t IHE HILLSBOR h VOL XXIV IJIIXSBORO, ORIT.ON, AUGUST 10. 1917 NO. 22 u. etornn Jurist Say he Will Ac cept Important Place IMUMIAMI SIIII'Hl II.DIMi Hill TIIIM1 lilway Mn llil liurrmc in llwii Miiiillily Wijtf Sali'in Aug. III. - ('liii-f Justice Mcl'ride will serve as member of I In' kianl ol conciliation ami ar liitrtititiii to be tunned by the Governor. Hit suyB: "I would be willing to servo on the com iniMHitin. lull I would liuve no wish to do ho if 1 felt tliut thf remainder of the board would lie made up of partisans of t lit em plovers unit partisans of labor, wlin wen' so strongly biased in their attitude that they appeared in (In- capacity of uttorneyH rath er than uh conciliator und arbi trators." ' 1'ortlaiid -Wants 10.000 men to build wood and Hteel ships. All employes of t). W. It. & N. do. whose wages ure less than $20 a month will receive an in crease, HFeetive Aug. 1. of from H to 10 per cent, except those whose waxed are fixed by con tract or who reivived special increases recently. Imviv con tracts, Hifgnirating $271.12:115 for grading 17.(! mills of upper and lower Columbia river high way, to make ready for paving next vear, were awarded by state highway commission. I.utie county buying caterpiller eiM'ineand trailer for road work. Kiigeiio- Cannery working on beets and beans. Toledo - Local creamery did big business past month. Pendleton-Fi r8 t ten miles stretch of new Htate road being built from here to Kastland. Coos county logging, mill and shipyard operators are now short S"iil men. Small pigsforsale. Telephone Main 112. 22 z Jos. Lot-sung, of I'ortland, was out Sunday, a guest of his par ents. Money to Loan - Low rates nf interest; charges reasonable. K. L. l'erkins. Hillshoro, Or. 41tf hd. Schlegel, of Koy, was in town the last of the week, com i n er in for war board examina tion. For Sale Team of horses, weight 101)0 a niece; good set of harness and delivery wagon. S. II. Clark, Orenco. Ore. 20 2 Judge Bagley and family go to the Tillamook beaches this week, and while there the Court will clean up some exparte matters on the court calendar. Ceo. Harms, of Mountaindale, was in Monday, Geo. lad only a little Winter wheat -just enough to call it a Held-but it turned him out 40 bushels to the acre. For Sale Fine high-grade Jersey heifer, 3 years old; will drop second calf about Sept. 20. Is line animal, and comes from good milking strain. -11. A. Bar ber, llillsboro, Ore,, near City Park. 21-3 ' Henry Kemper, who has been working on a dairy ranch at South " Pond, Wash., came over last week to be examined for the Irrst draft. He visited a few d tys with his parents at North Forest Crove, and then returned to the Pay. EXKCUTORS, Administrators, Guardians, Pub lic Custodians and others having juihlic ami private trusts to perform can vender proper service by depositing with us. We Have One of the Best Safe Deposit Systems in the State A proper place for valuable papers. We invite inspection id this department in con junction with the others. An excellent bank fov handling all branches of bank business. SHUTE SAVINGS BANK PROMPT : CONSERVATIVE : SAVE King Hop is coming into his own again this year, after a slump of a year or ho, Tin pro duct was quoted at 27 cents Sat urday, in Portland, but it is known that us hind as 30 cents have been oirered for the. 11)17 prime article. This iH rather a mat ter of regret to those who, dissatisfied with the lUHi prices, plowed up their yards, on the supposition that because many states had gone prohibition the price would not hi' enough to justify production. In Washing ton County hundreds of acres of vines were plowed under to per mit other crops. It is estimated that three-fourths of the county crop is under contract. Poultry farm for sale Five acres, near llillsboro, between S. P. and Oregon F.lectrio. all clear and in cultivation; modern house, good barn ami chicken house; young orchard and berries, roses arid shrubbery. Chickens, cow and some tools can !? bail with place. Some cash, balance easy terms. If interested' in quire at Argus for owner's name and uddress. j-dh Dr. F. 11. Smith ran bin big Cole S on top of n cow the other day, and the animal wan shot to end its' suffering. The car was not going ultove Kindles an hour. The bovine made a sudden sWVrve just as the car met, and the front wheels ran clear up on the body of the prostrate animal. The owner of the cow W. T. Kerr, attached no blame to Dr. Smith. The only heeling he did was to "beef" the cow. For sale: Horse, 1000 lbs., harness, wagon, plow, cultivator and iiortable hay ruck, l'rice for all, $75. Inquire at Badger Lumber Co. ollice. IStf Dr. S. M. Ueairan last week tested a big herd of cattle brought from the Nchalem by W. T. Kerr, for Montana ship ment, and not one of the cows gave a reaction, conclusive show iug that stock from the coast valley is comparatively free from tuberculosis. The bulk of the herd was for dairy purposes. Do you wart a homestead? If so, can locate vim on some fine ones in Central Oregon. In time these will be valuable, A few left of 100 acres each. Wm. H. Delsman, Ilox 20(5, llillsboro. Or. Phone. City 102. 