEL 60 her Mrs. Matilda Hamel, aged years, died at the home of son at 287 Tillamook St. Port land. Sept 13, 1917. Deceased was the widow of the late John Hamel, of the Phillips section, the husband dying 22 years ago" She leaves the following children to mourn her loss George and Albert, of Portland; Mrs. John Wismer, Bethany; Mrs. F. Krie- ger, Phillips; Herman, of Gaston, and Miss Mary, at home. The funeral took place from the Portland home Sunday af ternoon, and interment was held at Bethany-at 3:30. UILUIAN HAQEK SR. EXECUTORS, Administrators, Guardians, Pub lic Custodians and others having public and, private trusts to perform can render proper service by depositing with us. We Have One of the Best Safe Deposit Systems in the State A proper place for valuable papers. We invite inspection of this department in con junction with the others. An excellent hank for handling all branches of bank business. SHUTE SAVINGS BANK PROMPT : CONSERVATIVE : SAVE Gilgian Hager Sr: died at the home of his son. Gilgian Hager Jr.. above Mountaindale. Sept. 1G, 1917. aged 85 years. Do- ceased was born in Switzerland, and came to America a few years ago.- He leaves a widow and three children, Gilgian Jr., ot Mountaindale; Mrs. David Her- schey and Abraham, of Helvetia. ATTENTION, COMRADES The Semi-Annual meeting of the Washington County Veteran As sociation will be held October 4, 1917, at the Court House, in Hillsboro, Ore. A picnic dinner and a general good time is promised. By Order of Committee. Mr. and Mrs. Damon Greer, of Portland, are here tor the week. Oglesby Young, a Portland at torney, was in the county seat Saturday. Fine, clean vetch seed for sale. Call Farm 434. Fred Walters, Hillsboro, 11. 1. 27-9 G. Schlaelli, of above Moun taindale, was in Monday, taking out a casket for the late Gilgian Hager Sr. Jas. W. Ryckman, of Dixie, died Sept 6, 1917. His wife died 30 years ago. He was the first to settle at Dixie. J. V. Fike. a former Washing ton County teacher, has sued his wife, Lavina, for divorce, suit being filed at Oregon City. Mrs. J. K. Etisley, of Mist, Ore,, was in the city Monday. She has been visiting with her mother, Mrs. A. Hoier, of Heed-ville. John Keichen, of West Union, was a city visitor Saturday." Archie Pike, of Beaverton, was a city caller the last of the week. Fine stationery and school supplies, at old prices, at the Hillsboro Pharmacy. Hon. C. F. Tigard. of Tigard. was ud to the Odd Fellows' con vention, Saturday. Lost A tire for auto; 34-4, cord. Liberal reward. Leave at Peterson'B Garage. Mrs. P. L. Fish, of Eugene, was the guest of Mrs. C. F. Lard, the last of the w'k. L. J. Francis, of Tualatin, was up to the city Saturday, on pro hate business for the Micek estate. For Sale A fwO-lb Sharpless Cream Separator, good as new. Reasonable price. J. A. Mathis, li. F. D. 1, Linn ton, Ore. D. M. McLauchlan, of the S. P. Co., was in town Friday, en. route to Timber, to look after the rolling stock of the line. P. I. Lilligard. of Laurel, was in town Saturday. He has a son on the Pittsburgh, the cruiser on which Lawrence Taggart is serving in the navy. . Piano Lessons Miss Hazel Bryant, piano teacher; studio bt 848 Seventh St. Will give les sons at home of pupil if desired. Best of reference. Phone City 47G. 24-7z Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Barrett, now residing at Salem, were at Banks the past fortnight, visit ing mends and relatives, and enjoying their vacation in the hop fields. P. A. Kline, Liveitock and real estate auctioneer 25 years experience in the East and Wil lamette Valley. Phone or write for dates.. Address P. A. Kline. 5G1 Glisan St., Portland; Phone Broadway 620. 22-30 Stephen Iiambo, who formerly ived in this county, died at Sa lem, last week, aged 82 years. Kambo leaves a widow and nine children. He formerly lived at Heedville and Dilley, and was well known in North Washington County, also. Alfred Morgan, with the Great Northern Pullman service, is in the city, the guest of his mother. Mrs. Henrietta Morgan.' Alfred recently returned from New York City, where he went with a' Pullman train of several hun dred Jackies and Marines from Puget Sound. Did you know that enlisted men can take up homesteads and that the government will allow service time on them: we can locate soldier boys on some fine homesteads in Central Oregon. A few left of 1(50 acres eich. Wm. B. Delsman. Box 20G, Hillsboro, Ore., Telephone City 102. 9tf John Wilson, a veteran of Co. F, 143rd .Illinois, stricken with paralysis, was taken to the Sol diers' Home at Koseburg, Satur day morning. Wilnon lived be yond North Plains, on the Uidge. le has been under the care of the local Post, at the McQuillan house, on Second Street, for several days. Frank Meltebeke has sued his wife for divorce. The marriage took place in Belgium, in 1913. and the husband says the wife attacked him with a breadknife, ast Thursday, and induced her son and a brother to assault him. He wants some suit money and half of the property accumulated, which is in her name. Meltebeke talks no English. The complaint charges that the wife is enam oured of the husband's brother. Paul V. Maris, of O. A. C. and Wilbur K. Newell, Deputy '"ood Administrator for Oregon, were here baturaay, meeting with the county court. They asked that an item of $1600 be placed in the budget for the pur pose of a county agent. The court agreed to let the taxpayers pass