This Week's Specials Middies 95c White and Colors. Many Styles to Choose Irom. Any Sport Suit in Stock at $2.98 Regular Values to $4.50 AH Sport Skirts Reduced in Price, I Gear's Woman's Shop Third Street Hillsboro, Oregon Only Exclusive Woman's Store in the County County Official Fnper ' I Is. A. IiONG. Kdltrt. Enter- i hi th? I'ist Omj t Hillsboro Oregon, m second-class mail matter. Subscription: It. 50 per annum. ISSUED KVFPV THfilSOA Y rrrj.isuiNG co. It was an enlisted Siletz nayyl apprentice who aptly called it the "Ugh" boat This gives Oregon the lead on epigram. F. J. Bucklin is visiting her daughter at Walla Walla, Wash. ' Chris. Johnson, of Mason Hill, was over to the city yesterday. . Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Reynolds, of Westimber, were in the city today. Mis3 Georgia Baldwin has been visiting at the'Linklater moun tain home the past week. W. L. Soehren, of Dallas, was a guest at the L. E. Wilkes home yesterday. Miss Miriam Reisler. of Phila delphia, was in the city vester day. Born, to F. F. Conover and wife. Scholls, Aug. 1, 1917. a daughter. ton Olave Johnson to Morris i Rodgers, 40 a sec 15 t 3 n ! r 3 w 2350 I Duncan & Brewer Lbr Co to W R G Timber Co. 479 a . West Washington County- 10 Raymond L Ewald to 0 A j Hande, lots 23, 24, 25, 26, ( blk 10, Garden Tracts Li r neiaei to t w Torgler, 30 acres sec 14 t 2 s r 3 w 10 B A Townsend to K F Den holm, 2.41 a Beav-Reedv 10 Empire Investment tCo to S E Canady, lot 34 Fanno Creek Acres 2000 Sarah Ball to St Benedict's Abby, tract in Jos Davis d 1 c 25 S F Martin to Florella Rich ardson, tract in L'lkanah Walker d 1 c 10 F T Crowe & Co to W R " Berry, 57.83 a sec 9 t 2 s r 2w t io Duncan & Brewer Lbr Co to W R G Timber Co. 158.66 ' a in N W Washington Co- 10 Chas F Carlson to S M Rea gan, 9$ a Jachary d 1 c 10 J W Marsh to Ben H Marsh. 44.85 a sec 16 1 1 n r 3 w ..1300 F M McLeod and wife to Jes sie E King. 10 a sec 28 1 1 s r 4 w io REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS C W Mertz to El'en Keen. 67.75x150 ft, lot 1 block 42 F Grove $1000 C W Mertz to Lucy Buchan , an, trin lot 1 blk 42 Forest Grove 3000 John L Wyckoff to Jacob VanZante, 80 a sec 14 t2 sr 1 w 10 W L Moore et al to Gales Creek and Wilson River R R, 7 acres on railway line. 10 A J Larkin to Jas H Jack. . tract at Scholls 1250 Scandinavian American Bank - to Clara Tibbetts. 3.13 a Beaverton-Reedville 10 J CApplegate. shff, to Ella Mizner, lot in Nichol's ad Garden Home 1250 F W Cady and M H Cady to ; Bethel Cong Church, s i lots 7 and Sblk 30, Beaver- , A DAY OK THRILLS A Beaverton party, consisting of Elmer Stipe and wite, Raymond j Hanson, J. E. bummers, deo. jBlasser. Frank Erieksen, H. l, Ji. B. and Miss Downing, went to the summit of Mt Hood, last j Sunday. They witnessed theac icident of Guide Hans Fuhrer, w hen he rolled over the preci I pice with Miss Kruse, in his at ! tempt to save her. Stipe was the first to bandage the Guide's wound. J. B. Downing remain ed with Fuhrer until help came. He secured the help of Forest Ranger Coleman by "signalling hina with a coat. Coleman slid three-quarters of a mile without hanging to the life-line, and he then put Fuhrer on a knapsack and sledged him four miles to camp. The Beaverton party say that Fuhrer's fall, Coleman's long slide, and the sledging of the wounded man the four miles' to camp made up a day of thrills that will long be remembered. Aside from the letting of tire Rex-Tigard work this year it is not likely that the State Highwav commission will do anything mote on the Washington County state highways until 191S rolls around. The county court has endeavored to get some intimation fiom the commission as to' its intentions, but when they visited the sitting of the state highway ollicials they found men from every coun ty in the state there for the same purpose. This will mean, then, if nothing can be deter mined this year, that the county court will be held up on road im provement on the state highway portions except that which must be done tor absolutely safe travel. First Cong. Church, Main and Fifth Streets, Rev. Shaw, pastor. Sunday School, 10 a. m.. Frof. B. W. Barnes. Supt. At 12 noon lunch at Meacham's; at 5 p. m., under the trees at Meach am's, Vesper, Service; subject of address, "Arnerica'9 Need and Christianity's Answer." All residents around Meacham in vited. The public of Hillsboro invited to join us for a day and conclude with uniting with us in worship at Vsper Service. Re turn home at 6 p. m. W. H. Brandes, with the Cali fornia Ink Co., is spending a week with Pastor E. W. Luecke, of Shefflin.