N ew Garage! New Service! i PETERSON BROS. Have purchased the Corl & Harms Garage, Hotel Wash ington Building, Third and Main, and have discontinued automobile service at the 6ld stand next M. E. Church. First-class mechanics only in charge of all auto repair work. ioest Garage in the County Fire-proof. . Main Street entrance, East of Hotel and Third Street entrance at Filling Station. Three exits. Give us a call. LARGEST STOCK OF TIRES AND AUTO ACCES SORIES IN WASHINGTON COUNTY. PETERSON BROS HILLSBORO, OREGON Hillsboro Mercantile Company Men's and Boys' Suits Blue Serge Suits $15.00 Grey, Storm Serge $l7.f0 Brown Herringbone Stripe. $17. 50 Black Mixed $2L'..r0 We are pleased to bo able to quote the above prices. We buy early and in large quanities, therefore we can sell (or loss. SPECIAL Friday and Saturday Your Last Chance First-class sugar -cured Hams, 8 to 10 pounds each at, per Oaf pound OUC Corned Beel 12 l-2c Chickens tor frying 121 ic Hens . . , ISc From Hardware Department Himliug Twiuo, Standard lSe Clover Loaf 2io IK-eiing -Manila -o International Harvester Kusilotfo Cutter, Blower, Truck and Dis tributor, complete 5-2 5 Coiuc stud see this machine. Wagon, 3 '4'. 3. in tire S5 Dcciiug machinery and repairs. Linseed Oil at wholesale. A' full line of Taints iu connection. Automobile Tires guaranteed for 7500 miles. A full and complete line of every thing in the hardware business Come and investigate and make your dollars g as far as yon can. SPECIAL! 3 Gallons Sour Tickles S5C O liars Soap 'i se "3 lbs. Steel Cut Coffee 85c 5 lbs. Steel Cut Coffee f l.. 300 bulk Coffee 25c 50c Japan Tea , 35c Dutch Cleanser, 3 cans 250 Light House Cleanser, can ... 50 Stop and get our prices on Hour and Sugar. We pay the highest price for eggs and all produce. SERVICE Gas THE GAS WAY IS THE BEST WAY GAS LIGHT IS NEAREST TO DAYLIGHT ECONOMY Company Solicitation Begins August 1 3th Next Monday Our Salesmen Will Commence Soliciting Each and Every Resident of Hillsboro What This Company Will Do for You Piping from Gas main to meter installed free of charge. ' Meters installed free of charge. Ranges and water heaters purchased from this Company will be installed free of charge. Commercial arcs installed free of charge. Commercial arcs maintained free of charge. Residential Lights maintained free of charge, except for material used. Service department inspections and adjustments free of charge. Appliances are guaranteed to give entire satisfaction. Gas rates and discounts are the same as those in effect in Portland. Appliances sold on exceptioually low monthly terms. Minimum nionthly charge only 50 cents, and minimum, upon re quest, will be waived duriug any 3 months in the calendar year. Quick, careful and courteous attention is given to all demands. The Convenience and Economy of Gas FOR COOKING The universal fuel; no dirt, ashes or smoke. Intense heat applied directly to cooking utensils. The average bill in Portland for do mestic purposes is $1.80 per month. FOR WATER HEATING An abundant supply of steaming hot water available without effort, inconvenience or discomfort. Sufficient water for a bath obtainable within 20 minutes at an approximate cost of 2 1-2 cents. FOR LIGHTING Gas light, being nearest to sunlight, is soft and restful on the eyes. Modern gas lights produce twice as much liht as any other form of lighting, for the same expenditure. FOR HOUSE HEATING , Uniform .heat, thermostatic control, fuel paid fur as used; no fires to build; no dirt, ashes or smoke. Fuel cost only slightly more than that of solid fuel, offset, however, by the many conveniences. FOR POWER As compared with gasoline, the danger clement is eliminated. Kind k'paid for only as used and the supply is limitless. Onr special rate of $.50 per thousand cubic feet makes gas approximately 50 per cent cheaper than gasoline. ' s NOTE: Gas will be supplied as soon as the shipment of pipe, now on the way, is received and connections made between Orenco and Hillsboro. LOCAL APPLIANCE AGENCY AND OFFICE AT THE FURNITURE STORE OF G. A. PATTERSON, 1261 MAIN STREET You are invited to call and inspect the appliances. PORTLALD GAS AND COKE COMPANY 11 'ounty Official Piaper ti. A. LONG, Edltpr. red at tbe Post Office t Hillsboro on, m KComl-claM mail matter, 'ucription $1.50 Tier anuam. "SSUKD EVKRV THURSDAY -BY-ARGUS PUBLISHING CO. erilT Applegste picked up es Hoy at the Grove yester tloy "sold a eood Hamp&tn silver watcJ 1 for a dollar and as it was w' rth more, suspicion followed. Joy is an old offender and has st rved time at both Walla Walla and San Quentin. Mrs. Hrr rfetta Paulsen, wife of Andrew C. Paulsen, died at Portland, Aua?. 8. 1917, aged 75 years. Her husband and two sons swrvive- -Paul Paulsen, of North Plains, and Henry Paul sen, of I'ortlac d. Re 7. E. A. , Smith was called to Portland Wednesday to con duct a funeral in the Mt. Scott district. Dr. Lowe, the optician, was here Saturday. Dr. Lowe says that his visit to the South a few months ago impressed him won derfully as to the patriotism of the younger element, and even old Confederate veterans are be wailing the fact that they are too old to take up arms for Uncle Sam; I wish to announce that I have installea a modern machine for removing wide wagon tires with out damaging the felloes as is usually the case in removal, and owing to the prospect of the short Spring crops 1 will set light tires at $3.00 per set; 3-inch wagon tire at $4.00 per set. 1 have in stalled a gasoline filling station, best in the city. I also carry in stock auto tires and accessories. Ford sizes a specialty. -L. G. Wiedewitsch, Cornelius, Or. 22 Methodist Episcopal Church, Third and Washington. Walton Skipworth, pastor; 9:45 a. m., Sunday School; 11 a. m.. Sermon; 7 p. m., Epworth League; 8 p. m., sermon. Prayer meeting on Thursday evening. E. I. Kuratli has his office in the Hillsboro National 15ank Uldg. Loans your money, in sures your buildings, rents your houses, buys and sells your prop erty, makes collections. Notary Public Also speaks German and Swiss, 42tf W. T. Kerr returned Tuesday from the Nehalem, where he bought 40 head of dairy cows and livestock, driving them over land to Hillsboro. He says the crop is pretty light over in the Nehalem valley. JohnConstan linos, of Hillsboro, is not connected in any way with the White Houso Restaurant- at 1'orest Grove. This restaurant!' : ,l - i' iL li is unucr me exeunt managemea of P. Koffetaa and Tom Pules: The Nursery Company has started budding again, and h now hiring more boys, also men, at good wages. There will be steady work for two months or longer at this job for those who start now. If you want easy work and steady employment for some time better try and start work there this week. JJl-IJ J. W. Raynard was in from Scholia today.