on the budget amount If passed, the state will put up a ike amount, and the federal government will supplement it with probably a thousand dollars. Clarence White, who is now serving four months in the coun ty jail, realizes that violating a parole, as well as violating a confidence, isn't what it is adver tised. He was in trouble . here, and when fined, a Chehalis man, who liked his work, gave him money to pay an installment on his fine, and money to get back to work. White did nbt live up to his friend's endorsement, and was brought back to serve out his time. Judge Bagley proposes to see that paroles are conformed to, and if violated will deal not joo leniently with them. FIRST JEN MILES OF UNITED DONE JAN. first Unit of Logging Road Now Under Construction to Gales WILL TAP FINE TIMBFR DISTRICT Road Deftigned lo Carry Lor ana Lam ber (o Build New Town The Gales Creek & Wilson River Railway expects to have its first ten miles completed by Jan. 1st, and the line is being built ex pressly for a logging road. The railway is an extension of the United from Wilkesboro, and taps both Gales Creek-and Wil son River, cpening up a fine body of timber. Seventeen billion feet of lumber i3 the estimate of the timber belt which is" to be tap ped by the new line. Logs will it. i oe nauiea to itarDorton. near Linnton. Washburn, a new town, is to be located at the ten-mile terminus, and the promoters of the road expect to found a good- sized town there. J. L. Washburn, the timber owner, who with his associates. is behind the railroad, expects to make this a thriving city. There will be a round house, shops, a paper mill, and other manufac tories that will go to building up a commercial center. It is estimated that eight train loads of logs per day will be the average naui wnen the line is established into Wilson River. MOORE -MOORE. A quiet wedding was celebrated at Spokane. Wn., Sept 10. 1917. wnen airs. Aaan moore was united in marriage to E. L. Moore. Both are well known in Hillsboro, where they resided for several years. Mr. Moore founded Hillsboro's first laundry iheir many mends here are tendering congratulations, and wish them much happiness. Mr. and Mrs. Moore have taken apartments and will reside in Spokane. Mr. Moore is at pres ent traveling for a Seattle whole sale house. John Kassebaum, of Shady BrooK, was in the county seat Saturday. Jacob Oefinger, of near Beav erton, was in town the last of the week. For Sale Some used Fords, 1916 and 1917 models; in good shape. Peterson Bros. Garage. C. A. Broderson. of Forest Grove, wa3 in town Saturday. His son. Arthur, is a member of Co. D, Third Oregon. Editor Benfer, of the Express, Forest Grove," was a city, caller Saturday, and dropped in on the Argus for a fraternal call. Geo. H. Jackson and Leota Newton, of Forest Grove, were married in the college city, Sept. 12, 1917, Rev. Putnam officiating. For Sale Fine high-bred Jer sey cows, all giving milk; will freshen in December and March; ages raiige. from 4 to 5 years. E. L. Mapes. Laurel, Ore., R. 1. Phone Scholls 553 Line 13. 29 The Oregon Monument Works, of Hillsboro, is the place to buy your monuments and grave stones. .See our work and get our prices bet'ere contracting or purchasing elsewhere. 20tf G. A. Plieth. of Tigard, was up the last of the week. He says that onions are about a half crop down his way this season owing t the pests taking so many onions early in the year. W. A. Goodin, of James, was in town Saturday, the first trip since he had the encounter with the Jansen bovine. He says his ribs are mending nicely and he will soon be able to again play the role of matador -only he doesn't want to. C. C. Nelson was down from Bacona the last of the week, and filed a deed for the county for a quarry on the Gunther place, East Dairy. There is plenty of water power to operate a crush er, and it will be one of the best rock deposits in the county. G. N. Taggart and family have returned from Netarts. They boast a Plymouth Rock pullet, aged 4J months, which com menced laying Aug. 18, and has deposited an egg in the nest each day since. G. N. says it was the outing at the beach and the sea-food that caused the young lady to hustle her product into the market. BUCHANAN Hillsboro, Cornelius and North Plaint Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Grain, Hay, Flour, Feed and Grain Bags Car-lot shipper of POTATOES and ONIONS. Grain chopped or rolledfatjany time Lumber, Shingles and Lath At Cornelius Beaver State Flour The Best Flour at the Lowest Prices. Telephones; Hillsboro, Main 14, Cornelius, City 1515, North Plain, Main 263. Oregon State Fair SALEM September 24-29 Agricultural Exhibits, Grand Live Stock Parade, Harness and Saddle Horses, Run ning and Trotting Races, Hogs, Cattle and Poultr)-, Farm Machiuery Exhibits, Port land Day, Salem Day, Scandinavian Day, Reformation Day and many other special events. Something of interest every minute. Low Round Trip Fares . On sale September 20th to 29th, from all points in Oregon. Final return limit October 3d. All Trains Direct to Fair Grounds. Ask your local agent for particulars JOHN M. SCOTT, General Passenger Agent "Portland, Oregon. Southern Pacific Lines Hillsboro Auto Livery Feed and Boarding Stable Prices Reasonable DAf AND NIGHT SERVICE 2nd & Washington Sts. Phcne, Main 7S HOFFMAN'S For- GLASSES GOOD SERVICE VERY REASON ABLE PRICES. Argus and ' Daily Oregonian for Oaljr $6