H1LLSBR VOL. XXIV HILLSBORO, ORI'OON, JULY 5. L917 HE .NO. 16 Over 1.000 Curlumh Sent In I'rom Hie Tillamook l ine In M) Dnyt Till IUV IIAKVIIST STARTS BIO KallriMil Men l'uh Cnnnirucllon lnllnl I xlrnnltin In WlUoit Klvrr on It HHiiid that over l.(MM) ourlouilH of were Mhii)t'il mil of North Washington ('(iiinly during (lie tiumtli of June -the largest ship ment yi't recorded fur any III) day. In all nearly l.(KK) men arc lit work at thin tinmen ot tin timber industry. Hay harvest started in earnest all over t h district last week, and many of the smaller farmers have finished, ('lover in the thin just now, timothy beinit yet unlit for rutting. The crop in good in thin nuiiity, In. t fur ther south the yield is not up to average. Bail way const ruction in pro ceeding oi the United branch over to the Wilson. Several Hillsboro men are at work on (liilei ('reek, and every effort will be made by the contractors to tret the grading completed this Fall. Other indutrtrial notes, touch ing the state at I u rife: Osegn Iron Works bought hy I'bciIic (.oast Co., Seattle, to make pin iron. Canyon City-IM.(KK) daily ca pacity sawmill building here makes labor very scarce. Kail- road construction to start down middle fork. Salem - Harvest labor for East ern Oregon being contracted at $f a day, board and transporta tion. 1'ilot Uock-IUKi.OOO lbs. wiKil Hold here at Gl cents. M osier Gontrarts let for three standard lookout houses. i'cndlcton Contract has lieen let for $((), 000 mausoleum. Med ford to have a $(10,000 cold .'storage fruit warehouse. Meharna - $7000 clam and lish hatchery to be built here. The Dalles - Food contract bill . David Campbell, aired 10, of McMinnville, had his left lejr bndly crushed between the knee arid ankle, Monday morning, Hhortly before nine o'clock, juet went of Cornelius. He was rid in if a bicycle, and wan enroute to Condon from the VamhilJ cap ital. He came alongside Dan Pierce's big auto truck, a four ton affair, and caught hold of the Hide for a lift. In some mariner he fell under and the rear wheel piiHsed over the leg, making a compound fracture. He was brought to Hillsboro. where trie fracture was attended by Dr. E. H. Smith, at the Smith Hospital. Hi father. (It orge Campliell, re sides at McMinnville, ami but a Hbort time back returned from a missionary trip to China. Young Cumpbell was accompanied by W. K. llartman, of McMinnville. M Mill Military Acauemy pupu. The twi young men were going to Condon to lake in the harvest. The young man exonerates the truck driver from blame. Land for Sale -About 20 acres, clean, black loam soil, all clear but half acre oak trove; ground plowed deep and planted to oats, potatoes and beans. Between Oregon I'JJeotric and S. 1'. elec tric lines; good school, church, store, milk route anil on rural mail route. On main county road, two hours drive to Portland. Will sell 10 or 20 acres. No buildings; Home English walnut trees. Easy terms. Obtain the owner's name by writing Box 27, Beedville, Oregon. 15-7 If. Beichen, of below Orenco, on the Canyon road, turned his auto over. Sunday noon, while returning from church. He at tempted to pass a team when he lost control of his machine, it turning turtle. Mrs. Keichen BUiTered a frontal fracture of the skull, and also HultVred the loss of a part of the ear. Dr. Dins- more attended the sullerer. and thinks she will soon ret over. For Sale or Trade for Beef Cattle-Some good Shropshire and Cotswold 2 year old ewes. Also some ewe lambs. C. K. Rogers, Beaverton, Ore., near Hazeldaie. ' 13 tf Robin-Real, aged 15. split off a big half of his thumb, length- Lwise, last ihursnay. w nue spin- ting wood at the home of Elmer Mays, at North Plains. Dr. in Congress to contain $20. 000.000 Smir.ri is taking care oi tne injury arm a sore aigu m in siore ior He is a son of CLOSE THEIR Vote Uewolution of Thank hillnboro and Citizen to (KlVHKNOR TALKS TO HOYS (IF ' I adieu I led Their Officer.. Will I Pendleton in 1918 Meet item lor Oregon reclamation pro ject. Kosehurg - Demand for 200.000 fruit boxes may locate box fac tory here. 1'endleton will add 20 blocks bitulillnc paving this year. Klamath Falls First dirt will lie thiown here July 4 on Stra born railroad for which $1100,000 is raised in cash and bunds. Grandma Steinholf, of Tigard, was given a splendid surprise June 2.1 in honor of her seven tieth birthday. The Misses An na and Mildred SteinholT baked the big birthday cake June 22, and the event must have leaked, for the next day the lovable el derly lady received a call from her friends and neighbors. Re freshments were served and all enjoyed the visit. Mrs. SteinholT has endeared herself to a large circle of friends in that section ot the county, and in her usual hospitable manner made the callers welcome. Those present were Mesdames C. L Leedy, (1. A. Plieth, M. Zweiner, H. Harr. A. (Jodard. 