13-tf Adolph Hanson, wife and two sons, Albert and Carstens, of Ilaker, were last week, guests of the Henry Valentines, at Kinton, and the Kuratlis, of llillsboro, and othe -friends at Bethany, where they formerly resided. They started for Tacoma the first of the week, and will soon crossover and complete a tour of the coast. U. S. A. Restaurant, meals 25 cents. Good cooking and a sat isfying meal. Second Street, opposite Wells Fargo and K. P. building. K. L. Whetzel. Pro prietor. 19-22 The Honor Cuard und Home Guard, of Heavertun, are pre paring for a big dance to be given in the Morse Hall, Satur day evening, August 18. Every body come and have a good time, Refreshments will be served. Milk Business for sale: Thirty head of fine milk cows, 2 horses and harness, milk wagon, buggy, single harness, farm wagon, bot tle filler, milk route in I'ortland, bottles and cases for sale cheap. See J. C. Kuratli, llillsboro. 22 Wm. Metzler, of South Tuala tin, and Ceorge Meaeham, of Mountaindale, were city callers the last of the week. W. 11. Joos. of ' North Plains, was a county seat caller the last of the week. Crew of 10 Men Working Slcadily Connecting Mulm and Installing All. LOCAL I.ABOk IS fMI'I.OVIl) Drill IhruuKh Cfincnt Walk and Pave ment on Sired Without Trouble The Portland Coke & Gas Com pany will soon be through con necting its mains in the city of llillsboro, and a crew of 40 men have been employed in making the installations. Through the business section it has meant a considerable ex pense, for the cement walks and the paved streets were formida ble to a considerable extent. Holes were drilled every few feet and then tunnels were ran from one to another to permit of laying the pipes. A. P. Luther was employed with his team to keep the debris removed as rap idly as a section was completed. Nearly all the men employed were local residents and the pay roll has teen practically $150 per day, foremen and all. Installation to houses contract ing for gas is now under way. and. gas will be turned on in a short time. Solicitors are now in the field netting signers for service, and by the time the rains come all will be in readiness. PllJLIC SAI.li . 1 will sell at public auction at the old Hickenbottom place. 21 miles north of North Plains, and 0 miles north of llillsboro, at 10 a. m., on SATURDAY, AUGUST 23 Team horses, (5 and 7. 1(500 each; driving team, 8 and 9, 1000 each; 2 sets work harness', set driving harness. Twenty head ot stock, consisting of 8 milk cows, grade Holsteins, all registered llolstein heifers, one to freshen Oct. 25. balance are this year's calves; 5 head grade Holstein yearling heifers; 2 six months calf; regis tered Holstein bull, yearling; barrow, sow to litter soon; heavy wagon, hack, new mowing ma chine, new hayrake, new disc drill. (50-tooth harrow, disc with trucks, stump machine, power, with 200 feet. cable; 2 14-inch plows; 4 ten gal milk cans; range, iron bedsteads, mattresses, kitch en and household furniture; 40 tons timothy and mixed hay, loose. Lunch at Noon. Terms of Sale: Ten dollars and under, cash; over, C months bankable approved note, at 8 per cent. Two per cent, olf on cash over $10. O. I. Morrow. Owner. J. VV. Hughes, Auctioneer. Wm. H. Joos, Clerk. HOARD OT l-OUAUZATION To the Taxpayers of Washington County, Oregon: Notice is here by given that the Board of Equalization of Washington County, Oregon, will meet on Monday, September 9, 1917, at the Court House, in llillsboro, in Washington County, that being the second Monday in Septem ber, and the time and place pro vided by law to publicly examine the assessment rolls of said County for 1917. and correct all errors in valuation and descrip tion or quantities of land, lots or other properties, and it is the duty of all persons interested to appear at the time and place appointed, and if it shall appear to the Board of Equalization that there are any lands, lots or other property assessed twice or in the name of a person or persons not the owner of the same or assess ed under or beyond its value or any lots, land or other properties not assessed said Board of Equal ization shall make the proper correction. . W. F. Boley. Assessor of Washington Coun ty, Oregon, llillsboro, Ore.. Aug. 14. 