- Mrs. O. F. Schultz, of Cheha lis, Wn., returned home yester day, after a two weeks visit with her brother, A. Brandaw, and family. Her daughter, Mrs. David Thompson, of California, was also a guest at the Brandaw home. The ladies think Oregon is one great country, and expect to again visit here in the not distant future. Many Rebekahs met at Forest Grove in district convention yes terday, all lodges in the county being represented. Mrs. W L. Moore, of Banks, presided. The new officers for the year Pres. Mrs. BethaOrtman, Forest Grove Vice. Mrs. C. W. Burtt, Hillsboro. Mrs. Hesse, Scholls, Sec-Treas. Mrs. Mary Lancaster, State Pres ident, was in attendence. Melvin Meek, the 5-year-old son of S. A. D. Meek, of North Plains, fell from a cherry tree Sunday, and fractured his right arm. Dr. J. O. Robb went out and attended the youngster. t ,' . v V ,? M M v v ; w V - TREAT OF THE SEASON! BIG DOUBLE BILL AND JITNEY DANCE AT MOOSE HALL Saturday, Aug. 11 Including Literary arid Mus ical Recital by Leon St. Clare of Boston DRAMATIC READER AND FEMALE IMPERSONATOR Author of 1 OOO Poemt An Hour and a Half of Music, i Laughter and Song Liberty Theatre Friday and Saturday, Aug. 3-4 "Modern Monte Cristo" . Featuring Vincent Serrano Also Comedy ''Katzenjammer Kids" Admiuion 5c and 10c SUNDAY ONLY, AUG. 5th DOROTHY PHILLIPS in "The Flashlight" prayed for in his complaint, to-vit: Tor it din-roe tUvlaiini; tlui plaintiff to lx Iho owner in feo simple ami in possession of tke following described pnrwl of real property situate in Washington County, Oregon, to-wit: All of Lot Four H) of titnl in Hloek ThrtH' (111, of and in Kinney's Addition to the Town (tww I'ityl of Hillsboro in said County and State; And that you and till persons claiming by, through or under you, be forever barred and precluded from claiming, or attempting to claim, as serting or attempting to assert any right, title or interest in of to said real property, or any part thereof, or claim or lein upon the same, ad verse to the title and interest of the plaintiff therein and thereto: ami that the title of the plaintiff to said real property be forever quieted against the claims of yourself, and all persons claiming by, through, or under you; and that such other and further relief be awarded unto the plaintiff as to the Court may seem necessary and proper in the premises. This summons is served upon you by publication thereof in the Hills boro Argus, pursuant to an order of the Honorable (Jeorg K. !agley. Judge of the" above entitled Court, made, rendered and dated on the 1st day of August, HUT. The date of the first publication of this summons is August 2nd, HUT, ami the date of the last publication thereof is Sep tember loth, 10 17. JIARE & McALKAK. Attorneys for 1'laintiff. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the County Court of the Slate ol Oregon for Washington Countv. In the .Matter of the Estate of '.Mar garet Jane Koeber, IVceased. Notice is hereby given, that the un dersigned has been duly appointed by the above entitled Court as adminis trator of said estate, and has duly qualified as such. NOW THEREFORE all persons havmg claims against said estate are notified and required to present the same, together with proper vouchers therefor, to the undersigned at the law offices of Hare & McAlear in the American National Hank Huihling, in HillsboriN Washington County, Ore gon, within six months from the date hereof. Dated this 2:ird day of July, 1LU7. CHARLES G. KOEI1ER. Administrator of said Estate. HARE & McALEAR, Attorneys for Administrator. Hillsboro Mercantile Company House Dresses and Aprons Aprons, Hilly Hut kc Mylo . . 