10. Heilman. I. D. Clarke, A. Starker, Mikkelson, Young. J. Woods, Clarke, 0. L. Kaiser: (ieneva Clarke and the 'J.ome folks. the young man. H. Heal, who works in the Mays I Store. j WantedHogs of all kinds, sheet), beef, poultry of all kinds. C. K. Rogers, Beaverton, Rt. i 4, Box 20. Phone Beaverton 53, line 3. Will call at any place designated. 37-tf Mr. and Mrs. George Washing ton came up from Astoria, r ri day, and were joined by their daughter, Mrs. Marguerite Shep herd, of (irants Pass. Ihey visited with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Barsen, over Sunday: George is working at Astoria, and says it is "some town." C. K. Rings has opened a clean ing and pressing establishment in the old Adams' burlier shop, on Main St., and solicits your patronage. Work called, for and delivered promptly. Phone City 914. 16 9 i Abraham Lewis, aged about (il), died at Grants Pass, Oregon. Sunday. Bin widow was former ly Anna Quick, daughter of D. 0. Quick, and sister of Ernmett Quick, of Hillsboro; Mrs. T. A rowles. Mountaindale, and W 0. Quick, of North Forest Grove. Mrs. Fowles and son left Moun taindale, the first of the week, to attend the obsequies The Spanish War Veterans and Badies Auxiliary closed the 1917 encampment in Hillsboro last Thursday evening. After listen ing to a speech by Gov. Withy combe and a solo by Miss Beth Crandall. 'The Boys in Blue and Tan." the two bodies called their sessions to a close, and will meet at Pendleton. June 1. l'JlH. All the delegates were unani mous in praise of Hillsboro, and voted the following. "Whereas, the Department of Oregon United Spanish War Vet erans, in its annual encampment at Hillsboro. Oregon, June 27 and 2S, 1917, has completed a most successful and harmonious convention, and. Whereas, its uniform success is a cause for general congratula tions, and a matter in which all who aided are entitled to an ex- oi-ession of gratitude troni our Order, therefore be it Resolved, that we hereby ex tend the sincere thanks of the Encampment to the hospitable citizens of Hillsboro in opening their homes for our comfort; to the enterprising comrades of Scout Harrington Camp and their Ladies Auxiliary for their warm reception, and especially do we commend the tireless ef forts and enthusiasm of Comrade L. W. Hyde; to the Boy Scouts of Hillsboro for material and as sistance, and to the girls of the Honor Guard for their royal greetings in serving a sumptuous luncheon, as well as for the mag niticent showing made by them in the patriotic parade; to the Knights of Pythias Lodge for the use and comforts of their quarters, and to the Loyal Qrder of Moose for their military nail and an evening of superb enter- tainment. Be it further Resolved, that this resolution be soread uoon the records of the Department and copies there of furnished the press of Hills boro for general.' , The Ladies Auxiliary elected ollicers as follows: President, Mrs. Kathrvn Hewlett. Salem Senior Vice. Mrs. Stella Weed, Portland: Chaplain, Mrs. Robert Greene, Albany; Judge Advocate, Mrs, Eva G. R. Hyde. Hillsboro Inspector. Mrs. Geo. Carr, t'ort land; Installing Oilicer. Mrs Kathleen Walker, Portland; His torian; Mrs. Susie Nicholson Portland; -Patriotic Instructor, Mrs. Love. Portland; Sec. Miss Zelma Kumerow. Salem; Ireas. Mrs. Davis. Salem. Die Spanish War Veteran of ficers for the ensuing year are Ml. Sit J 11 XT l- as ioiiowsj: uyue i. inich olson. Portland, Dept. Com mander; Robert S. Greene, Albany, senior vice dept.com.; .las. E. Brock way, Portland, junior vice; Geo. H.Carr, Port land, .deputy inspector; kool. Kumerow. of Salem, judge advocate; Dr. L. W. Hyde, of Hillsboro, surgeon; Rev, E. A. Smith. Hillsboro, chaplain; Elmer Lundborg. Portland, patriotic instructor; Capt. L. A. Harms. Portland, marshal; F. A. Mead. McMinnville, historian. EXKCUTORS, Adiiiiuistr.tors, Guardians, Pub lic Custodians and others having public and private trusts to pel f, rin can render proper .service by depositing with us. We Have One of the Best Safe Deposit Systems in the State A proper place for valuable papers. We invite inspection of this department in con junction with the others An excellent bauk for handling all branches of bank business. SHUTE SAVINGS BANK PROMPT : CONSERVATIVE : SAVE Try the Argus for one year. Mrs. Win. Welch, of Beaver- ton. was in town Saturday. T. G. Meacham, of Banks, was down Saturday, on business. Mrs. Zada Falangus, of Port land, was a Hillsboro visitor Saturday. . Miss Helen Connell is spending few weeks with her cousin. Miss Lucile Essner, at Mountain- dale. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. E. A. If'll .l- IUl .arrance, or inuHiioro, June a. 1917. a son. Lester Glascoe returned the last of the week from a visit with Mr. and Mrs.J.M. Brown, above Banks. Found -A gold ring, on the Canyon road, north of Beaverton. Owner please call at this olhce and prove property. 1R 9 z Willis Ireland went down the Columbia this week, and expects to put in the most of his time lown that way until rail set3 in. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Iiobb returned Sunday evening from a two weeks' camping trip at Heis ing. on the Melelious River, Cen tral Oregon. Born. 'June 28. 1917. to Mr. and Mrs. Bagnell. in Hillslxiro. a daughter. The father resides in the Alberta, and Mrs. Bagnell will join him as soon as she is able to travel. Do you wart a homestead? If so, can locate vou on Borne nne ones in Central Oregon. In time these will be valuable. A few left of 160 acres each. Wm. B. Delsman. Box 206, Hillsboro. Or. Phone. City 102. 13-tf Jessie Covert, a former resi dent of Forest Grove, has sued Lee Covert for divorce. She asks the restoration of her maiden name, and $50 per month ali-i mony. The husband is an S. P. fireman out of Roseburg. Harry, the 12 year old son of L. M. Buell. was up Saturday from the Bethany mill to have stitches taken from a thumb. which he nearly amputated with an ax a lew aays ago, ur. Smith attended the youngster. For Sale-Man's bicycle and lady's wheel. Peerless, and both in good shape; lady s wheel hav ing been run less than 50 miles. 11. C. Pearson. Cornelius. R. 2. Will sell these wheels cheap, as have no use for them. 15-7 To the men and boys enlisting in military or naval service, will sav that 1 am able to write Life Insurance incontestable from dale of issue. Drop me a card and 1 will call ana explain our policy.-0. G. Bretz, Hillsboro, Ore. 6tf z W. L. Soehren. of Dallas, is here for a short time. He is making daily trips into Portland. where he is being treated by LEGAL SPEED LIMIT L Many Auto Drlveri Are Exceed ing th Twenty-Five Miles Per 0PFICERS, TAKING NOTE OF DKIVINfl Arremii and Fine Will Follow -Driver ol Car Take Notice The state law ot the maximum of 25 miles per hour for dfiving automobiles on the public high ways will be enforced in Wash ington County. Officials every where have received noti :e that the law must be obeyed. Trans gressors are not few and far be tween. On the road between this city and Forest Grove there is great temptation for drivers to "step on the tail," and the way some of. the machines tear into the distance isn't slow. Many have gone as high as 50 miles per hour, while a vast number of the drivers, it is said, have made from 35 to 45 right along. . . All peace officers are nOw on the watch, and arrests will fol low violation of the statute. Teams will be more safe than at the present violated schedules, and officialdom appears to think it is time to call a halt. The main Portland road is not abused on the overplus of the speed limit, as the highway is a trifle rough. Fast driving is a menace to the road, anyway, no matter whether the travel is on macadam or bitulithic macadam. The big cars going at a decent speed do not wear the road badly, but when they get going 35 or 50 mile per hour it means road wear to the limit. Drivers are given this tip so as to be able to side step a stiff fine." BUCHANAN' & CO, TUB KB I) CKOSS If you cannot tote a gun, join the Cross. You can help to beat the Hun join the Cross. If you don't believe in force, if you can not ride a horse, there is still another courses-join the Cross. If you want to help a bit, join the Cross, lote a little mercy kit; join the Cross. You can bring a lot of joys and a thousand pain alloys to the Yankee soldier boys - join the Cross, iill the heaven-blessed sod but join the Cross. Economize and trust in God and join the Cross. Be you old or be you young, no mat ter what your birth Or tongue, yet-you can be one among the Great Bed Cross. -- Weston Leader a nerve specialist. Mr. isoenren has for years had charge of the Dallas water plant for H. V Gates. The Nursery Co., of Orenco. is hiring more hovs and men now. If you want to secure work and good steady job for the next few months, here is your oppor tunity. Better get on the pay roll now if you can. and have work every day. 9-tf Mr. and Mrl George Long, parents ot fercy Long, arrived here Sunday, for an extended visit. Their home is at Eugene, but they have been spending lengthy vacation at Long Beach, Cal., where thev went for their health. H. L. McAlister. of Lexington, Ore,, was here attending the Spanish War Veteran Encamp ment, last week. Capt. McAlis t.