1917. CATHOLIC CIIUUCH Third and Plr Streets. City 992 (Summer Schedule) Sunday Masses. 8:00 and 10:00 a. m. P.aptism, 2:00 o'clock p. m. Benediction, 7:150 p. m. Week-day Mass, 8:20 a. m. Money to loan on improved real estate, principally farms and choice city property. Kerr Bros., Hillsboro. Odd Fellows Building. 19tf. Miss Sadu- Pharis. visiting at the J. H. Duncan farm near Ti gard, was drowned in the Tuala tin. Sunday. She "was rect fitly from Colorado. The fatality took place about three miles above Tigard. Mi'hs Pharis left the Duncan home about midnight and was attired only in her night robe. Her relatives attempted to catch her, but failed, and the girl jumped into the water from a high embankment, a clear case of suicide. She had evidenced no despondency, and her rash act is a great shock to the Duncans. Mrs. T. C. Reynolds returned Monday from a ten weeks visit near St. Joseph, Mo., across the Kansas' line. Her return was made under rather warm weath er conditions. ' Leonard Van Lorn, on the B. P. Cornelius farm, near North Plains, so far holds the champion ship Hag on wheat raising. It was but three acres of new land, in potatoes last year, and it threshed (JO bushels to the acre. Twenty-eight bushels to the acre was the yield of the balance of his crop. Wanted About 15 good hop pickers. Apply to the Quick & Russell Livery, Main St., llills boro. N 22-4 The D. B. Burkhalter, place threshed 32 bushels of wheat to the acre, last week, and it was the finest grain seen in this sec tion for many years. Every bushel of it has been sold for seed. John Kamna's Winter wheat went better than 25 bush-els-and the yield isn't bad con sidering the reason. For Sale or Trade for Beef Cattle Some good Shropshire and Cotswold 2 year old ewes. Also some ewe lambs. C. K. Rogers, Beaverton, Ore., near Hazeldale. 13-tf John H. Houser, of Wheeler, Tillamook County, was over the last of the week, visiting here and at Dilley. He says that work is plentiful over there, and tells the Argus that Ed. Wann is falling timber every day, be ing as slim as a Missourian and as hard as spikes. ... r Wanted Hogs of all kinds, sheep, beef, poultry of all kinds. C. K. Rogers, Beaverton, Rt 4, Box 20. Phone Beaverton 53, line 3. Will call at any place designated. 37-tf Cail Stoll, who was married to MaeStoll, at Leadville, in 1895. wants divorce, alleging his wife treats him in a cold and unlova ble manner. They have a son over 21 and a daughter who is 18 years of age. O. B. Morrow, of beyond North Plains, was in town Friday. He will have a sale August 25, and expects soon to start for France. Alvin 1). Wick, Traveling Pas senger Agent lor the S. P. Co., and H. D. Olsen. Traveling Freight Agent for the same com pany, were in the city Monday, erecting friends'and looking out for business. C. C. Arns, of Cedar Mill, was a llillsboro visitor Monday morn ing. P. A. Kline, Livestock and real estate auctioneer 25 years experience in the East and Wil lamette Valley. Phone or write for dates. Address P. A. Kline, 5G1 Glisan St., Portland; Phone Broadway 620. 22-30 Mrs. A. VV. Toelle. of Portland, was a Hillsboro visitor the first of the week. F. A. Hohman, who is thresh ing southeast of Hillsboro, was in the city Monday. He is turn ing out an average of 55 bushels of oats and 25 bushels of Winter wheat to the acre on his run. Wm. Hanson, of Scholia, yas in Saturday, taking a little res pite from threshing. J. H. liiggs has brought suit against Peter Jaequot and wife to quiet title to a tract in Fin ney's Addition. The last heard of the Jacquots they left here in the early days of rush to the Alaskan country. W. E. Pegg, of Beaverton, was up to the city Monday, greeting friends. Bruce Schulmerich, of South Tualatin, farming the Ed. Schul merich placev was in the city Monday. He reports a fair crop this year, compared to the gen eral run a little better than the average. Fred Schoen, of south of Cor nelius, was in town Saturday. He reports not an average yield for grain in his section. . Rev. G. S.' Roeder, of Phillips, will preach next Sunday after noon in the Mountaindale church, and in the evening