51.J5 Coverall Aprons,; (linhutn -?t-5 Breakfast 2-pioee iMvsses .. Si.$i I'Vniitmlli, very practical... $1.75 House Dresses, heavy tjiiihaiii at 51.50 These are "WVar-l'ltis" Kar meuts, made in IVutlaml by the Utility Garment Company, ami are maile riht. From Hardware Department liiuliii( Twine, . iSc Clover I. cat' 21c Peering Manila . jc lutci national lIaivc: U r KusiK j.',c Cutter, Hlowcr, TukL ami lh tt ibutcr, complete . . .. f i t Come and see this machine. Waou, . ;viu the . nl, Pectin machinciy ami tepaiis. Linseed ( )il at u hnlesale. A lull line ol Taints in coinn ct ion. Automobile Tires v',lt".inud lor 75110 miles, A full and complete hue of eci thill).: tl"' haidvvare btisine-.-. Come ami invest tp.aie and ilollats c,o as lar as mi can. SPECIAL Friday and SaturJay Your Last Chance First-cjass sugar -cured Hams, 7 to 10 pounds each at, per OO pound OC SPECIAL! 3 Gallons Sour Pickles. . . S-,i O Hats Soap m- 3 lbs. Steel Cut Coffee Sy 5 lbs. Steel Cut Coffee, . fi. '.y 30'c Hulk Coffee , .'5c 50c Japan Tea ;c Dutch Cleanser, 3 cans sc I.iv'ht House Cleanser, can . . . 5c Stop and i;et our pi ices on l-'loui and Sugar. We pay the highest price 1 01 eggs and all produce. Wed.-Thun., Aug. 8 and 9 PEGGY HYLAND in "Her Right to Live" ALSO MUTUAL WEEKLY NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Notice is hereby given that the undersigned, the Administratrix of the Estate of Ernest August Breljc Deceased, has filed in the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Washington County, her Final Ac count in the Matter of said Estate, and that the said Court has fixed Monday, the 3rd day of September, A. D. 1917, at 10 o'clock k. M. of said dayp in the County Court Room in the County Court House, in the City of Hillsboro, Washington Coun tyOregon, as the time and place for hearing objections to said Final Ac count, and for the final settlement of said Estate. Dated this 27th day of July, A. D. 1917. REGINA JOHANNA MARGARET ' BRELJE, Administratrix of the Estate of Ernest August Iirelje, Deceased. E. B. TONGUE, Attorney for Administratrix. Ovei200 Numbers on Program 4 X Door. Open 7:15 P. M. Admiuion 10 Cents SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Washington County. Thomas M. Kerr, PJaintiff, vs. Pacific States Savings Loan and Building Co., Defendant. To Pacific States Savings Loan and Building Co. the above named defendant: , IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON: You are hereby re quired to appear in the above en titled Court and answer the com plaint filed against you in the above entitle) cause, on or before the 15th day of September, 1917, said date being after the expiration of six weeks from the date of the first publication of this summons; and if you fail so to appear and answer said complaint for want thereof, plaintiff will apply to-tue Court for the relief NOTICE OF HEARING OF FINAL ACCOUNT. In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Wash ington. In the matter of the estate of M. A. Robinson, deceased. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned, Frank Speidel, admin istrator of said estate has filed his verified final account herein, and tlut Monday, the Joth day of Angus', 1917, at the hour of 10 o'clock, A. M. of said day, at the County Court Room in the County Court House at Hillsboro, Washington County, Ore gon, has been appointed as the time and piace for the hearing of objec tions to said final account and the I settlement thereof. Dated at Hillsboro, Oregon, this 19th day of July, 1917. FRANK SPEIDEL, Administrator. WALTER T. McGUIRK. Attorney for Administrator. First publication July 19, 1917. Last publication August 16, 1917. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the Slate of Oregon for Washington County. David Harper, Plaintiff, vs. Mamie I Harper, Defendant. , , To MAMIE HARPER, the above! named defendant: i In the name of the State of Oregon,' you are hereby commanded and re quired to appear in the above entitled; court and cause ami answer the rom-i plaint filed against you herein on or liefore the expiration of six week' from the date of the first publication: of this summons in the Hillsboro Ar gus, the date of the first publication i thereof being July -JUth, l'.in, and you j will please take notice that the plain-1 tiff hus filed a complaint in said' court praying for the dissolution of I the marriage contract existing be-j tween plaintiff and defendant, and fori the custody of the minor children of j plaintiff and defendant, and for such; other and further relief as to the court may apear equitable in the premises. This summons is served upon you by publication in the Hillsboro Argus by virtue of an order of the Hon. Goo. R. Ilagley, Judge of the Circuit Court of the Slate uf Oregon, for Washing-! ton County, made and dated the :!oth day of July, l'JI7, the first publica tion July l'i;th, 1 "J 1 7 ; lust publication the 'jlli omv f cd'cihUt im? JOHN M. WALL, j Attorney for Plaintiff.' till .1. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Wash ington. Kathleen Suitor, Plaintiff, vs. Hector Suitor, Defendant. To Hector Suitor, the uhovo named ile. lenciam: In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby required to uppear and unswr the compalint filed against you in the almve eiftitled Court urn! t.uit, on or before the expiration of six suire;if.ive weeks from !h publication of thu Munition ., ull or before the Till day of Sept. 11' 1 7, the fnt piiblu at.oii ol MiiiiinonH being made on the of July, I'JIT, and if ,iu f.u! answer and nppeur, for u.mi :: the plaintiff will apply to the for tlie'relief prayed for m t. . plaint filed herein, to it : for eree dissolving the bond.. ..i" n.Mn mony nmv exiting letwren pl.-mut' and defendant, upon the ground . und for the reason that the d. l.-cdant hns deserted the plaintiff for ii,. than a year last punt. This Munition h published m tin Hillsboro Argus by order of lb.ii Geo. R. Hagley, ,lud:e of the above entitled Court, said order bciiig n,.nl on the l!;ird day of July, i;i,', and the date of the fir..t publi, at f summons is the d.i, ol ,luh 11'17. L. D. MAIIONK, Attorney for h.-nil 102 Panama lildg., Portland, in,-. eiproos SHot Shells A NOTED Pacific Coast sportsman who has hunted every thing from snipe to black bear, said recently : " The water proofing feature now offered sportsmen in Remington UMG 'Arrow' and 'Nitro Cub' Wetproof Shotshells, is the most important improvement made in the shotshell field in over a decade. The men who perfected the Wetproof system certainly know shotgun shooting and its requirements from field, duck blind and traps, as well as from the scientific angle." Here is something that every man who lives in a wet climate or does his shooting in the stormy seasons ought to know about. These a the first completely wetproof shotshells a new and exclusive feature of the Remington UMC "Arrow" and "Nitro Club," Shotshells. This is a process that took three years to perfect. It involved a deeper study of wet-proofing ma terials than has ever been conducted outside of the Remington UMC laboratories. It means special paper for the shells; a special formula for the wet-proofing; new equipment Sold by Sporting Goods Dealers in Your Community Cltan and oil your gun with REM OIL, the combination Powder Solvent, Lubricant and Ruit Preventive Tim REMINGTON ARMS UNION METALLIC CARTRIDGE COMPANY, Inc. Lmtv Umnfmrm of Fmtrml WMfcmumfto in iht Wnli Woolvorth BuiMing, New York A UJiiittW WrrSESSSS!!ii ' ' ' ' - w I invented to apply the,' wet-proofing compound. Virtually a new type 'of shell adding to the shooting qualities of "Arrow" and "Nitro Club" the hitherto uuknowncjuality of perfect resistance to wet. It produces a shell that can be soaked in water for hours without swelling, and without softening the crimp a shell that is as bone dry inside after soaking as before a shell that works per fectly through the gun in all climates, and can be depended upon for sure fire, speed, pattern and penetration, wet Jays as well as dry. A shell that you ought to know. lin-