-r attended 0. A. C. with O. B. Gates, and was one of the big college's football team in the old days, when they won against all contenders. Wanted to Bent: Ranch of about 30 or 40 acres, to take possession in the Fall. Kasmussen, Beedville. Or. TORKENS McCLARKIN Dr. C. W. Lowe, who has been East and South tor months, was in the city Saturday. Dr. Lowe visited old North Carolina, where he and-George Miller, of Cooper Mountain, and Andrew Miller of Oak 'Park, were boys together He visited Winston-Salem. N. C, and went through the big Rey nolds Tobacco Works. He says this place has a million dollar postotlice. and he became imbued with the. idea of "prok," until the manager of the tobacco firm took him into the office and show ed him that the firm paid annual ly more money to the govern ment in tobacco stamps than the postoflice cost many times over. Dr. Lowe says he pulled in his opposition at once and only wish ed that Hillsboro could have a firm that required 32 postoflice clerks to handle business so we. R. J. too, could get a million dollar 15 I Federal building. pretty home wedding took place at the residence ot Mr. and Mrs. J. K. McClarkin. 698 Club avenue, Kose City fark. Wed nesday evening. June 27, at 8 o'clock, when their youngest daughter, Myrtle Myra, wrs united in marriage to Dr. Aaron Samuel Torrens. The Rev. W Gray officiated, using the im pressive ring ceremony, in tne presence of relatives and inti mate friends, the bride was pretty in a gown of cream French serge and georgette crepe, artis tically hand-embroidered. She carried a beautiful shower bou quet ot Bride's roses and ferns. The only jewelry worn by the bride was a lavallier, beautifully designed in platinum and gold, with a setting of aquamarine, a gift from the bridegroom. The couple received many beautiful and useful presents. The bride was attended by her sister. Mrs. Maude Rehse, and Dr. W. G. Scott acted as best man. Preceding the ceremony Mrs. I. H. Crawford, a cousin of the bride, sang "I Love You Truly after which the couple took their places beneath a bower of ferns and roses. The house was beau tifully decorated with home grown Portland roses, Oregon grape and ferns. Following the ceremony a delightful luncheon was served, and the evening spent witha program of patriotic songs, vocal and instrumental selections. The bridegroom, i native of Minnesota, is a gradu ate of the College of Medicine of the University of Illinois, and after serving two and one-half years in large Chicago hospitals, has been successful in Portland, A large circle of f riends congrat ulated the couple upon their hap py marriage and wished them a long and happy life's journey together. Ex. BKRNICE LITHERLAND Bernice Litherland, daughter of H. V. Litherland. died in Port-' land 8t the home of Mrs. T. G. P. Purdin. July 1. 1917. aged 13 years and 7 months. She was the grand daughter of Andrew Heck man and wife, of Bethany. E. C. Luce went to Lincoln County Tuesday, to visit his parents. Mr. and Mrs. H. , B. Luce, at Eddyville. H. B. wrote over that his hay was down and E. C. says the parent wrote for him to come over and make a visit. For sale: Or will trade for livestock Light farm wagon; good top bugty; 15 months colt; 2 brood sows. C. K. Rogers, Beaverton, R. 4. Box 20. 13-5 'Hillsboro, Cornelius and North Plaina Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Grain, Hay, Hour, Feed and Grain Bags Car-lot shipper of POTATOES and ONIONS. Grain chopped or rolled at any time Lumber, Shjngles and Lath At Cornelius Beaver State Flour ( The Best Flour at the Lowest Prices. Telephones; Hillsboro, Main 14, Cornelius, City 1515, North Plain, Main 263. We have Our Bee Ware in. Garden Hose and Lawn Mowers. Large assortment of Fishing Tack le the kind you can make good with. It will soon be time for Florence Blue flame Oil Cook Stove. We are showing some new ones. Come in. and see us. Longs Hardware At the old stand on Second St.'East of jCourt House. Hillsboro Auto Livery Feed and Boarding Stable Prices,, Reasonable DA f AND NIGHT SERVICE 2nd & Washington Sts. ?hme, Main 75 HOFFMAN'S For- GLASSES GOOD SERVICE VERY REASON ABLE PRICES.