in the Shady Brook church. BIG COLE EIGHT IS Carl Donelson's Machine Quel Over Embankment ' GILLENWATER SWIMS TO SHORE Pari DiintUun Pinioned Under Machine rmnio It Barely Scratched i Earl Donelson's big Cole-8 turn ed turtle three times on an em bankment on the Big Nestucca river, near Beaver, Tillamook County, Thursday night, and the escape of Donelson, Ray Emmott and Wm. Gillenwater from death was almost miraculous. The car was meeting another machine and all at once. shot over the bank. The machine rolled over the third time and landed against a tree, with but. little damage to its mechanism. Will Gillenwa ter, of the Hillsboro Creamery, was thrown clear into the Nes tucca, and the minute he struck the water started to swim to save his bacon. He has two ribs badlytsprained ana some bruises on his body, besides a cut on his cheek and nose. Ray Emmott found himself rolling down the hill, with the big machine chas ing him. He beat it out, how ever, and was soon on his feet with only a goose-egg on his shin to show for the general re sults. Earl remained, with the wheel until the Cole landed against a tree, and the boys found him pinioned under the car, with but a few scratches. It was at first feared Gillenwater was internally injured and a phone call was put in for Dr. Smith, who made a record trip to Tillamook to attend the in juries. All three came home Friday. Witnesses to the turnover say that they can't comprehend how in the nature of things no one was killed. The party was going over for a day at the beach and to bring Mrs. Gillenwater, who was enjoying a vacation, home from the beach. The driver meeting Donelson was "nogging" the road accord ing to Donelson's version.' LOOKING FOR NOOSE Someone evidently is looking for a noose, and will find it if thresh er engines are troubled in the county. Last Thursday night the Ed. Boge engine was left by the engineer, J. B. Adams, in regular shape, with a slow fire and plenty of water. Geo. Burk halter. on -the Burkhalter place, where the threshing was in pro gress, heard a noise about nine o'clock, and investigated. He found everything in good shape, but the next morning the engine had blown a safety plug, and there was altogether too much tire in the firebox. The water had all gone up in steam, and it required several, hours delay be fore things could start. That some one must have tampered with the engine is a foregone conclusion, for Burkhalter says that there was all kinds of water showing in the guage the night before. W. 0. w. Regular meetings of Camp 500, Woodmen of the World, in the Moose Hall, every first and third Thursdays. All Woodmen are invited to attend. Come out Neighbors and help boost our Camp. Rov E. Heater, Consul Com. J. H. Ray. Clerk. tf LOWRY DANT H. A. Lowry, of American Lake, Wn., and Ella J. Dant, of Reed ville, Ore., were united in mar riage at Vancouver, Wn., Aug. 11. 1917. HOME FOR SALE A modern home in Portland, 8 rooms, bath, hot and cold water above and below; to trade or sell for acreage. Property is clear. All assessments pajd up; insur ance for $2000 paid up policy. If interested write Box 125, Forest Grove. 17-22 T. H. Brown, the plasterer and cement worker, brought a German cannon ball, of 2i inches in diameter, to the Argus, Mon day. He found it six years ago in a barrel of German imported cement, and has kept it as a sou venir. The ball is probably for a field piece, and may have been made for a ship's gun. It is on exhibition in the Argus window. G. B. BUCHANAN & CO., Inc. Hillsboro, Cornelius and North Plains Wholesale and Retail Dealers in .Grain, Hay, Flour, Feed and Grain Bags Car-lot shipper of POTATOES and ONIONS. Grain chopped or rolled at any time Lumber, Shingles and Lath At Cornelius Beaver State Flour The Best Flour at the Lowest Prices. Telephones; Hillsboro, Main 14, Cornelius, City 1515, North Plain, Main 263, These Are Hot and Dry Days. A Good Time to) HavePumping Outfit Installed! WE SELL THE FAIRBANKS MORSE ENGINE Good W anything on the farm. We have them in xi 3, and 6 horse power. We Also Have Some Binding Twine That Is Under Wholesale Price! We have all kinds of Machine and Engine Oil. We can and do save you money on anything in the Hardware Line. Call and get our prices. Long's Hardware At the old stand on Second St. East of Court House. Hillsboro Auto Livery Feed and Boarding Stable Prices Reasonable DA Y AND NIGHT SERVICE 2nd & T, Washington Sts. Phone, Main 7S HOFFMAN'S For- GLASSES GOOD SERVICE VERY REASON ABLE PRICES.